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Posted by Geekazoid99 (Member # 8254) on :
That's the question
Why would God decide to create the Earth and the universe?

Then if the bible is right and did stay more connected with them back in those times then now. Why does he now ignore us completly and ultimitly?

As of this moment i have no oppinion so i want to hear others so i can decide

(i'm going on a philisophical question rampage [Evil Laugh] prepare for your mind to be blown away with questions)
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
Umm, because he can't stand it when we spell things incorrectly?

space opera
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
He did it to blow. Your. Mind.
Seriously. Trippy.
Posted by Tresopax (Member # 1063) on :
I think He did it because He knew it would be Good... and it is.
Posted by smitty (Member # 8855) on :
Because he feels like it. Do you honestly think you could understand how a deity thinks and/or feels?
Posted by Juxtapose (Member # 8837) on :
I think He did it because He knew it would be Good... and it is.
Except for the part that's not.
Posted by Enigmatic (Member # 7785) on :
I was going to post "He was bored" but I like Tom's answer better. [ROFL]

Posted by Einstien (Member # 9128) on :
Because he/she/it/ thinks its funny when we screw up.
Posted by Juxtapose (Member # 8837) on :
Because he feels like it. Do you honestly think you could understand how a deity thinks and/or feels?
Apparantly, you do.
Posted by Evie3217 (Member # 5426) on :
It was a science project. He had to create a universe in 7 days. Unfortunately, he only got a C+.
Posted by smitty (Member # 8855) on :
Ummm, no, I don't. That's the point. But, since it's a higher power, I assume if it did something, it did it on purpose.
Posted by Einstien (Member # 9128) on :
C+ more like a D-
Posted by smitty (Member # 8855) on :
wow, some major negativity here.
Posted by ricree101 (Member # 7749) on :
Originally posted by Einstien:
C+ more like a D-

I'd say that he needs to get at least a B- for getting a working physics engine built into the creation. Granted, it's a little overly complicated and hard to understand at some points, but all in all it isn't bad for a rush job.
Posted by Tresopax (Member # 1063) on :
Except for the part that's not.
That's the part that makes it all so good, in a way that presumably heaven could not be.
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
Well...I can think of lots of reasons...Some might even be true.

- God couldn't help but create the world, or something very much like it. It's just God's nature to create.

- God needs us as much as we need God.

- God created it specifically so that YOU could ask your questions.

- God couldn't get a decent reuben in Heaven so needed to create a place with lots of delis. Or, the metaphorical equivalent thereof.

- God really didn't intend to create anything that day...In fact the creative act was merely the overly agressive clipping of a deitic toenail, the shards of which went in myriad directions and here we are. As God was about to sweep the whole thing under the rug, God looked and was good! Or, it was the maids day off and the next Thursday when she came in and asked "Hey God, whaddya want I should do with this Universe you left lying around?" God told her to leave it for later.

As for the the stuff about God ignoring the world in recent times, something strikes me that given the power of God's word (God spoke and the universe was created, afterall), it's possible that we should be happy about God being terse and a little bit distant of late. [Angst]
Posted by Einstien (Member # 9128) on :
Ok i was harsh, but no higher. it didnt turn out very well even for a rush job, his creactions detroy each other way too frequently for a higher grade.
Posted by Juxtapose (Member # 8837) on :
That's the part that makes it all so good, in a way that presumably heaven could not be.
Umm I think there's a lot of unfortunate people out there who would be a little peeved that all their suffering exists so you can appreciate the difference between heaven and earth.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Why would God decide to create the Earth and the universe?

I'm gonna answer like a good Reformer and say:

For His own glory.
Posted by JennaDean (Member # 8816) on :
Or a good Mormon:

To bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

In other words, He built a school for His children.
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
Because it's so cool! The universe was made to be a fabulous toy and playground filled with wonder and keen delight as a present for you. That's right. Just for you.
Posted by Juxtapose (Member # 8837) on :
Was the world built for man, or man for the world?

I'm kind of partial to Danial Quinn's take on this in Ishmael, though I disagree on some of his reasoning.
Posted by ricree101 (Member # 7749) on :
Originally posted by Einstien:
Ok i was harsh, but no higher. it didnt turn out very well even for a rush job, his creactions detroy each other way too frequently for a higher grade.

How do you know that's not intended behavior. Or for that matter, are you really that confident in your ability to set the success criteria for something as immense as creation.

None of us really knows more than a nearly infinitesimaly small portion of what is going on at this very moment, much less in the eons that have passed.
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
He's creative?
Posted by King of Men (Member # 6684) on :
Originally posted by Belle:
Why would God decide to create the Earth and the universe?

I'm gonna answer like a good Reformer and say:

For His own glory.

Really? Seems an odd thing for an omnipotent god to do. Kind of like someone having kids to prove themselves adult, or, more to the point, the child who cries "Look at me, I can hop!"
Posted by Reticulum (Member # 8776) on :
So he could have cheese. Someone had to invent it you know. [Smile]
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
It's just His answer to the "What would you do for a Klondike bar" question.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Lu yedativ, yehuyiv.
Posted by Geekazoid99 (Member # 8254) on :
Rivka please give a better tranliteration of the hebrew for the class so evryone can understand
Posted by Evie3217 (Member # 5426) on :
So, my explanation for the creation of the world was actually from a story. I can't remember what story it was at all, but I do remember that God created the earth as a science project. In the story (if I remember correctly) he got a C+. Sorry if I offended anyone here.
Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
Twenty-nine posts he got out and responded zero. I am waiting for you to philosophically rampage my mind.

When is s/he going to start rampaging my mind,
I asked myself.
Posted by kmbboots (Member # 8576) on :
You could go to Kansas and ask a science teacher.
Posted by Shanna (Member # 7900) on :
Does the answer have to necessarily respond to the Islam-Judeo-Christian perspective of creation?

I'm taking a Philosophy of Religion class right now and we're working on cosmology and the nature of God so I have answers/scenarios, but they're all answers to more scholarly depictions of the divine rather than modern mainstream Christianity.

[ January 31, 2006, 05:55 PM: Message edited by: Shanna ]
Posted by Father Time (Member # 7985) on :
"Then if the bible is right and did stay more connected with them back in those times then now. Why does he now ignore us completly and ultimitly?"

Who said He does?
Posted by Geekazoid99 (Member # 8254) on :
So you want more Philishophically mindboggeling questions


What is the point of life
What makes Humanity so much better that animals
Why do we always think that the world was created for us
why do we need to pray to God
why don't any miricles happen any more
Why do the good live bad lives and the bad live good lives
Why do we buy thing from commercials that make not a single bit of sence
Why don't scientist write a version of the bible in a scientific sence (red sea split=typhoon)
Where did THE STORY begin
Why doesn't God just smite the wicked ones right off the earth
Why is there Entropy
Why do we believe ther must be an end to it all
What happenes after death
why do we have to die
Why is there life are we in a big picture heading for a united cause sometime in the future or are we here just to have fun
Why is money considered the most valuble thing
Why are we so selfish
Is there a point to life

Has your mind blown up yet if so please bash your head against a wall [Wall Bash] [Wall Bash]

I give permission for anybody to make a thread on anyone of these questions as long as i get recognition


Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Brain Poping? Egad. My brain is non-denominational.
Posted by Shanna (Member # 7900) on :
They'd be more mindboggling if they were original questions instead of the old tired ones.

Or here's a high-stepping idea! Look smart by offering some arguments and proofs instead of questions.
Posted by Geekazoid99 (Member # 8254) on :
i Would but i need someone else to start the arguement and i can't do arguments typing

i think too much faster than i type
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Nothing was wrong with my transliteration. As for translation, that was indeed conspicuously absent.

I was (and continue to be) in an obscure mood. [Razz]
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
rivka, is that even Hebrew? Are you sure your transliteration is correct? *can't figure out what it means*
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
No, it's Aramaic.

I did say I was being obscure. [Wink]
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
My brain barely bishoped, let alone poped.

What is the point of life: I answer this in the last sentence, go check there.

What makes Humanity so much better that animals: Computers.

Why do we always think that the world was created for us. I reject your premise. I don't think this at all.

why do we need to pray to God. Who else should we pray to?

why don't any miricles happen any more. They do, they just have a different spelling nowadays.

Why do the good live bad lives and the bad live good lives. Que? Yo no comprendo.

Why do we buy thing from commercials that make not a single bit of sence. Do you do that? Even after recognizing that you are doing it?

Why don't scientist write a version of the bible in a scientific sence (red sea split=typhoon). What would be the point? It'd be mostly guesswork. At best it'd be some interesting speculation. At worst, it'd have to be a thinly disguised attempt to undermine people's faith. Of course, since scientists can ALSO have faith, and some of them are faithful Jews or Christians, they might not see the latter as a valuable goal. I think you are operating under an invalid premise, unless your question was merely posed as idle curiosity.

Where did THE STORY begin. Well, if you read begins at the beginning.

Why doesn't God just smite the wicked ones right off the earth? Maybe for no other reason than to give them ALL a chance to change.

Why is there Entropy. Maybe God doesn't really care that much about organization.

Why do we believe ther must be an end to it all. Well, that's not exactly a universal belief, but for those who do believe in an "end of days" there are myriad reasons for it. Ultimately, it comes down to some sort of conviction that God meant for the world/universe to have limits and that eternity is longer than the span of anything with a physical existence.

What happenes after death. I assume you mean what happens to each of us after we die. No-one really knows, but a lot of people claim to have knowledge about it. It depends on what level of faith you are prepared to bring to accepting whichever answer you settle on. In short, every person who ponders this one is free to arrive at their own prefered answer, and to believe that answer with their own strength of conviction. If you like, you can join a church and learn their answer to the question, and then you can at least have the comfort of knowing that others believe the same thing you do. I, personally, have a very strong conviction that every one of us will be delightfully suprised by how wrong we ALL were.

why do we have to die. Because we aren't smart enough to live forever...yet.

Why is there life are we in a big picture heading for a united cause sometime in the future or are we here just to have fun. Why are those the only alternatives? Maybe there's a big picture and we're heading toward pluralism...Maybe there are many small pictures. Maybe it's all fun whether or not we have a BIG purpose or not. Maybe fun is a subjective thing and so my idea of fun and yours are completely incompatible. This is just plain unanswerable.

Why is money considered the most valuble thing? It's not. Who told you it was? Did you have to believe them?

Why are we so selfish. You could just as easily ask why we aren't even MORE selfish. We are each as selfish as we each are. Selfish is as selfish does (to borrow from the wisdom of Forest Gump). I'm a lot less selfish today than I was 10 years ago.

Is there a point to life. I answered this up with your first question. Go check there.
Posted by Advent 115 (Member # 8914) on :
I say that if he exists, he just got board and didn't have a TV or the internet so he created something for him to watch. And after getting tired of directing our planet just sat back and is watching the chaos. [Evil]

[ February 01, 2006, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: Advent 115 ]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by Bob_Scopatz:
why don't any miricles happen any more. They do, they just have a different spelling nowadays.

Posted by JennaDean (Member # 8816) on :
Too far, Advent.
Posted by Advent 115 (Member # 8914) on :
Sorry. [Dont Know] [Frown]

But I do think that we may just be a form of entertainment for the enlightened one. If he or she exists.
Posted by Kitsune (Member # 8290) on :
Bob_Scopatz, you have such patience.

And not to mention tolerance.

Posted by JennaDean (Member # 8816) on :
It wasn't the "entertainment" part that went too far; it was the second part.

Which you have deleted, thank you. [Smile]
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Originally posted by Kitsune:
Bob_Scopatz, you have such patience.

And not to mention tolerance.


And as long as we're not mentioning things, I'll add "a beautiful mind", "a clever wit", and "an admirable skill with the English Language". [Smile]
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
I ran across a better answer for this one:

What makes Humanity so much better that animals?
My source tells me that human superiority stems from the fact that we spend a far smaller proportion of our time licking ourselves.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Hey, that's brilliant. Now if you could prove whether that's a cause or an effect, you might even re-open the ID debate. [Big Grin]
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
Speak for yourself! [Razz]
Posted by Stone_Wolf_ (Member # 8299) on :
Okay, so the big bang theory (as far as I grasp it) is that everything was all happening at the same time, in the same place. And then boooom we have time, and space. Or, "God created the universe" if you prefer.

The way I look at it, we -are- God, as in, everything, taken as a whole, is God. Just as the cells of your body are individual and also a part of you, we, as a whole, are God.

So, God didn't create, as an act that he was removed from, God simply is. The alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.

As to his ignoring us, I say, freewill, it's an absolute. We made this world as it is, and the random suffering isn't God's will, but the collective repercussions of man's will.

Freewill is a b*tch, but hey, it's prolly better than being a robot.

*tink tink* My 2 cents.
Posted by Alex Johansen (Member # 9090) on :
According to one story that I read, (I think it was frmo the bible, or at elast that's what I want to say, but it may have been just an ancient india- errr *politically correctified mode* NATIVE-AMERICAN folk tale)

He got lonely. Now time for me to majorly misquote this.

It was dark. And so God made the stars.
And hark! It was light!
God was lonely. And so God made the planets and the animals.
The animals were boring as heck though, so God created people. But they were all created in his image and had no free will. So he let them go free with their own genes and free will.

That's why he "chooses" not to "intervene" he figures, "Hey I gave them a paradise, if they choose to destroy it, then that's their problem"

But I'm sure while he's watching us right now, in the world we live today, he must be crying.
Posted by Alex Johansen (Member # 9090) on :
Originally posted by Einstien:
Because he/she/it/ thinks its funny when we screw up.

Hah, that made me laugh.

Originally posted by smitty:
Because he feels like it. Do you honestly think you could understand how a deity thinks and/or feels?

I doubt it. He is probably at least as "brilliant" as Jane is. Able to think of over 250,000 things at once with the same attention that we have trying to think of one thing. (then again, we only use about a fourth of our potential, and about 10% of our brains. We really need to find a harness for our bodies and brain, like opening the gates of life and stuff like Rock Lee does in Naruto, but I'm sure noone here knows what I'm talking about [Frown] I'm such a dork.)

Originally posted by Evie3217:
It was a science project. He had to create a universe in 7 days. Unfortunately, he only got a C+.

LOL! Oh man, that's a good one.

Originally posted by Geekazoid99:
So you want more Philishophically mindboggeling questions


What is the point of life?
To reproduce.

What makes Humanity so much better that animals?
We have thumbs.

Why do we always think that the world was created for us?
Because it wasn't created for the kittens obviously.

why do we need to pray to God?
The last time someone held a door open for you, did you not say thanks? the last time someone had a surplus of something, did you not ask to purchase or borrow it? (we thank god in our prayers and usually ask him to look out for others)

why don't any miricles happen any more?
Because we ran out of Miracle Money, God has a strict Cash-up-front policy, ya know.

Why do the good live bad lives and the bad live good lives?
Nice guys finish last, nice guys arent aggressive, plus, us good guys can roll witht he punches, but bad guys jump off sky scrapers.

Why do we buy thing from commercials that make not a single bit of sence?
What? ok now this questio is totally off-topic, and its because were retards, duh.

Why don't scientist write a version of the bible in a scientific sence (red sea split=typhoon)?
Because, there are a few things in the bible that really DON'T have an explanation.
Where did THE STORY begin? Excuse me, did you ever read Children Of The Mind?!?! "THE STORY" began at the ebggining of time, but tehre is no beggining of time, it always has been and always will be, tehre was no creation, everything ALWAYS existed, because if you ask how or when something was created and get an explanation, youll be a smartass and say "well then how did that come to be *dorky snort-laugh*"

Why doesn't God just smite the wicked ones right off the earth?
Because, that would be an intervention, like Quang-jao(not sure how to spell it) believed, the Gods must not reveal themselves and must always use a disguise for their actions, why do you think there were so many hurricanes lately?

Why is there Entropy?
Because people are seriously freaking insane. And most of society is made up of idiots that try to act intelligent, so they use big words like "entropy" to try to make it seem like they know what they are talking about, when really most of us have no grasp of anything at all.

Why do we believe ther must be an end to it all?
Because some people practice pessimism in their daily life.

What happenes after death?
A) You don't exust anymore,m your soul, brain, body, spirit, all just cease to function, the end of your life is the end of your story, you literally cease to exist in any state of mind and onyl in other peoples memories, i think heaven was faked up as a reward system for people to be "good" but if your truly good, you dont need to be rewarded for it, it is its own reward
B) you go to heaven and live happily ever after forever and ever and according so Islam you get 72 virgins.

why do we have to die?
Because we would eventually get breod of life, and we could never go to heaven if we didn't die, plus, the world would overpopulate so fast, no matter how many people are alive, more people have died, that is an eternal fact.

Why is there life are we in a big picture heading for a united cause sometime in the future or are we here just to have fun?
have fun, duh, you live to find love, happiness, and freiends, then you die and lose it all, I think this question was made just to mock whoever even reads it.

Why is money considered the most valuble thing?
power is considered the most valuable thing, which is wrong, friendship is. But people like to relate a career to success, and money to power, so everyone wantsw to be successful and powerful.

Why are we so selfish?
The will to live, man. We have to ensure that our genes survive and others don't. I mean seriously, did you even read any of the Ender series? It's in our genetic code.

Is there a point to life?
I've answered this about 3 times now. Get good friends, laugh, have fun.

[ February 01, 2006, 04:52 PM: Message edited by: Alex Johansen ]
Posted by Alex Johansen (Member # 9090) on :

noone ces abou my views?

ok fine [Razz]
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
I don't even understand what that sentence means. And your previous post is in serious need of some paragraph breaks.
Posted by Advent 115 (Member # 8914) on :
Maybe it says 'no one has anything to say about my views'.

Or thats my interpritation.
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :

What is the point of life
There is no point, so make the most of it while you can.

What makes Humanity so much better that animals
Define "better." I like humans more than animals because humans are generally more intelligent.

Why do we always think that the world was created for us
Because we're pretty self-centred.

why do we need to pray to God
We don't need to, but a lot of people like to because they find it comforting.

why don't any miricles happen any more
Some of us think that no miracles ever happened.

Why do the good live bad lives and the bad live good lives
I don't accept that this is true in the general case. If it is, though, then I guess the bad are just luckier and smarter than the good.

Why do we buy thing from commercials that make not a single bit of sence
Because commercials are designed to make us want to buy things, and they're often effective at conveying that message.

Why don't scientist write a version of the bible in a scientific sence (red sea split=typhoon)
There's no good reason to do so.

Where did THE STORY begin
According to my current scientific understanding, "with the Big Bang," since before the Big Bang there was no time.

Why doesn't God just smite the wicked ones right off the earth
I don't believe that god exists. If I'm right, that's why there is no divine smiting.

Why is there Entropy
It's part of how the universe works.

Why do we believe ther must be an end to it all
We do?

What happenes after death
Nothing, in my opinion.

why do we have to die
Well, our bodies eventually wear out. When they can't function anymore, we die.

Why is there life are we in a big picture heading for a united cause sometime in the future or are we here just to have fun
You already asked this question, and I already answered it.

Why is money considered the most valuble thing
It isn't. But if I were to accept your premise: because possessing more of it usually helps improve a person's standard of living.

Why are we so selfish
Because it helps us to survive.

Is there a point to life
That's the third time you've asked a variation on this question. Why are you so hung up on it?

P.S. If you're genuinely interested in exploring some of these questions, I suggest studying thermodynamics, biology, and the history of philosophy. For starters.

Posted by Alex Johansen (Member # 9090) on :
Noooo, I had meant to say "noone cares about my views" but these stupid keyboards mess me up, and I was already late for class, so I had to leave.

PS: Edited my Q&A with answers
Posted by Geekazoid99 (Member # 8254) on :
BECAUSE i'm a crazy idiot who doesn't read over his writing

2. because that question bothers me everyday of my life

sorry for some of the bad questions i was in a rush i had done a good one before but when i tried to get it through it didn't and i by accidentaly had to start all over again

For those who don't know what entropy means it means everything going from order to chaos

Also i rather go by my own meaningless question asking and blowing peoples minds out

Really this works so much better in person and doing it with math instead
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :

For those who don't know what entropy means it means everything going from order to chaos

I seriously doubt that ANYONE who's posted in this thread didn't already know what entropy is. [Smile]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by Alex Johansen:
then again, we only use about a fourth of our potential, and about 10% of our brains.

Not true.
NOT true.
NOT true.
NOT true!
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Maybe Alex was just speaking for himself. [Wink]
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
Also i rather go by my own meaningless question asking and blowing peoples minds out
I don't know how to say this more gently (I wish I did), but this repitition of phrases hinting that we are all somehow amazed or "blown away" by these questions is simply laughable. It's kind of fun to try to give one-sentence answers to the great questions that have puzzled mankind since the dawn of sentience, but, honestly, most of these questions HAVE been around in one form or another since that dawning of intellect and they might astound and amaze someone hearing them for the first time, but that's not the audience here.

I'm going to stop before I just get sarcastic and mean. But PLEASE stop trying to imply that just by asking these questions you are somehow being original.

Really this works so much better in person and doing it with math instead these questions is a regular thing with you? And you do it with math instead of using spoken language?

I won't go so far as to say that it can't be done. I will go out on a limb, however, and say that it probably can't be done well.
Posted by suminonA (Member # 8757) on :
Personally I’m more interested in the questions themselves, rather that the answers [Big Grin]

I mean, when somebody asks “What do you mean Santa Clause is fake?”, the question gives you some info about that somebody, doesn’t it?

So I’ll allow myself to “analyse” these here questions [Big Grin]

[Disclaimer : Geekazoid99, based on the way you presented these questions (the “Also i rather go by my own meaningless question asking and blowing peoples minds out” –attitude) I pick up the gauntlet, and try to be a worthy Knight. Let’s just say that this is what these questions mean to me. If you take these questions very seriously, and feel offended by the next “analysis”, just say so and I’ll delete/edit this post [Wink] ]

*puts on white coat*

1)What is the point of life
This question arises form one of the following possible situations:
a) You’ve been told that there must be a point of life, but haven’t been told what it is.
b) You’ve been told what the point of life is, but didn’t agree/accept.
c) You just came upon this question by yourself.
Given the rest of the questions, I’d say (b) is the more likely one. If you didn’t believe the ones before, why ask others? Just come up with your own answer.

2)What makes Humanity so much better that animals
If you believe that Humanity really is much better than animals, you’re just looking for a confirmation, and you will discard any proof against that belief. Just think that Dolphins don’t ask such questions.

3)Why do we always think that the world was created for us
Same as before. Egocentricity, megalomania, self-centred point of view. What if the premise of creation itself (see topic title) is wrong?

4)why do we need to pray to God
After you make a choice (accept a programming), you jump to conclusions. When conclusions are not “reasonable” you look for justification. Your programming is obvious.

5)why don't any miricles happen any more
You need proof for your beliefs. You’d like to have lived ages ago. But maybe you did! [Razz]
As for now, you just happen to overlook the biggest miracle of all: new life.

6)Why do the good live bad lives and the bad live good lives
You know a good person (it may be yourself) that lives bad in your opinion. Add unfounded extrapolation and wishful thinking. You get question (6).

7)Why do we buy thing from commercials that make not a single bit of sence
You bought a useless overpriced product at least once. Placing the blame on others.

8)Why don't scientist write a version of the bible in a scientific sence (red sea split=typhoon)
You believe that people are reasonable, that true beliefs can be changed using reason. And you truly believe that.

9)Where did THE STORY begin
Using mismatch concepts to solve the wrong problems. Science has an answer, Religion has an answer, You just wonder how come you don’t have one.

10)Why doesn't God just smite the wicked ones right off the earth
Programming + Wishful thinking + Over righteous self image.

11)Why is there Entropy
Wrong question. It’s not “why is there …”, but “how does … work”, “what does … mean (for the Universe)”, “how … affects the Universe”. Then fill in the blanks with “time”, “matter”, “energy”, ”entropy” etc. and you get scientific.

12)Why do we believe ther must be an end to it all
Jumping to conclusions. Asking for un-provable “demonstrations”.

13)What happenes after death
Insecurity. Unsuccessful programming (might be just a bug).

14)why do we have to die
Unrealism. Looking for a justification of the implacable.

15)Why is there life are we in a big picture heading for a united cause sometime in the future or are we here just to have fun
Same as (1), just more “elaborate”. Potential short-term-memory-loss disfunctionality.

16)Why is money considered the most valuble thing
Seeking justification for materialism. Let’s just get back to Entropy …

17)Why are we so selfish
Seeking the “solution” for a false “problem”. Irrelevant.

18)Is there a point to life
Back to (1). Confirmation of short-term-memory-loss. [Big Grin]

*disposes of white coat*

So, Geekazoid99 I hope that now your own mind is blown up. [Razz] I challenge you to analyse my “analysis” [Wink]

Have fun!


PS: there is a thread in search of the interesting (ultimate) questions. I won’t post a link here, you’ll find it if interested. Just a tip: UQQ
Posted by Alex Johansen (Member # 9090) on :
No, I heard my science teacher or someone say it, and now I know it's false!

PS: After reading suminonA's post I reread the questions the Geek posted, and noticed they are all pessimistic and designed to make us question are life, hey, maybe if we weren't so confident of our answers we might go crazy from the mere questions and try to commit suicide thinking that life is just a series of answerless questions, therefore I place Geekazoid under citizen's arrest for attempted murder.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
You're all, like, twelve years old and attending the same school, aren't you?
Posted by suminonA (Member # 8757) on :
* puts on blue coat *

Interesting question...

* disposes of coat *


Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I was including you in the question. *grin*
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
For those who don't know what entropy means it means everything going from order to chaos
Actually, that isn't correct.

Since you go on to say that you like to blow people's minds with math, here is a short mathematical primer on entropy. It's also important to note that when you're talking about entropy, "disorder" doesn't mean precisely the same thing as it does in common usage. A highly disordered system does not have to be chaotic, though the two are generally related.

Also i rather go by my own meaningless question asking and blowing peoples minds out

Really this works so much better in person and doing it with math instead

What this suggests to me is that you're lazy. [Razz] You ask lots of questions that people have spent thousands of years thinking about and writing about over the course of human history, but you express no interest in exploring this treasure trove of information. I think that's too bad: there's a lot of really good stuff out there. [Smile]

Also, I agree with Bob.
Posted by suminonA (Member # 8757) on :
Originally posted by TomDavidson:
I was including you in the question. *grin*

Thanks. I wouldn’t have it any other way. [Wink]

* returns to playground *
Posted by Geekazoid99 (Member # 8254) on :
Really i do care about the answers i want to understand but i don't have the time or the access to such abundance of information

About the entropy thing i heard that description from a friend and used it there but i sort of understand it

also i never claimed that any of my questions were original in any way i just ask them because that is what i think about when i'm not doing anything
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Time is a constraint I understand. I hope you get the opportunity to study at least some of it in school, though. When I was in engineering school I took philosophy courses as electives and enjoyed them thoroughly. [Smile]
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
Everyone has access to an abundance of information.

They're called libraries, and they're free.
Posted by Geekazoid99 (Member # 8254) on :
Then do you have any good books to suggest to get me started
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
I went through most of an anthology called Classics of Western Philosophy, among other texts. It was a pretty good and comprehensive anthology. [Smile]

Added: It would be hard to read on your own without classroom support, though, because it basically just presents the original texts translated to English. Still, some of the stuff -- Anselm, Aquinas, Hobbes, Locke -- is comparatively comprehensible. [Smile]

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