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Posted by Olivetta (Member # 6456) on :
Get your attention? Thought so. [Big Grin]

Some of you have heard about my possible editing job. Seems the grand master of the boy's martial arts school is writing a book. He's Koerean, and has been assisted in the task by a student of his. This student is obviously educated, but the text is unnecessarily wordy and complex.

One of the masters there has seen me blue-pencilling manuscripts while I watch class, so he talked to me about it on a couple of occasions, then asked me to talk to one of the other masters there.

Long story short, they gave me a few pages to edit, just to show what I can do. I usually average about 4 pages an hour, but this stuff called for significant re-wording and re-arrangement. Some of it would have been unintelligible to me if I didn't have a working knowledge of technical anatomical terms. It was unbelievable.

Ask mack-- I let her read some of the most hilarious bits.

Anyway, I brought it to them today, showed Christoph some of the major adjustments I had made, along with excising a lot of 'conversely's and such. That went fine. They just want something to show GM Choi, to convince him to get me to edit (which may be partly political, since this other student may be offended to have the book largely re-written by me, even though it is fairly inaccessible in its current form).

So then, Master "P" comes in and comments on how nice I look, asking if I was going somewhere. I said I was, as Ron had planned to take me back to the place with the Karioke tonight. But he didn't let it go.

"I can't get over how you look. I'm not used to seeing you dressed like that" etc. I was wearing a red turtleneck with no sleeves and a black skirt (it's actually a skort, but you couldn't tell by looking-- I like to wear it because it's comfy). I know I have dressed 'like that' before, if I was going somewhere before or after class.

The difference? I was wearing my knee-high boots. What is it about knee-high boots that is so much 'sexier' than, say, heels or strappy sandals?

He even went on to say something like, "If we introduced her to Grand Master Choi dressed like that, then we KNOW he'd hire her" *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*


Hel-LO! I thought I looked modest. The turtleneck was sleeveless, but it covered my whole shoulder; the only part of my legs that was showing was a strip just below the knee.

Men are so weird.
Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
you could be wearing a hazmat suit that ended in a skirt, but add knee high boots and you are instantly a sex kitten.

i wish i could wear boots *le sigh*
Posted by dabbler (Member # 6443) on :
I wanna own ho boots. I haven't quite found the right ones, yet.

I think we'll need photos to assess his comment, though, Olivet [Wink]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Men are so weird.
Sing it, sister!
Posted by Mabus (Member # 6320) on :
You complain about our reaction to knee-high boots, wear them anyway, and then call us weird? [Confused]
Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
You post all that and then no link?

Harsh, lady. That's harsh.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
I don't know what it is about them -- but I work in a predominantly male department, and these guys spend a LOT of time talking about a certain female in a neighboring department that always wears boots like that. They call her "Miss HB", which I thought for quite awhile stood for "high boots" but found out they were calling it "hooker boots".

Of course, she is also very attractive -- with or without boots. But the guys sure notice the boots.

Posted by Olivetta (Member # 6456) on :
I had never really noticed men's reaction to these boots before. I mean, I know Ron likes them, but he seems to prefer my high-heeled strappy sandals.

Well, this one time Ron commented that the man next door stared when we went out. I was wearing the calf boots, but I just figgered it was the miniskirt that got his attention. I know I have nice legs-- sort of makes up for having no breasts to speak of. [Smile]

It's true tha Ron likes to take me out looking a little tarty-- he's been known to send me back upstairs by saying, "Tartier." But that's okay by me. *shrug* and I do have REAL ho boots (the kind that come up to the thigh). Two pairs, in fact (though I don't recall ever wearing them in public [Big Grin] ).

But this caught me off guard. I really didn't see them as being particularly sexy. The toes are square and the heels very blocky. I got them because they reminded me of my mother's 'Gestapo boots' she got in Germany (but those had knee guards in front-- I wish I could find a pair like that, nowadays).

Anyway, it wasn't until yesterday that I realized it must be the boots, and absolutely nothing at all about me that made them act that way. It was sort of surreal.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Anyway, it wasn't until yesterday that I realized it must be the boots, and absolutely nothing at all about me that made them act that way. It was sort of surreal.
Isn't that sort of behavior fascinating? A while back I was eating in a restaurant when a group of guys sitting at the table next to me started elbowing each other and gesturing toward the door with their heads. I looked up, and saw that one of the plainest looking women I've ever seen--really, it was remarkable just how completely plain she looked; she had one of those faces and bodies that you can't remember 30 seconds after you stop looking at it because it's so unremarkable--had walked in. She was wearing said ho boots (I'd never heard that term until this thread; I'd always heard them referred to as "f*** me boots"), a fairly short mini-skirt, and a t-shirt that exposed her midriff. Oh, and she was wearing very, very red lipstick, and a fairly thick coat of mascara and eye shadow. The guys next to me were going absolutely nuts; obvious leering, lewd comments about how hot she was and what they'd like to do to her--that kind of thing. It was really obvious that they were oogling a costume rather than a person. They weren't even seeing the actual person that was there under the costume. It was...odd.

[ June 29, 2004, 10:23 AM: Message edited by: Noemon ]
Posted by Jenny Gardener (Member # 903) on :
Sexy Boots Rule [Party]
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Chris, as usual, strikes straight to the heart of the issue [Evil Laugh]

That said, you're right. I don't know what it is about boots that extend even close to the knee. *shrug* Hey, we're mysteries wrapped up in enigmas [Monkeys]
Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
Besides the boots themselves, there's also the walk. People walk differently in boots, their legs move differently, different muscles in the legs and butt jump around.

[ June 29, 2004, 12:11 PM: Message edited by: Chris Bridges ]
Posted by Jenny Gardener (Member # 903) on :
It's true! I generally stalk in my boots. Confident, swaggering strides. I walk taller and my hair gets swishier. I take up more space and I like it. I can look my husband directly in the eye, which makes him melt. I can do anything I want with him then. [Evil]
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Just a thought, I'm guessing maybe just maybe the aura of confidence exuded has something to do with this attraction.

What this calls for is a documentary on the lifestyles and habits of women in The Boots. Does anyone work for National Geographic?

Or possibly Maxim?

Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
*makes note to get ho boots*
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
[Frown] I was not built for ho boots.

But I have a nice rack to make up for it. [Smile]
Posted by kwsni (Member # 1831) on :
I need a pair of sexy boots.

Posted by Happy Camper (Member # 5076) on :
Not that my opinion really means anything in this particular discussion, but boots of any sort don't really do anything for me. I prefer sneakers, or barefoot. Casual and relaxed is wicked sexy.
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
Don't feel bad, Kat. I don't have sexy boots *or* a nice rack.

<---- Cheated
Posted by dabbler (Member # 6443) on :
oh that's what I need to get away with wearing a two-piece swimsuit.

no rack, so I'll wear knee-high boots with them!

[Big Grin]
Posted by Erik Slaine (Member # 5583) on :
Oooh! Knee-high boots.

Very sexy!
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
It was interesting. When my closet was still in a deplorable state (it's improved slightly) and Steve had more pairs of shoes than I did, we were discussing the problem with a friend of ours, who is a bit of a clothes horse. He has more pairs of shoes than Steve and I combined, and always looks reasonably trendy. He's not gay, he and his gf both just have tastes in shoes that Mrs. M would approve of.

But he said something similar that the one thing I should get to add to my closet to make the most difference was boots. Given that he knows my casual style (what little there is) he was thinking more like a medium height rather than the full on calf length but his reasoning was very much along the same lines, if not quite as extreme as with F* me boots.

Posted by Jenny Gardener (Member # 903) on :
Okay, I am doing experiments with Sexy Boots. I was feeling mildly low today, but I put on my Sexy Boots with jeans and wore that to class.

Instant Confidence. You just can't get down on yourself when you wear Sexy Boots. People look at you differently, you carry yourself differently. I guess it's like going without underwear - even if no one else knows, you do. And you think to yourself, I am Wicked Sexy!

And, as predicted, the hubby was melted upon my arrival home and I got everything I wanted.

So, ladies, I definitely recommend that all of you purchase a pair of Sexy Boots. Just make sure you use them wisely.

I plan on wearing them to my next interview.

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