This is topic A Verry odd "get to know you" survey in forum Books, Films, Food and Culture at Hatrack River Forum.

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Posted by unicornwhisperer (Member # 294) on :
So there are many surveys going around in the email world... and sometimes I have gotten the same ones over and over again. This time I've created my own and a very unusual one at that. [Big Grin]

Just copy paste and put your own answers. I will not make it too long of a survey.

1.Your favorite Mint? Spearmint

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
Comedic super hero movies (Mystery Men Incredibles) and fantasy

3. Favorite Homstar runner character? The Cheat by far

4. Favorite kind of video game?

5. Favorite way to travel?

6. Favorite vegetable?

7. Favorite kind of date?
ride horses and play tennis (not that Marlozahn ever likes to play)

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
Napolean Dynamite's Uncle... Jar Jar comes in a close second

9. Favorite Website?

besides ....

10. Favorite Chore?

Laundry.. not that I like chores that much

[ September 15, 2004, 02:17 AM: Message edited by: unicornwhisperer ]
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
1.Your favorite Mint? Assorted fruit Mentos.

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
Anything with whoever I'm currently obsessed with. But my obsessor is kind of broken right now.

3. Favorite Homstar runner character? StrongBad

4. Favorite kind of video game?

5. Favorite way to travel?

6. Favorite vegetable?

7. Favorite kind of date?
Dancing, though I'm not very good at it.

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
Stupid protagonists of various kinds. Especially emotionally overwrought hot girls.

9. Favorite Website?

10. Favorite Chore?
Cooking, especially baking.
Posted by unicornwhisperer (Member # 294) on :
[Blushing] yeah I think Hatrack is a given [Embarrassed]
Posted by Son_of_Priam (Member # 6411) on :
1.Your favorite Mint? Those weird Aspen mint things that are half chocolate half white mint gunk, I love those

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
Action movies, so long as they have a good story.

3. Favorite Homstar runner character? I likes the Cheat

4. Favorite kind of video game?
I loves me my Final Fantasy (even if X-2 was almost a slap in the face)

5. Favorite way to travel?

6. Favorite vegetable?

7. Favorite kind of date?
a day on the boat, with some "samiches" for lunch

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
Oh god there are too many to chose from.

9. Favorite Website?
I loves me my Hatrack too!

10. Favorite Chore?
Picking up the books that are scattered throughout my room because I find books I forgot I even had and have yet to read

[ September 14, 2004, 07:23 PM: Message edited by: Son_of_Priam ]
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
1.Your favorite Mint?
Some brand has this Rasberry Ice that's sort of minty...I like it.

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
Epics (LotR obviously; I haven't yet want to see Troy). Lately I've been seeing a lot of old musicals, and absolutely love those.

3. Favorite Homstar runner character?

4. Favorite kind of video game?
DDR is its own category. Also RPGs and anything story-driven. I cheated at Starcraft just to find out what happened to Kerrigan.

5. Favorite way to travel?
Airplane, definetely. Cars suck.

6. Favorite vegetable?
baby carrots

7. Favorite kind of date?
going bowling and playing video games. Or dinner and a movie. I'm not picky, so long as my date doesn't hit on anyone but me.

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
Julia Roberts's character in Mona Lisa Smile. "You shouldn't sleep with students--Not because it's wrong, but because I'll get jealous"

9. Favorite Website?

10. Favorite Chore?
Probably cooking. I loathe everything else.
Posted by Marlozhan (Member # 2422) on :
1.Your favorite Mint? Chocolate dinner mints

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
Sci-fi & Eighties. Put those two together and I love them!

3. Favorite Homestarunner character? Strongbad

4. Favorite kind of video game?

5. Favorite way to travel?
road trip with friends

6. Favorite vegetable?
broccoli (with melted cheese)

7. Favorite kind of date?
Ride huge roller coasters at Cedar Point!

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
Napolean Dynamite's Uncle was the coolest loser there ever was. Jar Jar sucks more than anyone can possibly suck. Padme sucks almost as much for giving him a vote in the Senate.

9. Favorite Website?
Seriouisly you guys, it's

10. Favorite Chore?
The kind that involve defragging [Taunt]
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
1.Your favorite Mint?

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
I like chic flicks (romantic commedies) and coming of age/family movies

3. Favorite Homstar runner character?
What's that?

4. Favorite kind of video game?
I don't play video games, but tetris on my phone and calculator is fun

5. Favorite way to travel?
in a car with my friends

6. Favorite vegetable?

7. Favorite kind of date?
I haven't had lots of them, but usually dinner or walking around town, movies are ok at a house but not theater, I like to talk.

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
pocohantas. Ick

9. Favorite Website?

10. Favorite Chore?
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
1.Your favorite Mint?

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
Any movie. But I guess I prefer sci fi

3. Favorite Homstar runner character?

4. Favorite kind of video game?

5. Favorite way to travel?
I don't particularly like to travel anymore. But I guess it's flying even though it's become an incredible hassel.

6. Favorite vegetable?
Iceberg Lettuce. (btw, snowpeas and zucchini are fruits.) If you include vegetable-like fruits, it would be Tomatoes.

7. Favorite kind of date?
I hate dating. I have a bf I never intend to be without so it's not an issue.

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
Any Ben Stiller character.

9. Favorite Website?
Yahoo. Boring, I know.

10. Favorite Chore?
Cooking/Cleaning the kitchen (If you don't think they're the same chore you shouldn't be in the kitchen.)

[ September 14, 2004, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: The Pixiest ]
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
1.Your favorite Mint? Anything with chocolate

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
If you are asking genre, I honestly don't know.

3. Favorite Homstar runner character?
Homestarrunner (with the double "r" [Smile] )

4. Favorite kind of video game?
Sims-esc, solitaire-esc, tetris-esc

5. Favorite way to travel?

6. Favorite vegetable?

7. Favorite kind of date?
reading a great book together

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
The CGI "cute alien" in Lost in Space (along the lines of Jar Jar) and the "slutty chick" in Wedding Singer come to mind

9. Favorite Website?
Uhhhhh, definitely Hatrack

10. Favorite Chore?
There is no way I have a favorite chore! By definition chores are drudgery. If I liked it, it wouldn't be a chore.
Posted by Allegra (Member # 6773) on :
1.Your favorite Mint? Spearmint

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
Romantic comedies, dramas, weird movies

3. Favorite Homstar runner character?Don't know what Homstar runner is.*feels stupid*

4. Favorite kind of video game?

5. Favorite way to travel?
Plane and/or me driving

6. Favorite vegetable?

7. Favorite kind of date?
Dinner at a cool resturant and walking around town. Day at the lake.

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
Too many to specify

9. Favorite Website?


10. Favorite Chore?

Posted by Taalcon (Member # 839) on :
1.Your favorite Mint?
Those chocolate mints that olive garden gives out at the end of the meal.

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
Stuff that makes me think afterwards.

3. Favorite Homestar runner character?
Strong Bad. Hands down.

4. Favorite kind of video game?

5. Favorite way to travel?

6. Favorite vegetable?
Eggplant (generally when accompanied with Parmesan)

7. Favorite kind of date?
The kind with me and a fun cute girl.

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
I really tried, but I can't think of one apart from Binks. There have been annoying characters who were meant to be annoying whose character I despised but applauded the performance (like Percy Wetmore in GREEN MILE).

9. Favorite Website?
Hatrack, Homestarrunner,, AICN

10. Favorite Chore?
Cleaning my room. Only because while I'm doing it I always end up finding cool stuff I forgot about, and then take a break looking at it.

[ September 14, 2004, 11:34 PM: Message edited by: Taalcon ]
Posted by Jess N (Member # 6744) on :
1.Your favorite Mint?
Starbuck's vanilla mints

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
I love classic movies, particularly film noir. I also love good (emphasize the word good) fantasy and sci-fi.

3. Favorite Homestar runner character?

4. Favorite kind of video game?

5. Favorite way to travel?
car(I've never been in an airplane or train)

6. Favorite vegetable?

7. Favorite kind of date?
Dinner, a good play and chat over coffee afterward (oh you mean for real, not imaginary. I haven't had a date in so long, I'm not sure I have a favorite kind of date).

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
All of Jim Carrey's characters (he makes me crazy).

9. Favorite Website?

10. Favorite Chore?
Cleaning my car--once I convince myself to do it. haha
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
1.Your favorite Mint?

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
Hmm... I guess intellectual snobby movies like Gahndi, Kundun, Koyaanisqatsi, The Man Who Wasn't There, and the like. But I'm still up for a good comedy too, and sometimes there's nothing like kicking back with a cold glass of milk and a little snack and watching a guy movie like Terminator.

3. Favorite Homstar runner character?
The Cheat

4. Favorite kind of video game?

5. Favorite way to travel?
Biking, no contest. [Smile]

6. Favorite vegetable?
Salad with blue cheese dressing

7. Favorite kind of date?
Like I care what we do, so long as we means Annie and myself. [Smile]

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
The wife of the cop in Falling Down

9. Favorite Website?

10. Favorite Chore?
Ummm.... does cooking count? If not, any sort of claning that doesn't involve liquids (like cleaning my desk as opposed to cleaning the kitchen).

[EDIT: I hit enter by mistake and too early]

Hobbes [Smile]

[ September 14, 2004, 11:52 PM: Message edited by: Hobbes ]
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
1.Your favorite Mint? Anything but peppermint

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
Pretty much anything that isn't a western

3. Favorite Homstar runner character? Strong Bad

4. Favorite kind of video game? Ones that involve shooting and/or very little coordination

5. Favorite way to travel? Hmmm, pretty much any way that gets me out of Dodge, but I had a really good time on a train once.

6. Favorite vegetable? Peas, no contest

7. Favorite kind of date? Shopping (meandering around some store, making fun of things) with a bonus movie or some ice cream

8. Most annoying movie character ever? Jar Jar is waaay up there, but there are others that I can't think of just now.

9. Favorite Website? The one that tells me I have money in my bank account

10. Favorite Chore? Taking out the trash
Posted by Human (Member # 2985) on :
1.Your favorite Mint? No Mint!

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
Comedies... or maybe something of the ilk of Last Samurai.

3. Favorite Homstar runner character? Strongbad!

4. Favorite kind of video game?
RPG, for example, FFVII

5. Favorite way to travel?

6. Favorite vegetable?
Corn on the cob!

7. Favorite kind of date?
Heh...haven't had one yet.

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
Mm...Jar Jar is close to the top of the list, but not quite. There's someone else...who I can't remember, of course.

9. Favorite Website?

10. Favorite Chore?

Mowing the lawn. At least it's exercise.
Posted by unicornwhisperer (Member # 294) on :
For those who don't know what homestar runner is here is the website:
I strongly recommend not checking out the intro [Angst]
Posted by littlemissattitude (Member # 4514) on :
1.Your favorite Mint? Peppermint

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
Almost any kind, but probably not westerns.

3. Favorite Homstar runner character? Don't know this reference.

4. Favorite kind of video game? Any that emphasize brain-power over hand-eye coordination (since I don't have any hand-eye coordination to speak of [Smile] ).

5. Favorite way to travel? By car.

6. Favorite vegetable? String beans.

7. Favorite kind of date? Dinner and conversation.

8. Most annoying movie character ever? The little sister in "Meet Me In St. Louis" - the one who keeps burying her dolls in the back yard.

9. Favorite Website?

10. Favorite Chore? Isn't that an oxymoron?
Posted by Vadon (Member # 4561) on :
Ach, might as well. I'm tired and ready for bed, as such I'm not writing the questions.

1. Junior Mints

2. Drama, Sci fi, or historical

3. Ahh nuts, I dunno I don't even like it that much. uhh... Pom-pom's dog.

4. Stragetic.

5. Train

6. Lettuce

7. Never been on one, I'll let you know once I can get a girl to go out with me.

8. Jar Jar is bad, but I'm going with Annikan in two.


10. Uhhh, I have a favorite? Wow I learned something new. Cook.
Posted by Pepek (Member # 3773) on :
Heheh... at least yours still makes a bit of sense... I think i'll post some of the survey questions I sent out into the email world in a bit here.. just give me a few..

-Jack Montague
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
1.Your favorite Mint?
Mint tea

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
Romantic comedy

3. Favorite Homstar runner character?
None, I dislike them all equally.

4. Favorite kind of video game?

5. Favorite way to travel?
by reading a book [Wink]

6. Favorite vegetable?

7. Favorite kind of date?
Something that that involves relaxing and talking.

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
I think I've blocked them out. [Wink]

9. Favorite Website? ties with

10. Favorite Chore?
None, I dislike them all equally.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
1.Your favorite Mint?
chocolate covered

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
any with a hot actor

3. Favorite Homestar runner character?
I'm not that much into Homestar

4. Favorite kind of video game?
adventure. The kind where you don't die

5. Favorite way to travel?
being driven by a good driver

6. Favorite vegetable?
carrot (but only raw. I hate cooked carrots)

7. Favorite kind of date?
The kind with me and a fun hot guy [Wink]

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
Dunno. I forget them.

9. Favorite Website?

10. Favorite Chore?
Cleaning the bathroom. Not the toilet, though.

[ September 15, 2004, 05:56 AM: Message edited by: Kama ]
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
1.Your favorite Mint? Eclipse (I have to have one after every meal, cuz I'm a freak like that) -- and they don't SELL them here!! [Cry]

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch? Anything except horror, but I love brainless romantic comedies. I also love pre-1960s, much to the chagrin of most people I know.

3. Favorite Homstar runner character? The whole establishment doesn't really appeal to me.

4. Favorite kind of video game? Um.. ones with characters and adventure and stuff... [Confused]

5. Favorite way to travel? Trains, I think!

6. Favorite vegetable? Hmm... I'm like a rabbit, I like just about anything... except cucumber.

7. Favorite kind of date? I haven't really had enough to have a favorite kind!

8. Most annoying movie character ever? Jar Jar Binks. (I didn't have a whole lot of time to think about this though)

9. Favorite Website? Hatrack! Well, that and my web-based e-mail. [Razz]

10. Favorite Chore? Um... either setting the table, or folding the laundry, I guess.

[ September 15, 2004, 06:08 AM: Message edited by: Raia ]
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
1.Your favorite Mint? They all taste the same to me..... kinda minty.

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
Comedys, then Sci-Fi

3. Favorite Homstar runner character? I don't do Homestar. Don't like it.

4. Favorite kind of video game? Strategy - like Age of Empires

5. Favorite way to travel? Drive myself

6. Favorite vegetable? Corn on the cob

7. Favorite kind of date? An outside activity, like hiking or fishing.

8. Most annoying movie character ever? Austin Powers - Mini Me?

9. Favorite Website? Hatrack

10. Favorite Chore? Feeding the pets.

[ September 15, 2004, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: Farmgirl ]
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
1. Your favorite Mint? Anything wintergreen. Mmm.... actually, I could use one right now.

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch? Anything but chick flicks.

3. Favorite Homstar runner character? None.

4. Favorite kind of video game? Definitely strategy, though racing is right up there.

5. Favorite way to travel? Airplane! I'd fly everywhere if I could.

6. Favorite vegetable? Broccoli. Preferably cooked with cheese.

7. Favorite kind of date? Yes.

8. Most annoying movie character ever? Because I don't want to consider this too much, I'm going go the easy route and say Jar-Jar, though early Anakin might top that...

9. Favorite Website? Hatrack, my email,, and but only when he tells me that he's done.

10. Favorite Chore? Laundry, because I like wearing clean clothes. Cooking is also fun.
Posted by unicornwhisperer (Member # 294) on :
FYI snow peas are deffinitely a vegetable. What distinguishes a fruit from a vegetable is that fruit have seeds (veggies do not). Peas don't have seeds... cucumbers do though. [Smile]

[ September 15, 2004, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: unicornwhisperer ]
Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :
By Jimminy, I am rivka.
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
Just copy paste and put your own answers. I will not make it too long of a survey.

1.Your favorite Mint? US Mint in Colorado. Just love the free samples.

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
Those private movies I make late at night involving unlowered neighbors blinds, an unwary cat, and a large anchovy flavored lollipop.

3. Favorite Homstar runner character? I like, you know, that one thing, not really a him or her, but, well, you know which one I mean.

4. Favorite kind of video game? Video Poker, but only when I've hacked the system and win lots of cash, but before the Vegas cops, or worse, the casino enforcers show up and end up hurting me in ways which are surprisingly not pleasant in any form.

5. Favorite way to travel?
Via flying saucer after I've been abducted, but hey, that's what I get for sitting alone in an field of crop circles, making rude gestures at the stars.

6. Favorite vegetable?
My uncle Herbert, but that is a long and disturbing story.

7. Favorite kind of date?
Those juicy dates they served at the last meeting we had in Iraq...I forget what their name is, but Osama ate to many of them and got sick and we all laughed.

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
Ever is a long time, both in the past and in the future, and since there are many people who think my life would make an interesting film, I'll have to say me, though I'm not on film yet, when I get there I will sure to be very annoying just to prove me right on this one.

9. Favorite Website?
There is this big old spider web hanging around the tools and old lady Lydia's corpse in the wood shed behind the bell tower. I go there and watch the webs all the time. I find it quite relaxing for some reason, and that reason will fully employ a team of psychologists for many years.

10. Favorite Chore?

Digging the graves. Some people really get off on cleaning up the gore, or putting up with the screams, but me, I really enjoy the digging. There nothing like getting dirt under your nails to really cleans out the blood that gets stuck there and no matter how hard you try, you just cant lick the dried blood out.


Some times, getting to know someone, isn't that great of an idea.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
1.Your favorite Mint? Any mint with chocolate. Kendal mint cake.

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
Anything but horror, and, unless I'm in a specific mood, super sad movies- I never thought about this.

3. Favorite Homstar runner character? Don't like Homestarrunner...

4. Favorite kind of video game?
Don't like video games, but I guess my favourite computer games are Age of Kings or the Sims, although I rarely play them.

5. Favorite way to travel?
Trains. I love to go on trains.

6. Favorite vegetable?
Mushrooms, maybe? Again, I don't have a favourite.

7. Favorite kind of date?
No idea. Never been on a date, at least not a date date.

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
I'll think about this and get back to you.

9. Favorite Website? makes me rediculously happy, but Hatrack is the only site I spend enough of my time at to consider it a favourite.

10. Favorite Chore?
Making the bed late at night? Then you fall into it and it's all soft and you're absolutely exhausted.
Posted by FoolishTook (Member # 5358) on :
1.Your favorite Mint? I hate mint.

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
Fantasy, historical, or any movie first released in the U.K.

3. Favorite Homstar runner character? Eh?

4. Favorite kind of video game? Uh....the first Tomb Raider?

5. Favorite way to travel? In my 1990 Geo Prizm

6. Favorite vegetable? Green beans

7. Favorite kind of date? April 15th-ish

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
Anakin Skywalker, in both Episode I and II. Yick.

9. Favorite Website?

10. Favorite Chore? Sweeping.
Posted by Wussy Actor (Member # 5937) on :
1.Your favorite Mint? Cinnamon Altoids. They're curiously strong.

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
Anything by the Coen Brothers, Wes Anderson, or P.T. Anderson

3. Favorite Homstar runner character? No idea what the crap Homstar runner is.

4. Favorite kind of video game?
First person shooter. Especially Medal of Honor.

5. Favorite way to travel?
Airplane and rental car baby.

6. Favorite vegetable?

7. Favorite kind of date?
The zoo.

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
OK I know its not a movie, but John Lithgow's character on 3rd Rock from the sun made me want to beat myself about the head and shoulders with a sack full of pennies.

9. Favorite Website?
The Onion, but Hatrack gets more of my attention.

10. Favorite Chore?
Laundry. Its no fun to do it, but freshly laundered socks are one of life's great pleasures. Plus, sometimes you find money.

[ September 15, 2004, 06:42 PM: Message edited by: Wussy Actor ]
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
1.Your favorite Mint?
Wintergreen Altoids... yummie [Smile]

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch? Just about anything, save horror and romantic comedies, there are some I'm ok with (and even like [Eek!] ), but most I can't stand.

3. Favorite Homstar runner character?
I hate Homestarrunner... I don't see what everyone sees in it. Eh, to each his/her own.

4. Favorite kind of video game?
RPG (especially MUDS) or stradegy. FPSs are also a lot of fun, but can get boring and frustrating after a while.

5. Favorite way to travel?
Planes... I love the feeling you get at take off the intense acceleration, then that feeling in your stomach as it leaves the ground. And landing is fun too [Smile]

6. Favorite vegetable?
Hmm... They're all pretty good, I eat carrots a lot when I've got nothing better to munch on.

7. Favorite kind of date?
I don't really know, I've only ever had one girlfriend and we're more likely to hang out at one or the others house watching movies and playing board/video games than to go on 'dates'... when we're in the same town anyway

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
Jar Jar Binks is definately up there... *thinks* *thinks* and is the only one that comes to mind atm.

9. Favorite Website?
Hatrack is one of them, but also:
My muds website [Big Grin]

10. Favorite Chore?
Cleaning my room... Its so much fun to find all your old junk an dthen its so much fun to have the room all organized... and then tear it to pieces again o:)
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
... So ... do we get like a 4 letter personality description now?

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by IvyGirl (Member # 6252) on :
1.Your favorite Mint?
Thin Mints [Big Grin] Chocolate, cookies, and mint. Gotta love it.

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch? Anything, but I love comedies, as long as they are really stupid. Johnny English, for one, is not a movie I'd ever finish.

3. Favorite Homstar runner character?

4. Favorite kind of video game?
Any. I'm not really partial.

5. Favorite way to travel?
Road trip! With friends only, of course.

6. Favorite vegetable?
I love all vegetable practically. If I had to pick just one, I'd probably say either shredded lettuce or potatoes. Yum.

7. Favorite kind of date?
I don't know...maybe a movie and a walk around a park or on a country road or something. But not dinner. I hate eating in front of people.

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
Johnny English definately is up there. I'd have to think a bit for another.

9. Favorite Website?
Hatrack obviously. Other than that, not really a lot of sites I go to.

10. Favorite Chore?
Taking care of the animals, definately. That has to be the best chore in the world.

Posted by Toretha (Member # 2233) on :
1.Your favorite Mint? calamint flowers. They're really yummy!

2. What kind of movies are you likely to watch?
fantasy and comedy type stuff

3. Favorite Homstar runner character? never been. My shame is deep.

4. Favorite kind of video game?

5. Favorite way to travel?
sailing, scooting or by train. All are equal.

6. Favorite vegetable?
i guess potatoes don't count, so....carrot.

7. Favorite kind of date?
with someone i like. [Razz]

8. Most annoying movie character ever?
Melanie in Gone with the wind!

9. Favorite Website?

10. Favorite Chore?
watering the plants. Or cooking.

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