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Posted by Samarkand (Member # 8379) on :
Ok . . . I need a really amazing Halloween costume. It needs to be both clever and sexy, but not wandering over into the slutty side. Eg., no to school girls, French maids, German bar maids, Playboy bunnies, pirate wenches, Victoria's Secret Angels, female cops in highly abbreviated uniforms, etc. etc. I should clarify that this is not because of moral reasons or because I can't pull it off (I'm 5'2" and weigh 110 pounds, and I was a cheerleader last year! Woot!), but because I want something way less obvious.

Current ideas: Michelle Pfeiffer Catwoman and Uma Thurman's yellow jump suit from Kill Bill. But I want something more unusual and yet still instantly recognizable. But not nerdy. I'm nerdy, but I don't want my costume to be. Just - awesome.

Men's advice is highly appreciated, because I am hoping to look really hot, but not like all the girls at CU who are running around in mini skirts and crop tops on Halloween.

Thank you!!!
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
What about Inara?
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Lara Croft.

Jessica Rabbit.
Posted by MyrddinFyre (Member # 2576) on :
Posted by Samarkand (Member # 8379) on :
I realize this is bad of me, but I have not in fact seen any of the Firefly episodes or Serenity. *wince* I will get on that.

I thought of dressing up as an Angelina Jolie character, but I'm not sure if I want to invite comparison to her because she's so - well, amazing. Not that I look bad, but - it's Angelina Jolie!

Heeheehee. Jessica Rabbit. Oh, I kind of like that.

I've been poking around online for a good Kill Bill costume, and they seem very expensive. Hmm.
Posted by Enigmatic (Member # 7785) on :
Classic movie monster that would let you look hot without seeming like you're trying to look hot: a Mummy. It's not something that screams "sexy" to most people, but with tightly wrapped bandages it can show of your figure without showing skin. Pictures from Daft Punk's Around the World music video. Sexy bonus points for learning the dance that the mummified girls do.

Last year I saw a girl at a party dressed as Carrie. Prom dress and dump a lot of fake blood over your head. That was surprisingly sexy.

I'll probably think of more later on, being male and liking halloween and all.

Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Eni, you have a surprisingly deranged sense of what is sexy.
Posted by Samarkand (Member # 8379) on :
So . . . either way . . . a costume where I'm dead . . . hmm. Vampires also good? [Wink]
Posted by Samarkand (Member # 8379) on :
There is a tragic lack of pleather Kill Bill costumes. I am most sad. On the other hand, my roommate and I just decided to dress my cat as a unicorn. Poor little Sammy. [Laugh]
Posted by Enigmatic (Member # 7785) on :
Originally posted by Tante Shvester:
Eni, you have a surprisingly deranged sense of what is sexy.

See, I knew this would happen and it's exactly the kind of stereotyping that limits the amount of male help women get with this sort of request. Once you rule out the standard skimpy "slutty" costumes which are always common, and still ask for something sexy but "way less obvious," the answers really have to be a bit more odd or creative and a guy can't suggest anything at all without being labeled some kind of kinky perv.

Fortunately for Samarkand, I am a kinky perv, so I don't mind! [Razz]

For the record, Carrie was not dead. Iirc, the blood is pig's blood dumped on her at prom by the popular kids, which makes her snap and wreck up the place with psychic powers. And I didn't suggest a vampire because it's kind of a cliche costume. Vampire chicks have been done to death.

On the subject of sexy dead girl costumes though, how about Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas? All you need is a patchwork dress and paint on the stitches with makeup. I guess maybe a wig, too. I don't know what style/color your hair is.

Posted by Ser Bronn Stone (Member # 8759) on :
I attended a Halloween costume contest a few years ago.

The entries were brought up to the front of the room. The host said, "Okay, the Sally wins. Let's vote for second place."

TNBC is a great costume source.
Posted by Avadaru (Member # 3026) on :
Actually, I need the same help as Samarkand. The street I live on is host to my city's most famous block party every Halloween, and the party is this Friday, and I have nothing to wear. I've been trying to figure out something sexy but not skanky. I really wanted to be an anime character, but couldn't find one with an easy costume. Suggestions?
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
What I planned to do last year but never did: Go to a moving store and get a couple yards of the bubble wrap with big bubbles. (They even have pink, if you want to get fancy!) Depending on your comfort level, wear a pair of skin-tone bike shorts/boy shorts and jog bra/strapless bra, or not. Depending on how much work you want to do just wrap yourself in the bubble wrap or make a cool dress out of it using clear plastic packing tape for the seams.

When someone asks what you're supposed to be dressed up as bat your eyelashes and say 'I'm fragile."
Posted by Jim-Me (Member # 6426) on :
LotR characters?

Kate Beckinsale's characters in either Underworld or Van Helsing?

your favorite female X-men member?

Raven or Starfire from Teen Titans?

maybe these don't fit the "instantly recognizable" category, but they're all costumes I would appreciate... [Dont Know]
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
Buffy or Willow! well what else is there? Really we need a pic of you Samarkand.

I think I'm going to dress as a fifties housewife, I have a red gingham dress, round skirt, button up, collar. Then I'll have the little girl I'm babysitting in a white cotton outfit and her brother is wearing his leather bomber jacket, then they'll ride in a little red wagon, it's too easy, but they are a pain to dress, and Lily already ripped her witches costume off trying it on for her grandma (my mom's best friend)
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
Two things:

Samarkand - you ask for sexy but not slutty. I'm not sure that's possible in this context (ie - Halloween costumes).

Avadaru - What street do you live on? I'm supposed to be going to a Halloween party in BR this Friday. I wonder if it's the same one?

[ October 24, 2005, 12:44 PM: Message edited by: El JT de Spang ]
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
Hey, I thought my Arwen costume was sexy but not slutty. A neighbor borrowed it for a Halloween party, though, and I fear it may be a bit stretched out now. *wince* Plus, it was warm enough to be worn without a jacket.

YOu could also do Trinity, from the first Matrix -skin-tight pleather and a shiny black trenchcoat...

Enigmatic - in your defense, my hubby also thought the Mummy girls were cute. [Big Grin]
Posted by ifmyheartcouldbeat (Member # 8692) on :
haha, i dont have a suggestion for you because it took me forever to think of one on my own. my roomate is being a slutty (but not too slutty) Alice in i wanted to go with her on the whole story book thing. She wanted me to be a slutty (but not too slutty) Mad Hatter...she had the costume and everything picked out online for me. But i went with the more me idea when i thought of it..and unfortunatly the dork side of me overruled and i decided on a Girl version of Harry potter [Wink]
-black mini
-tank top thats striped maroon and gold (also my school colors [Wink] )
-a harry potter scarf
- a wand
-maroon and gold knee highs
- black glasses (but fifty style that are more girlie w/ the points at the end)
-and of course the scar ;0)

haha i seemed easy to put together..and cheap..and it still goes with the storybook theme...and it screams me. lol

good luck on your costume..just for record..i thought the trinity idea was awesome. and you can't go wrong with Buffy [Wink] (that was my other option)oh and a LOTR character can also be very sexy but not slutty.
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
Inspired by the begging the question thread: the Statue of Liberty.

Or Lady Justice, for that matter, perhaps even better.
Posted by Samarkand (Member # 8379) on :
This is my MySpace link; I don't know whether it will let you look at all of my pictures, but here's hoping.

There is one on there of last Halloween, which is a cheerleading costume that has pleats that, uh, separate, so if you think that might make you faint, sit down before you look. There were burgundy spankies, however! I promise.
Posted by Samarkand (Member # 8379) on :
You know, MyrddinFrye's suggestion of Eve isn't half bad. At first I was thinking little leaves and a flesh-toned body suit, but now I'm thinking a long green dress with a slit up the side and some ivy in my hair. And maybe a little bag of apple candies. I can wander around going, "Apple?"

I imagine we all know what exactly the knowledge the Tree of Knowledge held was, but it would take an informed person to get exactly how naughty the costume really is.
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
Yeah, you need to be the slayer! I don't know what outfit, but some buffy the vampire slayer thing.
Posted by Avadaru (Member # 3026) on :
JT - I live on Carlotta St. If you're going to a different party, don't. This one is the biggest and the best. If you ARE going to Carlotta, my house will have an "Open for Business" sign in the window and blue icicle lights hanging outside.
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
The party I'm going to is on Geranium St. (right off campus by the Nat). It's at a friend of mine's house so I definitely have to go. I might come to your street though, since it's the biggest and the best.

This all firmly hypothetical since I haven't even started to think about a costume yet.
Posted by Samarkand (Member # 8379) on :
Um . . . I seem to have bought blue angel wings and a blue satin bustier . . . which maybe I should return tomorrow. To quote E. Jean, I feel whipsawed by confusion. Well, maybe that's a paraphrase.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
I'm being a pirate, but not a pirate wench- a female Pirate Captain. If anyone calls me a wench, I'm going to keelhaul them. I'm going to be Lady Vengeance. Hee. I'm practicing my pirate-speak.

It's going to be great!
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
I'm working on my first medieval garb that will double as a halloween costume. I have a muslin underdress and (probably) a sideless gown out of this gorgeous maroon tapestry fabric.
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
I'm lazy and busy, but I'm contemplating sticking a few postage stamps on my cheek and going as first class mail(male).

Or something with a smock. I like wearing smocks.
Posted by Avadaru (Member # 3026) on :
I'm still clueless about costumes. And JT, you should just convince your friends to move their party over to Carlotta, 'cause ours is freaking awesome, and huge, and most party-going people will be there anyway. Most years we get a permit from the police to block off the street, and just party all night, and usually well into the next day.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Originally posted by Ser Bronn Stone:
I attended a Halloween costume contest a few years ago.

The entries were brought up to the front of the room. The host said, "Okay, the Sally wins. Let's vote for second place."

TNBC is a great costume source.

This is true. I really like that movie, and I wanted to be Jack Skellington for Halloween one year, but he is tall and skinny, and I am short and stocky (fat) [Wink] , so I did the only thing I could do...

I rented a Santa suit, put on some really good skeleton hands, and painted my face like his! [Big Grin]

I got mentioned by the radio station guys holding the party, although I didn't know about the costume contest so I didn't enter officially.

It was the best costume I ever had, although most of the guys had no idea who I was suppose to be...they kept yelling "Yeah! Death Santa, man!" and holding up their hands making devils horns and headbanging...

Every single girl in the place knew EXACTLY who I was though....

It was a very, very good night. [Evil]
Posted by Epictetus (Member # 6235) on :
I'm just going to wear a name tag that says "Hello my name is: Id"

edited for spelling errors
Posted by Jim-Me (Member # 6426) on :
Originally posted by El JT de Spang:
Or something with a smock. I like wearing smocks.

Actually I just like to say "smock".

Smock smock smock...

Posted by Samarkand (Member # 8379) on :
Awwww . . . my best friend's screenname is smocksmocksmock for exactly that reason. "Can we get one of your dad's dress shirts so I can write 'Don't knock my smock or I'll clean your clock on it?'"

Wait - and don't stalk her online.
Posted by Jim-Me (Member # 6426) on :
No worries, I do all my stalking in person...

Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
You're missing out, then.

*stalks rivka, Frisco, and Boon*
Posted by Altáriël of Dorthonion (Member # 6473) on :
I wanted to be princess zelda, but I have no $.$
What can I do? I have no costume ideas for financially challanged college students. T.T
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
I heard a good costume idea today from my brother.

Drape a cardboard box around your shoulders labeled "Night Stand".

Then you are a one night stand.

Apparently a sorority girl he has class with did this last year and got in trouble with her chapter. I thought that was awesome.
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
You can tie a cereal box with a knife through it around your neck and be a Cereal Killer.

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