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Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
So here's my story. As some of you may know, I have been trying to get things cleared up so that I move to another state for quite some time now.

See, I got a couple speeding tickets a while ago, and never took care of them. I was seriously depressed this spring and at the start of the summer, and these things barely even registered on my radar as things to care about. During this time I also stopped even opening my bills. I had a hard enough time getting out of bed in the morning, so I just didn't care about any of the other stuff.

Well, near end of the summer, things started turning around for me with the realization that I would be much happier relocating and starting somewhat fresh. The idea of getting out of this place, and moving forward in my life was enough to help me overcome my depression (mostly anyway).

The problem was that I had a lot hanging over my head because of my "ignore it and hope it goes away" attitude over the months prior to this. I started taking steps to take care of things though, and everything seemed to be on its way to resolution.

Over this time my license had been suspended from the tickets, and so I got a lawyer and everything was going to be taken care of. He told me that within a couple weeks at the most I would have my license back. This was great news, since then I could get my insurance back (it had been canceled when I stopped opening my bills), and be on my way.

It didn't take two weeks, it took 2 and a half months. Finally though I had it taken care of, so I called the DMV to see if my license had been reinstated. They had some bad news for me.

Apparently during this time the 90 day limit for returning my plates from not having insurance had lapsed, and now it really doesn't matter if I get my license back from the tickets, since its been suspended for no insurance. I am supposed to turn in my plates immediately, and then I won't be able to register my car for four months. During this time I cannot drive. There was also a 2500 dollar fine mentioned. I wonder now if that would take the place of the four month period, and I will call and ask, but I doubt it from what my understanding was at the time. I think the 4 months is unavoidable.

So now I don't know what the hell to do. I live 8-10 miles from the nearest potential employers, and nowhere near any public transportation. I also really don't have anyone who could give me rides. The winters here are about as fierce as anywhere in the world, so a bike would not be an option (I'd be likely to freeze to death). Basically this completely screws me over. Whatever hope I had for turning things around has pretty much been dashed, and so I just want to go to sleep and never wake up...

Unless I can still get out of here. I'm not sure exactly how I'd manage that though. The place I was planning on going to was San Diego (at least at first), and I don't know anyone out there who could help me out. I called my lawyer to find out the chances of me getting a license out there, he wasn't in, but the legal assistant said that the DMV's aren't connected and that my legal problems here wouldn't be an issue out there as far as getting a license.

So I looked at the California DMVs website, and it says that I don't even have to take a driving test to get a license there as long as I had a previous license in another state (didn't say whether it had to be valid or not), but that you had to be a resident of Cali. The proof of being a resident it listed were things like voting in an election, paying taxes or tuition there, stuff that I would not be able to do any time soon after moving there. I got the number for a DMV out there to ask if there was a time period I would have to live in that state to be a resident, but they were busy all 20 or so times I called.

Does anyone here know? If it is something like 6 months or more, then I'm not sure what my options are. I suppose I could roller-blade or bike to and from work or take mass transit out there for a while, but it won't be easy to get an apartment and a job without a vehicle. I can just imagine myself with no car, no friends, no job, and nowhere to live in a strange new place. Sounds like fun.

Plus there’s the issue of how to get out there. I was just going to pack as much stuff into my car as I could and drive. I may still do that, insured or no. It will be my ass if I get caught, but I don’t see how else to get my car out there. I could leave it here (and turn in the plates), but then if I can get my California license fairly quickly I will have to fly back and get the car. Then I still wouldn’t be able to drive it to Cali without the plates on it. Hmmm, can I bring the title and stuff with me, register it there, and fly the plates back with me? I really don’t know about these things. The only other option I can think of would be to drive out in my car, then get a job and apartment near the job using the car, then put it into storage somewhere until I get my license. Then the four months would just be added to though, so it would be a California license or never drive again. Plus if I got pulled over, or God forbid in an accident beforehand, my butt could go to jail.

So, ummm, any advice? I’m not looking for sympathy, since I don’t have anyone to blame but myself. I do think it sucks that a couple months of depression may have ruined my life (or at least six months of it), but again, it was my own damn fault. Advice though would be appreciated. This is one of those times where having parents would be nice. If I had someone who could have given me advice (or a good kick in the butt) a couple months ago, I wouldn’t be in this mess now.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :

I don't have advice, but it's nice to know I'm not by myself. I got three speeding tickets in two weeks this past summer, and did the same exact thing - ignored them. I was opening my mail, though, so when I got the threats and warrant notices, I paid it.

You live in California? Maybe someone who lives in California could know?
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
No, I live in NY, but was planning on moving to California.
Posted by Taberah (Member # 4014) on :
Step 1: Move to California.

Step 2: Attempt to get a California license through the usual channels.

Step 3: If you are thwarted via the usual channels, go to a different DMV office and claim that you are Ernesto Sanchez, an illegal immigrant from Mexico.

Step 4: Get new license.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
I considered the whole "new identity" thing, but then I would be throwing away my degree, and that's 4 years of my life I don't want to repeat [Smile] .
Posted by Troubadour (Member # 83) on :
Hell if you can afford a new identity you can afford a fake degree to go along with it.

But in all seriousness, I understand so well what you're going through - I've also have the habit of being unable to open bills, a holdover from when I was in a similar situation. I also recently sorted out 6 years of not having filed a tax return.

Basically the only way to get through this sort of stuff is to find out exactly how much trouble you're in so that you can quantify it - then work out how to deal with it. You can't face it unless you know about it.

But when all's said and done - I'd have probably done what you're thinking about doing.... illegal & uninsured road-trip. What am I talking about - I HAVE done it. heh.

But definitely don't take me for a role-model. [Wink]
Posted by cubusdriver (Member # 5846) on :
My suggestion is that you continue with your plans to go to San Diego. After all, even if you do not have a vehicle San Diego does have an extensive public transportation system, so as long as you can find an apartment and a job that are within walking distance of a bus or light rail stop then the temporary lack of a car is not a significant issue.

Next, seeing as you cannot drive your car legally for four months and you are considering moving to another state anyway, try selling your current car. Then, once you are settled in California you can purchase a new used automobile.

Of course, this leaves the question of how would you get to California with all of your stuff. Now, I have no idea where you live in New York, so I cannot give you specific instructions. However, my suggestion would be to find a friend that can take you to the nearest AMTRAK station. AMTRAK usually will allow you to carry a significant amount of luggage, since they have a separate baggage car on their trains, and then you can take a train to California. Yes, the trip may take three to four days, but since you cannot fly your possessions to San Diego and you cannot legally drive what other option do you have (except for maybe Greyhound).

Lastly, if this option fails then try to find an apartment closer to your current job so that you can just bike to work everyday. While I realize that none of my solutions may be ideal, if you really want to change your life around by moving to California then you may want to consider these car-free options.

Have a nice day and good luck!!!
Posted by Morbo (Member # 5309) on :
My first question would be: do you know anybody that is hooked into local political networks, "good ol' boy circuits", anything of that sort? Specifically, do you know the friend of a friend of a state judge? If it was me, for example, I don't, but I could probably dig up a relative with a little pull. A judge is your best hope to untangle this mess. A $2500 fine? OUCH!
The problem was that I had a lot hanging over my head because of my "ignore it and hope it goes away" attitude over the months prior to this.
Dude, "ignore it and hope it goes away" attitude is often my game plan too. But it doesn't work. I sympathize. More advice after "Karen Sisco" over at 11pm ET. [Big Grin]
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
You'll come up with any excuse to avoid visiting me, won't you....

I wish I had advice -- useful advice, at any rate. Do you have a buddy who can rent a truck to take your stuff and tow your car, and drive cross-country with you, after which he flies back on your dime? As cubus said, the bus system in San Diego is pretty good, assuming it hasn't burnt down or anything.

As to licensing in California, I have no idea. For the NY issues, sounds like your lawyer misled you a bit, and you got worked by the system. If you get a lenient understanding judge, you might get stuff lessened. If not, you're again worked. Either way, I wouldn't recommend leaving the state with something like this hanging over you. Never know when it might come back and bite you in the ashtray.

Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
If driving is a matter of life and death, as it is for you, the judge should make a provision for you to drive to and from work. You just have to actually get involved with the legal system. The first step is to contact the DMV and appeal your license suspension in general and then get the ball rolling to be able to drive to work.

Please note that going to another state to avoid fines equal bad idea. Not paying the fines also equal bad idea.
Posted by Morbo (Member # 5309) on :
If driving is a matter of life and death, as it is for you, the judge should make a provision for you to drive to and from work
Should but might not, sadly. Some judges are mighty symapathetic to sob stories yet others have hearts as cold as a tax collector's freezer (no offense, I've pleaded my own sob stories to judges myself.) But this approach is definitely worth a shot. However, even if the judge grants a waiver for going back and forth to work, he could potentially be powerless against an entrenched DOT bureaucracy that really could care less about your personal problems, and just wants every fee paid, every t crossed. So, you could get a license exemption to drive, yet be unable to drive due to lack of tags.

If my earlier suggestion of trying to get an "audience" with a state judge doesn't work, you can also try the constituient services offices of NY state representatives or your United States congressman. They are used to navigating burearucracies and help constituients (voters) like you all the time. I don't know if they would get involved in this case, but it's worth a shot.

At this point you need to evaluate what your lawyer has done for you, and can potentially do for you. I would talk to him face-to-face and see what options he can offer you. After that you need to decide if he's earning what he's billing you. Some lawyers, commonly known as "fixers" in the South, have the networking and connections to help solve problems like yours, in a legal manner, that might otherwise have you chasing forms till 2005. But they cost. Others just bill you and bill you, then throw their hands up in despair, bewailing the evil system they do not understand.

but the legal assistant said that the DMV's aren't connected and that my legal problems here wouldn't be an issue out there as far as getting a license.
This is true, to a point. Due to the loose information sharing between various states, sometimes you can get a license even though another state has it in for you. Some states share DMV info via legal compacts , others do not. As long as they don't have an actual warrent out for you, that is yet another (editor of my college papers favorite fake byline: Yetta Nother) networking or info sharing issue. All states share warrent info. I would ask the lawyer specifically about this, even though he will likely hedge his answer because of ethical problems--ie he is not supposed to help clients evade the law.

[ October 30, 2003, 12:45 AM: Message edited by: Morbo ]
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
Even though I know essentially nothing about it, if you go the "constituent services office" route that Morbo suggests, I'd have to recommend that you refrain from telling them that you need all this fixed so you can move to California.
Posted by littlemissattitude (Member # 4514) on :
Establishing residency for purposes of getting in-state tuition in California schools takes living here for 1 year.

However, you mention that one of the proofs of residency for the DMV is having voted in an election. I checked the website for the San Diego County Registrar of Voters and found that you can register by giving either a driver's licence number, a California ID number, or the last four digits of your Social Security Number. You also, of course, have to be 18 years old, have an address that is your primary residence in the county, and you can't be on parole for a felony. The on-line voter registration form doesn't ask anywhere how long you've lived here. So, if you wanted to go that route to establish residency - by registering and voting in an election - to get a driver's license, you probably wouldn't be able to do so until the presidential primary in March at the earliest. But, as someone else said, San Diego has a pretty good public transport system. and the weather there is generally mild year-round, so you wouldn't freeze like you would in New York.

But, having said all that, I would have to agree with Pop that you should go ahead and take care of your stuff before you move.
Posted by unohoo (Member # 5490) on :
I don't know if this will be of any help, but have you considered contacting your local representative for some help and advise? Assuming you were receiving treatment for depression, could this possibly qualify as extenuating circumstances? Also, you might want to contact your insurance company and talk to them about it as they may be willing to work with you.

If all else fails, then consider selling your car as cubusdriver suggested and taking Amtrak cross country with your possessions crated up. You could probably also have them shipped fairly reasonably which might work out better as you will need a place to put your stuff once you get to CA. Or consider selling everything except your proverbial toothbrush (and maybe a change of undies [Big Grin] ) and buy everything when you have a place to put it.

There is another teensy little problem though, California is on fire. You might have some trouble finding a place to live.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*thwaps unohoo*

Ignore him, Xavier. Large sections are untouched. Except for a bit of smoke and ash . . . Besides, think of the thrill of building a brand new home!

Wish I knew anything about the CA license process, besides how to fork over money and get a renewal. [Wink]
Posted by Lalo (Member # 3772) on :
Don't worry about a license out here, dude. Excepting the current MTA strike (and, yeah, assuming there'll be more than a human-flesh-and-silicone BBQ once you get your ass to CA), public transportation's actually pretty good. Assuming you don't have a problem taking a freeway everywhere you go.

I don't see why you wouldn't be able to get a license, seeing how we're giving them out to illegal citizens nowadays. (Which isn't as unreasonable as it sounds -- the intention behind it is to allow illegals to get auto insurance, so they won't flee every time they have an accident.) California citizenship, though I've never had to apply for it, can't be that hard to get. Just pay your taxes to Ahnuld, and you're a member.

And don't worry about moving. If there's one thing CA has, besides silicone, it's illegals. You'll have no problem getting some people to help you move, provided you speak a smattering of Spanish. Just, y'know, pay them reasonable wages. They've already replaced the black man as the slave figure in America, and they could use some fair treatment from the white man.
Posted by just_me (Member # 3302) on :
I don't see why you wouldn't be able to get a license,
I don't know about CA, but most states have this pesky 'is your license suspended in another state' question they ask...

Sort out your issues with NY first, though. As said before, try to figure out exactly what your situation is and what it would take to get out of it.

But if you don't need to be in NY to fix things, selling your car and getting to CA might be your best bet. Get there, find a place to live, and in a few months (after you wort out the issues) you can get a CA license if you need it...


[ October 30, 2003, 02:11 PM: Message edited by: just_me ]
Posted by Ralphie (Member # 1565) on :
Have you thought about ride-sharing across the country?

Craigslist may have someone looking for help with gas and driving, and they may have room for some of your stuff, too. You could at least get away from where you are and find a somewhat better situation.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Okay, I called the DMV and calmly had a conversation about what my options are. This was much better than yesterday where I was so mad I was close to tears and wanted to go in there witha fire-arm...

It still wasn't good news though. The four month thing is unavoidable like I thought. Theres also no judge or hearing for me to explain why to anyone. Its all automatic. I asked if there was a way for me to appeal it, and they say no.

There wasn't any fine for me to pay though, which actually is bad news cause I was hoping the 2500 would be instead of the 4 months. I'm not sure where that number came from with the last lady, but after 90 days you can't pay a penalty to make it better.

She says that I can get a restricted license, but I still cannot register my car. So there really isn't much point of getting the restricted license. I suppose I could get someone else to insure a car and let me drive it, but I don't want to, and my odds of finding someone willing are slim to none.

So really the only way I can stay in this state and not starve is by moving to Syracuse and taking the buss everywhere. If my friend Victoria wants to get a place together this could be fine, but I'll have to see on that.

As for the California license stuff, I'm gonna call the DMV there after I get offline.

Anyhow, thanks for all the advice so far. I'm gonna consider what you guys have said after I find out more on this end. Hatrack rocks...
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
(((((Xavier))))) Good luck!
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
It sounds like you have a lot of anxiety and expectation of bad things happening to weigh you down. Saying "if I get caught I'm screwed" isn't really productive. Though seeing as how your trouble started with speeding tickets, I guess my inital suggestion of "just don't get caught" probably wouldn't apply to you. Say, this isn't a sting for gathering illegal advice is it? Mine was totally phrased as a hypothetical, of course [Wink]

Anyway, you can't overcome this by forseeing every contingency. You just have to deal with what's in front of you, for the most part.

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