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Posted by steven (Member # 8099) on :
Black volcanic rock, like the kind in Costa Rica or Hawaii, is heavier than quartz. Because of this, the black volcanic rocks tend to dominate the ocean floor, versus the quartzite rocks that make up the continents. The Mid-Atlantic ridge and other volcanic vents on the ocean floor generally release the black volcanic-type lava more than the lighter, thicker quartz-type. Quartz rocks don't flow very well in lava form, whereas the blacker, more trace-mineral-rich rocks flow much more easily.

Quartzite rocks are not generally as rich in microcluster forms of the Platinum Group Metals like Rhodium, Iridium, etc. However, in both seawater and the black volcanic rock and lava, these elements are quite abundant. The reason few people know of their existence in seawater and common rocks is that they are only assayable either by 1. Someone who understands their chemistry, or 2. direct arc spectroscopy. Direct Arc spectroscopy only works to identify these elements if the electrodes are sheathed in a noble gas like Argon. Otherwise, the electrodes burn away too quickly. The m-state forms of the Platinum Group metals only start to read beyond 85 seconds during the process, and Iridium takes almost 5 minutes to read.

The reason that plants are so much healthier when grown on black volcanic-type soils is the presence of these microcluster or m-state metals. They act as catalysts for all life processes. Plants can move fluids and nutrients when these elements are present, and so can animals.

The ancient alchemists were making the microcluster forms of gold and mercury thousands of years ago, but they are not even the most important to health. According to David Hudson, pig and cow brains contained 2.5% Rhodium and 2.5% Iridium by dry weight, after all the organic compounds were removed.
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
But how straight are the plants' teeth? How could we determine how good they are if you don't tell us the details of their dentition?
Posted by steven (Member # 8099) on :
Well, you can check the plants' sap or juice for their mineral content easily with a refractometer and an EC meter.

MrSquicky, kindly hush while I explain.

I learned a method for extracting these m-state elements along with a lot of ther other elements from seawater. I've taken this de-salted seawater compound regularly over the last year or so, and put it on my indoor and outdoor plants for the last 6 months or so. 18 months ago, 1 company produced this same product for use on plants. Now 7 companies do, and the number is climbing.

the difference between the plants in my garden which have wet method precipitate from ocean water and the ones that don't is nothing short of astonishing. The plants with precipitate, in some cases just a half ounce or so, are much darker green and 2-5 times the size of the untreated plants. Everyone who uses the precipitate seems to get the same results.

The UV radiation in sunlight appears to cause the m-state elements to clump up, reverting them back to a metallic, non-superconducting state. However, the extreme reactivity of sodium, highly present in seawater, may be part of keeping these elements in their microcluster form. Sodium's extreme reactivity/corrosiveness may also plays a role in dissolving these elements from black volcanic rock.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
"The ancient alchemists..."

Those wise old elves.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Everyone who uses the precipitate seems to get the same results.
Got a scientific study for this? I know some farmers who'd love to buy the stuff, if so.
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
I find your lack of response to my questions disturbing. Why do you want to hide this information? Are you going to act like the medical establishment and keep information like this away from people?

I myself keep a windowbox garden, properly shielded from Em-Theta waves in the normal matter. However, depsite my careful attention and the ground up organ meat diet I supply the plants, they have yet to grow teeth, straight or otherwise.

Also, I have begun to doubt the honesty of my neighborhood plant toothbrush salesman. He's always been secretive, given to furtive movements and abrupt changes of address. However, on two separate occasions, I have witnessed him greeting a red headed man wearing a cocked bowler hat with an elaborate series of hand gestures. Normally, I wouldn't give this much thought, but considering the perehelion state and perturbations of the local fauna, I fear that I may be beset by a clandestine nest of Freemasons.
Posted by steven (Member # 8099) on :
From TomD
Got a scientific study for this? I know some farmers who'd love to buy the stuff, if so.
Yeah, there are plenty of studies of the "on the left is the plant that didn't get any. On the right, is the plant that got the precipitate." variety. If you want links, I can provide them. has links to these kinds of basic studies. Here is another link. Here is another, there's another one, and yet another.

Over here is another. Scroll down for the pics of strawberry leaves.

Scroll down to the very bottom here for the last two, very interesting, paragraphs. Read the first couple of screens as well, for a basic history of the method.
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
The UV radiation in sunlight appears to cause the m-state elements to clump up, reverting them back to a metallic, non-superconducting state. the dark, these things are superconductors?
Posted by steven (Member # 8099) on :
Tom, if you are as ignorant as you seem of the white powder gold, why don't you read a little Lawrence Gardner, to get your feet wet? You don't have to be sarcastic just because you know very little about the subject compared to me.

White powder gold is actually pretty easy to make. It's not even that hard to separate out from seawater. The Essene says he believes that King Solomon actually got all his gold by refining it from Dead Sea Salt. According to the Essene, Dead Sea Salt is about 40% white powder gold. Again, the reason it doesn't assay is because conventional assay techniques incorrectly identify the m-state elements as calcium, silica, aluminum, or iron. If you remove the sodium from dead sea salt, then lower the pH to about 4.0 or so, then stick a big magnet right underneath it (about 500,000 gauss or more), you'll see the solution behave in very interesting ways. But that's neither here nor there, for the moment.
Posted by steven (Member # 8099) on :
Bob, it actually takes a long time to convert m-state elements to their metallic state using UV radiation. As far as superconductivity goes, the only strong superconductivity in these elements is found in Iridium, and to some degree gold. Their superconductive potential is somewhat dependent on how they are charged and made. They act like little gyroscopes. The nuclei are elongated and spinning very quickly. Most of the superconductor-type behavior I have only heard about, through David Hudson's work, Jim, and the Essene's work. The things they are saying all make plenty of sense once you've studied their work enough. They all agree with each other on the major points.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Yeah, there are plenty of studies of the "on the left is the plant that didn't get any.
Scientific studies.
I used the word "scientific."

Let me put it to you this way: if there's any merit to this, if the results are as clear-cut as you say, if you've noticed the results in every single plant you've so treated, every farmer in the world would beat a path to your door if you can conclusively prove that it works.

There is an enormous market here, steven. If you can reliably demonstrate this effect to the satisfaction of the scientific community -- and, more importantly, to the market -- you will be enormously rich.

But I strongly suspect that most farmers will be unlikely to salt their fields without first seeing some actual, reproducible results, ideally accompanied by a graph of some kind. [Smile]
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
Hey, steven, how's KoM doing on that book?
Posted by steven (Member # 8099) on :
I still have to do some research to determine if the precipitate left over from lye production from seawater would be suitable. If it is, then the precipitate that lye producers normally throw away could be sold for 40 bucks a gallon. OK, probably less, once they all start selling it. Free market and all.

If you don't know how lye is produced, here's a short primer. A brine (seawater) solution is electrified, which raises the pH enough so that the minerals precipitate to the bottom. The only minerals left are the ones with the highest solubility, mainly sodium (hydroxide), a.k.a. lye.

bob, I whittled down my request to KoM to 2 chapters, plus 2 more if he wants. it's a total of about 100 pages of reading. Chapters 16-19 are mianly what matters, anyway, plus the photographs. The rest is mainly Price restating his points.

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