This is topic I said not to neuter my cat! in forum Books, Films, Food and Culture at Hatrack River Forum.

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Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
I am so upset, I have this orange cat with a genetic anamoly (he has oppose able thumbs).

My dad wants it neutored so that it wont pee anywhere I say no, I consider it unethical I would not circumsize my child, I would not* cut off someone elses or for that matter my own.... pingpongs why would I force this onto an animal?

Then behind my back my plans to breed a genetically suporior race of sentient cats capable of opening jars has been ruined. Joking aside I am very highly annoyed.

[ April 07, 2008, 03:17 PM: Message edited by: Blayne Bradley ]
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Posted by JonHecht (Member # 9712) on :
"My dad wants it nuitored so that it wont pee anywhere I say no, I consider it unethical I would circumsize my child, I would cut off someone elses or for that matter my own.... pingpongs why would I force this onto an animal?"

There are so many things wrong with this sentence, but aside from that: your cat has opposable thumbs? That is bloody awesome!
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
Someone tell Warren Ellis about this cat!
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
When typing I tend to subconsciouncely forget to add the negative to the sentence. This can get very embarrasing at times.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Tell us about the cat's opposable thumbs.
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
Pictures! I demand pictures!
Posted by Tinros (Member # 8328) on :
For some reason, I highly, highly doubt the cat has true opposable thumbs. I've seen lots of cats with extra toes where a thumb would be, but NONE that are truly opposable- they're just extra toes. And it's not all that uncommon.

I'm gonna reserve judgment until I see proof in unedited video form of the cat using its opposable thumbs.
Posted by MattP (Member # 10495) on :
My dad wants it neutored so that it wont pee anywhere I say no
There's no guarantee of that. I have a neutered cat that pees all over the place.
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
Usually opposable thumbs on cats are a form of polydactylism. They are common enough that there is no reason they should not be neutered. All cats that are not in a breeding program should be spayed or neutered young. There are many health benefits and very few drawbacks. It helps end animal overpopulation.

It may or may not keep him from peeing all over the place though (that depends on his reason).
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
a week before the cat appeared on my doorstep (with one exception ALL of my cats appeared on my doorstep just waltz into my drive way) my dad was talking about how cats are going to take over the world one day I answer "na uhn they need thumbs before they can do that".

One week later Orange-Thing appears on my doorstep demanding love and attention. [Eek!]

Once I find a camera Ill take pictures.
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
MattP, have you had your cat's urine tested for crystals or any sort of bacteria? My cat did that for a year or so (ruining a couch) before we decided that it might be something physical and had a urine test done. He had crystals in it which were making it uncomfortable to pee, so he thought the box caused it and went on the couch. His food was switched off of a grocery variety (Purina) to first a prescription one then to an organic that he likes more than any of the others.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
When I had a cat who had the same sort of problem, breyerchic. Was the perscription food called CD?
Posted by MattP (Member # 10495) on :
Originally posted by breyerchic04:
MattP, have you had your cat's urine tested for crystals or any sort of bacteria? My cat did that for a year or so (ruining a couch) before we decided that it might be something physical and had a urine test done. He had crystals in it which were making it uncomfortable to pee, so he thought the box caused it and went on the couch. His food was switched off of a grocery variety (Purina) to first a prescription one then to an organic that he likes more than any of the others.

He's an old cat with a handful of known health problems and probably a few unknown. His problem seems to be more of an incontinence issue than an aversion to the cat box as he goes there sometimes too. Most of the time he goes on the ground right next to the cat box.
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
Oh ok. Been there too, Matt.

Noemon I think it was CD but I forget, I only saw the bag once (we pour into a bin), and this was maybe 4 years ago. I have a hard time keeping track of what letter is for what problem in dogs or cats, I worked for a summer in a vet office.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Since you're still living with your dad, I think you need to let him decide the terms under which you may keep a cat. It's worth noting, though, that neutering the cat may not prevent him from spraying, especially if he's already an adult.
Posted by Avadaru (Member # 3026) on :
Please neuter your cat. You won't regret it, and you'll do your part to help prevent more unwanted kittens being brought into the world. Cats with extra toes are actually pretty common - while working at several vet clinics I saw them all the time.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
For what it's worth, you're lucky he's letting you keep the cat. Not only would I not allow any animal not house trained to stay in the house, most people don't. Far and away the most prevalent reason people get rid of pets is because they don't like living in a toilet bowl.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
In the name of all that is holy, change the thread title to the correct spelling of "neuter." Please.
Posted by Christine (Member # 8594) on :
Originally posted by katharina:
For what it's worth, you're lucky he's letting you keep the cat. Not only would I not allow any animal not house trained to stay in the house, most people don't. Far and away the most prevalent reason people get rid of pets is because they don't like living in a toilet bowl.

That's kind of what I was thinking -- I've been struggling with whether or not to get rid of my own cats because they've messed in the house and have destroyed at least 2 areas of carpet (that we know about). They are both fixed so getting the cat fixed may or may not help the problem.

As for a cat's reproductive rights....I struggled with that one for a while when I was younger but in truth there are more cats and dogs than we can handle. They get put to sleep all the time just because there's no one to adopt them. IMO, better to keep their numbers down through blocking reproduction.
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
neuter the cat. every cat that is neutered probably saves the lives of an incalculable amount of cats that won't be euthanized in a shelter or die on the streets.
Posted by Epictetus (Member # 6235) on :
Unless you like the smell of cat urine, I would recommend having the cat neutered. My cat decided that the underside of my bed should be his territory and lets just say it was a little ripe when I decided to move.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Its already been neutered, I am completely baffled how one could not surmise that from my sentence and my usage of past tense.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
I have no sense of smell.
Posted by Epictetus (Member # 6235) on :
Oops. In fairness, I didn't notice the past tense in your last paragraph there. I'm sorry your dad went behind your back, but as others have said, I think it will be for the best in the long run.

I have no sense of smell
Fair enough.
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
Its already been neutered, I am completely baffled how one could not surmise that from my sentence and my usage of past tense.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Circumcism outside of religion I don't get. Unless there is a problem I don't see it as necesary, but neutering means that the cat won't be able to make more kittens who will end up being euthamized.
That is a good thing.
But, having extra toes is cool. I've known several cats with that.
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
Originally posted by Synesthesia:
Circumcism outside of religion I don't get. Unless there is a problem I don't see it as necesary

And...what does this have to do with fixing pets?
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
Because that's what Blayne said in his first post.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Good, good. Thank you. [Smile] Now, I don't like to be yelled at, and the title is yelling at me. Could you put it like a sentence?

"I said not to neuter my cat!" Like that.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Originally posted by Puffy Treat:
Originally posted by Synesthesia:
Circumcism outside of religion I don't get. Unless there is a problem I don't see it as necesary

And...what does this have to do with fixing pets?
Pretty much. I agree with not circumcising, but neutering and spaying with all the millions of animals they kill wastefully every year is necessary.
Posted by Christine (Member # 8594) on :
I'm actually not clear on the connection between neutering and circumcision. I know the original poster mentioned it but mostly I've been sticking to cats because the other is a completely different subject. [Smile]
Posted by JonHecht (Member # 9712) on :
From wikipedia:

"Studies have reported a rate of penile cancer from 3 to 22 times higher in uncircumcised than circumcised men."

"Studies have found that boys with foreskins tend to have higher rates of various infections and inflammations of the penis than those who are circumcised"

"Several studies have shown that uncircumcised men are at greater risk of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection"

"The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that studies of three trials, one of which was completed, provide compelling evidence that male circumcision provides a 50-60% reduction in HIV transmission from female to male"
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
The more controversial the issue, the less credibility has an authority. This is a controversial issue.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Thanks for the title edits, Blayne.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Its already been neutered, I am completely baffled how one could not surmise that from my sentence and my usage of past tense.
You may want to re-read that post. It's possible you accidentally deleted part of the sentence that made this clear.
Posted by scholarette (Member # 11540) on :
I like my mom's argument for circumcision. She had two boys- one was circumcised, one wasn't. She found it much easier to change the circumcised boy's diaper and keep it clean, therefore, she would recommend circumcision to any boy whose diaper she might have to change.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Originally posted by JonHecht:
From wikipedia:

"Studies have reported a rate of penile cancer from 3 to 22 times higher in uncircumcised than circumcised men."

"Studies have found that boys with foreskins tend to have higher rates of various infections and inflammations of the penis than those who are circumcised"

"Several studies have shown that uncircumcised men are at greater risk of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection"

"The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that studies of three trials, one of which was completed, provide compelling evidence that male circumcision provides a 50-60% reduction in HIV transmission from female to male"

I'm not even sure if I totally trust any of those studies and statements. Especially since many men in Asian countries and parts of Europe aren't circumsized and how common is penis cancer in the first place?
but mostly I just hate the concept of having that done to a future son. Unless it was too tight or something.
Posted by BandoCommando (Member # 7746) on :
While I agree with 'fixing' pets to avoid overpopulation and I also oppose declawing (in most circumstances), I ponder sometimes the justification given by some people.

Often, an argument against declawing is that it removes a part of the body (the equivalent of the last finger joint in your own hands) and that this kind of drastic modification has the potential for extreme discomfort and a change in behavior.

While I agree that I certainly wouldn't want to have this operation done on myself, I am curious about the contradiction here. The very same anti-declawing people are often advocates of spaying/neutering which...unless I'm much mistaken is also a drastic modification with the potential for extreme discomfort and a change in behavior.

Of course the real reason to support 'fixing' but not declawing is that preventing reproduction is good for female cats (longer lives are typical among female cats that never have offspring) and better for the cat population as a whole, since there will be fewer cats out and about and fewer filling up shelters. Declawing is most often solely for the convenience of the owner and the safety of their furniture.

Of course, I walked into the living room this morning to find my curtains on the ground with the rod bent badly in the middle. Clearly one of my cats thought that the curtains looked like a fun thing to climb. Imagine their surprise when it fell off the wall!
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
I definetly don't agree with declawing. It's totally wrong.
There's even some places where they remove an animal's voice box according to a friend of mine.
Yes, it's rather sad that they neutered Bernie (my rabbit) before giving him to me because he had to have surgery before I could bring him home. It must have been scary, but there's so many rabbits who need homes, who get destroyed if no one adopts them
Since I can't adopt lots and lots of rabbits, it's good he's neutered.
Other wise he'd be grumpy a lot.
Posted by Nighthawk (Member # 4176) on :
So... can your cat drive a car yet?
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
he can open door handles.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Of course, I walked into the living room this morning to find my curtains on the ground with the rod bent badly in the middle. Clearly one of my cats thought that the curtains looked like a fun thing to climb. Imagine their surprise when it fell off the wall!
Is it wrong of me to want a video of that?
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Originally posted by JonHecht:
From wikipedia:

"Studies have reported a rate of penile cancer from 3 to 22 times higher in uncircumcised than circumcised men."

"Studies have found that boys with foreskins tend to have higher rates of various infections and inflammations of the penis than those who are circumcised"

"Several studies have shown that uncircumcised men are at greater risk of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection"

"The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that studies of three trials, one of which was completed, provide compelling evidence that male circumcision provides a 50-60% reduction in HIV transmission from female to male"

Circumcised males have an infinitely higher incidence of complications from extremely early childhood penile operations than uncircumcised males.

Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
Originally posted by Blayne Bradley:
Its already been neutered, I am completely baffled how one could not surmise that from my sentence and my usage of past tense.

Blayne: from your first post:
"My dad wants it neutored so that it wont pee anywhere I say no,"

that is clearly not past-tense. In fact the only thing I saw in your first post that was past tense was "Then behind my back my plans to breed a genetically suporior race of sentient cats capable of opening jars has been ruined." which apart from being almost unintelligible contradicts the tense in the rest of the post... so please don't take offense when people are confused about whether this has actually happened or whether you're just mad about your dad's intentions...
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
the latter tense overrides the previous tense.
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
My cat can open door handles and does not have opposable thumbs or extra digits. He just is tall and creative.

Syn, you're referring to "debarking" which I have seen in several dogs. And only one had a good reason for it.
Posted by Dan_Frank (Member # 8488) on :
Originally posted by Bokonon:
Originally posted by JonHecht:
From wikipedia:

"Studies have reported a rate of penile cancer from 3 to 22 times higher in uncircumcised than circumcised men."

"Studies have found that boys with foreskins tend to have higher rates of various infections and inflammations of the penis than those who are circumcised"

"Several studies have shown that uncircumcised men are at greater risk of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection"

"The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that studies of three trials, one of which was completed, provide compelling evidence that male circumcision provides a 50-60% reduction in HIV transmission from female to male"

Circumcised males have an infinitely higher incidence of complications from extremely early childhood penile operations than uncircumcised males.


Posted by Troubadour (Member # 83) on :
Originally posted by Blayne Bradley:
the latter tense overrides the previous tense.

Dude, your total inability to exert any kind of command over the English language overrides any other thoughts you might have on the matter.
Posted by BlueWizard (Member # 9389) on :
Curious what castration has to do with where the cat will or will not pee?

You seem to be considering this process for other reasons, but if it is simply a matter of preventing reproduction, then just give the cat a vasectomy.

Better yet, turn the cat over to a university for research into its genetic abnormalities, but make sure you keep a share of the rights to revenue in the event that they develop and advanced race of cats. Then get your self a nice goldfish that doesn't pee on the carpets, claw the furniture, or sit on your face while you sleep.

What ever...


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