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Posted by Heffaji (Member # 3669) on :
After all these years, it looks like George R.R. Martin has finished up A Feast for Crows. However, that isn't the entire story. The novel was running rather long in manuscript pages, to the point of being longer then A Storm of Swords. In addition to that, there was the desire by both Martin and the publisher to get the book out by this fall. Consequently, certain viewpoints are going to be cut from this release, to be included in the next installment. It looks as though Daenerys is the main casualty. Head on over to

and scroll down to report 65, where this is confirmed and expanded upon in following reports.

It has been so long that I'm still having trouble believing that it is finally coming out. Time to start reading through the series again.
Posted by sarahdipity (Member # 3254) on :
Hrm. It's not on his site. I'm going to wait to see it there until I celebrate. But here's to hoping.
Posted by Astaril (Member # 7440) on :
Posted by Heffaji (Member # 3669) on :
Check his website Monday, as that is when he is supposed to make the official announcement.
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
You'd better hope it's on his site by Monday. We don't deal well with having our emotions, nay, the very fabric of our beings played with in this community.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
No joke.

It's been a while since we have had a lynching....

Well, an official one; my neck is still a bit sore from last week though. [Big Grin]
Posted by Valentine014 (Member # 5981) on :
Xavier and I were going to go to Kansas City to see him this weekend (it's only 2 1/2 hours away), but we forgot.

I say we string him up.
Posted by Heffaji (Member # 3669) on :
None of you could do anything to my neck. It's paleness would blind your eyes before you could even get within axe range.

I'm standing behind what I said. I think the wait is finally over.
Posted by Heffaji (Member # 3669) on :
I get to keep my throat!
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
Now who's coming to Glasgow in August to celebrate with me?!
Posted by prolixshore (Member # 4496) on :
Hooray! It's about bloody time!

Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Now who's coming to Glasgow in August to celebrate with me?!
*raises hand*

Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
I said celebrate, not stalk. [Razz]
Posted by xnera (Member # 187) on :
I wonder when he made the decision to cut the book in two? I met him at To Be CONtinued earlier this month, and he made no mention of the division then. (My con report is in this thread. You'll have to flip through the first few pages to get to it.)
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
can't I do both?
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I don't know if I will like this "sokution", because there are pacing issues that occur when you try to do this. Also, with a cast of characters this large it is hard enough to remember who everone is and what their story arc includes, even when they are mentioned in teh same book.

Well, I am looking forward to reading it.

About time, after all.

Frisco, I think I am going to have Kama tie you up from now on....wihtout you and your drinking parties George should finish the next one twice as fast!

Posted by Portabello (Member # 7710) on :
I'm a little confused -- won't this either make Dance with Dragons waaaaay too big, or force him to cut a whole lot out of it?

Or will it just mean that a lot of the stuff that originally was going to be in it will now be pushed off into yet another book?
Posted by His Savageness (Member # 7428) on :

As much as I want to read a Feast for Crows, I'm kind of worried. On the website he said that A Feast for Crows will cover everything except the north and east, which will be covered by A Dance with Dragons. That means: no Arya, no Tyrion, no Dany, no Jon. I'll still read it and I'm willing to bet still love it, but it will be kind of disapointing to not hear from any of my favorite characters.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Don't worry. The Kraken are quite interesting in their own right. [Smile]
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
I did a jig when I found out last night.

On a completely unrelated note, I learned how to do a proper Irish jig at Brat Fest yesterday. I kinda suck, especially since I couldn't see entirely what was going on onstage, but I think I've got the basics [Smile] Hooray for 50-cent hot dogs and free entertainment for my friends.
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
[The Wave]


I'll be sad to not hear about Arya and Jon and Tyrion and Daenerys... but GRRM can make ANY of his characters interesting (and I'm guessing that we'll see a bunch of new ones in this book).

And who knows, maybe we'll get to see Arya or some of the others wander in anyways... [Smile]
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
The people in the N & E are my fav characters. I really don't care much about the others.

Oh well
Posted by Ginol_Enam (Member # 7070) on :
So, maybe a release very late this year? Early next?
Posted by Valentine014 (Member # 5981) on :
This is an outrage.

No Dany? No Arya? No Jon (my beloved in black)? No Tyrion?!

Yes, I'm sure it will be a wonderful work of literature, even stripped of it's best (and most interesting) characters...

Yes, I will reread the first three and start the fourth, yearning for my faves, all of whom won't be there.

Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
It's been so long since I read them I can't remember what was happening when I left off.

I love the staggered narration when I'm reading for the first time, but I discovered I HATE it when rereading to refresh the plot points.
Posted by OlavMah (Member # 756) on :
It's the truth. Word is, they're aiming for release in November of this year.

Dance of Dragons is well underway as well. I won't divulge details, but I don't think it'll be too long, nor do I think I'll be another five years.

Feast was proofread and plotbroken by two very competent writer friends of George. One is a hollywood writer, and the other is a younger author and George's protege, so to speak. (You'll be hearing a lot more about him next year when his book debuts).

So, this one should be a good, worthwhile addition to the series.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
No Jon. [Frown]

I finished a Storm of Swords a couple nights ago.

Curse you ALL. [Mad]
Posted by His Savageness (Member # 7428) on :
Why are you cursing us?
Posted by OlavMah (Member # 756) on :
Hi Mack.

No idea if Jon is in there or not. No clue about where this story takes place or what happens. I read the first chapters of it when it and Dance of Dragons were the same book, so no idea how they were divided up.

And no stringing up George. Just think how long it'd take to get another book out of him after that!
Posted by Parsimony (Member # 8140) on :
I just finished rereading the series again. I can't wait for the next book. It doesn't matter which parts are left out. This one should be great. More info on Beric in the Riverlands. Find out what happens to Petyr and Sansa in the Eyrie. Watch the fun of the Ironborn fighting with each other, and meet Euron for the first time. I hope to see some chapters devoted to the Martells and find out what they plan to do with Myrcella.

So many things left to see and learn...I'm excited.

Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
AR has had a new SN for over a week, and I'm just now noticing?

I really am out of the loop! *sob*
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
And what's with the zombies?
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Should you throw a spoiler warning on that Jaime?


I'm eager to know where GRRM is going with undead Cat too mack. For the life of me I cannot think of a direction the story can take where she is a major factor. Kind of a wildcard at this point.

I have heard that GRRM was planning on having Cat survive the Red Wedding, but the story demanded she be killed. I wonder if he needed her back for something she was going to do when she was alive.

But we can't complain about zombies much, considering they were in the prologue chapter of AGOT [Smile] .

Edit: Oh and I would love to hear your thoughts on the Red Wedding [Smile] . I didn't "throw the book across the room", but I did leave it sitting on the bed while I angerly paced my living room. I was so angry! There was NO WAY that Robb was going to come back from that. And he was my favorite character [Frown] .
Posted by OlavMah (Member # 756) on :
I got after George for killing too many Starkes, and ending the line, and he just smiled and said, "It looks that way, doesn't it." Every other time I see him, though, he's wearing his Starke T-shirt.
Posted by sarahdipity (Member # 3254) on :
Oooo I'm going to need to reread them before it comes out!
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
I wonder if he needed her back for something she was going to do when she was alive.


The Frey's aren't going to kill *themselves*! [Razz]
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :

But after she has the Frey's killed, is she going to fall down and die?

Is she going to be a player in the politics in the south? Help defeat the Others in the North? Does she matter in the grand scheme of things?
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :

But after she has the Frey's killed, is she going to fall down and die?

That's my prediction. Her purpose will be fulfilled. I think Beric's gonna die once Gregor does, too.
Posted by Parsimony (Member # 8140) on :
Wouldn't the Hound be the one needing to kill Gregor? If Beric Kills him, I think I will be dissapointed.

Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :

I wouldn't be surprised if the ones who find Sandor are the Brotherhood Without Banners. Then if Sandor joins, they could both kill Gregor...
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :

I totally saw the Red Wedding coming. I felt like shouting "DON'T GO!"

It seems like every time a Stark gets separated from his or her wolf, bad things happen.

Robb was an okay guy, but after he broke his engagement contract with the Frey chick, you knew he was screwed.

I actually got mad when Ned Stark died. I LIKED him. [Mad]

The incest thing squicks me out.

Jon has to be my favorite character, aside from the direwolves. I want Arya to find her wolf again. [Frown]

He needs to stop killing major characters. It pisses me off.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
He needs to stop killing major characters. It pisses me off.
It did for me too. Then I tried reading other books, and now every time a major character escapes impossible odds without a scratch I get annoyed. "He totally would have died in a GRRM book". I like that my favorite characters are in actual danger. It adds another dimension to the story. Try rereading LOTRs. A so called "epic" story, where the only major character killed was Gandolf, and he comes back almost right away. Well except Boromir, who was a pseudo-villian.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Jon has to be my favorite character, aside from the direwolves. I want Arya to find her wolf again.
For me it's a 3 way tie between Jon, Bran, and Arya, with Arya threatening to take the lead. Sam is following just behind those three, huffing along trying to keep up, and nearly making it.

Even though none of these three are likely to be in this book, I'm terribly excited about it. A Song of Ice and Fire is Martin's magnum opus, and I trust him to execute it. I'm sure that I'll love AFFC. And just think--reading the next book, heavy with our favorite characters, will be like sitting down and eating the heart of a watermelon.

He needs to stop killing major characters. It pisses me off.
I love that Martin isn't afraid to kill characters that he clearly loves. I never want him to do it--these are probably some of the very few books I've actually shouted at--but I'm glad that he does.
Posted by Parsimony (Member # 8140) on :
I love the fact that no character is safe. At this point in the series there is only one character I am willing to put money on being alive at the end, with a second character that I might bet on. It's wonderful.

When I read books these days with these horrible situations and everyone survives, it ticks me off to no end.

Of course, when I first read this series, Ned's death took me by surprise. I fully expected a storyline about him and Jon on the wall, and was looking forward to it.

As far as favorite characters go, Tyrion takes the cake for me. He is so wounded by his family that there is no way he ever would have been able to live a normal life. ::SPOILER::

When he shot Tywin with the crossbow, I wanted to give him a standing ovation.

I just love these books.

Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :


It seems like every time a Stark gets separated from his or her wolf, bad things happen.

Yup. I knew Robb was toast as soon as he said he was keeping Grey Wind chained up and away from him.

I'm a Dany and a dragon fan. I'm going to be sorely disappointed not to have any of her in this book if that's the case.

I also think I will eventually be a Jaime fan. It's going to take a while to get over the incident with Bran, but I kind of see him as having been poisoned by Cersei, and that maybe he's on his path to redemption. We'll see.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
At this point in the series there is only one character I am willing to put money on being alive at the end, with a second character that I might bet on.
I'm curious to see who you think it is that will definitely survive. My money would be on Arya if I had to bet on somebody, but that might be wishful thinking on my part.

SPOILERS, dead ahead!

Belle, I love how Jamie's character has opened up, with us seeing him first as an utter villain, a king slaying, child murdering, man who has sex with his sister, and then, as he became a POV character, how he unfolded before us, and we saw the motivations behind a lot of those actions, and realized that there was more to him than we'd thought. And I agree, now he's on his way toward redeeming himself. Of course, there are innumerable horrible ways he might die before he succeeds.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I didn't see Tyrion killing Tywin coming. It didn't seem Tyrion's style, especially killing Shae. I think Tyrion is changing, much like his elder brother is changing, and it sorta creeps me out. I liked Tyrion before, but now I'm not so sure, especially when Jaime finally does something good, and Tyrion gets pissed at him.

Belle, exactly. The MOMENT Robb starts tying up his wolf, he's a goner.

Arya (I love her too) has a chance because her wolf isn't dead or tied up, but free somewhere.

Sansa...who knows with that kid. Littlefinger reminds me of a child molester.

Is Beric a zombie, too?

And the black watch reminds me a lot of monks. Especially since they take vows and forswear so many things. And the way they vote for a Lord Commander...good lord, that's dead-on pretty much how monks choose an abbot.
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
GRRM's website now says that it'll be out November 8th!

[The Wave]
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
GRRM's website now says that the UK edition will be out earlier, on October 17th. Hmff. [Grumble]

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