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Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
I have compiled some of Bob's ice cream profiles that could potentially be more common, and those that were repeated within the thread so that anyone who didn't get theirs done could find hints towards their personality in the profiles of others.

(and for the record, yes, I am a champion procrastinator)


chocolate is the flavor of choice for lovers. It has physiological effects, to be sure, but also is highly symbolic of a sensual nature. Those who like pure chocolate, unadulterated, are strong-willed and fierce competitors. Others watch them tilt at windmills sometimes, but it always works out in the end. Hard working and sure footed is the by-word.

Those who prefer chocolate ice cream are typically known for their positive outlook on life. They are considered 'steady' and 'dependable' by their friends and usually make friends easily. While they like to think of themselves as rebels, in reality they hold many conservative views and hold themselves to a high standard. They are, however, non-judgemental and attract friends from a wide swath of society

The choice of chocolate chip cookie dough is a sign of an impatient nature. This is a person who wants things done now. A slight tendency to go off half-baked, but this is not usually a problem. This is a complex person who is not easy to fathom, even for close friends. It takes years to figure him out and usually, just when you think you have, he'll change.

Coffee ice cream is the choice of intellectuals. The soft-serve varieties are those preferred by artists (especially those with an interest in poetry, languages, or highly-technical types of art). These people are usually very good with mechanical things and tend to also grasp theoretical concepts that are grounded in the technical (science and engineering, for example). Not much for metaphysics, though. Philosophy isn't a big draw either.

Strawberry ice cream with chunks is the flavor of old time romantics. This type of person might be surrounded by antiques. Friends think of this person as an 'old soul' and will often seek his/her counsel, especially in matters of relationships. Not given to wild expressions of lust, but rather will woo a mate through traditional courtships. But not any half-measures here. This is the real deal. With this person, it is all about the heart. The mind is important, but subject to the heart's impulses and desires.

Peanut butter ice cream indicates a longing for the simplicity of youth. This and a care-free attitude combine to make an adult with a remarkably youthful outlook on life. Fun is important to this person.

Mint chocolate chip ice cream indicates a strong sense of personal hygiene and grooming coupled with a personality that enjoys the interplay of ideas. Look for a rather tradition yet high-end taste in clothing or decor, but with an undercurrent of pure whimsy thrown in. This person enjoys subtlety and is an excellent and interesting conversationalist, especially when excited by the topic or the people involved.

An affinity for Cherry Garcia ice cream indicates a timeless personality. This person would be at home in any era. Just plunk her down and set her loose. Oddly, in the present day and time she feels almost like a misfit. Or perhaps a gypsy -- wandering and going from place to place, person to person, job to job. The "Cherry Garcia" person is likely to be extremely well read, have very diverse tastes in clothing, music, and art, but with a somewhat romantic eye towards the past or the future.

Those who eat exclusively Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie are deeply sensual and loving. They have a somewhat complex personality in that they are willing to explore new sensations and thus have an adventurous side that might be shocking to the uninitiated. But those who know them know that this person is dedicated to providing pleasurable experiences to everyone. A very generous spirit, this person will often overwhelm friends with gifts of time, compassion, and just plain fun. There appears to be no limit to her generosity... Unless crossed! That's the other side of the passion. This person is slow to anger. A friend might get away with maltreatment for YEARS before the explosion comes. But when it does, there's scorched earth and bomb craters when all is said and done. Fortunately, this is not a frequent event. It may only happen once or twice in a lifetime. Just don't be the cause of it, and all will be fine!

Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie is the ice cream of a true hedonist. This person may come off as vain and conceited, but in reality this is just a passionate person who lives life fully. Very introspective and prone to periods of self-doubt as the personality integrates new things in life. Later in life, this type of person is known for great wisdom and insight and it all comes from spending so much energy thinking through the life already led.

For the uninformed, Ben & Jerry's One Sweet Whirled is caramel & coffee ice creams with marshmallow & caramel swirls & coffee flavored fudge chips. This is favored ice cream of a true rebel. Here you have a person who could care less what anyone else thinks of him or her. And, this is a person who is NOT easy to know or understand. The moment you think you've got this one pegged, you'll get blindsided by some startling revelation. Best to just take what comes and enjoy.

Okay, seriously, Chunky Monkey is Banana Ice Cream with Fudge Chunks & Walnuts -- another Ben & Jerry's combination. This one appeals to those with a major stubborn streak. This is a person who likes to think of himself as soft and cuddly, but in reality is too complex and deep to pull that off for very long. And if you think you've got it figured out, you don't. Not ever. There are too many obstacles to real understanding of this one. It's best to just enjoy the depth and clarity of thought that goes with this personality type. This is a person not afraid of the rough spots in life. Most likely to bull through them than to accommodate or change.

Black Cherry ice cream is the flavor of the true sensualist. A hedonist who loves comfort in all things: life, relationships, work, etc. This is a person who not only enjoys life, but knows how to show others to achieve the same thing. Well loved by friends and family alike. Expect this one to be very popular, and the center of attention. Has to watch out for narcissistic tendencies. Detractors call this one vain and even a wastrel, but the truth often that they are just jealous of the joy this person has and can bring to any situation.

Pistachio with almonds is the flavor of choice for the true romantic. You aren't afraid of being a little kooky or idiosyncratic. That's part of your appeal, actually. An optimist, you see the glass as half full, even when the darn thing is nearly empty. Unlikely to be shy, even in very intimidating situations. But sometimes embarrassed by it all after the fact, when reality comes and bops you over the head.

Sherbert , especially sans toppings, is the frozen confection of choice for those who don't care what the rest of the world thinks of them. Don't judge this person or they will take you out, one way or another. They can be very affectionate with those whom they trust, but cross them at your own peril.

French Vanilla , especially the premium varieties, are the ice cream of choice for people of taste and refinement. These are people who enjoy the finer things in life and, perhaps more importantly, actually recognize what the finer things in life are. Friends admire this person's home decor and taste in clothing, especially. Expect these people to be slightly anachronistic, especially with a bias towards the distant past as a favorite era. Being a rennaisance man or woman is important to them.

The vanilla indicates you are an honest and straight forward person. Not given to putting on airs or playing "games" when the direct approach will work. You hold to traditional values and are somewhat conservative in your outlook.

Vanilla is the flavor of choice for those who have a purist's approach to the world. They don't like games and don't play games themselves -- especially not with other's affections. These are the "classic" personalities among us. They are usually strong-willed and usually accomplish what they set out to do. There's an element of blandness here, but that doesn't bother this type of person. They don't go in for all the flashy stuff and they aren't as impressed by it as they might "let on" just to humor others. They like to get along with just about everyone. Usually form part of the basic core to any group in which they belong. Always have a lot of staying power -- very loyal.

Premium quality vanilla is the flavor of choice for the traditionalist who knows good from merely okay. This person has classic taste in clothing and furnishings and will spend the money (when it's available) to obtain just the right items. Would rather not buy at all if it means buying things that won't last or aren't well made. No false advertising from this one -- what you see is what you get. Period.

You have no permanent favorite but try every new premium flavor from Ben & Jerry's as soon as they come out. This tells me you are a seeker and that you try to find the good in every person you come in contact with. You view life as an exercise or a test as well and you believe that to pass the test you have to get beyond the superficial appearances and try to know everyone and everything. In some, this would be a distinct liability as it is such an impossible undertaking.

Those whose choice of ice cream flavor changes with mood are extremely flexible. Some might detect in this a fear of commitment or even an inconstancy of spirit, however the truth is that these people are just easier to please than most of us. They might fixate for a time on one amusement or another, but the infatuation doesn't last for long. They are searchers, always looking for the next great experience in life.


Fudge is the topping of choice for those who want more out of life. If they fall for you, it's all the way and forever. There's no disguised feelings or holding back with this type of person. The effect can be smothering, though, so beware if you aren't the strong type because you may not hold up under the love this person can lavish upon you. But if you are strong enough, this is the person to take home to meet the folks. This is the person that will make it all alright and block the badness from ever touching you.

Hot fudge toppings are the choice of the truly sensual. Here is a person who will make a great lover and who appreciates the same in return. Ideal mates will be someone very giving and able to fill the "voids" with full understanding. This is a person who is willing to change for the right person and the right reasons.

Specifying dark chocolate syrup as a topping indicates a desire for a long-term relationships that will affect some positive change in his/her life. Look for this person to resist that change, however with whenever the core personality is challenged. Give him/her time and see what the result is.

Hershey's Syrup is the no-nonsense side. You like people who are straight forward and add something to your life. You dislike those who can't adapt themselves to you with grace and ease. They don't have to be overly passionate...just be there for you. Comforting relationships are your true desire

Chocolate syrup indicates the desire for a mate that will wrap this person up in their life. This is a one-lover person. Not given to playing the field. Much more interested in long term affection. A lifetime and more! Having a classic approach won't hurt your chances.

A small amount of chocolate sauce as a topping is indicative of a person who needs only a few close friends to be happy in life. The preference for homemade chocolate sauce adds another dimension to this, however. In this case, the person is somewhat judgemental of others and is very picky about who will ever have a shot at becoming a friend. This is not a "takes all kinds" type of person. She knows she isn't going to get along with you inside of 3 minutes and just would rather not waste everyone's time trying to make a fit that doesn't. This especially applies to potential love interests.

The sprinkles represent your myriad friendships and even loves. You have the capacity for having many friendships. Although they aren't usually very deep and lasting -- only a few make it that far. And, in particular, you use your friends most when you are feeling the rebel come out.

Peanuts are the topping of choice for those who like to compartmentalize their friends. Some may find the instant judgements hard to swallow, but in reality, this person is very adept at seeing what others want in life and helping them find it. Might have a little trouble in the fidelity department, or not really all that concerned with lasting friendships. If you get involved with this person, you should get the most out of the little time you have and then expect to move on. If it turns out to be a more permanent relationship, expect your life together to be divided into discrete phases with new friends and new pursuits always just around the bend. If you can handle it, it'll be fun!

The combination of hot fudge, whipped cream and peanuts indicates a preference for multi-layered relationships. This is the sort of person who would most likely marry their best friend. Viewed as a traditionalist by many, this person has suprises in store for any who judge him or her too quickly. Likewise, this person prefers those who are surprisingly deep and warm. He or she rarely judges a book by its cover, but takes his/her time getting to know a person and savoring every last moment of it.

hot chocolate, caramel, chopped peanuts (for that salty complement), and whipped cream together indicate a desire to find the ONE perfect mate. He or she must be all things and at just the right time. As a consequence, this one has very little tolerance for the dating scene and will even call an early halt to an evening if it's obviously not going anywhere. To capture this person's heart, you must be sophisticated, witty, charming, sincere, and absolutely devoted. Lack any one of these qualities and you might as well head for the door, or not even show up in the first place.

Whipped cream in combination with chocolate and cherries is a sign of someone who is looking for a traditional relationship. In this particular case, however, the transient nature of relationships might mean that the desire for tradition is a passing thing.

Whipped cream as a lone topping indicates a person who is not all that interested in forging relationships. But don't despair. To win this one's heart, just be "added value" in his/her life and you will be very much appreciated. Don't be surprised if you don't measure up. You aren't expected to. In fact, it'd be no surpise at all to find out this person just wanted to be alone. Don't take it personally. Give him/her space and you'll be right back on top soon enough.

Plain whipped cream all by itself as a topping indicates a person who has strong views about the roles men and women should take in relationships. The ideal mate would hold similar views. Friendships are a wonderful thing to this person and she likes having many friends. But you must be value-added in her life. She's a busy person so friends are a luxury she allows herself. If the friendship becomes a strain, it is set aside -- there's too much else going on.

The choice of whipped cream is, in this case, a sign of wanting friends and lovers to be your shield. You like being protected and nurtured, perhaps because you missed that while growing up. In the long run, however, you want more than that from a spouse. He should also be understanding and know when to let you support him. It goes both ways.

Mixing of Nestle Crunch candy bars into chocolate ice cream indicates a desire for a soul mate who really brings out the best in them. This is a person who feels incomplete without a person to share life with. Willing to accept a certain level of strangeness in a spouse, this person is going to encourage you to be more than just an adjunct to his/her personality. The truly unstable are too much for this person, but if you are level-headed with a mix of whimsy, go for it!

A large amount of M&Ms as a topping is indicative of a person who is rarely satisfied with one mate. Interestingly, he is attracted to change. He doesn't necessarily need stability in his love life. This person wants to be the focal point of any group and the one true love in someone's life. Eventually, he will find that one and then life will change remarkably and for the better. But the woman who can tame him is the one who DOESN'T idolize him. Only someone with an equally strong will can keep this one's interest in the long term. Expect passion in loving and fighting.

Use of multiple cherries as a topping shows a desire for more than just intimacy in a relationship. This is a person who craves the excitement of your every facet and nuance. This is a person who can take it and use it to your mutual benefit. Be yourself and be all you can be with this one. Expects you to have strong likes and dislikes, so express an opinion if you want respect.

Usually, the decision to forego cherries as a topping would indicate a person who is not looking for a single strong person to enter their life. In this case, there is an extreme -- almost a fear of that strong individual who might hamper an otherwise full and exciting existence. It's as if this type of person subconsciously knows that if they found their one true soul mate, they might actually disappear into that person's life, losing their own "self" in the bargain. There's another aspect of this. There is a chance that the right person will come along and then, watch out! It's possible this has already happened once and the experience was unsettling -- hard to tell without more details -- but I get the sense that there's a "once-bitten-twice-shy element indicated by the choice to avoid cherries.

The no-toppings folks really don't like friends or (especially) lovers to play games. They want you to be yourself at all times and don't fake it. Often these folks are very comfortable all on their own so if you're trying to make friends you'd better have something to offer besides mere companionship.

We've seen before how those who eschew toppings are really not looking for a soul mate. They are complete persons unto themselves and often think of themselves as loners -- even if in truth they have lots of friends. Its a question of who they'll let come close.To win this person's affection, you really have to not play ANY games. Even if this person strikes you as completely dedicated to fun and mischief, they aren't looking for that in others. Play it straight and you'll get through.

Going without toppings is, in this case especially, a signal to would-be lovers not to get too fancy. This is a person who wants the facts, straight up, no gimmicks. Don't expect a lot of romancing, but if you want a person who will understand you and take you as you are, this is that person. Has few close friends and often considered a loner, in reality this person is just interested in knowing the Truth (with a capital "T") and there are just too few people around who can handle the intense scrutiny.

While not technically a "topping" putting ice cream over a brownie is a classicists approach to life. Expect a strong personality and a sense of proportion. This person is good at multi-tasking, but more importantly has an innate sense of fair play that translates well to relationships. Unless you violate the unwritten rules!!! Lose his or her trust and you will never get it back.


The choice of a sugar cone indicates, in this case, restless spirit. She is not one to be tied down to a single job or a single relationship. At least not yet. Maybe, she says to herself, when I'm older and HAVE to settle down -- but not now. But since she is ageless in her own personality, that settling down may never really happen. Destined to become a gypsy if she has her way.

A wafer cone is indicative of longing for practicality and stability. A place to settle and be useful. This person longs for some predictability. There's element of romanticized childhood mixed in as well -- that things were better in the days of her youth and, more importantly, a wish to recapture that.

The somewhat rare preference to break up the waffle cone and, in a sense, treat it like another topping indicates a hatred of boundaries and roles. Prefers a very fluid working environment where tasks aren't doled out based on traditional practices, but rather on getting the thing to work with who and what you have as resources. This is a highly creative person who does not thrive in structured environments. Let the reins go and see what happens.

An aversion to sugar cones indicates a fear of the mess of life, or perhaps too much negative experience with it. This person looks for things to be more orderly than life and relationships can usually deliver. This is a very sensitive soul who has a lot to offer to those who are equally sensitive to her needs. This person probably is very quiet but when she speaks, the words are thought provoking. A poet's soul, to be sure.

A preference for bowls or perhaps a sugar cone shows a dichotomy in your working life. You enjoy what you do, no doubt, but your true passion is somewhere else. You just haven't figured out how to make it pay the bills. Being who you are, you actually overcompensate in your regular job and go way overboard in taking on duties and caring deeply for it, partly out of guilt because you fear that because you'd rather be doing something else, you JUST MIGHT not do your best. SO you do your best and then some.

The use of a bowl indicates a desire to get the most out of life. There's an expectation here that one must really work to get the last full measure and this is a person willing to go after that goal. In the workplace, this person is likely to be known as a perfectionist. Perhaps even a pain to work with because of his high standards. But this is also a plus because everyone benefits from having that kind of dedication on the team. Makes an excellent teacher and trainer because he cares so much about others achieve the highest levels and succeeding themselves.

The preference for a cup , and for the reason of "not getting ones hands sticky" indicates a somewhat fussy nature. This is a person who, at work, especially, does not like surprises. Things are supposed to work a certain way, and when they don't, the illogic of the situation is just too perturbing. There's no flying off the handle with this one, but everyone knows when the line has been crossed. Coworkers sometimes are the greatest source of irritation in this person's life and they know it! In some work environments, this person would end up being the outsider. In others, the butt of practical jokes. As a boss, this type of person often has to learn the hard way how to delegate responsibility and then let the people do their job in their own way -- as long as the end result is good. Not especially empathetic, but can be with the few close friends and family that know the real person.

People who eat ice cream from a dish searching for stability. They are willing to chase down the very last of everything, but they also aren't afraid of getting into the gooey messes of life. They never turn down a work assignment, no matter how menial, as long as it holds the promise of some tangible reward.

The use of a bowl indicates your strong work ethic. You are thorough and take the job seriously. You like to finish it completely and you like to finish with a sense of real accomplishment.

The choice of a plain bowl shows a stick-to-it nature. This is a person who will get the job done, every time. The job isn't over until it has been worked through completely and then really polished off. This is a detail person, often disturbed by things left partly done. Perhaps a neat freak, but just as likely to have his or her own strong sense of organization, regardless of how it appears to others.

The choice of a "nice, small hand-sized bowl" is revealing of a person who compartmentalizes her life. This is a person for whom work has definite boundaries that are not to be exceeded in terms of the time or energy that it commands in her life. She's got better things to do with her time than be a wage slave. Don't mistake this as a bad work ethic though. The job, if manageable and defined, will get done to a T and then some.

styrofoam cups and plastic spoons are just what the doctor ordered for the person who likes closure. When the job is done, it's done. No more monkeying around. No fuss. This person might fight to get every last drop of enjoyment out of a situation, but when the day is done, this person is moving on to bigger and better things. If you are in a relationship with this type of person, you'd do well to keep it fresh and new, exciting even. But if the relationship is over, don't look for this person to pine for you. They've forgotten you before the door closed behind you. Move on!

The choice of a medium-sized glass bowl indicates a desire for manageable projects. Perhaps this person would be best for running a small company. The best management approach is openness -- everything should be done in a highly visible manner and where everyone will know who did what work.

The choice of the largest bowl available is a sign that you not only like to work, but like to be in charge and still get your hands dirty. You are a natural leader and aren't afraid to step into that role whenever needed. But you want the rewards and recognition as well. You have a strong sense of your self-worth and expect others to recognize it.

The big bowl is your desire to do everything and experience everything this life has to offer. You have wide and varied interests (as shown by your toppings choices) and the big bowl is required to fit all those interests in. You are likely to be too busy for your own good, but you are a superior talent when it comes to planning ahead. Because of this, you almost never get behind in your work and, at any rate, always finish it regardless of the other things pulling you in a million different directions.

The choice of a bowl "for room to maneuver" indicates a person who likes some flexibility in work. There should be varied duties and lots of room for growth to keep this person interested and engaged.

Using a bowl and loading up that bowl is a sign of a real workhorse. This is a personality type who is often "abused" by employers in that the capacity for MORE work and MORE on top of that seems endless. This person will always find a way to get it done. Overload is a constant danger though because once this type of person hits their limit, watch out!!!

Those who fill the bowl with as much as it will hold are real go-getters. Self-motivated and driven, these people often make great entrepreneurs. You'll find them rising to the top of any work organization because they instinctively know how to get the most out of any competitive situation.

Small shallow bowls indicate an attitude that says work is a distraction from the real business of life. This person will do a good job and earn money. But don't ever expect a passionate approach to mere work

The professed ability to eat ice cream from ANY container is a sign that this person really enjoys productive work, in any shape. This is the type of person who might simply fall into a wonderful career because it came along at the right time. The flip side of that, of course, is that the personality may not be ready to choose a path for itself, so it may default into whatever comes along. But that's okay. This person will succeed and have fun.

If the container doesn't matter , it shows that stability is not a big concern here. Flexibility and doing what feels right for the current situation is more important.

Eating the ice cream "out of the box" and "the way it comes" is a sign of a practical nature. This is a person who takes life as is, and doesn't expect the world to change just to suit a personal need. There's an element of rebelliousness in there too. This usually takes the form of doing things in the simplest way possible, despite what the directions say, or what the boss seems to want. It's not about rebellion, really, it is more about seeing a better way and having the courage and intestinal fortitude to buck the system to prove a point. Usually it works out, but there are small-minded bureaucrats out there who are willing to make life miserable just because they weren't consulted first and because they LOVE the rules.

Eating right out of the container is the sign of someone longing for simplicity in life. A pragmatist who wishes the rest of the world ran on a logical basis. This person is searching for working environments that are pure meritocracies. Make him/her earn the top position, to be sure, but make sure you don't give it away to some lesser being, or WATCH OUT!

Eating out of the carton is a definite sign of impatience and a lack of self-control or discipline. Expect these people to be extremely creative in bursts of genius. Out of the carton eaters are often absorbed in whatever interests them to the exclusion of everything else in life. These folks need very understanding and self-sufficient spouses and children. Fortunately, they make up for it in not being hide-bound with rules and expectations for anyone else. These are the lavalamps of the human world.

Eating out of the carton is, as we've seen, a sign of a pragmatic approach to work. This is a person who looks for the obvious and simple ways to do things efficiently. She makes it look easy but again, it is because of the depth of understanding of herself that she can make even complex work situations seem simple. Has a definite knack for getting teams to work step-by-step to complete a task. The willingness to wait only long enough to let the ice cream soften so a spoon can get in there is a reflection of this pragmatic approach. This person appears to have a lot of patience but what is really going on is that she has a perfect idea of the right time to begin a task, and nothing can get her started before conditions are right.


Those who eat their ice cream while it is still frozen like to take the world as it comes. They understand where they fit in the world, usually, and they just want to go forth and conquer. Or, at the very least, finish one project before beginning another. These are good logical thinkers who are also especially useful when others are panicking. But they don't like unplanned or unforeseen changes.

Eating ice cream frozen indicates an ability to take life as it comes. Hard edges in life are expected and even welcomed. Things aren't supposed to go right the first time. This person thinks things through and is confident of the approach to take in most situations. Combined with a nature that will see things through to the end, this person is usually successful. The defeats, though rare, hit home in dramatic ways. Withdrawal is a possibility when things don't work. Good friends are a bulwark against this tendency.

Those who eat their ice cream tending towards firmness like to take life as it comes. They don't try to bend the world to their own idiosyncracies, but rather make the world work for them by understanding it and using it.

In this person's case, a desire to eat the ice cream before it is melted is linked to her solitary and roving lifestyle. She has learned to get as much as she can from a situation as fast as she can because she knows it may not last much longer. She will work hard and be incredibly productive while you have her attention. But once the job winds down, she'll be moving on. If you want to keep her, have an endless supply of good work to be done and she may never notice that she's been there "too long."

The "hint of meltedness" indicates a desire to have the world conform -- even just a little bit, to personal goals. A sure-footed person who knows what he wants and how to get it, this person is willing to wait if that will make things work more to his liking.

letting it melt a bit first demonstrates a desire for less struggle and strife. The stress of life can really get to this person and when that builds up, he reevaluates to see where he can make everything work easier and simpler. Work smarter, not harder is a watchword with this type of individual. Some might call him a worrier or a procrastinator, but both are far from the real truth. The real truth is that this person is contemplating the next move and will ultimately take the path that gets from A to B with the least added conflict. In fact, this type of person makes a great mediator of disagreements because people know he'll always figure out a way to diffuse the situation.

A preference for the semi-soft indicates some ambivalence in the personal arena -- relationships, love life, family, etc. The person who prefers somewhat melted ice cream is one who wishes the people around him or her were a little less judgemental overall. This person is easily imposed upon but will generally hold her shape even when being pushed around. A good person to have around if you need some flexibility and someone who will reward firm commitment from others.

The desire to have somewhat melted ice cream but to have the ice cream completed before it completely melts just reinforces the notion that this person sees the "right way" to do things. There are rules and boundaries and this person understands them and makes them work for him. A bit of a tendency to shun confrontation, but this is more out of the warrior ethic than from any fear or balking nature. Those who press to hard are likely to find they've met a solid rock wall.

those who prefer their ice cream on the soft side try to avoid conflict whenever possible. They may even shy away from a fight unless it really affects them deeply. These are very sensitive people who are often very wise and full of empathy. It goes without saying that they are also thorough and deep in their understanding of other people and especially their work.

Finishing it all, no matter how soupy is a sign of a person who will always get the job done. Expect this person to start out gang-busters, but then taper off as other influences pull this way or that. But not to worry, in the final analysis, everything will be done, all i's dotted and t's crossed. A thorough person who will bring this out in others.

An abhorrence for completely melted ice cream is a sign of someone who hates to leave things unresolved. If a problem is pointed out to this person, he or she will work hard to fix it. This person expects the same from everyone involved. A buckle-down and get-to-work attitude. These people do not have a high tolerance for frustration, so watch out if things aren't working well. Tends to rush things for the sake of closure, even when closure isn't really possible at this time

Those who like the soft-serve style ice cream from a machine are sometimes buffeted by the world around them. Some may view this as a lack of self-esteem, but the reality is more complex. What's really going on is that you some things inside that are holding you back and so the ice cream flavor is really a sign of the things you fear most. In this case, a fear of living just a traditional, conservative life. And that fear causes you to act with uncertainty in some instances. This will baffle many of those who know you (especially family) because they know your strengths and marvel at them constantly.

Soft-serve ice creams and yogurts are the choice of comfortable people. Surprisingly, the mixing of flavors isn't really all that crucial here or indicative of much. The same person, if two flavors aren't available, would make do. And that's just the kind of person they are -- quick to adapt and able to see the value in everyone around them. And to bring it out as well.

The preference for extrememly thick "milk shakes" and the use of a straw indicates a very contrarian nature. You like to do things your own way. You always do a great job, but you resent any sort of intrusion or unwanted instruction.

Obtaining one's ice cream in the form of a milkshake is indicative of a contrary nature. The person who does this is often shocking in mannerisms and speech, as well as attire. Look for this person to drive a very fast car or even a motorcycle.

The tongue-only approach to ice cream is another indication of the way this person deals with life. It is always at the surface. While there's a lot to savor there, there's an element of fearing to go deeper or perhaps of becoming too committed (biting off more than one is ready for). This may change once a more definite path in life is found, or if that soulmate can really "get inside."

Eating slowly is the sign of a contemplative soul. This a person who examines his or her motivations in all situations and acts only when he or she is certain of doing the right thing. Some call him/her a procrastinator, but in reality there is none more decisive once a conclusion has been reached. Makes few but permanent friendships.

Those who eat their ice cream very slowly , licking it from a spoon are generally quiet types. They watch the world and everyone in it. They are surveying their domain, actually. They savor every experience in life and get the most out of it. Usually have excellent memories for places and events and can describe details that most others miss. Likely to be the family historian or take on that type of role at work.

Savoring their ice cream is a reflection of savoring life itself. You couldn't find a more involved person, no matter what the task or who is involved. These people make great parents and you'll often find them volunteering their time for worthy causes -- not just writing a check.

Eating ice cream immediately is a sign of a direct approach to problems and, on the darker side, a low tolerance for frustration. Savoring the ice cream in this context is puzzling until you understand how intense this person really is. When focusing on a problem or person, this is a person who gives ALL their attention. Or none at all. There's an on-off switch, and that's it.

Those who alter their speed of ingestion with the weather are extremely sensitive to the world around them. You are great at spotting other's needs and of helping them achieve their goals -- as long as they help you as well. There's an element of control here as well. If you find yourself adapting too much, you are likely to rebel.

Thanks to Bob for doing so many of these! We all appreciate your spending the time to create our individual profiles very much.

[ April 10, 2005, 07:21 PM: Message edited by: Dragon ]
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Wow, that's a truly massive undertaking. Nicely done! [Smile]
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
Why thank you!

(I sort of just realized how big it really is... mostly it was just a lot of copy-pasting, and my job was made easier by the fact that he put all the profiles in quotes so they weren't hard to find. Mostly it was the orginization that took a while.)
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
That is awesome, Dragon! Thanks.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Very, very cool.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Strawberry ice cream with chunks is the flavor of old time romantics. This type of person might be surrounded by antiques. Friends think of this person as an 'old soul' and will often seek his/her counsel, especially in matters of relationships. Not given to wild expressions of lust, but rather will woo a mate through traditional courtships. But not any half-measures here. This is the real deal. With this person, it is all about the heart. The mind is important, but subject to the heart's impulses and desires.

Oh, my gosh. That's totally right. I wonder what my second choice would mean, though...
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
Very nice, Dragon! [Smile]

But you have to do something with the flavor of pecan praline - the choice of the truly cerebral. And possibly add beverages . . .

Not to add to your workload or anything.

Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*laugh* A couple are self-contradictory, but it's a lot of fun to read through. Thanks, Dragon! And thanks to Bob for the source material. [Wink]
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
Shan, you'll have to talk to Bob about the beverages... I'm only organizing the profiles, not creating them, and I don't think he's done drinks yet...
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
pecan praline
[Angst] Pecan prailines and cream from Bluebell is the second choice mentioned above... [Angst]
Posted by Susie Derkins (Member # 7718) on :
Okay, seriously, Chunky Monkey is Banana Ice Cream with Fudge Chunks & Walnuts -- another Ben & Jerry's combination. This one appeals to those with a major stubborn streak. This is a person who likes to think of himself as soft and cuddly, but in reality is too complex and deep to pull that off for very long. And if you think you've got it figured out, you don't. Not ever. There are too many obstacles to real understanding of this one. It's best to just enjoy the depth and clarity of thought that goes with this personality type. This is a person not afraid of the rough spots in life. Most likely to bull through them than to accommodate or change.
This is eerily like that time when I was thirteen and the horoscope was so dead-on that I started toying with the idea that maybe it wasn't so hokey after all...
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
Which is why I re-posted them in a more readable format...
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
That's also my almost-step-sister's favorite, and that's so totally her.

She once told my husband that she was going to kick his a** if he married me before I was 21. And I looked him up and down afterward and said, "Yeah, she could probably take you." [Laugh]
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
Using beer to complement an ice cream treat is the sign that you are searching for someone truly unconventional. You know your tastes run to the "trashy side" but you want that really to just be an "act". You like the "bad side" in your lovers as long as they can class it up a bit when necessary. Like when meeting the relatives...You are a bit stand-off-ish however, and may not be looking for a full blown love affair. More like a meeting of the minds and some good fun. Compatibility isn't a real issue for you because you can actually see the good in everyone and the fun you can have with them.

[Big Grin]
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
ketchupqueen, the more of you I see on Hatrack, the more like me you seem. [Smile] The strawberry was my profile, and it was dead on.

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