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Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
2 Hour Season Finale next week. Last night was really good. Though how they get so many traitors involved is beyond me.
It looks like Jack and the President finally get a face to face next week too. That should be fun. Wonder if that’ll be the typical 24 shock ending.
There’s been so many people who have just showed up for a little bit and you have no clue what happened to them next. Like Wayne Palmer and Kim Bower. I know, they’re just somewhere else now and ok. And I guess there’s only so much you can do in a 24 hours period!
Wonder what season 6 will be about? Jake becomes President and is starts taking out terrorists as he goes from different countries.

[ May 23, 2006, 09:10 AM: Message edited by: Jay ]
Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
For some reason, I'm much more interested in the subplot with the First Lady and Aaron than I am in Bierko's attack. I guess the whole "What do you do in an impossible situation where every choice is bad?" thing is why I watch 24, and the First Lady's storyline is doing more of that, while Jack right now is in much more of a "Stop the badguys! Now!" sort of situation.
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
Why was her choice bad? She saved Aaron. Sure she shot the bad guy, but what else do you do to bad guys?
Except Jack and Mike Foster isn't Aaron like the only one left from season 1? Heck, CTU itself has been hit multiple times.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Mike Novik.

Kim Bauer is still around too. She was in this season briefly.
Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
Jay, what is the first lady supposed to do NOW, though? Keep supporting the president, despite the murders he ordered? Take him down and expose him, despite what that will do to the country and our relationship with Russia and the Middle East? And how exactly do you hide a body, anyway? Can anyone find out about what happened without it somehow backfiring on her? I see this going very badly, no matter what she does.
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
Novik….. Foster is someone at work….. Sheeze………
Yeah, I left Kim out. So is that it? 4 characters that have been around the whole time?

Ok, I see what you are saying. I was thinking of the First Lady’s choice for that show. I guess she has to half hope that someone can help her expose him. Sort of like how Palmer left Sherry in season 1 because of her deception. I’d be looking for help. Maybe she’ll be the one that brings Jack and Charles together! The way Jack was acting in the preview I’m wondering if he’s not just going to shoot him. But they still need to get the power broker guys that I don’t think CTU knows about yet other then the short ranting last night about them.
Posted by docmagik (Member # 1131) on :
See, what I'm really afraid of is that bringing down the power guys will be next season.

And that, because they can't just have Jack Bauer show up in a room with the guys or he'd just blow them away, next season will consist of the power guys throwing bad guy after bad guy at Jack out in the field.

So it will end up being kind of like if Alias and Batman:Knightfall had a kid. And while I liked both of those, that just doesn't sound like 24.

While I'm grateful this season hasn't been wandering the way, say, season 3 did, it's just been a little too focused.

Remember back in Season One, when it seemed like nobody ever had a scene together until they had a reason to mistrust/be at odds with each other?

Now everybody in the whole world is on Jack's side. And everybody in the whole Presidential retreat would completely believe whatever CTU said because they're all already so suspicious.

And since they were all trying to do one thing for the last four episodes--bring down Logan--now this whole submarine thing feels like a superfluous tangent.

I think ultimately, it will come down to Jack being in basically the same predicament as the first lady--does he take the law into his own hand, based on what he knows, even though it would make him the biggest criminal in the nation?

Off the top of my head, I'd guess somebody else actually does it--like Aaron--right when Jack's about to get a Presidential lead on the big bad guy committee.
Posted by Puppy (Member # 6721) on :
Maybe the first lady will do it! She's totally hopped up on drugs, and she just killed a man. Plus, she's in love with Aaron. It's perfect!
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
I want Kim in 24 more next season

For some reason......
Posted by Ozymandias (Member # 9424) on :
i dont have a T.V
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Jay: Cuz she's hot?
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
I really enjoy her great acting?
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I think we're back to "Cuz she's hot"
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
Maybe it’s because of her perspective in the environment of CTU and how it makes outsiders feel. The family of those involved. Maybe it’s about feelings.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
*clap clap* "Good answer! Good answer!".... "Survey SAYS?"
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
When we watch scenes with Kim in them and she has one of those long, meaningful pauses where she's looking blankly off in the distance, one of us invariably says, "I think I like marshmallows."

We are easily amused.
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
Maybe she should be a super agent:
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Olivet, You're a hoot!
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
Tonight is it! How exciting.
I wonder if Jack will finally go to the bathroom. Holding it like he has been for 22 hours can’t be healthy. Plus he has to be hungry….
Posted by docmagik (Member # 1131) on :
Wow. You east coasters are already into it, huh?

When they show it out there, do they adjust the time stamps for the time difference?
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
Goodness..... what an ending.
Posted by rollainm (Member # 8318) on :
Wow...that was incredible. My fiancee had to go and call the hidden recorder bit as soon as Jack picked up the pen. She always catches stuff like that. Still awesome, though. I can't believe we have to wait until January for Day 6.
Posted by narrativium (Member # 3230) on :
Get over it, Jay. Kim is not coming back.

And good riddance.
Posted by docmagik (Member # 1131) on :
Wow! That was amazing!

I never would have guessed that Wayne Palmer would jump out of David's casket with an AK-47 and blow away Logan! That was un-freaking-believable.

And the way they found that guy Chloe kept tazering dead in her CTU locker and arrested her--brilliant.
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
Wonder if they'll have Wayne Palmer be President next?
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
I hate that we have to wait till January for season six. Oh well. It seems that there is usually some time between each season. I wonder how much will be between these two.
Posted by docmagik (Member # 1131) on :
I'm sorry it's over. I guess that's how I feel about it. Not overwhelmed by the final episode(Did anybody NOT guess the President was bugged?) or the final twist (After a long, hard day, Jack gets to go on a nice cruise!) or the season as a whole, but I'll miss having something to look forward to each week.

So what did they mean by Jack being too "Valuable?" They going to sell Jack? Or are they going to do a Manchurian Candidate on him, and next season Jack is the bad guy?

You know, as cheesy a plot device as that sounds, I think it would be a lot of fun to watch. The Chinese tell Jack all about the secret cartel that's running the country, everything they're doing, turn Jack anti-establishment, then turn him loose on the US.

All the characters we don't care about are ready to take down Jack, and Chloe has to keep them from killing him.
Posted by msquared (Member # 4484) on :
Logan tipped off the Chinese to Jack being alive.

Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I called the pen.

I called "there's still 15 minutes left. They like to put messed up things at the end of the season"

My husband called "Don't listen to him! He's Chinese!!!!"
Posted by Stephan (Member # 7549) on :
Next season will start with Jack back at CTU with no mention of the Chinese. Half way through the season someone will mention what happened to him, and how he got back.
Posted by docmagik (Member # 1131) on :
Wait, no. They make Jack single handedly conquer North Korea and reunify the two countries. Then something else happens in the last 23 episodes.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
msquared: they were saying his name on the news and stuff earlier in the season. I don't think they needed Mr Logan =)
Posted by docmagik (Member # 1131) on :
So where does everybody put this season in terms of the other seasons?

What would your season ranking be?
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
So it’ll be about the secret group of “others” and the Chinese that want to stop them so they can rule the US with Jack trying to save President Mike Novak from some new death from exposure to a new computer?
Posted by Stephan (Member # 7549) on :
Originally posted by docmagik:
So where does everybody put this season in terms of the other seasons?

What would your season ranking be?

Better then 3 and 4, not as good as 1 and 2.
Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
Wait, no. They make Jack single handedly conquer North Korea and reunify the two countries. Then something else happens in the last 23 episodes.
Posted by SenojRetep (Member # 8614) on :
My ratings:

2,1,5,3. I don't remember actually watching any of season 4. I'm sure I did, but I just don't remember it.

And I think the SecDef who drove off the cliff is the next President. Wayne Palmer is a boring choice, and Mike Novick loses a lot of his power as a character if he becomes President.

<edit>Oh yeah, season 4 was Marwan. Now that I remember, I'd probably put 4 last, if only because it was the only season that didn't motivate me to watch the final episode.

Favorite scene (any season):
Jack cuts of Chases's hand in season 3. That was awesome.

George Mason takes the plane down in the desert East of LA in season 2.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Favorite scene of any season for me is "I NEED A HACKSAW!"

My hubby and I still quote that sometimes.
Posted by docmagik (Member # 1131) on :
My ratings:

(Forgive me if I repeat stuff. Not that anybody remembers what I say anyway. [Wink] )

Season 1 was awesome. That is an experience I will never have again. I don't care if any season stinks on ice--it is still 24, and because it's associated with season 1, it will be better TV than most TV.

Season 4 was also great. It recaptured a lot of the lost focus from season 3. It managed to keep lots of plots going at once without any of the plots skewing off into weird, uninteresting tangents. The family was terrific in this, rather than the distraction Kate Warner's family felt like a lot of the time. It did kind of taper off by the end--rather than building momentum, it felt like the threat level had been downgraded (to just one missle) by season end. A good enough season I can almost forgive them for never showing Michelle with her hair down.

Season 2 was good, but not great. The first season had been so intensely personal that the second season felt a little less desperate. While the cougar gets too much talk time relative to actual screen time, its still probably as good a symbol as any for the idiocy that became all the Kim stuff. Producers forgot that Kim being in jeopardy wasn't interesting alone--it was pairing it with the awful situations it put her parents in to keep her safe that made it work.

This was the season they did the best job of really tying together what Jack was doing in the field with what Palmer was doing to run the country. They did such a good job of it, that that's still what a lot of people remember 24 as being (including the producers, judging by interviews) even though this is the only season it really happened in.

Season Five: I hate to put this season down this far, especially because it started so good, but it lost me towards the end. It seemed like so many set-ups were just wasted. Nearly everyone who knows Jack's secret is killed to frame Jack! Wow! How will he get out of this one? Oh, pretty easily, and in like one more episode. Wow! Terrorists took over an airport! Jack's their only hope! And he's stuck with the terrorists! What will happen? I guess they'll kneel around for an hour. Oh, look! Tony's awake! Boy is he going to be mad! Good stuff will happen now! Op, never mind. He's dead.

There were some good moments. The hobbit went out with some style. Henderson's death was good, even if the submarine bit seemed pointless. Itzin did a fantastic job making us all hate Logan, and Agent Pierce is played so understated that I wouldn't believe he would be as strong a character as he is if I hadn't watched the season myself. Some terriffic acting going on in there.

Season 3 was the worst. The Jack storylines were okay, and there was a lot of Michelle (always a plus), but the stuff with the President was awful. Blackmailing a senator? Calling up bad guy Sherrie for help?

Then all the soap-operaish bits. A baby at CTU? Can't tell daddy about our true love? Bleah.
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
I'm cuurently watching season 3 so I'll have the rest of that and season four to keep me going for a little while.
Posted by docmagik (Member # 1131) on :
Boy, I wish.

There's an interview here:

Says next season is already being written, and is back in LA, that at least one writer felt Tony's death was mishandled, and that there will most likely not be a "prequel" for next season on the DVDs.
Posted by Baron Samedi (Member # 9175) on :
I really liked season 3.
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
Whether they were good or not, every single season has been fun to watch (and heckle).

Excerpts from our heckling:

Me: Oh, look! Sherries gonna TALK him to death!

She does.

We also have a lot of fun with the word "protocol".

Oh! The scene this season, a couple of eps ago, when Henderson was 'helping' them get the intermediary... Chloe said his security was impenetrable and one of us shouted, "He's got NORTON!!!!"

It's like, the most fun, interactive show EVAR!
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
I always enjoy the frequent screams of Jack yelling “Dam it!!”

I never got why he was always thinking there is something wrong at the dam or their need for one. But it seems like it’s at least once an episode. Sort of like a “Dooahhhh” from Homer Simpson. Could make for a nice montage of those all strung together.
Posted by docmagik (Member # 1131) on :
Season 3 had its moments. I liked the stuff with Jack in prison. The Mexico bits were good. It had the great scene where Tony goes running off to pull a Jack From Season 1 and save Michelle, and Jack having to stop him. And like I said, Michelle was never better.

Never dug Chase, though. Which guy from NSync plays him?
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
The best part of Season three was saying Claaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuudia every time she came on the screen. I got my hubby doing that too.
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
Ours took the form of more voice-over type commentary. "I extend my large, sultry, Latin lips towards the sunset and think deep thoughts."

Good times.
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
I think msquared is right about Logan tipping off the chinese. He told the bigwigs(or whatever we want to call them) on the phone that Jack was going to be taken care of, and never really explained it. I think it was definitely him that got in touch with the chinese.

Also, don't know how many 24 fans are also Boondock Saints fans, but Chloe's ex-husband is the mob boss(Yakavetta). I'm almost 100% positive this is correct even though I can't find 24 listed in his actors bio. I couldn't figure it out at first because of the accent, but it then suddenly hit me. Just picture him saying, "I'm a having a sh**y day, tell me a joke".
Posted by docmagik (Member # 1131) on :
Are there any truth to IMDB's reports that Steve Erkel was in one of the last couple episodes of this? I find it dubious.

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