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Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Well I just listened to The Dandy Warhols for 3 hours and am now listening to The Hives, (A Killer Combo let me tell you.)

And I have come to the realization that I have not bought a new CD in at least 1 year, (Well I got Stadium Arcadium by RHCP) but that was the last one.

I've thought about getting the new White Stripes CD, I've been hearing some good things about it. But I really need something solidly funky or just some good clean rock. Heck I just need something fresh sounding, as long as its not slow and eclectic.

I'll listen to ALOT, but I could REALLY use something new.

What are you folks currently digging?

[ April 13, 2009, 03:55 PM: Message edited by: BlackBlade ]
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
How slow is slow for you?
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
You wouldn't like my favorite stuff right now.
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
The new Kings of Leon CD is really good. I'd give it a check out if I were you. KoL

Also, North Mississippi Allstars have been getting alot of my airtime recently.
Posted by Jhai (Member # 5633) on :
Have you listened to Ben Folds? He's one of my favorites to go to when I want something quirky with a good beat.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Originally posted by Elizabeth:
How slow is slow for you?

You know I don't hate slow music, in fact I LOVE it, but right now I am burned out on songs that are really slow so that they can fit as much layering as possible.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Originally posted by Jhai:
Have you listened to Ben Folds? He's one of my favorites to go to when I want something quirky with a good beat.

I love his early stuff, it seems like as you get later and later it tapers off.
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
The Libertines have the freshest sound I've heard in a while. They're british punk from a few years ago, but they're self titled album completely transcends the genre. Best cd i've heard in years.
Posted by Luet13 (Member # 9274) on :
Cansei de Ser Sexy or CSS, as they're more commonly called, are a lot of fun. They're Brazilian pop/club music. I just saw them live in Seattle and they are full of raw energy. They just make you want to dance. Here's their myspace. CSS

The new Björk album, Volta, is pretty funky, with many beats produced by Timbaland.

And that about kills the newish music I'm listening to. I start teaching Seussical the Musical next week, so that's really all I listen to.

Edit: Poor proofreading.
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
Austin City Limits is a music festival that is very reliable in the quality of musicians they have. You might want to browse their set list for this year and see if anything catches your fancy. You can actually listen to samples of a lot of the bands right from the site. It's pretty cool.
Posted by MattB (Member # 1116) on :
You rule, BB.

Try the Decemberists.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Lately I've been listening to a lot of Death Cab for Cutie and Imogen Heap/Frou Frou. I've also been listening to Le Reve (the sound track to the las vegas show)
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Try Gomez.
Posted by solo (Member # 3148) on :
The Arcade Fire
Minus The Bear
The Joel Plaskett Emergency

And for something a little older, I've been listening to Sonic Youth's Daydream Nation. I don't know how I missed this one for so long. It's pretty incredible.
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
The new Project 86 CD is good.
Posted by Celaeno (Member # 8562) on :
Originally posted by Luet13:
Cansei de Ser Sexy or CSS, as they're more commonly called, are a lot of fun. They're Brazilian pop/club music. I just saw them live in Seattle and they are full of raw energy. They just make you want to dance. Here's their myspace. CSS

Funny--I was just listening to them last night. They're not at all the sort of thing I usually listen to, but they're so much fun.
Posted by SoaPiNuReYe (Member # 9144) on :
Don't get the White Stripes CD.

Listen to Reliant K or Anberlin instead.
Posted by Javert (Member # 3076) on :
Good clean rock, eh? Might be a bit too hard, but check out Shinedown.

"Shed Some Light", "I Dare You", "Save Me", "Heroes", "Fly from the Inside" and "45" are my favorites of theirs. They also do a killer cover of "Simple Man" by Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Posted by anti_maven (Member # 9789) on :
New new? I'm listening to the Young Knives and the Fratellis.

Good stuff.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Originally posted by Elizabeth:
Try Gomez.


I love Gomez. One of the best concerts I have ever been to was seeing them play in what was an old church (converted to a concert hall and bar). I was dragged there by a friend, only knowing one song by them, "Make No Sound" and I quickly fell in love, only wishing I knew the words so I could sing along. But now they are touring everywhere but Detroit, so I can't see them anytime soon.

What I love is their distinctive sound, but even that comes in multiple flavors. There's three main singers, who range from gravelly soulful, to smooth and sweet, and everything in between, and when they sing together it's yet another sound.

Much as I love them, I've only scratched the surface of all the music they have. Personally I like the recent "How We Operate" the best, followed by "In Our Gun," but there's a lot more out there that I still have to get to.

My own personal recommendation to you is Robert Randolph. If you want something funky and original, there you go. His style of music is American funk/soul, but a subset called Sacred Steel (he plays the steel guitar). You might have heard some of him in commercials recently, but most people can't name him. He's friggin awesome, and though I haven't seen him in concert, I've heard a few live recordings of him with Dave Matthews and it's amazing. I have a track of him guest starring on a DMB song if you want me to send it to you, and don't worry PJ, it wouldn't be illegal. DMB encourages live tapings of their shows and trading of live music. It's only their studio albums that they get pissy about illegal downloads for some reason, anyway, it'd be on the up and up.
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
Originally posted by SoaPiNuReYe:
Listen to Relient K or Anberlin instead.

Or The Wedding. They're all good bands. And I've seen all three live.
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
I second Robert Randolph and the Family Band. Good soul jumpin' music there.
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
But I really need something solidly funky or just some good clean rock.
Solidly funky:
The Philosopher Kings (Hurts To Love You, I Am The Man, You Don't Love Me (Like You Used To), You Stepped On My Life, Oleo)
Jamiroquai (Cosmic Girl, Emergency on Planet Earth, Virtual Insanity)

Good Clean Rock:
Silvertide (Ain't Coming Home, Devil's Daughter, Foxhole J.C.)
Billy Talent (Devil In A Midnight Mass)
Marilyn Manson (anything from Eat Me, Drink Me) (Um, maybe this stuff isn't so clean, but it's excellent.)
Novillero (The Hypothesist, Aim Right For The Holes In Their Lives, Insomnia)
The Meligrove Band (Isle Of Yew)
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Vonk, some day we shall meet at a music festival, I know it!

As for Robert R, he is awesome. To hear a more "classic" Sacred Steel band, also try the Campbell Brothers.
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
Well, if your going to ACL, that someday will be very soon! Unfortunately, I can't go to any national festivals this year. It's out of the budget.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
Originally posted by twinky:
Marilyn Manson (anything from Eat Me, Drink Me) (Um, maybe this stuff isn't so clean, but it's excellent.)

And Marilyn Manson can't sing worth crap. It's just sort of a whiney growl-- like something I'd croak out if I just got kicked in the nuts.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
So far I am really thankful for the suggestions. I'm giving Reliant K a listen right now.

Also if its not too much trouble if you suggest a band tell me what to expect, (most of you have done this). It really helps.

Twinky: When I said clean I really meant clean as in the sound. Sorry I wasn't very clear.
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Originally posted by Primal Curve:
Originally posted by twinky:
Marilyn Manson (anything from Eat Me, Drink Me) (Um, maybe this stuff isn't so clean, but it's excellent.)

And Marilyn Manson can't sing worth crap. It's just sort of a whiney growl-- like something I'd croak out if I just got kicked in the nuts.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
Bah. I got this thread mixed up with the metal thread where the author was looking for bands with clear vocals.

Still don't like Manson, though.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Do you have high-speed Internet access?
Just go and download some shows from the music archive.

Or check to see if the band has a MySpace page, or a website, where there are listening samples.

Most bands have one or the other or both, these days.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Dang it!
I just had a big list o' links and lost it. Grrr!

Jack Johnson:

Donna the Buffalo:

Sim Redmond Band:

Railroad Earth:

Crow Greenspun:

The TalktoMes:

The Campbell Brothers:

Ray Lamontagne:

Jackie Greene:
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Hey thanks Elizabeth!
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
You might like The Wedding.
Posted by TheHumanTarget (Member # 7129) on :
Pash (and no...I'm not getting paid for dropping their name everywhere I can). Listen to 'Kill the Rich Boys II'

Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Well it's been some time since this thread was created, and I just wanted to say I've found alot that was interesting in the links provided. I didn't get to everything, but for example I am greatly enjoying Jack Johnson, which got me somewhat interested in John Mayer. I like, "My Stupid Mouth," "I'm Calling it Love Soon," and "Comfortable" by Mayer. "Inaudible Melodies" by Johnson was far and away my favorite.

"Na Na Na Na Na" by Kaiser Chiefs was a recent discovery, I dunno why I like it, it just feels like something that should be playing if I need to make a sudden escape.

The Arcade Fire and Death Cab for Cutie just didn't leave anything impressionable for me. Maybe I just heard the wrong songs. The Academy Is..., and Reliant K got the same response.

I was glad somebody suggested Jamiroquai, I loved the song, "Virtual Insanity," I just did not know he was the one that wrote it.

Straylight Run is getting alot of listening as of late. I really like the possibilities with the band, I need to check if they put out a more recent CD as I hope their sound matures.

Cake put out a new CD about 1-2 years ago and unfortunately it sucks, pity. [Frown]

I also really enjoyed Anberlin's, "Foreign Languages" and "Naive New Orleans." Apparently they have released their 3rd CD and it is very well received, I'm going to check it out.

Juliana Theory's album, "Love" I can't reccomend highly enough. Their newer CD, "Understand, This is a Dream." Is also well done, not QUITE as good as, "Love." I'd really like to know what their last CD the put out before they broke up sounded like, does anybody know?
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
I'm on the world's biggest Queen kick, but I doubt that's what you're looking for... [Wink]
Posted by Saephon (Member # 9623) on :

I LOVE the Juliana Theory. I'm actually more a fan of their older stuff, but I do enjoy all of them. My opinion on their newer cd is: if you really like Love, you're probably gonna like their last album. To me it sounds just like you'd expect their next big thing to be if they kept going in that direction. "Love" with a bit more fast-paced energy, actually.

Also, they have a greatest hits of sorts cd if you can't get a hold of all of their stuff.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
It's probably a function of the fact that I was forced to see them with (ugh, UGH UGH) Dashboard Confessional, but I really cannot stand the Juliana Theory.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
Still enjoying a whole lotta In Rainbows, as well as two CDs by a group named Shugo Tokumaru: Night Piece and L.S.T..

Also, I just picked up the R.E.M. complication And I Feel Fine... The IRS Years. Have yet to really crack that one open.
Posted by The Flying Dracula Hair (Member # 10155) on :
Originally posted by Elizabeth:
Dang it!
I just had a big list o' links and lost it. Grrr!

Jack Johnson:

Yay! I just got In Between Dreams a bit ago after falling in love hearing him play at my old work. Wanting to acquire more. He's so keen, <3 for him.

Mostly I've just been on a King Crimson binge lately after getting back a live boxset I lent a friend a thousand years ago. After a reunion pogo I pounded the set hard enough into my head I had to get on the Amazon to start eating more live material. More objects arrived yesterday so I'm quite a happy fella today.

Other than that, got the newest :Of The Wand & The Moon: a while ago and I still can't get enough of it. And after that, plenty of Burzum and Cardiacs when I'm too dizzy from Krim.
Posted by LargeTuna (Member # 10512) on :
Check out the "music taste" thread i put up last week, there is probably something youd like in it [Smile];f=2;t=050615;p=0&r=nfx
Posted by Enigmatic (Member # 7785) on :
The CD I'm listening to right this moment is cooler than whatever music you like. Seriously. It doesn't matter what you're listening to, this is cooler.

Deal with it.

Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Originally posted by erosomniac:
It's probably a function of the fact that I was forced to see them with (ugh, UGH UGH) Dashboard Confessional, but I really cannot stand the Juliana Theory.

Well from what clips I have seen of Juliana Theory live, they REALLY suck live, but on their CDs they've got alot of really solid layering on their song writing. But it does not sound like you are too down with the emo scene anyway erosomniac, nothing criminal about that.

As an aside I really like Dashboard Confessional, did your SO drag you to a concert?

I don't much like him live either as he encourages the audience to sing along with all the songs and that drives me nuts. Little known fact about BlackBlade, I LOVE music but I have never been to a proper concert. The only concerts I've been to are underground/local bands.
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
I've been listening to A Senile Animal by The Melvins, The Flame in All of Us by Thousand Foot Krutch, Year Zero by Nine Inch Nails, Badmotorfinger by Soundgarden, and Say No More by House of Heroes.
Posted by Saephon (Member # 9623) on :
Okay, I have to add one more thing, and to be honest, I'm not even sure if this is a viable suggestion based on what you've listed so far BB. But my mission is to spread the names of a couple bands who are struggling to be known, whether people are likely to enjoy them or not...chances are, some will [Smile]

The Dear Hunter. You can check their myspace if you want, but I highly recommend their site instead. They have plenty more songs up (and some of the better ones in my opinion).
My favorites are The Inquiry of Ms. Terri, City Escape, and if you can find them, Red Hands and Smiling Swine. All of the songs are sort of parts to a story that's split between two concept albums...there's kind of an interesting narration behind it if you're into that. What's kinda cool to me is that most of it is written and performed by one guy, with his parents doing backup vocals.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I'll look em up!

Also the more descriptive folks are about a specific band's sound the more useful the suggestion is to me. [Smile]
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
Originally posted by BlackBlade:
Originally posted by erosomniac:
It's probably a function of the fact that I was forced to see them with (ugh, UGH UGH) Dashboard Confessional, but I really cannot stand the Juliana Theory.

Well from what clips I have seen of Juliana Theory live, they REALLY suck live, but on their CDs they've got alot of really solid layering on their song writing. But it does not sound like you are too down with the emo scene anyway erosomniac, nothing criminal about that.

As an aside I really like Dashboard Confessional, did your SO drag you to a concert?

I don't much like him live either as he encourages the audience to sing along with all the songs and that drives me nuts. Little known fact about BlackBlade, I LOVE music but I have never been to a proper concert. The only concerts I've been to are underground/local bands.

Yes, my SO at the time dragged me to that concert. Hate.

I don't have anything inherently against emo - I loved the Get Up Kids for years and nurture a secret lust for Andrew McMahon of Something Corporate, and am a big fan of a ton of music that, while not typically labeled emo, might as well be.

I am, however, definitely inclined to make fun of the emo subculture. Hard.
Posted by Saephon (Member # 9623) on :
I don't blame you eros. I'm one of those guys who was into music one might label emo....before the word was getting around, you know?

Back when it was only music, no clothes or subculture. So I'm kind of bitter about it, both at the people who perpetuate the stereotype, as well as the extremely anti-emo crowd who refuse to give the music a chance because of what they hate about its fans. I just wish music was music, and not clothes or MTV or celebrity gossip.

Also, I love the Getup Kids. Saw their last show before they broke up; very emotional and fun night.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Originally posted by erosomniac:
Originally posted by BlackBlade:
Originally posted by erosomniac:
It's probably a function of the fact that I was forced to see them with (ugh, UGH UGH) Dashboard Confessional, but I really cannot stand the Juliana Theory.

Well from what clips I have seen of Juliana Theory live, they REALLY suck live, but on their CDs they've got alot of really solid layering on their song writing. But it does not sound like you are too down with the emo scene anyway erosomniac, nothing criminal about that.

As an aside I really like Dashboard Confessional, did your SO drag you to a concert?

I don't much like him live either as he encourages the audience to sing along with all the songs and that drives me nuts. Little known fact about BlackBlade, I LOVE music but I have never been to a proper concert. The only concerts I've been to are underground/local bands.

Yes, my SO at the time dragged me to that concert. Hate.

I don't have anything inherently against emo - I loved the Get Up Kids for years and nurture a secret lust for Andrew McMahon of Something Corporate, and am a big fan of a ton of music that, while not typically labeled emo, might as well be.

I am, however, definitely inclined to make fun of the emo subculture. Hard.

We should form a club. I too love Get Up Kids, but I was never into the sub culture of emo.

*hands out razor blades to all the emo kids.*
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Well after Synesthesia bought me the Dir En Grey cd (Oroboros) for Christmas they've grown to some extent on me. I'm trying to slowly go back on their older stuff to find other songs I like, but they are still quite hit or miss for me. I just happened to stumble on another similar band, "Rentrer En Soi" (French for "Return to myself")

Holy cow I have yet to listen to a crappy song! The fact they broke up just this past year makes me even more mad. Their stuff is very hard to locate outside of Amazon, but I can't recommend their stuff highly enough.

They've got the Japanese visual kei thing going on and there is alot of metal influences, but they definitely stray a bit more to the art side rather than the hardcore side. I'm so excited to get back home and keep finding songs.

As for some of the other fantastic recommendations in this thread I forgot to post impressions but I'll get to them soon.

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