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Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Not the great lines - no, I want to talk about those visuals that won't go out of your head. The ones that make you cry, or smile, that you will remember.

I watched the extended DVD of the Return of the King last night for the first time, I've been so busy I couldn't carve four hours out of my schedule but I finally did it last night. I just decided, when everyone else went to bed, I would watch the movie alone so I could appreciate it without interruptions.

So, here is my list, from the entire trilogy, in no particular order, just as they come into my scattered ADD brain: (note if you have not seen the movies or the extended versions, these may well constitute spoilers)


Two Towers Return of the King
Okay, I'm misting up and I think I'm going to go upstairs and watch the movie again. See ya later. [Smile]
Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :
Hey! I just started rereading FOTR today.

Great minds and all ... [Smile]
Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
*Gandalf riding out to meet the Ring Wraiths in the third movie and light shooting from his staff*

Beautiful Shot--I almost cried because it was so powerful and so close to how I invisioned it.

[ December 23, 2004, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: lem ]
Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :
I still haven't seen ROTK. I want there always to be something left, you know? But that list is about to wear me down. [Smile] (lem, you aren't helping. [No No] )
Posted by Paul Goldner (Member # 1910) on :
Faramir's charge may be the most beautifully crafted scene I've ever seen in a movie.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
Paul Goldner, I absolutely agree about that scene.

Also, the expressions on the faces of the four hobbits after the "You bow to no one" line. They are all distinct and each tell a complete story in itself. (ROTK)

Belle, I also love the Theoden's Armour scene, with the light behind him and the people passing. Argh. Beautiful. (TT)
Posted by xnera (Member # 187) on :
Yeah, I've had LOTR on the mind lately, as I finished reading TTT on Christmas Day a few years back. (I cried. And then I threw the book across the room. And then I pounced on my writing journal and wrote pages and pages about it.) I think I may start a reread soon.

I don't really have any images from the movie in my mind, but "Concerning Hobbits" floats through my mind every now and then.
Posted by Ginol_Enam (Member # 7070) on :
Let's see...

I always enjoyed the part right after Gandalf sends the Nazgul chasing Faramir and his men away with his staff. Gandalf turns towards Minas Tirith and the camera follows him. Just the way the camera is moving and how everything just flows seamlessly gives a real sense the scene.

"I may not be able to carry it for you, but I can carry you!"

Gollum on the edge of the Crack of Doom. That's when it hit me that the trilogy was almost over *tear*

Strider/Aragorn sitting in the corner of The Prancing Pony. The fire from pipe lighting his eyes.

Watching the Ents storm Isengard.

Posted by Desdemona (Member # 7100) on :
The ride of the rohirrim for me... all those horses standing in that line with the sun behind them...
Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :
I still like the looks on Gandalf and Pippin's faces when Gandalf speaks to him of death. Of course, we all know those lines are the last things Frodo sees in the book, right? RIGHT?

EDIT: Also, was I the only one saying "DEATH" along with them right before the charge?

[ December 23, 2004, 05:09 PM: Message edited by: Book ]
Posted by Ginol_Enam (Member # 7070) on :
I didn't even know they were saying "death" until I watched the movie with subtitles. I just thought they were screaming.
Posted by Desdemona (Member # 7100) on :
I thought it was just screaming... well, youlearn something new every day.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
The Faramir's charge scene gives me goosebumps. Every time.
Posted by Desdemona (Member # 7100) on :
When Merry and Pippin run out right after Aragorn at the Black gate.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I absolutely agree the Faramir charge scene is the most beautifully crafted thing EVER on film.

I didn't list it because it's a given, to me, and because the most poignant thing about that scene is not just the visuals, but Pippin's song. Man that hurts to watch, every time.
Posted by kwsni (Member # 1831) on :
The first shot after Gandalf falls in Moria. I think it's the light change, and the music, but it does it for me every time.

Also, I really need to see the ROTK EE.

Posted by maui babe (Member # 1894) on :
For absolute hotness, the scene where Aragorn enters the big hall after he's lost and found again... When he opens that door in slow motion and he's all dirty and sweaty and his hair is all mussed up... wow I just swoon.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Now if we're talking absolute hotness...

I got five words for you:

Unconscious Faramir Covered in Oil
Posted by WheatPuppet (Member # 5142) on :
There's a great scene in RotK where Gandalf where he's just sitting in a small back yard in Minas Tirith. I don't know exactly where it is, but it's on the first disk of the Extended Edition, before the lighting of the beacons.

It's so well constructed. I was thinking about taking a screenshot of it and using it as my desktop.
Posted by Desdemona (Member # 7100) on :
I don't know... faramir seemed really soft in that scene. Hotness for me= filthy frodo on mt doom. [Razz]
Posted by Paul Goldner (Member # 1910) on :
Apparently, I need to roll in mud more often to attract women.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
You have no idea, Paul [Roll Eyes] . The "weathered look" my friends call it.

The Boromir flashback ("Remember today, little brother") is wonderful too [Smile] .
Posted by msquared (Member # 4484) on :
I have to go with Paul and the Faramir charge scene. I also love the charge of Rohan.

I am watching all three extended versions on New Years Day. 55" big screen with Dolby Surround.

Posted by Foust (Member # 3043) on :
FotR: When I watched FotR in the theatre, I hadn't yet read the books. I know, silly me. But when the last alliance of men and elves marched across the open planes, I started to understand the hype.

Then Gandolf set off the fireworks as he entered the Shire, delighting the children (and me). That's when I knew the movie was going to be something special.

Other FotR images: After Frodo parts ways with the Fellowship, Aragorn stares down the horde of orcs... and by the look on his face, you know it's not going to be a fair fight.

TTT: The elves arriving at Helm's Deep. Aw-yeah.

RotK: Probably better just to list images that didn't burn into my mind.

I have to say, Denathor's death scene was terrible. My audience laughed out loud at it, and I did too. Stop, drop, and roll!
Posted by Paul Goldner (Member # 1910) on :
You know what really worked for me? The opening of TTT. Gandalf's scene with the balrog was really well done, I thought.

I also thought the theme music for Rohan was really good.

Sarumon looking out over his orc horde prior to the march on Rohan.

Our initial glimpse of Orthanc.

Bilbo morphing into something evil in FotR

"Long have I wished to look upon the Kings of Old"

Denathor falling from minas tirith.

Sam cooking the rabbits.
Posted by kaioshin00 (Member # 3740) on :
The Ent dunking his head into the water.

Gimli blowing the dead in the EE ROTK.
Posted by WheatPuppet (Member # 5142) on :
The first disk of my copy of RotK EE is scratched! The lighting of the beacons scene is corrupt. [Cry] I sent it back to Amazon earlier today, since the scratch was definitely there before I got it.
Posted by Cashew (Member # 6023) on :
Gollum in TTT: "It was MEEE!!" Gives me the chills everytime.
The scene in TTT where Elrond persuades Arwen to go to the Havens, specifically the look on her face and the emotion in her voice when she says she loves her father too. (Helps to have a married daughter living overseas to get the full impact...)
The penetrating gaze of Arwen and Aragorn's son directly at the viewer in RotK.
The charge of the Rohirrim.
The first time we see the White Tree, surrounded by guards.
Gandalf's entry into the Shire, as he crosses the bridge - picture-perfect to my conception from the book.
The Balrog.
Boromir's death.
Arwen as Frodo first sees her in 'vision'.
The Elves sticking the charging Orcs as we gaze along their front line in the prologue to Fellowship.
Lots more but I'm tired
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
The scene at the palace when Faramir is brought to Denethor...and the camera pans over him and the City to reveal the Mordor hord. Talk about civilization vs. the barbarians! [Smile]

The first awesome full frontal money shot of Minas Tirith in all it's glory and powerful music.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
[Smile] Great minds DO think alike. I think we all must be in withdrawal this December. I started reading a few days ago and just finished "The Ring Goes South." This is my third time through and this time, I'm annotating references to Middle Earth History and lore so that I can better understand the guide to middle earth and the Silmarillion when I finally get to read it. I'm also marking all the song text that I'm one day going to write choral music to. [Smile] It's been a blast.

As for the movies, (and this is a great thread Belle!), there are many images that stay in my mind (in no particular order.)

Two Towers
Return of the King
I think I have more from the other two movies, but RoTK is just fresher in my mind. [Big Grin] What's great is having some of these beautiful images in my mind as I reread the books. Not all of them work, but a few of them fit right in.
[ok, it's 'coronation' not 'crowning.' [Blushing] ]

[ December 24, 2004, 11:36 AM: Message edited by: Narnia ]
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
We can go ahead and let this thread morph into a music appreciation one - because I think of all the themes, the Rohan one really captured it for me. It just spoke of Rohan, when I heard it for the first time, in that banner falling in the wind scene with Eowyn, after she ran from Wormtongue - man alive, it was awesome.

And we can morph into the lines that grab your heart when you hear them - because when I watched ROTK:EE again last night, I remembered one -

Eomer: "Riders of Rohan! Oaths you have taken! Fulfill them now, to Lord and Land!"

Then the shot of those 6000 horses taking off for Gondor - oh man does that get the heart rate up!

Question: At the end, what does Aragorn say to Legolas in Elvish right before he sees Arwen?

Also, something I noticed and I'm probably the last person to mention it.

I was trying to figure out who was the standard bearer with Aragorn when he rode up to the Black Gate to issue his challenge and talk to the Mouth of Sauron. I first though it was Eomer, but last night, I realized Eomer is carrying Merry with him. The standard bearer is in shiny silver armor - does anyone think this is a nod to a character we didn't get to see on film - the Prince of Dol Amroth?
Posted by Bean Counter (Member # 6001) on :
When Aragorn says "I will lay you out and fill your mouth with your mothers feces..." or was that in Prophesy?

Posted by MaydayDesiax (Member # 5012) on :
In RotK, when Arwen has the vision of Aragorn and their son. That part made me sob in the theatre, partly because I've had dreams of Bernard playing with his children. And the music at that part is so heartbreaking, and just the brilliant green of the background, it just... It's just indescribable.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Return of the King and all the Renee Fleming parts (including that one of Aragorn and son in the forest) are just killing. I have never held so tightly to a soundtrack before in my life (and in my snooty music majorness, it's not the best WRITTEN soundtrack ever, but boy does it slay me anyway!).

Ok, so some lines that come to mind:

"Courage Merry. Courage for our friends."

"I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me."

"I'm glad to be with you Samwise Gamgee. Here, at the end of all things" (ok, that was a paraphrase)

"We set out to save the Shire, and we did save it. But not for me." (another paraphrase)

OH, and the whole life after death conversation between Gandalf and Pippin. I love that!

I haven't had a chance to watch the EE yet [Frown] , but I did see the easter eggs last night. "The dolphin is dead!! Died in a car accident!" [Big Grin]
Posted by Chris Kidd (Member # 2646) on :
How do you get the easter eggs ?
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
You go to the scene selection menus on disks one and arrow down through the very last scene on each disk and you'll see a ring next to the *new scene symbol. Hit enter and there it is! There's one each on disks 1 and 2.

Are there any more that I don't know about?
Posted by kwsni (Member # 1831) on :
Ok, geeks. Going to derail.

How is Aragorn decended from the line of kings?
I've looked in the appendices, and they're vauge, or I'm looking in the wrong place.

Ken also doesn't trust what I'm reading on who the last acting king is. Do any of you know?

Posted by Bean Counter (Member # 6001) on :
When the Numenorians landed on Middle Earth after the fall of The Isle of the Gift, they founded one great Kingdom that was amicably split in two. Gondor and Anor. Because he was caught in the destruction of Numenor Sauron was unable take form for some time. However over time he did muster his power and the great war of the Last Alliance was fought.

The King of Gondor fell in that battle and later Isuldur fell to an ambush.

The Kings of Gondor died out. But in Anor the the northern nation flourished until the Witch King arose in Angmar and eventually destroyed that great nation. It was in the great battle that Elrond pronounced the prophesy that no man would kill the witch king. The remnants of the Dunedain fought a rear guard action against the forces of Angmar and Aragorn's ancestors fought and managed to check the powers of evil north of the Shire finding allies where they could.

Eventually The forces of evil managed to kill Arathorn the Chief of the Dunedain and his wife fled with her son to the House of Elrond where Aragorn grew up. As it happened Elrond's daughter was in Loth Lorien at the time of Aragorns youth and only returned when he was a man full grown. It was then when they met and fell in love. Elrond told Aragorn that no lesser man then the King of Gondor and Anor would ever wed his daughter, so Aragorn set off to learn the skills he thought he would need.

From the Rangers he learned his fighting and then spent time with the elves of Mirkwood. Then he did a stint in Rohan. Finally he joined the Guard of Gondor. Eventually under the Steward Ecthalion he became a captain and was held high in the esteem of all in the city. It was at this time that jealousy was birthed in the heart of Denethor who had rare gifts that gave him insight into who Aragorn really was and what his ascendancy meant.

Aragorns claim comes from being a direct descendant of the Kings of Anor and back to Elendil, he and Isuldur were cousins. Actually so were he and Arewen!

Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
I have come to the conclusion that I like all but three images in the LOTR movies. I have a problem with one thing in each movie.

FOTR: Close to the end, when Aragorn is fighting the Uruk Hai who was going to finish Boromir off, the Uruk (I've forgotten his name) throws a shield at Aragorn, pinning his neck to the tree. He then goes in with his sword-thing to cut Aragorn's head off. Aragorn escapes. This is just a silly action sequence that always seemed totally rediculous and also redundant.

TT: I think you can all guess. Legolas' little slide down the stairs. WHY?!

ROTK: Legolas again, and another silly exploit. His battle with the Oliphaunt. (The one that prompts the, "that still only counts as one" line) That is, too me, again unbelievable, even for an elf and jarring.

Other than that, I like every image. Even when the land falls away in a neat circle around the Gondorians after Sauron gets exploded.
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
The first disk of my copy of RotK EE is scratched!
Mine, too! The scene where Pippin sneaks a look into the palantir, and also the scene where Frodo tells Sam to go home.

Posted by WheatPuppet (Member # 5142) on :
Amazon two-day rushed me another copy, fully intact. :glows:

RotK is one of the few movies where I have to choke back tears. That and the end of the first part of Ken Burns' Civil War are about the only two movies that make me cry.
Posted by vwiggin (Member # 926) on :
"TT: I think you can all guess. Legolas' little slide down the stairs. WHY?!"

I understand where you are coming from, but I still kind of liked that scene though. [Smile]

One of my favorite bit from the book is the part where Legolas walked on top of the snow while Aragorn and Boromir had to burrow through it. Since we didn't get to see that part in the movie, I thought the stair surfing was a pretty good trade.

The Oilaphant scene, well, that one I didn't like as much. I loved it till the part where Legolas shot the poor creature in the neck. I mean, was that really necessary?
Posted by vwiggin (Member # 926) on :
"How is Aragorn decended from the line of kings?"

BC gave a fantastic answer and I can only add that the last king of Gondor was Eärnil II, who was killed by the Witch-king of Angmar.

People often ask why Isildur's heirs did not claim the throne of Gondor right after the death of Eärnil. I don't have the books with me, so I can't say for sure. But I think there was a war of succession in Gondor that greatly weakened it, so the rangers probably thought better of stirring up unnecessary conflict.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
vwiggen, look closer at DO get to see that. In the pass....right where it happened in the book.

I love the Balrog, and the opening of TTT blew me away.

I also loved how they fleshed out the Paths of the Dead. Amazing.

As far as the last of the Ruling Kings....Earnur was the last King of Gondor in 2050, according to the appendix in LOTR. Mardil becomes the first Ruling Steward.

As far as the last King of the Numenor, Ar-Pharazon becomes corrupted by Sauron after defeating Sauron and taking him captive. He attacks Valinor, and Numenor is destroyed.

Elendil escaped from Numenor and with his sons founded the two kingdoms of Men, Arnor and Gondor, for Anarion (Arnor) and Isildur (Gondor).

Aragorn traces his ancestory back to Elindil, through Isildur. I tried to fins a reference on who was the eldest....I think it was Isildur....but I couldn't find it.

Actually the Silmarillion says that Arnor and Gondor were ruled by the brothers jointly and that they shared the rule.


[ December 29, 2004, 02:23 AM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Also, there wasn't a war of sucesion. There were Propheseys about how the line would have to be concealed to protect it...remember that Elrond was around even then....and so the Heirs were hid away in Rivendale, in part to prevent such a war of succession, and in part to protect the heirs.

Gondor was not strong at that time, and evil was on the move. Isidur had been killed, but there were heirs. There were many lines then, but they were all weakened and were eventually , hundreded (maybe thousands) of years later, they failed.

Aragorn was from a cadet branch, but because his family was of the Rangers his bloodline was not weakened by intermingling with the other races of man, as had happened in Gondor. If Isidor's heirs had tried to take over right away after so many years outside the city it would have been war, and the Enemy would have had the final heir of that line in his sights. Many would have doubted their claims.

Also, the last king of Gondor wasn't killed per say, but the Witch King captured him and he was never heard of again. Ever.


[ December 29, 2004, 02:25 AM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Beren One Hand (Member # 3403) on :
This is why I love Hatrack. [Smile]

Thanks for the tip Kwea, I will rewatch that scene a little more carefully. I didn't know about the prophecy, I guess it is time to read the entire series again! As if I need the excuse. [Razz]

Posted by kwsni (Member # 1831) on :
THanks guys. I havne't read it in a while, and Ken kept telling me i was remembering it wrong.


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