This is topic Where Did You Get Your Name? in forum Books, Films, Food and Culture at Hatrack River Forum.

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Posted by Cassandra (Member # 4566) on :
Username, that is.

Here's my story.

In seventh grade, my Latin teacher would hand out Latin-ate names to all her students. I got the name Cassandra, after the Prophetess/Princess of Troy. In recent years, I've been predicting things that will happen my friends (as in, what will happen to their relationships, or what they'll do about something or the other) that no one ever believes and that usually turn out right.

Anyone else?

Posted by ^Saudade^ (Member # 175) on :
My name is rarely taken, so I chose it as screen name. :P
Posted by Ayelar (Member # 183) on :
My initials, alr. Exciting, huh?
Posted by Ela (Member # 1365) on :
What an original topic.

Only kidding. It's just that we've only done this a few billion times.

I took my name from the character Ela in Speaker for the Dead - I like the character, plus I am (or was, anyway) a biologist, like Ela.


Posted by Slash the Berzerker (Member # 556) on :
Mine is my real name.
Posted by Ela (Member # 1365) on :
No, Slash's real name is Lizard Man.
Posted by Doug J (Member # 1323) on :
From a loser i know in real life.
Posted by Fernando Martinez (Member # 4463) on :
From a character in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City...he's a DJ on one of the radio stations and I thought he was hilarious.
Posted by Ophelia (Member # 653) on :
Too bad my standard reply to this is typed on the computer that currently lacks internet access, and I am a very lazy girl.
Posted by popatr (Member # 1334) on :
It's a nonsense name that by brother and I used to insult each other with.
Posted by littlemissattitude (Member # 4514) on :
People keep telling me that I have an attitude. I'm cool with that, so I took the name when I needed to throw attitude on another forum one time. I decided I liked it and would keep it. BTW, I can throw attitude with the best of them when necessary. But one of the reasons I like Hatrack so much is that I haven't felt the need to do so; throwing attitude is exhausting when done correctly and so I try to avoid doing so except when absolutely necessary.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
It wasn't after the guy who created cabbage patch kids. It also wasn't after the mutant professor. Not even after the college, or the famous missionary.


Posted by Shawn Smyres (Member # 4350) on :
Uh... mine's my name.

Shawn Smyres

Posted by Lilandra (Member # 4425) on :
Mine is from... doesn't matter. But I picked it because I like how it sounds, not because of the character (an alien-girl with mental powers who speaks with a double voice, and queen of the galaxy, lol!!!!)
Posted by :Locke (Member # 2255) on :
I am the colon of a famous philosopher.
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :

*L* I picked pH because...well...I'm not really sure why. But it's also my middle and last initials. Plus, people keep asking me if I'm balanced....which, of course, I never am.


Posted by Ralphie (Member # 1565) on :
My highest level RPG character was a hobbit assassin named Ralphie. She got nuked by a 20th level archmage in an apocalyptic battle.

I chose it so that my brother (who was living in CA at the time) would know who I was when I signed on without having to tell him I was a Hatracker. I mostly signed on to keep in touch with him (I'm in OR) and then I dug the place so much I stuck around, even when he moved back closer to me.

"Ralphie" is very androgynous, like my name in real life. It's a nice, familiar sweater whenever I slip it on.

Posted by David Bowles (Member # 1021) on :
My parents. I'm the seventh guy in a row with the name. Wow.
Posted by sarahdipity (Member # 3254) on :
Because it's just a marvelous name. It's almost punny. *whacks self*
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
Nick is my real name.
Posted by the_dead: (Member # 3962) on :
as a lurking troll, I thought it best to reflect my adolescent pathos and my yearning for community
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
Dan--is my real name.
Raven--is my spirit animal. Well, atleast the one that I believe is my spirit guide, but then I really don't believe too much.
Posted by knightswhosayni! (Member # 4096) on :

edit: stupid smileys


[This message has been edited by knightswhosayni! (edited February 05, 2003).]

Posted by SingingRing (Member # 4470) on :
My name comes from my favorite movie The 10th Kingdom

The singing ring is an expenisive ingagement ring..that actually sings. Its quite adorable.


Posted by Reed Richards (Member # 3514) on :
Mine is a comic book superhero.

He's also a scientist.

Posted by dr. manhattan (Member # 4554) on :
mine is a character in the graphic novel, the watchmen, by alan moore. if you've never read it, i dont know what you're doing reading this because you should be reading the watchmen.
Posted by James Tiberius Kirk (Member # 2832) on :
someone offered this screen name to any lurker while the registration was down, so I took it.

[This message has been edited by James Tiberius Kirk (edited February 05, 2003).]

Posted by Diosmel Duda (Member # 2180) on :
One summer I worked as a central operator for a company, answering calls from all over the US. On the bottom of the screen were listed various names (managers, etc), and one day I became so bored that I began collecting strange names. I did this for about a week until I had cycled through all the names, and then I made a list of all the interesting first names and one of the last names. I intended to use these for my writing, though I actually lost the list and never got to do it.

Meanwhile, I joined an RPG game and chose the name "Diosmel of Duda" for my character (Diosmel was on my first-name-list, and Duda on my last-name-list). I joined Hatrack shortly afterward, and Diosmel was handy. I learned later, to my embarassment, that Diosmel is actually a male name (which is a problem, considering I'm female). Oops. I still think it's a nice name, though. Very green.

I had actually been wondering on Cassandra's choice of screen name. Thanks for explaining!

[This message has been edited by Diosmel Duda (edited February 05, 2003).]

Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
My real name is Jonathon, and I picked up the nickname Jon Boy a few years ago at work. After that job, the name kind of died, but then I resurrected it when I started college. Voila.
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
One guess...
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
I found mine in a crackerjack box. And it tasted great.
Posted by coil (Member # 4571) on :
Toad The Wet Sprocket's last complete album (They broke up midway through recording the album after Coil, and ended up releasing "PS" as a sort of farewell album).
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
I was wondering if you were a Toad fan. That's cool. I love that album.
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
Radiohead. Old website. Poem.

This topic is born at least once a month, it seems like.

What's funny is that Slash says the same thing every time.

Incidentally, I have a sister named Cassandra.

Posted by coil (Member # 4571) on :
Jon Boy: you know they got together again for a tour? -- I'll be seeing them in Lincoln Center, NYC.
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
I've got tickets to see them on Monday! I'm so excited that it's not even funny. I just hope they stay together and record some more stuff.
Posted by siece (Member # 4525) on :
My name was originally spit out by a random name generator on the DiscWorld MUD. It has since become the handle I use so people can recognize me accross the net.
Posted by Troubadour (Member # 83) on :
A Troubadour was a strolling minstral in 12th & 13th century France & Spain. Often described as a wandering poet and musician. Since I've never put down roots anywhere, move houses, suburbs, cities and states frequently, since I am a musician, a composer and a writer.... it seemed appropriate.
Posted by Cor (Member # 4295) on :
Cor is actually the short form of the main character from the book I'm working on - Vick Corren.

Vick is a female assassin working for a private agency that hires itself out to do "good" deeds. In other words, she doesn't go around killing for the pleasure or heck of it. She rids the universe of greater evils. However, guilt and a dark past still torment her, and by the end of the series she discovers the agency she works for isn't as "good" as she'd originally thought.

Yes, I know this sounds somewhat like a current television series, but I had outlined the stories long before that series appeared. And, hopefully, there are enough differences in the writing to make my book marketable on its own.

Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
I was going to say something to coil about the concert in NYC, but I noticed that he/she went to Princeton...and talking to him/her would be in direct violation of my vendetta against Princeton.

My name has nothing to do with the PNW city, thank you very much, Ty.

Posted by coil (Member # 4571) on :
What'd Princeton do? ):
Posted by Cor (Member # 4295) on :
Yeah, I'm not from Princeton, and I'm not trying to derail the thread, but I did grow up in that area and went to high school there.
Posted by coil (Member # 4571) on :
(not derailing the thread either: so did my mom, Cor! )
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
Princeton has my Eastern Sprints gold medal.

They got lucky lane two.

Posted by Fishtail (Member # 3900) on :
Picture 4 immature young adults in a 6-passenger pickup truck doing donuts in a snowy parking lot very late at night in Alaska.


Posted by Cassandra (Member # 4566) on :
I had the feeling this wasn't a particularly original thread . . . does anyone want me to delete it, or do you not care either way?
Posted by Beca (Member # 4340) on :
Beca is short for Rebeca, which is the Spanish spelling of Rebecca. I've had friends call me becula, chewbeca, becachu, etc... If you meet me, you'll agree that I'm not a "Becky."

Troubadour: the troubadours are also often credited with inventing/popularizing the notion of romantic/"true" love. Which, given your posts (or at least the ones I've read), is also fitting.

Posted by JaneX (Member # 2026) on :
Jane = Jane. As in the overblown appointment book.
X = X-Files.


Posted by hansenj (Member # 4034) on :
wow, I'm boring...

hansen- last name
j- jennifer

(oops, too much personal info...oh well, there's about a thousand of us in the US alone )

Posted by JuniperDreams (Member # 3471) on :
I got mine from one phrase I really like... "May purple visions and Juniper Dreams be done unto you, I wish all your fairy tale hopse come true..."

There's much more to it.

Posted by dawnmaria (Member # 4142) on :
Mine's boring. Just my God given name. I Figured St. Alia of the Knife would get a little cumbersome after a while so I just went "come as you are" as it were.
Posted by Khavanon (Member # 929) on :
I never tell anyone the real reason.

It could mean Kin of Henry A Vanderbilt ANONymous.
It may be the ancient Norse God of Beef & Potatoes.
It could be the alphabetized coding for the number 1181221141514, which is the number you'd have to dial to talk to Tiago de la Vega of Bolivia.

Posted by Khavanon (Member # 929) on :
Okay, in light of the fact that nobody can spell my name correctly , it has become knowledge to me that any mystery surrounding it is irrelevant. Here's the truth:

My name is Shon. It is pronounced like Shawn. And I'll be damned if there isn't a human on planet Earth who can pronounce it when they read it or doesn't have a comment about its "uniqueness." People, it's one of the most common names in the English speaking culture, and it happens to have the largest variety of spellings. So I sit around for extended periods of time and create obscure names that have absolutely no meaning. I should put together a catalog of made up crap. It would be impressive to nerdy types.

Posted by Ophelia (Member # 653) on :
Heh. I got unlazy:

One evening in 9th grade, my family and I were watching the Zeferelli version of Hamlet (with Mel Gibson and Helena Bonham Carter). I was just sort of watching, like “yeah, it’s Shakespeare, it’s cool, it’s the funniest tragedy around” (my friend swears that Hamlet is a comedy that just happens to include a lot of death, and I almost completely agree). But when Ophelia’s mad scene came around, I just found it chilling and sad. And I cried at her death. So then my brothers started laughing at me and told me I was crazier than Ophelia (They always seem to say I’m crazier than some really weird character from something or other; I believe that before this incident I was “crazier than Ann” from a rather strange book called Hexwood). Anyway, I somehow my friends found out (I probably told them, but I don’t really remember), and some of them started calling me Lindsay Ophelia. So when my family finally got an internet connection the next year, Ophelia was the obvious pseudonym for me to choose whenever I put my name on anything in the web. And until relatively recently, that has been the only name, besides my own, that I have ever posted anything anywhere as.

I didn't "get burned by some guy" or "just like the way it sounded," as people have asked.

[This message has been edited by Ophelia (edited February 06, 2003).]

Posted by celia60 (Member # 2039) on :
i thought you just liked to swim.
Posted by TheSeeker (Member # 4608) on :
My name came from the series The Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind. I love those books and "TheSeeker" is my name for many things.


Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Ophelia, some of the characters in William Sander's short story Undiscovered" agree with you about Hamlet.

That's not a link to the story itself, by the way--just the bibliography page on Sander's website.

Oh, and as I've said in previous iterations of this thread, Noemon is ancient Greek name. Means "Thoughtful". Noemon is also a minor character in The Odyssey, but that isn't why I chose it.

Posted by St. Alia of the Knife (Member # 3578) on :
Someone was going to try and use my name?

Get your own name, dawnmaria. I've been here way longer than you.

*fondles handle of knife*

Posted by altaris (Member # 4310) on :
It comes from the name of a video game character I used to like, quite some time ago. He was called artanis ; but the name was often already taken in my chats and forums ; so I switched two letters, and kept it this way since then.
what an interesting story, huh ?
Posted by Godric (Member # 4587) on :
Saint Godric was a cool guy. Frederick Buechner won a pulitzer prize for his historical novel Godric that I read. Everything snowballed from there...
Posted by arichan (Member # 4390) on :
My real name is Allyson. I lived in Japan for quite a while. "Allyson" is pronounced "ari-san" in Japanese. "San" is the Japanese honorific, like Mr./Mrs./Miss. My Japanese friends, and co-workers who thought I was especially cute, started calling me "ari-chan." "Chan" is the Japanese affectionate diminutive. I kind of like it, so I use it as my screen name.
Posted by del (Member # 4618) on :
I've always liked short, simple names.

I'd finally managed to get myself to read Sandman. Del(erium) just happened to be the character I liked the most. I tend to be odd quite often, I just thought that in at least some ways, I was pretty similar to her.

... Yep.

Posted by Strokeman (Member # 4625) on :
I row Stroke seat on my school's crew team, so naturally I'm titled as Strokeman.
Posted by Feyd Baron (Member # 1407) on :
Well, I put this off as long as I could I suppose.

As is often guessed, the Feyd part is from DUNE, the same as several other people who have posted in this thread.

While the Baron part is as well, it's not really meant to be. Way back in HS, everyone in our German class was required to pick a name to go by. My friends and I all picked German titles of nobility (Baron, Herrscher, koenig, and so on). So that has stuck with me for... wow, nearly a decade.


Posted by Geoffrey Card (Member # 1062) on :
I just made mine up.
Posted by Khavanon (Member # 929) on :
He thought he was creative by stealing it from the dedication page of Ender's Game. You're so unoriginal. Look at Locke and Alai. And guys like Papa Moose? He just got his from the back of Shadow Puppets.
Posted by hillarygayle (Member # 4624) on :
Man am I boring. My first name is Hillary, and my middle name is Gayle.

Hillary Gayle
Hoping that asQmh replies to this thread...

Posted by graywolfe (Member # 3852) on :
It's odd how quickly an image, possibly totally unwarranted, can come along with someones username. As I told Khavanon before, everytime I see that name, I think Saint Louis Blues Defensemen with a penchant for scoring via the power play (Alexander Khavanov plays for Saint Louis), its just an odd image, that I'm unable to shake, I wonder if anyone else gets bizarre images like that based on nicks (or content for that matter).

As for me, gray wolf is a nick someone gave for me based on how quickly I'd gone prematurely gray in the past few years, and I think it probably has a little something to do with my personality (I changed the spelling and the spacing too). I posted on this site in mid-2001 as Tom Hagen, but couldn't track down my old pass word for that user name (famous character played by Robert Duvall in The Godfather, and The Godfather Part II).

[This message has been edited by graywolfe (edited February 08, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by graywolfe (edited February 08, 2003).]

Posted by asQmh (Member # 4590) on :
Hillary, I would, but I thought I'd already explained my weirdo parents. . .


Anna Susan Quiara Maureen Hazlewood
Q. (The one I go by)

Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
My screen name comes from the summer that I signed on to was my Clive Staples summer and I was deeply moved, touched, influenced and otherwise effected by the Chronicles of Narnia. I was 21 and it was the first time I had read them, can you believe it?! I proceeded to read everything else by C.S. Lewis and loved it all.

PS Quiara is probably the coolest name I have ever heard in my LIFE! You're lucky to have those weird parents.

[This message has been edited by Narnia (edited February 08, 2003).]

Posted by MyrddinFyre (Member # 2576) on :
I just realized I killed the other name thread. Oops.

Here's a copypaste version of my oh-so-interesting story:

I was a regular at Lycos Games before it disappeared. I had many many names there. This was my favorite of the names, so I have carried it over into many things: my website, emails, sns, Hatrack, PWeb.... Luckily its something that is not ever taken (I was so mad when I realized my main handle at Lycos - DragonEyz - was taken by many in other places).

Basically, I love fire. I love replacing my i's with y's, I love Merlin, I love magic, and I love the Welsh. Put it all together, you get me.


Posted by Wendybird (Member # 84) on :
My kids were watching Peter Pan in the other room just as one of the lost boys (I think) says "Its a Wendybird!" and voila I became Wendybird.
Posted by Maethoriell (Member # 3805) on :
I went to another forum long before and they said Maethoriell meant Warrior lady but now I doubt It's just a cool Elven-like name that I answer to when I'm on the net..I love hte act of medieval fightin and any kind of hystorical heros but not's too gruesome..hehe..It also comes in handy when I need a pseudonym for myself in stories..
Posted by Erik Slaine (Member # 5583) on :
Mine's just a boring old psuedonym from college. I used it for screen-writing, producing plays, and graphic art. My sister came up with Sasha Slaine, and we were working on the same project, thus I chose Erik. I was really into Moorcock at the time, and it kind of has that flavor.

I just wanted to bump this, because it shouldn't be consigned to the doldrums.

And I would like to here more interesting stories than mine.

Neat hobbit name, Tony. [Big Grin]
Posted by dannyXcore (Member # 5332) on :
my name.....with a big X after it....and then the word core after that. <3
Posted by saxon75 (Member # 4589) on :
Hey whatever happened to Cassandra? Haven't seen her around in quite some time.
Posted by WheatPuppet (Member # 5142) on :
WheatPuppet is derived from a previous name, BreadPuppet, which is based off of a theatrical group that I really enjoy called Bread and Puppet. The only reason I migrated to WheatPuppet is because I forgot the password to one of my BreadPuppet accounts, and deciding I'd cut my losses, decided I changed my username universally.

I'm also known as "Wheats" in certain places. I try to get it as a login name for Unix/Linux machines in the spirit of *nix typing laziness (e.g. "copy" reduced to "cp") and WheatPuppet takes a lot longer to type.
Posted by Ralphie (Member # 1565) on :
I think arichan has the coolest nick story, though I don't think I've seen arichan in a long time.

Erik - That's Antonio to you, bucko.
Posted by Equality 7-2521 (Member # 5586) on :
Ayn Rand worte one of my favorite books, Anthem. Equality 7-2521 is the protagonist. I highly recommend it.

"It is a sin to write this. It is a sin to think words no others think and to put them down upon a paper no others are to see. It is base and evil. It is as if we were speaking alone to no ears but our own. And we know well that there is no transgression blacker than to do or think alone."
Posted by Damander (Member # 4439) on :
Mine is a relativly new, and sparsely used nickname. My name is Amanda and freshman year of college one of my good friends started calling me Amander. Then I made the mistake of telling him about a license plate border thingy I saw that said "Amanda Demanda" and the name Damander was born. It became a term of endearment with him and two other friends, and I was kinda missing them when I made my screen name....

[ August 27, 2003, 10:25 PM: Message edited by: Damander ]
Posted by solo (Member # 3148) on :
My friends wrote a Star Wars parody with all the characters based on people from school. My name is Randy and my character was Ran-Solo. I have used solo for many things since then and ransolo as well.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
It's simply my name. Terribly common in my circles (I was one of four Rivka's in HS), fairly uncommon on the net. It's the Hebrew for Rebecca.

I'm rivka on at least five forums (only two where I post often).
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Katharine is the name of my secret identity.
Posted by Jeffrey Getzin (Member # 1972) on :

One evening in 9th grade, my family and I were watching the Zeferelli version of Hamlet (with Mel Gibson and Helena Bonham Carter).

Actually, the one starring Gibson and Carter was also directed by Gibson. Zeferelli's version was filmed many years before that.

Posted by Jeffrey Getzin (Member # 1972) on :
My real name is Orson Scott Card, but I pretend to be Jeffrey Getzin so that people will think I'm cool.

Jeff ... um, I mean Orson
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
I got mine from blacwolve. [Smile]
Posted by Yozhik (Member # 89) on :
Mine is Russian for "hedgehog."

[ August 28, 2003, 12:34 AM: Message edited by: Yozhik ]
Posted by tonguetied&twisted (Member # 5159) on :
From my favourite song. [Smile]
Posted by Zotto! (Member # 4689) on :
*wonders who TT&T's song is by*

Mine comes from the comic book Zot! by Scott McCloud. Zot! sort of personifies the innate hope, friendliness, and unselfishness I wish I had, so I use it a lot on the 'net. (Zot!'s friends call him Zotto!)

Woot. [Smile]
Posted by Chade Fallstar (Member # 5581) on :
From a book by Robin Hobb. He was an old assassin.
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
Ryuko- Long, boring, and pointless story. But I'll tell it!!!

I was long known as Dragon Girl, because of my wacko AOL ID, which I chose when I was 13 and in love with Dragons... Dork. Anyway, not too long later, I got interested in anime, and by proxy Japanese. So I decided to make my name all Japanese-y.

I took Ryuu, which I knew meant Dragon, Misspelled it to Ryu, and added -ko, which I assumed meant girl, being as it was the suffix that meant a girl's name. (Ko actually means child...) The real Japanese would be Ryuu no onna no ko...

Long story short, the Japanese like to shorten stuff, so I might have even been right. But I found out Ryuko meant style, and I guess I just kept it. (such a dork)
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Mine's a diminutive form of my first name - Anarchy.
Posted by tonguetied&twisted (Member # 5159) on :
Zotto! - The song is Learning to Fly by Pink Floyd. You should listen to it sometime. Best. Song. Ever. [Big Grin]

"Into the distance, a ribbon of black
Stretched to the point of no turning back
A flight of fancy on a windswept field
Standing alone, my senses reeled
A fatal attraction holding me fast,
How can I escape this irresistible grasp?
Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies
Tongue-tied and twisted, just an earth-bound misfit, I. ..."

BTW, you don't have hope, friendliness and unselfishness? Dude, you sure had me fooled! [Wink]
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
'Twinky' is what Moe (the bully) calls Calvin in Calvin and Hobbes.

Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
PSI Teleport- an attack used by Ness in the old SNES RPG, EarthBound.

Paula- Ness' best friend (possibly love interest....?)

Twoson- Where Paula comes from, also a bad spelling of where I am currently living.

Not very exciting. By the way, my real name is Maureen. Also not very exciting, plus no one can spell it. (But I like it.)
Posted by UofUlawguy (Member # 5492) on :
I started using the internet regularly when I started law school at the University of Utah.

Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
Actually not from the move Harvey. Just like it turns out Wheat puppet isn't a vegan fan of the band Meat Puppets.

I got a halloween card once that said"Here's pooka the cat with eyes of green to wish you happy halloween". Later I named a cat pooka. Then when I'd been on Hatrack for a while as "badhousewife" there was a race for member name 5000 and "pooka" just sort of raced to the fore of my consciousness. I've had a lot of nicknames IRL but I didn't want to use something someone would actually recognize me by.
Posted by saxon75 (Member # 4589) on :
It's a reference to some exercises that Daniel-san had to do in "The Karate Kid Goes to Band Camp."

Sax on, sax off, sax on, sax off...
Posted by Sopwith (Member # 4640) on :
Mine's just a rickety old WWI airplane known for being tricky on take offs and landings, but maneuverale once in flight. It's rotary engine made it tilt hard to the right, but a pilot could slew it hard to the left to make it fly relatively straight down the middle. Sums up my political stance most times.

It was also Snoopy's plane. [Big Grin]
Posted by Ophelia (Member # 653) on :
Um, Jeff?
What are you talking about?
Posted by Thalia (Member # 3891) on :
Thalia is the Greek muse of comedy... and I like to be funny. So funny that I get mistaken for a latin singer nowadays. [Razz]

Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
It's my first name. [Smile]
Posted by Jeffrey Getzin (Member # 1972) on :

I stand (sit?) corrected. I mixed up the Zeferelli/Luhrman "Romeo and Juliet" in my mind with "Hamlet". Mea culpa. [Big Grin]

Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
I don't know why I used "farmgirl" for this list when on every other forum I'm known as Redbud211 (my preferred moniker). Guess I had a brain fart the day I signed up here -- just didn't want to use my regular screenname until I could figure out what kind of people are on here. And now I can't change it. (ha).
So the one I use here has no importance -- just is truthful as to where I live/what I am.

The redbud211 has a much more interesting origin....
Posted by Erik Slaine (Member # 5583) on :
Don't worry Farmgirl.

I was at 700+ the other day when I changed. And I've heard other Hatrackers claim an even higher post count.

But I like "Farmgirl".

[ August 28, 2003, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: Erik Slaine ]
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Farmgirl--with only 16 posts so far, you wouldn't be loosing too much of a legacy if you decided to register a new account with your Redbud name, and start using it.

When I've seen you so far, I've always thought of The Princess Bride.

We're building up quite a Central US clump; I used to live in KS, Kayla and TStorm are both Kansans, and Caleb is from KCMO. I know there are other Kansans...wasn't there a principal named ScreechOwl or something from KS?
Posted by Ralphie (Member # 1565) on :
Were you really, Erik?

Man. That's prolific.
Posted by Erik Slaine (Member # 5583) on :
It pushes my Landmark back, but, oh well.

If I really wanted to Landmark right now, I would, but it's gonna be real special-like!

And thanks....
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
Teshi was the alternate-name of a potential character in a story I was once going to write... the story died (not for a legitimate reason), but the start including the character remained. One day, I don't remember when, in memory of this character, I named myself Teshi.

I'm also Queen Victoria II, but she's too stuffy for every day use.

[Roll Eyes]
Posted by Julie (Member # 5580) on :
Mine is my name (because I was stupid enough to put in a real name thinking it would still leave some evidence that I have a normal-type strange user name) oh well. I don't use my regular name anywhere else. I'm usually much more creative.
Posted by Eaquae Legit (Member # 3063) on :
I could have sworn I already posted this. Oh well.

I made this up when I signed onto Pweb (my first forum). I was doing Latin at the time, and was quite ... enamoured ... with the language. So I decided to use it for my new screen name. Ea quae legit means "she who reads," which describes me quite well. I shortened it to two words because I wasn't sure I would be allowed to use three. And then I liked it, and it stuck. Now I use it for just about everything.

(And here at least, "reads" is very apt - I lurk like crazy, but rarely post.)
Posted by Melchior (Member # 5519) on :
Bible answer: Melchior was one of the three Maji that followed the star to Jesus.

Why I used it: Melchior is on of the three Maji used by the Japanese government to make critical decisions, because computers are much more objective. They are located in the underground facility base for an organization called NERV, which was established after second impact. Second Impact was a catastrophic event that completely destroyed the south pole and flooded much of the world. It was induced by Gendo Ikari, leader of NERV, when he unsuccessfully attempted to contain the First Angel, Adam, who then revolted and caused second impact. (this is all from an anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Posted by Beren One Hand (Member # 3403) on :
I am Beren, son of Barahir. He who cut a silmaril from Morgoth's crown and married a totally hot babe. [Cool]
Posted by Hekla (Member # 3613) on :
Hekla is a volcano that erupts about every 5 years. It is appropriate as I probably post about that often [Wink]
Posted by Bono (Member # 5394) on :
I used to bill myself as Bonovox in the early days of the band, but this shortened version suits me. It can be a bit confusing at times, though -Frank Sinatra thought I was Sonny Bono...
Posted by Professor Funk (Member # 5608) on :
My roommate just said "I ran into Professor Funk on campus today.." and thought, "Now there's my alter ego!"
Posted by Bricks-N-Sandwiches (Member # 5603) on :
Bricks-N-Sandwiches is of course the percieved way that the descoladores interpret info. I have also convinced my fellow workers at the Subs-N-More where I work that when I rule the world it will be thru the diplomatic use of both Bricks and Sandwiches...And I make some pretty damned good sandwiches. Besides it is much better then my real name Michael Goodenough [Wall Bash]
Posted by Professor Funk (Member # 5608) on :
I am a firm believer that sandwiches are a major pillar supporting our modern society.
Posted by Bricks-N-Sandwiches (Member # 5603) on :
True that.
Posted by beatnix19 (Member # 5836) on :
In high school we had senior shirt groups. You'd get together with your group of best friends and design t-shirts. you'd have a group name on the front(ours was beatnix) a bunch of inside jokes and such all over, and we then all had a large letter on the back (on the last day of school we lined up on the balcony and spelled out something inappropriate for this forum [Evil Laugh] )

So anyways Beatnix (which we chose because of it representing original, unique and free thinking spirits) is in honor of that group of friends and the 19 was my number in football and the number of the great Bernie Kosar. I've used this as a username, or a variation, since highschool.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
I got my name from the main character of the Saber Marionette J series. At the time, it was my favorite series and I figured, "What the heck." Now, my favorite series is Trigun, and all my other message board IDs = Vash. I haven't switched here because I'm too used to it.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
"Vana and Lime" sounds better than "Vana and Vash"

Wasn't Vash the intergalactic Indiana Jones type that Picard had a thing for at one point in TNG?
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
I already said on the insult thread and the introduction thread on the OSC forum, but I call myself "Da_Goat" because I've had hair growing from my neck since I was two or three, and, at about 5th grade, before I started shaving, the hair grew long enough that it looked like the hair on a goat. Somebody said "Who's da goat?" and it just kind of stuck, even though it never gets that long anymore since I shave.

And underscores are awesome.

[ November 06, 2003, 12:50 PM: Message edited by: Da_Goat ]
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
My name is Bob and I'm a lawyer.

Or something like that.
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
"Vana and Lime" actually sounds like a top-shelf drink order.

And Khav suggested that I got this name from the back of Shadow Puppets, which of course is false. It's from The Crystal City.
Posted by Rappin' Ronnie Reagan (Member # 5626) on :
I got this name because I was looking at my iTunes playlist while trying to come up with a name. My eyes landed on "Rappin' Ronnie Reagan" on Go Simpsonic With The Simpsons and voila. It's from "Homer Loves Flanders."
Posted by Wetchik (Member # 3609) on :
I wonder where I got mine.... [Smile]

--Nick [Wave]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
I always assumed that the chick Picard had the thing for spelled her name Vache, which is even funnier, since he's French...
Posted by saxon75 (Member # 4589) on :
I named myself after the exchange particle of the newly discovered Oaxaca force, which is believed to hold the key to formulating a grand unified field theory. The Oaxaca force is seventy five orders of magnitude more powerful than the strong force.
Posted by Coccinelle (Member # 5832) on :
My name is french for ladybug- When I lived in switzerland, the first bug word I learned was coccinelle and I always thought it was such a pretty name for a bug... plus it's usually not taken as a username!
Posted by Starla* (Member # 5835) on :
It's the same name of a Smashing Pumpkins song. I first heard it at the age of 14 and loved it, plus the name "Starla" fit many of my likes: star gazing, the shape, other things I can't remember (I dunno---I had a thread just like this on GreNME about a month ago).

I used the name as a pen name (signed all short stories and poems with it) and my teenage alter-ego, and then later my screen name and aol and yahoo address.

I just really like it and I think it suits me. [Smile]
Posted by Starla* (Member # 5835) on :
Oh, yeah---plus an alternative meaning to my real name is "star."

just had to add that little bit [Big Grin]
Posted by Black Mage (Member # 5800) on :
I'm a fan of Black Mage from the 8-bit theater web comic.
Posted by MoonRabbit (Member # 3652) on :
The year was 1983.

Wandering around in the red-light district of Surabaya, Indonesia with a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black, a group of drunk American sailors happened upon a small restaurant called Moon Rabbit. The food was the most horrible combination of bland and hot. Think chunks of raw potato and onions in blisteringly hot yellow curry.

I thought "what a cool name for a band", so we started a band called Moon Rabbit and made an album of song parodies (like Weird Al but X-rated). Later, the name kind of stuck to me, and it's been my nick ever since.

/and you thought I was younger than that. [Angst]
Posted by Centurion (Member # 3956) on :
One who is in command of a century.

I got the name from a friend who says I still act like a stiff-necked Marine.
Posted by Rhaegar The Fool (Member # 5811) on :
The Books series, Tale of Ice and Fire, I just liked the name, but I added the fool because one, I'm a fool, and two the guy is kindof a moron, he rapes the sister of one of the most powerful lords in the land, who also happens to be the fiancee of a nother on of the most powerful lords, and both of those lords happen to both be best friends with the other most powerful lord on the land, yea that Rhaegars a real genius, kindof obvious that hes gunna get some shit from it eh? Yea revolutions are fun.

-Rhaegar The Fool
Posted by Trogdor the Burninator (Member # 4894) on :
I just figured it out, basically.

♪ I write the songs that make the whole world sing . . . ♫

[Big Grin]
Posted by Mr.Funny (Member # 4467) on :
My friends think I am weird. Funny as in funny-weird, not funny-haha. Mr because I am a guy.
Posted by ana kata (Member # 5666) on :
Ana and kata are the directions in the fourth spatial dimension. Like left right, up down, front back, ana kata. It's also greek for forwards and backwards, which I think is sort of cool. Words from greek that start with ana- should be the opposite of words that start with cata-. Like anabolic and catabolic. So I like to substitute prefixes and see what turns up. Like, what would an anapult do, you think? Hurl things in the same direction it's cocked? Have you heard of the little known catalects of Confucious? <laughs> Yes, I'm easily amused. [Smile]

My name is Anne Kate. Not Anne or Kate alone but both together: Anne Kate. You'll also see people call me aka or ak, both of which are other hatrack names. I'm also Draetakenna, but only when I'm a dragon. [Smile] Sometimes I sign my name ανακατα, or sometimes =D- which is the symbol in electronics for an "and gate", which is what some of my friends in electrical engineering school called me.
Posted by =D- (Member # 5886) on :
Ah, now I've gotten this one as well. [Smile] This is also me.
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
It's my real name... how boring.

It's from Cymbeline (Shakespeare) - the original Imogen was a handmaiden.. I wasn't even named after the heroine of the play, just a bit-part character!

(and after editing, evidently a character who couldn't spell...)

[ November 06, 2003, 09:18 PM: Message edited by: imogen ]
Posted by Chandani (Member # 5879) on :
Mine is a dance stage name I picked out of a book of (theoretically) arabic names. It means moonlight. Over the years it's developed into more of an alter-ego...Chandani is prettier than I am, and when she's quiet it's because she is mysterious and wise, not because she can't think of anything to say.
Posted by Gottmorder (Member # 5039) on :
Gottmorder, my secondary gaming callsign.

Although in hindsight, I wish i could change it to Lord Glockenheinen XXXVIII, who is simply an alter ego I made up for myself when someone wanted me to do an online survey.
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
When I served as editor of my high school newspaper, I tended to be a bit glibe to the lowlier staff members. The advisor compared me to the old men in the balcony, and when I tried to incorporate it into a new screen name, this emerged. I think it's pretty cool.

I'm also Her Royal Sweekiness, which is sort of an inside joke between me and five or six people who I was talking to on AIM chat. I was trying to say "sweet" and a typo turned it into "sweek." Everyone was all, "sweek? What the heck is sweek?" so I came up with a bogus definition:

Sweek-- n. The state of being sweeky.

I always evade the question when someone asks me what it means, but if I call someone Sweeky, it's usually a compliment.
Posted by Zalmoxis (Member # 2327) on :
I went to an Allen Ginsburg reading at Harvard and during the Q&A portion, I asked him what I should use for my screename at Hatrack.

Without pausing or missing a beat, he said "Zalmoxis" and signaled for the next question.
Posted by JonnyNotSoBravo (Member # 5715) on :
Khavanon wrote:
My name is Shon. It is pronounced like Shawn. And I'll be damned if there isn't a human on planet Earth who can pronounce it when they read it or doesn't have a comment about its "uniqueness."
Well, I've seen your name spelled that way before so I'm not sure it's as unique as you think. [Smile]

Frisco, if you're not named after the City, are you named after the famous PNW fast food restaurant, Frisco Freeze?

Sopwith wrote:
It was also Snoopy's plane.
Funny, I thought it was a camel! [Wink]

Well, many other people have posted about previous SNs that never got tossed aside because they lost their password, and mine was Amontillado. So I went searching for a new one. My first name is Jon, a cousin calls me Jonny, I watch Cartoon Network every once in a while and I definitely was the opposite of the cartoon guy, and in a fit of madness and desperation, JNSB was born. I kinda like the sound of it, though 'tis a mouthful...
Posted by Trogdor the Burninator (Member # 4894) on :
I stole it from Pat!

Bring on the Ralphie Luvin'!
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
it's the story of my life. every day is a fiasco. the spelling is because, when i got personalized license plates, 'fiasco' was already taken.
Posted by pajeba (Member # 5656) on :
Mine is boring. No fun story even. It's just the first 2 letters of my names (first, middle, and last) and I've never used it before for anything.
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
actually, your first two letters make a decent name. that doesn't work for everyone. i would be kagipi. that's ooky.

pajeba = [Smile]
kagipi = [Wall Bash]
Posted by pajeba (Member # 5656) on :
kagipi looks cool, how would you say it?

And ooky is the funniest word, btw [Big Grin]
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
I'd be immasa

On the other hand my boyfriend would be atthea which does sound like a name, but kinda girly... [Smile]
Posted by Yebor1 (Member # 1380) on :
when i was a child I would go to bed at night and act outr this great adventure story to keep myself entertained till i felt sleepy. Once i decided to write a novel about what i had created i needed a name for my character.

In texas history one day a friend and i were goofing off trying to think of cool fantasy names. We somehow started taking real names and spelling them backwards. My seemed really cool...

Robey row-be my real name became
Yebor Yay-Bore my fantasy name

from then on I would have at least one character named yebor in any game or rpg i would play

Heck if I was playing A final fantasy game i would even take the name of my current g/f turn it around and use it


hell i still do it

any numers i use before or after are merely becausethe particular server will tell me a previous yebor variation has beeen used.
Posted by Starla* (Member # 5835) on :
helebo---funky [Big Grin]

edited to see what first name looked like backwards [Smile]

[ November 07, 2003, 06:20 PM: Message edited by: Starla* ]
Posted by wieczorek (Member # 5565) on :
jedabi. Interesting.
Wiezoreck is from the Ender books (Ender's father's name).
A friend of mine and I, when chatting online or sending emails, will spell each other's names backwards. It's the last names that sound so funny. [Wink]
Posted by ana kata (Member # 5666) on :
ankaar ... hmmm, not so great.

Draetakenna ... very nice! [Smile]
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
so, wieczorek, how do you pronounce your name again? [Razz] [Wink]
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
I'd be Dadafi.
Posted by Scythrop (Member # 5731) on :
I got Scythrop from a novel I studied at Uni called Nightmare Abby and Crotchet Castle. I just thought it was a cool name, and not at all likely to be taken as a username.

In Smurfland I'd be "Super absorbant smurf" which is a bit of a worry, but good for cleaning down the kitchen benches.
Posted by saxon75 (Member # 4589) on :
Interestingly enough, mikesa is pretty close to being my actual name.

Right on Kung Pao Smurf!

[ November 07, 2003, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: saxon75 ]
Posted by wieczorek (Member # 5565) on :
I wish I could remember how to pronounce my name! Vi-chor-ek? Close? When I read the books, I always pronounced it as Wee-ek-zor-ek. heehee [Blushing]
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
vye-cho-rek [Smile]
Posted by wieczorek (Member # 5565) on :
[Embarrassed] How could I have forgotten? [Smile]
Posted by Eruve Nandiriel (Member # 5677) on :
Doing the thing with the first two letters, my name would be Libeki. Kinda cool! [Big Grin] I got Eruve Nandiriel from a website that translates the MEANING of your name into Quenya. I also use the name Tigerlily. I use that one 'cuz 1)I love tigers, 2)tigerlilies are my favorite flower, and 3)Tigerlily is the cool indian warrior princess in Peter Pan. [Big Grin]
Posted by wieczorek (Member # 5565) on :
Sorry if this isn't exactly on topic, but - does Wieczorek mean something in Polish or is it a name?? [Smile] Just curious
Posted by Mazer (Member # 192) on :
Uhmmm,...Assuming everyone knows Mazer Rackham was the "long dead" space marine of EG.
I am a Marine, and when I signed on this forum in August'98, I hadn't read much besides the Ender Series, Homecoming and Alvin Maker. I didn't like Homecoming that much, and I thought everyone here was roleplaying characters from Hatrack, so I didn't want to take someone's name. EG was all that was left sooooooo,......
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
It's a dimunitive form of "wieczór", which means "evening".
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
pajeba, i was thinking something like kuh-gee-pee. kuh-jee-pee is just as bad, as is every other pronunciation i can come up with.

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