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Posted by Yank (Member # 2514) on :
I thought his offer to the Europeans of a three-month truce was most generous.
Posted by Fishtail (Member # 3900) on :
Do you think he's maybe rethinking going after the Spanish? Or is he just "working" it, following a stick and carrot approach?
Posted by Yank (Member # 2514) on :
I just think his arrogance and chutzpah are incredible.
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
This whole thing just made me laugh.... [Smile]
Bin Laden is stupid.
Posted by Yank (Member # 2514) on :
Yeah, I agree.
Posted by Fishtail (Member # 3900) on :
I disagree. I think he's pretty dang smart, and that's the whole problem. When you combine smart with "evil" intentions (for momentary lack of a better word), *that's* when you get trouble.
Posted by Yank (Member # 2514) on :
Intelligence comes in many forms. Bin Laden is clever enough, but he's also very, very stupid.
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
First of all it's blackmail... too funny if he really thinks that the EU will like that.
Secondly he's showing weakness.
Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :
Zealousy makes even the brilliant stupid.
Posted by Fishtail (Member # 3900) on :
I would posit that he's as ignorant of Western culture and real attitudes as he's often claimed that the West is of Islam. But I certainly don't think *he* is feeling particularly weak. From his point of view, he's offering peace from a position of strength, because he believes his followers can strike anywhere at the time of their choosing and so this must have all those weak Westerners quaking in their boots.

He's been smart enough to stay alive and out of custody for quite some time now. Been smart enough to know who to trust to keep him that way. That seems to indicate street smarts as well as intelligence.
Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
After the elections in Spain and Poland's second thoughts after the Spanish elections I think you underestimate the European ability to cave into threats of violence. The UK has been the only country to consisently resist the urge to capitulate on demand. Look at Switzerland, eternally neutral no matter the moral crisis, France should try putting up a fight the next time Germany invades, and the rest would rather "save lives" than actually put up a fight for their freedom.
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
Out of curiosity, does everyone commenting here accept that it's actually him? That he's still alive?

Just wond'rin'.
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
*post edited as it is more appropriate as an E-mail*

[ April 16, 2004, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: Bob the Lawyer ]
Posted by Richard Berg (Member # 133) on :
The story I read (NYT feed, I believe) said that CIA experts determined it was "probably" Sr. Laden.
Posted by JonnyNotSoBravo (Member # 5715) on :
They will continue to say "probably" for a long time, too. Their machines could give a 99.8% probability of the speech on that tape being him, and they'd still say "probably."
Posted by Black Fox (Member # 1986) on :
First off if you ask me Mr. Bin Laden is a rather intelligent man, not to mention a man with quite a bit charisma and strength of character. Look at the position he is in. We always talk about catching all these persons, all these terrorists. The thing is Al Qaeda, as many various groups have shown ( the american patriot/militia movement for one) is a cell based organization. That means if you arrest 5-8 terrorists all you did was arrest a bunch of guys with some rudimentary knowledge. They know how to mix up some basic explosives and are willing to implement them. It doesn't take a lot of training or intelligence to be a terrorist. If you arrest a thousand it does nothing if the will to strike still remains.

Look at Spain just recently, not to mention other assaults around the globe caused by various terrorist organizations. The thing is so many freedom fighters in the world have been brought together to attack one society, the west.

That and one shouldn't really insult the French for surrendering etc. For the longest time the French had a reputation of having the finest armed forces in the World. When the French and Prussians went to war many Prussian officers though rearing to go, were still intimidated by the reputation of the French military forces. That and to be honest, no one can call the French cowards in the death fields of World War I. The French actually trained most of the American soldiers who went over there. That and the American army of 1939-1940 would have been equally destroyed by the Wehrmacht and the Luft Waffe. What, fly P-40s against the vaunted BF109s?

I wouldn't call the French nice, or of having an effecient smart government, but I wouldn't call them cowards either.
Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
First let me make clear that when I say France I mean the actions of France as a whole so not every single French citizen is at fault.

Bob, great email but would you care to actually refute any of those facts or are you just going to maintain that I shouldn't say because there are French citizens on this board. My point is that there has been a general attitude in Europe as a whole that favor retreat. Black Fox, I'm not blaming the French so much for losing as for retreating and putting up little resistance. That's not to say there was no resistance, there was a campaign in Africa after the French fall and continuous resistance activity until D-Day. I simply don't believe that Americans would trade half their country for peace and even if they did I would condemn that. Furthermore, because France had one of the finest armed forces in the world is simply more reason why they should have put a better fight.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
nfl, stop talking about Poland. you know nothing about Poland, and your ignorance makes me sick. Thank you.
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
It seemed really strange to me, as though Bin Laden were really out of the loop. The Spanish didn't elect *him*, they elected one of the two parties already contending for power. I think if this keeps up, the Spanish won't begin to wonder if the beneficiaries of the attack weren't in cahoots with Al-Qaeda. Or maybe they are smarter than America in that respect.
Posted by aspectre (Member # 2222) on :
The turnover of the Spanish govenment was more due to the Aznar&Popularist's apparent desire to protect Osama from being blamed for the Madrid bombings.
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :

First off if you ask me Mr. Bin Laden is a rather intelligent man

Well, considering that he's evaded capture by the two most powerful countries in the world, I'd say I would agree. [Smile]
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
I see two options. Either Bin Laden is showing weakness, trying to convince some of his enemies to lay down their arms because he is feeling the pressure...


something big is being planned in Europe. Something big and nast and deadly so that in a month's time Mr. Bin Laden can say over a stack of corpses, "If you would have accepted my offer, these people would be alive today. Its not my fault they are dead, its your leaders."

That second option scares me.
Posted by Xaposert (Member # 1612) on :
I suspect this is just their attempt to refute the idea that they are on an unfocused, irrational attack against western society in general. The message is "We don't indiscriminately attack. We attack nations that are wronging us."

I'm not sure if this will matter much to the Europeans. However, I think it might help Al Qaeda draw more sympathy in their own religion, among more moderate Middle Eastern muslims. I don't think it's a dumb move - it can't really hurt them, at least.

[ April 18, 2004, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: Xaposert ]
Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
So I guess this headline never really happened, "POLISH LEADER SAYS HE WAS MISLED ON IRAQ, WEIGHS EARLY TROOP WITHDRAWAL"? Dated of course March 19 remarkably close to the Madrid attacks. Defend the position that running from terror is justified if you like, but don't claim I'm ignorant of the facts.
Posted by aspectre (Member # 2222) on :
Why would you think that, newfoundlogic?
Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski says his country was misled about the alleged threat from Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. However he also defended the decision to go to war in Iraq and said he had no plans to withdraw Polish soldiers.
. Note the date of 18March2004

[ April 18, 2004, 01:43 AM: Message edited by: aspectre ]
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
nfl, I challenged you many times on your misinterpreted views on both Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe, the most recent being this thread to which you didn't even bother respond.

You obviously get your facts wrong. Please try and read some more before you say anything else on the subject.
Posted by luthe (Member # 1601) on :
Kama you have to understand that being an ass is so much easier.


Bin Laden is a fool. If his fight it beat back the western culture that HE feels is polluting the purity of life in the islamic countries. He would be better off spending some of his money on convincing the people of that fact. If no one eats at the Mcdonalds, purchases the western style clothing, watchs the latest hollywood film, the will stop being sold there. In the end he is as stupid as the palastiniens who keep blowing themselves up.
Posted by Sal (Member # 3758) on :
Kama [Wave]

(*whispers to nfl: never, ever, mess with a Polish woman...)

And heck, even if the Polish government decided to withdraw its troops, wouldn't that be a fairly courageous show of character? I mean, after being suckered into a war by lies about WMDs?
Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
OK, the article I saw said March 19, doesn't matter, the point is that is was very soon after the Madrid bombings and Spanish elections. The Polish government saw how a terrorist attack would make its populous run from danger by electing a new government that was willing to withdraw and wanted to preserve its own power.

Kama, try two times and I wasn't about to enter a thread where comments like
Not that I ever thought he'd have anything valuable to say in that matter.
were being made. Again why don't you try to disprove my arguments instead of just resorting to name calling.

Sal, no its cowardly when the reason you're doing it is because you are afraid of terrorist reprisals. When you show terrorists they can get what they want by attacking or even just threatening you let the terrorists win.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
You make up claims about Poland being anti-semitic. You bash my government for no reason, making up things which have never been said, and interpretations which never existed. You call my people cowards.

I'm sorry, I can't see much place for discussion here.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
The Polish government saw how a terrorist attack would make its populous run from danger by electing a new government that was willing to withdraw and wanted to preserve its own power.

[Roll Eyes]
Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
Why don't you try refuting that statement because I still standby its accuracy. And I don't control the anti-Semetic sentiment in your country, the Poles do. If you would to argue that it is non-existent then maybe you should try opening a unbiased history book. I know in Japan they still teach children that the U.S. started World War II, but I didn't know they taught children in Poland that Poles have always been the friendliest of people to the Jews. And if you would like to claim that actions like those are all in the past then perhaps you would like to explain fairly recent desecrations of synagouges and graves. Nor do I approve of the cross at Aushwitz.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :

The government right now has no power whatsoever. The prime minister is stepping down and there is much debate whether early election should and will be called. None of it has anything to do with Iraq. It has everything to do with a man called Lew Rywin.

Is that enough of refuting for you?

As for the antisemitism... I never said there weren't any antisemitic feelings in Poland. There is antisemitism everywhere in the world. But honestly, you are trying to bring a couple of incidents to a national level. That's stupid.
Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
And I still think the statement was made in a way to try to appease the Polish constituency after the Spanish government was replaced. The Spanish elections have shown pretty good indication that terrorist attack = new government in Europe. When the statements were made they were certainly involved with Iraq.

All I said was that I didn't feel entirely comfortable in Poland as a Jew because of historical and existing anti-Semetism. I never said that all Poles are vicous Jew haters. There may be anti-Semetism all over the world but there is no place outside of the Middle East, the main reason why I was uncomfortable with the trip, that posseses as much anti-Semetic sentiment as Poland.
Posted by John L (Member # 6005) on :
Listen, nfl, you don't know squat about Auschwitz except what I posted in the thread I made, so don't even begin trying to use stuff like that against Poland. The current Pope, who has made the most strides for Catholic-Jewish relations throughout the world, is from Poland. And you genius, Belgium has had more instances of desecrated synagogues than any other nation in Europe, so your accusations are as weak as your grasp on facts.

And I swear, your "Middle East is anti-semitic" crap is the funniest of all, since Arabs are semitic people. They don't even hate Judaism as a faith. What they hate is Western groups coming into their land and taking it or its resources, of which the state of Israel is considered part of. You don't even know the source of the Israel/Palestine conflict, judging by your completely ridiculous statements.

Kama already had a thread directly challenging your knowledge of Poland, which was bumped at times you were posting, and you chickened out for lack of information. I've argued with you numerous times, showing the complete error of your statements. You either back up the crap you spout with verifiable facts—and "I heard it in class the other day" does not suffice—or stop spewing your misinformation.
Posted by Sal (Member # 3758) on :
Sal, no its cowardly when the reason you're doing it is because you are afraid of terrorist reprisals.
Hold it there, nfl. YOU're the one saying that this is the reason. YOUR sources of information caused you to form this opinion. Are you sure you're well enough informed? Aren't you twisting the facts quite a bit?

Hasn't the new prime minister of Spain made it very clear that he wouldn't have troops in Iraq long before the terrorist attacks? Are you calling him a coward for sticking to his guts? Are you blaming the Spanish people for their loud "NO" to the fact that they were being lied to by their former government?

Do you realize you're basically equating dishonesty with bravery?

Or, if someone was tricked--by a bunch of lies and promises--into doing a bully's dirty work, and if this someone finally realizes what's going on: isn't it much, MUCH more courageous to stand up and pull out, rather than to continue being the bully's pawn? Don't you realize that it's the bully's logical reaction, in this case, to cry 'cowardice'?

Calling everyone who disagrees with the Bush administration "unpatriotic" is just as ridiculous as calling countries that aren't very happy about having been lied to "cowardly", and insulting them with made-up arguments about "giving in to the bad guys".
Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
John, I don't even think I read that thread so you're wrong there, either way I've defintely heard the various happenings from a variety of sources. Great the Pope is from Poland and the Pope is working toward reducing anti-Semetic sentiment, that doesn't prove that anti-Semetic sentiment has even been reduced let alone removed. Belgium hasn't had progroms that I am aware now were they participants in the Holocaust as many Poles were. (That isn't all Poles, or even most, just many so don't twist my there.) I consider the level of anti-Semetism, (which has come to refer to hatred of Jews as opposed to hatred of Semites and I don't care about your feelings regarding specific language usages what I meant is what I meant), in Arab countries ironc for that very reason, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You're incredibly ignorant of the feelings of many Arabs if you think they don't hate Jews for being Jews. If the reason they hate Jews is because of Israel that may be one thing but that doesn't mean they don't hate me. I didn't think it was necessary to provide tons of background information for subjects are generally considered to be general knowledge.
Posted by John L (Member # 6005) on :
John, I don't even think I read that thread so you're wrong there, either way I've defintely heard the various happenings from a variety of sources.
You are such a liar. You posted at least twice in that thread.

Great the Pope is from Poland and the Pope is working toward reducing anti-Semetic sentiment, that doesn't prove that anti-Semetic sentiment has even been reduced let alone removed.
Except you show zero evidence of this sentiment outside of using my thread and an unverified claim.

Belgium hasn't had progroms that I am aware now were they participants in the Holocaust as many Poles were. (That isn't all Poles, or even most, just many so don't twist my there.)
You must not read the news much, because the most attacks on Jewish religious buildings have been primarily in Belgium and France. You seem to be getting some seriously screwed information, since most Poles were treated like scum, either interned outright or forced to what is essentially house arrest during WWII.

I consider the level of anti-Semetism, (which has come to refer to hatred of Jews as opposed to hatred of Semites and I don't care about your feelings regarding specific language usages what I meant is what I meant), in Arab countries ironc for that very reason, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Either back that up or be considered an ignorant racist.

You're incredibly ignorant of the feelings of many Arabs if you think they don't hate Jews for being Jews. If the reason they hate Jews is because of Israel that may be one thing but that doesn't mean they don't hate me. I didn't think it was necessary to provide tons of background information for subjects are generally considered to be general knowledge.
In other words, you can't back it up, and would rather continue to live in ignorance because it's more comfortable to believe complete and utter lies.
Posted by Kasie H (Member # 2120) on :
Wow. Okay, well. I'm not going to touch the Poland/anti-Semitic argument...I see that one getting nasty [Frown]

But as far as bin Laden is concerned.

Of course he's brilliant.

How else would he have come up with the idea to offer a truce to Europeans? It's the smartest thing he could've done. It wasn't a truce offered to the governments -- he absolutely knew they'd refuse. He was going for the European people, where anti-American sentiment is spreading and becoming an active force.

Now, if something in London or Paris blows up and hundreds of lives are lost, the French or the British can point their fingers at their leaders and say, "This is your fault. If you'd gotten out of the American disaster in Iraq, our people would still be alive. You should have made a truce with bin Laden."

See how dangerous this situation just got?

Bin Laden is trying to turn West against West. Once he's done that, he's won.

Just watch.

It's scary, but there will be people who will say this.
Posted by Xaposert (Member # 1612) on :
nfl, what do you care what Poland or any other European nations thinks? Weren't you one of the ones who claimed foreign opinion shouldn't matter to us, and that we don't need the Europeans to win the War on Terror?
Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
Xaposert, the whole Poland thing stems from another thread regarding a possible trip by myself to Aushwitz and Israel.

John, I'm still not sure that I posted in that thread. I'm still not even sure what thread you're referring to. I still know that I heard about it first from news sources and other people. I still say that wasn't the only incident that makes me uncomfortable. Frankly, I was posting in a thread where I didn't want to be in an argument and was just trying to explain to Raia why I wasn't sure if I could make a trip to Israel. I'm sorry if it offends people that I don't want to visit their country because of real or perceived threats. I don't need to show evidence to the people on this forum when the only mind I'm trying to convince of anything is my own. Regardless, you somehow seem to think its acceptable that you can claim there have been anti-Semetic activities in Belgium without providing links, but I can't do the same with Poland. I'm not arguing that there have not been such things happening in Belgium because I know there have been. I also know incidents have occured in France, Spain, Italy, Tunisia, and even in Key West, Florida, about an hour from my home. Since its me who is taking the trip I think its fair that I should be able to evaluate the safety of a potential trip on my own using whatever information I please.

I never said the Poles were never treated like sub-humans by the Nazis because in fact they were. However, there were still pogroms throughout Polish history and in fact so much hatred for Jews that for at least a time many Poles welcomed the Nazis with open arms. Of course, that time ended with a bayonet pointed in their direction.

From American Heritage Dictionary:
an·ti-Sem·i·tism (nt-sm-tzm, nt-)
Hostility toward or prejudice against Jews or Judaism.
Discrimination against Jews.

That's one half of what I guess you wanted backed up. The other half is really unnecessary for me to back up considering the hatred shown pretty outwardly and violently by many Arabs. If you want direct proof that some Arabs hate Jews and not just Israel (the latter being so much more acceptable) I can't provide any links except to maybe some hate sites which you are free to explore for yourself. I can provide an anecdote if that makes you feel any better. In case you didn't know there has been a myth that has existed for hundreds of years that Passover matzoh is made with the blood of Russian children (the myth originating in czarist Russia and now amended to Arab children). That myth more or less removed from modern Russian society, has come back to life in amended form in the Arab world. My temple showed an internationally shown program from Al-Jezeera from a show similar I suppose to our Saturday Night Live but with blatant anti-Semitism. The sketched they showed us was about vampire/terrorists Ariel Sharon and his "underling" Benjamin Netanyahu scheming to create a new soft drink made with of course the blood of Arabs. The film ended with "The vampire Dracula was killed by the terrorist Sharon after trying to drink his blood." I think this pretty clearly shows that present hatred is not just directed at Israel but at all Jews.

Edited for typos, grammar, and clarity.

[ April 18, 2004, 10:50 PM: Message edited by: newfoundlogic ]
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Well, since someone seems to have deleted that thread, we'll never know if nfl posted in it or not. But the rest is all there on the record...

Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
Like I said I'm not sure if I posted on it or not. I only said I "think" I never read it and even if I did I still heard about it first from other places. And even if I'm lying about all of this that one point is pretty insignificant.
Posted by John L (Member # 6005) on :
You know, nfl, those "pogroms" were done by Russia, not Poles. Poles were the victims of Russian expansionism more than once, so your history is horribly screwed up. The only "anti Jew" part about Poland is that it has always been a religious state, with heavy influence from the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches (as opposed to Germany's Lutheran contingent, which is far more anti-Jew). Put plainly, your assumptions haven't a leg to stand on. All of the anti Jew violence has been at the hands of invaders to Poland, not Poles themselves.

As for Arabs hating Jews, you also have no leg to stand on. First off, Islam is the number one religion west of India that not only accepts Judaism, but considers it protected. As for the people of the Middle East, you have a completely American-media-hyped view of them, because they don't "hate" any religion, and the only religious rhetoric used by those who do hate in that region cropped up within the twentieth century (influenced by none other than Hitler himself). Of course, most of the hate originates from the Catholic and Lutherian Churches, as well as eugenics programs, which come from none other than the US of A. The Arabian states have a far better "report card" as far as treatment of Jews, with the exception of the Ottomans (once again, not Arabs, invaders), than the US or any of Europe and Asia has ever had. They proteted Jews in the Middle Ages, and they gave Jews who weren't killed passage when Spain drove out the Moors and the Jews. In fact, there is no real general record of anti-Jew sentiment in Arabia until after the Balfour promises, which screwed over Jew and Arab alike and made them fight over property. The reason you can't show any realistic proof of the Middle-East being a hotbed of anti-Jew hate is because there is no proof, and those in the US and Europe who like to believe that are projecting their own culture's feelings.

Tell the teachers in your school that someone said they need to look for a new job if they are teaching you that Poland and the Middle East hate Jews.
Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
Obviously, you're the one who needs a history lesson. Pogroms were not limited to Russia, but were frequent throughout Eastern Europe. I never said the Poles weren't victims, I just said it would be unfair to claim that they weren't the agressors as well.

As far as Arabs hating Jews is concerned I think all you need to do is open your eyes. Consider that somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000 people attended the funeral of a mass murderer named Yassin. Look at the Arab media and tell me they aren't anti-Semitic by the definition I supplied you. Historically, Muslims have been accepting of other religions especially Judaism and Christianity. However, anti-Jewish sentiment has existed as well. During the crusades non-combatant Jews were slaughtered by both sides. The idea of Jewish controlled Jerusalem has always been offensive to them (the anti-Jewish Arabs/Muslims) because despite their willingness to live alongside Jews in a Muslim controlled country they considered the Jewish religion inferior to their own in the sense that there's was correct and Judaism wasn't. Again, with the Ottoman Empire you show your incredible ignorance. They are actually considered to be relatively lenient in their treatment of Jews holding a live and let live philosophy. In general the Ottomans actually exemted Jews from compulsory Muslim customs and relatively simply, extracted a small tax.

In fact, there is no real general record of anti-Jew sentiment in Arabia until after the Balfour promises, which screwed over Jew and Arab alike and made them fight over property.
So now there is "anti-Jew sentiment," it just didn't exist prior to 1917? Maybe I'll take you seriously when you stop contradicting yourself.
Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
Also I have to add that this ridiculous argument about Arab sentiment one way or the other is just nitpicking around the general argument.

Considering I posted this:
All I said was that I didn't feel entirely comfortable in Poland as a Jew because of historical and existing anti-Semetism. I never said that all Poles are vicous Jew haters. There may be anti-Semetism all over the world but there is no place outside of the Middle East, the main reason why I was uncomfortable with the trip, that posseses as much anti-Semetic sentiment as Poland.
I don't see the need to argue about the existence of Arab sentiment considering the statement was only a qualifier of a statement about Poland. If I'm wrong about this then all that means to me is that Poland possesses the most anti-Semitic sentiment in the world.
Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
I also have to add that it really isn't Arab sentiment, its a Muslim sentiment. Furthermore, you want proof? How about Mahathir Mohamed, "Jews rule the world by proxy." He didn't say Israel, he said Jews.

[ April 19, 2004, 02:00 AM: Message edited by: newfoundlogic ]
Posted by John L (Member # 6005) on :
Obviously, you're the one who needs a history lesson. Pogroms were not limited to Russia, but were frequent throughout Eastern Europe. I never said the Poles weren't victims, I just said it would be unfair to claim that they weren't the agressors as well.
And yet you can show no evidence of this, while I am currently studying that area of Europe right now in my undergrad studies. Why not illuminate, since you claim to have knowledge that the Russian Orthodox Church was not the only one doing this?

As far as Arabs hating Jews is concerned I think all you need to do is open your eyes.
Considering the Middle East is the focus for my history degree, I'd say my eyes are quite wide open.

Consider that somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000 people attended the funeral of a mass murderer named Yassin.
What the hell does that prove? You make no point with that statement, since charasmatic people always attract huge crowds. You have zero evidence that they were all sympathetic to antisemitism.

Look at the Arab media and tell me they aren't anti-Semitic by the definition I supplied you.
Give me examples of such, or I'm calling your claims bullshit.

Historically, Muslims have been accepting of other religions especially Judaism and Christianity. However, anti-Jewish sentiment has existed as well.
And yet your only citations are going to be complete fabrications...

During the crusades non-combatant Jews were slaughtered by both sides.
Wrong. Both Christians and Jews who lived in the areas controlled by Muslims fought on the side of the Muslims during the Crusades, and were slaughtered completely by the Crusaders themselves. In fact, the Crusaders themselves killed many Christians along the way, as well. Look up the Albigensians, who were Christians that did not submit to Rome, and were slaughtered outright for no other reason than that and to be pillaged. When the Crusaders took Jerusalem, they slaughtered all of the Muslims, including women and children. When Saladin took Jerusalem, he released each and every one of the captured Crusaders. In fact, Saladin so impressed Richard the Lionhearted during one battle that they ended that battle and Richard wrote a detailed letter praising Saladin's honor. The Crusaders, on the other hand, attacked their own sister city of Constantinople on one Crusade, when they want more food. In fact, because they weakened Constantinople so much, the Ottomans were able to finally take the city.

Your history of the Crusades is seriously skewed.

The idea of Jewish controlled Jerusalem has always been offensive to them (the anti-Jewish Arabs/Muslims) because despite their willingness to live alongside Jews in a Muslim controlled country they considered the Jewish religion inferior to their own in the sense that there's was correct and Judaism wasn't.
Even though accounts from Muhammad, Saladin, the Qu`ran, and Islamic doctrine says otherwise. Even though you can give no example of Islamic doctrine or any general Mid-Eastern practice that supports that. Even though you have no supporting evidence but biased American media.

Again, with the Ottoman Empire you show your incredible ignorance. They are actually considered to be relatively lenient in their treatment of Jews holding a live and let live philosophy.
Wow, your teachers need to seriously be fired. The Ottomans were the worst of the absolutist empires, and both Arabs and Jews were enslaved and brutalized under Ottoman rule. In case it isn't obvious, it's the reason so many left Arabia, fleeing into northern Africa and into Spain on the Iberian Penninsula. How ironic that another absolutist tyrranical government would later kill and chase them out of there. Before the Nazi party, the two worst offenders at mass murdering many people, including Jews (for being Jews) were the Russians and the Ottomans. If you like, I can give you names of textbooks that will guide you through a proper understanding of history, to save you the embarrassment of living in such ignorance for the rest of your life.

In general the Ottomans actually exemted Jews from compulsory Muslim customs and relatively simply, extracted a small tax.
Wrong again, the head tax thing was done by Arabs, before the Ottomans moved in and took over the lands. This was a practice as far back as Muhammad taking Makkah (Mecca) and Medina. When the Ottoman Turks took the land, the people were practically enslaved, until later when the local leaders were given provincial power, at the cost of all the citizens' money (so, a tax of every spare cent the people had).

So now there is "anti-Jew sentiment," it just didn't exist prior to 1917? Maybe I'll take you seriously when you stop contradicting yourself.
How's this: it wasn't until the promises of the British Prime Minister and the Secretary that the land of Israel was promised to both the Palestinians and the Jews in the same year, and then immediately followed by the colonialism of Britain and France of the Middle East after World War I, which created a situation where the whole of Arab people began resisting anything Western moving into their land, which included the huge influx of Jews after the Balfour promises. They were resisted because they were Jews, but because the land was first promised to one group of people by England—the Palestinians—and then subsequently promised to another group—the Jews—just a few months later. There is no reports of any noticable violence or resistance on the part of the Arabs to the Jews who had been migrating there previously—Jews who were being driven out of middle and Western Europe by the Catholic and Protestant churches. They were welcomed as "people of the book" according to Muslim law, started by Muhammad and noted multiple times in the Qu`ran.

Boy, nfl, you really have some serious problems with your history. Who is teaching you all of this incorrect rhetoric?
Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
Since pogroms did take place within Poland carried out by Poles, there is plenty of evidence of bigotry against Jews by Muslims, considering people have trouble being charismatic when they are dead, since I gave you an example of racist Arab media and if you want more just go to Al-Jezeera's website, considering there are accounts of Jews being slaughtered by both sides, seeing as how the Ottoman Empire wasn't even a major participant in the crusades, seeing as how you don't even directly refute my arguments that Jewish controlled Jerusalem is offensive to Muslims, considering the Ottoman Empire actually was lenient towards Jews and even if they weren't that just further proves my point considering they were definitely Muslim, and since you still said there is anti-Jewish sentiment without showing you saying that means you didn't contradict yourself I really don't care what you say anymore.

You want me to provide examples yet you never provide one yourself other than yourself. When I do provide examples you ignore them. This whole argument is inconsequential if you'll refer back to a slightly earlier post. I'm done.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
I'm done.
How convinient.

Do you even realize how utterly insulting you are being throughout this thread?

And I still think the statement was made in a way to try to appease the Polish constituency after the Spanish government was replaced. The Spanish elections have shown pretty good indication that terrorist attack = new government in Europe. When the statements were made they were certainly involved with Iraq.

And I still think you know nothing abut the "Polish constituency" and Polish political scene. You may not believe me, because you obviously think you know the situation better, but Polish people have other, more important things to worry about than terrorist attacks. Even if you could prove to me that it was the attack which so drastically changed the election results, which you can't, there is no basis whatsoever to claim that the same would be true for Poland. In fact, it is quite possible that the terrorist attack would be the only way to save the present government. You are speculating, nfl, and you have no back-up to what you're saying.

Nor do I approve of the cross at Aushwitz.
As John said, you know nothing about Auschwitz. The cross, while being insulting to many, not only Jews, has been erected to honor the dead of Auschwitz, not mock them. While it is an improper way of expressing these feelings, claiming that it is a sign of anti-semitism is ignorant, to say the least.

There may be anti-Semetism all over the world but there is no place outside of the Middle East, the main reason why I was uncomfortable with the trip, that posseses as much anti-Semetic sentiment as Poland.
This is the most insulting thing I ever heard in my life. I suppose you have plenty of proof to back this up, because otherwise you are not only being a racist; you are being a troll and an unmaker.

Xaposert, the whole Poland thing stems from another thread regarding a possible trip by myself to Aushwitz and Israel.

The whole Poland thing stems from your arrogant position in that thread, your throwing insults around and not caring to apologise for them.

I still know that I heard about it first from news sources and other people.
I'm sure these people were at least as informed as you are.

However, there were still pogroms throughout Polish history and in fact so much hatred for Jews that for at least a time many Poles welcomed the Nazis with open arms
You ****ing idiot.
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
I guess I know how you feel, Kama.
Receive my European solidarity.
Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
Kama, if you want to deny the true history of Poland where people persecuted the Jews as much as any place on earth and stick to the selective history they teach you in school go ahead, but I'm not responsible for your ignorance.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
No, you're responsible for yours.

So how many people exactly welcomed the Nazis with open arms? Enlighten me, please.
Posted by BrianM (Member # 5918) on :
nfl, to claim that Poland is still a hotbed of anti-semitism today as it was and was inspired and largely done by the Nazis during the Nazi occupation is not only sheer lunacy, but is insulting as hell. I think you owe several people appologies for making baseless generalizations that have whole-sale slandered Polish people at this board.

[ April 19, 2004, 06:00 PM: Message edited by: BrianM ]
Posted by John L (Member # 6005) on :
And those from the Middle East. Look at his examples of individuals—all recent. If you would look at the basis for their crimes, it all had to do with the Israel-Palestine conflict. That they used religion to fan the fires of their hate is secondary, since: a) they were a vast minority, b) their own religions condemn what they do, and c) the argument using that falls deafeningly short when compared to the same application of logic to other religions.

nfl, just apologize and save face. You'll look smarter for it.
Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
John, again you're displaying what has become blatant stupidity on the subject. Whether or not the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the cause of current anti-Jewish sentiment in the Middle East and Muslim nations is irrelevant. The point is, and I have clearly stated this repeatedly, that the Arab/Muslim world is the single greatest center of anti-Semitic senitment in the world. All you have done is to turn comments about one subject into comments about another with no warrant. You never respond to any of the points or example I do provide which makes this whole argument we are having now irrelevant. Either somehow show why it is revelant or acknowledge its lack of revelancy to the actual discussion and drop it already. Maybe you should admit for once when you've been beaten on a point and just leave.

Brian, Poland has been home to anti-Semitic sentiment well before the word Nazi ever came to being. Considering that I haven't generalized at all and have specifically noted at each point that it wasn't all Poles that were vicious racists I think you're the one whose accusations are "baseless."
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
In case you didn't know, nfl, Nazis considered Polish people as Easters, and so an inferior race too. Not as inferior as Jewish, but still. If you really feel like insulting a country because of his history, do it with France : Frenchs traited the Nazis far better than Polishs did. [Roll Eyes]

[ April 20, 2004, 03:24 AM: Message edited by: Anna ]
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
However, there were still pogroms throughout Polish history and in fact so much hatred for Jews that for at least a time many Poles welcomed the Nazis with open arms
How many Polish people welcomed the Nazis with open arms? And I want very sound proof for that, too. If you cannot find an answer to my question, at least have enough gut to apologize. Otherwise, you will be quite rightly considered a troll.
Posted by fallow (Member # 6268) on :

Your questions will surely be answered here:

There is none other. The light which you seek burns in the bush of mediocre animation. The mumbling 'tard is your ward, sir.

Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Posted by John L (Member # 6005) on :
John, again you're displaying what has become blatant stupidity on the subject.
And yet I can back up every single claim I've made with historical fact. Every "fact" you've tried to use has been grossly incorrect revisionist "history" (I use the term lightly, because it doesn't apply to reality). The "blatant stupidity" here is your own.

Whether or not the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the cause of current anti-Jewish sentiment in the Middle East and Muslim nations is irrelevant.
This is where you exit the realm of reality, because the basis for the Israel/Palestine conflict has everything to do with it. Arabs don't hate Jews, they want Israel, which they view as the West encroaching in on them, to leave them alone. It has nothing to do with religion, and it's not "anti-Jew" as much as it is "anti-West." Your inability to comprehend this is your fault in misunderstanding the situation.

The point is, and I have clearly stated this repeatedly, that the Arab/Muslim world is the single greatest center of anti-Semitic senitment in the world.
Saying something repeatedly does not make it so. Instead, you decide to name names of those who have led minorities of Arabs against what is Israel, not Jews as a whole, for the distinct purpose of fighting against the Western influence that is inherent behind Israel (namely, US and Western European interests), not a religious war. Your inability to grasp this is a product of your ignorance.

All you have done is to turn comments about one subject into comments about another with no warrant. You never respond to any of the points or example I do provide which makes this whole argument we are having now irrelevant.
I told you your hsitory was wrong, and I explained it. You then name-drop in the effort to show error in my statements, when those very names support what I've been saying all along—that it's not a religious persecution, not antisemitism, it is a struggle against Western influence that began in the 1910s with European imperialism in the Middle East. Your inability to provide any accurate historical data to show otherwise illuminates your ignorance to the subject.

Either somehow show why it is revelant or acknowledge its lack of revelancy to the actual discussion and drop it already. Maybe you should admit for once when you've been beaten on a point and just leave.
Maybe you should stop hating Arabs and Poland so much for no reason, but I doubt you'll do that, either.

Brian, Poland has been home to anti-Semitic sentiment well before the word Nazi ever came to being.
No, it hasn't, and you've provided no proof to show it. I and others have already explained that it was imperialist regimes from other nations who had invaded Poland who mistreated other cultures. In fact, outside of Catholics, Jews have had the highest population numbers in Poland. A great many scholars of the Holocaust and the era surrounding it regarding Jews have been Jews from—dun Dun DUN—Poland. And they make no reference to Poland being a "home to anti-semitic sentiment" in their writings, with Germany and Rome (the city) being at the main focus of their works. Kind of odd, since you claim that you have somekind of proof otherwise (and yet cannot back it up).

Considering that I haven't generalized at all and have specifically noted at each point that it wasn't all Poles that were vicious racists I think you're the one whose accusations are "baseless."
No, those "baseless" accusations would be yours, since you can find no proof of antisemitic behavior in Poland outside of the incidents involving the actions of invading imperialist forces.

And as Anna and Kama have made clear, Poles themselves were not treated well by Nazis, which is why so many Polish Catholics were also killed in concentration camps. During the Nazi occupation, Polish Bishops and priests had the highest known number of falsified baptismal records to keep Jews alive and out of camps (the current pope was one of them at the time), even though Pius in Rome is recorded to have done very little, and the clerics in Germany actually encouraged enlistment into the Nazis. So, the Christians in Poland are well-known to have contributed to saving lives of Jews, where the Church either was silent or encouraged the hatred elsewhere. Your lack of understanding and basis in fact displays your ignorance more than I ever could alone. Your insulting tone towards Poland as a nation shows that you mean more insult than you are admitting to.

You need to take a chill pill and apologize, bub. I am someone who is studying in-depth the rough ride of Christian-Jewish relations over the years, with much recent research in the Holocaust, and I can assure you that if you want names of authors who back up what I say, feel free to ask. I'll even give you book references to further educate you to truth and fact instead of your baseless hate. I've been specifically holding off making a thread exploring some tragedies within the Catholic church regarding the Holocaust, because I'm now nervous you're going to twist that information and misrepresent fact in it, and I'm uncomfortable with knowingly contributing to hate. I'm all about accountability and frank and honest exploration of historical fact and context, but you seem to have a problem with selective hearing, reading, and understanding.

Just apologize, and all will be well. If you want books to look into, I'll be happy to provide them. Cut out the bullshit, though.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I hate doing other people's homework for them. I also think nfl is exaggerating some things, and being unnecessarily insulting and inflammatory.

However, so are John and Kama. You really want some links about Jewish history in Poland? Fine.

The heritage of the war years was a particularly tragic one for Polish Jewry. The rebirth of Poland, which many Jews had hoped for, was accompanied by a campaign of terror directed by the Poles (as by the invading Russian army in the early years of the war) against them. The Jews too often found themselves caught between opposing armies—between the Poles and the Lithuanians in Vilna, between the Poles and the Ukrainians in Lvov, and between the Poles and the Bolsheviks during the war of 1920. And it is probably no accident that the two major pogroms of this period, in Lvov in 1918 and in Vilna in 1919, occurred in multi-national areas where national feelings reached their greatest heights. The triumph of Polish nationalism, far from leading to a rapprochement between Jews and Poles, created a legacy of bitterness which cast its shadow over the entire interwar period. For the Poles the war years proved that the Jews were "anti-Polish," "pro-Ukrainian," "pro-Bolshevik," etc. For the Jews the independence of Poland was associated with pogroms. The legal situation of the Jews in independent Poland was, on the surface, excellent. The Treaty of Versailles, concluded between the victorious powers and the new states, included provisions protecting the national rights of minorities; in the Polish treaty Jews were specifically promised their own schools and the Polish state promised to respect the Jewish Sabbath. The Polish constitution, too, declared that non-Poles would be allowed to foster their national traditions, and formally abolished all discrimination due to religious, racial, or national differences. The Jews were recognized by the state as a nationality, something the Zionists and other Jewish nationalists had long fought for. There were great hopes that the Jews would be allowed to develop their own national institutions on the basis of national autonomy.

These hopes were not fulfilled. The two cornerstones of Jewish autonomy—the school and the kehillah—were not allowed to develop freely. The state steadfastly refused to support Jewish schools, save for a relatively small number of elementary schools closed on Saturday which possessed little Jewish content. The Hebrew-language Tarbut schools, along with the Yiddish-language CYSHO network, were entirely dependent on Jewish support, and the diplomas issued by the Jewish high schools were not recognized by the Ministry of Education. The Jewish schools were successful as pedagogical institutions, but the absence of state support made it impossible for them to lay the foundation for a thriving Jewish national cultural life in Poland. As for the kehillah, projected by Jewish nationalists as the organ of Jewish national autonomy on the local level, it was kept in tight check by the government. While elections to the kehillah were made democratic, enabling all Jewish parties to participate on a basis of equality, the government constantly intervened to support its own candidates, usually those of the orthodox Agudat Israel. By the same token the government controlled the budgets of the kehillot. These institutions remained essentially what they had been in the preceding century, concerned above all with the religious life of the community.

Far from barring discrimination against non-Poles, the policy of the interwar Polish state was to promote the ethnic Polish element at the expense of the national minorities, and above all at the expense of the Jews, who were more vulnerable than the essentially peasant Slav groups. The tradition of numerus clausus was continued at the secondary school and university level, efforts were made to deprive the "Litvaks" of Polish citizenship, local authorities attempted to curb the use of Yiddish and Hebrew at public meetings, and the Polish electoral system clearly discriminated against all the minorities. All Jewish activities leading toward the advancement of Jewish national life in Poland were combatted; the government favored Zionism only insofar as it preached emigration to Erez Israel, and in domestic politics tended to support the traditional Orthodoxy of Agudat Israel.

By the late 1930s the handwriting was clearly on the wall for Polish Jewry, though no one could foresee the horrors to come. The rise of Hitler in Germany was paralleled by the appearance of Fascist and semi-Fascist regimes in Eastern Europe, not excepting Poland. A new wave of pogroms erupted along with a renewed anti-Jewish boycott, condoned by the authorities. The Jewish parties were helpless in the face of this onslaught, especially as the disturbances in Erez Israel resulted in a drastic decline in aliyah.
Was this worse than the situation in Austria or Germany? Generally no. But claiming that there was not a LOT of Polish anti-Jewish sentiment is historic revisionism. And it went back to at least the 1600s.

When the Ukrainians decided to throw the Poles out of their land, a full-scale massacres of Jews began.

The year 1635 saw the first big explosion of violence in Ukraine against Poles and Jews. But this attempt at the revolution was crushed. It returned with new vigor thirteen years later.

This second rebellion, in 1648, which succeeded in freeing Ukraine from Polish rule, was led by a Ukrainian Cossack named Bogdan Chmielnicki. In large measure it was directed at the Jews.

Chmielnicki was one of the biggest anti-Semites in human history, on par with Hitler. His aim was genocide and his forces murdered an estimated 100,000 Jews in the most horrendous ways.

It's no wonder when Jews hear the word Cossack they break out in a sweat. These people killed 100,000 Jews and destroyed 300 Jewish communities in the most brutal way one could imagine.

Yet to this day Chmielnicki is considered a nationalist hero in the Ukraine, where they regard him as a kind of "George Washington." In Kiev there is a big statue in the square erected in his honor.

It is indisputable that before 1939 anti-Semitic attitudes existed in Poland, as did political organizations with anti-Semitic programs.
Despite such horror the Poles refused to give in or cooperate (there were no Polish collaborators as in other occupied countries). The Polish Underground or AK (Armia Krajowa or Home Army) was the largest in Europe with 400,000 men. The Jewish resistance movement was set up separately because of the problem of being imprisoned within the ghettos. Both these organisations caused great damage to the Nazi military machine. Many non-Jewish Poles saved the lives of thousands of Jews despite the fact that the penalty, if caught, was death (in fact, Poland was the only occupied nation where aiding Jews was punishable by death).

Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Rivka, I am the first person here to agree that there were awful, awful things made by Polish people to the Jews. I will admit, even though it makes me very sad, that there are many people with anti-semitic sentiments. Jedwabne is still an open wound and will take years and years to heal.

However, this is not the first thread in which I and my country are insulted by nfl.

He says many Polish people welcomed the Nazis with open arms, because they hated Jews so much. How do you propose I react to this?

He says Poland is the most anti-semitic place in the world. is there a way he can measure it? Does he have any proof? How do I react to this?

This thread is not about proving that there were crimes committed by the Polish people. This thread is about nfl being a troll.

Rivka, I am very sorry that you think that I need those links you provided and that I do not know my history. I know it very well, contrary to what nfl claims.

I don't see how I am being insulting or inflammatory.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
As I said, I think nfl is being offensive. And my links were more in response to John than to you.

As far as how to deal with slander, I would start by responding ONCE and then ignoring it. No point in feeding trolls. No need to have a thread that "calls him out" to defend the indefensible.

Just my opinion. [Dont Know]
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
I made the other thread weeks ago for him to answer my questions from Raia's thread, which I did not want to derail.

Rivka, I know I should ignore him. But I cannot stand that someone will read what he's saying and take it for granted.

[ April 20, 2004, 03:24 PM: Message edited by: Kama ]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*sigh* Yeah, I'm familiar with the problem. [Frown]

And I know why you started the thread. However, that's not how it's being used this week (admittedly, not by you). And you have the ability to prevent that (by deleting the thread). [Dont Know]

In any case, let me make it VERY clear that I do NOT agree with nfl's assessment of Poland's current environment (among other things I disagree with) -- and I have friends who have visited in the past 5 years.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
(as an aside, we don't really like Chmielnicki over here; and the sentiment was beautifully described in a nostalgic-historical novel called "By Fire and Sword")
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Really? Ok, chalk that up on the things-I-learned-at-Hatrack list. [Smile]

Is the book good? Author? I like historicals.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
The book is a part of a trilogy by Henryk Sienkiewicz, consisting of three parts:

"Ogniem i mieczem" (by Fire ans Sword)
"Potop" (Flood)
"Pan Wołodyjowski"

It is very well-written, and has been translated into English (I'm not sure about the English titles though)

The trilogy deals with the times when the Republic of Poland was still a world power - starting with the Ukrainian uprising led by Chmielnicki, through the Swedish wars, to the war with Turkey.

All parts were filmed, with "Ogniem i Mieczem" as the most recent - due to the problematic issues with Ukraine that it raises.

(Btw, I would love to show the movie at Jatraquon).
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Amazon has the first two:
With Fire and Sword
The Deluge

Aha! Found the third one: Pan Michael (Yikes at the price!)

And there's a guide too.

Oh, he wrote Quo Vadis! Is that the book the movie was based on?

Hmm, my library has The Deluge, but not the other two. Well, I'll start with that. [Smile]
Posted by John L (Member # 6005) on :
Rivka, The Deluge is on my buying list because of my aforementioned research. I don't recall if it still is, but it was banned literature in the Catholic Church in through most of the Cold War.

As for the other stuff, I'll address it when I get back home, but I do have to point out that with the exception of the WWII era, which was greatly influenced by two fronts (from the westerly direction—the Lutherian Church and the Catholic Church, as well as German "youth programs" set up to proselytize some specific propaganda), the instances in Poland's past have had to do with direct outside influences (or a specific church organization, which spread far beyond nationalism or political boundaries) when it came to the crimes against Jews in general. As with the rest of Eastern Europe, Poland does not have a snow-white past with regard to treatment of Jews, but nfl's statements are completely false, with only a minor basis in a revisionist historical view. In other words, he's creating an environment of victimhood where there is no need for one—there is plenty of evidence to show the blatant mistreatment of Jews going before the Common Era. Making these accusations about certain nations and regions of the world as dangerous to Jews—both in the past and today—is uncalled for and mis-applying history (and taking instances out of context).

Example: to date, Poland has the highest population of Jewish nationals of all Europe. Now, this was a problem before WWII, because religious segregationism was taking hold (Hitler took advantage of this), but during WWII itself, it was Catholic priests further away from the influence of Rome—like in Poland—where active resistance to Nazi occupation is recorded (and was sometimes discovered, often resulting in death of Polish Catholics).

I appreciate the links, though, because they give me more information about some specifics with Eastern European history. [Smile] There's plenty Western European stuff, but most of the Eastern stuff is either difficult for me to get hold of (limited budget and lack of scholarly resources here) or needs to be translated (I know someone who has translated some German stuff, I just have to get him to let me borrow the texts).

Thanks! [Big Grin]
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Yeah, of course. Let's help Leto get more fluent in Polish history than I am. [Roll Eyes]

Are you sure you mean the Deluge by Sienkiewicz being banned, though, John?

*needs to check this out*
Posted by John L (Member # 6005) on :
You're right, Kama. I was thinking of a different book. My bad.
Posted by Yank (Member # 2514) on :
Please, no more Poland-bashing or anti-semitism arguing. I don't think the name Bin Laden has been mentioned this whole page of the thread. I think we have better things to do than point fingers at our European allies. I was not personally very happy when Spain pulled their troops, but it's their blood, not ours. Let's focus on *what's* wrong, not *who's* wrong.
Posted by Morbo (Member # 5309) on :
nfl vs everybody-- it's like I never left.
Posted by luthe (Member # 1601) on :
Coke is better than Pepsi. If Bin Laden would come to understand this simple fact the world would be at peace. Then we could all link arms and sing that sappy song about giving the world a coke.
Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
John, try just shutting up. You manage to continuously quote me and every time ignore what I actually said or take what I said out of context. You still haven't responded to my most emphasized points about the irrelevancy of your arguments despite quoting passages where I mentioned it. That doesn't even resemble debating. Furthermore, again the cause of Arab/Muslim hatred of Jews does not matter within the realm of the debate because we are only discussing its existence, not how to get rid of it.

Again, I never said all Poles or all Arabs, but have at every point qualified my points by saying it was only some, a significant minority, but a minority. Just because there are a lot of Jews in Poland and the Middle East does not mean that anti-Semitism doesn't exist in those places.

Kama, you ask how you are supposed to react to the fact that Poland is the most anti-Semitic place in the world outside of the Muslim/Arab world. You should react by accepting that your country like all others is not primarily populated by saints. I would react in the same way if an African were to say he was uncomfortable visiting the U.S. because it has a long history of slavery and state sponsored racism. He might also add that although neither of those things exist today many Americans are still racist and acts of hate still occur today. While I might feel he would have nothing to worry about because such incidents are rare, he would be well within his rights to continue to feel uncomfortable about a visit. In the same way Poland has a long history of, if not slavery, then what could certainly be called state sponsored racism and currently has existing if not greatly reduced racism. This is why I do not necessarily feel comfortable traveling to Poland. Insulting your country would be me claiming that Poles are inferior human beings and I would never myself be in the company of one. That would be insulting and if I were to say such a thing I would deserve to be kicked off this forum and then some. To go further you should react to the statement that many Poles initially welcomed the Nazis in the same way that I would react to that same African saying that many Americans owned slaves. I would be sad that that is indeed the truth, but I am also forced to accept it as fact. You may not like it but the Jewish people have been used as a scapegoat throughout European history. Some country has to be worst, I didn't create a thread to start condemning Poland on this forum, but since Poland was the country in question regarding my potential trip I felt I needed to make my reasons clear for me personally feeling doubtful about a trip. Finally, you claim you don't need those sites Rivka provided, then explain why you denied those very things I accused Poland of because I didn't provide links of my own?

The only point I have tried to make in this thread or Raia's is that I personally don't necessarily feel comfortable making a trip to Poland even if Rivka's friends have visited Poland in recent years. I'm sorry that I offended anyone, but the truth can do that sometimes.

Yank, I'm not the one who sidetracked from bin Laden. I was only making the point that maybe bin Laden wasn't that stupid knowing the nature and history of European appeasement. It was Kama and John that decided to call me out on my feelings expressed in another thread. I hope we're done with this now because I'm willing to drop it so long as the others are.

Back onto the conversation, I think very simply what's wrong is giving into terrorist demands.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
many Poles initially welcomed the Nazis
This is a lie and you have no proof to back this up.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
So, in other words, you're not going to present any documentation of any sort to back up your claims, and tell people saying they will to just shut up?

Isn't nfl a Cedo-nym? [Evil Laugh]
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
I would be sad that that is indeed the truth, but I am also forced to accept it as fact.
Why? By what basis? Because you say so? You've made numerous claims that have been called into question, and offered zero rebuttal other than variations on the, "I said so, it's a fact," theme.

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