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Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I'm having a hard time not responding to an email my cousin sent me this morning. It containsa this link.

The link is to the website for American Family Radio, and the page features a short Youtube clip which shows a map of the US with the locations of school shootings and a crosshair naming all the locations. It follows that with a "letter" from someone asking God why he could allow this to happen and God answering back "Dear Concerned Student, I am not allowed in schools. Sincerely, God."

Now my cousin, who sent me this email, is a parent, and a stalwart Christian, but she isn't a blithering idiot, so I have to wonder how she could send this type of message out to people as if she is endorsing it.

The video goes on from there with condoms in the classroom, abortion, blaming Clinton for child pornography on the internet, etc.

It just boggles the mind. And above all I have to ask: WHERE ARE THE PARENTS?! The types of things the video blames on society are the types of things that parents are supposed to be there to protect against. So we're supposed to live in a whitewashed society just because parents aren't willing to properly raise their kids? I realize parents aren't magic shields, but the video seems to assume that parents wouldn't even need to tell their kids about sex, or about the risks that exist out there in the world.

If I were a serious Christian, I would be seriously angry at this video for portraying Christian parents as lazy and unable to teach their children right from wrong, as apparently in the Christian view of how the world should be, parents don't teach their children, society does, so we should try and fix society so parents won't be responsible.

I'm disgusted, and sorely tempted to send my cousin back an email expressing my feelings on the matter, though I know that it wouldn't be the wisest thing to do. Am I totally off base here in my reaction?
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Edited for snarkiness.


That's just silly and self-indulgent [rhetoric].
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Not off base, but sending her something won't do much good... as it is what she believes.
I wonder the same thing, what does that sort of thing have to do with anything?
They do tend to have a point about society's structures, but I doubt that the American Family association helps when it comes to things like that. It is up to the parents to provide a good example and to not bother even getting MTV if they hate it so much. It is their job to counter those values they dislike...
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Weird...God only goes where God is allowed? Who knew?
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
I have seen something similar -- a poster modeled after the famous "footprints" poem with dates and locations of various shooting and "where were you when . . . " and ending with the "I am not allowed in the schools" line. I first heard about it after Columbine.

I think it's vicious and vile.

It's crappy theology as well, which is the angle I start with when talking to people who've seen it and think it's great. Generally, I think they haven't thought it through.
Posted by aspectre (Member # 2222) on :

"It takes a village to raise a child."

[ April 21, 2007, 07:12 PM: Message edited by: aspectre ]
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Oh, and as a "serious Christian" I'm much less bothered by how the idea portrays parents than by how it portrays God.
Posted by Epictetus (Member # 6235) on :
Tell her to read "The Problem of Pain" by C.S. Lewis, if she hasn't already.
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
If I were a serious Christian, I would be seriously angry at this video for portraying Christian parents as lazy and unable to teach their children right from wrong, as apparently in the Christian view of how the world should be, parents don't teach their children, society does, so we should try and fix society so parents won't be responsible.
Please understand that I'm in no way endorsing or approving or in any way positive about what your cousin sent you. I want that really clear, okay? I don't like those sorts of things either.


I'm a 'serious Christian' and I still think it's worth being concerned about what is and isn't allowed in our schools. Once we send our kids off to public school, honestly, the teachers get the best hours of our kids. By the time they get home, they've had their fill of listening. Of course we educate in the best way possible: we live what we believe. However, it is still difficult to work out the more subtle contradictions to our faith. We frequently don't even hear about them until our child mentions it, if they do.

Understand, again, that I think it's stupid to say that God's not in the schools. I suspect there is often more prayer there than in some churches, especially around test time. [Smile]
Posted by 0Megabyte (Member # 8624) on :
You know, with the logic of "the bad stuff is happening because God's not at those places" perhaps a good counter is that bad things happen everywhere, ergo, God's not anywhere on Earth.

And why should we worship such a neglectful bastard as that?

Then again, I don't believe that. I'm just taking the original arguements logic to what I see as the logical conclusion.
Posted by Boothby171 (Member # 807) on :

I've had a couple of religious friends send me tripe like that.

I respond back to them. Gently, but firmly. Sometimes a little snarkily, but that's just me.

If you don't respond, then you are telling them that it's OK to put that crap out there in the world. You are condoning it. You are leading to just the sort of world you fear and despise, and you are becoming just the sort of person you really can't stand, or revealing yourself as being that sort of person.

It's your choice.
Posted by aretee (Member # 1743) on :
I didn't realize that God only answers formal, organized prayers. I pray constantly at work (I'm a teacher) and I'm sure there are some of my students do to. There is just no way to satisfy the needs of all the different religious ideologies in a formal prayer.

I have many of the concerns that that video addresses. But whoever mentioned "Where are the parents?" hit the nail on the head. While I am concerned for the general direction of society in general I can't control what others do. I can only save myself and teach my children (when I have my own)the principles I believe are correct and true. If that means we don't watch TV and monitor internet usage and teaching sex ed at home then that is what I do. Hey! That's what I'm doing right now with my step-daughters. (One of them is a frequent lurker can't get much better than that, right?)

I am conservative. I am Christian. I don't like this video. It suggests corrolations that aren't necessarily cause and effects. I don't approve President Clinton's behavior in the White House bathroom, but I don't think he's the cause of child porn.

On the other hand, if people don't take a stand for what they believe, what will our society become? But, misleading propaganda may not be the right vehicle.
Posted by Sterling (Member # 8096) on :
The problem, to my mind, is the suggestion that God is somehow punishing people- innocent people- with death for the misdeeds of society in neglecting Him. It troubled me after Columbine, it troubled me after 9/11, it troubled me with Phelps and his ilk, and it troubles me with this kind of thing as well.

I suppose I would be tempted to ask, earnestly, two questions:

Do you believe that God uses people like Cho-Seung Hui to exact punishment on innocents in His name?

Do you believe that secular law has the power to keep God out of anywhere?
Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
Those types of propogandist videos are incredibly insensitive to the victims' families, as well.

Good questions, Sterling. My own personal beliefs strongly contradict the answers presumed or at least suggested by the video.

Were students praying when they heard their classmates being murdered? Did God ignore them because that prayer wasn't institutionalized? Insensitive and disgusting.
Posted by Marlozhan (Member # 2422) on :
You can't draw black and white correlations like this video did. The thing that bothers me most is what Sterling said (meaning I agree with Sterling and I don't like what the video says), namely that God let those specific individuals die because prayer was not allowed in school. I have prayed silently many times in school and it would hurt me to think that God is ignoring me because public prayer is not allowed.

Parents are ultimately responsible and community is secondary. This means that I don't hold society guiltless. I'm a family therapist, and one of the things that you are constantly taught is that cause-and-effect is never cut-and-dry. Problems within a family can never be pinned on solely one person. Family and individual problems are complex to sort out. The same is true of societal problems. I do think that pushing God out of our mainstream lives on a political level, and a personal level, bodes ill for all of society. Parents are mainly responsible, but society plays a part, too.

And I don't think that pushing specific things out of the public scene, like prayer and saying "Merry Christmas", are so much of a problem as a general decline in decent moral standards (which are often associated with religion or spirituality, but I have also known very many good, moral people who did not believe in God).

For example, as a counselor, I am astounded at the sheer numbers of adults and kids who have been sexually or physically abused, or neglected. It's hard to find clients who have not been affected by these things. These problems of abuse are becoming widespread, and these are not problems that can simply be tacked onto "God isn't allowed in school" or condoms being handed out. There are a number of reasons these problems are happening. Many abusers have been abused, so family patterns play a part. Our media is saturated with sex, making sexual addictions so much more accessible. The pursuit of personal pleasure seems paramount in so many parts of society. Each of us could make our own list of why some of these problems are getting worse (and some of you would probably argue that religion is the cause of many problems. I would only agree with you if you changed "religion" to "bad religion." Poorly practiced religion can be devastating, because it gives you an excuse to do immoral things by claiming God endorses you).

I don't want to go into a lot of issues, I guess the point I am making is that all of these problems are complex. As a Christian, I do believe that if every home taught Christian morals (and I don't mean the propagandized ones), the world would be a better place. If things start right in the home, the general effect would be that society would improve. This is not to say that everyone would turn out okay, since everyone has free choice. I am also not saying that Christians have a monopoly on good morals, since they don't. I just say Christian because the morals I believe in are in a Christian context.

But it is my belief (and you don't have to agree with me) that if the entire world were to stop worshiping a higher power and sought to live only by the ideals established by mankind (which if you don't believe in God, then I suppose spiritual ideals are also manmade), the world would start to decline in overall civility and goodness.

I guess if I didn't believe this, then I wouldn't have much reason to believe in my faith, since the whole idea behind spirituality is that living it makes you and the world around you a better place.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Interesting, you make good points.
I am techincally not Christian, but I believe that the best thing is to act by examime. To make treating people with respect and compassion a priority. It's not worth it to abuse and hurt other people because by doing that, it effects the whole fabric of the world.
You make great points about the effect of abuse on children today, it annoys me how a lot of Christian leaders spend their time ranting and raving about homosexuality or the so-called decline of morals and not enough energy on what really negatively effects people.
Right now I'm reading a book called The Limits of Hope. It's about a couple with three children who adopted two troubled children who were bounced from one foster home to the next and abused by their biological parents.
As a result they couldn't attach to their adoptive parents, the social workers did not help as they did poorly in school, stole from their family, and by the time they were 18 one was a prostitute on drugs and the other had a baby that was developmentally disabled before she was ready to be responsible for children.
If they really want to improve the world, they reall should *highjacks another thread* spend time and energy on improving and reforming the foster care system.
They should be lobbying senators to do this. They have the power. If they can get Republican congressman to try to ban gay marriage, surely they can get them to reform the system on the state and a federal level?
They could even rally Democrats to do the same, who act as if they have a monopoly on issues like this. Most of the time politicians are only interested in these sorts of reforms during an election season or when more children have become grim statistics.
i think the churches need to get involved and connect with people they do not agree with. The professionals and social workers must also do the same and it must not be limited JUST to America either. What sort of world will we live in when millions of children are languishing in orphanages, sold to brothels and otherwise doomed to a life of misery and despair?
Who even knew what this young man went through to turn him into a killer? The only time a person takes enough notice of these issues is if it were a person who was a victim of the system who then becomes a criminal?
I've gone off topic, but to me, this is the most important issue there is. There's nothing in the world more important, more essential than making things better for children in this entire world. Who knows if this man was abused? He did have that play on that subject that I haven't read yet. This sort of thing must not be allowed to continue. It's not an issue of pray in schools and their version of god, it's something else and it really needs to be addressed.
Posted by kmbboots (Member # 8576) on :
What Dana said. (Thanks)
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
Jesus condemned the sort of thinking espoused in this video many times.

I'm willing to bet whoever made it never actually read the New Testament.

Posted by Euripides (Member # 9315) on :
If someone invented a time machine, I'd consider chipping in for a one-way ticket to 17th century Europe for the author of that video. Seems to be the kind of place s/he would enjoy.

Adam, I think it would be possible to word an email expressing strong disapproval without being insulting. That's what I'd try to do.

[Edit from 18th century]

[ April 21, 2007, 10:37 PM: Message edited by: Euripides ]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
The 1700s? Really? Weren't the 1700s actually the first flower of secular philosophy in Europe, when the Enlightenment began turning theologians into scientists?
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
1) Just because organized prayer is not allowed in public schools does not mean that God is not allowed in.

2) There is nothing any government could do to keep God out.

3) God does not allow violence in places where he is allowed to enter? How about the pedophile cases in some Catholic and other churches? How about the burnings of Churches by radicals and racists? How about the destruction of Churches by natural disasters from Hurricane Katrina to your average Blizzard or Tornado? If this violence could happen where God is most often invited in, how would it be stopped at the school door?

And this won't count the Tennessee shooting of a few years ago, where the Prayer Group was attacked.

4) But just suppose we agree that God won't allow violence into places that allow him in, please tell me which God, or which aspect, version, or flavor of faith we should endorse in our schools? Do we allow Christian but not Islam? Baptist but not Catholic? Methodist but not LDS, or do we invite them all in.

Yeah, lets be safe.

Lets invite them all in, with mandatory sacrifices and prayers to all denomination of all sects of all beliefs.

Then, when that is done, who knows. Maybe we could get some learning in too.
Posted by Occasional (Member # 5860) on :
"Dear Concerned Student, I am not allowed in schools. Sincerely, God."

"You know, with the logic of "the bad stuff is happening because God's not at those places" perhaps a good counter is that bad things happen everywhere, ergo, God's not anywhere on Earth."

Actually, the logic would be ". . . ergo God's not ALLOWED anywhere on Earth." I can buy both arguments. The less society both believes in and follows God, the more wicked it is, therefore the more damaging society becomes. The innocent (if there is such a thing) get in the crossfire and the wicked are eventually punished for those acts with the innocent as witnesses. There are many parents that believe this is what is happening and are doing something about it by homeschooling.
Posted by Euripides (Member # 9315) on :
Originally posted by TomDavidson:

The 1700s? Really? Weren't the 1700s actually the first flower of secular philosophy in Europe, when the Enlightenment began turning theologians into scientists?

Yeah, began to.

Point taken. I've fixed the post. [Smile]
Posted by Euripides (Member # 9315) on :
Actually, I'm not sure why I had to edit that post. I could have just written 'Point taken' and left it alone. *shrug*
Posted by Flaming Toad on a Stick (Member # 9302) on :
Yeah, way to confuse everyone Euripides. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Euripides (Member # 9315) on :
And by meta-posting about it I made this thread all, like, weird and stuff.
Posted by Shawshank (Member # 8453) on :
First off I would like to say that organized prayer is allowed in school. Absolutely no problem at all- in fact- if someone tried to stop it- they would be in trouble.

The thing is- the teacher/administrator/staff worker can't be the organizer. There is absolutely nothing a school worker can do if several students decide to organize a prayer meeting- without disrupting the school of course.

So to say that since you can't pray in school- that's a straight up lie. So when praying isn't done at school- wouldn't it be the students fault? And therefore the children of these 'Christians' aren't doing what they are supposed to be doing.

I'm a Christian. I pray in school. I don't want a teacher to become a preacher and start praying as a class activity. It's not right- and I believe in the end- sinful.

The other thing too- is God allows people to suffer even when he is around. Now maybe I have a different view on the spiritual significance of suffering because of many experiences I've gone through (and because when I was like 7 or 8 the first book of the bible I ever tried to read was Job [Confused] ) but look at the story of Job. He was allowed to suffer- God ordained it.

If there's anything I dislike more than stupid and/or hypocritical people it's stupid and/or hypocritical Christians.
Posted by 0Megabyte (Member # 8624) on :

"Actually, the logic would be ". . . ergo God's not ALLOWED anywhere on Earth." I can buy both arguments"

Right, good point, minor mistake on my part.

However... the only problem is, the Earth isn't any more violent than it used to be.

The only difference is that our tools are more efficient. Pompeii happened a very long time ago, and natural disasters today are killing more people because there are a lot more people.

The only reason we hear of so many crimes is because the means for reporting them have become much more efficient than in centuries past.

In the days of old, when entire cities were burned and entire peoples put to death, was God there any more than now, by the logic given that he's not allowed?

It seems as though he's never been allowed on earth if that view is correct. (if I'm getting the logic right, and my assumptions about violence, death and pain are right.)

So why, exactly, praise a God that is not allowed on our world and does not, and has never, been there to help us?

An impotent God... what's the point of that?

Again, I'm trying to bring the logic to it's farthest point. I don't believe the logic at all, I think it's rediculous.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Originally posted by Puffy Treat:
Jesus condemned the sort of thinking espoused in this video many times.

I'm willing to bet whoever made it never actually read the New Testament.


Posted by aretee (Member # 1743) on :
OOOOHH! What about the poor Amish school that was all shot up by the milkman. You can't tell me that God wasn't allowed in that school!

What impressed me most was the reaction of these people after this about living up to you religious convictions!
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I think I'm going to try and form a tactful response to my cousin.

It may or may not contain a point by point accounting of how wrong It hink that video is.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
First of all, there is evil in this world. That doesn't mean that there is no G'd in this world.

The sentiment expressed, that G'd permits evil to flourish out of spite, is an example of evil. I've gotten other nasty emails that I also see as evil disguised as piety.

A particularly horrible one was in response to innocent children being killed. G'd supposedly felt that His heavenly garden needed a little sprucing up, so He gathered some beautiful souls to beautify heaven, where he could look on and admire them always. Evil, I say! Rather than causing people to embrace and obey G'd, this sort of schlock drives good people away. It is evil work, done by either those people who are genuinely evil, or are too dopey to recognize it when it comes their way.
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
In other words, God is a much better marksman than that.
Posted by Occasional (Member # 5860) on :
0Megabyte, your logic is not consistent with what religious people (particularly Conservative Christians) believe. So far all of your responses start with assumptions that they do not hold. For instance:

"It seems as though he's never been allowed on earth if that view is correct. (if I'm getting the logic right, and my assumptions about violence, death and pain are right.)"

shows a lack of understanding of the Christian idea of the Fall and history. For them, this is absolutely true and the very reason sin, violence, and (not to conflate this in with the rest too closely)natural disasters have always been with us. [personal note: my own religious ideas of this are both the same and different. I do not believe in the utter depravity of humanity because of the Fall. I do, however, share in the idea that humanity has always been making the wrong and even evil choices.]

"Pompeii happened a very long time ago, and natural disasters today are killing more people because there are a lot more people," proves their beliefs more than you think. Many Christians (at least that I know) use Pompeii as an example of God's wrath toward a Heathen and wicked city. It would be better if you used an example of a natural disaster that destroyed a Christian city. On top of that, the second idea of more people dying because there are more people is not very good analysis. It implies statistics that you don't provide. There would be more proof of your assumption if you showed there are more people and an equal or lesser amount of disasters today than before.

However, statistics that I have seen actually show the opposite. Natural disasters are increasing in size and frequency. The same studies have left open that this might be because of the availability of modern record keeping. Agreed (before someone steps in) I have not provided information on this. Someone would have to do better than the both of us. I am lazy and don't have the time.

"So why, exactly, praise a God that is not allowed on our world and does not, and has never, been there to help us?"

Again, your assumptions are getting in the way of what Christians really believe. God is not allowed in this world, not because He can't, but because we won't let Him and often actively work against Him. Of course, this gets into the ideas of free will vs. predestination that has been argued back and forth for Centuries.
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
I see the message as a passive aggressive attack against anyone who doesn't actively support school prayer, abstinence only sex education, etc. The message is, "YOU people keep God from saving people with your sinful ways."

It's almost a Sodom and Gomorrah idea, that these un-Godly schools deserve death. Religion can make some seriously twisted and heartless followers.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Not really. But some seriously twisted and heartless people certainly do use religion as an excuse for their behavior. Others find other excuses.
Posted by Morbo (Member # 5309) on :
That's bad, Lyrhawn, but the link below is worse.
Warning: It's from the Phelps' church o' hate."God Hates The World" Music Video

It's their title, BTW. I stumbled onto this the other day. The weirdest part is watching smiling grandmothers sing the most hateful lyrics.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Originally posted by rivka:
Not really. But some seriously twisted and heartless people certainly do use religion as an excuse for their behavior. Others find other excuses.

I'd agree with that.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Occasional, what might the meaning and intent of the following be, from a (sympathetic) Conservative Christian viewpoint?
It follows that with a "letter" from someone asking God why he could allow this to happen and God answering back "Dear Concerned Student, I am not allowed in schools. Sincerely, God."
(I'm not trying to pick a fight -- I'm really interested in your answer. I have trouble making sense of it in a sympathetic way.)
Posted by Morbo (Member # 5309) on :
Originally posted by Occasional:
Again, your assumptions are getting in the way of what Christians really believe. God is not allowed in this world, not because He can't, but because we won't let Him and often actively work against Him. Of course, this gets into the ideas of free will vs. predestination that has been argued back and forth for Centuries.

Christians believe God is not allowed in this world?
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
Originally posted by Morbo:
Christians believe God is not allowed in this world?

Logically, that statement doesn't even make sense. Christian theology is clear that God decides what happens, people don't boss God around. See Garden of Eden, Job, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Flood, etc. Secondly, how would people know about God, if God were not allowed in the world? Thirdly, wouldn't True Christians, who feel God constantly as a happy presence of love in their hearts, be in agony, as they felt God's love ripped from their eternal souls?

I miss the days of strong Christian rhetoricians. The internet is a great media for people who want to yell about something that they haven't even thought about for a minute (not directed at anyone here, but at people who start mean-spirited chain emails and so forth).

Lyrhawn: Maybe send your cousin the quote from the Bible which goes something like, "Whenever two or more are gathered in my name, I am there."

Certainly any given non-religious school in America has at least two Christians.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Originally posted by Morbo:
That's bad, Lyrhawn, but the link below is worse.
Warning: It's from the Phelps' church o' hate."God Hates The World" Music Video

It's their title, BTW. I stumbled onto this the other day. The weirdest part is watching smiling grandmothers sing the most hateful lyrics.

I can't remember ever seeing anything as horrible as that, on so many levels. I was not able to finish watching it, but I'm assuming that it was more of the same.

There is evil abroad in the world, and this video is part of it.
Posted by 0Megabyte (Member # 8624) on :
Occasional, I'm a Roman Catholic, dude, and I know that what I said is not what they believe.

It's using the logic of the rediculous statements to the effect of "God is not at those locations because God is not allowed there" to the stupid, logical extreme, that nobody, myself included, believes.

My statements were an attempt to disprove said logic by taking them to their (in my opinion) absurd limits.


"Again, your assumptions are getting in the way of what Christians really believe. God is not allowed in this world, not because He can't, but because we won't let Him and often actively work against Him. Of course, this gets into the ideas of free will vs. predestination that has been argued back and forth for Centuries. "

God is not gone from this world. That is totally separate from my beliefs. God is not the cause of natural disasters, God does not permit them for the purpose of punishment, nor does he "not intervene" because we don't want him, nor does he intervene when we DO want him, necessarily. Plenty of the faithful have died while praying to God to save them. God does not act that way, coming and going because we want Him or not. Either way, He's still there, but at the same time, He's not the one causing any of those things.

To be clear, in my beliefs, God won't leave a place because we want Him to leave. If He did, that place would cease to exist entirely, or be utterly annihilated. The actions of human beings like this shooter have nothing to do with God, but solely with the persons themselves. If I went and shot some people up, it wouldn't be because of God, and God wouldn't have been able to stop me, regardless of whether the place was "welcoming God" or not, because God doesn't interfere with human free will.

As for natural disasters, I don't have my Bible with me, and yes, both of us are being lazy (me more than you, probably) but I recall Jesus saying once, about an accident when building a building that killed several of the workers, that it wasn't because of God, that God wasn't involved with those sorts of things, accidents and disasters. But maybe, maybe I'm mistaken. I figure, though, Christ is at least someone to listen to as to the source of such things, if you're Christian.


Yes, some of my examples are flawed, sure. Pompeii was not a Christian city, but plenty of Christian cities filled with the faithful have been destroyed. And there are definitely more people today than a thousand years ago. Far more. Wasn't it something like a billion people little more than a century ago, compared to more than billion now? Certainly less than a billion a thousand years ago. The same scale natural disaster then as now would have the potential to kill fewer people, because fewer people lived there, and more today because there are more people today.

And perhaps there are more natural disasters, or perhaps not. I don't know, we haven't been tracking them accurately long enough to know for certain. We'd need a good thousand years of accurate records at least before we could decide something like that.
Posted by Fractal Fraggle (Member # 9803) on :
Originally posted by Tante Shvester:
First of all, there is evil in this world. That doesn't mean that there is no G'd in this world.

The sentiment expressed, that G'd permits evil to flourish out of spite, is an example of evil. I've gotten other nasty emails that I also see as evil disguised as piety.

...It is evil work, done by either those people who are genuinely evil, or are too dopey to recognize it when it comes their way.

I've never been able to articulate why I hated the horrid religious emails I got from my relatives but I think this is pretty much it.

I wouldn't have a problem if my relatives just sent emails where they're discussing religion or something like that. But all I seem to get are these emails with a hateful, blaming undertone and the implication that if I don't pass it on to 17 friends, I'm denying God. [Confused]
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
I just "delete". I never pass anything on to seventeen friends. I like my friends.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
^ Precisely.
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
Dear Sis.

Thanks for the enlightening email. I do believe that you are almost right. I've spoken to many friends who are followers of the "Flying Spaghetti Monster". (Link to appropriate Flying Spaghetti Monster web site here.)

While God is all powerful and all loving, which is why God could be kicked out of schools and take bloody vengeance on innocent kids around the country, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is believed to be the creator of the Universe and has a right to really be upset.

Not only is his gospel not allowed to be taught in public schools, prayers to his carb-ness not allowed to be uttered, but the schools sacrifice his children in their common lunch rooms. Since Spaghetti, in some form, has been served as part of school lunches more horrible and vengeful things have happened in our schools than even I can count.

I mean we even give his children away cheap, or free, to be devoured by those kids who were unwise enough, or just to lazy to pick parents with good paying jobs. How degrading could being reduced-cost-to-the-poor be for such a massive pasta-based deity.

Yes, until we organize and take Spaghetti out of the lunch room and put it into the classroom, we are destined for more tragedies around the world.

Remember, The Flying Spaghetti Monster--put Diet in the Deity.
Posted by Shawshank (Member # 8453) on :
I watched that video and was utterly disgusted.

But I think it's funny to see the Canadian flag being waved in the background (near the end).
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
1) Just because organized prayer is not allowed in public schools does not mean that God is not allowed in.
And just because some judge somewhere wasn't allowed to park his washing machine sized stone idolization of the ten commandments in the lobby of a federal building doesn't mean that God isn't allowed in the courts, but don't try to tell him that!
Posted by Occasional (Member # 5860) on :
Well, I admit as a Mormon that my beliefs about God and human agency as interconnected are probably more pronounced than even these Christians. Whole societies (ala Book of Mormon) can be destroyed by rejecting God, usually by evil against evil, but sometimes by the will of God. That includes, as I said before, the righteous by the wicked as a witness against them. Mostly its not so much a direct "not allow God," but it is about Him leaving the humans to their own devices when they have rejected Him.

I don't know how much that has to do with this situation, but its not illogical from my own Mormon point of view. Personally, I think too many here are stuck on the "not allowed" when many of them mean God is angry and is punishing the Godless who have rejected Him. I know most here don't see it that way, but those who send these e-mailes do see it that way. To be honest, those you call innocent victims are not seen that way by the Christians who send these messages. At best these victims are simply caught in the crossfire of religious war.

Its more than that. By refusing to openly and without reserve acknowledge God, then to these Christians it is as if God is not getting taught. As such, the morality that goes along with teaching about God is creating situations like VT where evil can flourish. I don't think I can explain this anymore for you to understand, but you aren't living in the same worldview as these people.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
To be honest, those you call innocent victims are not seen that way by the Christians who send these messages.
Which is why these so-called "Christians" are loathsome, repugnant people.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :

Mostly its not so much a direct "not allow God," but it is about Him leaving the humans to their own devices when they have rejected Him.
To be honest, those you call innocent victims are not seen that way by the Christians who send these messages.

Depending on how Occasional meant the phrase "innocent victims", I don't think it necessarily follows that the people thinking (not actually sending out videos like this, that's an entirely different can of worms) this are loathesome, repugnant people.

It's one thing to believe that if human beings eject God from their daily lives, he will not shield human beings as much from themselves as he formerly did. It is quite another to believe that God will specifically send sick college students to smite some random people if some other random people reject God from their daily lives.

The first is a belief I do not share, one I find distasteful and unChristian. I believe that God is with us whether we reject him or not; I don't believe God is as easily ejected as the people behind the video seem to feel. But it is not necessarily "loathsome and repugnant"--and I note that Tom has not said that belief is, I'm just pointing something out here.
Posted by Occasional (Member # 5860) on :
Well, most Christians (as far as I understand) don't believe anyone is innocent unless they have faith in Christ. This is especially the case with the Christians we are talking about where Faith is the only thing that saves. Therefore, logically, if you aren't showing your faith on your sleave at all times then you aren't showing faith, as your actions indicated your saved condition.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Well, most Christians don't believe anyone is innocent unless they have faith in Christ.
This Christian doesn't believe anyone is truly innocent in the way you mean it, and that it takes the sacrifice of Christ to overcome this flaw.
Posted by Occasional (Member # 5860) on :
TomD, I am sure the feeling is mutual.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Those Christians--and I assume you count yourself in that number--find nonbelievers loathesome and repugnant?
Posted by Occasional (Member # 5860) on :
I don't, depending on who it is, but I believe I understand enough about the Christians we are talking about to say they do.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
'Depending on who it is'? You didn't have any qualifiers who do think think is loathsome and repugnant, Occasional?

Setting aside the fact that to find nonbelievers loathsome and repugnant is about as hypocritical and unChristlike as one can be...
Posted by Qaz (Member # 10298) on :
I don't want to watch an angry video but I do "buy into" the idea that society has a tremendous influence on children. You can consider the language of US-born children of immigrants. They usually not only speak English even if Mom and Dad do not but they speak it with the accent of the region, rather than their parents'.

If parents' values and society's values get into a fight there is no guarantee that the parents' will win. I think if parents always won there would be very few gangs.

I also "buy" that God is not to blame when people don't do what He says.

However I do not "buy" that school shootings result from a societal rejection of God. The school shooters don't give a damn what society rejects or doesn't. If they did, they'd follow what society says about shooting people at school, which is "don't." School shootings result from the killer's rejection of God, society, ethics, and everything else that says don't do this.

The trouble is that we now have a script floating in our consciousness about what a young man can do if he feels oppressed. Almost nobody wants to do it, but for those who are willing to kill innocent people and themselves, it is there in their minds, and occasionally somebody will be crazy enough to do it.
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
I have a friend who sends me stuff like that a LOT. A lot of spam in general, which I usually ignore (or if it is related to some bogus health scare or something serious, I send her a Snopes link).

I can't even tell you how much I hate getting stuff like that, but I never say anything to her. Mainly because she has brain damage and some short-term memory loss, and so would most likely forget I said anything unless I was really mean about it. Which I am not willing to do.
Posted by BlueWizard (Member # 9389) on :
I'm incline to agree with Dan_Raven's comments on the first page of this discussion. God IS ALLOWED in secular schools, students are allowed to pray in school, they are allowed to read the Bible in school, they are allowed to form Christian 'study' groups in school. What is not allowed is for the school to force these actions onto the students with no regard for the fact that certain students might be atheist, agnostic, Buddhist, Shinto, Hindu, other non-Christian or unique Christian variations.

It is not the job of the school to teach, or more accurately force, certain preferred religious beliefs on a likely diverse student population. That's why we have Sunday School, that is why we have Church service, that is why kids have parents.

I'm reminded of another discussion in this group with a link to a video of a student who came home and announced to his parents that he was an Atheist. The mother freak out and screamed, 'that's it, we are going to church every Sunday'. And I thought, 'you mean you not already going to church every Sunday?'

When the mother saw this tact was having no effect on her son, she changed course and said, 'no more Christmas presents for you, because that's what Christmas is all about'. And I though, with parents like these, it's no wonder the kid is an atheist.

What people seem to forget is that 'Faith' is not 'Blind Faith', it is concerned questioning pondering wondering seeking sometimes uncertain Faith. If you have never sought the answers to faith, if you have never questioned it, then I don't think you can truly say you have arrived at the answers of faith.

What many fundamentalist fail to see, is that 'Faith' is a journey, and each person comes to faith on their own path and after a long journey. I can tell Islamic fundamentalist this with absolute certainty, faith does not come from the barrel of a gun. Neither does faith come from being beaten into submission by threats and intimidation of fundamentalist Christian rhetoric.

You can force people to come into compliance, but they will only discover true faith on their own; in their own way and in their own time. I've often said that truth, wisdom, understanding, and faith never come from explanation, they only come from revelation, they come from inside you.

So, I'm back to blaming it on the parents. In our busy high stress suburban wasteland lives, it is far easier to fob off every responsibility on the school. Parents don't have the time, energy, will, or fortitude to put sex into a proper and reasonable real-life perspective for their kids, so they let the school do it, only they DON'T let the school do it.

The twist and turn and try to control the schools actions to the point where those teaching Sex Ed simply have their hands tied. That is, assuming they aren't already so twisted with good Christian guilt, that they are reasonable able to do the job if they were allowed.

Then, after hamstring the people to whom we have fobbed off this responsibility, we complain endlessly that they are doing an inadequate job of it.

Here's a thought, how about having the pastor of your church give a reasonable, accurate, balanced, complete, open perspective class on sex education that contains a reasonable balance of moral perspective and natural biological functions, as well as a perspective on the very real and necessary precautions?

Well, that is not going to happen, because the pastor is most likely so filled with good old Christian guilt and shame, that even he doesn't have a balanced perspective on the moral aspects and natural biological functions of sex.

Now let me address an extremely Hot Button issue to show how warped and self-serving the Christian social perspective is. The issue is Abortion. I'm here to tell you that Abortion is not a problem, it has never been a problem, and it never will be a problem. But it is far easier for Christians to focus on Abortion that it is for them to overcome the shame and quilt associated with dealing with the real problem.

Pregnancy is the real problem. Eliminate unwanted pregnancy and all the abortion clinics will close and go out of business. And here is another news bulletin for all of you, we know what causes pregnancy and we know many many methods for preventing it, only one of which is 'don't do it'.

If you gave kids a fair and balance sex education that had a very real and realistic NON-religious moral perspective, then unwanted teen pregnancy would drop to nearly nothing. Specialty abortion clinics would have very little business and they would close, thereby leaving the small remaining issue to family doctors and hospitals.

Having listened to this long rant, you will be surprised to find that I am against abortion, but at the same time Pro-Choice. I firmly believe that it is a woman's choice, I just believe it is the wrong choice.

I further believe that, beyond a certain point, if you have not made a choice, that lack of choice is in itself a choice. If you have avoided the issue of your pregnancy for more than three months THAT IS a very real choice, and further it is a choice that, not matter how sad it makes you, you must now live with.

Choice is not open ended, and no choice, whether you like it or not, is INDEED a very REAL choice.

All freedoms have boundaries. Freedom of speech has reasonable and legal boundaries. Freedom to bear arms has reasonable and legal boundaries. And relative to abortion, choice has reasonable and legal boundaries, 'choice' is not unlimited.

My point here is to show how hopelessly warp and filled with avoidance of the true issues most of the Christian fundamentalist are. There are very real and practical answers to the questions and issues of the day, but distraction, misdirection, avoidance, guilt, shame, hate, spite, vilification are not any of the answers.

Not trying to start an abortion debate, but I still say pregnancy is the real issue, if you can avoid that problem, then the abortions issue solves itself.


[ April 23, 2007, 03:48 PM: Message edited by: BlueWizard ]
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Here's a thought, how about having the pastor of your church give a reasonable, accurate, balanced, complete, open perspective class on sex education that contains a reasonable balance of moral perspective and natural biological functions, as well as a perspective on the very real and necessary precautions?

Well, that is not going to happen, because the pastor is most likely so filled with good old Christian guilt and shame, that even he doesn't have a balanced perspective on moral aspects and natural biological functions of sex.

I've done it. Including handing around various birth control devices for the kids to see and walking them past the local Planned Parenthood clinic so they'd know where it was. (That particular PP office doesn't provide abortions, btw, but they do provide confidential and sliding fee scale exams, STD testing, BC, and rape/assault treatment.)

And I am *gasp* a pastor!
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Now let me address an extremely Hot Button issue to show how warped and self-serving the Christian social perspective is. The issue is Abortion. I'm here to tell you that Abortion is not a problem, it has never been a problem, and it never will be a problem. But it is far easier for Christians to focus on Abortion that it is for them to overcome the shame and quilt associated with dealing with the real problem.
If you're "not trying to start an abortion discussion", then you really shouldn't make bigoted, false statements like this one.

Just a thought.
Posted by 0Megabyte (Member # 8624) on :

"To be honest, those you call innocent victims are not seen that way by the Christians who send these messages. At best these victims are simply caught in the crossfire of religious war."

The following is based not on fact but on my beliefs:

I'm sorry, but that beliefs of theirs, in my view, is evil, anti-Christian, and the antithesis of the actions of any God that deserves worship.

It shows a terrible human evil, the ability to say "you deserve it because people acted this way, regardless of your own personal beliefs, regardless of your own personal actions." It shows a lack of empathy that would cause Jesus to puke. Sorry, but if Satan is influencing anyone, it's those who believe such trash.

I'm not saying you believe this, or attacking you, just to make that clear. The ideas you're showing you understand, and explaining to me, are abhorrent to me, and they seem anti-human, anti-justice, and anti-Christian.

"Its more than that. By refusing to openly and without reserve acknowledge God, then to these Christians it is as if God is not getting taught. As such, the morality that goes along with teaching about God is creating situations like VT where evil can flourish. I don't think I can explain this anymore for you to understand, but you aren't living in the same worldview as these people. "

I think I can understand. But every time I try to I feel utterly sick. It's revolting to me.

It's illogical. (At least when you start with the premises I do. They start with different ones, and so our logical frameworks are incompatible.) Like the innocent victims necessarily had anything to do with it. How many were Christians? Did they deserve to die, for the sins of others, because they're in the wrong place, based on that view?

I mean, I understand the view that by not acknowledging God within school openly, it can seem that God is not being taught, like it's being rejected. But that's too simple a response, it's just not... accurate, in the actual God-given reality.

"Mostly its not so much a direct "not allow God," but it is about Him leaving the humans to their own devices when they have rejected Him."

That does make sense, it's not necessarily a bad theory. But in actual God-given reality, it doesn't matter if you're Christian or not, you're left to your own devices either way. God doesn't pop in with a Deus Ex Machina to save Christians, he never has. Never. And most of the miracles I've ever heard of aren't any more valid, or any more true, than the pseudoscience junk that does similar "things."

In the end, my worldview IS different. Irrevocably so, it seems. I try to see reality, even in my faith. And the God I worship does seem to be different than theirs. I believe mine is the true Christian God, they believe their monsterous tyrant-king is. You can see my bias. I have it, I know I do, I'll never not have it. But to me, God is not an evil being, and maybe that's my own faulty beliefs. Maybe its' okay to worship a being who does evil as I see it. But, I'll stick to my gut, and worship God as I can see Him.
Posted by BlueWizard (Member # 9389) on :
DKW - I had some additional thoughts that I wanted to send you, but your HotMail address is rejecting my email which is being sent from a Yahoo address.

- - - - - - - - - - - does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
Giving up on
- - - - - - - - - - -

I think you would find my comments worthwhile and might even be able to use them.

If you could provide me with a working email address I will forward the comments. They seem too far off the main subject to post here, though I have posted similar comments in other topic discussions.

To email me, click on my username at the left of any of my comments, and that will take you to my profile. From my profile you can send me an email with your personal email address.

I solemnly swear this is a civilized exchange, and there will be NO stalking, NO harassment, or any other form of ill-conceived or ill-advised communication.

I greatly admire what you are doing at your church, and further you seem to be doing an excellent job of it. I just wish more churches could do something like this, and do it so well.

Regardless; thanks for the reply.

Posted by BlueWizard (Member # 9389) on :
Sorry, people were responding while I was writing my other comments.

To Rakeesh:

My comments are neither 'bigoted' nor 'false', but I will readily admit they are also not absolute. That is, they do not define each and every Christian living on this earth. They represent a fair and reasonable generalization as well as my own fair and reasonable beliefs based on the world as I see it.

There are many Christian groups that are against abortion while simultaneously against Sex Education. If not hypocritical, that is at least an impractical position. They want to shutdown abortion clinics and I gave them the perfect way to do it. That way is to solve the problem, rather than rail against one solution.

This is a clear case of avoiding the problem by distraction and misdirection, standard fundamentalist techniques by the way. Stop unwanted pregnancy and abortion clinics fade into obscurity. Simple as that.

Now all you have to do is be willing to face the very real and practical aspects of stopping unwanted pregnancy. Something the fundamentalist Christians are failing at in astronomical fashion.

Just passing it along.

Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Steve, the hotmail address should work now. It was frozen because I hadn't logged in in the last month.

However, that was a program I have done in the past, not one I'm currently doing. I'm in a multi-staff church now and I work mainly with the adults. I'm still interested in hearing your thoughts, and I could pass them on to my colleagues if there's something that would enhance what they're doing on this topic.
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
If school shootings happened because society has rejected God, then shouldn't we see more of them in societies that are even more secular than the US. If there were any validity to such arguments at all, shouldn't there be regular school shootings in France where even wearing a cross or a head scarf to school is banned?
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :

My comments are neither 'bigoted' nor 'false', but I will readily admit they are also not absolute. That is, they do not define each and every Christian living on this earth. They represent a fair and reasonable generalization as well as my own fair and reasonable beliefs based on the world as I see it.
It seems to me that saying:
Now let me address an extremely Hot Button issue to show how warped and self-serving the Christian social perspective is. The issue is Abortion. I'm here to tell you that Abortion is not a problem, it has never been a problem, and it never will be a problem. But it is far easier for Christians to focus on Abortion that it is for them to overcome the shame and quilt associated with dealing with the real problem.
This statement is arguably bigoted, and verifiably false. To many Christians, abortion is the killing of an infant. That's a problem, Blue Wizard. If a firefighter tries to extinguish a burning building, do you go to him and say, "You know, if you weren't so warped and self-serving, you'd really be out there working to install more smoke-detectors, fire alarms, etc. etc."

Now, then. I note that you used the phrase 'fundamentalist Christians' many times...but you didn't use it in the quote. In that quote, you also used the phrase 'Christian social perspective'. Now normally, I would be inclined to think a poster just left off the 'f' word by mistake. It happens all the time. But you were quite specific elsewhere, and didn't forget to use it throughout the rest of your post, Blue Wizard.

If you were in fact speaking about fundamentalist Christians in the portion I quoted, perhaps you should choose your words more carefully.

For your information.


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