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Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
"The true mirror of our discourse is the course of our lives."
--Michel de Montaigne

Or better yet, help keep me from losing it. Please.

I graduate soon, and it is tradition to show a music-accompanied montage of the classmates throughout their years in residency. Given that I avoid cameras like the scarlet death, they have none of me, except for an ultra-goofy headshot in front of a men's room door. [Mad] [Curses. They only got it because it was a condition of employment, those ratfinks.]

Now I'm being pestered for shots of me. I'm hoping to convince the montager to just randomly insert a stick figure representation of me into the various group photos instead.

Would you help me find the best stickgirl to represent my true self? I'm leaving towards her, although I've very open to suggestions.

Thanks in advance, my trusty pals. [Smile]

[ May 23, 2004, 03:53 AM: Message edited by: ClaudiaTherese ]
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
too happy (but nice dreds)

too curly, but I like the wave action

way too Cheez-Whiz

neat, but too incindiary for the program

[ May 22, 2004, 11:10 PM: Message edited by: ClaudiaTherese ]
Posted by ak (Member # 90) on :
She looks great! I'm totally with you on this. I managed to avoid pictures for our company directory for 3 years. Can you tell them it's part of your religion? Is that possible?

edit: I like the first one best! That one is so you! [Smile]

[ May 22, 2004, 11:17 PM: Message edited by: ak ]
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
I should've thought of that one earlier. (Curses again.)

Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
I too dislike being photographed lest my soul gets trapped upside down in some lense. I like the curly waving one and the incindiary one.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
I like her, but is there one where her hands are down? She seems a little dumb with them up.
Posted by ak (Member # 90) on :
Elizabeth, she's goodnaturedly signaling "no pictures, please" [Smile]
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Perhaps, AK. However, she might be using her fingers to count.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
**DISCLAIMER** This is not me!

In my search for the perfect Stick Girl, Google Images somehow took me to this neat poem, [link deleted per request of jebus] Every Girl Needs a Cinnamon Stick. Be careful, though -- it is a nonsexual poem, but there is frontal nudity in the accompanying painting. Great use of color nonetheless.

Synth, I like curly wavy-girl too, but a picture so unabstracted feels too close to a photo. Still, she's cute.

[ May 24, 2004, 04:35 PM: Message edited by: ClaudiaTherese ]
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Well, Elizabeth, that whole "counting on fingers" thing might just be reflective enough of reality to work. *grin

Actually, ak and I had the same thought.

*becomes an akhead
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Ha ha.
Maybe she is saying, "Whoa, settle down. My bad." I kind of get that from her, too.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
I like the fact that she looks friendly, as in help-you-with-a-car-jumpstart friendly, but not so wishy-washy that you'd camp out at her house and eat all her nachos. Not, like, a co-dependent stick girl.

She looks like she'd run if you approached too fast. Hey, maybe I do want the flaming figure from the underworld. (*teeth-baring grin)
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Her left leg has some serious issues. Either that, or she is does a lot of ballet.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Theca, I just can't deal with my men's room shot over and over and over again. I hated the chief who took that shot (you can see it in the "get away from me/I'm going to throw up on you now" look in the eyes), and although I deal with its existence, I refuse to promote it.

No, the stick figure would be way more fun. And if her leg's out of joint, well, she can't run now, can she? *grin

PS: My options are to insert something of me (creepy men's room shot or stick figure) in several pictures that are already out there, or "sit" for a mess of new ones. *shudder

One way or another, I'd have to watch it over and over. Ewww. All right, that's it -- I just won't go. Haven't attended any graduations since junior high, anyway -- why break a winning trend?

[ May 23, 2004, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: ClaudiaTherese ]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I have a decent, fairly flattering photo of you, Sara, if you really need something.
Posted by Valentine014 (Member # 5981) on :
I totally understand your issues, CT. I have the same problem. I currently have two pictures I kind of like of me, and I think I've let a total of 10 people online see them.

But, I've always been curious as to what you look like. Any chance we could convince you to show us? [Dont Know]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
But, Val, they're really GOOD pictures of you.

I, OTOH, have no shame -- I have linked people to terribly unflattering pics of me. Repeatedly. [Dont Know]
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Why, thank you, Tom, but the apparent point of the exercise is to have many photos, shown in an agonizingly slow series with musical accompaniment, and -- regards of how flattering -- such a parade would give me the heebie-jeebies. Additionally, I loathe being the center of attention at ceremonies, even briefly. *makes gagging noises

Still, it would have been a nice dinner at the Monona Terrace, and I was going to ask you and Christy to come with me and David. [Smile] Could we maybe do La Paella's instead? That would rock.

Valentine, I'll get around to it eventually. Trust me, it's no great shakes. [Smile]

[ May 23, 2004, 03:27 AM: Message edited by: ClaudiaTherese ]
Posted by fallow (Member # 6268) on :


Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
How sweet, fallow. [Smile] You are excellent for the ego.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
First link doesn't like me. [Frown]

As far as the second pic goes, none of the batch is great (hey, it's pictures posed in front of a random door -- they weren't aiming for great) -- but it's not nearly as bad as you implied. And I finally have a vague clue what you look like! I'm visual -- verbal descriptions don't do much for me.

[edit: silly typo]

[ May 23, 2004, 03:54 AM: Message edited by: rivka ]
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
rivka, it isn't that it's bad, it just brings up (pun intended) all the weltering angst and terror of realizing that I was going to have to work for a bunch of beer-swizzling rabid sports fans who were, like, years younger than me. And I knew from the very first "social event" (canoing while drinking beer and listening to a football game on the radio) that this was High School Again, and it definitely Was Not My Thing. [Angst]

The first link should work now.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I think I understand. Context is everything sometimes.

And yay! I can see more pictures. [Smile]
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :

rivka, for you I will take many more, and then destroy them.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
You are very pretty.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Seeing as how Doc is quite foxalicious, reluctance to be photographed is a drawback only to oogling people like myself [Wink] .

I think your best shot is to go the religious route, although I don't think that'll work, actually [Frown] . At worst, perhaps you can take your own picture? That way, it's still a bad thing, but you've got some editing power over it.

Totally feel ya on the 'center of attention' thing. Just makes me feel weird.
Posted by ak (Member # 90) on :
I also want all pictures of me destroyed. I hate all pictures of me. I can't believe I've had two pictures of myself on foobonic now for a year, one which even shows my face!

I love your stick girl. This is a great idea. I think I will draw a stick girl doppelganger of myself and use her for all required photos from now on. Do you think the department of motor vehicles will take her? The passport office? Surely they must be made to see reason. I don't mind thumbprints if they prefer to use those. But just NO PICTURES!
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Walking down aisles and things makes me feel nervous and jerky.
I wish people would NOT take my picture when I tell them not to.Perhaps it's because I feel unsexy.
It was terrible being in Americorps knowing my picture would be placed somewhere for the whole world to see or being a poster child for school diversity at my old college.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
First of all, CT, what Hottie Hottingtons you both are!

I agree completely, and instead of stick figures, I am pushing for bourkas to be allowed for driver's license pics. First, I will push for Islamic women to be able to wear them, then I will argue that if they can have them, I can too, darn it.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Thank you so much for the kind compliments. I will take them, impeturbable, in the spirit intended. [Smile] (This is a spiritual exercise, and yay! I'm progressing. Go me. [Big Grin] )

ak and Elizabeth, let's make up a petition. Surely there must be some interest in the Stick Figure / Bourkha Movement. Can y'all come up with a catchy acronym?

[ May 23, 2004, 11:49 AM: Message edited by: ClaudiaTherese ]
Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
Just had one of those weird thoughts that had to be shared and can be safely ignored by others...

I was wondering if an alternate approach would meet your needs.

What would you think of buying a cheap wig fixed up to approximate your color and style?

Then get someone who could wear it and don some suitable clothes - hospital garb, etc.

Take pictures of the person only from the back - or at least with the face hidden from view.

The way I see it, the audience gets to laugh at pictures of "you" in which your face is never shown. YOU get to laugh at the audience because you're not in the pictures at all!

The above, of course, is tailored to my own warped sense of humor.

But at least I shared/unloaded the idea so that area of my mind now has room for other things. [Smile]

[ May 23, 2004, 04:23 PM: Message edited by: sndrake ]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I like that idea! No idea if it will work for CT, but I think it's both clever and [Evil]
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Ha! love it. [Smile]
Posted by jebus202 (Member # 2524) on :
Be careful, though -- it is a nonsexual poem, but there is frontal nudity in the accompanying painting.

Oh. My. God.

I can't believe you would link to a painting of breasts! There's a reason kids don't get to go to art galleries you know. No one wants that filth pushed on them.

I suppose as long as you stick a warning on it you think that's ok, well it doesn't. It only encourages curious ones to check the link.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
You have to understand, jebus, most of the people I interact with in any given day are naked, or at least mostly naked. At some point, being starkers is just no big deal.

Then again, most of the people I interact with have an assortment of tubes coming out of them, too. Want to see some cool tubes? *grin

(Actually, I thought the painting was beautiful. Was it really inappropriate? It seemed abstracted enough to be okay, and the focus did not seem to my eyes to be titillating at all. Again, though, I have a bit of a biased perspective.)

[ May 23, 2004, 09:19 PM: Message edited by: ClaudiaTherese ]
Posted by Olivetta (Member # 6456) on :

Hey, CT, would it preserve your soul to use a drawing? I think I could do a reasonable facsimilie of you in pencil. Of course I'm not that good, but it would be fun.

Only trouble is, I'd need to work from either a live model or a picture, which brings us back to square one.

Also, in my experience, those Hatrackers most likely to be camera shy are actually very attractive in person. It's the mediocre ones like me who are camera whores. [Big Grin]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Pfft. Olivet, I've SEEN pictures of you. MEDIOCRE?? No WAY!
Posted by Ela (Member # 1365) on :
(Actually, I thought the painting was beautiful. Was it really inappropriate? It seemed abstracted enough to be okay, and the focus did not seem to my eyes to be titillating at all. Again, though, I have a bit of a biased perspective.)
I thought the painting was beautiful and not at all titillating, also. [Smile]

Liked seeing your pics, too, girl. [Smile]

[ May 24, 2004, 10:22 AM: Message edited by: Ela ]
Posted by Olivetta (Member # 6456) on :
rivka-- I was going to say 'fugly' but even *I* know that's not truue. [Smile]

And Sara is stunning in person. She's just this wonderful presence that the images can't convey adequately. She's got the kind of personal aura that's just... I can't put it into words. She has this odd combination of uncompromising intellect and self-efacing gentleness. She can leave a person's unsupportable argument in tatters and still leave them feeling appreciated.
Posted by Ela (Member # 1365) on :
Psst, rivka, Olivet is beautiful in person, too, don't believe that camera whore stuff. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by slacker (Member # 2559) on :
I can't believe you would link to a painting of breasts! There's a reason kids don't get to go to art galleries you know. No one wants that filth pushed on them.
How was this pushed on us? Was there an onload statement that I somehow missed? I defintely don't have anyone running around the house forcing me to click on links.


Ok, sorry, that was a bit over the top, but c'mon, if you're that offended by it, click the sodding Report Link button and be done with it. Go to confessional, spank yourself, whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

BTW, most kids prolly don't go to art galleries because they're likely to be loud, fitful and won't be interested in it to begin with (then again, I'm under that last category, and I'm 24).

But thank you, jebus202, for trying to save my soul. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to decide on my own what to do with it (and I wouldn't have it any other way).
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
Still, it would have been a nice dinner at the Monona Terrace, and I was going to ask you and Christy to come with me and David. Could we maybe do La Paella's instead? That would rock.
And so it will be, because I really think you should go!

And I will even sit next to you and comfort you as you squirm from the pictures displayed. *smile* We do have several, you know, although I think Stephen's idea is a great one! This way, you could hand select the pictures.

This is the last event you will ever have as a resident! Besides, Melanie will be there, right? Selfishly, I'd love to meet her as well [Smile] and you can go out with a bang because you won't have to deal with any of this ever again!


*resists temptation to put up pictures of CT here for people to choose from* [Evil]

Edit for the silly too big party graemlin

[ May 24, 2004, 01:07 PM: Message edited by: Christy ]
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
You are adorable CT.
Show us a real pic of yourself!

Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
It's times like this I wonder if everyone is joking and I only caught the first joke...cuz I'm pretty sure jebus was joking.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
I'm pretty sure jebbie has seen much more than paintings of naked breasts... and didn't mind.


Of course he was joking, people. I mean, come on, it's jebus!
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
I'm not sure whether he was joking or not, but in the thread he started about it, he seems to be serious.

So, of course, I'm happy to delete the link, and I offer apologies all around. Neat poem about a snow-skier, though. [Smile]

[And I am delighted to concur that I am much more charming in person than any picture could convey. [Big Grin] ]

[ May 24, 2004, 04:41 PM: Message edited by: ClaudiaTherese ]
Posted by peter the bookie (Member # 3270) on :
I could, like, hold onto your soul for safe keeping.

Posted by Mr.Gumby (Member # 6303) on :
sheesh, you took one soul today.
Shouldn't you take a rest.

Edit: spelling

[ May 24, 2004, 04:46 PM: Message edited by: Mr.Gumby ]
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
*pulls out digital camera*

pictures and soul catching!

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