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Posted by Ender12 (Member # 8873) on :
I read in one of the threads that OSC mentioned he owned, along with some partners, a film company. So I am wondering what movies your company has produced? In addition, do you have other ventures besides writing and your film company? I and everyone here at hatrack, i am sure, would love to know!
Posted by clod (Member # 9084) on :
I think the company is called Fresco pictures. They have a cute short piece. More theatrical (you can sorta watch the actors hit their marks and mug for the camera) than cinematic, but it's cute.
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
I guess I can answer in part.

Scott is in partnership with Peter Johnson, film director. Fresco pictures made a small 30 minute pilot for a t.v. show entitled BORDERTOWN, of which I was the associate producer (or co-producer, I forget...) The project was canned, and the Mexican Partners lost money on it. Kind of sad, because the premise for the show is still a good one, a kind of supernatural soap-opera based on a magical tunnel between Mexico and the USA. A very, very, very active topic these wall-building days.

I don't know what other films Fresco Pics did, but as far as BORDERTOWN is concerned, I still have hope Scott will wake up and smell the coffe. The project is valid, and it could make all of us, Peter, Scott and myself a little cash.

Of course, our little company in Mexico is not Universal, and BORDERTOWN was a crazy adventure for all of us, especially Peter, who managed to bring in 30 minutes of excellent 35mm film on schedule and within budget.

It's sad that Scott never mentioned BORDERTOWN to anyone on Hatrack. I guess I might be forced to pester him a little on the subject, see if you guys (his fans) will do the same and then, maybe we will see BORDERTOWN on the Sci-Fi Channel or something.
Posted by Jack Bauer (Member # 9182) on :
He's brought up Bordertown--here and during personal appearances, I believe. Lots of us knew about it. It's not something that I've ever sensed he was suppressing.
Posted by Ender12 (Member # 8873) on :
thats interesting... i have never heard of his short film.
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
Jack, could you link me?
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
If BORDERTOWN actually gets sold, I get royalties! [Smile]
Posted by cheiros do ender (Member # 8849) on :
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
In fact, I wanted to ask Scott about this movie-event-political-rampage-armageddon idea I had.... eh... culinary specialty too... Maybe Fersco is just what i was looking for!
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
But then... maybe I need to forget the whole damn thing... Something about ancient Gods ...
Posted by cheiros do ender (Member # 8849) on :
Maybe you should send him the script. [Wink]
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
Nah... I am still waiting for the Cavalry. We need lots of horses on this picture. And soy tacos!
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
And we donn need no stinkin' script. We'll ad-lib it!
Posted by cheiros do ender (Member # 8849) on :
You don't write down your ad-libs?
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
*blinded by double-posts*

Sounds like an interesting project.
Posted by Ender12 (Member # 8873) on :
anything else besides the film company? any other side business? i am also really interested in knowing what happens when he publishes a new book, like how much say he has in the process, what kind of royalties he gets, etc? a reply from OSC would be sweet?
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
If I know Scott and Peter, they are now safely hid under the bed.
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
[Smile] Cavalry always comes in after a good post!
Posted by cheiros do ender (Member # 8849) on :
anything else besides the film company? any other side business?
I'm pretty sure it all comes under Hatrack Enterprises. Not his books, but the things literally owned by him. IGMS and Taleswapper are both copyrighted under that. I'll see if I can find something specifically about Hatrack Enterprises.

Adding: It's listed in the NC Yellow Pages. There's a phone number here, but I'm not game to ring it in case it's his home number. I'd recommend you simply ask about it here in the forums if you're interested.
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
Tsk,tsk, tsk... Scott has fallen prey to that ancient Hollywood addiction... Creating Crazy Corporations!

I prefer dba's.

Scott, you DO check your forums, right?
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Robin, I've mentioned several times already that you're better off emailing him, as he doesn't check his forums all that often.
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
Tom... Tommmmmmmm! Tommy!

It's not that important, BORDERTOWN has been canned for years, and frankly, it's more fun to check on the Forums.

I love these Forum thinngies. It gives 'collective consciousness' a whole new interpretation.

I mean, if we made a poll, who wants to see BORDERTOWN, who wouldn't care less.. What would these kids on the Forum say?

All too often, decisions on what film to finance and what film not to finance are done behind closed doors, with mysterious interests being represented that nobody really knows or cares about. The Media is a great Mafia, and this Mafia will die the day that Forums like these impulse what products will be filmed and what not.

I know what Scott did with BORDERTOWN. Nothing. He went the studio route... I was gonna take it to Cannes and MIFED and AFM.. But that was not to be. So the decicion to cann BORDERTOWN (which ultimately affected my pocketbook) was taken off our hands and into the hands of Hollywood insiders. I find the system extremely unfair.

No, Tom... The place for this discussion is here, not on private emails between me and Scott. I want to appeal directly to his fans. They are the ones who feed Scott, not his Hollywood buddies.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Ah. So you're trying to foment unrest, then?
Posted by Ender12 (Member # 8873) on :
seems to be that way, huh?
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
WHY would we pester OSC about bringing back Bordertown? None of us have read the script, and from what you've said, there was only one 30 minute pilot. My advice is cut your losses, start working on something else.

Additionally, for heaven's sake, what kind of mogul do you think OSC is? How long has the the Ender's Game movie been in the works? (Answer: forever) I just don't see him having the magic that you seem to expect him to have.

The place for this discussion is here, not on private emails between me and Scott.
I disagree. It's business, and you need to treat it as such.

I want to appeal directly to his fans. They are the ones who feed Scott, not his Hollywood buddies.
With the attitude you've displayed here ("OSC cost me $$!") this approach is likely to backfire. I, for one, don't feel obligated, or even minimally interested, in helping you; in fact, I feel vaguely antipathetic toward you.
Posted by Mindbowels (Member # 7407) on :
Um... yeah, Robin, all that is happening is you are coming off as incredibly immature and self centered. I can't imagine OSC's views on you or the project are going to be bolstered by your remarks.
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
(grins evilly) Excellent! Excellent..

Unrest and chaos are begining to boil and bubble, like an old witch's cauldron.. Scott will surely show up shortly to put order back into his forums, put me in my place and bring Hatrack into back into the Law...

Actually, money is never my motivation. Used to be, for a long time, not any more. I have far more interesting motivations now...
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
Actually, kids, my real motivation is a deep and undying affection for Scott and his incredible writing ability.
Posted by Ender12 (Member # 8873) on :
you remind me of the "annoying kid" that does not know when to shut it in class!
Posted by lisha_rose (Member # 9166) on :
yes but even some people can handle annoying friends . heaven knows i can. heck i prolly am one. you just gotta look at life with a grin and a smile on your face and not be afraid to laugh once in a while. I am sure as soon as osc reads what robin has to say he will just laugh at him and say something funny to get back at him.

by the way robin did you happen to be the class clown?
Posted by Ender12 (Member # 8873) on :
very true lisha!
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
Actually, yes, I was that kid.
Posted by Vamp96 (Member # 9030) on :
Why call OSC by his middle name? Is that what his friends call him?
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
...(sighs deeply)

Where IS Scott anyhow?
Posted by odouls268 (Member # 2145) on :
Why call OSC by his middle name? Is that what his friends call him?
Posted by Ender12 (Member # 8873) on :
seriously! what has OSC been up too?
Posted by lisha_rose (Member # 9166) on :
jeesh people leave him alone i mean he is writing the next ender/bean book plus working on the movie lol i mean that is alot to have under your belt all at once [Razz] just playin but seriously i am sure he has more pertinent things to do that post on here daily. and i for one think that if he takes a few weeks off of here to get one or the other done or closer to being so he should do it..... either way it is keeping us in suspense as to when we get to see/read them [Big Grin] btw all i finally got through CotM and am now happily reading my bran spankin new paperback copy of SotG. I just started it but i already see there is going to be a lot of suspense. now it is off to bed for me
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
My interest in pestering Scott about BORDERTOWN is far too complex and multi-leyered for you guys to understand. To understand my tactic, you would have to know a bit about the times Scott and I had in Coahuila, and that is more or less private.

But what is good for you guys to know is the power you have over Scott. You, his fans, are also his mealticket. Not individually, but collectively, you are the gate that he must cross each time to put food on his table, and that is just WONDERFUL.

YOU are Orson Scott Card! HA!
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
That means it is YOU who decide if BORDERTOWN gets launched or not!
Posted by Mindbowels (Member # 7407) on :
You really are insane. All of your posts have been trying to promote you as someone oh so close to OSC yet they come off in such a childish and annoying way that you'll never gain any respect around here!
Posted by odouls268 (Member # 2145) on :
But what is good for you guys to know is the power you have over Scott. You, his fans, are also his mealticket. Not individually, but collectively, you are the gate that he must cross each time to put food on his table, and that is just WONDERFUL
Something you need to get straight right now, Mr. Card does not have to pander to anyone to put food on his table. Collectively, as a fan base, we have the power to enjoy his work, and possibly glean a decent message from it, or to ignore his work. That is all. End of list. Mr. Card is a good, honorable man; and good, honorable men will feed their family and care for their needs by whatever path they must, despite, believe it or not, your delusions of grandeur.
Your insinuation that anyone at all must acquire some kind of stamp of approval from you (or 'us as his fans' for that matter) to provide for their loved ones is both presumptuous and blind. A real man will scrub toilets day and night to provide for their families' well being if need be.
I think the nail was hit right on the head when someone stated that he's likely not responding because he's busy working on further projects. Imagine that, he's too busy being gainfully employed to respond to you who provide him with...well... nothing.
It seems to me that it is you who are in desperate want of his attention to make a little cash, and not the other way around.
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :

Like I said, I am not 'too worried' about BORDERTOWN, the project never got off the groud perhaps because it was not really that good after all. I had fun making it, it fed me a year or so and that was it, I wound't mind seeing it on Sci-Fi or something, but if Sci-Fi passed on it, they must have their reasons.

No.. This is something entirely different. Scott will understand it because he knows me a little better than you, Oddy.. I am actually following a little advice he gave me several years ago reagrding this project.

And what I said above is something he also said to me long ago.. HE TOLD ME that his fans were his meal ticket. If you fail to understand that, that's not my problem. And I am not asking for 'approval' or some such. I am a fan of his work too, only that. In fact, to what I was referring is something that is true of ALL creative artists: their art lives or dies on the response from their fans. How hard is that to understand?
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
And as for me being insane...

Yep. I would never deny that. Sane people are soooo stupid.
Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
And as for coming off as 'real close to Scott'... Hmmm.. Donno. Ask that to him. I like the man, I worked for him, but we haven't really spoken daily or nuthin'. Still tho. His partner Peter and I got along wonderfully, and those guys made some serious money (for Mexico) in Saltillo, so I can't see where he would hate my guts totally.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I am actually following a little advice he gave me several years ago reagrding this project.
*blink* Seriously, Robin, I think you may have misunderstood his suggestion. While I think a number of us would now be clamoring to see BORDERTOWN if you'd just come on here and told us what it was and why you had such high hopes for it, I don't think the "act like Hunter Thompson if he'd lost Orson Scott Card's phone number" approach is working for you.

Why not tell us a bit about the project, if you're not prevented by NDAs?
Posted by Ender12 (Member # 8873) on :
maybe since osc is around the block again he might be able to answer this old thread of mine.

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