With the completion of Shadow of the Giant marks the end of the shadow series and unless OSC chooses to do the book that would tie the Shadow series and the Ender Quartet together or another book like First Meetings SotG will be the last book in the Enderverse or for that matter the Beanderverse as MidnightBlue put it. Anyway with those series completed the only book left that I know of in a major series of his is Master Alvin. So what does everybody think is next for Card? I would love it if he decided to write another series but it's possible that he'd be to wrapped up in other things among them being the movie. What does everybody think?
Posted by msquared (Member # 4484) on :
Well Magic Street is due out this fall. He also plans a fourth book in the Women of Gensis series called The Wives of Isreal I believe. He then will be able to get to the two I have been looking forward to for years and that is the next two Pastwatch books.
Then he can take a breather.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Nonono!! Then he and kathy have to sit down and finish Mayflower!! I want those!! Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
If it were up to me OSC would be chained to his desk working on the linking novel and doing everything in his power to get the Ender's Game movie made. Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
I'm still pushing for a Beanderverse book! Posted by TheClone (Member # 6141) on :
Pastwatch Screenplay.
Pretty please?
Well, actually thinking about it, Pastwatch would have to be slaughtered fairly heavily to ever make it into theaters, a Muslim blowing up the ships would probably offend a large group a people. :-/
And then there's that whole thing with the needles and the eerghh.
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
I’d hope there would be some “Peter Jackson” liberties taken with those scenes!
Posted by DF2506 (Member # 6847) on :
I'm looking forward to Shadow of the Giant in March alot!
After that, I hope OSC does a Ender/Shadow book! I think that would be VERY cool. I also hope he gets to do that Mazer book!
I'm also looking forward to OSC's Ultimate Iron Man this year! That should be awesome. Hopefully it'll lead to him doing some other comic books too!
Oh and I can't wait till the Advent Children game comes out! That looks really cool! I think I heard OSC is supposed to write books based on Advent Children too!
Oh and I'm definitly looking forward to the last Alvin Maker book!!
DF2506 " Hopefully after he finally gets down with Ender & Shadow & Alvin he'll come up with some other cool on-going series! Though I am going to miss reading the Ender, Shadow, and Alvin books. They are some of the best books I've read! "
Posted by jjmelberg (Member # 7099) on :
i'de like to see some sort of autobiography simular to nicholas spark's "three weeks with my brother". i know it may be sacralige to comapre the two authors, but its just the genre that i was thinking about.
Posted by Quimby2999 (Member # 7044) on :
I think it'd be great if he did more standalone novels. Don't get mere wrong I like his series and all (btw the plural form of series is series) but it's so frustrating waiting for the next novel in a series because he's doing so many different series at once.
STOP THE MADNESS! I'm hibernating 'till March . . . Posted by Sid Meier (Member # 6965) on :
ADVENT CHILDREN?! Are you talking bout' the FF7 Movie?
Posted by Eisenoxyde (Member # 7289) on :
What I would honestly like to see is a book after Children of the Mind, where we get to learn more about the Descaloda (sp?) virus makers and how Peter is able to gain control of the Starways Congress. Hopefully though, he will be able to end the book without raising a ton of additional questions which beg another book.
Something else that I would love, is a sequel to Treason, where the inhabitants are able to leave Treason and rejoin the rest of humanity. (Of course, I think this is more of a pipe dream than anything else...)
Posted by scottneb (Member # 676) on :
I think he needs to slow down. I don't have time to read every book of his I want to read.
Posted by Sid Meier (Member # 6965) on :
I have the time. I spend about 4-5 hours a day playing on my new computer so of course I have the time.
Posted by DF2506 (Member # 6847) on :
ADVENT CHILDREN?! Are you talking bout' the FF7 Movie? >
*hits self on the head* LOL!
I meant Advent RISING.
All these Advents running around...so hard to keep track...... LOL!
Anyway, I'm looking forward to OSC's game Advent Rising!
DF2506 " Er..I'm pretty sure thats the name anyway? Right? "
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
quote:I think he needs to slow down. I don't have time to read every book of his I want to read.