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Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
What would you say the best way is to get a hold of all the Radiohead B-sides? without going around and buying each and every cd single that is. There's just so many. I have whatever is on My Iron Lung, and I Might Be Wrong has True Love Waits, but that's about it. Any other discs with some B-side tracks on them?

And while we're on the subject, what are your favorite B-sides? I just recently heard Talk Show Host for the first time and was blown away. And I absolutely love True Love Waits. That version is Thom Yorke doing it solo at the Bridge School Benefit concert and is simply amazing. Here's his acoustic solo version of Paranoid Android from that same show. No video for the second link, but the performance is freakin awesome. I've talked about that cd before, it's really great(Thom Yorke with a piano and an acoustic guitar doing 16 Radiohead tracks) and I totally recommend Radiohead fans check it out.

[ June 25, 2007, 03:14 AM: Message edited by: Strider ]
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
Wow that's such a great track! Thanks for the link. I don't know how to get all the B sides without just buying all the cds. I had a friend who loved Radiohead send me a lot of them. Talk Show Host rocks!

I got that acoustic live Radiohead cd last weekend and I've been singing along with it in the car at the top of my voice. It's so great! I'm falling in love with Radiohead all over again.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
When I heard EMI was putting their tracks on iTunes without DRM, I got pretty excited... and then found out that Thom thoroughly dislikes iTunes, so no Radiohead there (though The Eraser and its singles are up there... odd).

I just got My Iron Lung and am hoping to get I Might Be Wrong soon. I've seen Com Lag (2+2=5) at Best Buy, and that's got about 4-5 b-sides on it.

Has anyone gotten either of the Chris O'Reilly plays Radiohead disks? I've been wondering if they're worth getting.
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
Tatiana, which acoustic live Radiohead cd is that?

And never heard of any Chris O'Reilly disks Lime, what are they?
Posted by Tarrsk (Member # 332) on :
The B-sides from the "OK Computer" and "Amnesiac" eras are Radiohead's best, IMO. Although "Talk Show Host" is definitely a classic, and one of their best live songs (in fact, I think it's played live more than any other B-side). Here's a great live video from way back when.

The "Airbag/ How am I Driving?" EP is album quality- in fact, I like it more than "Hail to the Thief" and "Pablo Honey." It's got both their most emotionally unrestrained rock song ("Polyethylene parts 1&2"), their most biting satire ("Palo Alto"- which also happens to be one of the catchiest tunes they wrote post-Bends), and their first foray into all-out electronica ("Meeting in the Aisle").

And "True Love Waits" is, of course, one of the most beautiful acoustic songs ever written. Thom has also been playing a wonderful new version on keyboard, as an intro into "Everything in its Right Place." You can listen to a soundboard recording here.

In fact, if you like listening to Radiohead live, that site is an incredible resource for full shows from their 2006 tour.

The Rock Oz'Arenes show is the soundboard recording, so it's crystal clear. The other recordings are audience bootlegs, but by and large are of extremely high quality. The best of these are the two shows at the Greek Theater in LA, which don't even sound like audience recordings, they're so crisp. Plus you get both "True Love Waits/ EIIRP," but a version of the rare "Follow Me Around" played the same way, as well! The version of "Arpeggi" from the first night at the Greek Theater is my definitive version until LP7 comes out.

As for Christopher O'Riley... although nobody other than the band themselves can truly do their songs justice, he comes pretty darn close. He's a well-known classical pianist who happens to have a thing for well-written, complex pop music, and has released two albums of Radiohead covers based on his own arrangements. His version of "True Love Waits" is especially good, because it restores Jonny's lovely keyboard line from the very first live performance of the song (which has since been abandoned, to the sadness of everyone who has heard the bootleg).
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
Thank you for pointing out the Rock Oz'Arenes show! Is the "True Love Waits" O'Riley disc worth getting, then? I'm a sucker for old/abandoned versions of songs.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I have two versions of, "True Love Waits." Both are live but one is definately a cleaner sound then the other, however the dirtier versions has a keyboard join in about halfway through the song.

I have ALOT of Radiohead b-sides but they are not all organized and alot of what might be B-sides are Radiohead + another band collaborations.

Since they are cool with distributing their music hit me an email if you'd like me to upload some of those tracks somewhere.
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
Originally posted by Strider:
What would you say the best way is to get a hold of all the Radiohead B-sides? without going around and buying each and every cd single that is.

Download them?

There's just so many. I have whatever is on My Iron Lung, and I Might Be Wrong has True Love Waits, but that's about it. Any other discs with some B-side tracks on them?
Check out the EPs listed here. Of course, a lot of those are not cheap, though Airbag/How Am I Driving was just re-released and shouldn't be too expensive.
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
Originally posted by Jon Boy:
Originally posted by Strider:
What would you say the best way is to get a hold of all the Radiohead B-sides? without going around and buying each and every cd single that is.

Download them?

If only it were that easy. I've been scouring torrent sites and there isn't much available besides the studio albums.
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
And "True Love Waits" is, of course, one of the most beautiful acoustic songs ever written. Thom has also been playing a wonderful new version on keyboard, as an intro into "Everything in its Right Place." You can listen to a soundboard recording here.
I'm actually not a big fan of this keyboard version. It's not even the keyboard, but the new way he sings it that seems to take away the part of the sound that I really love about it. That's a great site though.
Posted by Tarrsk (Member # 332) on :
I suspect I wouldn't like a studio version of the keyboard "True Love Waits," but it works beautifully live. Thom's singing is less directly passionate than in the straight acoustic versions, but I think it packs an equal quantity of emotion, even if it's a different one. [Smile] It's less a feeling of longing and more a sensation of quiet intimacy- more subtle, but just as stirring IMO.

I've also always been a fan of Jonny's work with the Kaos pad in live performances, and I think he really outdoes himself in "TLW/EIIRP."
Posted by Mintieman (Member # 4620) on :
I'd get them all up for you, but my internet is too slow for that to happen at the moment -_-. The best place to hunt around would be here , where you can find a huge amount of extra material, not just B-Sides.
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
Originally posted by Strider:
Tatiana, which acoustic live Radiohead cd is that?

Okay, I have this burned copy of what I thought was an issued cd with a bunch of live and acoustic versions on it. Basically they're all just Thom with a guitar, some in front of live audiences and some that sound like they were recorded in a studio. It has like 20 something tracks on it, and sometimes multiple versions of the same song. I looked at their discography on Wikipedia and now I realize that this cd must have been compiled by my friend who gave it to me, or a friend of his, or something. [Smile]

So wow, I'm so sad that I can't point you to this cd and tell you to buy a copy, because it's FANTASTIC! I've been singing along with Thom in the car and it's so much fun!
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
I have a cd complete with most of the b-sides up to the Amnesiac era.

I used to have a lot more early, hard-to-find b-sides back in the late 90s. There was a site that had all of them. Stuff like "Stupid Car" and the original "Motion Picture Soundtrack" with just Thom and guitar (much better than the version on Kid A. "Lift," "Banana Co.," "Killer Cars," and "India Rubber." Lots of really cool stuff that's getting increasingly hard to find.

I've got to say my favorite b-sides are a tie between "Talk Show Host" (the Romeo + Juliet version) and "Cuttooth."
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
Tatiana, I think I actually have that album. Same thing, it's about 20 songs, from various venues. The versions of True Love Waits and Paranoid Android are from that Bridge School cd I talked about, possibly some others. I downloaded it a while back, it was labeled "A Smell of Recognition".

I'm telling you, if you like that cd, you'll absolutely love the Bridge School Benefit cd. If you can't find it I'd be more than happy to send it to you.

Blackblade, was that an empty offer?
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
Strider, that's so nice of you! I would LOVE that. [Smile]
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
check your email!
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
I got it! Thanks so much! [Smile]
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
awesome. [Smile] I was wondering why you posted in the other thread. Not that I wouldn't see it, I just thought it was funny. Post it anywhere to do with Radiohead and I'll find it!
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Originally posted by Strider:
Tatiana, I think I actually have that album. Same thing, it's about 20 songs, from various venues. The versions of True Love Waits and Paranoid Android are from that Bridge School cd I talked about, possibly some others. I downloaded it a while back, it was labeled "A Smell of Recognition".

I'm telling you, if you like that cd, you'll absolutely love the Bridge School Benefit cd. If you can't find it I'd be more than happy to send it to you.

Blackblade, was that an empty offer?

Really sorry, this will sound far fetched, I confess but I can't believe this happened to me. My brother got an ipod and had no music so I offered to let him just use mine, he plugged in while I was away and decided he didn't like any of the music and that he wanted it to be better organized when he did put music on. But there were a handful of songs he did want. He is an idiot when it comes to computers so rather then simply creating his own itunes and starting his own library he proceeded to delete my music from the computer thinking he was manually managing his ipod directory.

Almost as if he was determined to make his folly stick he decides to empty the recycle bin after his masteful comprehensive surgery on my music library.

I've managed to get almost all of it back through data recovery, but among some of the stuff that is still missing are some of my B-sides, my brother did not even listen to Radiohead he just deleted if it said Radiohead anywhere in the band name.

I think I've got most of it back, I'll gmail it to you when I get home, if you could send me another email some time this afternoon Ill sit down and get to work on it.

edit: I also have some combined Radiohead/Oasis Radiohead/pj harvey, Radiohead/On a Friday, etc. Do you want those colaborations?

double edit: What about unreleased stuff?

edit the third: Do you want any live versions of their songs I have?

[ July 02, 2007, 01:44 PM: Message edited by: BlackBlade ]
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
To those who emailed me, the files have been archived and sent. The three files total about 160mb. I still have some live and acoustic tracks that I did not include but some of the files probably are not what I thought they were. I tried my best.

Also the files are in .rar format so you need something like winrar to unzip em.
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
Lol, I got confused about which thread this exchange was on, so I got them both eventually.
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
Blackbade, got the emails. That's an outrageous amount of stuff! Thanks!

Also, if anyone else is also interested in that live Thom Yorke acoustic performance, email me.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
If anyone's interested in some good live recordings, I've got KROQ Breakfast, Glastonbury 2003 and Glastonbury 1997, all of them sound board recordings.

If you'd like, send an email.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Originally posted by Strider:
Blackbade, got the emails. That's an outrageous amount of stuff! Thanks!

Also, if anyone else is also interested in that live Thom Yorke acoustic performance, email me.

Were any of the mp3s as far as you seen just normal tracks from one of their albums? I really want to sort out my music library its a mess. [Smile]
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
About 25 of the tracks were b-sides. the rest(about 35 tracks) were all unreleased stuff, demos, covers, and collaborations. Only 2 or 3 tracks were live versions of studio album tracks.

All in all, pretty awesome. but, if you did used to have all of their b-sides, you're now missing about 15.

I've been checking here. It's an awesome site.

Lime, you don't seem to have an email link!
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
I don't? Shoot! Fixing!

Edit: It should be there now.

Edit Edit: Green Plastic Radiohead's messageboard has a very nice subforum for requesting and posting links to live shows: Upload and Share. It's worth a trip.

[ July 05, 2007, 10:46 AM: Message edited by: Lime ]
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Originally posted by Strider:
About 25 of the tracks were b-sides. the rest(about 35 tracks) were all unreleased stuff, demos, covers, and collaborations. Only 2 or 3 tracks were live versions of studio album tracks.

All in all, pretty awesome. but, if you did used to have all of their b-sides, you're now missing about 15.

I've been checking here. It's an awesome site.

Lime, you don't seem to have an email link!

Hey thanks! Now I can cross reference my stuff and figure out what's missing.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
I just don't think of Radiohead as a rocking band. Therefore, phrases such as "This Radiohead song totally ROCKS!" just sound odd to me.

It should be "This Radiohead song totally mopes."
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Originally posted by Primal Curve:
I just don't think of Radiohead as a rocking band. Therefore, phrases such as "This Radiohead song totally ROCKS!" just sound odd to me.

It should be "This Radiohead song totally mopes."

While this is typically true [Wink] They DO have a handful of songs that do indeed ROCK. "Just" from The Bends is one of those songs. "Vegetable" from Pablo Honey could definately be rockin. They have a B-side called "Lewis (mistreated)" and its one of the best rock songs I have heard.
Posted by Tarrsk (Member # 332) on :
I think "mope" is a far less accurate description than "rocks." John Mayer's music is mopey. Radiohead's music is dark, paranoid, intense, alternately fearful and angry, and often profoundly bitter. But they don't "mope." Well, maybe they did on "Creep." But not since then.

And they quite often "rock." See "You," "The Bends," "Just," "Black Star," "My Iron Lung," "Polyethylene," "Paranoid Android," "Electioneering," "2+2=5," "Myxomatosis," and, I would argue, even "Idioteque" and "Optimistic."

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