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Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
I went and picked up me copy of fable like.... ten minutes ago... and i must tell you.... for the eight minutes of game play I've experienced... This game is Godly.
I never thought i would have sexual thoughts about a video game before....
But i realize I am now.

[Hail] to Fable.
Posted by dabbler (Member # 6443) on :

A friend of mine is also intending to grope her TV until she's done playing with it. I also intend to watch [Wink]
Posted by ghost of xnera (Member # 3920) on :

You must tell me if it's good! I read an article about it back when I was dating my geeky boyfriend with all the consoles, and the article so captivated me that I've been looking for the game to be released, even though I have no means to play it! (I am a silly, silly girl)

[ September 15, 2004, 10:11 AM: Message edited by: ghost of xnera ]
Posted by dabbler (Member # 6443) on :

I heard it came out yesterday. Shame I don't have a console to play it on either. But as I said, I intend to watch some of it at least.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
I have no Xbox.

I don't plan on buying an Xbox any time soon.

I'm still excited about this game.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
*cries into his empty, fly-eaten wallet*
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
For those of us who didn't have a clue what was going on, Fable .

Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
like I said... I'm gonna make love to this video game before the day ends.. I just know it.

[Hail] to FABLE!
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Wow, this game appears to come very close to mimicking real life, with the amazing attention to detail. In fact, one would wonder why one can't get the same satisfaction from real life.

*goes outside for fresh air*
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
Because in real life, you can't hit the power button and start over. And your control over who and what "you" are is more limited than what this game offers.

It's part of the reason geeks and freaks turn to sci-fi and fantasy to begin with.

Posted by dabbler (Member # 6443) on :
Because you're not supposed to steal in real life, but you can steal in Fable.

Or kill people. Or buy a house and set up a shop. Or have three wives in three different towns.
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
See, I made a weird self-discovery while playing Harvest Moon. I realized that the key to doing anything fun in the game is to hurry up and do your chores early so that you get paid on time and have spending cash. It also helps to have a schedule and do everything right on time, bang, bang, bang, so that you have time at the end of the day/season for the fun stuff.

Then it occured to me that I was doing the same monotonous chores "day" after "day" such as get up, hug dog, feed cows, milk cows, brush cows, feed chickens, brush horse, water veggies, harvest veggies, get honey and apples, and go to bed. Then I would start the whole process over again.

Then I compared the fun of Harvest Moon to my own life, and realized that if I could apply that same "chores first" mentality to my own life, I'd much more enjoy the fun stuff I get to do and goals I reach when it's over, not to mention I would reach the goals faster.

Of course, the result is that I have less time for video games. [Big Grin]
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
heh. I like the coolness of Fable.
Like... you can walk over the same spot of green grass over and over and over again and soon, it'll turn brown. Or you can stay out in the sun too long and get sunburned... or you can eat too much and get fat.
[Hail] to FABLE!
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
To be perfectly honest, it sounds like my kind of game. But, like Bev said in the Sims thread, I can't play it or my life will suffer. (Actually, I believe she said her kids would die. [Smile] )

[ September 15, 2004, 12:36 PM: Message edited by: PSI Teleport ]
Posted by JaimeBenlevy (Member # 6222) on :
I am totally asking for this for Chanukkah. Then I'm so going on the evil side [Evil]
Posted by Marlozhan (Member # 2422) on :
So, has there been any talk for Fable on PC? [Big Grin]
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
Just thinking the same thing, Marlozhan. I actually started a thread at my site to convince me to buy a console so I can try this out. The Xbox would be the one I'd least like to get though...
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
So with the attention to detail, do wife 2 and 3 ever notice your slackening vitality, wise up, and come after you with a box cutter?
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
not box cutters, no.. but the will divorce you, if the laws of that certain town say you have to be monogomous. This can be stretched, though. Say you're a tirant. Or a dictator. Or eveil beyond all belief. You can have like... 38 wives in the same room and although they'll fight each other for your affection, they'll never come after you because, after all, you're evil as hell and you can kill them eassily. They don't want that. And each wife is different. Sometimes you'll find out that THEY'RE cheating on YOU.
Endless possibilities.

I bought an XBOX solely for Fable. Yeah, Halo is fun and so is Knights Of The Old Republic. But i got one for Fable.

[Hail] to FABLE

[ September 15, 2004, 02:23 PM: Message edited by: Turgan ]
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
Ya know, I'm more than a little scared.

Posted by Pepek (Member # 3773) on :
I don't know why but I can't seem to stop connecting this game with Link and the Zelda games..

How much can you change the character's beginning looks and such? and name? - I'm really interested about those kinds of options in the beginning.. can you die from old age?

-Jack Montague
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
Yeah, I'm thinking of getting an x-box just for Fable too, but I would probably also get KOTOR, HALO, Panzer Dragoon, and maybe DOA just so Fable isn't alone.
Posted by Pepek (Member # 3773) on :
good choices..

-Jack Montague
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
At this rate, looks like Better Than Life will be out soon...
Posted by JaimeBenlevy (Member # 6222) on :
If I get this game I'm becoming supreme ruler of the universe! But seriously, is that possible in this game? How endless are the possibilities?
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
ok ok ok.
Yes... you can die of old age... the game starts when your like.... 15... or something....
You can become supreme ruler of the WORLD... not the universe.... or you can be a store owner.... or you can be a small time hero... you can be a nobody...
Seriously... you can do just about anything.
Read up on it, guys.
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
I was thinking of buying an Xbox for Fable, but I wouldn't buy any other game. I think it'd be a waste of money.
Posted by prolixshore (Member # 4496) on :
For a really long time I avoided buying an x-box just so I could play halo because that was the only game I really wanted. I convinced myself it wasn't worth the money (although with all the time my friends have spent playing halo, it probably would have been) Now there is Fable and soon to be Halo 2. Why must x-box tempt me so!

Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
Posted by fil (Member # 5079) on :
Whether not a Buffy fan, the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer game on Xbox was awesome! I had bought the system just for that (geek, I know). It has great controls, cool story and amazing gameplay. Even non-Buffy fans that played it had a good time with it. The "cheat" codes that allow player vs. player in the game were even more fun. I sold my Xbox a year ago but now regret it. This Fable sounds cool...unless it will come out for PC, in which case...feh. Got KOTOR on PC and was fine with it and Halo, while great for console, has nothing on the PC team shooters like Unreal Tourney or Battlefields 1942. Still...craving the Buffy game again and then Shenmue I am told is cool...


*starts counting pennies


[ September 16, 2004, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: fil ]
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
You don't have to be a Star Wars geek to enjoy "Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic" It's actually really friggin fun. As well as Spiderman 2 and the GTA's... but the last two options you can also get on PS2.
However, there IS Halo and Halo 2 and Fable and Knights Of The Old Republic AND BMX XXX and DOA Volleyball. The last two are mostly for guys. heh heh.
Posted by Wonko The Sane (Member # 2945) on :
Thinking about buying an xbox and wanted to know what you need to play Fable. (do you need to buy a memory card or does it save to the HD...etc) Trying to spend as little money as i can.
Posted by the master (Member # 6788) on :
so, like, does everyone get called chicken chaser, or did bill manage to earn that nickname by kicking chickens?
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
uhm... to play fable.. you need to buy an XBOX... and have a t.v.
What people who've never had an xbox don't realize is you don't NEED memory cards. The xbox is exactly like a computer. you're games are saved on the console.
Posted by Vána (Member # 6593) on :
You know, I actually want to play this game.

But, since you saw my husband up there crying into his empty wallet earlier...I guess I'll have to wait. [Frown]
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
I've resorted to living vicariously through others.
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
start pawning stuff.
Posted by the master (Member # 6788) on :
That Northwest Smith guy really pisses me off. I'm so glad he doesn't post here.
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
Almost as much as TheTick. Hey, wait a second...
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
What people who've never had an xbox don't realize is you don't NEED memory cards. The xbox is exactly like a computer. you're games are saved on the console.
I've never owned an X-Box and I knew that.
Posted by JaimeBenlevy (Member # 6222) on :
This game is awesome, just rented it, but it doesn't have as much freeplay as I expected. Anyways, how do you change weapons, I old the sword you start out with and I bought a new one and now I'm stuck with my stick, how do I change to my new sword?
Posted by the master (Member # 6788) on :
how do I change to my new sword?
Press the back button. This will pull up a menu with "Equipment." Select that then weapons, then melee weapons, then your new sword to select it. This is also how you change outfits (including armor).

If you pick up books, to read them go to your logbook (also in the back button menu) and select books.

Need to get more experience? There's a spell you can purchase that will cause damage points to be taken from will instead of health. When people hit you and you're using this spell, it doesn't drop your experience multiplier. Bill's gotten into the 30's this way. The spell lasts until you run out of will or recast it. Your will won't regenerate while the spell is active, but you can still take will potions to replentish it.

Also, the potions that give you 100 exp. points in a specific area are affected by the multiplier. That's right, if you take one when you're at a multiplier of 20, you get 20,000 points. The multiplier still starts dropping fast as soon as you stop hitting things, but since you aren't taking damage, you can afford to flip through your menu and take a few potions.

I am well on my way to becoming a dark jedi.

[Evil Laugh]
Posted by Little_Doctor (Member # 6635) on :
[Cry] [Cry] [Cry] [Cry] [Cry] [Cry] [Cry]

.................... [Frown] ....................
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I suppose Dark Jedi WOULD exploit bugs. [Smile]
Posted by the master (Member # 6788) on :
i don't think that's a bug. just attention to detail. a bug is that there's a cap on how much money a property can make, but when you teleport into a city, it calculates as though there isn't.

oh, and the high for bill's multiplier is now 50.
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
I want to buy it...but I know I have way to much work to do in the next month...and I don't want to get sucked in. I'll likely buy it in november when things will calm down a bit.

Of course then Halo 2 will be out.
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
Halo 2...*drool*

Posted by J T Stryker (Member # 6300) on :
[Cry] I beat it [Cry] the game's too short [Cry] and there isn't as much free play as morrow wind [Cry] I hope Halo 2 isn't this dissapointing [Cry]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
How do you people DO that?

I've only beaten a few games: Top Gun, Caesar II, Caesar III, and Starcraft.
Posted by J T Stryker (Member # 6300) on :
Sleep is optional, thats the key to beating videogames.
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
in the game or in real life?
Posted by J T Stryker (Member # 6300) on :
Real life.
Posted by the master (Member # 6788) on :
Bill beat it Monday night. Now he's going around trying to become a land baron. He's so good it's disgusting.
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
wow... if bill really told you he beat it, he's lying.
of course, he may not be... you beat it when you die, really... most people wanna die of old age... but in order to do that you have to play it for 475 hours straight.
(475 hours of gameplay is ALOT)
And you technically only really BEAT it when you've done everything that can be done.
Posted by the master (Member # 6788) on :
Oh ffs, he beat the main plot line. I saw the end credits. Obviously he hasn't done everything in the game.
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
I get ya.
forgive me for being an ifiot (if you do, you'll always be forgiving me)
Is the game really that short???
Dammit.. that sucks...

[ September 23, 2004, 09:29 AM: Message edited by: Turgan ]
Posted by the master (Member # 6788) on :
The main plot is, but there's so much to do it doesn't really matter. I've only done the first 2 quests because I'm busy with other fun, non-plot stuff.
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
kinda like Marrowind.... except... not...
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
Marrowind sounds like a bone disease. [Wink]
Posted by Derrell (Member # 6062) on :
I just started playing it yesterday and I've already spent so much time playing that my thumb hurts. I love this game. [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
It is a fairly fun game.


Chicken-chaser is the default title (you probably figured that out)-- you have to buy a new title to get folks to stop calling you that.

Was anyone able to beat the Apprentice's time running to the Demon Door?
Posted by the master (Member # 6788) on :
Bill did.

And, yes, we did find the guy selling titles. He's now piemaster and I'm arseface.

"Give us a smile"

Though my favorite line of the game so far is in the third plot quest. Whisper said, "You really like killing Hobbes, don't you?"

Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
How did Bill do it? I must have run back and forth to that stupid door for thirty minutes. . .
Posted by the master (Member # 6788) on :
Obviously, he spent 31 minutes doing it.

(I have no idea, I didn't see that part because I was on the phone with AJ and managed to completely miss his childhood after the village burned down)
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
Hey, I have a problem with my xbox. The problems actually been around for a long while, but it's only now affecting game play seriously.

When i got the dvd plug in, and began playing dvds, i noticed that whenever i paused a dvd for too long and started it playing again, the disc would mess up and freeze and i'd have to turn off the xbox to get it to work again.

Now what's happening is that when i'm playing fable, if i go to an inventory screen for too long without doing anything, or have been talking to a merchant, or even sometimes when i go from one area to another that needs to be loaded, and run rather than walk through the gate, the game will skip or freeze up and tell me i have a damaged disc, which obviously isn't the case.

I've already lost data on my game multiple times and have now taken to saving any chance i get, but it's annoying. anyone else ever have this problem with their xbox?
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
I DID have that problem, yes. Or one similar to it. I went to you can probably go wherever it is that sells used Xbox's in you area, if you don't have a gamestop, and they looked at it and said the only thing they could do was buy the Xbox from me and give me a discount on a new or used one... but they said I should call customer support. I did right there from there store and the guy on the other side said I would have to send it in and wait while they fixed it and send it back. A two month process. I didn't. I bought a new one.
So it depends. Do you have patience. Or not?
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
damn. no i don't.
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
My advice?
Sell it to gamestop or the like... game crazy or some other gaming store like that...
Don't tell them the problem with it, though. As long as it can run for five minutes, they don't give a rats ass.
Buy a new Xbox. NEW. Try not to get one used. and there you go.
Yes, you have to spend like an extra 140 bucks... but you just have to ask if it's worth it.
I think it is.
Posted by ? (Member # 2319) on :
I beat the race to the door and back. It took me about three tries. I also just passed the main story. I'll start again in a few days and try to do all the side quests.

People call me Strider in the game and I have 3 wives in different towns.

Does anyone else find that it's easiest to fight with a bow? I'm not a fan of the using the sword and I haven't really used magic that much.


[ September 24, 2004, 11:15 AM: Message edited by: ? ]
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
I hate long distance fighting unless it's a shooter game. I must fight with the sword. Must must must must...
You have three wives.. but do you own a deli?
Ownb yourself a deli... three wives... and have a couple of different jobs.
You guys are weird... i thought I stayed up nights playing games...
Hell, I satyed up for three nights straight playing Black And White. I collapsed from exhaustion right there on the keyboard.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
I like using the bow, just as a personal preference. I'm digging magic, though.

I got my wife to play the game. She stayed up until midnight playing it.

[Big Grin]

I am married to the coolest woman in the world.
Posted by prolixshore (Member # 4496) on :
I've hardly touched any magic, and I barely use the bow. I am just a smash em up kinda guy!

Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
Yes, you have to spend like an extra 140 bucks... but you just have to ask if it's worth it.

given that new xboxs sell for $150, are you telling me they buy old ones for $10?
Posted by the master (Member # 6788) on :
I can't fire fast enough to use the bow effectivly against a group of combatants. But I can lightning the stuffing out of them.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
Posted by ? (Member # 2319) on :
Multi-arrow is the only magic I have really used. My longest chicken kick is something like 26.

Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :

given that new xboxs sell for $150, are you telling me they buy old ones for $10?


Nope... but you sound like one of those "I'm hungry... let's order 5 ex-large pizzas"... hell... I'm one of them too... So i factored that in...
Depending on where you sell it and the condition it's in... they'll buy it for anywhere from 40 to 100 bucks.
I sold mine for like 89 bucks or something.
Posted by darksk8er606 (Member # 6882) on :
in fable everything u do changes who u become and that is really cool i still have 2 get a it

Posted by darksk8er606 (Member # 6882) on :
you can buy old ones that work form eb games for a $120
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
Posted by darksk8er606 (Member # 6882) on :
[Hail] to eb games and fable
Posted by darksk8er606 (Member # 6882) on :
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
I'll grant the lightning is cool - the multi-arrow looks like the Robotech Mecha School of Archery. [Big Grin]

Posted by raventh1 (Member # 3750) on :
It was quite shorter than I expected, but Lionhead has redeemed themselves for that so called game named Black & White.

I'm at the very end, wrapping up all the quests I haven't finished yet; I also hear that if you wait through the credits you can still play afterwards...

I will play through again being evil this time.
but that only really will amount to about 20 hours playtime for me.
My longest chicken kick is 33 something.

[ September 25, 2004, 01:20 AM: Message edited by: raventh1 ]
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
you didn't like Black And White????
*slaps your face and chest and himself*
It makes me have sexual dreams...
[Hail] to Fable
[Hail] to Black And White
[Hail] to Gamestop
[Hail] to EB Games
[Hail] to XBOX
[Hail] to the adult film industry
[Hail] to OSC
[Hail] to ME!!!!
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
You are a strange, sad little person.
Posted by beatnix19 (Member # 5836) on :
This game is amazing! I was really torn between this and SW:Battlefronts. I was very disappointed with morrowind and was worried Fable would be the same but I absolutely love it. SO glad I bought it. Got it last night and played until 2:30. Got up this morning and have been playing since 8:30. Just thought I'd take a break to post how freakin' sweet this game is.
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
Well, no DUH, Tom.
Posted by beatnix19 (Member # 5836) on :
wow, I have officailly wasted an entire day. I haven't done this in a while. I feel like a bum. Stupid, awesome, wonderful game.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I couldn't play black and white because you were required to slap around your creature.

Couldn't do it. Made me feel bad for it.
Posted by JaimeBenlevy (Member # 6222) on :
I was very disappointed with morrowind and was worried Fable would be the same but I absolutely love it
Ugh I'm the exact opposite, I think Morrowind is still the reigning champion of RPGs while, sorry guys, Fable was pretty dissapointing. I mean, I beat the main quest last night and then I had to return it so that's all but it just didn't seem as elaborate and have as many details as Morrowind did. That's just what I thought.
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
Marrowind is on kick ass game.
Posted by Little_Doctor (Member # 6635) on :
I've been pretty hooked on X-men Legends for the last few days. It's apretty awesome game.
Posted by beatnix19 (Member # 5836) on :
Don't know why I didn't like morowind. Just couldn't get into it. where as with Fable, I can't put the stupid controller down. Just, oh wait...


Realeased mom. OK, that's probably all...

End Spoilers.....

I've been kind of bouncing back and fourth betwen main story line and fun side stuff. I have no idea how much is left but I'd guess I'm fairly deep into it. My stats are all about half full so hopefully there is still a bit left. I noticed a funny thing. After all the crap my wife and I have gone through in real life I notice my caracter has become a bit obsessed with catching wife number one cheating. [Smile] I think she is. She just isn't all that freindly towards me. maybe she found out about my other wives. hmm....

but anyways, this game rocks and I have midterms due tomorrow and I still haven't started grading my stack of papers yet. STupid game!!! [Smile]
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Can anyone tell me why it's rated M?
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
Apparently the character can woo maidens or longshoremen, depending on your taste.

Most of the reviews I've found say the specific reasons for the rating are found on the box itself.

Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
So would it be appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
I haven't played it yet or I could determine that myself. [Smile]
Posted by Little_Doctor (Member # 6635) on :
A mature 13 year old. Hence the rating "Mature".
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Then no. [Smile]
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
From what I've seen, I'll second the "not for a 13 year old."

Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
As of yet I've not let him play any Mature rated games. Mainly because [Eek!] .
Posted by Mr.Funny (Member # 4467) on :
Fable's rated M?

Darn, that completely ruins any chances of me getting it.

It will go the way of the Halo. Someplace other than my place. [Grumble]
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
Fable is rated M because of Patience, believe it or not. There's no nudity but there is alot of fighting. Tell me, Tammy... what all games does this 13 year old have?

For instance.... Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct and stuff like that are WORSE than Fable... so if he has those and he's not allowed to have Fable, might as well get rid of those games, too.

There is some harsh language. Things like "Damn" and "Ass" and "Hell".
But I don't think there are any F-Bombs on it.

My thought... if you would let your 13 year old come on this site as a regular member and have no problem with him reading everything here, he's probably OK with Fable.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Actually, I'm pretty sure it's rated M because, once your character is married, you can have marital relations with your wife. They don't show it...but they do provide a soundtrack (though not a terribly explicit one, certainly not something a 13-year-old should experience, imho).
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
Um. . . no one thinks


the frescoes depicting the sacking of Oakdale and Theresa's blinding and misery are worth a Mature rating?

[ September 27, 2004, 10:21 AM: Message edited by: Scott R ]
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
I don't know about that Megan.. but I wouldn't doubt it...
BUT.. however... if that is the case... then if you're kid has a game called "The Sims" might as well take that away from him because you can do the same thing. Same as Xeno Gears.
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
I think it depends on the parent - I was exposed to some pretty risque stuff at 13, but I can't say that I'd do the same thing with my kids.

Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
that would also be the case.
My parents were way too strict.
I can say from personal experience that me not being allowed to watch jaws and jurrasic park and what not caused me to have a certain hatred from my mother.
I don't even talk to her now that I'm out of her house.
So i guess it also depends on the reaction of the kids.
As a future parent, i have already decided to let my kids watch R rated and M rated things.... not porn... but i would let them watch HBO and the like.
The same goes for games.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
No matter what age?
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
well certainly at 13.

I got to watch rated R things at 10... so i don't see why my kid wouldn't. Of course, that was until mom caught me trying to act like a pteradctyl and jump off the apartment. That was just a ten year olds imagination, though.
I'll let him watch R at 10.

In other words, my opinion towards the post that started this argument is yes, I think your 13 year old is old enough to have and play Fable.

[ September 27, 2004, 11:34 AM: Message edited by: Turgan ]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
"I can say from personal experience that me not being allowed to watch jaws and jurrasic park and what not caused me to have a certain hatred from my mother."

Wow. That's rather shallow of you, don't you think?

I mean, sure, go ahead and hate your mother for whatever reason you want -- but perhaps you should come up with one that's better than "she didn't let me watch some movies when I was younger."
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Tom, I had the same thought but wasn't sure how to word it.
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
I assume it was a typo or incomplete thought.

Posted by ? (Member # 2319) on :
I think it's rated M for a few reasons:

1. You can get so drunk that you vomit.

2. As stated before, you can have sex with any of your many wives.

3. If you want, you can beat and kill your wife.

Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
Tom - Well of COURSE there are many reasons... and yes, i could see why me posting that THAT would be the only reason could be taken to offense. It's not the only reason. But I'm not going to post it all here. Because, hey, this is about Fable.

? - You can do the same in The Sims. Not get drunk and vomit... but you CAN piss your pants. And you can do your wive(s) and beat and kill people.
So why isn't IT rated M?
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
I want to get this game... just so I can marry a dude. [Smile] Yay!
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
Hate to tell you, Telp, but none of the guys in the game are really all that cute. . . or bright. . . they mostly say things like, "There are none braver than the Ranger." The biggest stress they undergo is finding out more gossip about you.

The girls, at least, are cute.
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :

I freely admit I have yet to understand what particulars go into turning a woman's head and I still have the damndest time trying to predict what my buddy likes, so Telp may find his virtual love yet.

Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
What a shame. The Barber(female) in Browerstone wants me to marry her. But I'm holding out for the mayor. [Smile]
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
What a shame - you'd think she was a cut above the rest. But you know what they say about stylists - hair today, gone tomorrow.

Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
*laughs at trevors lame joke*
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
Thank you, thank you - I'm here all week.

Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct
He doesn't own any of these games and he's only allowed to rent videos and games that have PG-13 or Teen ratings. The video store has the R Rated Movies and Mature rated videos locked under his name. He hasn't even expressed interest in Sims so I haven't had to deal with that. He just saw Fable advertised and expressed interest. He's mainly interested in Sports related games and Star Wars.

Sure he complains and tries to "bargain" with me. I get a lot of "dang mom"'s from him. *shrugs*

I'm not as strict with my children as my parents were with me. It's a completely different world now. My mother didn’t allow me to watch Happy Days when I was young. Why? My mother at the time thought it had to many adult themes. Well dang, I thought it was about teenagers and their friends and family. She laughs about the sensoring now. She was doing what she thought was best at the time. What my mother didn't realize was that I was reading things in books that she'd never allow me to watch on TV. She never censored my books, just TV. Go figure!

Do I censor my children? Hell yeah I do. However, I think my judgment on what I allow them to watch is pretty balanced. He has a TV with cable hookup in his bedroom. The rule is that when he's watching TV, he leaves the door open. It’s just a precaution. There's a lot of crap out there on cable. I know, I watch some of it.

I've never had a problem with Jurassic Park or movies along the same line. I've let him watch The Patriot with Mel Gibson because of the story line. We watched Alien and similar movies together. In fact he’s pretty much allowed to watch most Science Fiction movies. I can’t think of any that I didn’t let him watch. He's watched several R rated movies with me. I hold the remote. I edit as I see fit.

I admit I have this warped habit of justifying violence in some movies and games. I'd rather him see violent scenes rather than sexually explicit ones. [Dont Know]

I tried to introduce him to Hatrack. He’s not interested. I lucked out with this kid. He fusses appropriately like a kid should, yet he doesn’t hate me for placing boundaries….yet.

[ September 27, 2004, 03:51 PM: Message edited by: Tammy ]
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
But you still didn't answer the rest of the post.


Surely you can tell me. Based on what games he has, i can tell you if he's cool for Fable.
And don't be fooled by sports games. Some of them are exceptionally violent.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Oh...let me go look. BRB [Wink]
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
*waits anxiously in anticipation*
*wiggles with gleeee*
wiggle wiggle wiggle
[Angst] [Angst] [Angst] [Angst] [Angst] [Angst] [Angst] [Angst]

[ September 27, 2004, 02:36 PM: Message edited by: Turgan ]
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
NFL Blitz Pro
NHL Rivals 2004
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
NBa Live 2003
Crimson Skies - High Road to Revenge
Amped - Freestyle snowboarding
Amped 2
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
Crash Bandicoot - The Wrath of Cortex [Smile]
Top spin
Project Gotham Racing

These are the ones I can find.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
Tammy-- Rent it, play it together.

Having played it, I would not allow my theorhetical 13-year-old to play the game. Then again, I don't allow my kids to say the word 'stupid.' :shrug:
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
I'm planning on renting it and playing it alone. Then we'll see.

Then again, I don't allow my kids to say the word 'stupid.'
Neither do I. Shutup is also a bad word in our home. I don't even allow my children to call each other or anyone else for that matter, a liar.

Am I turning into my mother? [Eek!]

If I am, then that would be alright with me!

*except for the codliver oil and Happy Days reruns*

[ September 27, 2004, 02:54 PM: Message edited by: Tammy ]
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
I would have thought Splinter Cell to be on the no list - you might not object overly much to Fable after all.

Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Well I don't know about that Trevor. I've never played it. My brother bought it for him. I don't think I've even watched him play it. Hmmmmm!

Is it excessively violent?

Such a fine, fine line....
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
Not as graphic as Mortal Kombat, but the premise of the game is skulking around, sniping enemies and killing them from behind.

If he's watched "R" rated action flicks, he's probably seen worse violence.

Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
We have Splinter Cell as well-- it is violent.

However, the atmosphere in which violence takes place is different from Fable. In Fable, it is possible to glorify evil. In SC, that's not really a possibility, since if you shoot a civilian, you fail the mission, and you have to start the mission over. In Fable, the objectives are open-ended and to some extant, player driven. In SC, the game follows a plot designed by the 'good guys.'
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
NFL Blitz Pro
-Wrestling mixed with Football. I'm surprised you let him have it.

NHL Rivals 2004
-regular stupid football. Okay.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
-lotta blood and half naked chicks.

NBa Live 2003
-Stupid Basketball. Okay.

Crimson Skies - High Road to Revenge

Amped - Freestyle snowboarding
- Okay

Amped 2

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
-Wow. And you're worried about Fable? This game is like "I'ma sneak up behind this guy and slit his throat."

Crash Bandicoot - The Wrath of Cortex
-Omg, I hated this game. But ok, none the less.

-About as violent as Fable.

Top spin
-Not familiar with it. But it sounds okay.

Project Gotham Racing
-Steal a car and race it. Ok. I can see why a protective mother likes her kid to have this game.

I see no reason why you shouldn't let him have Fable. But keep in mind, It's only for Xbox. So if he doesn't have one of those, might as well just stop here.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Turgan, I do agree with your review on Tony Hawk. I don’t care for the blood flying and skimpily clad girls. It cheapens the game.

I do like Crimson Skies. In fact it reminds us of the new Sky Captain movie. I do recall though some "morning after" innuendos in that game. Am I right?

I don’t have a problem with NFL Blitz Pro. Football is a hairy, scary sport! Who was it this past weekend that got injured to the point of removal by ambulance from the field.

I’m going to check out Splinter Cell and MechAssault.

Crash Bandicoot was my buy. My 11-year old daughter is the main player. I happen to like that game. [Razz]

Project Gotham Racing
-Steal a car and race it. Ok. I can see why a protective mother likes her kid to have this game.

He's got a pretty good idea at 13 what he should and shouldn't do. I don't think this game is going to make him want to go steal a car and race it.

I understand now why your mom censored you so. [Wink]

[ September 27, 2004, 03:50 PM: Message edited by: Tammy ]
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
He's got a pretty good idea at 13 what he should and shouldn't do. I don't think this game is going to make him want to go steal a car and race it.

If he's got a pretty good idea what he should and shouldn't do... then why are you sensoring his games?
Are you saying Fable and SC are gonna make him want to kill people?
Buy him Fable.
And mom didn't have too much of a chance to sensor me. I moved to Dads.

[ September 27, 2004, 03:25 PM: Message edited by: Turgan ]
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :

Sensor is something else entirely.

Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Just because he's learning right from wrong and is doing quite well deciphering between the two doesn't mean that the world should be open to him at the tender age of 13.

I have a lot of faith in this kid. That doesn’t mean that I’m going to tell him “okay kiddo…go for it”. He’s 13, not 18. He’s got a lot of maturing to do.

My 16 year old son went to live with his father when he was 14. I’m sure he feels the same way you do in many ways, except I know this kid still loves me. He knows his dad and I have completely different values. He couldn’t handle it when I remarried and he needed his father for awhile. I did “mother” him, to much I think. He was my first, my trial, so to speak.

He’s a good kid as well! I don’t have any bad kids. [Smile] I still call him every other day and bug the hell out of him on the phone. I believe it’s my prerogative. I would think if I didn’t do what I did, then it would appear to him that I didn’t care. But I do…maybe sometimes excessively.

It’s not easy being a parent.

Get back to me when you’ve walked in my shoes for awhile. [Smile]

Censor...censor...censor. Yeah..I knew that. [Wink]
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
blah blah blah
One friggin letter.
So i screwed up for ONCE in my life.
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
Fable should be no problem for this responsible 13 year old.

That's where i stand
Buy him Fable.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Now I'm all worked up! [Razz]

I'm not buying him anything until he cleans his room and then some!

Thanks for the advice. [Smile]
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
Sorry Turgan - between you and Tammmy, I was having a fit. [Big Grin]

Tammy - feel free to play the game and give it a trial run before you turn it over to him.

It is your perrogative as a parent and one that most parents don't exercise nearly as much as they should.

Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :

I just had to.


I'm the first to admit that when I'm thinking and my fingers are flying...I CAN'T SPELL!
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
I know. I couldn't resist. [Big Grin]

Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
Actually, that probably IS the best solution. Rent it and play it yourself. Then decide from there.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
IMO, the most objectionable thing about Fable is the game's invitation to show evil as attractive.

Example (SPOILERS)

At one point in the game, you are walking through a dark, swampy area, and the Guild Master informs you that the temple of Skorm is somewhere in this area. At the temple of Skorm, he says, they will lead you to new depths of evil. So you can go to this temple, and meet with acolytes who tell you to bring people to the temple to sacrifice to Skorm.

At another point in the game, you're walking through a dark, foresty area, and the Guild Master informs you that the god Avo has his temple here. Avo, as far as I can tell thus far in the game, is the Good deity. He warns you that you have to be cautious because Avo is somewhat fickle. At the temple of Avo, you can give gold to earn 'good points.'

The warning for the temple of Skorm is just that the deity will make you more evil; the warning for Avo is that the deity himself is fickle.

Take into account this as well-- much of the marketing is geared toward letting players know that their characters can be evil. The cover of the game shows a young boy looking into a pool of water, and his reflection is that of an evil warrior. The game's opening sequence contain images of the character you can become-- but most of the images are of characters who have become evil.

Even though I enjoy the game, I'm distinctly uncomfortable with the type of image they're portraying. I don't think the game itself takes the 'evil is cool' thing very far-- theorhetically, if you really do become evil, you loose a lot of capacity to interact with the civilizations in the game. But the marketing is there, pushing that meme on players.
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
*closes his eyes to spoilers*
Posted by Turgan (Member # 6697) on :
heh... bump.

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