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Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
Something got me thinking earlier today about what some of my favorite feelings in the world are. I was thinking about it in relation to swimming. Namely, why do I keep doing it? Practice is hard to impossible, boring and long hours. Why was it so worth it? For that feeling of diving into the pool at states after shaving the night before and just flying through the water effortlessly. That got my thinking about some other things are are among my favorite feelings in the world, some which require a long period of work to get to and some which are just rather silly. Here's my list:

-The aforemention moment when a swimmer arrives at states, shaves and then the next morning dives into the pool with a hairless body for the first time in at least a year. You fly through the water with little to no effort.

-A successful layout or sky in frisbee. You see the disc. You want the disc. You leave the ground behind, either vertically or horizontally. You don't much care how you'll land, as long as you come down with that frisbee. The moment it slides solidly into your grip and then that split second of free fall weightlessness where you're literally flying through space. A soft landing (if done right) makes for a perfect bid.

And on a slightly sillier note:
-The feeling of a jet plane suddenly accelerating down the runway and leaving the ground behind.

So what are some other incredibly feelings that people love?
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Some of these are going to sound weird, but being perfectly honest...

- Blowing your nose after having it be really stuffed up and not being able to blow it. Works the same way if you clear your throat when it really needs it.

- The taste of reeds after having not played my sax for a long time

And these three are probably my favorite ever...

- The sound of freshly fallen snow crunching underneath my feet.

- The smell of cold. You know what I mean (northern folk anyway), the smell of the air on a really cold day, that crisp bite. I love it.

- Swimming in Lake Michigan. I only get to do it a couple times a year because it's on the other side of the state, but the cool, clean water is amazing. I swam in salt water for the first time ever last week, and it was gross beyond belief. I love my lakes!
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
-The first chord when you get your new guitar strings tuned.

-The bite of hot apple pie and slightly melting French vanilla ice cream.

-When the house lights go down at the concert, and the whole crowd roars.

-Catching a faint smell of something on the air that instantly makes you remember your childhood
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
I can identify with swimming, I love swimming long distances though.

My #1 feeling would have to be telling somebody that you feelings for them after much time spent together, only to hear her say the exact same thing. I would say the feeling I love most is love itself.

The feeling of cutting toward the wake on a slalom ski behind a boat.

The feeling of a job well done.

The feeling of getting a raise you didn't ask for.

I have many more, and those were in no specific order save for the first one.
Posted by Launchywiggin (Member # 9116) on :
"Musician's High" When you know you've made something absolutely beautiful after hours of work, effort, and practice. It's what keeps me going back to my instruments.

The "listening to music" high, when you're completely moved/changed/affected after hearing a piece of music from your favorite composer or band. There are different degrees of this one (excitement, uplifted, 'grooving'), but I'm talking about the most intense, overwhelming experience. Pieces that do it consistently for me: Adagio for Strings by Barber, Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor, Debussy Claire de Lune (though it is over-done). Lots of others.

That electric period with your friends where everything anyone says makes you burst out laughing--or--laughing to exhaustion for any reason at all.

The "Outdoors" high. Without sounding new-agey, the personal connection you make with the beauty of the earth. I get it when I go canoeing, skiing, hiking--but usually in those slower, reflective times (going up the lift, drifting with the current).

The "perfect story" high. For me, it's happened with books, movies and even live theatre. It's that moment when you are completely lost in the story, living vicariously in it, feeling and experiencing the drama personally.

Lastly, the pure ecstasy of the perfect meal. "The scene" from Ratatouille sums this one up nicely. I've gotten this with ice cream, prime rib, lasagna, and the last one--a tuna melt. My eyes rolled back and I cried it was so good.

Actually, all of these experiences were affecting enough to cause tears. It's been a fun post, too.
Posted by Eaquae Legit (Member # 3063) on :
The swimming. OH THE SWIMMING. [Big Grin]

Going down a steep hill on a bike, when you know you don't need to stop at the bottom.

Getting to the cottage/campsite you went to as a kid and seeing all the familiar trees and landscape.

A really good meal that leaves you satisfied but not stuffed.

Being able to see the stars on a clear, dark night.

A hug from a dear and trusted friend.
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
Getting a compliment I think I deserve.

Giving someone a gift I know they really want. Especially when it's unexpected.

A job well and thoroughly done.

Making a killer, clean tackle in rugby.

The smell of earth after a rain.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
When the house lights go down at the concert, and the whole crowd roars.

Perfect mixes, especially in deep/electro house sets.

The second you recognize your favorite song at a concert.

(Almost three weeks and I am still not over this concert. I used to think people were silly for saying a concert changed their lives. I still can't listen to any of the music because I tear up every time I hear it.)
Posted by Eaquae Legit (Member # 3063) on :
Matching a person to a book. I LOVE recommending books to friends. I love listening to what they have enjoyed in the past, browsing through my shelf, and pulling something down. I love saying, with confidence, "You will enjoy this one." And I love hearing, when they return it, that they did.
Posted by anti_maven (Member # 9789) on :
The smile on the face of the Toddling_Tornado when he sees that "Daddy home!"

Posted by AvidReader (Member # 6007) on :
My puppy's face peeking out the curtains when I come home.
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
The smell and feel of the air on a warm, moist morning when it is light out, but before the sun has risen.
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Originally posted by Eaquae Legit:
Matching a person to a book. I LOVE recommending books to friends. I love listening to what they have enjoyed in the past, browsing through my shelf, and pulling something down. I love saying, with confidence, "You will enjoy this one." And I love hearing, when they return it, that they did.

I love doing this with music. [Smile]
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
Originally posted by Lyrhawn:

- The smell of cold. You know what I mean (northern folk anyway), the smell of the air on a really cold day, that crisp bite. I love it.

I had an English teacher in high school who refused to believe that there was such a thing as a cold smell. I had him in both sophomore and senior year, and we had this argument twice. This is in Connecticut, no lack of experience with winter wasn't an option.
Posted by Raventhief (Member # 9002) on :
Pulling off a front handspring (I'm not actually very good at acrobatics), that moment between when your hands leave the ground and your feet hit, and you're not actually sure you're going to make it around.

At the end of a show (any show) when you face you're audience and they're applauding and cheering and you somehow know that they mean it and you did well.
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
Out dry humoring contests: Hanging with a friend, the sarcasm becomes less and less obvious until both people aren't sure whether the other is being serious, until you make eye contact and both people break into smiles. I love that.

Standing in a pool at the edge with the water up to my neck, reading a book that's sitting on the side with a large, good beer (and someone inside who will get me more) and a full stock of stoags next to it.

Sometime around the middle of November, when you walk outside and, for the first time since last winter, don't sweat. Being able to walk out to the dumpster and walk back in the apartment still clean and dry is an amazing thing.

Listening to a good bluegrass or jam band and being physically unable to keep your legs from jumping and your hands from clapping.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
In no particular order...

Hot Tub + 40 degree air. (Or a shower on a cold day.)

Being all wrapped up in blankies when it's very very cold.

That moment when you wake up and you're perfectly rested and you know the day is your own and you know what you want to do.

When someone says something nice and sincere about my comic.

When I make myself laugh, or hurt with my comic.

When my hubby makes it known that he loves me, by word or deed.

The sound of crunching leaves.

Hearing the bells at Old Main play the alma mater back when I was in school.

Skin against skin, sexual or not.

Falling asleep for 5 minutes and waking up to the warm rush of renewed energy. Sometimes finding that my migraine is gone.
Posted by landybraine (Member # 10807) on :
-Finding that "something" that lifts you up when you are down, whether within yourself, or somewhere else.

i.e.--This thread. [Kiss]
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
I can relate to some of the things listed here..

..except the swimming. NOT the swimming. I never learned to swim, so being in water makes me feel panicky, not exhilarated...

..however I assume they way you enjoy it would be comparable to the exhilaration I feel after climbing a mountain hike -- standing at the peak - at the very edge and looking down over a whole valley and horizon. I love heights.
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
That day in early summer when you realize that, hey, you can take a deep breath of that lovely fresh air with no sneezing or itching or congestion!

Digging in the dirt and breathing in the scent of good, clean earth.

Making a baby laugh.

Crisp, clean, cool sheets.

Feeling a horse break into a run.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Watching my baby asleep next to my bed the first day she's born.

The smell when I've washed the sheets and made the bed and I pull back the covers for the first time and a waft of that clean-laundry smell hits my nose, then I cuddle down into the clean, cool sheets.

Getting under the electric blanket on a cold night.

Watching my toddler watching snow fall for the first time.

The smell in the air after a thunderstorm.

That moment between the end of the piece and the applause right when I've hit every note just right on a piece that was both difficult to learn and difficult to sing.

The moment between the family prayer and the food being passed when I am at a huge family holiday dinner and I look down the table and see a table filled with favorite foods and people I love all around it, all dressed up in nice clothes and smiling at each other.

Watching my baby walk for the first time, and hearing her say "Mama" for the first time.

The adrenaline rush when I have had a successful run to the grocery store and paid less than half the normal price of everything on my list except maybe milk.

And a few that are too personal to mention. [Wink]
Posted by aiua (Member # 7825) on :
Flopped down on the grass in the shade of some trees, one dog curled up behind my knees, the other next to my chest, breathing hotly in my ear.

Waking up to the pittering of squirrels playing on the roof.

Sitting on the end of a pier, feet dangling in the water, eating ice cold watermelon.
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
Waking up on the weekend and realizing that you have absolutely nothing you have to do.

The smell of cookies baking.

The times when you feel absolutely confident in yourself, your ability, and the goodness of your life.
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
A bag of beef jerky, a block of 2 year old chedder, a cold beer and a bunch of friends.

Also not bad sans the friends, but it is generally vastly improved by their presence.
Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
I adore both this and the unpleasant feelings thread. I love that I can empathize with at least 70% of the posts. Existence is so ceaselessly amazing.

Fitting into my "skinny" jeans.

Waking up with perfect bedhead that will last all day.

Waking up from a nap with my roommate singing and playing the piano.

Turning backwards underwater.

Triple+ pirouttes; the moment in a leap where you inhale and are simply suspended in the air.

When you expressed exactly what you were feeling.

Hugging my mom with my cheek against her neck and deeply inhaling her scent.

No one can stop laughing.
Posted by Flaming Toad on a Stick (Member # 9302) on :
Getting up on stage and performing till your fingers bleed (all over your friend's guitar strings, funny story).

Playing the organ at Mass, and synching up perfectly with the choir.

Watching a great sporting event in which none of my favorite teams is involved (Barca vs. Real, for instance).

A huge thunderstorm that blows out the power for miles around, but doesn't hurt anybody.

Going to Lebanon. Best trip of my life.

Nailing a difficult song in band practice.

Getting to the end of my twelve hour shift today, and realizing I have nothing else I need to do until Monday night.
Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
Sticking your hands in your back pockets and pulling out a miraculous five dollar bill!
Posted by Tinros (Member # 8328) on :
Better than just diving into a pool, diving into a pool after having not swum in a few years. I used to be an avid swimmer, was on teams for years, but I had to stop for marching band... and I had the opportunity to use a starting block for the first time in YEARS last summer. Brought back soooo many memories.

Letting yourself go in the privacy of your room and just dancing to that song that's had you wanting to move all day.

Realizing that these classes aren't as hard as I thought they would be, as long as I pay attention.

Looking around your freshly cleaned room.

Typing the last sentence of a story, and mentally sighing and saying, "it's done."

Finding out your favorite band is going to be in town.

Picking up a new instrument for the first time.

Playing an old instrument after a long absence.

opening a glass bottle of IBC root beer(yes, I'm weird).

Coming home after your last final of the quarter.

Going for a hike and stopping to admire the view, and thanking whatever higher power is out there that those places still exist.

Seeing a puppy open its eyes for the first time.

A hug from your dad after coming home from a funeral for a teacher of yours(happened Wednesday).

Finishing your LAST lab report for chemistry for the quarter.

Graduating high school.

When I got my lip pierced. It wasn't the pain that felt good, it was the knowledge that I could make that decision on my own and go through with it, without relying completely on the opinions of others.

Thinking a day will be really hot and unbearable, only to go outside to find birds singing and a cool breeze blowing through the trees.

Your first kiss.

Waking up to a clear nose and no cough after weeks of being sick.

New shoes/clothes.

Finally mastering something that's had you frustrated for weeks.

When nice people in other cars will let you get over, turn, wave you through, etc. And when someone that you do that for waves at you.

Being thanked for doing a good job at work at the end of your shift(my supervisor, Miss Shirley, makes a point of doing this, so the employees feel needed and loved).

The smell of old books.
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
The smell of old books.
The smell of new books. Hell, the smell of books. [Wink]
Posted by Tstorm (Member # 1871) on :
I do receive an incredible feeling when I finish something at work: a script, program, or page; specifically, I often feel great after fixing an annoying bug.

But, by far and away, I get a great feeling from running. It's hard to brutal, exhilarating, and requires dedication. Why is it so worth it? Why should I run hills, quarters, and mile-repeats; suffering through suffocating heat, high winds, stinging precipitation, and numbing cold?

It's for that feeling of running in warm, dry October air, when the leaves are turning brown or catching on fire.

It's for that feeling of running on a humid summer afternoon, down a blue-gray shale road, while a brilliant, white cumulonimbus cloud towers above you, and under its dark blue base, flashes of lightning stab at the ground.

It's for that feeling of running down a sandy, hilly road in early spring. Your strength carries you over the rolling hills, when you have no idea what lies beyond the next hill, or the next. Keep going, these roads criss-cross the country every mile or so, and there's always another little wooden bridge over a meandering creek or a stunning field of yellow sunflowers hiding behind a windbreak, just waiting to be seen.

Hehe. I get a little runner's high just thinking about this. [Wink]
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Originally posted by Alcon:
A bag of beef jerky, a block of 2 year old chedder, a cold beer and a bunch of friends.

Also not bad sans the friends, but it is generally vastly improved by their presence.

Not to rain on your parade, but that would go in the other thread for me... I hate beef jerky, hate cheese except on casseroles and Mexican food (and aged is the worst), can't stand even the smell of beer, and prefer my friends, for the most part, in small doses.
Posted by Juxtapose (Member # 8837) on :
The feeling I get right after I wake up from the deepest, most vividly horrible, nightmare. The kind I actually want to call a Nightmare, because it feels like I was just deposited back in bed by a black winged horse who seriously dislikes me and can induce paranoid hallucination through physical contact. The relief upon realizing none of it was real is better than peeing out 2oz. more than my bladder can actually hold.
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
Standing in a crowd at a Wisconsin football game, watching the band take the field for pregame. Their entrance gives me chills every time, just like it has since I can remember.

Coming in from the frigid cold to a mug of peppermint hot cocoa.

The realization that maybe it's not so hard after all.
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
Not to rain on your parade, but that would go in the other thread for me...
So put it in the other thread [Razz] And no raining done, to each her own.

-Waking up to the first day of fall. I don't mean that random day in September, I mean the first day you walk out your door in the morning and don't immediately start to sweat. The first day the air temp hovers around 70, it isn't humid, there's a nice cool breeze and you can smell fall in the air.

-The first day of spring. That first day in spring where you step out of your door and instead of having the contents of your nose instafreeze, you get hit by a blast of pleasantly cool 50 degree air. The snow is melting or melted and the bulbs are starting to poke up shoots. The grass looks green again where it pokes from under the snow and the ground is wet and muddy.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Putting a baby at my breast to nurse for the first time....
Posted by Eaquae Legit (Member # 3063) on :
Staring at the wreckage of a large, good meal. Extra if it's been shared with good friends and served with a side of excellent conversation.
Posted by The Flying Dracula Hair (Member # 10155) on :
Seeing the bus arrive.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
- The very first note played at a marching band competition.

- The very last note played at a marching band competition.
Posted by anti_maven (Member # 9789) on :
Waking up under your own steam, without the assitance of an alarmclock, crying child or other emergency.

Such a pity that it happens so seldom...
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
Hitting the apex, one with the machine and a perfect 1st to 2nd shift.

Fresh powder.

The perfect flank; selecting autofire and tagging them all as they await your approach from another direction.

Death and the Maiden.
Posted by Earendil18 (Member # 3180) on :
Hitting "HOLY SHIT" on Unreal Tournament 2004.

Realizing your true nature.

A perfect symbiosis of visual and aural rhythms to create something greater than its parts. Something that happens a lot in movies. [Smile]
Posted by Tara (Member # 10030) on :
Being on stage and making people laugh

Running after you haven't exercised in a while

Camping at the beach...just all of it

Taking off in an airplane...the part where you're still on the runway and going really, really fast

A great song on the radio when you're going really fast down the highway

Falling in love... [Smile]
Posted by Zhil (Member # 10504) on :
I'm a big geek, so...

Sobbing like a baby at the end of Gunbuster and Gunbuster 2. They're the only things, be it book, movie or TV show, that makes me cry in catharsis consistently.

Falling asleep at 9AM and waking up at 5PM.

Writing code, and having it work almost perfectly before the debug stage. NO WAY!! This one makes me dance like a maniac.
Posted by Qaz (Member # 10298) on :
Watching someone glow because I found just the right compliment.

Swimming, yes -- at night.

Finding out that something I was worried about isn't a possibility.

Getting an unexpected welcome.

Going to see my honey and breaking out in a big grin just as I get near her house.
Posted by Tstorm (Member # 1871) on :
Today, I was rewarded with running experience #2, I listed above. Running while a thunderstorm is rolling in. The heat index was over 100F, and the sun was blocked by approaching clouds.

Thought I was gonna be electrocuted, I did. Ran faster than I was planning, because of that. Ahh, motivation. [Smile]
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
...but your name is Tstorm!
Posted by Starsnuffer (Member # 8116) on :
A cool shower after a nice long run

The look in someone's eyes that just says "You are amazing"

Seeing your breath

Getting a compliment from someone you wouldn't expect it from

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