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Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
In October of 2001, I wrote the following. I never sent it out because I did not know where to send it to. The question is should I and to whom? Perhaps I should just stick it out on the net and see who passes it along.

Dear Al Queda Members, and any other Islamic warriors at war with the west.

Before you execute your next attack please take a moment to consider the following. Islam is a growing religion in the west. Over a hundred Muslims died in the September 11th attack. Over 200 died in the earlier attacks on the American Embassies in Africa. The next group you kill will probably contain more.

What will you do when you get to the gates of Heaven, and a Muslim you’ve killed is waiting for you?

What will you say when he asks you “Why did you kill me?”

What will you say when he asks you “Why did you leave my wife a starving widow?”

What will you say when he asks you “Why did you leave my children unprotected orphans?”

Will you say, “We were at war?

He will say, “You were not at war with me. We are not enemies, but brothers Muslims. Still you killed me like some thief in an alley.”

Will you say, “I made you a martyr. I got you into heaven.”

He will say, “Heaven is for me to earn, and merciful Allah to bestow. It is not for you to hand out like food at a drive thru window.”

Will you say, “This is a Holy War. It was your duty to die.”

He will say, “It was my duty to read the Koran to my sons each night. It was my duty to raise them under the teachings of Mohammed. It was my duty to see they follow the five pillars and earn there way to heaven. Now my children have no one to guide them, to teach them, to see they do not succumb to the temptations of the west. Now they know Islam only as the cruel thing that stole their loved father from them. Now they will turn their backs on Allah and the Koran. Now they will spend eternity in Hell, because you killed me.”

Will you say, “It was my duty.”

He will say, “It was your duty to kill me? It was your duty to kill other Muslims?”

Will you say, “They told me you are not truly Muslim. They said no true Muslim lives in the west. They said the only true Muslims would be joining our fight.”

He will say, “Who are you to judge who is Muslim? I know in my heart what it is to be Muslim. I know in my heart there is only one god and Allah is his name. I know in my heart that Mohammed was his last, greatest prophet. I know in my heart that all who believe that, and practice the teachings of the Koran are Muslims and are my brothers. I do not need anyone to tell me what a Muslim is. If you do then perhaps you are not a Muslim after all.”

Will you say, “I was seeking revenge for all the Muslims they have slain and tortured over the centuries.”

He will say, “Revenge? Who will then avenge me? Shall I ask Allah to seek revenge on you, for slaying me, for orphaning my children, widowing my wife.”

Allah will. He will stand before you at the Gates of Heaven.

Will you say, “This is Jihad. All Martyrs are forgiven of their prior sins and enter into heaven.”

Allah will say, “It is not your prior sins that bar you from heaven. It is the crime you committed during your martyrdom for which I demand justice.”

And as the angels escort you away from the gates of Heaven, will you then plead, “But I did not know a Muslim would be there.”

Allah will answer, “When the thief in the alley shoves the knife in his victims back, he too can claim ‘I did not know a Muslim would be there.”

Will you cry “What does that matter. I did not know?”

Allah will answer, “No. You did not care. You wanted to steal fame and glory and, yes, even Heaven from those you slew, as a thief in the alley wants to steal your money. Neither wants to let the truth get in the way.”

And when the gates of Heaven are closed to you will you then plead, as you hope your victims will plead. Will you then cry, “It is not fair. I did not know. I did not know.”

Then as Allah disappears from your sight for all eternity, he may say, “You should have known. You should have cared.”

[ November 02, 2004, 11:45 AM: Message edited by: Dan_raven ]
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
I like it very much, but I'm not competent to comment on the Islam theology in it. To be truly effective, that will need to be letter perfect.

If you're interested in truly using this as piece that can change hearts (and it has the potential to do so), it's worth running this by someone with good firsthand knowledge of Islam.


[ September 16, 2004, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: Dagonee ]
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
I've only studied Islam a bit, but I don't know that the intent of the heart is as important for them as it is in the West. Picturing a matrix of good intent, bad intent, good act, bad act, I think most in the west would elevate intent over act. For myself, I demand good acts and good intent. That doesn't even necessarily reflect others in my religion, since I feel only God can judge.

So to have the other muslim tell the Jihadists that he cannot judge is what trips me up. Sure the other muslim was a victim, but he still can't judge the jihadist's heart. And to frame the speech as coming from Allah.. well, that can only work if the story is funny.
Posted by amira tharani (Member # 182) on :
Dan... I think the letter is brilliant in a lot of ways - very sensitive and well thought out and accurate for the most part. I think there might be some minor inaccuracies in there but I would like to check my facts before I jump in and correct stuff. Also there is no one authority in Islam, so any interpretation I make someone else can legitimately challenge (i.e. don't take my views as speaking for the whole community). I would have the Muslim interlocutor doing the whole thing, rather than having Allah speak, unless you are using direct quotations from the Qur'an.

I'd like to know what led up to you writing that, and whether you know any Muslims personally, and what you know about Islam, just out of interest. It's rare and wonderful to see someone posting so intelligently and sensitively about Islam and not have to step in and defend Islam for once!
Posted by miles_per_hour (Member # 6451) on :
I personally find it very presumptious when somebody who is not a Christian tells me how to be a Christian.
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
Thanks for your input all.

I made some edits as you suggested, and got it e-published at Issues Magazine
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
VEry interesting...

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