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Posted by Danzig (Member # 4704) on :
Frankly, I hate them. Not my last visit to the dentist, but the time before, they told me I would need my wisdom teeth out. However, my brother also needed his out, and his were a lot worse, so he got to go first. All well and good, but now mine are actually coming in, and I am not even scheduled yet for an appointment. I would schedule myself, but I am still on my parents insurance. I will have to leave a pleading message on their answering machine once or twice.

In the meantime, is there anything I can do to make them hurt less?
Posted by Cecily (Member # 5675) on :
Aleve is really good on tooth pain.

When you DO get them out, sleep with your head elevated and keep 2-4 small packages of frozen peas and corn in the freezer. These make great ice packs as they form to your face and you can just refreeze them when the cold wears off. Maybe you could try this right now to ease the pain a little bit. I hope you feel better soon. [Smile]
Posted by Damien (Member # 5611) on :
Mine didn't hurt up until the week I got them out...

they knocked me out....when I woke up, I was all kinds of woozy... it happened pretty quick... I was sore the first day, just kinda slept if off....then only took my pain killers the first two days... was alright... went back in a wekk and got my stitches out...

as for the pain, I'd say...hrm....oragel, maybe? I don't know...aspirin, sure....chew on some ice?

(((((good bands in usernames)))))
Posted by MaydayDesiax (Member # 5012) on :
When you do get them out, make sure you don't have to do ANYTHING, because trust me, you won't feel like it. I had mine out this past Christmas, and I was lucky enough to be able to sleep the entire time (sleeping kept me from waking hours of pain).

Also, Wendy's Frostees are really nice. And just about the only thing you'll want--and be able--to manage.
Posted by MaureenJanay (Member # 2935) on :
How old are you Danzig? How old was everyone when their wisdom teeth came in? Mine are no where to be found and I am 21. If they never come out, will they have to be taken out anyway?
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
As long as you know that your parents will pay for it, there is no technical reason why you couldn't make the appointment yourself. If you've already been to the dentist you make the appointment with, you won't need to produce an insurance card or anything, and they certainly won't ask about it when you make the appointment (if it's a new dentist they probably will, though).
Posted by Damien (Member # 5611) on :
I was 17.
Posted by Danzig (Member # 4704) on :
Hmm, I will try the Aleve and Oragel. I lack a phone book, and there is no real reason to track one down when I can just call my parents for the number. But if I call them for the number I might as well get them to set up the appointment. We also recently switched health insurance providers, so I do not know if I would even be able to do that.

Thanks for the help, and yes my name is awesome. [Smile]

Maureen, I am 19 now, but I had a birthday since I first learned that they would eventually need to come out. Some people never need theirs out.
Posted by MaydayDesiax (Member # 5012) on :
I was 17, but I had three months until my 18th birthday.
Posted by MaureenJanay (Member # 2935) on :
I guess that if I lose my wisdom teeth, I will be losing the only wisdom that I have.

God's being kind to me, I suppose.
Posted by saxon75 (Member # 4589) on :
Just a little advice: Do everything you can to avoid chewing and sucking through a straw after you get them extracted, even after you start to feel better. The Frosty will be tasty and the cold will feel nice, but make sure you use a spoon. Dry sockets are not a fun experience.
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
I feel your pain Danzig, for mine are coming out next week. [Frown]
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
I had six teeth (including all four wisdom teeth) out last month. My wisdom teeth never caused any problem but were all facing the wrong way, so I had them taken out anyway.

After the extraction (for which I was thankfully asleep) I was sleepy and woozy. For three days I took pain killers and I took anti-biotics for a week (urg)

It didn't hurt after two days, and I had the dissolving type of stitches... there were no complications so I never have to have teeth out again... [Smile]

And now I have my very own "wisdom teeth" story to tell. I even got to keep my teeth!
Posted by Shepard (Member # 5613) on :
I got mine out when I was 14. Thankfully, they put me into complete sedation and I woke up in my bed hours later. My advice movies, maybe a few books. Personally, I didnt think it was that terrible, a few days of swelling and a dull pain, then it was gone. Just be prepared to eat practically nothing for weeks. I pretty much lived on yogurt and water for a week afterwards, but again, the pain wasnt too bad. Of course thats just me.
Posted by littlemissattitude (Member # 4514) on :
All of mine came in at the same time, when I was a senior in high school. Hurt like the dickens. I am dentist-phobic big-time, and refused to see one. So, I sucked on ice all the time for about two or three weeks. The cold numbed them, made the pain tolerable. By the time those two or three weeks went by, they were in and the pain was gone. Never did get them out.
Posted by Yebor1 (Member # 1380) on :
When i was in the military 16 years ago they told me I should have mine removed.

I told them I was dumb enough as it was and didnt want to take a chance on my IQ dropping bellow 75.

About once every six months they would try to surface and I would agonize because I hate to take medication of any type.

Last january they came in and never went away.

MY mouth is defiantely too small for them but my teeth and my gums seem to have worked out a compromise.

My teeth stop pushing back and the back of my mouth sipmly grew over the invading dente.

Now we all live happily ever after with only occasional complaints from my gums.
Posted by Túrin (Member # 2704) on :
I stayed awake to have my wisdom teeth out (all four). When you stay awake, they have to be gentler with you, because you're awake to complain. The procedure doesn't hurt anyway because you're numb, and I had hardly any pain after the numbness wore off. Plus it was an interesting experience.

Lots of seepage though, which was extremely annoying and disgusting.

A friend of mine stayed awake during his *heart surgery* so he could keep an eye on what his doctors were doing.
Posted by Celtic Flame (Member # 5556) on :
I haven't had to get them taken out...yet. [Angst]
I'm 18 right now...what's the oldest you can be when they grow in?
Posted by Cecily (Member # 5675) on :
Well I'm glad your experience was so nice Turin!! [Smile]

I too didn't experience a lot of pain (less than I expected) but I was one of the lucky ones with crazy impacted teeth. My swelling was so huge and so alarming that my own mother gasped when she saw me one morning about 3 days after the surgery. I had no idea that my cheeks could reach such proportions!! It took about a week for me to feel like I could go out and face the world. Be careful if yours are could mean chipmunk time. [Smile]

I hope you get it taken care of soon though. Take Aleve for the pain. I promise, it's the greatest over the counter stuff!!
Posted by celia60 (Member # 2039) on :
the only bad part of my wisdon teeth experience was the timing. my mother decided that having them out the day before thanksgiving was a good idea so i woulnd't have to miss any school. THE DAY BEFORE THANKSGIVING!!! WHAT THE?!?

i had them out with just novicane. it was an odd sensation, but not at all painful. my bottom 2 were only slightly impacted and the top 2 weren't at all. i was back in class an hour after my appointment was over. [Roll Eyes]

thanksgiving was all mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie filling that year. [Cry]
Posted by asQmh (Member # 4590) on :
I'm 24 (for exactly 1 month now!). When I was 18, the dentist said mine would eventually have to be cut out because they were impacted and "will never come in; it's practically impossible at that angle" -____-

I started cutting mine when I was nearly 23; now I know why babies cry. It sucked. Sucks, actually, because I haven't had them out yet. It'll probably be stinkin' DECEMBER before I have a chance <insert long rant about dentists, schedules, wisdom teeth and other random things. Top it off with a self pitying sigh. Serves one.>


[ September 17, 2003, 10:09 AM: Message edited by: asQmh ]

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