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Posted by Boris (Member # 6935) on :
Yeah. Kelly and I talked about things tonight. Basically, she told me I was coming on too strong. Which, in hind-sight, I can totally understand, as I'm sure everyone else can. Eh. I've still got a lot to learn. Happily, I'm not terribly hurt (Though it still sucks to have that sudden woosh of hopes just going bye-bye), we're still friends, and she still wants to do stuff with me, which is good. I'm learning, which is also good. I'm frustrated, but I'll live. And that's good as well [Smile]
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
Sorry. Maybe going slowly will result in something down the road...
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
For what it's worth, my wife and I broke up twice - permanent breakups, we thought - before we finally married. Stretching our courtship out for three years. You never know what will happen. Except that if she gets a restraining order against you, it's probably never going to end up the way YOU wanted. So ... where there's no restraining order yet, there's hope. (Engrave that in stone, please, someone.)
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
The fact that she still wants to do things with you is good. Enjoy her company. Have fun. Let her get to know you, and find out what a great guy you are (if this is indeed the case--you seem all right to me). You should probably avoid bringing up the idea of a relationship. If she wants one, she'll most likely let you know.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
Boris, are you sure you aren't me by any chance?! After seeing what's happening to you I can't help but wonder... [Wink]
Posted by Boris (Member # 6935) on :
Wow. That would be freaky. [Smile]
Posted by starlooker (Member # 7495) on :
I do actually know of women who thought somehow that getting a restraining order would hurt their boyfriend's feelings less than telling them, "I don't want to talk to you anymore."

One can take the North Dakota Nice thing too far.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
This is why I asked how many times a day you were trying to call her. [Smile] A lot of women get very, very freaked out by too much interest, too early.

When you first start "dating," try to stick to making contact about once every two or three days.
Posted by JonnyNotSoBravo (Member # 5715) on :
Not just women. I would get freaked out, too, if any person, male or female, started calling me 4 times or more per day. That's why telemarketers scare me so much. I try to tell them that I don't love them anymore, but they keep calling anyway! All the time! And especially at dinner!
Posted by Enigmatic (Member # 7785) on :
Don't worry, Boris. My early dating days were similiar: falling in love immediately, seeming too involved too soon, and overreacting to every rejection. You'll keep dating, learn to pace yourself, and be fine.

I'm going to recommend a movie to you (and anyone else who hasn't seen it): Swingers. It has a ton of great dating advice, and the answering-machine scene is one of the strongest examples of what-not-to-do ever.

Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
<Vows to stop calling JNSB so much.>
Posted by Sharpie (Member # 482) on :
And one of these times, soon or not so soon, there will be a young lady who adores you, who waits for your call as eagerly as you wait for hers, who emails you with silly questions about your likes and dislikes and you will fill them out and ask her equally silly ones. You’ll have long phone conversations that mostly consist of neither of you wanting to hang up. She will think the way you smile is the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen. In fact, she might even think the way you hold a pencil is the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen, or the way you clink the side of your bowl when you eat ice cream. She will be as head over heels with you as you are with her.

That’s what you want.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Or it will creep you out. [Big Grin]

The difference between romantic and creepy is how attractive you find the person.
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
So ... where there's no restraining order yet, there's hope.
I'm so glad you said that. I, of course, merely assume that this applies to obsessive fandom as much as it does to romantic love...

Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
Good luck Boris.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Originally posted by beverly:
Or it will creep you out. [Big Grin]

The difference between romantic and creepy is how attractive you find the person.

That is one of the best (and most true) quotes.


Posted by Enigmatic (Member # 7785) on :
Yes, very true quote. I once did the "secret admirer" thing to a level that you could consider right on, or possibly over, the line to stalking. Particularly the bit with flowers and a card on the hood of her car when she got off work...

But that got her my email address, we exchanged a few emails and eventually dated and that was a pretty good relationship while it lasted. (about 5 or 6 months)

It could have been creepy though, and I would only recommend such an approach as an absolute last resort to asking someone out, and with extreme caution.

Posted by Eruve Nandiriel (Member # 5677) on :
Originally posted by TomDavidson:
When you first start "dating," try to stick to making contact about once every two or three days.

But then if she really likes you, she might get angry that you don't call often, therefore ruining your chances.
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :

Every woman is different - gauge the waters and try to tailor your contact accordingly.

If the date went well, call/email her the next day and tell her you had a great time and a vague "I'd like to see you again sometime."

But if the date only went ok, then wait a couple of days before making another casual overture. Make sure she's comfortable with the terms and intensity of interaction.


Disclaimer - it's amazingly easy to armchair quarterback. [Big Grin]
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
I would opt for a dose of caution and slowness, myself. The last guy I dated went from a handful of e-mails, two phone calls, and one all-family play date (i.e., take the kids with) to one adult date and let's get family cell-phones, you leave your job, we get married, and you can be a housewife and mommy.

(Is still relieved that said paramour took the strong suggestion of backing far away very, very seriously.)
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
Originally posted by Eruve Nandiriel:
Originally posted by TomDavidson:
When you first start "dating," try to stick to making contact about once every two or three days.

But then if she really likes you, she might get angry that you don't call often, therefore ruining your chances.
Or she may call you...which will let you know how interested she is. [Smile]
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
*grins* Well, yes - don't talk marriage and kids in the first six months. [Razz]

Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Or do. [Big Grin]

Well, probably not if you're under 30 and haven't already known each other at least 2 years.

And aren't Mormon.
Posted by Sid Meier (Member # 6965) on :
I feel lonely.
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :

I will defer to dkw's expert opinion.

Posted by Enigmatic (Member # 7785) on :
dkw (and her expert opinions) reminds me: I was actually going to point out in one of the other panic over a relationship threads that if you're a young guy starting out in dating, older sisters are really good sources of useful dating advice from the female perspective.

If you don't have any older sisters, both of mine are on hatrack. Feel free to borrow them.

Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
You can always ask when you should call her again. If she says call tomorrow, do it.
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
When do you want them back by, Enigmatic?
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
Well, that was reasonable, rational, and logical, Glenn! Takes all the guesswork out of it! (grin)
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Ditto, I must say that Glenn's suggestion struck me as sensible. [Smile]

I agree with Tom that if you're really interested, you should still only call the girl once or twice a week. If she likes you back, she'll invite you to call after you see her. Or, in the best scenario, she'll call you! [Smile]

I find myself doing that with guys, I'll say "Call me soon so we can figure out when we're going to _____" or something like that. You know? That's my cue that I'm interested and would like phone contact SOON.
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
Of course, there is the old "I'm very interested in you but don't want to creep you out" method of expressing yourself to potential love interests.
Posted by jebus202 (Member # 2524) on :
Too bad The Man can't handle it.
Posted by Papa Janitor (Member # 7795) on :
Humor or not, it wasn't appropriate here. Knock it off, Jebus.
Posted by jebus202 (Member # 2524) on :
KATHRYN wouldn't have minded. ::sniff::
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
Really, how many women would call the guy?

Don't count on that one. [Big Grin]

Posted by Sopwith (Member # 4640) on :
Boris, you could also just go on about your business for a week or two, just kinda float along in life. Then just make a casual call and ask if she'd like to catch a movie.

All in all, the best bet with a new relationship is for the gentleman to let the lady set the pace.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Although, I've had to put the brakes on myself too and let the guy set the pace. I think it just depends on who's the most interested at the outset.
Posted by Boris (Member # 6935) on :
Well, she told me she'd call me. So I'm just going to wait for that. Mostly I'm just going to expect only to see her at the weekly swing dance we have here. At any rate, I'm feeling better about the whole deal, considering the fact that I learned a TON about relationships from it. I wish I could have figured it all out before all this, but I'll get more chances.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
"But then if she really likes you, she might get angry that you don't call often, therefore ruining your chances."

There is no real downside to this. Worst-case scenario: she realizes that she wishes you'd call more often.

Every three or four days is not so long that a girl with all major brain functions will be angry at you, but not so close that she'll stop missing you. You want women to miss you.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Yeah. "How can I miss you if you won't go away?" [Smile]

Well, she told me she'd call me. So I'm just going to wait for that.
Boris, that sounds like a great plan. [Smile] Good luck. I'm a firm believer in taking it slow and casual...and swing dancing is a great way to casually just 'see her around.'
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
In the meantime, spend lots o' time on Hatrack to keep your mind off of her. [Big Grin]
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
Play harder to get, dude. Chicks dig that. :)
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
It seems I missed this thread... aaah!

*hugs Boris* Chin up. These things have a way of working themselves out. [Smile]
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on : way or the other... [Razz]

Boris, don't worry, you're not me! My problems tend to finish worse than yours... [Wink] I remember telling Choobak something in situation somewhat alike: take a deep breath, calm yourself, and do as you said you will do - wait for her to call. Small steps, Boris, small steps... [Big Grin]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I wouldn't call right away, unless you have made plans to do so, and then if you have make sure you call. If you don't she will assume you are blowing you off, or at least there is a chance she might.

If she doesn't call in a week or so, make a point of calling then and asking if she wants to do something else. If she doesn't you will have all teh answers you need.

Last but not least, don't burn any bridges at this point, you neven know what the future holds. Sometimes it isn't you that is the problem, it is the timing. In a monthm or a year, or even maybe a week the timing might be better, and she could become interested again.

Most of life is about timing, which is something I wish I had learned earlier in life. . .and not just for relationships, either. [Big Grin]

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