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Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Okay, I've recently gotten into playing Diablo 2 online. I have had it since the day it came out, but only enjoyed the single player aspect of it. I know that Hatrack is full of gamers, and was wondering who might wanna play with me. Plus I have some questions. I'm sort of a newbie when it comes to playing on B-Net, so...

1) How do people get items from one of their characters to another? There was one guy I played with who had several characters he used just to store items for trading and collecting sets. The only ways I can think of is for that person to have 2 computers online, or else having a friend hold the item while they go and get the other character. Neither of these options can I do, since I don't know anyone who plays regularly and only have the one internet connection...

2) Whats the best way of finding a game? There's the stupid box on the right which lists like 20 games, but for some reason since my character has been above level 50, the only games listed seem to be people who are level 85 and above where I would just be a tag-along. I know there is something I'm missing, since I can't even see how to look at a game's description. So how I find games now is typing in game names that sound likely for what I'm looking to do, such as "Act 5 nm" or "nm cows". (Or I create those games)

3) I'm sure I will think of a third question eventually [Smile] . Well its not a question, but I would like people who've played a ton to be available for advice. Like I would have liked someone to tell me that a blood golem is almost a detrement in Hell difficulty before I put a bunch of skill points in him [Mad] .

My AIM screen name is XavierM01, and my primary character is Xar-Jotha (lvl 57 necro). Oh and I play on USEast (though that choice was probably stupid considering I'm moving to the west coast soon).
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
First of all, welcome to the club. [Smile]

1. The safest way to trade stuff is with a friend you trust. Start a game, passworded, and get them in it. First character gives them the stuff and logs off. Second character logs in and takes the stuff. From what I understand there are ways to do it solo but there is more potential to lose stuff. BTW, if you ever need help with that, let me know and I can log on from home for a few minutes to hold stuff for ya.

2. Creating games is usually the way I go, so not much help there. When you single click on a game you should get the details for it, such as they are. Most folks don't fill in much info.

3. <insert third question answer here>
Posted by Paul Goldner (Member # 1910) on :
1) you CAN mule without assistance... I just don't recommend it. Open a game, and sit your character in it for AT LEAST five minutes, then leave your stuff on the ground where your other character can get to it. Log on with your other character, and join the game, picking up stuff.

This works because once a game has been open for five minutes, it won't close until its been empty for at least 2 minutes. So you have a narrow window to get back in.

Its dangerous, though. I normally mule with my brother.

2) Best way to find a game is create it. One thing to beware of, you won't see games on the join list for a difficulty level once you've beaten baal on that difficulty level. (Or diablo if you're an un-expansioned pack wussy [Smile] ) So you can't see a nm cows game once you are capable of playing nm cows. (This doesn't hold true for hell difficulty).
Posted by UofUlawguy (Member # 5492) on :
Also, you might want to check out and its related message boards. They have oodles and oodles of info and advice. Most of what I know about DII I learned from them.

I just got DII (and a computer capable of running it) for father's day this summer. I still don't have the expansion, but I'm enjoying myself nonetheless.

Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
Oh, I never played a necro so I wouldn't have much info on that. [Smile]
Posted by Paul Goldner (Member # 1910) on :
I'm of the opinion the best way to learn the game is by playing a whirlwind/sword mastery/berserk barbarian
Posted by Alucard... (Member # 4924) on :

I have taken every character race through Hell Difficulty, but no so much online. As far as your Necro, I would put points into your iron golem or golem mastery. After nightmare, the blood golem is not so good. The tip to research is a great idea. They are the encyclopedia of Diablo.


You NEED to get the expansion. The item drops change dramatically, and Act V is so much better than Acts I and III!

Because I have limited time to play online and build a character, I use a character editor to boost one and just play at home most of the time. I haven't played online since version 1.09 came out because I don't want to go online, download a patch, and have all my Uber-Characters get the kaibosh.

Right now I am playing Hell level with a Paladin. I have one of the Lone Wolf Brigades as my merc and we rock, although he dies often from poison. I have a few friends that play hardcore online and have a ton of stuff. Maybe I will see you on, but I usually play Starcraft online!
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
I love playing as the Paladin or Barbarian, though the Assassin is a blast to play as well. I'm not much for magic users, as you can see. [Smile] I've never gotten very far playing on Bnet, but my wife and I play on the LAN, and made it all the way through.
Posted by zgator (Member # 3833) on :
but my wife and I play on the LAN, and made it all the way through.
No fair! When I play these kind of games, this is what I get from my wife. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Fitz (Member # 4803) on :
I was just recently thinking about starting some new characters online, but I can't find my expansion cd. [Mad]
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
I'm not sure how I lucked out on that one, Icarus. I think she played D2X because it's not as hard as an FPS to learn. She actually made it a lot further than I did in Diablo II while she was recuperating from her surgery. We also play Turn based games together (like the ever popular Heroes of Might and Magic). She's not a big-time gamer, but I'm working on it. [Wink]

You know, it's funny. My wife dislikes violent/bloody games (doesn't understand the fascination in GTA3 for one, sticking to Heroes, Morrowind and the like. But she played a LOT of D2.

I hate misplacing my CD's! I put them all in the original D2 case (I figure that is what that extra CD spot is for!) so I can always find the expansion disk. You do have to write the CD-key in there somewhere though.

[ August 14, 2003, 12:25 PM: Message edited by: TheTick ]
Posted by UofUlawguy (Member # 5492) on :
I know I need to get the expansion. I want the expansion. I would love to have it before the 1.10 patch is finalized, but that is unlikely. I want runes, jewels, exceptional sets, elite uniques, and crafted items. I want Act 5. Oh, well. Sooner or later we'll get it worked into the budget.

My wife bought me the game, although she doesn't care for Diablo. She prefers turn-based, world-building or strategy type games such as Heroes of Might and Magic (I have 2 and 3) and Civilization 2, which are also usually my favorites. We used to play together a lot, but haven't had time since the rugrats came along.

Posted by Alucard... (Member # 4924) on :
This is very very cool!

My 7 year-old son and I play DIILOD on a LAN and it is a blast.

I have to admit that the character editor I have is cooler than the other side of the pillow. I actually can edit or create Unique, Rare, Elite, or Socketed items with all the runes you could want.

Like I said, I would hate to spoil the purity of online bnet characters, so I refrain from going online and imbalancing the gameplay. This is just for my enjoyment at home, and there is nothing like playing until you find the next Unique UberWeapon, and then playing until you find the next UberArmor, and playing until...well you get the idea.

I propose we start a channel on bnet titled "hatrack".

Whenever I am online playing starcraft, I will hang out in this channel.
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
I think I'll start that too. I'm usually trying to drum up Starcraft players to play Bunker Command 2. [Smile]

On the 1.10 patch - looks really good! Much love to the various classes.
Posted by UofUlawguy (Member # 5492) on :
I don't know about character editors, but I have downloaded a program called ATMA, which I use to mule items in single player mode. Otherwise, each character has to play with what they find themselves, and the stash is just too maddeningly small.

Posted by Jeff (Member # 4298) on :
In 1.10 i think theres supposed to be a seperate stash thats accesable to all characters so you dont have to mule anymore.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Thanks for answering my questions guys, but I still have nobody to play with!

I can't mule because I wouldn't be able to trust anyone. Oh well.
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
If you and I are both on tonight, I'll hook you up Xav.
Posted by Paercival (Member # 1408) on :
I play on Bnet (USEast as well) so will hang out in hatrack. I have a lot of characters, and some really good equipment as I enjoy doing MF runs with my sorc. If you want a golem to get you through the game, my advice is the fire golem, especially if they add some stuff in 1.10 to it, like some of the stuff in the current beta.
Posted by Paercival (Member # 1408) on :
I'm also available if you want help muling... my accounts are *Sir_Galahad and *Sir_Paercival
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Hey, do any of you guys have Trang's armor or belt, or the necro shield with +2 necro skills?

If so I would love to trade, but don't have much to give right now.
Posted by Human (Member # 2985) on :
I played the demo version, and I had's a little on the dark side for me...and I'm sure my parents wouldn't care much for it. I bet playing online with other ppl is much fun. If I go away to college next year, I may have to get a copy for my computer. Barring the release of Diablo III or something by that time. You never know.

Btw...does your inventory space ever get BIGGER? I run out of space holding potions and spare weaponry.
Posted by Fitz (Member # 4803) on :
Inventory space is bigger in the expansion. I know what you mean, though. Even with the expansion, my stash is still packed with gems and rare items and such.

I just started a new barbarian a week ago. Level 35 now.
Posted by ae (Member # 3291) on :
Not to be contrary, but since there are so many D2 players on this one thread, I'd like to ask a quetsion that's always troubled me: what appeal does D2 hold for intelligent people anyway? Strategy? What strategy? It isn't even an RPG; it's a click-the-monster game.

Someone fill me in on this, please.
Posted by scoobydoob (Member # 5563) on :
Heheh. I refer to it as the "click click" game to my friends. The appeal for me is just the cooperative nature of the game. I never play it without at least one friend. To do well in higher levels you need to cooperate and be careful about how you craft the skills of your character. One alluring aspect is the collection of the unique items. Beyond that it's just another form of social interaction. A place to meet online friends. But it is true that the strategy is basic and the gameplay often tedious.
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
Scoob hit a lot of the major points. I love finding neat stuff. The game is way hard (for me anyway) so playing with friends is a great benefit. The character crafting is immensely fun, you can create a character that is unique everytime - even if you play the same class. That can make your experience different everytime.

But I mostly like getting phat l3wt.
Posted by Fitz (Member # 4803) on :
it's a click-the-monster game.

Me like kill many monsters. Much blood and gore.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
have you ever played ae?

Because for each character there are thirty possible skills to invest in. With my necromancer, I have about 18 active spells and abilities I use. I don't just click on the monsters, I curse enemies with up to seven different curses depending on the need, summon four types of minions, explode corpses, shoot spirits, create armor, walls and prisons of bone, and create poison novas to kill enemies over time.

You are more active in Diablo II than most any other game out there (at least with most character classes). You're right that it is more adventure game than RPG (though it has lots of RPG elements), but then its the best adventure game out there.

The original Diablo is more like you're thinking of, with the Rogue and Warrior class not using any skills, just clicking (though I had probably 75 skills with the Sorceror). Even the barbarian class in DII though uses warcries and combat skills like leap attacks and whirlwinds.
Posted by Alucard... (Member # 4924) on :
With all the complexity of the real world hanging over my head like Earth over Atlas (a tribute to Thor), I prefer to just click the monster. A lot.

Call me a caveman, but I SOMETIMES need simplicity. Simplicity of adventure, heroism, quest for that next Unique item, and gameplay all-around make Diablo II very easy to play and become absorbed in.

So click the monster!
Posted by edgardu (Member # 242) on :
It'll be nice to have a hatrack channel. I play SC/BW a lot. Haven't played D2 for a while now. Been waiting for 1.10 to come out, but I can help you guys with muling.
Posted by Alucard... (Member # 4924) on :
I am in the process of moving, but still have 2 PCs hooked up to the internet. However, I am unable to get on bnet because of my time spent packing. But sometime in September, I will be on bnet in channel "hatrack" as much as possible, especially after 9PM EST.

I invite all gamers to stop in or create if I am not there.

Once I have a normal life back, I will probably start a thread with a nice invite to hatrack@bnet for all of Hatrack.
Posted by Human (Member # 2985) on :
Argh. You guys tempt me! But no...I must fix my glitched Final Fantasy game...and not buy an 'M' rated one to replace it...
Posted by Toes (Member # 4603) on :
OOO me loves Diablo! Glad to see some fellow Baal busters. I'm always available if you need to transfer items or ask questions, and I'll definitely be looking for the Hatrack channel.
One suggestion for finding games is going into the Cooperative channel. My account is called Alleyz. My favorite character is the sorceress. I recently started a few chars, but have spent a lot of time rushing people or helping others with quests. Happy enchanting [Evil]

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