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Posted by Jeff C. (Member # 12496) on :
I'm almost certain we have some gamers on these boards, so here's a topic for you.

I've been playing a few RPGs lately, but nothing really substantial. I'm a huge fan of games like Mass Effect, Zelda, Uncharted, and Final Fantasy, which is fantastic (for me) because each of these series is about to get a new sequel sometime within the next six months. I'm especially excited about Zelda, which looks insanely fun.

Other upcoming games that I'm pretty sure are on some of your radars might include: Elder Scrolls V, Batman: Arkham City, The Old Republic, and Diable 3.

But aside from those, anyone playing anything interesting? Until next month brings me some Uncharted and Zelda action, I've got nothing [Frown]
Posted by MattP (Member # 10495) on :
Portal 2 was absolutely delightful. I'm looking forward to SkyRim. I'm playing Red Dead Redemption right now, but I'm not totally into it.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I play the Lord of the Rings MMO from time to time, but I haven't played in weeks.

Other than that I spend most of my time on turned based strategy games, and the occasional real time strategy like Starcraft.

When the new Call of Duty comes out I might snag that. I haven't even turned my Playstation on in two months. [Frown]
Posted by AchillesHeel (Member # 11736) on :
Deus Ex: Human Revolution was extremely impressive, the extent to which they designed the game with the ability to avoid all combat without sacrificing gameplay or ability progression is one of a kind.
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
I play the Assassin's Creed series, and I've been replaying it (again) recently because the next game's due out in a month. Though I have other games, I don't really play them - I guess I just like shanking Templars a bit too much. [Smile]
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I play League of Legends pretty profusely, I'm excited for the new Zelda game, Elder Scrolls V, and Diablo 3.

I also play Magic: The Gathering on Xbox. I may spend my gift card on the new Call of Duty, but I'll see how it is on review sites before I spend my money. Portal 2 was definitely a delight to play.

I don't play World of Warcraft anymore, though I had an active account from launch all the way until about 2-3 months ago. Final Fantasy has more or less lost its way for me. I find it extremely boring, tedious, and shallow storywise. I found it astounding that one of the directors was asked if FFXIII would ship with the Japanese dialogue and subtitles and his response was, "I don't think so, do people in the US want that?" O.o
Posted by Vadon (Member # 4561) on :
In the last month I've been playing Minecraft, Starcraft, Fallout 3/New Vegas, and City of Heroes. (Which is now free to play, by the way.)

I'm looking forward to Arkham City.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
I play D&D 4e and a number of FATE-based games.

No video games right now.

Mansions of Madness
Arkham Horror
Settlers of Catan
Formula De
Ticket to Ride
Posted by C3PO the Dragon Slayer (Member # 10416) on :
I've been mostly playing Minecraft lately. I've also been playing some Smash Bros. with my dorm-mates. On weekends, I spend a couple hours playing Ocarina of Time on my brother's 3DS.

As far as future releases are concerned, I'm very much looking forward to Skyward Sword. I've been waiting for a real 1:1 motion-controlled quality swordplay-based adventure title ever since the Wii came out.
Posted by T:man (Member # 11614) on :
Playing D&D 3.5 e with a few classmates. Playing chess too.

As for video games...

Let's just say there's a lot.

Highly anticipating Skyrim, have already pre-ordered. Also psyched for Saints Row 3, and Arhkham city.
Posted by Aros (Member # 4873) on :
I've recently beat the new Deus Ex and Infamous. I'm actively playing the beta of Star Wars: Old Republic and Nethack (on my Android phone).
Posted by Mr. Y (Member # 11590) on :
Mostly I have been playing Rock Band 2. There's still some performances I haven't done yet and I still have to play the endless setlist. For some variety in the songs I sometimes play one of the other rhythm games.

Besides that I still need to finish DKC Returns and the first Mario Galaxy.

I have already pre-ordered a copy of Skyward Sword, so once that come out I'll be spending most of my game time in Hyrule again.

Every once in a while I take a stab at throwing a perfect game with Wii Sports bowling. Haven't succeeded yet... and that personal best off 299 is getting really annoying.
Posted by Sa'eed (Member # 12368) on :
Currently playing The Witcher Enhanced Edition. It's a blast.

And as always, Starcraft 2. I will make it to Platinum next season. I know it!
Posted by Sa'eed (Member # 12368) on :
I also play League of Legends, and the highs in that game are pretty great but the lows are brutal. Losing in that game is unbearable.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
Minecraft's making me go pure rainman on our forum server, and I love how effectively it's traded my free time for autistic architectural tendencies.
Posted by KirKis (Member # 12454) on :
As of current i've been watching HCBaily on Youtube with all of his old game playing and trying to play along with him.

I'm off/on for World of Warcraft... Basically each season I log in for a week or two and get all the PvP gear then log off again until next season.

I do play Starcraft 2, though I need a new gaming mouse before I really get back into it. I should get it on Christmas (already have the SC2 Headset and Keyboard, which is awesome!)

I've been playing Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions on my iPhone lately. Along with HCBaily [Smile]

Other than that... not much else. I'm waiting for The Old Republic and Diablo 3. So i'll pretty much pick one of those full time and SC2 on the side.
Posted by Selran (Member # 9918) on :
The Dresden Files
Star Wars Saga edition

Board/Card Games:
Blood Bowl Team Manager
Escape From the Aliens from Outer Space
Forbidden Island

Video Games:
Fallout New Vegas
Civ V

I'm looking forward to The Old Republic.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
I got nostalgic waiting for Diablo 3, so I went and reloaded Diablo 2. Despite an initial shock at the graphics, the game-play is just addictive now as it was 10 years ago.

And when you get into the game (not just sitting in town), the graphics hold up pretty well. Modern games with fancy 3D graphics would choke at all the visual effects that the Diablo 2 characters can churn out. Having meteors, blizzards, tornadoes, hordes of skeletons, lightning bolts, etc all flying around your screen at once is still pretty cool to see.

Plus it is very satisfying to kill 50+ high level monsters with one or two spell casts. Compare this to World of Warcraft where you need 4 players beating on a typical elite mob for 30 seconds to kill it. My Diablo characters actually feel powerful.

However, there are now more bots than players on No exaggeration. Its not just the sites that sell gear that run them, its even the average players that are running them. In the past the "wealthy" were doing hours of MF runs a night. Now why bother, download a bot and let it do your MF runs for you.

The upside to this (even for those of us who don't want to run a bot) is that now even "godly gear" is relatively cheap to trade for. Sometimes when trading for an item, my trade partner will dump a ton of additional high level gear on me just to get rid of it.

After just two weeks I've got a couple of characters that are decked out to the nines, when in the past I'd played for months and only had mediocre gear. It could also be that I happened to join back up late in the ladder season.

The big downside, though, is that this kind of destroys the "end game" that used to exist. When you've got your awesome gear, now what?

Plus if you make a public game, expect to have spambots invade your game every 30 seconds or so and splurge their messages all over your screen.

My nostalgia craving is nearly satisfied, so probably I'll level another character or two and then call it good until D3 comes out.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Xavier: If you go to the the Diablo page on Facebook, they are holding a D3 beta key contest. Anybody can opt in. That's in addition to the beta opt-in program they are already hosting. Drawings every Monday. 50 of the winners also get an additional key they can share.
Posted by Vadon (Member # 4561) on :
Originally posted by Sa'eed:
Currently playing The Witcher Enhanced Edition. It's a blast.

And as always, Starcraft 2. I will make it to Platinum next season. I know it!

Not if I get to Platinum first! Well, actually, I suppose me getting into platinum wouldn't STOP you, per se, but I am a competitive person.

I hardly played during the last season because my brother was demoted back to silver and he and I have our rivalry. I just wasn't motivated to ladder. The day before the ladder lock he finally got back up to Gold with me so I'm going to be playing a lot more again starting this weekend.
Posted by Magson (Member # 2300) on :
I play Rift, DDO, Civ5, and Champions Online fairly regularly. I play LoTRO very rarely, but I do have it installed.

Offline I play Settlers of Catan fairly frequently with my wife and some friends. If it's just me and the wife it's usually Iron Dragon or Eurorails. Occasionally some cards games like Uno or whatnot.
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
I don't play nearly as many games as I used to, but in the past I've been a big fan of RPG's, mostly of the Elder Scrolls and Mass Effect variety (on the Xbox360). I recently picked up Batman: Arkham Asylum, but I haven't really been in to playing it. I need to play Gears 3, but alas I am short on funds. Borderlands has been fun and me and a friend keep trying to get together to play it through on co-op.

In terms of MMO's, I play Eve, but I also have not been playing that as much either due to time constraints. But I am keeping my account and by the time I do have time to play it, I should be able to fly most internet spaceships (sub-capital, for those interested).

The one game that has been pulling me in is A Game of Thrones LCG. I don't know if anyone here plays it or has even heard of it, but it is a blast. Quite complex, but how could A Game of Thrones be anything else [Smile] . And best of all, there's a free online client that you can play on. In fact, if anyone does play, let me know and we should run some games.
Posted by scifibum (Member # 7625) on :
I'm currently spending way too much time on Borderlands. Apparently FPS with some minor RPG elements is just about right for me. (Although I had a much harder time getting into Fallout 3. I think it's partly due to more time spent walking between things.)

But man, my character in Borderlands is a horrible person. He murders people just to take their money and guns. Hundreds of them. He will work for anyone who will pay, and switches sides in conflicts whenever he can profit. He thinks it's hilarious when he decapitates people with a rifle shot.

*shakes head sadly*
Posted by CaySedai (Member # 6459) on :
Sims3 (occasionally) and Kingdom of Loathing (daily). We have a clan in KoL for Hatrack people - called Chapeaustand. If anyone wants to join, message me in-game with your Hatrack nick.
Posted by kacard (Member # 200) on :
At our house we play "Ticket to Ride" during the week and then we play "Ticket to Ride" some more on the weekends.
Posted by Jake (Member # 206) on :
I've played Ticket to Ride, but not often enough to really catch the bug for it. It's definitely a solid game, though.

Continuing with the board/card game end of things, we've been playing a lot of Dominion and a little Puzzle Strike lately. I've been hankering for a good game of Carcassonne, though. Once we're fully unpacked enough to have a good playspace for it I imagine we'll be breaking out my copy of it.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I've never tried Ticket To Ride, but I always eyeball it at our boardgame rental store.
Posted by Jake (Member # 206) on :
It's so cool that you have a boardgame rental store in your area. I would love that.
Posted by Geraine (Member # 9913) on :
I am currently playing League of Legends (always) and Dark Souls. I love me some Dark Souls.
Posted by KirKis (Member # 12454) on :
I can play a children's card game... on a motorcycle!

I've been in and out with card games. I will get into it for awhile, spend some good amount of money on it... win a few tournaments... then just stop for a bit... My interests usually goes in cycles it seems...
Posted by Traceria (Member # 11820) on :
My husband's the video-gamer, but we play a lot of board and card games:
Star Trek Fleet Captains
Star Trek Deck Building Game (from the makers of Dominion)
Settlers of Catan
and the list could go on.

How would you all rate Ticket to Ride? It's on my Christmas list. [Smile]
Posted by AchillesHeel (Member # 11736) on :
Batman: Arkham City was amazing, it deserves every commendation its been given including several very rare perfect scores from the the video game magazines.
Posted by Aros (Member # 4873) on :
Arkham City and Uncharted 3 were both phenominal. I'm getting Skyrim today and Zelda next week (I think?). It's a great time for games!
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Originally posted by Jake:
It's so cool that you have a boardgame rental store in your area. I would love that.

When you rent, if you love the game, they put the rental amount towards the purchase of the game if you want it. It's awesome. I would single-handedly keep that place in business if I had more money to spend on games.
Posted by Sa'eed (Member # 12368) on :
Originally posted by Vadon:
Originally posted by Sa'eed:
Currently playing The Witcher Enhanced Edition. It's a blast.

And as always, Starcraft 2. I will make it to Platinum next season. I know it!

Not if I get to Platinum first! Well, actually, I suppose me getting into platinum wouldn't STOP you, per se, but I am a competitive person.

I hardly played during the last season because my brother was demoted back to silver and he and I have our rivalry. I just wasn't motivated to ladder. The day before the ladder lock he finally got back up to Gold with me so I'm going to be playing a lot more again starting this weekend.

Well? Finally got to Plat this season. [Big Grin]
Posted by umberhulk (Member # 11788) on :
Lots of great games this year.

Infamous 2
Portal 2
Arkham City
Dark Souls
Dead Space 2

A lot I still need to play too.

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