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Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
So! Whatcha planning?

For the first time in years, I am choosing the option of spending the holiday with friends, rather than quarrelsome family, and I am so very pleased and - yes! relieved - by that choice.

Nathan and I found a recipe for stuffed pumpkin that we are looking forward to making.

The salmon run is still happening, and the PacNW is rather beautiful in its' mistiness - so I am looking forward to some outdoor time, too.

And, of course, watching The Sound of Music - *grins*
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
My grandparents and aunt/uncle/cousins from one side of the family are coming to my parents' house for Thanksgiving. Then the LSU game and a concert on Friday, then a friend comes into town on Saturday.

Everybody who lives out of town comes in for Thanksgiving and the night before is a big night to go out -- the weather's nice, you see people you haven't seen for years, and it's generally a lot of fun.

Which reminds me, I need a haircut.
Posted by maui babe (Member # 1894) on :
One thing we'll be doing differently this year will be watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade because a combined band from Maui high schools are marching this year. Several of my girls' friends are there, so we'll watch for sure. I've occasionally seen parts of the parade over the years, but I've never made a point of watching before.
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Everyone (parents and sister) is coming to my house for Thanksgiving. We'll eat around 2 or 3 and then decorate the Christmas tree and deck the rest of the halls. [Big Grin]
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
We're going to Atlanta!

I have to yell that with enthusiasm because I would much prefer to stay at home, alone, and sleep.

I have been fighting off a cold for a few days, and it won't be better by tomorrow.

And tomorrow I get to take our old gas guzzling van, rent an expensive U-Haul trailer, and stuff it full of furniture which is debatably worth less than the cost of gas its going to take to drive it all down to Atlanta, where I will get to unload it all.

All because my mother-in-law wants the stuff that her mother and brother are getting rid of.

Her mother, my Grand-Mother-in-law is mostly deaf and so absent minded that the only thing that protects her from being yelled at by me is her deep and enduring over sweetness.

My Uncle-in-law is a lazy spoiled rich @#$@$# who is supposed to help me load up the furniture, but probably will claim back problems or something equally offensive.

Then I get to spend 12 hours driving through the night with my wife and son to Atlanta. At least Mrs. Raven will drive half of the time.

Then three wonderful days of family, confusion, uncomfortable beds and limited bathing facilities.

Thanksgiving--Bahh Humbug!!!!!!

(PS of course I will have a wonderful time--somehow).
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
Ahhh, Dan_raven! I'll light a candle for you and yours!
Posted by Derrell (Member # 6062) on :
Dan, if you want to make it exciting, let Sasha drive. [Wink]
Posted by Artemisia Tridentata (Member # 8746) on :
When the kids were small, and it was a long drive to any known relatave's house, we started the custom of eating turkey on Sunday before Thanksgiving. Then Wedensday evening we made a big pot of Chili. Thursday morning, we drove up into the hills and searched out the perfect Christmas Tree. (Pinyon of course) We heated the chili on a camp stove, cut the tree and took it home. On Friday, we drove into the City to do Christmas shopping. Then on Saturday, we set the tree up and put up house lights etc. It was great for the kids well into their late teens.
this year we will be together at Granma's house. But the pot of chili will still be here on Wednsday night.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Sasha wouldn't complain about it I bet....

Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
We're going to my grandma's in northern Indiana tommorow. Thursday mom and I will wake up to help her cook, then a bit before noon grandma's sister and her family will arrive, as well as my uncle and aunt. We will exchange small homemade christmas gifts. At noon we sit down at the table, say grace, and turn on Q95 Bob and Tom, to listen to Arlo Guthrie's "Alice's Restaraunt." Yeah that's the tradition. Then we're going to go put some small stones out at a family grave site.
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
Ohhhh - chili . . . that used to be a Christmas Eve tradition.

*sighs with happy remembrance*
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
Chilli is so the day after Christmas, you use things you have left over.
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
*has awful suspicious thought about what Gran was cleaning out of the fridge by way of leftovers*

Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
Until last night, my family hadn't planned to do anything for Thanksgiving. My husband is working. I am sick. My dad had planned to go to a family reunion in another state. My brother now lives in Michigan. My mom is in poor health and we try to stay away from her when we're sick. But my mom called up last night saying that my dad wasn't going out of town after all and did we want to get together anyway. So they're coming to our house (so hubby can have an extra half hour of sleep before the foodage and heading to work). I don't know what we're eating other than pumpkin pie that I'm making and my mom's awesome rolls. Then hubby will go off to work and mom and dad and I will watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. [Smile]
Posted by theCrowsWife (Member # 8302) on :
We'll be heading over to my sister-in-law's apartment for dinner. Amazingly enough, her boyfriend (Air Force) and my husband (retail) both have the day off, which is nearly unheard of. Also, my parents-in-law are in town so they will be there, too.

We're bringing pumpkin pie made from home-grown pumpkins, green bean casserole, and home-made dinner rolls. My husband also wanted to bring something made of tomatillos, since we have so many, but I don't know when he'll have time to make it.

It was always my mom's tradition to watch Planes, Trains, and Automobiles on Thanksgiving, but we don't have a copy of it yet. So we'll probably play games like Scatergories and Pictionary instead.

Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Maybe we won't be doing Thanksgiving after all. My whole household is sick...if I listed all the symptoms, we'd be a walking ad for Nyquil. I doped up the kids [Wink] and took some Dayquil myself, but if I'm not feeling well enough to cook by about 4pm today I'm gonna cancel the folks and Sis coming up. Or maybe suggest that Daddy come up and get the fixin's and let Mom cook there for them. Or something. No sense having them get sick too. [Frown]

*cough, cough, hack, ugggghh*

Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Yeah, I called my mom earlier, and they're not thrilled with the idea of coming up here and taking a chance on catching whatever this crap is. Especially for my dad.

So, Mom and Daddy deep-fried a turkey today, and Mom will make some sides tomorrow and they'll have a small Thanksgiving down there with my sister before she has to leave again. I'll cook the big turkey and stuff either Monday, or as soon as we're feeling better, whichever comes last.

I'm so sad Thanksgiving got wrecked again, but I'm thankful that we all still have each other, and for the opportunity to get together later to celebrate that.
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm having dinner at our family friends, the Shatzer's. Mmmmmm... free food... [Wink]
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
I'm at Mom & Dad's w/ Mom's piano teacher, Judy. Quiet day, good food, nice people. Plenty to be thankful for -- Dad is 81 w/ emphysema and lots of aches and pains and just nice that he's still with us.
Posted by Walker (Member # 8866) on :
Taking my son to my Mom's house today, watching football and of course having Turkey.
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
My mother, bless her heart, brought us enough leftovers to feed us all for three days!

We decided to save the big turkey for Christmas and have lasagne Monday.
Posted by Avadaru (Member # 3026) on :
We had a food fight this year. Most of my family was drunk, and many olives were thrown.
Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
Got together with the grandma, aunt/uncle/cousins from my mom's side and went out for a buffet lunch/dinner thing. It ended up being a rather humorous meal.
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
I'm sorry you're all sick Boon. [Frown]

But Yay for mothers and leftovers! [Smile]
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
My brother and sister-in-law hosted. I brought deviled eggs (cause brother and I love them but SIL can't stand em) and candied yams. I came home with almost half a carcass, including dark meat, for making soup [Smile]
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
We schlepped from New Jersey to Long Island (3 1/2 hours each way) to have dinner at my brother's wife's parent's house. But the dinner was terrific, and we have the kind of "functional" family that can get together and play nicely at the holidays. No one gets drunk, but a few of the adults have one glass of wine with dinner. Four generations sit around the table (there were about 25 of us, including the babies). One toddler thought it was funny to throw his roll across the table. So then all the under 3 set had to throw their rolls. Their rolls were confiscated, which set up a minor objection that was quickly squelched by the administration of turkey drumsticks to every kid. The roasted two big turkeys, but also got extra drumsticks, so that everyone who wanted one could get one.

It is an amazing delight to see a 17-month old baby, gripping a giant turkey drumstick with enthusiasm and trying his best to polish it off. The little ones got to try all the kinds of food, and while they all ate extremely well, there were some foods that they rejected. One was so enamored of the special family Thanksgiving recipe rice that he was stuffing fist fulls of it into his face and hair. But one bite of stuffing, and he decided that it was suitable for throwing overboard -- to the floor.

The babies, who haven't seen my husband since before they can remember (they DO have short little memories) had interesting reactions to his wheelchair. Some were completely nonchalant about it --didn't seem to recognize anything out of the ordinary. One kept toddling over closer and closer, reaching out and touching a wheel or footrest then running away giggling. But there was one (the 17-monther) who would look my husband up and down and then look to another adult to check their reaction. Of course, none of the adults were acting as if anything out of the ordinary was going on, so he would decide that this must be OK. Until the power chair was moving on its own -- then the same deep and searching stare and a check with another adult to gauge his reaction. Ditto when my husband's ventilator started alarming. In the end, he figured that all was harmless and joined in with the sneak-up-and-touch-it-and-run-away-laughing game.

A regular Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving! Except for the traffic headaches. Seven hours of driving is too much for a brain that has been Turkey-numbed.

(oh -- and I gave my kid a tip for talking to all the adults who can't think of anything to say to him besides "How is school? What grade are you in? What is your favorite subject? Are you doing well?" Yadda Yadda Yadda. I suggested that he ask them "How is work? How long have you been working there? What is your favorite thing to do on the job? Are you doing well?" Yadda Yadda Yadda. The boy is imbued with wisdom, and told me that he could never do that -- it would be too disrespectful)
Posted by Risuena (Member # 2924) on :
Well, after determining last night that none of the bus companies, despite what they told me over the phone, had a bus going where I needed it to go when I needed it to go, I decided to be brave/foolish and drive to Mexico to visit my friend today. So I got myself up at 4:30am, miraculously found my passport right before I left and drove. I got here to Saltillo early afternoon and went to eat lunch with my friend. Instead of having the traditional turkey, we had goat. And it was good.

Then I had the fun of trying to call my parents to let them know that both me and the car had arrived safely. Unfortunately, the Mexican phone system hates me (found out later that I kept trying to use screwed up phones). I wound up IMing a friend in Puerto Rico and asking him to call my parents (because the people I'm staying with have internet, but no phone). All is well, everyone is assured of my safety and I'm going serape shopping tomorrow and then silver shopping and then, well, you get the idea... [Smile]
Posted by Ginol_Enam (Member # 7070) on :
Wednesday (important backstory)

I went home from work and saw that neither my mom nor Alex (step-dad) left me a parking spot (we live in an apartment complex). So I looked for a guest spot. The only one I could find was right between two people who couldn't park in an empty airport hangar without having a wheel a bit out of it, so I couldn't fit.

So I parked right behind mom's and Alex's cars. I was a little frustrated/annoyed (take your pick).

So I walked in. Didn't say anything. Mom asked me where I parked. "Behind your cars. The only guest spot I could find was too small for me to park. You can look if you want. Or I can move it later."

I got some food. Sat on the computer. Ate. Played around. Mom got up and asked for my car keys. I gave them to her. She went out and moved the car somewhere. She came in and said, "There was a spot right over where we used to live." "Not when I looked."

So at this point I haven't said anything. I haven't accused my mom of doing anything. I was certainly a little annoyed, and it probably showed a bit, but I didn't do anything rude, obnoxious, whatever.

So my mom talks about how I walked in all indignant, etc; how she didn't appreciate it or something. I don't remember exactly. I reply (and start getting a bit angry). I don't remember exactly what we said, but it soon escalated into us yelling at each other. She kept saying how I shouldn't have parked there and don't yell at me while I kept accusing her of not doing what she said she would, etc. Eventually she starts mocking me (I mean, she was actually copying my words; like a two year old; it was embarassing). I called her out on it (which she, BTW, repeated towards me), but she only got angrier (parents seem to always want you to be more mature [and, a lot of the times, praise me for being so mature and "older than she is"], except when they don't want to be mature themselves).

It then developed into who was being childish or whatever. I kept telling her how nothing is ever ever her fault (she always seems to push onto someone else) and kept pulling up her two-year-old-antics (which she blamed on me; she only did it because that's how I use to treat her). So somewhere she tells me to go up to my room, so I go so far as the stairs when Alex comes down and tells me to get back down there.

So then he asks what happened and I start explaining, but get told not to yell, etc. I don't remember really what happened, but it was then decided that it was all my fault for not reminding them that I was working that night, that mother has no blame for anything (despite not moving her car, despite her not being able to keep herself from petty comments that start arguments, etc.), and that if I speak that why to my mom again I can just pack up and move over to my dad's.

Mom starts telling Alex that he's not going to kick her son out, but I say "screw it" and head over there anyway. I stay for a while. Mom calls, tells me she wants me to come home soon. I watch the news then go home, and go upstairs. I didn't talk to anyone else.

Today (being Thursday, Thanksgiving)

Wake up. Get dressed an all. I'm told that the family's going to be having dinner at 3:00, now, instead of 4:00/5:00, and am asked if I want to go. I had to be at work at 5:00, and I liked to be there early. And Grandma's house is in the wrong direction, so my drive would be longer, so I would have only have had 30 minutes at the very most to eat before I would have had to leave.

So I say no.

So I stay home and stay upstairs and plays some games. I go downstairs for a bit. I tell mom I need new jeans. She says okay or something, then nothing. So I start heading upstairs. She begins to say something. I misunderstand and think she's telling me to get rid of the jeans that are beginning to fall apart. I start to tell her that they're not that bad yet, before I'm told to stop and listen to her full sentence before I interrupt, etc. I start explaining that I was halfway up the stairs, etc. but she tells me to not act like that today.

So I go upstairs and don't come down for a good while. I later go downstairs to eat some bread dipped in stew broth (yay for Thanksgiving feasts...) and a too-warm-to-be-god piece of cheesecake.

Then I leave for work. I clock in. At first I don't have a register, because there's not one available, so I do backbar. But then I get a register and I don't move from it for over 5 hours. I don't get a break. I don't go to the restroom. I took only one drink of water. I serve customers non-stop.

Even when we finally closed the doors and begin shutting down concession, I still had people in my line to be served, so I had to serve them.

Then I want finally got off of register, I went to the back and did dishes for the next 2 hours. I got soaking wet and got freaking frozen while walking out to my car in the middle of nowhere. Then I drove home. And I some more (this time good and cold) cheesecake.

And got on the computer.

Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Like the difference between Norman Rockwell and Norman Bates.

Sorry it stunk.

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