This is topic New Ender novel decided on in forum Discussions About Orson Scott Card at Hatrack River Forum.

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Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
Since I'm talking about this at book signings, it would be rude not to tell you folks right now. A couple of days ago I was sitting in the office of my publisher, Tom Doherty, talking about projects coming up, and it dawned on me that there's a book that I really want to write.

If you haven't read Shadow of the Giant, this is a mini-spoiler. But most people won't mind, so choose for yourself: At the end of Giant, there's one plot thread about a woman and her baby that go off on a colony ship. This is something I had never planned and when I sent her off, it was because I had in the back of my mind the possibility of writing more about her and her child.

What came to me in Tom Doherty's office was: She's going to be on a colony world after a time-dilated FTL voyage. Therefore it is quite possible that when Ender is done with his first colony experience (and has written The Hive Queen and The Hegemon), I could have him voyage first to that very same colony at about the time that this woman's child has come to adulthood.

I suggested this to Tom - another novel that actually features Ender when he's still young, before he met Jane, and WAY before Speaker for the Dead. (Of course Valentine is in it, too!) And this interesting character and her child have enormous potential for an interesting story involving Ender and Valentine.

Tom agreed, and this storyline will take the place of the planned Mazer Rackham novel. Not that I'll never write that one, but it will be postponed for now. In fact, I may even write this Ender novel before writing Shadows in Flight, the post-Children of the Mind novel that ties the Shadow and Speaker series together.

What I don't have is a title. The only rule is that it must have the name "Ender" in it. My first thought is: "Ender Voyaging." My most hated title so far is: "Ender: Spaceman!" There's such a fine line between good titles and hideous ones.

[ March 10, 2005, 12:57 AM: Message edited by: Orson Scott Card ]
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
Thank you for letting us know. [Smile]

Ender: Spaceman! [ROFL]

BTW, I loved SotG much more than I thought I would. It made me excited for the other books in the series.

[ March 10, 2005, 01:04 AM: Message edited by: AntiCool ]
Posted by alluvion (Member # 7462) on :
"Fight or flight: The End... err, or not?"


"Ender's Flight"
Posted by Occasional (Member # 5860) on :
Here is some I thought about:

Ender's Chance

Ender Rising

Ender Encounter

Ender: The Way of the Stars

Crossing Ender's Horizon

Ender's protégé

Ender's Passage

[ March 10, 2005, 01:20 AM: Message edited by: Occasional ]
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
Ender: Boy Wonder
Ender: Teen Angst
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
What's a word for tying things together? Because that word with "Ender" at the beginning would be a cool title.
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
Ender: The Missing Link
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
Rendezvous with Ender
Posted by Mormo (Member # 5799) on :
I like Rendezvous with Ender, Porter. Good one.
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
It's my only serious one. [Smile]
Posted by Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged (Member # 7476) on :
So what you are saying is you're actually making a direct sequal to Ender's Game. A few questions. Will Val begin her historical essay's on new colonies on this world? Second, how are you holding up? With two major releases in the same week(a new book and a comicbook launch)you have a right to be tired.
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
Ender's Rendezvous flows a little better.
Posted by alluvion (Member # 7462) on :
"A Valentine for Ender" ???

diggin' it.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Ender's Bane
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
Ender And I Are Just Really Good Friends

[ March 10, 2005, 01:44 AM: Message edited by: AntiCool ]
Posted by Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged (Member # 7476) on :
Ender's Heel
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
So far, I'm most moved by "Ender: Boy Wonder." But maybe the "boy wonder" title should be reserved for Michael Jackson's prison memoir.

Of course I mean that in the nicest possible way.
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
Posted by Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged (Member # 7476) on :
Posted by Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged (Member # 7476) on :
Ender and the Bean Stalk
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
Ender and the Musical Fruit
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Ender's Shame?

Goin' for a rhyme here....
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
Ender's Lame?
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
Ender is Just All Right With Me?

Ha ha... Nooo...
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
He's not Ender, He's My Brother
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
Goin' for a rhyme ...

Ender's Dame (the story of Ender's first romantic encounter)

Ender's Claim (Ender tries to start afresh on a mining planet)

Ender's Flame (see "Ender's Dame")

Ender's Lame (about the year Ender spent in a hip cast because of a basketball injury in zero gee)

Ender's Came (in which Ender tries to teach grammar to American high school students)

Ender's Fame (Ender hires a publicist to try to get people to stop calling him "Ender the Xenocide" and is disappointed that they start calling him "Ender the Cold-blooded Killer of Children and Misunderstood Aliens")

Ender's Frame (Where it is discovered that Peter never tortured animals, it was all a setup by the evil Ender who was trying to make his kindly misunderstood brother look bad)

Ender's Tame (told from the point of view of his prison cellmate)

Ender's Vame (in which Ender keeps using words that no one else has ever heard of and nobody understands, until at the end of the novel there is not a single recognizable avink mudge popesy buh groonvondle)

[ March 10, 2005, 01:59 AM: Message edited by: Orson Scott Card ]
Posted by Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged (Member # 7476) on :
Ender:Shadow Conspiracy
Posted by alluvion (Member # 7462) on :
A Valentine for Ender - it is.

Sorry folks.

Doesn't take a prophet to grok it!


(or not, that could just be my fanfared opinion)
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
What's a word for tying things together? Because that word with "Ender" at the beginning would be a cool title.
Things coming together, eh?

Ender's Confluence is a no . . . don't think Ender's Junction is much better. Maybe Ender's Bind?

Ender's Concatenation? [Wink]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I would've thought Ender's Frame was the novel where Ender remains surprisingly young. [Big Grin]
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Ender's Blame (We explore his feelings of guilt over the Xenocide!)

Ender's Name (Delves into all the symbolism in "Ender". What's in a name?)

Ender's Same (A book about Ender's clone)
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
Ender plus comingtogetherword:

Agglutenated Ender
Ender Reloaded
Ender Reunion
Ender Come-home
Ender's Back
Post-It Ender

It was such a good idea, but English just doesn't have the right word ...
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
Ender's Jaunt
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Ender Juxtaposition
Posted by Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged (Member # 7476) on :
Ender's Sorrow
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
Maybe it should be just Ender Came. Although that opens things up to a whole new era of possibilities. An Ender-universe romance novel?
Posted by IdemosthenesI (Member # 862) on :
Ender's Odyssey

Ender's Penance

Oddys Endersy?

The Ender Express

Ender's Shadow's Shadow (Or simply Shadow Squared)


Monty Python's Life of Ender

Ender's Iliad

Ender's Aeneid

Ender's Ulysses

Portrait of an Ender as a Young Man

Preparing for Enderlescence

**SotG Spoiler**
Ender Gets Randi
Ender Spoiler**

Just as a question, why must it contain the name "Ender"? Only two of the other books do. Why not just go ahead and call it "Achilles Heel"?

As a side note, can I put in my vote for another book set in the universe from Sandmagic? Even just a novelization of Cer Cemreet's life would be great! Just a thought.
Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
Ender's End


Terms of Enderment


(You know, if I'd READ Shadow of the Giant yet, I'd probably have a better shot at coming up with a good title ... well, my copy just arrived, and I've got a plane flight tomorrow ... it's as good a time to start as any [Smile] )

Now, would this be set after the word has spread about Ender the Xenocide, and he's become a universally-hated historical figure? Or are the colonies still young enough to remember worshipping him?

{I actually really liked Ender's Flight, above, by the way. It evokes spaceflight, in general, but also seems to say, "The story of what happened after Ender fled Earth." And the immediate circumstances surrounding Ender's departure from the first colony could also have something to do with a flight.)

[ March 10, 2005, 05:08 AM: Message edited by: A Rat Named Dog ]
Posted by IdemosthenesI (Member # 862) on :
Hey, Rat named Dog!

[Razz] pbpbpbpbpt [Razz]

You're just mad because OSC mentioned me by name in the SotG acknowledgments and not you. That means he likes me better, so nyah nyah. [Big Grin]
Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
You're right ... all I got was the dedication in the front of Ender's Game [Frown] Life [sob] is such a [sob sob] disappointment!
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
[Eek!] I've never seen OSC post that much.
Maybe he was a lurker amongst us for all this time !
Posted by accio (Member # 3040) on :
When I finished SOTG, Randi and the baby really stuck on my mind, unfinished business, you know. Then I thought whose ship will they be boarding? Their ship has to be commanded by one of the Ender's Jeesh. But you might decide that is not an important part of the new novel. But, as I said, that was the first question that popped out when I finished the book.

As for the title, I like the sound of “Launch.”

Ender’s New Launch
Ender: The New Launcher

Thank you for the news. I was worried about the Christmas book… since the battle school is filled with so many cultures. Christmas would only have meaning for some of them. What would Hot Soup do? He has to celebrate the Chinese New Year more so than Christmas. Anyway, that is another story……
Posted by Reykjavik (Member # 7494) on :
Greetings... first post... long time OSC reader, and Hatrack lurker. [Wave]

I would of gone for "Achille's Shadow" myself, but since that violates the rules as set forth by OSC...

Ender's Gambit

Looking for a word that insinuates confict and resolution thru tatical means...
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
The problem with mandating the presence of "Ender" is that it pretty much sounds silly unless you make it "Ender's <something.>" And that limits you to only a few options. [Smile]

BTW, Geoff has managed to hit on the one part of Ender's unexplored adulthood that I really, really find intriguing: the time when he went from being a renowned hero and common namesake to a figure of horror -- based on his own work.

Somehow tying this event into machinations related to Randi's child Achilles would be, IMO, kind of interesting.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
Clearly the title needs numbers in it, like: Ender II: Return of Achilles, or Ender II: Revenge of the big bad buggers. (Figure out a way to put a 'Q' word on that last one and you have a reason for home stylin' cookin' every night!)

[EDIT: Now that I think about it, there's really no good "II" title for Ender unless we can have "Giant Ants" somewhere in the title. And thus goes my attempt to turn this sequel into a cheap and trashy horror flick. Le sigh.]

Hobbes [Smile]

[ March 10, 2005, 08:50 AM: Message edited by: Hobbes ]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
It's kind of a shame that Ender's Shadow is already taken. Because in a very intriguing way, Randi's kid could be Ender's shadow in a way that Bean was not. But since it's taken, we're left with options like Ender Adrift. [Smile]

(BTW, my vote is that Randi's kid uses Ender's reputation for evil, so Valentine has to Demosthenes that reputation into crap to prevent whatever Achilles intends to do to exert control over the fledgling colonies. *laugh*)
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
Accio: I hadn't thought of the fact that there might be a member of Ender's Jeesh in charge of that colony. Cool idea. Adds another character. But which ...

As to the Christmas book: the whole thing centers around the fact that Christmas is definitely a minority sport in Battle School. And no, nobody finds scarlet ribbons at the foot of their bunk after praying for them the night before.
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
The reason "Ender" has to be in the title is because we have to communicate to casual shoppers that this novel actually includes him. My dread is that doing this will have the same miserable effect as the title "Tom Sawyer, Detective."

Ender Squarepants
Sailor Ender

Hmmm. Enderville. They COULD have named the colony's first town "Enderville" and then, when Ender's reputation changed, people would want to rename the town ... a minor point in the plot, but ... no. What am I thinking? Clearly I needed more sleep last night.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Ender: The Quickening

The East Ender (A historical novel about someone living in London's East End, this book has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Ender at all, much to the consternation of many loyal readers. OSC is reported to be "playing all innocent")

Ender a Soldier. Later, Ender Another (okay, that one's kind of obscure, I admit)

Press Ender (Ender befriends a woman who was a refugee, and together they struggle against a murderous Jane prototype.)

[ March 10, 2005, 09:34 AM: Message edited by: Noemon ]
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
Uncle Ender (Ender is befriended by Randi's son and becomes the father figure he never had)
Posted by Beren One Hand (Member # 3403) on :
The Ender Defense or The Ender Theory - After Junior's failed coup d'etat, he tries to mount the "Ender Defense" (i.e. ends justify the means). Ender argues against this defense, and in turn, condemns his own actions in the xenocide.

Apostle to the Ramen - Hey, if we followed the "must have Ender" rule, the third book would've been called Ender's Children instead of the awesome title, Xenocide.

The Life of Ender -To steal the title of one of my favorite book titles in the Enderverse, The Life of Human.

Ender and Valentine- Everyone loves Val. [Smile]
Posted by msquared (Member # 4484) on :

I think that this is the most times you have ever posted in a thread in such a short period of time. [Evil]

So you coming to OrneryCon this year? [Big Grin]

I just want to know when you are going to write the next PastWatch.

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
You know, I'd actually love to see a book named for and largely about Valentine, or else tightly following Valentine's perspective. She's still the enigma, really. We know what motivates Ender, and now we have a good view of Peter, but we still have no idea what Valentine's really thinking.

How, for example, would Valentine deal with Achilles?

[ March 10, 2005, 10:01 AM: Message edited by: TomDavidson ]
Posted by msquared (Member # 4484) on :

Valentine and Randi competing for the soul of Randi's baby? One with hate the other with love.

Ender's Valentine would be a good title then.

Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
Ender: The Quickening
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Serious suggestions:

-Ender's Exile
-Speaker Andrew

Funny ones:

-The Endersey? It could have a prequel called the Alaiad!
-Speaker Ender (or: How I learned to stop belly-button inspecting and love the Hive-Queen)
-Deconstructing Ender

Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
I haven't read SotG yet either, so I'm going a bit blind, but what about Ender's Light (a play on Ender's Shadow )?

Some of these are funny. Please continue. [Smile]

[ March 10, 2005, 10:36 AM: Message edited by: sarcasticmuppet ]
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
[Party] [Party] [Party]

(I'm in study hall and my friend's looking at me funny for being so excited!)
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
Ender's Bender a very special story about Ender's dalliances with alchohol and drugs, and the consequences of such.
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
Ender's Shadow's Shadow, or Ender's Shadow^2
Posted by Scooter (Member # 6915) on :
I’ll throw my hat in:

Some fun ones;

Ender’s Pitstop

Ender’s Layover

More serious ones, depending on the direction of the story (hence the parenthetical comments—no offense intended if they seem unnecessary):

Ender Speaks OR Speaking of Ender (grows into his Speaker role)

Ender Lives (could allude to many things, perhaps overcoming deepest levels of guilt to a tolerable level)

Ender’s Heel (in reference to the other Achille, assuming he is confrontational)

Ender’s Ends (does he accomplish or set out to accomplish anything major here?)

Ender’s Evolution (broad allusion to a transition, maturation)

Ender’s Change
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
Ender Speaks OR Speaking of Ender (grows into his Speaker role)
That story has already been written, and it's called Investment Counselor.
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
I'm Afraid I've Got Some Bad News, Ender: You're In Space

Ender 2: Electric Boogaloo


[Edit -- apparently there's a spoiler for something here. Not sure what. So here's the warning, I guess. But if you haven't read all the Ender/Shadow books, you shouldn't be giving suggestions anyway. So there. Nyeh.]

I was gonna say Ender's Heel, but was beaten to it. It also kinda depends on what the plot holds for Ender and the Beanlet (no, that's not a title suggestion). Are they gonna get along? Are they gonna battle? Does proto-Jane get involved? Is the focus Ender's search for a planet for the Hive Queen? Ender's Search or Ender's Bridge?. Since he's going to another colony that was time-dilated, everyone's still going to remember him without much time going by -- is he beginning to try to obscure himself already? Has his reputation as the "Xenocide" already taken hold? Is it beginning to? Ender's Fall or Ender's Demise?

<Will keep thinking.>


[ March 10, 2005, 03:41 PM: Message edited by: Papa Moose ]
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
Pop brings up a good point. If this is the point at which Ender first deals with his new place in history, how about Ender the Xenocide?
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
What shame to choose this of all 24 hour periods to go to sleep early and sleep in late.


Ender's Gambit kind-of has a ring to it.

And Valentine is an enigma, in many ways.

Ender's Enigma?

*Heads out the door reluctantly to work*
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I think combining the two things I'd really like to see -- the world from Valentine's perspective, and Ender's reaction to becoming known as a mass-murderer -- would give us enough guilt to power a colony for decades. [Smile]
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
So Ender's Guilt then? Or Ender's Remorse?
Posted by Ela (Member # 1365) on :
Ender's Dilemma... [Razz]
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Which brings us 'round to Ender's Shame and the nice lil' rhyme. [Big Grin]
Posted by accio (Member # 3040) on :
Enders’ Bridge Over The Troubled Water
Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
Ender's Bridges of Madison County [ROFL]
Posted by TheHumanTarget (Member # 7129) on :
Ender, Wiggin' Out

<---so sorry, just caught a recap of American Idol..Seacrest out.

okay, just to throw out a few:

Ender Evolution
Ender's Flux
The Passage of Ender
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
Ender and the Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Ender and the Chocolate Factory

[ March 10, 2005, 11:46 AM: Message edited by: AntiCool ]
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
Ender Wiggin and the Half-Blood Alien

Ender Wiggin and the Chamber of Formics

Ender Wiggin and the Prisoner of Ansible

[ March 10, 2005, 11:52 AM: Message edited by: sarcasticmuppet ]
Posted by Ela (Member # 1365) on :
Some of these titles sound like soap operas, others like bad scifi movies. [Eek!]

Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
Ender and the Bad Sci-Fi Movie. [Eek!]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Ender Strikes Back?
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
The Eye Of Ender?
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
[ROFL] I needed this thread to give me a good laugh. And the new Ender book will be cool too... [Razz] I confess I've been so swamped I haven't done any reading for a while and I still need to go by SotG.


[ March 10, 2005, 12:23 PM: Message edited by: BannaOj ]
Posted by solo (Member # 3148) on :
Never Ender
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
Posted by TheHumanTarget (Member # 7129) on :
How about: Boy Enderupted
Posted by Mark (Member # 6393) on :
Ender's Giant
Posted by Mormo (Member # 5799) on :
Ender the Dragon
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
Crouching Bean Hidden Ender
Posted by Mark (Member # 6393) on :
Ender and the Giant
Ender and the Shadow of the Giant.
Ender and the Giant's Shadow

My favorite so far is "Ender and the Bean Stalk." Plays on the whole giant thing without mentioning "giant"!
Posted by Belgarath (Member # 4) on :
Enders Duty

Enders Cross
(andrews cross)

Enders Infamy
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
Ender, Search for a Perfect Planet


Ender, Formic Diplomat

Ender the Negotiator

Ender's Interpratation

Ender's Redemption

Ender's Path

Ender's Plan

Ender's Search

Edit of the Edit:

Ender's Meditation

Ender's Calling

[ March 10, 2005, 01:31 PM: Message edited by: SteveRogers ]
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
I really like Ender's Exile.

Other thoughts:

Ender Wandering
Ender's Course
Ender Abroad
Ender Adrift
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
Ender's Suffering

Ender, Shadowed by the Giant

Ender's Decision

Ender's Sin

Ender, New Age Prophet

(not seriously) Ender, Still Kicking

Ender's Revenge

Ender's Memories

Ender's Sister

Ender's Mind


Ender's Jeesh

[ March 10, 2005, 01:33 PM: Message edited by: SteveRogers ]
Posted by IanO (Member # 186) on :
I really liked

Ender Adrift


Ender the Xenocide

The latter because if the book deals with the hatred that grows toward Ender's actions, it would fit perfectly.

The former is suitablly sad and indicative that Ender has not yet found his purpose or calling as a speaker.
Posted by starlooker (Member # 7495) on :


Ender Reviled (if he is beginning to become hated. It may be that Achilles II has something to do with Ender's reputation turning around, alongside The Hive Queen making the human race ashamed of itself).

By the way, is Starways Congress beginning to form around this time? If so, would there be pressure on Ender to run for Hegemon or something? (Ender for President)

Ender's Growth (an idea I liked for all of two seconds until I realized it sounds like our hero has a tumor).

Another thought: If Starways Congress is getting off the ground, and we're still in a timeframe in which genetic research is looking for a cure for Bean, might this be the point in time when they start experimenting with Path? Is there a role Achilles II might play in that? After all, if Ender meets him as an adult, Achilles II will have figured out that there is something very wrong with him and may be carrying quite the vendetta against humankind.

Ender's Path

Ender's Road

Ender's Heart (if it's a Valentine-focused novel. Which I would very much like to see -- Valentine as a youngish woman. Eh, who am I kidding. I would like to see Valentine at my age. I'm 25 now, so if the novel comes out in say, two years, shoot for making her 27.) The title itself is a bit cheesy, though.

Ender's Solitude (perhaps less harsh than Ender Reviled)

Ender Wandering

Ender Connected (Connecting? Connects?)

With Achilles II there, and possibly a member of the jeesh running the colony... wow. Ender really cannot seem to get away from his past. Almost like a dark presence following him, dooming him to remember... oh, wow! I have a title. It's coming to me. Wait for it...

Ender's Shadow!

Oh. Nevermind. Too bad, though.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :

I think that is how that word is spelled.
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
I still like Ender, Formic Diplomat .........
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
That story has already been written, and it's called Investment Counselor.
I've actually been waiting for school to be over so I could come back and ask this question: Is this book going to include a bit of the Investment Counselor story? Also in response to the quote, Investment Counselor only told about how he first came to know of Speaking, not really how he first started doing it himself (if I remember correctly).

If the new book involved Ender speaking at all, you would have to take into account the Investment Counselor timeline any way. (Well, you wouldn't have to, but whatever.)

*goes back to actually read the rest of the second page*
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
Ender's Regret

Ender's Defeat

Endangered Ender

Ender's Inner Demon

(This all suck! [Cry] )
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
Are there any words out there that haven't been coupled with Ender and thrown in as a title?
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
Ender's Regret

Ender's Defeat

Endangered Ender

Ender's Inner Demon

(These all suck! [Cry] )
Posted by beatnix19 (Member # 5836) on :
Um... I'm not so good at the funny. Oh, well. It is, however, really cool to see the attention Mr. Card is paying the site these past 24 hours. I personally think there are a few titles here that could really work and a few that are just awesomelly funny. Wish I was creative enough to contribute either. Oh, well. A full day at school with my students usually destroys the old brain juices for a good couple hours.

Keep it up guys. It would be great for a suggestion to make it all the way to the cover.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Pop! That word choice was a big-time spoiler. [No No]
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
Thanks a lot Rivka, you're pointing out the spoileriness of it made me dwell on Pop's suggestion as a spoiler rather than something else. [No No] [Wink]
Posted by 0range7Penguin (Member # 7337) on :
Ender's Legacy because this book would be when everyone first started hating him due to his books and that is his Legacy.

I liked Papa Moose's Ender's Fall but Personally I think the Fall of Ender sounds better.

Possibly Ender in Exile ?

Ender's Love -He could fall in love with the child. Not in a sexual way but possibly as a parental figure.
Posted by starlooker (Member # 7495) on :
Good lord. Once I started thinking of titles, I couldn't stop. The more I think, the worse they get.

Ender's Exit

Enderogyny (in which he disguises himself as a woman to escape notoriety).




Ender Enduring (Ender's Endurance?)

Ender's Choice

Ender's Burden

Ender's Mark (referencing the Mark of Cain)

I really wish Ender didn't have to be in the title.
Posted by Avatar300 (Member # 5108) on :
Ender Amongst the Stars
Ender's Rise
Ender's Calling or Ender's Call

Not quite so serious as the above serious
Ender's Life
Ender's Reality
The Decline and Fall of Ender Wiggins
Ender Wiggins: Bug Exterminator
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Saw the link from VBS...though I'd post a few ideas.

Ender's Worlds

The Worlds of Ender

A Bridge for Ender (cheese, I know)

Ender's Time

Ender's Story

Ender's Stories

Ender: Shadows of his Past

Pastwatch: The Redemption of Andrew Wiggin (jokin')

Ender's Journey

Ender's Journies

Ender: Speaking to his Past

Ender: Speaker for his Past
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
But, sm, . . . it WASN'T his suggestion that was the spoiler. It was an entirely different word choice that he made.
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
*refrains from looking at post in question*


*must read SotG soon* [Frown]

[ March 10, 2005, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: sarcasticmuppet ]
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
Ender's Gift
Ender's Point
Ender's Cross
Ender: Shadowboxing
Ender in Shadow
Ender's Wounds
Ender's Scar
Life After Death: A Tale of Ender and Bean
or maybe: From Death, Life: A Tale of Ender and Bean
Ender's Mirror
Ender's Failure
Ender's Awakening
Ender's Rebirth
Ender: Birth and Rebirth
Ender's Key
Ender's Vision
Ender Revised
Ender Revisted

I'm Ok, You're Ender
The World According To Ender
Odds and Enders
Ender's Fender Bender
My Parents Sent Me to Battle School and All I Got Was This Lousy Xenocide
Ender and the Art of Starship Matainence
We Must Save Ender's Brain
Ender: Funky Disco Bandit
How Ender Got His Groove Back
Bean's My Baby's Daddy
Ender And Valentine On the Road to <Colony Name>
Ender's Five O'Clock Shadow

[ March 10, 2005, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: MrSquicky ]
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Ender's Redemption - Ender will be facing the first vesitges of his changed reputation from hero to monster. The redemption will be his ability to redeem Bean's last child.

Ender's Heart - bad pun on Valentine, who will have to be with him, of course. Ignore this, I couldn't help myself.

Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
You know, strangely enough, Dagonee, I like your last idea, if your single word title was truly a suggestion. I don't know if anyone else agrees with me, but for an important novel such as this one, the profound title "Ender" on the cover may be just what it needs.

Or maybe I'm just weird.

[ March 10, 2005, 03:49 PM: Message edited by: Andrew ]
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
No, it was a failed deletion, which now I can't edit because you noticed. [Grumble] [Smile]

But it might work. Ender has to decide to leave, and then he has to decide to become itinerant. If this novel accomplishes both, then the title might be good, because the next title choronologically is "Speaker for the Dead," his adopted title.
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Yes, I'm evil that way. [Evil]

But yeah, I like that title a lot. When the title's start getting too long or too similar to already published works it starts to make them a bit cheesy sounding, in my opinion.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
By the way, OSC - if you're still reading...

Thanks, kinda, for the mention of my state in SoTG:

"If Peter Wiggin wins everything he's trying to win, then Armenia will be.... Kansas"
Not sure what kind of back-handed compliment/insult that was -- but sometimes all publicity is good publicity... [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

Posted by scottneb (Member # 676) on :
I personally like Ender's Guilt because somewhere in the book he has to be forgotten and the guilt of young-Ender has to be pushed away from older-Ender. That's just my two cents.
Posted by Eisenoxyde (Member # 7289) on :
I can't believe no one as suggested Passion of the Ender yet!
Other funny ones:
The Ender Identity (followed by The Ender Supremacy)
Return of the Ender
Ender's Adventure with Mikal's Songbird on Treason

Here is my serious suggestions now:
Ender's Choice
Ender's Life
Ender's Dilemma (referring to his legacy changing from hero to monster)
Ender Unmasked

[ March 10, 2005, 04:14 PM: Message edited by: Eisenoxyde ]
Posted by Heffaji (Member # 3669) on :
Ender's Gender Bender(Ender views a historical TV show and models himself after a wrestler)
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
Any reference to Kansas or Armenia is intended in the nicest possible way.

These are good suggestions, folks - eiher funny-good or useful-good. And it often takes a LOT of suggestions before people come up with the right one.

At the moment, my favorites are:

ender adrift
ender in exile
ender awakening
fall of ender

but we're saving them ALL, since we don't have any rush to make a decision.

Meanwhile, of course we can't have ender do a speaking in this book, because he explicitly doesn't do one till InvC; sorry I forgot. But no sweat, we've got a good basic mix. It's a situation fraught with opportunity <grin>.

Meanwhile, I'm deeply fond of all the impossible titles, as well. Though the idea is to have a title that differentiates this book from all the others, not one that will confuse everybody (like "Ender's Giant Shadow," which would make it impossible for anyone ever to tell any of the books apart). <grin>
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
The Mask of Ender (he goes around slashing giant W's into people's clothing and upholstery)
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Another Ender

Yeah, I realize that one's not so great, but I'm just naming everything I can think of.

Edit: Nice one! Antonio Banderas Jr. can play the part...if such a clone exists.

[ March 10, 2005, 07:27 PM: Message edited by: Andrew ]
Posted by scottneb (Member # 676) on :
I still like Ender's Guilt, as Pops pointed out on page two, Mr. Card.
Posted by Zalmoxis (Member # 2327) on :
Tracing Ender
Posted by scottneb (Member # 676) on :
Ender Goes to Washington!

You know there has to be one world named that. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :

I know it breaks the rules in a sense, but once again, I'm just naming whatever comes to mind.

Ender Lost

Ender's Mind

Ender: A Child
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Ender's Lives
Posted by scottneb (Member # 676) on :
Ender's 9 Lives (Ender gets a job on planet Broadway as an actor in 'Cats.')

[ March 10, 2005, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: scottneb ]
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :

Posted by St. Yogi (Member # 5974) on :
Meeting Ender

Ender Wiggin


Ender's Cocoon

Ender's Planet

Planet Ender

Ender's Future

Ender's Voyage

Ender's Knowledge
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
Forgive me if these have already been said.

Ender's Fire

Ender's Touch

Child of the Word

Ender's Voice

Ender's Echo
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
This book should end the same way Spike Lee decided to end Malcolm X, with 10 or 15 minutes of tear-jerkingly boring scenes of kids standing up all-over the hundred worlds saying "I am Ender Wiggin" with a low voice-over proclaiming how great Ender was and that his spirit still lives on (and in this case, he'll be right!)

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by Reykjavik (Member # 7494) on :
The Passion of the Ender

I suppose at some level it depends on the proposed interaction of Randi/Achille II and Ender and Val...

Naturally I assume confict, if for no other reason and a simple story of "Uncle Ender" coming to the rescure of poor abused, deluded Achille II would make for a lifetime tv special, but not an especially good book. [Big Grin] But that's just me...

Being that Ender has already saved humanity from the buggars, it's not like he has a whole lot to prove, however if he is still dealing with his guilt from the hive queen, wait, that's depressing... blah...

What is it about this kid that Ender is going to like/dislike... what motivated the characters...

Sooner or later the sins of the father comes to rest upon the head of the child...

Ender & the children of the legume
Ender & the one that got away
Ender's Adversary
Ender's Foe
Ender's Child
Ender & Briseis

While Briseis is a reference to Petra from SofH, it also could be used to describe Randi, who has found her captivity to Achilles (though self-imposed) to be sweet. She could be called the wedded wife of Achilles, in death, if not in life. But that is an insanity I assume OSC will tread upon in the yet to be written novel.

Well, I appear to just be rambling now... so... (clicks the post button)
Posted by Beren One Hand (Member # 3403) on :
Ender the Planetside
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I have to voice my opinion about using Ender the Xenocide. It's a pretty big change, from the lauded boy hero of Ender's Game, to reading Speaker for the Dead and finding that boy now reviled by everyone. Even in SOTG, there's beginnings of calling Ender the Xenocide. Perhaps this link could also explore the development of Ender from the hero to the evil in the minds of the masses. It's this transformation, it seems, that sends Ender to being a Speaker.
Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
I just wanted to say I would really appreciate it if the following titles do not get seriously considered:

Million Dollar Ender
The United States of Ender
Of Mice and Ender

Okay? [Wink]

(Think I'm seriously overdue for a day off. And time for some enjoyable reading, come to think of it.)
Posted by Taalcon (Member # 839) on :
If you're going to go the exile route, why not simplify it to Ender's Exile? That way you get the traditional "Ender's" in there.

That gets my vote.

And as cool as Shadows in Flight is, I was always kind of hoping for Children of the Shadow - it parallels both the titles of the Shadow series, plus parallels the final Speaker book - signifying a nice little connection between them both. It's as if you took "Children of the Mind" and "Ender's Shadow", and they met at a mixer, and, years down the road, had a kid. Voila, Children of the Shadow.

[ March 10, 2005, 05:09 PM: Message edited by: Taalcon ]
Posted by Reykjavik (Member # 7494) on :
Hmm... Hot Soup, Volescu, Randi and Achille II all on the world of Path... <throwing out ideas>

Ender's Path
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Beginning of the Ender?

sm, I haven't managed to get my hot little hands on SotG either. Which is why I noticed the word -- it (combined with the first few chapters that I read here) made me go "OH!"

And this
[Edit -- apparently there's a spoiler for something here. Not sure what. So here's the warning, I guess. But if you haven't read all the Ender/Shadow books, you shouldn't be giving suggestions anyway. So there. Nyeh.]

just made me [ROFL] !

[ March 10, 2005, 05:25 PM: Message edited by: rivka ]
Posted by scottneb (Member # 676) on :
...or even Shadow of the Children.
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
If Jane is going to be involved in anyway:

Ender's Assitant

Anything else:

Ender's Dynasty (if he ends up on Path)

Ender, Formic Diplomat (still hoping)

Ender's Curse (you know the whole everyone hates me thing)

Ender's Burden (he carries a lot on his shoulders)

Ender's Hope (he is hoping that getting off Earth will make people forget about the whole Xenocide thing)

Ender, Erased from History (crap)

( I really don't like the whole have to have Ender in the title thing, that really limits possibilites, and in a way its bad publicity; people will think you are just trying to grab their attention because it has Ender's name in it)

Graff's Puppet, Ender Wiggin (referring to his past)

( I ran out of ideas for now)


PuppetMaster Ender (he kind of controls a lot of important stuff)

[ March 10, 2005, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: SteveRogers ]
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
Knight Ender (Ender survives an assasination attempt that everyone thinks kills him. He comes back, with a new face and a souped up spaceship with an AI he calls "Jane" (or KAMA, whichever). They fight crime.)

A Comedy of Enders (Ender's parents tell him that he has a twin brother that they shot into space for some reason and he sets out in pursuit. Upon reaching one planet, he is suprised to find everyone there treats him like they know him. At the same, his twin brother, Bob, is being hassled by people who keep saying they gave him things or he promised to do something for him. Hilarity ensues, until the two brothers meet, reconcile, and open up a donut shop.)

Dr. Valentine and Mr. Peter (Before Ender's two halves got created when he jumped out of space-time, they showed up as the result of Ender's mad experiments in separating out the good genes from the bad ones. Audio version done by Julia Roberts affecting an awful Scottish brogue.)
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
The Ender?

Fellowship of the Ender?

The Two Enders?

Return of the Ender?

Ender: A New Game

Ender: The Empire Strikes Back

Ender: Return of the Formics

Ender of the Lost Arc

Ender and the Temple of Doom

Indiana Jones and Enders Crusade

(though Enders Crusade does seem kind of cool)

Ender Reloaded

Ender Revolutions

The Ender Identity

The Ender Supremecy

Back to the Ender

The Wrath of Ender

The Search for Ender

Ender: The Voyage Home

Ender: The Final Frontier

Ender: New Generations

Enders First Contact

Ender: Insurrection

Ender's Nemesis

Ender: The Lost World

I can keep this up all day.

Ender: Judgement Day

Ender: Rise of the Machines
Posted by beatnix19 (Member # 5836) on :
Ender Cruising

Ender's Move

Ender A Go-Go

Ender, Seed of Doubt

Ender, Combat Evolved

Ender Evolved

The Endernator

The Lion, the Ender, and the Warship

Enderscopy, Tiny Holes

Ender Wiggin, Interplanetary Man of Mystery

Um... yep. Been home blowing up the covenant for a while and the brains working again. Doesn't mean I'm funny or clever but at least something's coming to mind.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
Ender: A space oddyssy.
Ender and the chamber of secrets.
Ender and the prisoner of Azkaban!
Ender and the Goblet of Fire.
Ender and the Order of the Pheonix
Ender and the Half Blood Prince.

How about Ender's Price?

Myeh, back to the parodies...

Ender: Cruise Control
Posted by Quimby2999 (Member # 7044) on :
Ender's Xenocidal Speaking Game


Ender Wonderland

Ye need no other title.

[ March 10, 2005, 06:08 PM: Message edited by: Quimby2999 ]
Posted by Beren One Hand (Member # 3403) on :
Ender: Buy the Book Already
Posted by tern (Member # 7429) on :
Why can't Ender do a speaking for the Dead...what if the colony is Moctezuma (or whatever) and Bean's child grows up to be San Angelo. SftD refered to this...(I think I may have characters and places somewhat confused). In which case, I like Speaker Ender.
Posted by Quimby2999 (Member # 7044) on :
I got it!

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Enderverse!
Posted by theamazeeaz (Member # 6970) on :
The Relative Journey of Ender Wiggin
(a little pun on how Ender stays so young and who he meets on his way)
Posted by Raylborn (Member # 7344) on :
If Jane is involved,

Ender's Ally

Ender's Companion

Other titles:
Ender's Matriarch - The lady could possibly become like a second mother, and life goes like that and problems etc etc

Ender's Excursion

Ender's Origin - telling of his past before Battle School.

Well, those are my ideas I don't know if they're good or not, but whatever [Razz] [ROFL]
Posted by Dread Pendragon (Member # 7239) on :
Series Ender [Wink]

[ March 10, 2005, 06:26 PM: Message edited by: Dread Pendragon ]
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
See now all kinds of VBSers are leaking out of the cracks. We need concrete to keep my kind from getting in! [Razz] [Big Grin]
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
Ender's Discovery

Ender's Progress

Ender's Goal
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
Not that that it matters, but I actually thought that the Mazer book was a better idea. I don't usually like it when stories are crammed between other stories. I prefer direct sequels or prequels. Oh well. I haven't been disappointed by an Enderverse novel yet, so I'm still expecting it to be great.

Anyway, as for a title, I haven't finished SotG, so maybe I'll have a better idea when I know how it ends, but for now I suggest: "Ender's Legacy"

Based on when it takes place, I figure that it would have to involve Ender dealing with the transition of his legacy from that of a saviour to that of a monster. And I think it sounds dramatic, and just plain cool [Big Grin]
Posted by Jutsa Notha Name (Member # 4485) on :
The Ender Years

Ender's Crossing

Ender's Collecting

Ender's Extension

Ender's Transformation

Ender Ascending

Ender's Conformation

Ender: the Early Years
Posted by aragorn64 (Member # 4204) on :
What about more play on "End Game" from chess? Wasn't that where you got the idea for Ender's name, Mr. Card? I'm trying to think of a title that wouldn't be too similar to Ender's Game.

But then again, a title like that doesn't sound like it would be totally applicable to the plot of this new story. Ender's "End Games" seem to stop at the Xenocide. If another novel tried to follow those same topics it wouldn't seem as fresh.

Just brainstorming here.
Posted by Raylborn (Member # 7344) on :
Pick myne pick myne [Razz]

If Jane is involved,

Ender's Ally

Ender's Companion

Other titles:
Ender's Matriarch - The lady could possibly become like a second mother, and life goes like that and problems etc etc

Ender's Excursion

Ender's Origin - telling of his past before Battle School.

Well, those are my ideas I don't know if they're good or not, but whatever
Posted by Dread Pendragon (Member # 7239) on :
"Ender's Got Game"

Whaaat? There aren't any sports on any of the colonies? It could end in a dramatic game of one-on-one, where Ender defeats the 7'5" Bean prodigency by giving him a heart attack from exertion. [Dont Know] "The enemy's hoop is up"
Posted by digging_holes (Member # 6237) on :
Foundation's Ender : Ender encounters a time-warp that catapults him back into the mid-twentieth century and, while there, accidentally kills Isaac Asimov.

Journey's Ender : Ender has a barefoot adventure in Belize.

Book Ender : Ender gets a part-time job making sure books don't fall down.

[ March 10, 2005, 07:30 PM: Message edited by: digging_holes ]
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Bridges to Ender

A Bridge to Ender

Ender's Infamy

Ender's Identity
Posted by aragorn64 (Member # 4204) on :
Heh, I'm kind of partial to Foundation's Ender.

Hey, that could lead to some paradoxical situations...if Isaac Asimov never writes the Foundation series then Orson Scott Card either may not be inspired to be an author, or he may not become an author of sf. And if he doesn't then Ender would never be invented which means he couldn't go back to kill Asimov which means OSC WOULD invent Ender which means that....

Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
For some reason, I loathe paradox. [Dont Know]
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Paradox makes the world go round!

Can I step off for a moment?

Posted by BSquallGuitarist (Member # 7503) on :
Ok here's a few ideas...

Sailing the Stars

Relative Relations

Ender's Struggle


Andrew's Travels

[ March 10, 2005, 07:47 PM: Message edited by: BSquallGuitarist ]
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Has to have "Ender" in the title, but whatever.
Posted by m0ldova (Member # 769) on :
Ender's Demons (his demons are Achille as well as Ender having to deal with his guilt over the buggers and people starting to hate him)

Ender's Struggle

SoTG spoiler.......

is Volescu going to be traveling on to this new colony as well?
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
Its a lurker! [Angst] J/K

Anways, ideas:

Ender's Dynasty

Ender, Formic Diplomat

Ender's Meditation

Ender's Legacy

PuppetMaster Ender

(All ideas I suggested earlier that I am repeating.)
Posted by UTAH (Member # 5032) on :
sarcasticmuppet: I am just reading through the posts and when I hit "Crouching Bean, Hidden Ender", I laughed outloud for some reason...

... back to reading. . .
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
How Ender Got His Groove Back
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
Hey SteveRogers, I thought that "Ender's Legacy" was mine. I don't recall seeing it before.

*edit* after doing a quick search I dicovered that it was posted before, but by someone else. Ah well, I'll try to think of something even better.

[ March 10, 2005, 08:10 PM: Message edited by: neo-dragon ]
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Piggybacking off T-Smith...

Ender's New Groove

Posted by UTAH (Member # 5032) on :
While Ender Was Sleeping
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
"Well now, lets not be pointing fingers about who killed who."

"He killed the best man!"

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist it. Oh and I was sure I posted Ender's Legacy. What a bother. Oh well I suppose it doesn't matter......
Posted by m0ldova (Member # 769) on :
I'm definitely a lurker- but the dream of getting my name in the acknowledgments of one of OCS's books has me sitting in front of the computer with my dictionary and thesaurus hoping to find the perfect title. [The Wave]

Please pick me!!!

Ender's Disgrace

Ender's Vision
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
As you probably guessed, you are going to have a bit of competition. I think a lot of us here would do anything to get listed in the acknowledgements of one of his books. Except for those who already have, who hence have bragging rights. [Razz]

Edit to clarify: I have NOT been listed. If you wondered from the tongue sticking out smiley. That was just because I was bored.

[ March 10, 2005, 08:22 PM: Message edited by: SteveRogers ]
Posted by Emily W (Member # 7504) on :
A Story for Ender

The Key to Ender

The Heart of Ender

I don’t think anyone mentioned those yet.

If you did I didn’t mean to steal them.
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :

Hey, what if there was just a page of all of us who suggested titles and other such things...

It'd be nice! Plus, I know a lot of the great ideas I've seen so far (not all, but some) were inspired by other ideas, so for whatever title OSC picks, there really isn't a singular person to be thanked, since this is a collective idea pool where everyone helps.

Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Ender's Conscience
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
I still think that Ender, Formic Diplomat is the best. And that one was all me! [Big Grin]
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
As you probably guessed, you are going to have a bit of competition. I think a lot of us here would do anything to get listed in the acknowledgements of one of his books. Except for those who already have, who hence have bragging rights. [Razz]

Trust me, even those who already have been mentioned would love for it to happen again! It's not the kind of honour one grows tired of.

But even though I wasn't the first to say it, "Ender's Legacy" is still my favourite at the moment.

[ March 10, 2005, 08:28 PM: Message edited by: neo-dragon ]
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
And so modest, too, Steve.

Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
They won't if I can help it! [Razz]

Edit: Yes, Andy, yes I am. [Big Grin] Now go post in Salamander Army you lazy bum! You joined now do something about it! I've been posting in your army! [Razz] [Taunt] [Big Grin]

[ March 10, 2005, 08:31 PM: Message edited by: SteveRogers ]
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Steve, not to get too off topic here, but I deleted my profile from your records. Also, I've got the flu, so I can't really think straight!

[ March 10, 2005, 08:48 PM: Message edited by: Andrew ]
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
You deleted your profile? Why? Now I feel as if I have done something wrong, and that I'm hated. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! [Frown] [Cry] [Wall Bash] [Cry]

Title idea:

Ender's Disgrace
Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
Wasn't there a youngster who went with Ender to see the Giant? :chills:

Then there is the Arabic transliteration of Shakespeare. Sheik Zubayr, or "king of the diminutive... member". Shakespeare is the name of the colony, no? Otherwise I've told a naughty joke for absolutely no reason.

Ender's Fame? (I wanna live forever, I wanna learn how to fly...high)

On the rhyming idea, I always though Ender's Chateau would be a funny spin off. Okay, I need to read more of this thread.
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Alright, Steve, I only quit because it seems hard to enter an army halfway through integration that's already existed for a while.

Now we ought to probably end this conversation, at least on this forum, as it's quite a bit off topic.
Posted by m0ldova (Member # 769) on :
Chasing Ender
Ender's Followers
Posted by beatnix19 (Member # 5836) on :
"My Name is Ender and I'm a Spaceaholic: It's Been Three Weeks Since My Last Voyage"

"Ender: The Sequel Before the Sequel that isn't Quite Parallel"
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
If we didn't have to use Ender, I'd nominate The Rise and Fall of the Third.

Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Finding Ender

Xenocides Anonymous ( [Razz] )

Ender's Exploration
Posted by K.K. Slyder (Member # 7416) on :
Ender's Abyss
Ender's Test
Ender's Return (meaning the return to his old life with his jeesh)
War Against Ender
Avuncular Ender
Ender's Jeesh
Ender's Renaissance
Ender's Grasp
Ender's Enlightenment
Ender Rising
Ender's Death (meaning the final death of the little boy Ender into the adults Andrew, the last of his life with his jeesh)
Ender Renewal
Ender's Melee
Ender's Fray
Ender's Weakness
Ender's Verdict
Ender's Justice

Oh and Aragorn- the whole paradox you're speaking of. Grandfather paradox- OSC already solved it in Pastwatch. See, the temporal flow of time and the flow of causality are two separate things. Time is linear, causality is not.

[ March 10, 2005, 09:06 PM: Message edited by: K.K. Slyder ]
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :

Yes, once again, a rule-breaker, but whatever. I just name whatever I can think of.
Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
Okay, I still haven't read page 2 yet, but I gotta go. Chess terminology:

Ender's Pawn
Ender's promotion
Ender's Tour
Ender's Courtier
Ender En Passant
Ender's Rank
Ender's File
Ermmm... I'm supposed to know a lot more about chess than this.

Ender's fork: A fork is a situation in a game where two valuable pieces are threatened by the same opponent. I could see this applying. Assuming the kid is a tad resentful, he could be after Ender and Valentine, and to the supervillain thing of valentine on the one hand or the busload of innocent children. Though I kind of hoped Randi's child will be redeemed. I was going to have a long post about this once, intelligence and morality and parents with personality disorders.
Posted by Emily W (Member # 7504) on :
The Road to Ender
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
Ender the Dragon [Big Grin]
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Ender's Love (if they have a thing)

For the Love of Ender (if she wants to and they don't)

Ender's Choice (to go or stay)

Ender's Battle (for his reputation, or whatever) idea...
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Checkmate Ender

Ender's Endgame
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
I kind of like Return to Ender. You could have him do some karaoke in there.

[annoying speculation alert]
You know, Ender at this point is like a Superstar, right? I mean, he's the equivalent of a rock God, so he sort of has to come full circle to "be himself," maybe he tries to recapture the childhood he never had. He's divested himself of at least part of his burden by writing The Hive Queen and the Hegemon. He's got great things to do, but really isn't his flitting around at FTL sort of an attempt at delayed adolesence anyway?

So he goes a little goofy. Maybe even gets full of himself? Self-indulgent. Believing his own hype?

or...another way of looking at it is that all this running away is kind of self-indulgence too...
[/annoying speculation alert]

Anyway, I think this is going to be an exciting book because if anyone can write about character changes and get the personality stuff right, it's OSC. How cool!!!


Is it finished yet?

How about now?


How 'bout now?

Happy writing!

[ March 10, 2005, 09:28 PM: Message edited by: Bob_Scopatz ]
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
That's it! It'll require TWO more books (sneaky grin) but here are the titles - as shared by other folks earlier:

Ender's Exile
Ender's Redemption

Otherwise, Ender Will Never Not Ever Kill a Bugger Again (to go along with my new favorite children's book: I Will Never Not Ever Eat A Tomato I Will Never Not Ever Eat A Tomato)
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I'm partial to A Book About Ender! Or, The Publishers Want Me to Reassure You That Ender's in This Book.
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
Ender is the Knight

Love Me Ender

Rear Ender (subtitle; accidental tourist?)

Game Ender (he beat the Hive Queen at the buzzer? Or, I guess that might go along with Rear Ender too... Does the Hive Queen have a buzzer? Hmmm...

Ender's High Score

Ender Shrugged

Just because I couldn't resist...
Ender's Same -- this could be great -- the story of Ender's Game told from the perspective of one of the other characters!!! How's that for a cool idea?
Next one could be Ender's Replay...
<insert sheepish apology here to OSC>

Maybe a serious one or two:
Ender's Time

Ender's Frontier or Ender's Horizon

Ender's Victory (because we all know victory is bittersweet)
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
Say, Bob, did you invite the Cards to the wedding? [Wink]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
They're Hatrackers, so they're invited.
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
No derailing! [No No]
Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
Ender's Gambit?
aww, someone already suggested that on page 1

[ March 10, 2005, 10:11 PM: Message edited by: mothertree ]
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
Ender's Venison

[ March 10, 2005, 10:22 PM: Message edited by: Bob_Scopatz ]
Posted by scottneb (Member # 676) on :
...yuk, yuk, yuk...

[EDIT] Awww! Bob edited the joke out! Now I just seem like a rambling idiot (of course not that I really am [Angst] ).

[ March 10, 2005, 11:00 PM: Message edited by: scottneb ]
Posted by yonush (Member # 7506) on :
The Speaker's shadow
Ender's beginning.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
Ender: New Beginning


The Wheel of Ender
The Sword of Ender

Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
grr . . . jumped by a newbie . . . [Mad] [Wink]
Posted by Heffaji (Member # 3669) on :
Ender Inchoate

or for the possible videogame release

Super Ender

[ March 10, 2005, 10:38 PM: Message edited by: Heffaji ]
Posted by arevoj (Member # 7347) on :
Ender's Evolution

Edit: Looking back through the pages, Scooter listed this one first...

[ March 10, 2005, 10:46 PM: Message edited by: arevoj ]
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
Ender's House ...

So maybe I'll give up and simply include this entire thread in the book as an afterword. That way I could simply leave off a whole chapter and turn in a 90,000 word manuscript. Save a couple of days.

But then I'd have to give away so many copies of the book ... but I'll just tell my mom, "Sorry, we ran out!"
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Endertrek: The Next Iteration (and we already have the cover art)

Ender's Transition- where he has extensive psychotherapy sessions that never quite get him over the Xenocide trauma

I can't come up with anything good, but don't do anything "falling" Because you've already got "Earthfall" in the Homecoming series. I'd vote for the simple "Ender and Valentine" over anything cutesy. It is enough to catch the interest, but doesn't reveal much of anything about the plot.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
A Mind For Ender Voyaging

Actually, I don't mind Ender Voyaging, although it might be too close to Alvin Journeyman, especially once you consider the thematic elements. Is Valentine Arthur Stuart or the plow? *grin*

[ March 10, 2005, 10:52 PM: Message edited by: TomDavidson ]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Funny, the first thing that pops into my head after reading "Ender Adrift" is "Innocents Abroad" even though I don't think I've read the Twain book.

Posted by arevoj (Member # 7347) on :
Ender's Got (No) Game

ugh! [Smile]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
AJ, the exact same thing happens to me. [Smile]
Posted by scottneb (Member # 676) on :
Ender's Giant Shadow
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Neither an Ender nor a Borrower Be
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
But then I'd have to give away so many copies of the book ... but I'll just tell my mom, "Sorry, we ran out!"
That reminds me: If you're still reading, Mr. Card, I just wanted to say that I tried to send you a 'thank you' email (via Mrs. Card's email address) for the signed copy of SotG which you sent me, and the mention in the acknowledgments. However, I got back some automated hotmail message about delivery of my email being delayed or something [Dont Know] So in case it never got through, I just wanted to say thanks. It really makes up for you not coming to Canada [Big Grin]

Oh, I'm Jason, by the way.
Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
[ROFL] rivka

Ender is the night
Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
Ender and the Goblet of Fire
Beginners and Enders
Being Ender Wiggin
Ender Begin Again
Ender and the Temple of Doom
Ender Plays CARDS
Ender and Andrew, Transformation
Ender Lost and Found
Ender, Confessions of a Preteen Xenocide

OK, i think i made myself ill. My profuse apologies for these... If you now feel the need to smack me, i probably deserve it.

[ March 11, 2005, 01:55 AM: Message edited by: mimsies ]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Endlessly Ender
An Ender Look
Ender's Surrender
Ender's Defenders
I Coulda Been an Ender!
Render unto Ender
Ender's Blender (pina coladas!)
Posted by BSquallGuitarist (Member # 7503) on :
Some more... Enderish ones (I'm not a lurker I saw the thread linked over in VBS and jumped to this thread, making a new account.)

Ender's Gate
Ender's New Beginning
Ender's Political Game (joking?)
Ender's Utopia
Ender and the Universe
Ender Blasts Off
Ender's Peace
Ender's Second War
Ender The Xenocide
Ender's Escape
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
Ender's Back
This reminds me too much of all those cards in the old Star Wars TCG where you could recover a card you'd lost earlier in the game... they all had pictures of the said characters backs...

Luke's Back, Han's Back, Leia's Back, Obi Wan's Back... it went on and on..
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
Oooh! I like Ender's Gate. That's pretty good.

Ender's Peace -- oops, that's been suggested already. Sorry. I do like it though.

Ender's Mirror It's like Ender's Shadow except in this one he spends a lot of time reflecting, neh? (okay, that's too silly)

Ender's Run I like this because in the original there's a sense of "End Game" and now you can play off of "End Run". Plus he's, um..., running.

More silliness:

To Your Scattered Enders Go!

Ender's Lender Hey, someone had to finance all that travel.

Pretender Ender Cuz he's pretending he's someone else and because this is before he becomes tender.

Now, if OSC wanted to pull a late-life Azimov (not now, but MUCH later) he could knit the Homecoming, Alvin Maker and Ender series together. That could be called simply MEnder. Or Battle School Homecoming at Hatrack River.
Scottneb -- you should just pretend you got the joke without help. Others are just puzzled.

[ March 11, 2005, 09:06 AM: Message edited by: Bob_Scopatz ]
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
I like Ender's Peace, which at least a couple of people have suggested. It makes a nice counterpoint to Ender's War, the title of the book club edition that combined Ender's Game and [/i]Speaker for the Dead.[/i]


Ender's Bagels [Big Grin]
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
Ender's Distraction
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Ender's Flight

Ender's Plight

Ender's Fight

Yay for rhymes!
Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
I really like Ender's Gate. Almost as much as Ender's Gambit.
Posted by theamazeeaz (Member # 6970) on :
Maybe you;ll have to make up another word, like Xenocide. Instead of Ender Abroad, it could be Ender Aplanet.
Posted by Scooter (Member # 6915) on :
At the risk of Grandma Card missing out on her copy, I'll post a few more:

My favorite of the following:

Learning of Ender (multiple-perspective title)


Ender’s Passage OR Passages of Ender

Leaving Ender (his reputation; or perhaps refers to someone else in reference to Ender)

Universal Ender

Ender Unacquainted OR Unacquainted with Ender

Ender Acquainted OR Acquainted with Ender

Ender in the Sky with Diamonds

(sorry if any of these have been mentioned already) [Blushing]

[ March 11, 2005, 09:47 AM: Message edited by: Scooter ]
Posted by Proteus (Member # 794) on :
Ender's choice.

The last tempatation of Ender.

Ender's World.

World's of Ender.


I think all the best ones have been taken [Smile]
Posted by Brian_Berlin (Member # 6900) on :
Ender: The Dragon

plays off of dragon army and sounds like the 1973 bruce lee film "enter the dragon"

also sounding fun and contrasting is:
Ender: the Beginning
(spoken it sounds like end of the beginning)

[ March 11, 2005, 10:26 AM: Message edited by: Brian_Berlin ]
Posted by Jqueasy (Member # 7085) on :
Ender gets a swirly.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
More fun ones:

Enderito- In which Ender takes on a failing snack food company and revitalizes it for interstellar travel, including an all new beverage line that has:

Enderade- A power drink for when you need to perform complex space navigation calculations.

Endersure- For the senior in Space.
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
Ender's Other Shadow
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*agrees with mothertree's last post*
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Ender's Battle

Ender's Battlefield

Don't even ask what relevence those have...though I guess it could be considered the battle going on in his own mind...
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
I like how you think, Brian. [Smile]
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
" "


[ March 11, 2005, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: Andrew ]
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Oh, I like Ender's Gate. Seems so obvious now - the mark of a good idea.

How about Ender: Outcast?
Posted by Brian_Berlin (Member # 6900) on :
if the title were to be sort of chess-themed like Ender's Game, it'd be really neat to incorporate something like "En Passant" in the title. It literally means "in passing"

in chess, it is a move made whereby one pawn1 captures pawn2 by pawn1 moving diagonnally behind pawn2 immediately after pawn2 makes an opening move covering 2 squares. a picture is worth a thousand words if you don't know the move:

but "in passing" could both allude to the fact that we're picking up the story midway through. It could also hint at how the foe is ultimately dealth with.

and the fact that both pieces are pawns might be symbolic of something.

"Ender Passant" - would be "Ender Passing"... which I don't like.

Ender En Passant - maybe
Speaker En Passant - better but doesn't say ender

What other words coule be used to describe Ender:
Hero En Passant
Savior En Passant
Children En Passant

something to think about

on a different tack:
could play off of Achille's name

Ender's Achille's Heel

or not.


Wiggin vs. Flanders... sounds too much like the simpsons. "Hididdely ho neighboreeni"

I like "en passant" and think it'd be neat to use
(as a second choic to Ender: the Dragon)


[ March 11, 2005, 11:29 AM: Message edited by: Brian_Berlin ]
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
Ender's Run (though sounds perhaps too much like Logan's Run)
Ender's Zone (might sound too cheesy-sci-fi-ish)
Ender's Play

<Was trying to think of phrases beginning with "end," similar to Ender's Game being based on "end game.">
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
Ender Rex
Ender at Colonus

No, forget those....
Posted by HappyPanda (Member # 7326) on :
My only problem with "En passant" is that I first read it as "The pissant"

Maybe he could go through his teen phase?
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
Oh dear. Boogers on the screen again.

[Big Grin]
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
What about a play on the "game" of Ender's Game? (I think some of these are repeats, so forgive me, please [Smile] ):

Ender's Play
Ender's Joy
Ender's Sport
Ender's Strategy
Ender's Diversion
Ender's Romp
Ender's Duty
Ender's Labor
Ender's Work
Posted by Yozhik (Member # 89) on :
With apologies to Dave Barry:

Another Damn Ender Book

[ March 11, 2005, 01:47 PM: Message edited by: Yozhik ]
Posted by Yozhik (Member # 89) on :
A Mind For Ender Voyaging
WHAT!! Two pages later and nobody, NOBODY picked up on Tom's INFOCOM reference?
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
I like Ender's Victory and Ender's Gate.

Several people have suggested Ender's Passing, and in theory it's good, but it brings to mind several unpleasant bodily functions to me, and that's probably not the goal. [Smile]

[ March 11, 2005, 02:49 PM: Message edited by: Brinestone ]
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
You find these bodily functions to be unpleasant?

Have you seen a doctor about this?
Posted by James Tiberius Kirk (Member # 2832) on :
Icarus: [ROFL]

Connfessions of a Teenage Ender

It had to be posted.

Posted by Little_Doctor (Member # 6635) on :
Enderbob Spacepants

But seriously...

Ender:Speaker in Training
Posted by Steev (Member # 6805) on :
I realize I'm coming into this thread late so because of that I'm probably not going to be of any help anyway but I’ll give it a shot.

Ender Makes Waves
Ender’s Bank Account
Ender and Valentine go to White Castle
Everybody Loves Ender
Ender the Pensioner
Ender the Enderator
Ender and Me
Ender Wiggin and the World of Tomorrow
Ender Hates My Cat
Ender Takes a Holliday
Finding Enderland
I’m Allergic to Ender Wiggin
Ender Kicks the Preverbal Bucket
It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad Enderverse
Ender Gains Weight
Ender Looses a Shoe
Ender Finds Romance
Romancing Ender’s Stone
Ender and Jane and Peter and Valentine
Ender’s Village
Ender’s Cat
Ender Gets Stuck in the LA Airport
Ender Meets Mr. Bungles.
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
The Xenocide and I


Now to get serious:

Ender's Account

Ender's Oddysey

Now, about a suggestion sorta by Dagonee and sorta by me (alright, mostly Dagonee): "Ender." Although I stand by the fact I love this title, take a look at the Finnish cover of Ender's Game. We need to be nice to our friend's in Finland, and this might confuse them a bit. [Big Grin]

[ March 11, 2005, 03:13 PM: Message edited by: Andrew ]
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
or for the possible videogame release

Super Ender

Don't you mean Super Wiggin Brothers?
I loves me some Ender

[ March 11, 2005, 03:25 PM: Message edited by: MidnightBlue ]
Posted by 0range7Penguin (Member # 7337) on :
I know that its supposed to have the word "Ender" in it but what if instead of Ender the title was just "Andrew" This would be the book that would explain his transition from Ender to Andrew so I think it would be a fitting title. If someone already said this I apologize. Its hard to read every suggestion.
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Yeah, and then there wouldn't be any Finnish title translation problems.

Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
You're just agreeing so that you can claim OSC named the book after you! [Wink] [Razz]
Posted by Brian_Berlin (Member # 6900) on :
All Silly:

Ender and the Cruisers
20,000 Light Years Over The Sea
So Long And Thanks For Nothing
7 Habits of Highly Effective Children
The Gazillionaire Next Door
How I turned a measely pension into 42 Gazillion dollars in only two weeks! (relatively speaking) [Wink]
Lord of the bugs
5001 Space Odyssey
Ramen Noodling
The Trondheimian Chronicles
Herbie: The Lovebugger
Bean Hur
Wiggin's Concise Guide to 51st-Century Seamanship
Posted by Gosu (Member # 5783) on :
Hey Card, you want to post chapters 4-6 of Shadow of the Giant? Yes? Sup? Asap?
Posted by St. Yogi (Member # 5974) on :
I, Ender
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
Something Ender This Way Comes
Double Double Ender in Trouble
Posted by Gosu (Member # 5783) on :
Hey, Mr. Card, I have a good idea. How about you write a few short stories about small events in battleschool? For instance, you could write a short story through the eyes of Dink Meeker when he was scouting Ender as a Salamander. The thing is I want to see how Ender reacts to situations that most us go through in our daily lives, like school classes or something.
Posted by digging_holes (Member # 6237) on :
Come on. He's promised no less than three more ender books, and you're asking for more? You people are insatiable.
Posted by Soara (Member # 6729) on :
ok, wow. the title has to be Ender and the Bean Stalk. come on, OSC, recognize brilliance when you see it.
Posted by Jqueasy (Member # 7085) on :
I come from the Land Down Ender
20 leages Ender the Sea
Its the Ender the world as we know it.

[ March 11, 2005, 06:40 PM: Message edited by: Jqueasy ]
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :

[Big Grin]

Ender the Matrix

Finding Ender


But really, here's what I have suggested so far, in jest, and in seriousness:

Ender, Xenocide

Ender the Xenocide

From Ender to Xenocide

Ender's Worlds

The Worlds of Ender

A Bridge for Ender (cheese, I know)

Ender's Time

Ender's Story

Ender's Stories

Ender: Shadows of his Past

Pastwatch: The Redemption of Andrew Wiggin (jokin')

Ender's Journey

Ender's Journies

Ender: Speaking to his Past

Ender: Speaker for his Past

Ender (most credits ought to go to Dagonee for that one)

Another Ender

Wiggin (I know it breaks the rules)

Ender Lost

Ender's Mind

Ender: A Child

Ender's Lives

Bridges to Ender

A Bridge to Ender

Ender's Infamy

Ender's Identity

Ender's New Groove ( [Smile] )

Ender's Conscience

Finding Ender

Xenocides Anonymous ( [Razz] )

Ender's Exploration

Jeesh (rule-breaker)

Ender's Flight

Ender's Plight

Ender's Fight

Ender's Battle

Ender's Battlefield

The Xenocide and I ( [Razz] )

Ender's Account

Ender's Oddysey

Endertwined ( [Big Grin] )

Ender the Matrix ( [Razz] )

Finding Ender ( [Smile] )


Hooray for long pointless posts!
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Wiggin Out!
Posted by Echo (Member # 7513) on :
Hey sorry if any of these are taken already....
[The Wave]
Ender's Renaissance
Ender's Pain
Ender's Resistance
Ender's Revolution
Ender's Darkness
Ender's Silence
[The Wave]
I'll post more later!
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :

rivka wins!!

Posted by ChaosTheory (Member # 7069) on :
Ender's Out of Kansas
Ender's Not in Kansas
Seed of Armenia
Prince of Hayastan (The Armenian word for Armenia)
Son of Yerevan (Armenian Capitol)
The Suffrage of Ender or Ender's Suffrage
Ender's Voice
Ender's Intervention
Ender and the Chamber of Secrets
Ender isn't alone
Meeting old friends
The son of a friend
Ender's Pride
Bean's Child
Ender's Family

[ March 11, 2005, 08:52 PM: Message edited by: ChaosTheory ]
Posted by digging_holes (Member # 6237) on :
An Enderesting Book
Posted by LilBee91 (Member # 7475) on :
My random ideas that might have been said already:
Ender's Search
The Planet-hopping Xenocidal Maniac
Ender's Acne
Life of Ender
Ender Unleashed
First Travels
Ender's Encounter
Ender's Enemy
Only Ender
Valentine and Ender
The New Threat
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
All Good Things Come to an Ender
Terms of Enderment
Ender Round
Valentine Ender Brother
Posted by Little_Doctor (Member # 6635) on :
Ender:Speaker in Training

[ March 11, 2005, 10:31 PM: Message edited by: Little_Doctor ]
Posted by FoolishTook (Member # 5358) on :
I'm voting for ENDER.

I'm imagining the title in stark, bold letters, accentuated by a giant font. That would capture my attention.

I also like Ender's Gate.

And if someone hasn't already mentioned it, then:

Ender the Giant

Oh...forget that. I think BookEnder definately has the most potential.

Edit: One shouldn't try and think up "clever" titles on 4 hours of sleep.

[ March 12, 2005, 11:12 AM: Message edited by: FoolishTook ]
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Yeah, I say "Ender" also, sorry all you Finnish fans! And Dagonee, I really ought to give you full credit for the idea, but I'm too evil to be that unselfish.

Posted by alluvion (Member # 7462) on :

hmm... I think the Valentine story that some folks have commented on as enigmatic would be nice to flesh out. There are a lot of suggestions using the possesive "Ender's X". Flipping the possessive and the possible POV of the story, "Valentine's Ender" (or some variant) might be a nice way to learn about Val and more about Ender through her eyes. (intriguing)

for the casual-shopper-flash, akin to "Xenocide", maybe

Ender's Exodus

(though the fact he's already visited one colony according to OSC's first post, maybe this would be ridiculous)
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
All right, The Planet-hopping Xenocidal Maniac wins. That's it.

OK, not it's not.

I think I'll have it published first in Italian translation, as "Il Enderino."

Or maybe a medical thriller: The Endercrine Gland.

Clearly I'm out of my depth here. I don't belong in the same absurdity contest as the rest of you.
Posted by Tarrsk (Member # 332) on :
Regarding "Children of the Shadow": I feel like that's a bit of a mouthful. "Children of the Mind" worked because, first of all, it's a phrase we were familiar with from previous books, and second, "the mind" is a common phrase whereas "the shadow" isn't. Perhaps a better version would be "Shadow Children"?

Either way, I do like this concept better than "Shadows in Flight." [Smile]

Regarding the Ender book... hmmm... well, out of the ones listed so far, my favorites are "Ender," "Ender's Gate," "Ender's Exile," and "Ender Adrift." But in the spirit of things, here's some more silliness- who knows, maybe OSC will decide to write this as the first Ender Comedy. [Wink]

<edit>Okay, upon reading OSC's post above, I BEG you to title it "The Endercrine Gland." The biology nerd within me will have it no other way. [Wink] </edit>

B-ender (Ender is cybernetically enhanced into a beer-swilling, chain-smoking, lazy robot)
Shadow of Ender's Shadow
Ender's Figgin (with apologies to Terry Pratchett)
Wherein Ender the Xenocide Encounters the Son of a Former Comrade
Our Mrs. Ender (with apologies to Joss Whedon)
Ender Versus the Pink Robots

[ March 12, 2005, 04:42 AM: Message edited by: Tarrsk ]
Posted by Mazer Smith (Member # 7518) on :
Hi, Just a few ideas. Don't think I saw these, but I could be wrong.

A few about the time in Ender's life:

Ender: Crossroads
Ender's Emergence
Ender's Transition

and a few about the kid he'll face:

Ender's Match
Ender's Crisis
Ender's Devil

and after reading SotG I couldn't help but wonder about the woman and "her" child. I wondered if Volescu might still succeed with his plan to infect humanity with those genes. So in light of that: Ender's Plague
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
Ender Meets Bob_Scopatz

I'm just sayin'...


It'd be cool. We could do book signings together and everything!
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Nice one Bob.

So selfless.

Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
So far I like
Ender's Awakening
Ender's Exodus
Ender's Descent (was that mentioned? so many of these things...)
Ender's Fall
Ender's Rebirth
Ender's Redemption

Not so much the ones like Ender's Journey (the whole Ender series is that), Ender's Evolution (too obvious unless there's also an evolutionary plot in the story), Ender's Emergence (since Ender isn't emerging, Andrew is), etc.

I like Ender's Worlds better than Ender's World because it implies more going on than just a visit to a single planet, but it also sounds more like an anthology book than a novel. Of course, it could be an anthology book of Ender stories written by, oh, I don't know, Hatrackers? Yes? Yes?

Some more suggestions:
Ender's Vision
Ender's Atonement
Ender's Penance
Ender's Design
Ender's Pattern
The Judgment of Ender

Plot question - was Ender ever tried in absentia for xenocide? How would he react when he found out?

Ah! I've got it! A new Ender book and OSC's dream of writing a romantic comedy: Ender! The Musical!
Posted by St. Yogi (Member # 5974) on :
Hey Chris, is this you?


A question on the Anansi Boys cruise ship auction - are you going to be keeping veto power over the name? As in, if someone wins and goes for the "USS ****o Bazoo" will it be that way forevermore? Not that I'll be doing so, it's already past my meager means. Just curious since the eBay description offered no such restrictions and I thought you might want to spell that out for the benefit of potential bidders before it's over. C. A. Bridges

Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
Yup. I was concerned that the casino that's been buying up oddball eBay stuff would decide to use this as cheap advertising, or that it would go towards unsuitable language, political slander, etc.

Back to the titles!
Posted by Steev (Member # 6805) on :
Ender Makes the World Go Around

Ender's Travels

Blame It on Ender

All Because of Ender

I Once Knew a Man Who Knew A Woman Who Knew Ender

Ender Saves Us All, Again
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
Ender is as Ender Does

Since OSC is so fond of Andrew Lloyd Weber, I think he should do a musical named
The Ender of the Opera and he could have a play within the play called Ender Triumphant and cast me as the giant.

Of course, the real name for the Ender musical would have to be Ender's Play

You know, Endercrine Gland is really a good one given the teen years, etc. A follow-up could be the Enderogenous Zone, in which Ender discovers that everyone's gate is down.
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
Ender's Age?
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
I could totally see Ender's Gate. Alliteration and assonance, both, with Ender's Game, and of course it echoes the most famous quote from the first book. Gate = passageway, so it makes the connection that you wanted. All in all, it's a superb suggestion.

Barring that, I'd vote for just plain Ender.
Posted by Kimari (Member # 7519) on :
Hey...I haven't read the entire topic, so don't yell at me if a few have been repeated. =P

Here are a few suggestions:

Ender's Road
Ender's Search
Ender's Demon(s)
Ender's Reach
Ender's Tale
Ender's Way

Yeah, that's all I have for now.

[ March 12, 2005, 11:55 AM: Message edited by: Kimari ]
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :
Hey, good job Dagonee (and me [Evil] )! That's three votes so far for "Ender", and four if you include the one I assume you'll place if it continues to do so well!

Wait...are we even voting?

[Big Grin]

edit: Alright, from now on, every time "Ender" is mentioned as a title, I'm going to count to ten and surpress my selfish urge to take credit for something I don't deserve credit for. [Smile]

[ March 12, 2005, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: Andrew ]
Posted by Tome (Member # 6587) on :
Ender's Giant.

You know, 'cause of Bean's bro, and he could have memories of the giant in the fantasy game?


Okay, clearly I have nothing. I haven't posted in a while, though. It feels good to be back (not that I was here for all that long anyway...)!
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
[Laugh] Bob S.

. . . in which Ender discovers that everyone's gate is down . . .

Bob! You're priceless!

*laughs a lot more*

[ March 12, 2005, 01:54 PM: Message edited by: Shan ]
Posted by Catseye1979 (Member # 5560) on :
Boy what a time for my Internet to go out for a couple days... [Wall Bash]

Anyways,I liked Ender the Xenocide.

And it might have been suggested already but Itinerant Ender maybe?
Posted by Steev (Member # 6805) on :
Ender Is the Boy Next Door
Ender Opens a Sushi Bar
Ender Behaves Badly
A Time For Ender

Ender and Orson
Ender and Geoff
Posted by BSquallGuitarist (Member # 7503) on :
Glad a few of my ideas are well liked! [Cool]

Hmmm how about

Ender's New Mind Game (a little long, but good in theory)
Ender's Mission
Worlds of Ender
Ender's Influence
Ender and the Hive Queen (By all means she should be in this if it's shortly after he leaves the planet she was on)
The Hive Queen and the Xenocide (No Ender, but it's implied. A bit of a pun on The Hive Queen and the Hegemon)
Ender's Search (for a place for the Hive Queen)
Ender and Valentine
Ender and Demosthenes
The Speaker, The Philosopher, and The Queen (again no Ender, but I think it sounds good)
The Xenocide, The Philosopher, and The Queen (ditto last comment)
Ender the Governor
Ender the Statesman
What Lies Beyond the Ender
Ender and Andrew
Losing Ender
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Go! Go, SpeedEnder! Kill! Kill!
Posted by Vadon (Member # 4561) on :
The NeverEndering story! ^_^

Alright, seriously...

Perhaps Ender's Isolation?

Ender's Shame.

Ender's Experience.

Personaly, I like Ender's Exile.

[ March 12, 2005, 04:37 PM: Message edited by: Vadon ]
Posted by MagusFire (Member # 6780) on :
Ender's Reflection (fits well with the 'shadow' theme)

Ender's Forging

Ender and Me

Shadows of the Mind (er, isn't that already a book? good title anyway)

Ender's Requiem

Young Ender

Prentice Ender (maybe not)

ooh, how about Ender Journeyman?

I think 'Ender's Reflection' is the best idea i've given...

[ March 12, 2005, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: MagusFire ]
Posted by Judas (Member # 7355) on :
First off.. i don't understand the purpose of this smiley- [Embarrassed]

Second of all, Issues dealing with the story line (I Know this post is long, but it's all serious, please give it at decent look over Scott and Kathy):

Randi should've hopped on board with the Dinkard Ship.

Because we all know he's the most flexible and interesting character of the Jeesh that hasn't been milked- there's no telling what he would've done with his own colony- and for that matter- maybe Ender was called to come to the colony because Dink and this Beansprout were having issues that might jeopardize the colony or some rare natural resource of something on the planet, whatever.

Beansprout is smart, and wants revenge, he knows that the Hegemon took over Earth, and he is brilliant and knows that the 'evil' Ender, which is his brother is still alive, he'll gain universe-wide fame if he were to take out the Xenocide. Revenge and Power - does that not sound like what he'd be raised to want by Randi? - SO he trys to lure Ender to the planet, because if not he'll blow up the earth or that colony or whatever- and yah, i have more to say, like, about how the Speaker-Children had enough mother father family love issues, and this book should be different.- Maybe even a mystery in a way? dealing with the planet.. -

Third off... Title Ideas:

Ender - From Hero to Horror
Ender - Life Begins
Ender - Once a Hero, Always a Hero?
(question mark emphasis)

The Ender Liberation
The Ender Salvation

Ender's Lake
Ender's Raft
(Symbolic of his trip back to Earth, he's free, but not home.)

Ender Enemies
Ender Illusions
Ender Nemesis
Illusions in the Enderverse
Ender: Facades
(These all are pointing to the thought of 'Who is the enemy?' Were the buggers really the bad guys? Was Ender really a hero, or a monster? Is Beansprout really evil or good?, or for that matter, even the son of Achilles?--
Illusions, you see?)

Ender's Inheritance
Ender's Reward
Ender, A Hero's Legacy
Ender, A Hero in Exile
(Trying to stray from the overdone ' Ender's ' thing, i'm developing ideas, not stealing)
Ender, The Human
The Ender's Game is Down

Ender's Gate, is up.

Ender, A Hero in the Stars
(Like a constellation, y'know? I like it..)

Personal favorites: Ender and the Bean Stalk, Ender in Exile, and Ender's Heart (even if i'm not a big fan of Valentine)


Just thought of more-

World of the Wiggins'


Shadows and Monsters
Shadows or Monsters?

(I know there has to be 'Ender' in it, but instead, couldn't there be like, a name tag or a door or something with his name on the cover, some sort of Ender Flag being burned in the background?- That would totally be more exciting to me than seeing another 'Ender' titled book.. That's more of an 'Oh, another one? Isn't he overdoing it?' kinda thing)

Okay, now i'm really done -


[ March 12, 2005, 07:56 PM: Message edited by: Judas ]
Posted by Judas (Member # 7355) on :
Personally though, you should just drop the whole idea and write this book instead

"Ender Wiggin Vs. Spaceman Spiff"

Ender with Bean at his side, and Spiff with his ferocious pet alien tiger.

Posted by ChaosTheory (Member # 7069) on :
Well I don't think that Bill Waterson would like that but it would sure be fun to read! [Cool]
Posted by LilBee91 (Member # 7475) on :
A few more random titles (I'm really bored):
Game Over
Endertine (combo of Valentine and Ender)
Ender vs Mini Genius Extraordinaire
Ender's Reality
Ender the Xenocide
Speaker's Youth
Ender's Time
Ender's Showdown
Posted by Judas (Member # 7355) on :
Orson's Bane


Posted by Prime_Number (Member # 7521) on :
Okay, first off I'm going to post some ideas that other people have already come up with.

Ender's Illiad
Ender Speaks
Ender's Legacy
Ender the Xenocide

Now for some of my own ideas.
Ender's Sojourn
More to come...
Note *huge spoiler, scroll down to read**

I don't think the child that Randi bore in Shadow of the Giant is Achilles seed. In fact, based on the 2 month premature birth where the baby was completed formed, just extremely small-exactly like Bean and Petra's children that had Anton's key turned. Translation: The child that Randi bore is the missing child of Petra and Bean.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Prime, I mean this in the gentlest possible way: no duh. [Smile]
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
Tom you're too nice! [Razz]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I think Ender's Reflection is a good title . . . for the book featuring YoungPeter/Ender.
Posted by MagusFire (Member # 6780) on :
Thinking more about what the story would entail, it seems like it would deal with Ender's 'rise' to maturity and discovering more about himself and his place in the universe, which is why I suggested 'Ender's Reflection' before since it implies a more personal, introspective look into oneself.

keeping that in mind, I thought 'Ender's Ascension' would be a neat idea for a title. similarly, the words 'Dawn' or 'Horizon' might fit in well (Ender's Horizon sounds pretty nifty).

or, you could take the novel on an entirely different route- Ender suffers depression and alcoholism in 'Ender's Benders'.

[ March 13, 2005, 12:01 AM: Message edited by: MagusFire ]
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
Ender the Rainbow

In which Ender discovers the long lost recordings of Judy Garland . . .
Posted by AbeLinclon (Member # 6923) on :
I haven't read SoTG but i went to a book store in an outlet today, in Myrtl Beach, and they only had SotH. That was their latest. i was upset. I don't live in MRytle I live IN camp LEjeune, whihc is why I scream cause OSC you're so close to me.... so close yet so far... Well NEways the titles I thought up:

Ender’s Link
Ender’s Association
****Ender’s Connection
Ender’s Relationship
Ender’s Correlation
Ender’s Relation
****Ender’s Bond ( [Laugh] Bond, James Bond.)
Ender’s Tie
****Ender’s Union
Ender’s Linkage
Ender’s Connect
****Ender’s Alliance
Ender’s Correspondence

Ender’s Bean
Ender’s Heel
Ender’s Achilles
Ender’s Petra
Ender’s Jeesh
Ender’s Battle
Ender’s BattleSchool
Ender’s Graff

Ender’s Watch
Ender’s Keeper
Ender’s Son
Ender’s Failure
Ender’s Weakness
Ender’s Pandemonium
****Ender’s Deception
Ender’s Lies
Ender’s Dishonesty
****Ender’s Deceit
Ender’s Falsehood
Ender’s Fabrication
Ender’s Mendacity
Ender’s Ruse
Ender’s Sham
****Ender’s Fate
Ender’s Corridor
Ender’s Flight
Ender’s Journey
Ender’s Trip
Ender’s Life
Ender’s Child
Ender’s Embryo
Ender’s Mortal
Ender’s Bugger
Ender’s Friend
****Ender’s Influence
Ender’s Power
Ender’s Triumph
Ender’s Love
Ender’s Peter
****Ender’s Grace
Ender’s Friendship
Ender’s Damnation
Ender’s Follies
****Ender’s Curse
Ender’s Salience
Ender’s Surveillance
Ender’s Story
Ender’s Book
Ender: Tale of Woe
Ender: Fallen Hero
Ender’s Change
Ender’s Games
Ender’s Reflection’s
Ender’s Brillance
Ender’s Hope
Ender’s Crush
Ender’s Nourishment
Ender’s Determination
Ender’s Faith
Ender’s Light
Ender’s Darkness
Ender’s Gratitude
Ender’s Rule
Ender’s Colony
Ender’s Worship
Ender’s Nomadic Life
Ender: The Nomad
****Ender: Nomadic Hero
Ender’s Travels
Ender’s God
Ender’s Aftermath
Ender’s Grant
****Ender’s Elba (The place where Napolean was exiled)
Ender’s Exile
****Ender’s Odyssey
Ender’s Life
Ender’s UFO
Ender’s IF
Ender’s Colony
Ender’s Ship
Ender’s Taming
Ender’s Beast
Ender’s Trembles
Ender’s Shivers
Ender’s Reach
Ender’s Planet
****Ender’s Voyage
Ender’s Drama

****Ender’s Work
(That one’s like opposite Ender’s "Game" get it? Got it? Done.! LOL)

Ender’s Polarity
Ender’s Shell Shock
Ender’s War
Ender’s Crusade
Ender’s Conqueror
Ender’s Hand
Ender’s Cards
Ender’s Blackjack
Ender’s Royal Flush
Ender’s Channel
Ender’s Space
Ender’s Vapor

Ender’s P…..
(I’m looking for a word. I know what it means but I can’t think of it. It’s something like the government influence’s us to think some way. Like if we control the press then we can control this stuff or the way we think. I can’t think of it. If I do then I’ll edit this post)

Ender’s Maternal Instincts j/k

I have a few I like and I starred those. I am tired after long days wrok and OSC it stinks to be so close to you. Me in camp Lejuene and you in Greensboro. I mena that's not within a few inutes from eachother. I mean it's really a few hours but that's still closer tha alot of other people are to their favorite author.

Also Some of them like Ender's Child are there because OSC said something about a mother and a child in his first post.

Since I'm talking about this at book signings, it would be rude not to tell you folks right now. A couple of days ago I was sitting in the office of my publisher, Tom Doherty, talking about projects coming up, and it dawned on me that there's a book that I really want to write.

If you haven't read Shadow of the Giant, this is a mini-spoiler. But most people won't mind, so choose for yourself: At the end of Giant, there's one plot thread about a woman and her baby that go off on a colony ship. This is something I had never planned and when I sent her off, it was because I had in the back of my mind the possibility of writing more about her and her child.

What came to me in Tom Doherty's office was: She's going to be on a colony world after a time-dilated FTL voyage. Therefore it is quite possible that when Ender is done with his first colony experience (and has written The Hive Queen and The Hegemon), I could have him voyage first to that very same colony at about the time that this woman's child has come to adulthood.

I suggested this to Tom - another novel that actually features Ender when he's still young, before he met Jane, and WAY before Speaker for the Dead. (Of course Valentine is in it, too!) And this interesting character and her child have enormous potential for an interesting story involving Ender and Valentine.

Tom agreed, and this storyline will take the place of the planned Mazer Rackham novel. Not that I'll never write that one, but it will be postponed for now. In fact, I may even write this Ender novel before writing Shadows in Flight, the post-Children of the Mind novel that ties the Shadow and Speaker series together.

What I don't have is a title. The only rule is that it must have the name "Ender" in it. My first thought is: "Ender Voyaging." My most hated title so far is: "Ender: Spaceman!" There's such a fine line between good titles and hideous ones.

The Title was supposed to relate to the child. It would proably be best if I had actually read SoTG, but whtvr.

(On a side note I sent a message to Cuchlain about a forum. don't know if she forwarded it.)

[ March 13, 2005, 12:13 AM: Message edited by: AbeLinclon ]
Posted by MagusFire (Member # 6780) on :
if you post enough, Card's bound to use one of them [Smile]
Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
Ender And the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Ender And the Great Glass Elevator
If You Give an Ender a Cookie
Ender, Prince of Xenocides
Lost World: Ender vs T-Rex
Make Way for Ender
Ender On the Road Again
Endless Ender
A Kinder, Gentler Ender
Ender And the Giant Peach
Foxtrot Ender: A Xenocide's Guide To Ballroom Dancing

Oi... [Roll Eyes] pretty bad
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
Ender, the Champion of the World
The BFPFTP (Big Friendly People From the Past)
Ender and the Giant Peachlike...thing....


Actually, I just wanted to post in this thread.

My favorite thus far is Ender Adrift.

Out of curiosity - and this is coming from somebody who knows nothing about the writing of novels, and even less about the publishing of them - wouldn't it be easier to name a novel after you write it?

[ March 13, 2005, 01:10 AM: Message edited by: Da_Goat ]
Posted by Echo (Member # 7513) on :
Yeah, I've posted a few my self, but if I had to vote for one, it would most def. be Ender Adrift.
Posted by LilBee91 (Member # 7475) on :
I think OSC already knows precisely what the title will be. This is all just a conspiracy to exploit the creativity of Hatrackers. [Evil]
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
Okay... if someone has already posted this one, I apologize. Here's my one and only suggestion... Ender's Legacy.

I like Ender's Gate and Ender's Heart, as well.

I think I'll head back to lurker land now... at least for this side of the 'Rack.
Posted by alluvion (Member # 7462) on :
*confession* I haven't read most of the stories for quite a while, so I'm not sure precisely where OSC is planning to plant his new narratives, but had a couple thoughts along the line of "Ender has written the Heroine and the Hegemon, and spent a stay on one colony"

either or:

Ender Encumbered (same assonance, middlin' title for a middle-new-saga series)

Ender Unencumbered (for a freeform exit-stage-left, sayonara, bonne nuit, farewell)

ok, so, encumbered is awkward, but it might lend some gravitas, neh?

Still think Val should be worked into the title, though.
Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
Ender Passant is corny, but if you really think about it, so is Ender's Game . Ender's Gate is still my favorite. Dagonee and CT both liked it too, but that may just mean it resonates with persons born in 1970, because "Watergate" was discussed a lot when we were learning to talk. It was BSquallGuitarist's suggestion.
Posted by AbeLinclon (Member # 6923) on :
Ender’s Sister
Ender Makes Way
Ender Forever
Ender Returns
Ender Beyond
Ender Begins
Ender and Valentine
Ender’s Love
Ender Traveling
Ender Foretold
Ender Granted
Ender Passing
Ender’s Family
Ender Motivated
Ender: Admiral of the Open Space
Ender Following
Ender’s Savior
Ender’s Life
Ender’s Kingdom
Ender’s Horse
Ender’s Travels
Ender’s Good-will
Ender’s Plagiarism
Ender’s Pride
Ender’s Pity
Ender’s Joy
Ender’s Triumph
Ender’s Glory Years
Ender: The Glory years
Ender’s Determination
Ender Determined
Ender’s Challenge
Ender’s Delight

(you said you wanted to tie Valentine into it alluvion so I thought that it could be one of these for the title with her tied in:

Ender’s Sister
Ender’s Valentine ( I know that this one’s been procured by someone already just thought that I’d place it in this group as one that ties in)
Ender’s Sibling
Ender’s Childhood Protector
Ender and Valentine
Ender and his Sister

(that’s all I got for that)

I like Ender Adrift but like any greedy Person I would rather have my name in the Acknowledgements of one of Mr. Card’s books.

****Ender’s Propaganda (I really like this one because I feel like the book could be about the lies that the people told others to give Ender the title of the Xenocide.)

[Laugh] (The rest are jokes) [ROFL]
Ender: Lord of the Space Belts: The Fellowship of the Asteroid Belt (the first book in the Lord of the Space Belts series)
Ender: Lord of the Space Belts: The Two Colonies (The 2nd story in the Lord of the Space Belts series)
Ender: Lord of the space Belts: The Return of the Hero (The third book in the Lord of the Space Belts series)
Ender Reloaded (Ender finds out that his whole life has been a lie and that Buggers rule the world using Humans as Batteries to run their machines.)
Ender: Old School (Ender returns to his old Colleges Fraternity)

[The Wave]

[Party] [Party] [Party] [Party] [Party]
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
"All your Ender's are belong to us."

How about that?


"Ender in Rio" (hey...I'd love him to come here to Brazil, hehe). [Wink]
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
This is the Series That Never End(er)s
(It just goes on and on my Friend(er)s
Posted by BSquallGuitarist (Member # 7503) on :
Hmmm here's another kind of odd one that works

Ender's Achilles' Heel. I dont think it has enough of a ring to it but it makes sense, probably also a bit much of a spoiler, maybe Ender's Heel would be better (people have probably suggested this/these before I'm sure.)

For those VBSers wondering, I'm Alai, but the name was already taken on this forum.

[ March 13, 2005, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: BSquallGuitarist ]
Posted by AbeLinclon (Member # 6923) on :
I suggested Ender's Heel! [Wave]

[ March 13, 2005, 04:20 PM: Message edited by: AbeLinclon ]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*giggles at Midnight Blue's suggestion*
Posted by Tarrsk (Member # 332) on :
And if you pronounce it "Ender's Asheel Heel," it rhymes!
Posted by AutumnFire (Member # 7320) on :

Since we're talking about a woman carying Bean's child here, my thought was that the title should have some alusion to the "shadow" metaphor in the titles of those books, or at the very least, some reference to light. Unfortunately, that may not be possible at the same time as keeping the name "Ender" in there. Perhaps someone wiser than I can come up with a title which incorporates both. The only thing I can come up with at the moment is "Second Shadow." Either that or "Ender Journeyman" [Big Grin]

[ March 13, 2005, 08:29 PM: Message edited by: AutumnFire ]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Danke. [Smile]

[ March 13, 2005, 08:34 PM: Message edited by: rivka ]
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
Shadowing Ender?
Posted by AutumnFire (Member # 7320) on :
rivka: If anyone has read this far in the forum, they've either figured that out already, or have gotten the wrong impression (for instance, that she's carrying Achilles's baby) which is even worse. :-)

Midnight Blue: Shadowing Ender...could work...At least it's on the right track.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
AF, I disagree. Strongly.

I suspected before the first spoiler (although it made me go Aha!) and have read the book since.

But there are surely plenty of people who have not yet gotten their hands on SotG and are still reading this thread.

Why not?
Posted by AutumnFire (Member # 7320) on :
Okay, okay, naughty me. But what do you think about a shadowesque title? Hey, wait. I can change my post, can't I?!

[Big Grin] - AF, looks like "Auto-Focus".

[ March 13, 2005, 08:30 PM: Message edited by: AutumnFire ]
Posted by LilBee91 (Member # 7475) on :
Some shadowy (and lighty) titles:
Ender's Light
Shadows of Earth
Ender's Shadow Jr.
Speaking of Shadows
Rising Lights: From Xenocide to Speaker
Ender's Dawn
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
The only trouble with a Shadowesque title is the publisher wants a title with "Ender" in it, neh?

How about Ender's Shadow's Beginning? Or Shadow of Ender's Gate? Or . . . ? [Wink]

Re AF: I abbreviate everyone's SNs, unless they dislike it. (Then I try to remember not to.) And I use cheap cameras (because I break them regardless), so no autofocus for me.
Posted by AutumnFire (Member # 7320) on :
I don't mind. AF 'tis. [Big Grin]
It makes sense to have "Ender" in it, but there's got to be a way to do both. It may well be that Shadowing Ender is the best that can be done in that vein. At least, it seems to be the best possible using two main words and the word "shadow" itself. How about things that don't have the "shadow" itself, but something alluding to it (or to darkness, or to light). Can you guys help me with a list of shadow-related words?

Posted by AutumnFire (Member # 7320) on :
Shadows of Earth is a great title...for the wrong series! [Big Grin]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Umbra and penumbra.

Ender's Umbra?
Posted by reader (Member # 3888) on :
My suggestion:

Ender's Way

It works on two levels:

1) The way - path - that Ender takes as he begins his future, as he starts on his "real" life

2) The way that Ender does things - his actions, behavior, morals, etc.

I think it makes a nice follow-up to Ender's Game; in other words, Ender's Game is the book in which his destiny and life is being controlled, Ender's Way is the book where he takes control of his own life, develops a life of his own. And you can also read it as "Ender's Way" - the way of a person who is ending a previous life and starting a new life.

[ March 13, 2005, 09:06 PM: Message edited by: reader ]
Posted by HappyPanda (Member # 7326) on :
how about
"Making Ender Divine"

His friend could win the galactic lottery, but dies, so Ender has to pretend to be him when the lottery man comes to town.

I still have to read SotG, so I'm a little in the dark about what will happen in this book...

Ender Rising
Ender's Plight
Ender Forgotten
Ender Forsaken

Ender XP
Ender and the Amazing Technocolour Dreamcoat
Posted by estavares (Member # 7170) on :
The fact that there are seven full pages of this boggles the mind. What throws me more is that Unky Orson's not about to name a book that is suggested here; it's no fun to come up with a name the fans have already come up with (aka Revenge of the Sith) and there's the whole "It's ME! It was MY idea" potential.

My thought? I think he'll name it something so off the wall that no one will expect it.


El Magnfico del ENDERRRRR!
Boom Boom and the Jets
Mr. Squishy Bug versus The Smog Monster
Where Are All My Bananas?

Of course, now that I've broached these ideas he won't go for them either. Phooey.

Posted by LilBee91 (Member # 7475) on :
Shadows of Earth is a great title...for the wrong series!
Minor details.
Posted by alluvion (Member # 7462) on :
Along the lines of xenocide and exodus, keeping with the assonance:

Ender's Estrangement

again, awkward. big words. stooped down.

a little too li-fi.
Posted by alicia (Member # 537) on :
Mr. Ender's Neighborhood

You could plant those tiny little music chips in the cover and every time you open the book gentle piano jazz would start playing.

Readers would immediately get all mello and melt onto the floor with a smile and a sigh and start reading.

(Make sure the chip is in tune though.)
Posted by Constant Reader (Member # 7282) on :
I really like Ender's Flight as well.
That's a nice one, Alluvion.
Posted by Neh (Member # 7534) on :
Ender's Quandary

Seems like an intresting title. Albeit I thought it was two syllables and ( checking I found out it was 3 =p. I also like Ender the Xenocide. ( I cant remember who posted it )
Would Ender know that it was Bean's child? Im not sure what direction Card is going to take this novel but if he did know, would he have known about Beans condition and his unlimitless growth which would bring about his early death? I think it would be interesting if he did since in the shadow series Bean considers himself " Not part of the Human race" since his slightly alterd genetics render him "not human". With some other ideas said by other people, I like the plot of Achilles II spreading rumours to make Ender look like A Killer of an entire species rather than the savior of one. His quandary being, If achilles II gets in to far..taking or hurting or destroying everything that Ender holds dear.. will Ender kill him? With his reputation now being that of a xenocide.. will he commit another since Achilles II is unlike any "human" alive, being that hes not even fully human? Thinking he is the only one of his kind ( yet doesnt know about Bean traveling through space with his other children?) This could be an interesting point in a post COTM If Bean actually lives that long that the Peter/Ender entity relates the tale of that conflict long ago and bean finally knows what happend to his lost child.

I dont know if any of that made sense. Just some random thoughts going through my head. there probably not even organized. ^_^ [Taunt]
Anyone care to comment?
Work at 6 am ya know ^_-
maybe thats y im tired
Posted by angelo (Member # 4402) on :
Ender's Beginning
Ender's Valentine
Ender's Trinity
Ender's Second Chance
Ender's Voyage Home

These titles are based on Ender's new friend and sister being his closets family and/or his need for encouragement and courage to complete his quest.

If we knew more details about that other guy... like does he betray Ender, is he compassionate, self-sacrificing, or embittered, we could make the titles more significant. But I suppose that's something you'll have to decide yourself, Mr. Card.
Posted by Earendil18 (Member # 3180) on :
Should I even bother trying this late in the thread? Surrre! [Razz] Let me go through the dictionary and I'll get back to you.
Posted by MagusFire (Member # 6780) on :
I think I'm going to have to throw my support to 'Ender Adrift'. either that or my own 'Ender's Reflection'. But I think Adrift just sounds right.
Posted by Belgarath (Member # 4) on :
what no one likes?

Enders Cross

[Roll Eyes] [Angst] [Blushing] [Dont Know]
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
Ender's Wake

I don't think that it's just my perverse nature that makes me think that would be a good title( but probably only if there was going to some boating in the book. However, considering the antipathy OSC feels for the reference, I don't think that'll happen.
Posted by Brian_Berlin (Member # 6900) on :
I'm HIGHLY in favor of having a nautical novel.

Ender's Wake - I really like it.
Posted by TheHumanTarget (Member # 7129) on :
I have given up all hope that this post will be useful to anyone. Unless you're looking for perhaps the longest list of synonyms you could ever find.
Posted by LilBee91 (Member # 7475) on :
Well, one thing's for sure, OSC won't be running out of essentially useless titles for a while.
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
Two Wiggins, a Beanlet, and a Pizza Place (self-explanatory)

Much Ado About Ender (The Beanlet, who being a bastard is necessarily evil, tricks Ender into thinking that Valentine was conspiring to ally with the Hive Queen to destroy the human race. In reality, it was a man in a dress and wig wearing a name tag that said "Hi, my name is Valentine" and a hologram of a supermagnified ant. Valentine pretends to die when Ender accuses her and...yeah, that's all I got).

The Illustrated Ender (After a night out drinking with his old Battleschool chums, Ender wakes up with tattoos covering his entire body. Then he walks around and tells people the stories of what his tattoos are about, but gets arrested when he refuses to put his pants back on during a particularly involved story about a helium balloon, a sad clown, and the girl who loved them both.)

Foundation and Ender (The expanding Earth colonization comes across a star system full of people talking about their great Encyclopedia and trying get the colonists to worship atomic energy as a god. After starring at them quizzically for a little bit, then exlaiming "Oooh wow. You've got atomic energy!" Ender Doctor Devices them out of existence, bringing a different meaning to the name of the planet Terminus.)
Posted by AbeLinclon (Member # 6923) on :
I think these four titles hit out for me.

Ender's Aftertermath or The Aftermath of Ender(uhh duh it's the aftermath of Ender's battles.)

Ender's Elba (Napolean bonaparte was exiled to the island Elba and Ender is sort of being exiled when he's sent away.)

Ender's Propaganda or The Propaganda of Ender (People are now putting the word out about how ENders was a bad person because he kiled off an entire race of beings. He's the Xenocide.)

(I also like Ender the Xenocide. Idk who came up with it but yeah. It wouldn't work though because [Hail] Mr. Card [Hail] said how we couldn't have words in it from other titles because people might be confused so yeah like Xenocide couldn't be in the title.)

-Abe [Hat]
Posted by Brian_Berlin (Member # 6900) on :
Dr. Strangebean or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Molecular Disruptor Device
Posted by Azuki Bean (Member # 7449) on :
I can't believe that there's been 8 pages and this hasn't posted yet;

Ender's Student

It could be a perfect description of the plot, I mean, Bean's son, who thinks he's the son of the nemesis Achilles being taught by an unsuspecting Xenocide.


Ender's Friend

If we're going to require the Ender's Noun formula then we might as well use just that, Ender's Noun.

Anyway, I hope Mr. Card is still watching this thread, at least in passing...
Posted by Judas (Member # 7355) on :
I really like ' Ender's Wake ' and ' Shadows and Monsters ' and ' Ender in Exile '

There's lots of interesting titles.

Posted by Brian_Berlin (Member # 6900) on :
I'm still with Ender the Dragon, ESPECIALLY after seeing THIS

[ March 16, 2005, 09:37 AM: Message edited by: Brian_Berlin ]
Posted by wigginclone (Member # 7535) on :
rhyme time part 8 billion

Ender's Name(the story of his name going from Ender to Andrew)

Ender's Shame (the story of how his shame, over being the xenocide, keeps him from loving this women until he finds a home for the HQ
Posted by Dada (Member # 7542) on :
Ender's Phoenix
Ender's Eclipse
Ender's Liberty
Ender's Flight (double meaning)

SOTG'd ending is still haunting!
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
[Big Grin]

My favorite part of this thread is the reminder of just how funny Squicky can be! [Hat]
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
Riding Ender's Wave (to continue with the nautical theme)

[ March 14, 2005, 09:13 PM: Message edited by: MidnightBlue ]
Posted by wannabeenderwiggin (Member # 7545) on :
how about: Enders Voyage
or better yet: Before The Speaker [The Wave] [Party]
Posted by LilBee91 (Member # 7475) on :
Ender's Fight
And more nauticalness:
Starboard Ender
Ender's Port
USS Ender
Ender's Dive
Posted by DarkKnight (Member # 7536) on :
Holy Moly there are a lot of titles!!!
How about: (and forgive me if these were already used, it's hard to remember 369 posts!)

Ender's Grief
Ender's Madness
Ender's Redemption

A new trilogy
Ender: A New Bean
Ender: The Bean strikes back
Ender: Return of the Bean
Food for thought
Ender: Not just for breakfast anymore
Ender: He's whats for dinner

Nautical Theme
Ender's Reef

Drug reference them
Ender's Reefer
Posted by Gryphonesse (Member # 6651) on :
I have actually read *all* 8 pages. Y'all have serious issues - and I guess I do too because I'm laughing myself sick. My co-workers think I have finally snapped.

Suggestions I really like: (for what it's worth)
Ender's Passage
Ender's Flight
Ender adrift

an idea I developed from another poster's suggestion:
Phoenix: Ender in the ashes

and can i just add that the Doobie Brothers has been going thru my head since page one... "Ender is just alright with me.." [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Ela (Member # 1365) on :
I told my husband about this list. His double entendre entry:

Ender Beginning.
Posted by Mindbowels (Member # 7407) on :
How about... and hopefully these are not repeats...

Ender's Giant

Ender's Puppy

Ender's Child
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
Ender's Puppy
4-1-01 (towards the bottom of the page)
Posted by ChocoTuar (Member # 6854) on :
Maybe something with "Ender" is the wrong idea. Some of you should try that, if only to see how it sounds. I would, but I SUCK at things like this.
Posted by scottneb (Member # 676) on :
From the first post in the thread:

Mr. Card said, "What I don't have is a title. The only rule is that it must have the name "Ender" in it. My first thought is: "Ender Voyaging." My most hated title so far is: "Ender: Spaceman!" There's such a fine line between good titles and hideous ones."

[ March 15, 2005, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: scottneb ]
Posted by scottneb (Member # 676) on :
... on a related note:

Ender: Ebertification

[EDIT] I think I have a new favorite word (even though I have no clue what it means).

[ March 15, 2005, 06:09 PM: Message edited by: scottneb ]
Posted by Lady Jane (Member # 7249) on :
I like Ender and Valentine, but it could possibly be because I want to read that book.

Ender On
In Ender's Day
Ender Absolute
All About Ender

Posted by WntrMute (Member # 7556) on :
(I’m looking for a word. I know what it means but I can’t think of it. It’s something like the government influence’s us to think some way. Like if we control the press then we can control this stuff or the way we think. I can’t think of it. If I do then I’ll edit this post)

That would be 'fnord.' However, "Ender's Fnord" would have to be about the time before Andrew founded the new religion of Speakerism and flirted with Discordianism.
"Ender's Slack" would obviously be about the ten minutes he investigated the Church of the Sub-Genius.

However, this is all irrelevant. I have the title to the new Ender pre-SftD novel:
Ender and Val's Excellent Adventure.


Make sure you spell my name right in the acknowledgements.


Look, I signed up for this forum just to post that!!!

Seriously, and I think these have been mentioned, I think that Ender's Legacy or Ender's Shame would be better.

It would be the time frame when the Xenocide was still looked at ambivilently, since there would still be many people who would remember the Buggers as a horror and a nightmare, but the Hive Queen and Hegemon would have started to make an impact. I think that Ender would choose to go to a world that wouldn't have anyone from his jeesh on it. He would have heard about everything they went through from Peter, and would probably think that they resented him leaving right after the Bugger War was over.

No references to Demosthenese's Heirachy of Foreigness can be made, as some have done, because she wrote that on Trondheim -- the planet where she married Jakt.

Actually, I think that the title could not have 'Ender' in it. In some ways it feels forced and it is certainly something of a silly cliche. Let's face it, Speaker for the Dead did pretty OK, and it didn't have 'Ender' in it.
I say, write the book first and THEN decide what to title it.

The title should be what the book is about, the book shouldn't be written around what the title is about.

[ March 15, 2005, 09:34 PM: Message edited by: WntrMute ]
Posted by trance (Member # 6623) on :
From what I gathered in reading the third chapter in the preveiw for SotG is that the mom is going to try to raise the child to be like Achillies and try to conquer (I haven't read SotG yet but from what I have gathered from this forum, that's the mother and child that leaves). So if this child is raised and is of that age to try and conquer and with Bean's genetic brilliance.....the conflic of the novel is easy to see somewhat-a conflict between Ender and this child. So what about.....

[Evil] Ender's Nemesis [Evil Laugh]
Posted by ChocoTuar (Member # 6854) on :
From the first post in the thread:

Mr. Card said, "What I don't have is a title. The only rule is that it must have the name "Ender" in it. My first thought is: "Ender Voyaging." My most hated title so far is: "Ender: Spaceman!" There's such a fine line between good titles and hideous ones."

I read that. I'm just brainstorming.
Posted by trance (Member # 6623) on :
I would also like to add that that name would attract alot of actual enemy of Ender that could pose as a leathal threat to the colony or greater and a formatable opponent to Ender himself....something so disasterous that he would never mention it in the future books (but obviously not as bad as the Xenocide preformed by ender). Such a book would attract alot of attention. And this child could also use Ender's Xenocide status against him in alot of ways. Ender has only had one real enemy other than himself and that was the Buggers so let him have another enemy just as dangerous. So let the name be.....

[Evil] Ender's Nemesis [Evil Laugh]
Posted by chapadura (Member # 7557) on :
Hmm. I was expecting Beany Boy to show up about the time his dad & siblings get pulled out of relativity, have a modified descolada fix their genes, maybe Father Bean becomes Peter/Ender's right hand man (again, for both) against Beany Boy, maybe a new Petra springs from someone's mind, thus averting an unfortunate love triangle, etc. A Randi-and-son book would kill some of that. But as long as Randi goes up in flames at some point, I suppose justice will have been done.
Posted by Einnz (Member # 7558) on :
Ender's Colony, Ender's Fleet, Travel with Ender, Ender Ends Here, The last days of Ender, Away from Ender, Ender's Star, Ender's Planet, Ender Came, Speaker for Ender, The Peace of Ender, Ender's Speaker, Ender's Legacy, Ender and the Hegemon. Ender and all Ramans. From Ender to Varelse.
Posted by Swede (Member # 7560) on :
Anybody but me thinking that all the superintelligent people in Children of the Mind is descadents to Bean (with some modifications)?
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
In which we get to meet Ender again and everything that was unclear is explained
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
Ender’s Achilles
Ender’s Bean

The Bean of Ender’s Achilles

Here I was thinking that Bean’s Achilles baby would be the bad guy in the linking novel. Guess that’s still not ruled out through this novel idea. Ender could inadvertently somehow help the kid figure out how to track Bean or something like that.

I like the Ender’s Way title too though
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
Anybody but me thinking that all the superintelligent people in Children of the Mind is descadents to Bean (with some modifications)?
This has been asked before, and I'm going to answer with one of the classic questions: How do Bean and Petra's kids turn chinese?
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
And I'll answer it again. One of their kids, let's say Andrew, marries a Chinese girl. Their kids marry Chinese, as do their kids, as do their kids. In just a few generations, those descendants will be Chinese.

edit: I don't think this will happen in the books, but the answer is just so obvious.

[ March 16, 2005, 10:57 AM: Message edited by: AntiCool ]
Posted by kaioshin00 (Member # 3740) on :
Ender stand?
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
i really like Ender Adrift, too.

The reason for including Ender in the title is precisely because the Speaker books did NOT "do all right." Now, we all know that the reason for the steadily decreasing sales of each book in the series is that (a) they are more demanding, more adult books and (b) each book is of a different subgenre of sf, with each subgenre increasingly less popular.

But it is also true that one must have a resemblance among titles in a series in order for them to give each other the maximum boost in sales. And titling is about communicating to the reader something of the experience that reading the book will provide. If we want readers to instantly grasp that here is a book that include the original Ender character, the clearest, simplest way is to include Ender's name in the title.

That's why Ender's Shadow was titled as it was - and why the later books kept the word Shadow, but NOT the word Ender.

Ender Adrift ...

Meanwhile, those of you who fret that this thread is too long and it will be useless must realize THIS IS HOW BRAINSTORMING WORKS. Even if the title that is eventually chosen was in the first ten posts, you still go through a vast quantity of possible names, INCLUDING THE JOKES, in order to satisfy yourself that you have really chosen the best one.

Settling too soon on one title, or failing to make suggestions because there have already been many suggestions, defeats the point of brainstorming. so does self-editing, as in "i won't suggest this because it is 'dumb'" - especially because people who think this way are usually depressive personalities who define "dumb" as "thought of by me."
Posted by TheHumanTarget (Member # 7129) on :
I agree with the statement about brain-storming being usefull, but this seems more like a category 5 brain-hurricane. [Smile]
Posted by MagusFire (Member # 6780) on :
Yeah, having Ender in the title will help link it to the Shadow series AND the other Ender books.

Ender's Aim
Ender's Roam(ing)
Ender Astray
Ender Aloft

Ender's Bearing
Ender's Headway
Ender's Reach

Ender Avast
Ender Afore
Ender Above

Helmsman Ender
Captain Ender [Big Grin]
Ender's Apex
Ender Overboard
Leagues of Ender
Ender: Navigator
Ender: Messenger

Traveller Ender

Wayward Ender

A lot of these obviously come from nautical terms, which seem to match the setting rather nicely (as someone pointed out).

[ March 16, 2005, 12:15 PM: Message edited by: MagusFire ]
Posted by DarkKnight (Member # 7536) on :
Ender Adrift does have a certain ring to it.
Posted by Lady Jane (Member # 7249) on :
Ender, After
Ender and the Next Generation
Ender's Flight
Ender Magister (he becomes the teacher)
Posted by Katarain (Member # 6659) on :
From Ender to Andrew
Ender's Transition
Ender's Change
Ender Grows Up
Ender's Beginner
Becoming Ender
Ender: Becoming Andrew
Ender's Revelation

I didn't have time to read ALL of the pages of posts here, so if I got one here someone already did, sorry!!

I couldn't think of anything "gold" anyway.

Posted by Katarain (Member # 6659) on :
Ender's Mission
Ender's Saga
Ender's Light
Ender's Fight
Ender's Ghost
Ender's Haunting
Ender's Hate
Ender's Fate
Ender's Mate
Ender Dates
Ender Waits
Ender Roams
Ender's Home
Ender's Play
Ender's Played
Ender's Maven
Ender's Haven
Ender's Hell
Ender's Escape
Ender's Horror
Ender's Place
Ender Interrupted
Ender's Journey
Ender's Anger
Ender's Witness
Ender's Valley
Ender's People
Ender's Tears
Ender's Fear
Ender's Whisper
Ender's Adventures
Ender's Desk-Job
Ender Gets Laid Off
Ender Politicizes
Ender Works
Ender Rolls
Ender Joins a Band
Ender: Travelling Hobo
Ender's Search
Ender's Vision
Ender Ends Then Starts Again

That was fun... [Smile] Sorry if I repeated someone else's.

Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Ender Sings the Blues
Posted by AbeLinclon (Member # 6923) on :
I know that thie title was supposed to have "Ender" in it but I just thought taht this was to great to pass off of. I thought this title rocked the world. Srry it probably isn't that great. But yeah.. I like it.

[Hail] [Hail] [Hail] [Hail] [Hail] [Hail] Shadow of the Womb


-Abe [Hat]
Posted by Lady Jane (Member # 7249) on :
Ender in the Stars
Posted by SirReal (Member # 5257) on :
Please forgive me if these have already been submitted.

Ender's Passage

And for plucky comic relief...

Ender: The Teen Years
Posted by Ralphie (Member # 1565) on :
Ender - Won't You?
Posted by TheHumanTarget (Member # 7129) on :
How about:

Do Not Ender! This Means You!
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
Ender 90210 (Ender and Valentine travel from stodgy old earth to the hip, happening part of the galaxy and become part of an ensemble of teens who are overburdened with adventures and romantic entanglements. Note: The book would have to prominently feature at least one of the Card children, but only because he or she tried out for the role under an assumed name.)

A Farewell to Ender (Ender becomes an abulance driver. He falls in love with a nurse and vows to only speak in short, declarative sentences. Later, there's a bullfight. In the rain.)

Your Own....Personal....Ender (As part of his newly formed depressing rock group, Ender becomes someone to hear your prayers; someone who cares.)
Posted by WntrMute (Member # 7556) on :
Well, Mr. Card only does this writing gig for a living. I suspect he just may have a slightly better idea about how things work in the publishing business than I would. Maybe. But sometimes I think marketing is a matter of just assuming people are stupid, and working down from there. I thought the titles for the first batch of Enderverse novels were appropriate and logical.

I can't get past "Ender's Legacy," which wasn't even my idea. It just seems to fit between Ender's Game and the Investment Counselor. It'd be the first time we see Andrew observing the culture that resulted from the (partial) Xenocide. It'd the the beginning of the negative associations people start to feel regarding his actions. It'd be the beginning of the quest to help the Hive Queen that he took on out of his remorse. However, assuming 'The Investment Counselor' is canon, he could not have had much interaction with Speakerism (beyond just hearing about it), but that is yet another legacy. In a lot of ways he'd still be dealing with the immediate reverberations from what had just happened in his life, but that had echoed for quite some time (objectively) when he first leaves Shakespeare Colony.

Ender Adrift is ok, too, epsecially given how his experiences are summed up in The Investment Counselor. It sounded like he was just kind of drifting along while Valentine was doing her history thing until he ran into those tax problems of his. (Why do I suspect that story was written sometime around a March or early April?) But isn't the point of the title to kind of grab the browser's attention? Maybe 'Ender: Angst-ridden Deathmachine Cybernetic Chick-magnet' would do better along those lines. I bet the marketing gurus would love that one.

However, I read one author (just some guy) who indicated that he felt like a good story can't be about just one good idea, that you need to have at least two good ideas to play off of one another. So even if one of the ideas is 'Ender and the Bean Sprout,' it's hard to look into the title without knowing the other themes.
Not that I'm digging for spoilers, or anything. [Big Grin] Ok, maybe a little.

Or if this is going to bridge the Ender and Shadow series, maybe it should have Shadow in it, too, to show how the divergent threads of story are coming together again. 'Shadows and Ender.' 'Shadowing Ender.' 'Ender in Shadow.' Or something.
Posted by Ralphie (Member # 1565) on :
I miss you Squick. I really do.
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
Ender’s Hive
Ender Adrift is neat. Anyone say “Ender Wandering” yet? Ender’s Wander.
Ender’s Way. I like that one best so far.
Ender’s Travels. Guess that’s not very original.
Road Trip Ender.
Bean of Ender.

Is this going to be one book or a series? Do we need a linking word like Shadow was used?
And also, this going to eventually link up after Children of the Mind right?

Ender’s Trip.
Ender’s Journey.
Ender’s Crossing.
Ender’s Voyage.
Ender’s Flight.
Ender’s Getaway.
Ender’s Escape.
Ender Free.
Ender’s Exit.

The synonym generator in word is very helpful with this.
Posted by wigginclone (Member # 7535) on :
a few that sorta mad me think they might work ya never know.

Ender's Quest
Ender's Match
or just plain old Ender's Saga

or maybe not starting with Ender

Meeting Ender
Govenor Ender
Citizen Ender
Posted by LilBee91 (Member # 7475) on :
Star Wars themed:
A New Ender
Ender Strikes Back
Return of the Xenocide
Ender's Menace
Attack of Ender
Revenge of Ender (or Ender's Revenge)
Posted by ChocoTuar (Member # 6854) on :
Ender Anew
I like this one because it represents Ender's new voyage, and how he begins his new life after his Xenocidal actions.

I'm also thinking of something that plays on the "End" in "Ender," and turns it around into a beginning. "Ender's Beginning" doesn't work, b/c it's not correct. Somebody help...please.

I understand the importance now, thanks. I was being stupid.

[ March 16, 2005, 10:30 PM: Message edited by: ChocoTuar ]
Posted by Vadon (Member # 4561) on :
I have an opinion, but hey... that's what brainstorming is...

But, I feel that perhaps it shouldn't be Ender, rather Ender's. It's just, we have 'Ender's Game,' and 'Ender's Shadow.' Both imply ownership to Ender, so if we were to through off the 's, it would just... I don't know... give it a slightly off feeling to the title.
Posted by alluvion (Member # 7462) on :
On Ender:

I would consider the possibility that the author had enough to say on the topic of the travails of that particular character. With a second return (bean's saga being the first with something of a clever POV switch gimmick), OSC runs the risk of pulling a Lucas and reinventing Ender (or in milder terms focusing more on the "mature perspective" of events surrounding Ender than on the character). I think a wiser (and possibly more lucrative, but, in any event, more satisfying) route would be to take a gander at NEW characters emanating from OSC's experience as an older gent (possibly keeping within the same overall storyline, but not form-fitting to the strictures of Asimov's tidyness - is that a word?)
Posted by AbeLinclon (Member # 6923) on :
I still think Shadow of the Womb is the best ever.
Posted by DarkKnight (Member # 7536) on :
I like WntrMute's idea of Ender's Legacy, and if this does have something to do with an offspring of Bean how about something like

Ender: Shadow Legacy
or just
Ender's Shadow Legacy

I still like Ender Adrift. I think OSC could right an excellent story about Ender just 'drifitng' until he decides to be a Speaker or something like that
Posted by WntrMute (Member # 7556) on :
Orange7penguin came up with Ender's Legacy first. I'm compiling a list of all of the titles, even the goofy ones, with the proper first attribution.
It's a pain in the toochas, but I'm half done.

Ender's Legacy could be a title to save for the end of the series, though, if Ender Adrift gets more support for the next book.
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
Ender vs. Ender: The Ultimate Showdown
Rock, Paper, Ender
Andrew Wiggin: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Ender
Ender's Ender
It's NOT a Freakin Game Ender!

[ March 17, 2005, 11:44 AM: Message edited by: Strider ]
Posted by AuthorPerson (Member # 7572) on :
That last one is far and away my favorite title of them all.
Posted by augirl987 (Member # 7577) on :
Ender's Inheritence.
Ender: Rite of Passage

If this child is B and P's, and assuming Ender already knows the story of what happened on Earth during his spacetravel, I could imagine that Ender would fight to win that child back.
Also, the story involving the Battle School children is complete (for the most part). Whatever path this novel takes, it can't help but expound the reasons or causes that lead Ender to take on his role as Speaker for the Dead - and with that role comes his responsibility for the Hive Queen, the Peq. (sp?), and all of humanity.

This novel could be about Ender coming into his own, growing up as we saw the BS children on Earth do in the Ender's Shadow series.

[ March 17, 2005, 03:45 PM: Message edited by: augirl987 ]
Posted by Lavalamp (Member # 4337) on :
Ender's Lavalamp

Be one with the ooze, OSC.

Posted by Posable_Man (Member # 5105) on :
Posted by augirl987 (Member # 7577) on :
Here are some other title's relating to the ideas in my previous post:

Ender's Pilgramage (although I've caught on that OSC would prefer a title that is just "Ender __" as opposed to "Ender's __" )

Ender: Emergence
Ender Enstranged

I think the double e's might be catchy.

[ March 17, 2005, 08:16 PM: Message edited by: augirl987 ]
Posted by Einnz (Member # 7558) on :
Ender's Next Voyage, Ender's Touch, Ender Again, Ender's Wings, Ender Against Starways Congress, Starways Congress Unite with Ender, Ender's Clones. Ender's Jewel. Ender and Jane. Ender meets Jane, Ender and the new philotic specie. Ender and the Philotic Specie.

[ March 17, 2005, 09:38 PM: Message edited by: Einnz ]
Posted by Einnz (Member # 7558) on :
Gusto ko lang magpasalamat kay Ginoong Orson Scott Card sa napaka gandang mga nobelang kanyang sinulat. Natutuwa ako na nadiskubre ko ang kanyang mga sulatin sa silid aklatan ng aming paaralan. Matatawag ko ang aking sarili na isa sa mga mapalad na nakabasa ng iyong mga libro. Kaunti lang siguro ang nakakabasa ng bago ninyong libro dahil kahit ako hirap maghanap ng mga sinulat niyo. Pero ngayon pumunta na ko sa maraming bookstores upang sabihin sa kanila ang tunkol sa inyong mga nobela. At ako ay umaasa na pag natapos ko na basahin ang Xenocide at Children of the Mind, Ay makabili narin ako nung mga bagong nobela ninyo dahil wala pa ang Shadows Series dito sa aming bansa at nag order palang ako sa Power Books. Masayang masaya talaga ako. Maraming maraming salamat ulit. Pagpalain ka ng Diyos. I've never dreamed of becoming a writer someday, but because of your talents, skills, great ideas, dedication, and love for your works, I'm considering in taking up something in college that would help me becoming a good writer. I'm not very good in English but I am hoping to be good at it soon. I've joined the battle school forums to enhance my english and writing skills. Thank you again. God bless and take care Mr. Orson Scott Card.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
"Gusto ko lang magpasalamat kay Ginoong Orson Scott Card sa napaka gandang mga nobelang kanyang sinulat."

Okay, you're my new favorite newbie. You're like a Mandelbrot poster.

[ March 17, 2005, 10:40 PM: Message edited by: TomDavidson ]
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
Equally complex no matter how closely you look at him?

Nice to see you up and about Tom. [Smile]

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Well, the online Filipino translator I found only understands about one word in 10. [Dont Know]
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
Could you imagine what it would be like to play like Monopoly with post EG Ender.

Ender - A 5 and a 4. Okay, that takes me past Go so I collect $200 and Dear God I hope I'm not wiping an alien species!!!!!
Valentine - For Pete's sake Ender, I've told you over and over that this is just a game. Honest. No one's getting killed. You playing as a freaking top hat! Get over it.
E - Okay, okay. Sorry. I get carried away sometimes.
V - No problem. So you landed on Baltic Ave. Do you want to buy it?
E - Hehehehehehehehe. No! That's just what Graff would be expecting.
V - Graff's not here. It's just you and me. We're in the depths of space, playing a simple board game. Settle down already.
E - Sorry. Sorry.
V - Okay. A 2 and ... darn a 6. That puts me on your Boardwalk and it's got 4 houses on it. That clears me out. You win.
E - Ahhhhh! I've destroyed the galactic economy. Trillions of people will starve to death. Anarchy will reign. The streets will run with blood.
V - Sweet Jebus Ender. It's just a game. Trust me.
E - *deep breaths* Okay. Okay. I've got it under control now.
V - When are you going to go out and get laid already?
E - Not for 3000 years.
E - Sometimes I think the computer is talking to me. Remember, the enemy's hotel is down!
V - Dear Lord.
Posted by The Shelanman Himself (Member # 7581) on :
What's in a name...

I think you are right about the whole "Tom Sawyer, Detective" thing...

The tricky thing here being that Ender and Achilles never had reason to know each other... the connection's pretty slim -- tough to make 4ish words that fit that idea!

OK, nobody's suggested this terrible idea yet (that I saw, anyway), so here goes:

Ender's Heel

(or the worse pun Ender's Heal -- though it makes a sick sort of sense... I mean, he never really recovers from what he's done, and works very hard to heal everything and everyone (except himself) -- but I really am not advocating this title, so much as mocking it!)

Ok, lets see... other ideas... its tough, not knowing much of anything about the colony, the mother...

What would... hmm... am I allowed to be a spoiler? No, I'll just say... what would someone with *that* kind of a name grow up to be like?

Well... Ender's Urchin (or some variant)?
Obviously depends heavily on what happens -- though realistically I can imagine this particular family ending up in a situation not much happier than Bean's was when he was about 4 in Rotterdam.

Oh, and Ender's Flight, by the way, makes me think of Flight of the Navigator, so I have to register my vote against that one. (I liked the movie, but that's definitely the wrong connection for me.

Besides, with my Ender's Urchin idea, you finally get to have a book with Urchin in the title -- even if it's not to refer to Bean!

Erm... I'll think some more and post again!

( Oh, and who are the lucky 208 people who registered for the forums before you, Mr. Member #209? [Big Grin] )
Posted by The Shelanman Himself (Member # 7581) on :
Just a thought...

Bean always called him Wiggin. He's probably not alone... especially at first -- before he becomes Ender the Xenocide (if it's not too late).

What about a title that doesn't say Ender but says Wiggin?

Say... oh, I don't know, Wiggin's Legacy (except that Legacy isn't the right word, really... but its all I could come up with in these few moments...)

Besides, now he's not Ender, he's Andrew Wiggin... so Ender probably doesn't make sense... (I know, I know... people will pick it up and look just because it says "Ender" so your hands are kinda tied...)

Or *shudder* The Seven Voyages of Ender (don't know out of what twisted part of my mind that came from...)
Posted by alluvion (Member # 7462) on :
I'd cast my vote for "Ender Adrift" or "Ender's Estrangment", if it were put to a vote.

But, I still think it would be cool if he wrote whatever he wanted to write at this point in his career.

Enough of Ender


Ender Enough!

Though the wonder-boy is an interesting character, I'm not a big fan of constraints, and I imagine venturing into the Enderscape again would be more of an endurance test for a writer than an interesting journey.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Sometimes I think the computer is talking to me. Remember, the enemy's hotel is down!

Posted by alluvion (Member # 7462) on :
Is kibosh a word? (just under the deadline)

Posted by Gosu (Member # 5783) on :
Ender's Memory
Ender's Burden

If those have been used before, I'm sorry.
Posted by Josh Madagan (Member # 7584) on :
Ender's End
Ender Reborn
Ender Will Save Us All
Ender's Death: New Beginnings
Tying Up Loose Ends
Ender's Trials
Ender's Transformation
From Ender To Andrew
Ender's Family
After Ender's Game
First Impressions

Uncle Ender's Starship
Ender Decides To Die
Catcher In The Rye 2!
All Enders Go To Heaven
Ender's Postseason Game
E! True Hollywood Story: Ender Wiggin

[ March 19, 2005, 02:07 AM: Message edited by: Josh Madagan ]
Posted by Domini (Member # 3880) on :
I like the already-mentioned "Ender the Xenocide" (which I may have spelled wrong, but you get the idea), and "Ender and the Beanstalk".

The problem with the " * Ender(s) *" format is that it all mostly sounds too...dramatic, when I don't know exactly what the story is about. LOL. [Dont Know]
Posted by augirl987 (Member # 7577) on :
I really like the whole "planter" theme for Ender.

In a way, he'll be accepting Bean's "seed" if he takes or saves his baby (is this too corny). Also, he "plants" the hive queen to regrow the bugger world.

I just can't think of any catchy names.
Ender Sows?
Ender the Planter/Sower?
Ender Atones
Ender Absolved

thats all i got.
Posted by Weltallz (Member # 5649) on :
Enders Garden
Ender Worlds Apart
Enders Gift
Enders Heritage

The Chronicles of Ender
Ender and the World of Tomorrow
Tuesdays with Ender

I didn't go through and read all the other titles, so hopefully I'm not repeating anyone elses

[ March 18, 2005, 06:26 PM: Message edited by: Weltallz ]
Posted by Liaison (Member # 6873) on :
I'm feeling Ender Adrift also. It has a nice ring to it.
But if the relationship between Ender, Randi, and the kid is going to be the main subject it seems like it needs to imply connections.
Ender's Web
Ender's Link
Ender's Affair
uh...the rest of you far surpass me with creativity.
even like...
Ender's Liaison
Ignore the fact that it's my username. It's a cool word with multiple meanings. That's why I like it. Just something about connections, ya know?
Other than that I'm rootin for Ender Adrift and Ender's Gate.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
Okay, Squick, that was funny!

Posted by Treason (Member # 7587) on :
I like
Ender Adrift
Ender's Flight
Ender and Jane
Ender's Web

Those sound really good.
Posted by Steev (Member # 6805) on :
Ender Few Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Raiders of the Lost Ender
12 Angry Enders [Confused]
Saving Ender
The Man Who Shot Ender
Who's Afraid of Ender Wiggin?
Being Ender
From Ender to Valentine
Ender Conquers the Martians
Posted by hookedonpepsi22 (Member # 7346) on :
Someone might have said this or someting similer but how about

Ender's New Life
Posted by B-HAX (Member # 6640) on :
spoiler warning

Ender's Ear--The Being that whisper into Enders ear, controls the future of the intergalactic empire, a FPU if you will. I realize this is to take place preJane, but maybe Jane is taking shape and dropping suggestions to Ender to insure "her" future existance. I see this new Achilles II in a planet hopping campaign, in which Achilles II coopts the main body of the IF leaving Ender to save humanity once again with a ragtag group of destroyers and upgraded messenger ships?

It's been awhile since ive read the ender novels.

Also for consideration:

Ender: Jane's Addiction ?

[ March 19, 2005, 02:28 AM: Message edited by: B-HAX ]
Posted by Vadon (Member # 4561) on :
Well, this takes place before Jane really gets to meet Ender right? Should she truly be the focus of the book? *Has just read First Meetings*
Posted by B-HAX (Member # 6640) on :
I'm not clear on the first meeting of jane, but this doesn't have to be that cut and dry. Anonymous emails sent to ender, cryptic posts on the nets. Maybe some warnings that Bean had programmed into the investment program created for Ender.

I don't know if I was the only one that saw the creation of the Investment Counselor program as the "birth" of Jane. So in this program Bean had the program also look for any abnormalities that were taking place in the colonies, tightly integrated with the program that was created to look for Bean and Petra's babies. Having laid dormant in the IF supercomputer having never been turned off or deleted, it has continued scouring the nets and the colony nets looking for any extraordinary people moving and growing at Bean speeds.

The programming was meant to send all relevant data to bean, but Beans dying (if he is to die) command was to name Ender as the master of the programs future and to contact him. But it must be discreet as Bean wants to keep lil Ender and Bellas existance a secret. Hence the cryptic emails and posts on the nets.

Again its been sometime since I've read the ender books so let me know if I contradicted anything already stated in Enderverse.

Mee thinks I'm now going to be picking up the ender books again in anticipation of the upcoming novel.
Posted by Joshua (Member # 7591) on :
If there is going to be one unifying book that brings everything to a close, then the title has got to be......

The End

I still can't decide if that is a serious title suggestion or not. ^_^
Posted by augirl987 (Member # 7577) on :
yeah I caught on about Jane evolving from their exploiting of the mind-game for financial purposes... cool. I love Jane.
Posted by AbeLinclon (Member # 6923) on :
Or joshua it could be The End(er)
[ROFL] [Big Grin] [Razz] [The Wave] [Party]
Posted by hookedonpepsi22 (Member # 7346) on :
Oh or it could be

Ender: The Second Colony
Ender meets Achilles
Posted by Lady Jane (Member # 7249) on :
Ender, We Remember
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
Ender meets Achilles
That's a bit confusing, since Achilles is dead and all.

Ender Wiggin: Xenocide? (With the question mark, to show that people are just starting to question the elimination of the buggers.)
I don't know if this has been said yet, I know there have been similar things stated.
Posted by kaioshin00 (Member # 3740) on :
Ender Awareness Month
Posted by tanktaz (Member # 7593) on :
why not ender's Achilles Heel for the title
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
That seems like a bit of a mouthfull to me, especially because it has two possessives.

Ender In Between This could have several meanings. He's in between being Ender the Hero and Ender the Xenocide; he's in between parts of his life.
Posted by Vadon (Member # 4561) on :
Ender: Hormonal Teenager in Space!
Posted by AbeLinclon (Member # 6923) on :
O just Ender's Heel.
That one could be the connection between Achilles and Ender.

or Ender's Hell. I was just writing Ender's Heel and it popped up like Ender's Hell. So yeah lol.
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
The other Achilles.
Posted by VelocityZERO (Member # 7596) on :
Ender's Lament
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
Ender, Formic Diplomat

Ender's Weak Heel (I like this better than just Ender's Heel for some reason.)
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
I think at least one of these must be a repeat:

Ender's Route

Ender's Mercy

Ender's Passage more silly one:

Ender's Gamete
Posted by trance (Member # 6623) on :
Mr. Card,
I take your silence as confermation that my guess as to what the book is about was correct....a new and dangerous enemy for Ender. I am already looking forward to it if I am correct and just not over-assuming but I can't seem to think what else the book's conflict could possibly be about (given all the parties involved and the possible outcomes of the situation. However, I could be wrong but my current assumption is that I am right and I also don't expect you to reply to whether I am or not because that would infact expose more of what the book is about even before you have really got a significant amount of the book completed. But perhaps you can answer this.....a guess at when the book is due because I am greatly awaiting this book, more than any other you have published thus far. A guess wouldn't hurt would it? [Razz]
Posted by trance (Member # 6623) on :
And I still stand that if I am correct in my two posts on page eight then I still think that Ender's Nemesis would be the best name for the novel. I also now think that tanktaz's "Ender's Achilles Heel" would be equally great and appropriate. That is of course if I am correct.
Posted by Suri-cool (Member # 7599) on :
Ender's enemy
Ender's meeting of the heel
I'll have some more later but what I'm wondering is how OSC you are going to have a book tie togethor the Shadow and the later Ender books? They are a loooong time apart, heh though with the spacetravel aspect I bet you can do it. Well anyway this is good I saw this thread because it was bothering me that in Sotg you mentioned the whole Randi thing then just left it like that.
Posted by skippyboy (Member # 7600) on :
So simple its probably been suggested already, but, how about just - Ender
Posted by godzila girl (Member # 7598) on :
okay, here are the sirious titles i thought of (all the good ones were taken):

Ender: Shadow of the Hero
Rebirth of Ender's legasy (way too wordy)
Ender's Reflection
Shadow of Ender's Xenocide
Ender: Speaker for the Shadows
Posted by Meshugener (Member # 7601) on :
Fender Bender

Ender vs THE HUMAN LEGUME (in terrifying 3D!)

Ender's descent into madness

Curious ender and the adventure into space

Enders game II: the return of the revenge of the fellowship of the two kings strikes back

Oh, btw. This is my first post, and i want you to know that i <3 you, mr. card. This is a FANTASTIC idea for a book. and now for serious titles:

The Trials of Ender

Ender's Fall

Ender's Rise

Ender's Aid

Achilles Shadow

Ender's Escape

Ender's Rescue

Ender on ice!

and Shadow of the Womb is a really good one, whoever said it first.

[ March 20, 2005, 12:08 AM: Message edited by: Meshugener ]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Welcome to Hatrack, Elliot. [Smile]
Posted by Meshugener (Member # 7601) on :
Thanks, rivka. I love your name [Smile]

and boy, you guys sure are friendly [Big Grin]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I'm rather partial to it myself. [Wink]

Yes, often. We like newbies.

Especially served with a nice merlot.
Posted by jongo05 (Member # 7580) on :
Ender at home.
Posted by godzila girl (Member # 7598) on :
Here's a list. Some arn't too shabby, but most are just plain rediculous.

Ender the Pretender
Ender: Never Die, Again, Tomorow, Forever!
Ender Wiggen and the quest for the holy grale
Ender Xenocidehands
Ender of Green Gables
Ender: Half Blood Prince of the Chamber of Secrets in the Two Towers
Enders in Toyland
Eeny, meeny, miny.. ENDER!
The Never Ender Story
Never say Ender!
Ender Surenders
Enders defender (if jane's in there)
2001: A Space Endersy
Posted by Meshugener (Member # 7601) on :
rivka, i found that most forums prefer us newbies with some fava beans and a nice chianti [Big Grin]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Feh, fava beans are too much like lima beans. *wrinkles nose*

CrazyOne, you should check out the other side of the board. Fast-paced and a bit insane (but that should work for you), but loads of fun. [Big Grin]
Posted by Meshugener (Member # 7601) on :
my goodness, she speaks yiddish! you're good, you're very good...

*clicks on your link*
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
"Speaks" is not quite right. I am not-quite-fluent in Hebrew, and several degrees worse in Yiddish. But I know a few dozen words and phrases, and conjugations of "meshugga" are certainly among them. [Wink]
Posted by Meshugener (Member # 7601) on :
well, I'm glad we cleared that up, haha.

*wonders what OSC thinks of where this thread is going*

hm. For productivity's sake:

Ender Bender Bananafana Fo Fender

and also, whoever it was that said "uncle ender," I like it.
Posted by Suri-cool (Member # 7599) on :
Here are some serious ones
Ender's enemy
Ender's Shadowing enemy
Ender's Shadow enemy
And heres a joke ones
Ender bumps his foot
Also I'm sure some of those were repatets but sorry.

[ March 20, 2005, 11:11 PM: Message edited by: Suri-cool ]
Posted by kaioshin00 (Member # 3740) on :
Return to sEnder
Posted by JanieDough (Member # 6768) on :
Ender's Beginning

because yes, he may be famous for killing all the Bugger's, but that wasn't him.

The work he does later in life is what really is him. Therefore, this novel would be his beginning.
Posted by LadyDove (Member # 3000) on :
Some of these may have already been mentioned:
Going for humor:
Ender and Sprout
Ender the Podiatrist

Ender's Encounter
Ender's Rival
Ender's Mission
Ender's Quest
Ender's Apprentice
Posted by Judas (Member # 7355) on :
Ender= MC Squared

Lightspeed Gives Ender Constipation

Ender's Crush on Valentine

Ender's First Hangover

Ender Discovers his Kinky Fetishes

Ender's Obsession With Power Rangers

Ender Pushes Little Billy into the Well

Ender : The Pop Up Book

Ender Becomes an Angsty Little Bastard

Ender gets into a Fight with a Space Cactus

Posted by Judas (Member # 7355) on :
Oh, and I bet no one has heard this one yet:

Ender's Passage

No? No? Any takers? --- I think this idea has shown up on ever page.. oye.. stop it..

Posted by ChocoTuar (Member # 6854) on :
Have you decided yet?
Posted by yonush (Member # 7506) on :
A new Ender
Ender: Speaker of life [Dont Know]
Ender's independence
Posted by jongo05 (Member # 7580) on :
Ender and the Lost One
Ender: the Next Step
Ender: the Follower
Ender in Society
Ender, the Person
A Brave New Ender
Posted by Meshugener (Member # 7601) on :
Ender: Beyond a Shadow of a doubt

Ender's Becoming

Birth of Ender

Ender's Tribulations

Ender's antidisestablishmentarianism
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
My suggetion for the title is Enders Search Considering the very last wors in Enders Game Are
he searched for a very long time
and also it goes along with the ideas that at this time ender is searching for a planet where the Buggers can start to regrow also he is searching for a new life considering that he is starting to become a villain in the eyes of humanity
also he is searching for a way to escape his past which he will have to suddenly confront again because he might have to meat some one from his past such as a former jeesh member so i beileve this is a great title for this

Sorry if this was mentioned before i only read halfway through the posts
[Monkeys] [ROFL] [Embarrassed] [Roll Eyes] [Sleep] [Hail] [Evil Laugh]

sorry realy wanted to do that

Impossible is nothing, nothing is impossible

[ March 20, 2005, 09:12 PM: Message edited by: Geekazoid ]
Posted by Vadon (Member # 4561) on :
Don't know if this has been suggested...

Ender's Atonement/Ender's Repentance

This is after he wrote the Hive Queen and The Hegemon. So that means it could be the time where Ender was first feeling the impact of what he has written.
Posted by Meshugener (Member # 7601) on :
ooh! ooh!!!!!! OSC!!! THIS ONE!

Ender's Penance

he's trying to redeem himself, and it sets up a theme of catholicism, which we all know comes into play later on.

please alert me as to whether or not anyone else said this. otherwise, i'm takin the credit!
Posted by Suri-cool (Member # 7599) on :
Somebody must have sai this because I'm not smart enough to think of it myself. Sorry to whoiever but listen to this. It isn't a name, I already said my good names earliuer on page 10. Which are pretty good if I might say so myself. He.. But listen to this tht planet could be Path. Their genteic differnce could be something related to Bean's condition\Achillees II condition. Like to get another character in it could be Hot Soup's planet. They could like figure out a cure but whatever and stuff about it and make it into Path and stuff. I dunno I'm thinking thats a cool idea.
Posted by Meshugener (Member # 7601) on :
suri-cool, while thats a good idea, methinks it couldnt really be done. Ender hadn't ever been to Path, had he? He probably would have remembered being there with the bean-spawn in Xenocide or COTM.
Posted by Suri-cool (Member # 7599) on :
Hmmmm thats true but maybe you know he went to alotta plces and he didn't remember that or something SC could work on it a lot.
Posted by Meshugener (Member # 7601) on :
but then again, if it was important enough to write a book about, you'd think that he would remember it later on? not to be arugmentative or anything..
Posted by Agnes Bean (Member # 7614) on :
Suggestions, none of which are as good as some of the others suggested in this thread, but hey. I had fun throwing random words after the name Ender. If any of these have already been suggested, I apologize.

Ender’s Metamorphosis (in which he wakes up one day to find he has become a giant bugger)
Ender’s Transformation
Ender Journeying
Ender Wandering
Ender’s Exploration
Ender’s Departure
Ender’s Planet
Ender the Savior
Ender Ending
Ender Begins (actually, this would probably make more sense as Andrew Begins, but that breaks the rule)
Ender’s Discovery
Ender Changing
Ender in Transition
Shadowing Ender
Ender in Shadow(s)
Ender’s Justice
Ender Learning
Ender’s Wisdom
Ender’s Trouble
Ender’s Opponent
Ender’s Foe
Ender Reinvented
Battling Ender
Life, the Universe and Ender ( [Razz] )
A Time for Ender

I also like the idea of playing with the puppet/strings theme, because one of the most memorable scenes, to me, in Ender’s Game, was the one on the lake with Valentine, when Ender says something along the lines of “see the strings?” It was a reference to the way he was being controlled by his teachers, and I think it sums up his experiences in Ender’s Game very well. In the new book I expect to see him breaking free from those strings, so maybe something referencing that? I’ve come up with a few ideas, but I’m sure someone else can come up with better ones:

Ender: No Strings Attached
Ender: Nobody’s Puppet
Ender: No Puppet
Ender: Puppet Master
Ender, Freed

Some of my favorites that others suggest are Ender’s Gate, Ender’s Bridge (I like the allusion to Jane), Ender Adrift, Ender’s Search, Valentine’s Ender (if it focuses more on Val), and just plain Ender (or Andrew).
Posted by Joshua (Member # 7591) on :
I like this one

Shadow Children

Links the books, has many meanings, and applies to all of the characters

Bean's kids, Peter/Ender, Achilles Mark II, etc...

It's simple and fits in with the other titles IMHO.
Posted by Joshua (Member # 7591) on :
Or, If you want something in keeping with the longer titles SotG, CotM, etc...

Children of the Shadows
Posted by aitch42 (Member # 7373) on :
What about more play on "End Game" from chess? Wasn't that where you got the idea for Ender's name, Mr. Card? I'm trying to think of a title that wouldn't be too similar to Ender's Game.

Ender's Knight
Ender's Knightfall

Afterall, he was as knight, but fell (from grace, at least)
Homage to the great Asimov, too :-)
Posted by aitch42 (Member # 7373) on :
I think at least one of these must be a repeat:

Ender's Passage

No, you cannot have "Ender's passage" -
What with the English meaning of "buggers", it follows the rudeness on to an - unacceptable -association :-o
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
Eh. That's just for the English. They'll get over it. [Wink]
Posted by aitch42 (Member # 7373) on :
Eh. That's just for the English. They'll get over it.
Sure, in "Ender's Game" - but as already mentioned in other threads, it was an accident and "after the case" OSC changed "bugger" to be impolite in the books, they turned into "Formics".

So he's hardly likely to *want* another reference that might cause the English to snigger, is he?
Posted by Brian_Berlin (Member # 6900) on :
All together now: You picked a fine time to leave me Achilles
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
Other people are defending their titles, so I'm going to pitch Ender's Wake.

I haven't read Invesment Counselor, so I could be completely off, but I figure that this book is going to be where Ender sort of disappears. Definitely, Ender The Savior of Humanity myth is dying. So wake, as in waking a dead person, discusssing their life and putting them to rest.

But, while Ender is metaphorically dying, Andrew is coming to life. In time, the seeds of this awakening are going to lead to him becoming Andrew Wiggin, Speaker for the Dead.

Wake also means aftermath. This book is taking place in the aftermath of both the Xenocide and the writing of the Hive Queen and the Hegemon, as well as in the wake of Ender's personal experiences.

All of these things were bold excursions that are spreading ripples of effect, in much the same way that a boat's passage leaves a wake of disturbed water.

Which also can be used in the sense of a path that is followed. The Bean Sprout is likely to become smart enough to see through Randi's stories of Achilles and, if still inclined to dominance and destruction, take up the successful Ender as a much better model than his failure of a putative father.

Plus, there's the resonance with Finnegean's Wake. One of the central references of FW is that of Finn, the Irish hero deity that saved the world and now sleeps beside a river in the fairy world, to awaken and return when he is again needed. Ender has always struck me as being this sort of once and future king character. He saves the world and then everyone thinks he dies, but he returns when humanity is again in great crisis to pretty much save the day. FW is also a book about dreams and about familial, especially father/son, relationships, which are also likely to be themes in this book.

Plus, when I heard about this book, I pretty quickly thought that the world being an Irish/Gaelic one where there was a lot of boating would be a great backdrop, so the name fits so well to that concept as well. Probably just my own view though.


On another note, I think it would interesting if Ender runs into one of the failed Ender candidates. One of the kids who were being tried out for the top spot before Ender but didn't measure up and/or cracked under the pressure. It might just be me, but I'd be much more interested in that interaction than between Ender and one of his jeeshmates.
Posted by DarkKnight (Member # 7536) on :

Ender on Ice

That was FUNNY! Everything is better on ice [Smile] could you just imagine that??? [Smile]
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
Sure, in "Ender's Game" - but as already mentioned in other threads, it was an accident and "after the case" OSC changed "bugger" to be impolite in the books, they turned into "Formics".

So he's hardly likely to *want* another reference that might cause the English to snigger, is he?

Yet strangely enough, he uses the term "buggers" throughout Shadow of the Giant. I don't recall the word "formics" being used once in that book.

[ March 21, 2005, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: neo-dragon ]
Posted by SirReal (Member # 5257) on :
Following in the tradtion of Ender on Ice...

"Ender on the rocks" [Big Grin]
Posted by Gryphonesse (Member # 6651) on :
sounds like a drink...

maybe with a good bourbon or scotch...

Posted by Meshugener (Member # 7601) on :

Ender on Ice

That was FUNNY! Everything is better on ice could you just imagine that???

lol, i'm shocked and amazed that you thought mine was the funniest one, out of 11 pages. hehe
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
Why is that so funny? it makes no sence.
[Wall Bash]
i say it could be called Ender's soul.

[The Wave]


Nothing is impossible, impossible is nothing
Posted by boombit (Member # 7621) on :
Ender's shade
Posted by Meshugener (Member # 7601) on :
Ender's shade
...Ender's Oakleys?
Posted by Agnes Bean (Member # 7614) on :
I’m sure someone has already suggested at least some of these, but I thought I’d through it out just in case the haven’t.

Ender: Crossroads
Ender: A Stop in the Path
Ender: New Beginnings
Ender: A New Path
Ender: New Horizons
Ender: Beyond the Horizon

[ March 21, 2005, 08:57 PM: Message edited by: Agnes Bean ]
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
how about

Enders secret

i also like some ones from before like


but still my three are better [Taunt] [Razz] [Cool]


Imposible is nothing, nothing is impossible
Posted by WntrMute (Member # 7556) on :
Compiled list of suggestions so far. (This is up to the beginning of this post or so. This has been mind numbing. The formatting admittedly sucks. Note that all complaints include the implicit agreement to pay me some obscene amount of money. If I left out some terribly witty title you made up, it is only because I hate you [Mad] -- so don't take it personally. [No No] The list is basically in chronological order of who posted, with each poster's suggestions being listed in the order that they were submitted. Duplicates have been screened as best as I could see them.)

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away....
OSC kicked things off with the game plan:
What I don't have is a title. The only rule is that it must have the name "Ender" in it. My first thought is: "Ender Voyaging." My most hated title so far is: "Ender: Spaceman!" There's such a fine line between good titles and hideous ones.

Then he came up with:
"Ender Voyaging;" "Ender: Spaceman!"; Ender's Dame;
Ender's Claim; Ender's Flame; Ender's Came;
Ender's Fame; Ender's Frame; Ender's Tame;
Ender's Vame; Agglutenated Ender; Enderlink;
Ender Reloaded; Ender Reunion; Ender Come-home;
Ender's Back; Ender-sticky; Post-It Ender;
[sleep deprivation set in and we got]
Ender Squarepants; Sailor Ender; Enderville;
Ender's Giant Shadow; The Mask of Ender; Ender's House;
"Il Enderino"; The Endercrine Gland.

"Fight or flight: The End... err, or not?"; "Ender's Flight";
"A Valentine for Ender"; Ender's Jaunt;
"Valentine's Ender"; Ender's Exodus; Ender Encumbered;
Ender Unencumbered; Ender's Estrangement; On Ender: ;
Enough of Ender; Ender Enough!

Ender's Chance; Ender Rising; Ender Encounter;
Ender: The Way of the Stars; Crossing Ender's Horizon;
Ender's protégé; Ender's Passage

Ender: Boy Wonder; Ender: Teen Angst; Ender: The Missing Link;
Rendezvous with Ender; Ender And I Are Just Really Good Friends;
Ender and the Musical Fruit; Ender's Lame;
He's not Ender, He's My Brother; Ender's Bender;
Ender and the Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day;
Ender and the Chocolate Factory

Ender's Bane; Ender's Shame; Ender's Blame;
Ender's Name; Ender's Same; Ender Juxtaposition;

Ender's Heel; Ender and the Bean Stalk; Ender:Shadow Conspiracy;
Ender's Sorrow;

Ender's Confluence; Ender's Junction; Ender's Bind?;
Ender's Concatenation; Beginning of the Ender; Checkmate Ender;
Ender's Endgame; Neither an Ender nor a Borrower Be;
Endlessly Ender; An Ender Look; Ender's Surrender;
Ender's Defenders; I Coulda Been an Ender!; Render unto Ender;
Ender's Blender (pina coladas!); Wiggin Out!;
Ender's Shadow's Beginning; Shadow of Ender's Gate;
Ender's Umbra?;


Ender's Odyssey; Ender's Penance; Oddys Endersy?;
The Ender Express; Ender's Shadow's Shadow (Or simply Shadow Squared);
Ender UNCHAINED!; Monty Python's Life of Ender; Ender's Iliad;
Ender's Aeneid; Ender's Ulysses;
Portrait of an Ender as a Young Man;
Preparing for Enderlescence; Ender Gets Randi;
Achilles Heel

Rat named Dog
Ender's End; Ender-riffic!; Terms of Enderment;

Ender’s New Launch; Ender: The New Launcher;
Enders’ Bridge Over The Troubled Water

Ender's Gambit; Ender & the children of the legume;
Ender & the one that got away; Ender's Adversary;
Ender's Foe; Ender's Child; Ender & Briseis

Ender II: Return of Achilles;
Ender II: Revenge of the big bad buggers; (Figure out a way to put a 'Q' word on that last one and you have a reason for home stylin' cookin' every night!) [like big bad bugger QUEENS.?]
Ender X

Ender Adrift; Ender Strikes Back;
A Book About Ender! Or, The Publishers Want Me to Reassure You That Ender's in This Book.;
A Mind For Ender Voyaging

Ender: The Quickening; The East Ender; Press Ender
Ender a Soldier. Later, Ender Another;

Uncle Ender; Ender the Xenocide

Beren Erchamion [that's one-hand in Elven]
The Ender Defense; The Ender Theory; Apostle to the Ramen
Ender and Valentine; Ender the Planetside; Ender: Buy the Book Already

Ender's Valentine

Ender's Exile; Speaker Andrew; The Endersey?;
Speaker Ender (or: How I learned to stop belly-button inspecting and love the Hive-Queen);
Deconstructing Ender

Ender's Light; Ender's Bridges of Madison County;
Ender Wiggin and the Half-Blood Alien;
Ender Wiggin and the Chamber of Formics;
Ender Wiggin and the Prisoner of Ansible;
Ender and the Bad Sci-Fi Movie;
Crouching Bean Hidden Ender; Ender's Joy;
Ender's Sport; Ender's Strategy; Ender's Diversion;
Ender's Romp; Ender's Labor; Ender's Work

Super Wiggin Brothers?;
I loves me some Ender;
Something Ender This Way Comes;
Double Double Ender in Trouble;
This is the Series That Never End(er)s (It just goes on and on my Friend(er)s);
Shadowing Ender?;
Riding Ender's Wave;
Ender In Between

Ender’s Pitstop; Ender’s Layover;
Ender Speaks OR Speaking of Ender;
Ender Lives; Ender’s Evolution; Ender’s Change;
Learning of Ender (multiple-perspective title);
Leaving Ender; Universal Ender;
Ender Unacquainted OR Unacquainted with Ender;
Ender Acquainted OR Acquainted with Ender;
Ender in the Sky with Diamonds

Papa Moose
I'm Afraid I've Got Some Bad News, Ender: You're In Space;
Ender 2: Electric Boogaloo;
Ender's Search; Ender's Bridge; Ender's Fall;
Ender's Demise; Ender's Guilt; Ender's Remorse;
The Eye Of Ender; Ender's Zone; Ender's Play;
Ender Rex; Ender at Colonus; Valentigone

Ender's Enigma; Ender Will Never Not Ever Kill a Bugger Again

Ender's Dilemma

The Human Target
Ender, Wiggin' Out; Ender Evolution; Ender's Flux;
The Passage of Ender; Boy Enderupted; Do Not Ender! This Means You!

Never Ender

Ender the Dragon

Ender and the Giant; Ender and the Shadow of the Giant;
Ender and the Giant's Shadow

Ender's Duty; Ender's Cross; Andrew's Cross;
Ender's Infamy

Ender, Search for a Perfect Planet; Ender, Formic Diplomat;
Ender the Negotiator; Ender's Interpratation; Ender's Redemption;
Ender's Path; Ender's Plan; Ender's Meditation;
Ender's Calling; Ender's Suffering; Ender, Shadowed by the Giant
Ender's Decision; Ender's Sin; Ender, New Age Prophet;
Ender, Still Kicking; Ender's Revenge; Ender's Memories;
Ender's Sister; Ender's Mind; Ender's Jeesh;
Ender's Regret; Ender's Defeat; Endangered Ender;
Ender's Inner Demon; Ender's Assitant; Ender's Dynasty;
Ender's Curse; Ender's Hope; Ender, Erased from History;
Graff's Puppet, Ender Wiggin; PuppetMaster Ender;
Ender's Discovery; Ender's Progress; Ender's Goal;
Ender's Distraction; Ender's Weak Heel

Ender Wandering; Ender's Course; Ender Abroad

Ender Reviled; Ender for President; Ender's Growth;
Ender's Road; Ender's Heart; Ender's Solitude;
Ender Connected; Ender's Shadow! [ooops]; Ender's Exit;
Enderogyny (in which he disguises himself as a woman to escape notoriety).
Enderama; Wenderful; Ender's Choice;
Ender Enduring (Ender's Endurance?); Ender's Burden;
Ender's Mark (referencing the Mark of Cain)


Ender's Legacy; Fall of Ender; Ender in Exile;
Ender's Love; "Andrew"

Ender Amongst the Stars; Ender's Rise;
Ender's Call; Ender's Life; Ender's Reality;
The Decline and Fall of Ender Wiggins; Ender Wiggins: Bug Exterminator;

Ender's Worlds; The Worlds of Ender; A Bridge for Ender;
Ender's Time; Ender's Story; Ender's Stories;
Ender: Shadows of his Past; Pastwatch: The Redemption of Andrew Wiggin;
Ender's Journey; Ender's Journies; Ender: Speaking to his Past;
Ender: Speaker for his Past; Another Ender;
Wiggin; Ender Lost; Ender: A Child;
Ender's Lives; Bridges to Ender; A Bridge to Ender;
Ender's Identity; Ender's New Groove; Ender's Conscience;
Finding Ender; Xenocides Anonymous; Ender's Exploration;
Ender's Plight; Ender's Fight; Ender's Battlefield;
The Xenocide and I; Ender's Account; Endertwined;
Ender the Matrix; Ender, Xenocide; From Ender to Xenocide;
Ender's Time; Ender's Infamy; Jeesh

Ender's Gift; Ender's Point; Ender: Shadowboxing;
Ender in Shadow; Ender's Wounds; Ender's Scar;
Life After Death: A Tale of Ender and Bean; From Death, Life: A Tale of Ender and Bean;
Ender's Mirror; Ender's Failure; Ender's Awakening;
Ender's Rebirth; Ender: Birth and Rebirth; Ender's Key;
Ender's Vision; Ender Revised; Ender Revisited;
I'm Ok, You're Ender; The World According To Ender; Odds and Enders;
Ender's Fender Bender;
My Parents Sent Me to Battle School and All I Got Was This Lousy Xenocide;
Ender and the Art of Starship Matainence;
We Must Save Ender's Brain; Ender: Funky Disco Bandit;
How Ender Got His Groove Back; Bean's My Baby's Daddy;
Ender And Valentine On the Road to <Colony Name>;
Ender's Five O'Clock Shadow; Knight Ender;
A Comedy of Enders; Dr. Valentine and Mr. Peter;
Ender's Wake; Two Wiggins, a Beanlet, and a Pizza Place;
Much Ado About Ender; The Illustrated Ender;
Foundation and Ender; Ender 90210;
A Farewell to Ender; Your Own....Personal....Ender

Ender; Ender: Outcast?; All Good Things Come to an Ender;
Ender Round; Valentine Ender Brother; Ender Sings the Blues

Passion of the Ender; The Ender Identity; The Ender Supremacy;
Ender's Adventure with Mikal's Songbird on Treason; Ender Unmasked

Ender's Gender Bender; Ender Inchoate; Super Ender

Tracing Ender

Ender Goes to Washington; Ender's 9 Lives;
Ender: Ebertification

St. Yogi
Meeting Ender; Ender Wiggin; Ender's Cocoon;
Ender's Planet; Planet Ender; Ender's Future;
Ender's Voyage; Ender's Knowledge; I, Ender

Ender's Fire; Ender's Touch; Child of the Word;
Ender's Voice; Ender's Echo; The Ender;
Fellowship of the Ender?; The Two Enders?;
Return of the Ender?;
Ender: A New Game; Ender: The Empire Strikes Back;
Ender: Return of the Formics;
Ender of the Lost Arc; Ender and the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and Enders Crusade;
Ender Revolutions; Back to the Ender; The Wrath of Ender;
The Search for Ender; Ender: The Voyage Home; Ender: The Final Frontier;
Ender: New Generations; Enders First Contact; Ender: Insurrection;
Ender's Nemesis; Ender: The Lost World; Ender: Judgement Day;
Ender: Rise of the Machines; Ender: A space oddyssy;
Ender and the chamber of secrets; Ender and the prisoner of Azkaban;
Ender and the Goblet of Fire; Ender and the Order of the Pheonix;
Ender and the Half Blood Prince; Ender's Price;
Ender: Cruise Control

Million Dollar Ender; The United States of Ender;
Of Mice and Ender

Children of the Shadow

Ender Cruising; Ender's Move; Ender A Go-Go
Ender, Seed of Doubt; Ender, Combat Evolved; Ender Evolved;
The Endernator; The Lion, the Ender, and the Warship;
Enderscopy, Tiny Holes; Ender Wiggin, Interplanetary Man of Mystery;
"My Name is Ender and I'm a Spaceaholic: It's Been Three Weeks Since My Last Voyage";
Ender: The Sequel Before the Sequel that isn't Quite Parallel

Ender's Xenocidal Speaking Game; Ender Wonderland;
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Enderverse

the amazeeaz
The Relative Journey of Ender Wiggin; Ender Aplanet.

Ender's Ally; Ender's Companion; Ender's Matriarch
Ender's Excursion; Ender's Origin

Dread Pendragon
Series Ender; Ender's got Game

Justa Notha Name
The Ender Years; Ender's Crossing; Ender's Collecting;
Ender's Extension; Ender's Transformation; Ender Ascending;
Ender's Conformation; Ender: the Early Years

digging holes
Foundation's Ender; Journey's Ender; Book Ender;
An Enderesting Book

Sailing the Stars; Relative Relations; Ender's Struggle;
Xenostrife; Andrew's Travels; Ender's Gate;
Ender's Political Game; Ender's Utopia; Ender and the Universe;
Ender Blasts Off; Ender's Peace; Ender's Second War;
Ender's Escape; Ender's New Mind Game; Ender's Mission;
Worlds of Ender; Ender's Influence; Ender and the Hive Queen;
The Hive Queen and the Xenocide; Ender and Demosthenes;
The Speaker, The Philosopher, and The Queen;
The Xenocide, The Philosopher, and The Queen;
Ender the Governor; Ender the Statesman; What Lies Beyond the Ender;
Ender and Andrew; Losing Ender

Ender's Demons; Ender's Disgrace; Chasing Ender; Ender's Followers

While Ender was Sleeping

Emily W
A Story for Ender; The Key to Ender; The Heart of Ender; Road to Ender

Ender's Chateau; Ender's Pawn; Ender's promotion;
Ender's Tour; Ender's Courtier; Ender En Passant;
Ender's Rank; Ender's File; Ender's Fork

KK Slyder
Ender's Abyss; Ender's Test; Ender's Return;
Endercide; War Against Ender; Avuncular Ender;
Ender's Renaissance; Ender's Grasp; Ender's Enlightenment;
Ender's Death; Ender Renewal; Ender's Melee;
Ender's Fray; Ender's Weakness; Ender's Verdict;
Ender's Justice

For the Love of Ender; Ender's Battle

Ender is the Knight; Love Me Ender; Rear Ender;
Game Ender; Ender's High Score; Ender Shrugged;
Ender's Frontier; Ender's Horizon; Ender's Victory;
Ender's Venison; Ender's Run; To Your Scattered Enders Go!;
Ender's Lender; Pretender Ender;
MEnder, Or Battle School Homecoming at Hatrack River;
Ender Meets Bob_Scopatz; Ender is as Ender Does;
The Ender of the Opera; Ender Triumphant;
Enderogenous Zone; Ender's Age; Ender's Route;
Ender's Mercy; Ender's Gamete

The Speaker's shadow; Ender's beginning; A new Ender
Ender: Speaker of life; Ender's independence

Ender: New Beginning; The Wheel of Ender; The Sword of Ender;
Ender's Bagels; Ender the Rainbow

Endertrek: The Next Iteration; Ender's Transition;
Enderito; Enderade; Endersure

Beginners and Enders; Being Ender Wiggin;
Ender Begin Again; Ender Plays CARDS;
Ender and Andrew, Transformation; Ender Lost and Found;
Ender, Confessions of a Preteen Xenocide;
Ender And the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day;
Ender And the Great Glass Elevator;
If You Give an Ender a Cookie; Ender, Prince of Xenocides;
Lost World: Ender vs T-Rex; Make Way for Ender;
Ender On the Road Again; Endless Ender;
A Kinder, Gentler Ender; Ender And the Giant Peach;
Foxtrot Ender: A Xenocide's Guide To Ballroom Dancing

The last tempatation of Ender; Ender's World

Ender: The Dragon; "Ender Passant"; Speaker En Passant;
Hero En Passant; Savior En Passant; Children En Passant;
Ender's Achille's Heel; Wiggin vs. Flanders; Ender and the Cruisers;
20,000 Light Years Over The Sea; So Long And Thanks For Nothing;
7 Habits of Highly Effective Children; The Gazillionaire Next Door;
How I turned a measely pension into 42 Gazillion dollars in only two weeks! (relatively speaking);
Lord of the bugs; Cocoon; 5001 Space Odyssey;
Ramen Noodling; The Trondheimian Chronicles;
Herbie: The Lovebugger; Bean Hur;
Wiggin's Concise Guide to 51st-Century Seamanship;
Dr. Strangebean or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Molecular Disruptor Device

Ender gets a swirly; I come from the Land Down Ender;
20 leages Ender the Sea; Its the Ender the world as we know it

Ender's Other Shadow

Yozhik [i]
Another Damn Ender Book

[i]James Tiberius Kirk

Connfessions of a Teenage Ender

Enderbob Spacepants; Ender:Speaker in Training; Ender:Initiation

Ender Makes Waves; Ender’s Bank Account;
Ender and Valentine go to White Castle; Everybody Loves Ender;
Ender the Pensioner; Ender the Enderator;
Ender and Me; Ender Wiggin and the World of Tomorrow;
Ender Hates My Cat; Ender Takes a Holliday;
Finding Enderland; I’m Allergic to Ender Wiggin;
Ender Kicks the Preverbal Bucket; It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad Enderverse;
Ender Gains Weight; Ender Looses a Shoe;
Ender Finds Romance; Romancing Ender’s Stone;
Ender and Jane and Peter and Valentine; Ender’s Village;
Ender’s Cat; Ender Gets Stuck in the LA Airport;
Ender Meets Mr. Bungles; Ender Makes the World Go Around;
Ender's Travels; Blame It on Ender;
All Because of Ender; I Once Knew a Man Who Knew A Woman Who Knew Ender;
Ender Saves Us All, Again; Ender Is the Boy Next Door;
Ender Opens a Sushi Bar; Ender Behaves Badly;
A Time For Ender; Ender and Orson;
Ender and Geoff; Ender Few Over the Cuckoo's Nest;
Raiders of the Lost Ender; 12 Angry Enders;
Saving Ender; The Man Who Shot Ender;
Who's Afraid of Ender Wiggin?; Being Ender;
From Ender to Valentine; Ender Conquers the Martians

Ender's Renaissance; Ender's Pain; Ender's Resistance;
Ender's Revolution; Ender's Darkness; Ender's Silence;

Ender's Out of Kansas; Ender's Not in Kansas;
Seed of Armenia; Prince of Hayastan (The Armenian word for Armenia);
Son of Yerevan (Armenian Capitol); The Suffrage of Ender or Ender's Suffrage;
Ender's Intervention; Ender and the Chamber of Secrets;
Ender isn't alone; Meeting old friends;
The son of a friend; Ender's Pride;
Bean's Child; Ender's Family

The Planet-hopping Xenocidal Maniac; Ender's Acne; Life of Ender;
Ender Unleashed; First Travels; Ender's Encounter;
Ender's Enemy; Only Ender; Valentine and Ender;
The New Threat; Game Over;
Endertine (combo of Valentine and Ender); Ender vs Mini Genius Extraordinaire;
Speaker's Youth; Ender's Showdown; Shadows of Earth;
Ender's Shadow Jr.; Speaking of Shadows;
Rising Lights: From Xenocide to Speaker; Starboard Ender;
Ender's Port; USS Ender; Ender's Dive;
A New Ender; Ender Strikes Back; Return of the Xenocide;
Ender's Menace; Attack of Ender; Revenge of Ender

Ender the Giant

B-ender (Ender is cybernetically enhanced into a beer-swilling, chain-smoking, lazy robot);
Shadow of Ender's Shadow;
Ender's Figgin (with apologies to Terry Pratchett);
Wherein Ender the Xenocide Encounters the Son of a Former Comrade;
Our Mrs. Ender (with apologies to Joss Whedon);
Ender Versus the Pink Robots

Mazer Smith
Ender: Crossroads; Ender's Emergence; Ender's Match;
Ender's Crisis; Ender's Devil; Ender's Plague

Chris Bridges
Ender's Descent; Ender's Fall; Ender's Rebirth;
Ender's Redemption; Ender's Atonement; Ender's Penance;
Ender's Design; Ender's Pattern; The Judgment of Ender;
Ender! The Musical!

Ender's Demon(s); Ender's Reach; Ender's Tale;
Ender's Way

Ender's Giant.

Itinerant Ender

Go! Go, SpeedEnder! Kill! Kill!

The NeverEndering story!; Ender's Isolation?; Ender's Experience;
Ender: Hormonal Teenager in Space!; Ender's Repentance

Ender's Reflection; Ender's Forging; Shadows of the Mind;
Ender's Requiem; Young Ender; Prentice Ender;
Ender Journeyman; Ender's Ascension; Ender's Dawn;
Ender's Aim; Ender's Roam(ing); Ender Astray;
Ender Aloft; Ender's Bearing; Ender's Headway;
Ender Avast; Ender Afore; Ender Above; Helmsman Ender; Captain Ender; Ender's Apex;
Ender Overboard; Leagues of Ender; Ender: Navigator;
Ender: Messenger; Traveller Ender; Wayward Ender

Ender - From Hero to Horror; Ender - Life Begins;
Ender - Once a Hero, Always a Hero?; The Ender Liberation;
The Ender Salvation; Ender's Lake;
Ender's Raft; Ender Enemies;
Ender Illusions; Ender Nemesis;
Illusions in the Enderverse; Ender: Facades;
Ender's Inheritance; Ender's Reward;
Ender, A Hero's Legacy; Ender, A Hero in Exile;
Ender, The Human; The Ender's Game is Down;
Ender's Gate, is up; Ender, A Hero in the Stars;
World of the Wiggins; Shadows and Monsters;
Shadows or Monsters; "Ender Wiggin Vs. Spaceman Spiff";
Orson's Bane; Ender= MC Squared;
Lightspeed Gives Ender Constipation; Ender's Crush on Valentine;
Ender's First Hangover; Ender Discovers his Kinky Fetishes;
Ender's Obsession With Power Rangers; Ender Pushes Little Billy into the Well;
Ender: The Pop Up Book; Ender Becomes an Angsty Little Bastard;
Ender gets into a Fight with a Space Cactus

Ender's Illiad; Ender's Sojourn

Ender’s Link; Ender’s Association; Ender’s Connection;
Ender’s Relationship; Ender’s Correlation; Ender’s Relation;
Ender’s Bond; Ender’s Tie; Ender’s Union;
Ender’s Linkage; Ender’s Connect; Ender’s Alliance;
Ender’s Correspondence; Ender’s Bean; Ender’s Achilles;
Ender’s Petra; Ender’s BattleSchool; Ender’s Graff;
Ender’s Watch; Ender’s Keeper; Ender’s Son;
Ender’s Weakness; Ender’s Pandemonium; Ender’s Deception;
Ender’s Lies; Ender’s Dishonesty; Ender’s Deceit;
Ender’s Falsehood; Ender’s Fabrication; Ender’s Mendacity;
Ender’s Ruse; Ender’s Sham; Ender’s Fate;
Ender’s Corridor; Ender’s Trip; Ender’s Child;
Ender’s Embryo; Ender’s Mortal; Ender’s Bugger;
Ender’s Friend; Ender’s Power; Ender’s Triumph;
Ender’s Peter; Ender’s Grace; Ender’s Friendship;
Ender’s Damnation; Ender’s Follies; Ender’s Curse;
Ender’s Salience; Ender’s Surveillance; Ender’s Book;
Ender: Tale of Woe; Ender: Fallen Hero; Ender’s Games;
Ender’s Brillance; Ender’s Crush; Ender’s Nourishment;
Ender’s Determination; Ender’s Faith; Ender’s Gratitude;
Ender’s Rule; Ender’s Colony; Ender’s Worship;
Ender’s Nomadic Life; Ender: The Nomad; Ender: Nomadic Hero;
Ender’s God; Ender’s Aftermath; Ender’s Grant;
Ender’s Elba; Ender’s UFO; Ender’s IF;
Ender’s Ship; Ender’s Taming; Ender’s Beast;
Ender’s Trembles; Ender’s Shivers; Ender’s Voyage;
Ender’s Polarity; Ender’s Shell Shock; Ender’s War;
Ender’s Crusade; Ender’s Conqueror; Ender’s Hand;
Ender’s Cards; Ender’s Blackjack; Ender’s Royal Flush;
Ender’s Channel; Ender’s Space; Ender’s Vapor;
Ender’s P......; Ender’s Maternal Instincts; Ender Makes Way;
Ender Forever; Ender Returns; Ender Beyond;
Ender Begins; Ender Traveling; Ender Foretold;
Ender Granted; Ender Passing; Ender Motivated;
Ender: Admiral of the Open Space; Ender Following;
Ender’s Savior; Ender’s Kingdom; Ender’s Horse;
Ender’s Good-will; Ender’s Plagiarism; Ender’s Pity;
Ender’s Glory Years; Ender: The Glory years; Ender Determined;
Ender’s Challenge; Ender’s Delight; Ender’s Sibling;
Ender’s Childhood Protector; Ender and his Sister;
Ender’s Propaganda;
Ender: Lord of the Space Belts: The Fellowship of the Asteroid Belt;
Ender: Lord of the Space Belts: The Two Colonies;
Ender: Lord of the space Belts: The Return of the Hero;
Ender: Old School; Ender's Aftertermath or The Aftermath of Ender;
Shadow of the Womb

Ender, the Champion of the World; The BFPFTP (Big Friendly People From the Past);
Ender and the Giant Peachlike...thing....

"All your Ender's are belong to us."; "Ender in Rio"

"Second Shadow."

"Making Ender Divine"; Ender Forgotten; Ender Forsaken
Ender XP; Ender and the Amazing Technocolour Dreamcoat

Splnorky; El Magnfico del ENDERRRRR!;
Boom Boom and the Jets; Mr. Squishy Bug versus The Smog Monster;
Where Are All My Bananas?

Mr. Ender's Neighborhood

Ender's Quandary

Ender's Trinity; Ender's Second Chance; Endeavor;

Azuki Bean
Ender's Student

Ender's Quest; Govenor Ender; Citizen Ender

Ender's Phoenix; Ender's Eclipse; Ender's Liberty

Before The Speaker

Ender's Grief; Ender's Madness;
Ender: A New Bean; Ender: The Bean strikes back; Ender: Return of the Bean;
Ender: Not just for breakfast anymore; Ender: He's whats for dinner;
Ender's Reef; Ender's Reefer;
Ender: Shadow Legacy or Ender's Shadow Legacy

Phoenix: Ender in the ashes; "Ender is just alright with me.."

Ender's Puppy

Lady Jane
Ender On; In Ender's Day; Ender Absolute;
All About Ender; Ender, After; Ender and the Next Generation;
Ender Magister; Ender in the Stars; Ender, We Remember

WntrMute (truly, a genius beyond all compare -- and ever-so-modest, to boot!)
"Ender's Fnord" (before Andrew founded the new religion of Speakerism and flirted with Discordianism.)
"Ender's Slack" (the ten minutes he investigated the Church of the Sub-Genius.)
Ender and Val's Excellent Adventure (how can anyone pass up a tribute to the greatest cinematic accomplishment of the 20th century, if not all of known history?)
'Shadows and Ender.'
'Ender in Shadow.'
'Ender: Angst-ridden Deathmachine Cybernetic Chick-magnet' (Just for the marketing dept.)
(And for anyone who wants to complain about these parenthetical remarks: feel free to do this the next time, because it is a right pain in the byoo-tox, you betcha.)

Ender's Fleet; Travel with Ender; Ender Ends Here;
The last days of Ender; Away from Ender; Ender's Star;
Ender Came; Speaker for Ender; The Peace of Ender;
Ender's Speaker; Ender and the Hegemon; Ender and all Ramans;
From Ender to Varelse; Ender's Next Voyage; Ender Again;
Ender's Wings; Ender Against Starways Congress;
Starways Congress Unite with Ender; Ender's Clones;
Ender's Jewel; Ender and Jane; Ender meets Jane;
Ender and the new philotic species; Ender and the Philotic Specie.

In which we get to meet Ender again and everything that was unclear is explained

The Bean of Ender’s Achilles; Ender’s Hive; Ender Wandering;
Road Trip Ender; Ender’s Getaway; Ender Free.

Ender stand; Ender Awareness Month; Return to sEnder

From Ender to Andrew; Ender Grows Up; Ender's Beginner;
Becoming Ender; Ender: Becoming Andrew; Ender's Revelation;
Ender's Saga; Ender's Ghost; Ender's Haunting;
Ender's Hate; Ender's Mate; Ender Dates;
Ender Waits; Ender Roams; Ender's Home;
Ender's Played; Ender's Maven; Ender's Haven;
Ender's Hell; Ender's Horror; Ender's Place;
Ender Interrupted; Ender's Anger; Ender's Witness;
Ender's Valley; Ender's People; Ender's Tears;
Ender's Fear; Ender's Whisper; Ender's Adventures;
Ender's Desk-Job; Ender Gets Laid Off; Ender Politicizes;
Ender Works; Ender Rolls; Ender Joins a Band;
Ender: Travelling Hobo; Ender Ends Then Starts Again

OffEnder; Endermorphology; Ender: The Teen Years;
Ender on the rocks

Ender - Won't You?

Ender Anew

Ender vs. Ender: The Ultimate Showdown; Rock, Paper, Ender;
Andrew Wiggin: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Ender;
Ender's Ender; It's NOT a Freakin Game Ender!

Ender's Inheritence; Ender: Rite of Passage; Ender's Pilgramage;
Ender: Emergence; Ender Enstranged; Ender Sows;
Ender the Planter/Sower; Ender Atones; Ender Absolved

Ender's Lavalamp; Posable_Man; Posable_Ender

The Shelanman Himself
Ender's Urchin; The Seven Voyages of Ender

Ender's Memory; Ender's Burden

Josh Madagan
Ender Reborn; Ender Will Save Us All;
Ender's Death: New Beginnings; Tying Up Loose Ends;
Ender's Trials; After Ender's Game;
First Impressions; Uncle Ender's Starship;
Ender Decides To Die; Catcher In The Rye 2!;
All Enders Go To Heaven; Ender's Postseason Game;
E! True Hollywood Story: Ender Wiggin

Ender's Garden; Ender Worlds Apart; Ender's Heritage;
The Chronicles of Ender; Ender and the World of Tomorrow;
Tuesdays with Ender

Ender's Web; Ender's Affair; Ender's Liaison

Ender's New Life; Ender: The Second Colony; Ender meets Achilles

Ender's Ear; Ender: Jane's Addiction

Ender's Lament

Ender's meeting of the heel; Ender's Shadowing enemy;
Ender's Shadow enemy; Ender bumps his foot

godzila girl
Ender: Shadow of the Hero; Rebirth of Ender's legacy;
Shadow of Ender's Xenocide; Ender: Speaker for the Shadows;
Ender: Never Die, Again, Tomorow, Forever!;
Ender Wiggen and the quest for the holy grail;
Ender Xenocidehands; Ender of Green Gables;
Ender: Half Blood Prince of the Chamber of Secrets in the Two Towers;
Enders in Toyland; Eeny, meeny, miny.. ENDER!;
Never say Ender!; 2001: A Space Endersy

Ender vs THE HUMAN LEGUME (in terrifying 3D!);
Ender's descent into madness; Curious ender and the adventure into space;
Enders game II: the return of the revenge of the fellowship of the two kings strikes back;
Ender's Aid; Achilles Shadow;
Ender's Rescue; Ender on ice!;
Ender Bender Bananafana Fo Fender; Ender: Beyond a Shadow of a doubt
Ender's Becoming; Birth of Ender;
Ender's Tribulations; Ender's antidisestablishmentarianism;
Ender's Oakleys?

Ender at home; Ender and the Lost One; Ender: the Next Step;
Ender: the Follower; Ender in Society; Ender, the Person;
A Brave New Ender

Ender and Sprout; Ender the Podiatrist; Ender's Rival;
Ender's Apprentice

Ender's soul; Enders secret

Agnes Bean
Ender’s Metamorphosis; Ender Journeying; Ender’s Departure;
Ender the Savior; Ender Ending; Ender Changing;
Ender in Transition; Ender Learning; Ender’s Wisdom;
Ender’s Trouble; Ender’s Opponent; Ender Reinvented;
Battling Ender; Life, the Universe and Ender;
Ender: No Strings Attached; Ender: Nobody’s Puppet;
Ender: No Puppet; Ender, Freed; Ender: A Stop in the Path;
Ender: New Beginnings; Ender: A New Path; Ender: New Horizons;
Ender: Beyond the Horizon

Shadow Children

Ender's Knight; Knightfall; Ender's Knightfall

Ender's shade

((Edited to bring this up-to-date, and to delete two duplicated entries.))

[ March 22, 2005, 02:25 PM: Message edited by: WntrMute ]
Posted by Meshugener (Member # 7601) on :
aw, thanks to your easy to read list, i now see that my supposedly original title of "Ender's Penance" was said before.

but otherwise, HOLY CRAP! i cant believe you did that. thanks!
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I'm not sure whether to be very very impressed -- WOW! that must have taken a while! -- or very very scared. [Angst]

Punny bunch, aren't we?
Posted by B-HAX (Member # 6640) on :
Thats great, can you redo it in alphabetical order? thanks a bunch... [Taunt]
Posted by Meshugener (Member # 7601) on :
well, we're entitled to have some pun once in a while [Big Grin]
Posted by WntrMute (Member # 7556) on :
Be afraid, be very afraid.....

The compendium post has been brought as fully up-to-date as I am able to make it.

I'm rather hoping for a Hugo.

B-HAX, that wouldn't be a complaint now, would it? [Evil Laugh]

[ March 22, 2005, 12:38 AM: Message edited by: WntrMute ]
Posted by Blackfaer (Member # 7624) on :
Ender Strikes Back? [Wink]
Or simply, Ender's Colony?
I think perhaps the venerable Mr. Card will need to work out some of the plot before naming this one. It's hard to know what the concepts and theme referenced in the title should be until the concepts and themes of the book are determined.

As Ender's ship is long gone, we know this will be set on a colony that he travels to after leaving his first colony, so it would seem quite likely that a Battle School graduate would be heading the colony, as there were enough of them Graf was sending out and only three or four ships had been built by the time they all started leaving their roles on Earth.

The trick is, whoever it is, and whatever happens in this book, Ender's interactions with this person would need to result in Ender being who he is in the short story where he finds Jane, as well as the next several books.

As such, it seems to me it can't be someone he would be truly close to (unless he hides his identity from them) because the addition of one of these people would give him a friend besides Val who would understand him and care for him for who he was, and I don't see him having had that outside of Val and Jane in the later books. I seem to recall references to the fact that he never sees his Jeesh members again, so that might be a contradiction, though I've not read those particular books in some time and I might be imagining that.

My rational thought is that the colony leader should perhaps be a Battle Schooler who barely knew Ender, not someone from his Jeesh. (Suri didn't know him well, did he?)

My emotional thought is that I want it to be Dink, but that's just because he's the character I always most closely associated with. [Smile]
Posted by scifibum (Member # 7625) on :
Ender's Eventual
Ender's Everywhere
Ender's Elephant (in the living room)
Ender's Elegance
Ender's Epiphany
Ender's Epic
Ender's Somnambulance
Ender's Song
Ender's Sign
Ender Then
Ender Gone
Ender Unhinged
Ender's Vigil
Ender's Slide
Ender Away
Ender's Shift
Ender Afield
Ender's Delta
Ender's Edge
Ender in the Wind
Ender's Anchor
Ender's Dream
Ender's Reverie
Ender's Nut
Ender's Payload
Ender's Cargo
Ender: Envoy
The Ender Proxy
Ender: Executor <---fave
Ender: Emissary
Ender The Cookie Pusher
Ender's Pardon
Ender's Expiation
Posted by Descartes (Member # 1257) on :
Maybe it's just me, but has anyone thought of just... "Ender"?

After all, this would theoretically be a novel that, for the first time, is entirely about Ender the person, not ender the warrior. Since there won't be any more discoveries of aliens (ramen??) until the later books, it's pretty safe to say that the storyline of the new novel won't be centered around Ender's conquest, battle plans or leading any armies anytime soon. Plus, we know that Ender hid who he was for many years, so he's going to want to fade away from the public eye and his position in the first colony on the Bugger world. And most likely the book will end with Ender beginning the series of lightspeed jumps that will keep him alive for a few thousand years. Hence, the main point of the novel (aside, of course, from the child and other actions of course, will be Ender's suffering with what he's done, anger over having been, for lack of a better term, played.

And there will also be the beginning of the downfall of Ender's reputation. His move from hero of the human race to a tragic mistake that everyone regrets.

So, in other words... "Ender"

And I'm sure there's no shortage of people who can compare this to the Bible...Jesus jumps from 13 to 30 in a few pages...Ender does the same. Now, in case OSC wants to change the rules (and consider this a Shadows novel, there's always "Shadow of the Years". Of course, that doesn't include Ender in it, but hey, you never know.

Another good option without Ender's name in it would be "Andrew" (see the double entendre in THAT one?)

Other options...

Ender's Choice
Ender's Journey
Ender's Heart (since Valentine's in it)

And the fun ones...

Since the boys over in marketing and promotion will love it, how about "Ender's Girls Gone Wild"

Dont' hit me for even thinking this, but "Ender - It's better than Gigli"

And just for the heck of it..."Ender's Guide to the Galaxy"
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :

Maybe it's just me, but has anyone thought of just... "Ender"?

You could read the thread, which increasingly consists of people repeating the same handful of titles over and over, and find out. [Smile]
Posted by Suri-cool (Member # 7599) on :
Umm Thnaks for having me on that list but can you include oone more of mine. You forgot my Ender's Enemy. It probbely was a duplicate thats why you deleted it, but if not might as well say.
Posted by WntrMute (Member # 7556) on :
You could read the thread, which increasingly consists of people repeating the same handful of titles over and over, and find out.

Or scroll up a little bit where all of the submissions so far are listed by contributor in something approaching chronological order.
"Ender" was submitted by several people.

Suri-cool, obviously I left it out because I hate you [Mad] , not because LilBee91 had suggested it before. [Evil]

Just kidding about the hate thing. I'm just brim-full of love and the milk o' human kindness. [Big Grin]

edit to add: I think that "Ender's Girls Gone Wild" is on the right track. If the marketing guys are going to force us to pander, then let's just dive in and grab that low denominator.

[ March 22, 2005, 10:16 AM: Message edited by: WntrMute ]
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
WntrMute, one of my joke suggestions is a bit off in your list. "Ender a Soldier. Later, Ender Another" is a single suggestion rather than two. Easy mistake to have made if you aren't familiar with the Silverberg novella whose title I'm parodying.

In defense of Descartes, it has become a fashionable stupidity to rake Descartes over the coals, usually for all the wrong reasons.

Oh, wait, wrong Descartes.

No, seriously, in defense of Descartes, I think my mind would go numb if I tried to read this thread from the beginning, or even if I were to read WntrMute's post from its beginning. It'd be pretty easy to miss a particular suggested title, even if it were repeated a few times.
Posted by Meshugener (Member # 7601) on :

[ March 22, 2005, 03:01 PM: Message edited by: Meshugener ]
Posted by boombit (Member # 7621) on :
If bean is Ender's shadow and during the last chapter Peter did not want to discuss Beans circumstance to Ender, then Bean should be in the new book. So wouldn't a play on light be a good metaphor for curing bean.

Ender's Flame
Ender's Spark
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
Holy Crap is right.
Posted by PeterTheHegemon (Member # 7620) on :
I don't use this word a whole lot, but I think this is the right use:

Ender's Exegesis?

Exegesis is defined on as explanation, and with Bean's son being raised as Achilles' successor and Ender the Savior of Mankind becoming Ender the Xenocide, somebody's going to have a lot of some kind of explaining to do.

P.S: A speaker for the dead would do a lot of explaining too.

[ March 22, 2005, 03:51 PM: Message edited by: PeterTheHegemon ]
Posted by Gosu (Member # 5783) on :
As a general rule I'd say that you shouldn't use big or uncommon words in the title. There's nothing wrong with them, but from a commercial standpoint words like exegesis can simply be replaced with words most people would understand and so be intruiged into buying the book.
Posted by WntrMute (Member # 7556) on :
Sorry about unbolding your most excellent suggestion, but it wasn't fair of me to take sides in this if I'm going to start keeping the list. It was unprofessional of me and all that, but I also should have explained that before unbolding.
Posted by TheHumanTarget (Member # 7129) on :
Someone referenced "ramen" earlier in the thread, and I can't remember if this is right or not. Can someone confirm for me?
Posted by Meshugener (Member # 7601) on :
lol wntrmute, its all good. although, i don't think that OSC would pick that title, with or without bolding [Big Grin]

[ March 22, 2005, 04:51 PM: Message edited by: Meshugener ]
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
How about has anyone thought that because killing the buggers is now being considered a bad thing wouldn't some colonies revolt and kill their jeesh member leaders. [Evil]
if you use that then you won't have to add them into the plot and just mention that the colony revolted and killed their jeesh member.

[ March 22, 2005, 05:01 PM: Message edited by: Geekazoid ]
Posted by WntrMute (Member # 7556) on :
'Apostle to the Ramen' has been mentioned as has 'Ramen Noodling.'
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
I know it's supposed to have Ender in it, but I was thinking that it brings the Speaker for the Dead together with his shadow's decendant...I thought, Shadow of the Dead.
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
hmm... I'm guessing these have been mentioned already, but...

Ender's Blood
Ender: Eclipse
Ender: Endings
From Ender to Andrew
Ender: Aftermath
Ender: Remembering


Ender's Title

I'll remember the ones i just forgot sooner or later...
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Remembered one:

Ender: Omnipresence
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
how about
so how are my ideas's please tell me [Wall Bash] i'm going crazy [Evil] thank you
[The Wave]
Nothing is imossible, impossible is nothing
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
"redne ( Ender spelled backwards)"

hey look! it's Johnny (a.k.a. Geekazoid) copying my ideas i told him in tefilah today!


[Evil Laugh]

[ March 22, 2005, 06:10 PM: Message edited by: Dark Angel ]
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Ender: The Bend


Ender: Around the bend


Bending Ender
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Bringing about the End[er]
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Ender: Signs and Symbols
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Ender: Sanctuary of doubt

(I have no reason for that one other than the fact that it sounds cool)
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Ender through the looking glass
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Ender: Compassionate Crime
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Ender: Day Of Reckoning
Ender's Footsteps
Ender: Twisted Spirit
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
Nice choice dark angel i thought you were going to use joe from K-mart
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
But i still have it on hear first Garrett
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
Also spell my name correctly

Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
yeah I was gonna be "Joe from K-Mart" but... i changed my mind.

Ah whatever. you can have redne. I never even linked the title anyway.. [Big Grin]
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
fine, JHONNY!!! [Taunt]

ooh! You got to page twelve... good job!
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
Ender's Curse
ender's place
Ender the valor of a hero
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
Can we just Stop doing this here and do this at school still i'm better [Laugh]

.9999999999999...= 1
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I fear for the future.
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :

point nine bar notation is a non-existant number...


Ender: Fab or Filth?
Ender: Ocean of Flames
Ender: Angel of Darkness
Ender's Pizza (That one was for you Jonny [Laugh] )
Ender: Constructor or Destructor?
Ender: White Shadows

[ March 22, 2005, 07:05 PM: Message edited by: Dark Angel ]
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Ender: Valor or Villany
Posted by Rayven.Frost (Member # 7627) on :
I'm new here... I've read the very first post, and haven't read the latest book yet, so I have no quams about the possible spoilers implied. And at the risk of repeating a title (I'll go back through it all tonight or tomorrow and edit this post to take out the repeats) my suggestions are...

Ender's Redemption
Ender's Formic Redemption
It's the Ender as we know it
Ender's Gift
Ender's Gift of Regenesis
Ender's Regenesis
Formic Regenesis
Formic Regenesis: We forgive you
Formic Regenesis: We forgive you Ender
Ender's Bridge
Ender's Mandate to/of Heaven
Ender's Shadow of Hope
Ender's Shame
Ender's Spiral
Ender's Crusade: Hive Queen
Ender's Holy Grail
Ender's Sanguine
Ender's Sanguine: Redemption
Ender's Sanguine: Hive Queen
Ender's Sanguine: Cocoon of Salvation
Ender's Cocoon
The Death of Ender: Andrew's beginning
Ender's Val.. or?

[ March 22, 2005, 08:19 PM: Message edited by: Rayven.Frost ]
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
oh just shut up how about

ender the wanderer

ender the soother of souls

ender the hero destroyed
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
(ender works at a bank)

[ March 22, 2005, 07:27 PM: Message edited by: Dark Angel ]
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
the hate Ender caused
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Ender: Cause and Effect
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
Wait Dark angel (Garrett) Did you finish SotG Yet? If not where you get these names from?

Welcome to Hatrack [Hat]
Posted by trance (Member # 6623) on :
[Laugh] Ender the Bugger Lover
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
nah. im no where near finishing SoTG
i just make them up!
Posted by Rayven.Frost (Member # 7627) on :
Love of the Devil, Ender
Ender: Voices of the Dead
Ender: Love for the Devil?
Liquid Fire
Ender's window to the soul
Ender's Sorrow paind/paned eyes
Ender: A spark of
Ender's Nova
Ender: et tu Val?
Ender: et tu moi Queen?
Ender: Bugger Off
Ender's buggered
Ender's snake in the Grass
Ender's Judas
Valentine's Treason
Bean's Seed: Planted
Bean's Seed: Planeted
Ender's Embers
Embers of Ender
Regenisis: We Forgive You Ender
Ender: London Bridge is falling Down

Fresh Edit........

Ender's Foreshadow
Ender's Overshadow
Ender's Adumbrate
Ender Beclouded
Ender's Bedim
Ender's Dwarf
Ender's Eclipse
Ender's Haze
Ender Obfuscates
Ender Outshines
Ender's Overcast
Ender's Overcloud
Ender's Preponderate
Ender Rises above the Shadow
Ender's Shadow Rule
Ender's Rule
Ender: Tower Above
Ender's Veil
Ender's Breath
Ender's Intimation
Ender's Dark Memento
Ender's Relic
Ender's Suspicion
Ender's Tincture
Ender's Tinge
Ender's Touch
Ender's Trace
Ender's Vestige
Ender's Shade
Ender's Shelter
Ender's Tail: Wag the Dog.

[ March 23, 2005, 03:55 AM: Message edited by: Rayven.Frost ]
Posted by michaels333 (Member # 7631) on :
Sorry if this has already been suggested (there've been a lot of replies), but I think it would be cool to have a name that contrasts Ender's Shadow.

Something like Ender's Light or Ender's Beacon.

Or maybe something along the lines of Ender's Legacy.

Hopefully these aren't the worst suggestions yet;)
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
copying my ideas i told him in tefilah today!
Perhaps if you were actually mitpallel then, you wouldn't be having this problem.
Posted by Suri-cool (Member # 7599) on :
Yeah concentrate on your davening not your talking. And thanks sorry I didn't see someone else have Ender's enemy.
Posted by PeterTheHegemon (Member # 7620) on :
If exegesis is too confusing a word, how about just "Ender's Explanation"?

Actually, I guess I should have thought of that first.
Posted by dread pirate romany (Member # 6869) on :
Golden Voyage of Ender
The Good, The Bad and the Ender
And from my husband, No Ender in Sight

[ March 25, 2005, 12:21 PM: Message edited by: dread pirate romany ]
Posted by Agnes Bean (Member # 7614) on :
Ok, now I’m just using this as a method of procrastination.

Ender’s Failings
Ender’s Success(es)
Ender’s New Journey
Ender: Into the Wild
Ender: Into Space
Ender’s Bane
Ender’ Boon
Ender: Godsend
Travels with Ender
Ender's New World
A Light for Ender
A Path for Ender
Ender: First Steps
Ender: Bane of Humanity (if this is after people start hating him)
Ender: Humanity’s Bane
Ender: Humanity’s Boon (If this is while he's still a hero)
Ender: Loved
Ender: Hated
Ender's Tears
The Adoration of Ender
Ender: Worshiped

[ March 22, 2005, 10:28 PM: Message edited by: Agnes Bean ]
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
ohould you guys just be quiet it was before we started so i was praying while Garrett well this should sum it up [Sleep]

by the way how about

Enders sredne (otherwise known as ender fliped)


enders pain ( probably already suggested)


Ender's Apprentice



Sorry needed that


Ender's Isolation


THe consiquense of ender's book


Ender's Ajectives: a:... ( List of all possible ajectives in the known dictionary in alphebetical order)

Sorry tired [Sleep] Need an idea [Wall Bash]

Geekazoid nothing is impossible impossible is nothing

Posted by Mr.Happenstance (Member # 7635) on :
Alright here I go. The funny thing is that as this post has gone on the total post numbers by the people posting has gone steadily down until now only the people with a few posts are posting at and. So with a grand total of one I figure I will be the perfect addition.
First of all I think if there was a chance of the book including his first meeting with Jane then it would have to be when Ender turns 21, considering Bean wanted the program to notify Ender of his pension when he turned that age.
It would be interesting to see if Beans son was also a the time appoximately or exactly the same subjective age as Ender. Really fantastic considering that chronologically all of these things fit into a nice and neat little package.

I really doubt I could suggest any titles that have yet to be suggested. One word paired with Ender does seem the easiest way to do it, and I think no matter what you pick it would be good to not use the 's contraction as the other books do. It would be a subtle statement that the book truly is different from the others.
So the title Ender Adrift sounds good to me, but I don't know because I can't really see the word Adrift really having any relation to Ender's possible relationship with bean's son, although really any of the words used could be related somehow.
I was really impressed about how the Words shadow and game were used functionally and with alot of meaning throughout all of the books, so hopefully the title could be something that would tie in well with the other future book(s)...hmm....nope I've still got absolutely nothing original to suggest.
ANyway, I finished SotG at 3 in the morning and the whole thing was so amazing that I had to look around the web for anything OSC related. And now because of you darn people and your amusing antics It's 5:30 and I have yet to be in bed asleep. [Razz]
P.S Considering it is 5:30 in the morning im assuming I did a really poor job editing this, so please be gentle on a newcomer.
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
how about...

Ender Connected
Ender: Reloaded
Ender: Revolutions. (ooh. that would be good with a colony revolt)
Ender's Sight
Ender: Reawakened

Yeah. I'm sorry, if these have already been suggested...

Dark Angel:

If You Spit In The Air It Will Land On Your Face

Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Ender: Abomination
Ender: Enmity
Ender: Venom
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Ender: Suffering
Ender Tormented
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
Enders story

Enders fight

ender's fright

ender's friend

ender's fried chicken

ender: xenocidal hero

Ender the hate of all

impossible is nothing nothing is impossible

[ March 23, 2005, 12:33 PM: Message edited by: Geekazoid ]
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Ender's Wound
Ender: Ache
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Ender: Ache
At first glance I thought that that was "Ender's Acne", which would be appropriate if he's pubescent in these books.

[ March 23, 2005, 04:17 PM: Message edited by: Noemon ]
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
"ender's acne"

that would be an um... interesting book.

Ender: Hurricane
Ender: Cyclone

Ender The Fender Bender. (ender is an automechanic)

Ender: Monsoon
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Ender: Oblivion
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Ender in the lion's den
Ender and the golden fleece
Ender: Goliath
Posted by Meshugener (Member # 7601) on :
Ender and the technicolor dreamcoat
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
My first original sumbission:

Ender: Deliverance

Reasoning: It could refer to the birth of a certain baby (ie. delivering a child), and it could also be an allusion to the line from the Lord's Prayer, "...Deliver us from evil." The "evil" could also be any number of things, such as, the 'evil' of Ender the Xenocide, the evil of human nature in general, or the potential evil of the so-called heir of Achilles.
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Ender: Despair
Ender: Exodus
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Ender: Needle in a haystack, that one was NOT good at all!
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
I wonder if Mr. Card even continues to check this thread or if he's been overwhelmed by the number of suggestions...
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
Ender's disciple

ender's observer

ender's pupil

ender's amateur

ender's apostle

ender's aide

ender's ally

ender's partner

ender's uprising

THe rebbelion Ender caused

ender's scan

ender's spirit

ender's essence

ender's quintessence

ender's conscious

ender's core

Nothing is impossible impossible is nothing
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
ender's atonement
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
ender's expiation
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
ender's extrication

ender's truth

ender's climax

ender's solitarity

ender's penance

[ March 23, 2005, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: Geekazoid ]
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
ender's concealment

ender's seclusion

internal ender


Nothing is impossible impossible is nothing

if you spit in the air the spit will accelerate, then come to a complete stop reverse it's direction and smack you right in the face making everyone in the room laugh at you
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
ender's awakening

ender's groupies

ender's surface

ender's other half

ender's other side

HOw ender looks to others


nothing is imposible, impossible is nothing
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Dude, just edit a previous post to add new bad titles. Definitely don't double-space 'em and add a precious little .sig. It's just irritating.
Posted by Suri-cool (Member # 7599) on :
I'v been reading all of these and it seems there are clear distinction. It all matters what OSC wants in the book. If Achilles 2 is gonna be Ender's enemy. The name will be like Ender's enemy and those names. If Achilles 2 as his not enemy. It could be on the lines of Proege. If he dosn't wanna focus on that in the name just whats happeneing to Ender it could be almost evreything else like the voyaging. to the stuff in his mind. and end cause he's ending eneder starting andrew.
Posted by boombit (Member # 7621) on :
Ender and the ninth leviathan
Ender and the stolen Saviant
Posted by boombit (Member # 7621) on :
Ender: The rise of Randall
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Ender: Path of Chaos
Ender to the stars
Posted by Smasher (Member # 7640) on :
Hmm. . . What about, "Enders Enigma"?

Or what about, "Enders Trance"?

First one, in my opinion, would go with a good twist. Such as Ender finding out the womans secret.

Th second one would go well with Ender living life as the Governer, and Valentine and Randi mix his life up, causing him to get out of his "Trance".

I don't know. . . Kind of hard to pick a title for a story you yourself are not writing.:<
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
Ender's friend
ender's hleper
ender's student
Posted by scifibum (Member # 7625) on :
I have it. This is it. The title. End of discussion.

Ender Please
Posted by kaioshin00 (Member # 3740) on :
Ender Bender
Posted by Agnes Bean (Member # 7614) on :
Beyond Ender
Posted by Appletanks (Member # 7641) on :
Ender's Fender Bender
Posted by B-HAX (Member # 6640) on :
This is the thread that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends....

Ender's Descent
Ender's Hill
Ender Sinking
Ender Bound
Ender Terminus
Ender Alpha
Ender Omega
Ender's Antecedent
Ender's Element

B-HAX out...
Posted by trance (Member # 6623) on :
For some odd reason that I really don't know Smasher.....I just don't like Ender's Trance. Lol.
Posted by hookedonpepsi22 (Member # 7346) on :
I now have a question about this new book. Does it take place on the colony that Dink is on or is it a new one that we haven't heard of?
Posted by Michiel (Member # 7649) on :
I think that "Ender's Exile", mentioned a couple of pages back, is really the most tantalizing of the lot.
Posted by Quimby2999 (Member # 7044) on :
ender's hleper
Ender's a Leper? Do you know something I don't?

How about Ender's . . . Game?
Posted by kaioshin00 (Member # 3740) on :
I like the periods.
Posted by Seventh Daughter (Member # 7642) on :
Ender's Distance

Distance of Ender

Ender's Attainment
Posted by endersbean3k1 (Member # 7651) on :
Just for kicks:

Ender's End

I really don't know why other than something I heard on page 10 after skimming about how it's the Ender in the later books who's the real Ender, and this'd be the End of the 'old' Ender. This would also tie in to the whole thing about The End of The World in the Fantasy Game. Kinda sounds like he's dieing though.

Methinks OSC (who my sources tell me is really SOC) wants me dead with all these new books:

Now, lets make a book that ties in with this and that one, so he has to read ALL of them over again! [insert evil laughter here]

[ March 28, 2005, 03:12 PM: Message edited by: endersbean3k1 ]
Posted by Avicus (Member # 7652) on :
Thank you. I finished it in under a day as I do all of your books, and at the end I realized that there was still more to tell.
Regarding the book it was excellent. Not to sound like a trekkie (no offence since I know you are a fan) but I did see a few grammatical errors. No more then you will find in this short post though. Thank you again for giving the world Ender and Bean.
Posted by Jonathan Howard (Member # 6934) on :
Haven't read the 13 pages...

If you want Ender, or one of His memories to rise again:

The Ender Rise
Unto the Ender Rising
The Ender Riseth Again
Ender: Reunited
Ender: Resurrected (based on the Alien: x framework)
Rise of the Ender

If you're into Ender's drama and a hard time:

The Battered Ender
Beaten and Wasted, Ender Returnes


The Mystical Voyage of Ender
Ender's Departure
Ender by Travel

Yes, I suck. but, it is something...
Posted by Jonathan Howard (Member # 6934) on :
Or, going for the rhymes:

Ender's Man (revealing the secret sexual identity of Ender)

Ender's Stan (the sequel, not characterising the gay friend)

Ender's Can (the story of the Coca-Cola drug of the xty-y century)

Ender's Ban (the sequel)

Ender's Fan (the telling of Sci-Fi lovers on Earth)

Ender's Clan (the sequel)

Ender's Bang (the Hive Queen's story of Dr. Device)

Ender's Van (the Renault Kangoo book-propaganda)

Ender Ran (aka: The Book of Sci-Fi Paranoia)

Ender'n Dan (Revealing the threesome of Ender, Stan and Dan)

Ender's Pan (a cooking book)

Ender's Fan (can also be used to describe a very exotic planet)

Ender's Tan (revealing why Stan and Dan love Ender)

Ender's LAN (how Ender met the 2)

Ender's Ian (or 3)

Ender's Plan (how Ender seduced them)

Ender's Anne (bi?!?!?!)


Just to clarify, I'm hetrosexual. Not that I have anything against gays ("not that there's anything wrong with that").
Posted by Jonathan Howard (Member # 6934) on :
Ender the Gender Bender (transsexuality);

Ender the Sender Mender (repairing the PO trucks)

Ender and Valentine: A pair of pathetic peripatetics (the story of their voyage)

[ March 27, 2005, 01:08 PM: Message edited by: Jonathan Howard ]
Posted by kaioshin00 (Member # 3740) on :
Tender Ender
Posted by Suri-cool (Member # 7599) on :
The real question is if OSC is even reading these anymore, which I personally think he should since ther are some gems in these later ones. (*coughs and points to his own*)
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
I think OSC is sorry he ever asked... [Big Grin]
Posted by Suri-cool (Member # 7599) on :
Yeah really 620 replies wow! And most posts have like a lot of titles but that makes up for the posts that have none so I don't even wanna count how many tit;les were proposed.
Posted by ingenio (Member # 7656) on :
It seems ashame that the title absolutely must have the word "Ender" in it. Because I can think of fifty titles that *don't* use Ender.

Too bad it couldn't be "Ender's Valentine", because that could have all kinds of multi-level meaning. Because Valentine is his sister, but a valentine is also a token of love (well, to us Westerners anyway) and love always seems to be beautiful and difficult for Ender. And if it contains anything about the conversation that Peter and Ender had in SOTG, then that's just a whole can of love/hate/hurt/pain/sorrow/forgiveness/regret right there.

"Alas, Ender"


"Ender Speaking" or "Ender Spoke". If this novel somehow picks up on how he becomes the Speaker for the Dead. I think that would be fascinating in it's own right. "Ender's Voice", maybe. I'm sure somebody has said this before. I didn't have time to read all the posts before I posted this. So forgive me if I'm repeating what someone else has already said.
Posted by Suri-cool (Member # 7599) on :
It can't pick up then because it's before that time. Did you read investmint counler?
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
Mmmm... Invest mints....
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
Oh....I've got it! Its perfect! No other title can compare! How about Ender, Formic Diplomat ? It emphasizes Ender's peaceful search for a new bugger homeworld and leaves everything else entirely open so Mr. Card can do whatever he wants.
Posted by Youth ap Orem (Member # 5582) on :
Is it too late to offer an idea? [Frown] I got to page 5 before I skipped all the way to the last page.
Did anyone say, Ender: Transition(s), Ender's Atonement?
Posted by Eyes (Member # 3731) on :
Wow, I actually have a login here... Didn't remember signing up for one, but whatever. Oh, and I also haven't read anything of SOTG besides the three free chapters. No worries, though. I will.

SO, we're going with an ender in the title here.

How about...

Ender's Trial

Ender's Truth

Ender's Phantom

Ender's Price

Ender's Journey

Ender's Destiny

Ender's Courage

Ender and the Bean Stalk.... Heh.

Ender's Endgame (heh)

Ender Wiggin, P.I. (To refference the tom sawyer thing.)

I never want to read through those ever again. I deleted most of my repeats... I didn't even notice that there were 13 pages until I was done and I wanted to go to bed an hour ago.

I'm suprised no one thought of Phantom.

[ March 29, 2005, 03:25 AM: Message edited by: Eyes ]
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
Actually, these are wonderful. I usually go through this process completely alone. You have come up with a much better list.

And you also know what novel titlers all learn - that once you start, it's hard to stop. Even when you have already published the book, you keep thinking of new titles. Frustrating it is when you think of the very best title just as the book reaches the stores with the second best title on it.

Has anyone already suggested the ultimate computer instruction manual in the Ender universe?

Press Ender.
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
OSC -- what are some titles that you wish you had given to your books?
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
How about

Ender's Key
Ender: Key and Keyhole
Ender: Key and Lock
Ender: Key and Locke
Ender: The Downward Spiral
Ender: 2000 years of Human Error
Ender: Control, Alter, Destroy
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :

Ender: Phantom of the Opera
Ender's Book
Ender's Pen
Ender's Pencil
Ender's Really long title to mock those of geekazoid for this tile for the book is longer than most of his titles for that book and so Orson Scott Card should choose this title just for the fact that it goes--- ON AND ON MY FRIENDS! SOME PEOPLE STARTED SINGING IT NOT KNOWING WHAT IT WAS. BUT NOW THEY JUST KEEP SINGING IT FOR EVER AND EVER JUST BECAUSE IT IS THE SONG THAT NEVER ENDers IT GOES ON AND ON MY-- *gets whacked on the head by a mutant penguin*

Ender's Song

Ender's run on sentance

Ender: Sentanced

[ March 29, 2005, 12:30 PM: Message edited by: Dark Angel ]
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
Ender: The truth behind the Lies behind the truth behind the boy behind the colony behind the solor system behind the galaxy behind the universe behind the lies behind the truth behind the lies behind the kid who is really bored as he just keeps on pressing keyes on a keyboard which then convert into binary in the computer which then converts into pixels on an electronic screen which seems to spell out words, behind the thruth behind the penguin who most viciosly attacked dark angel in his previous post.

Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
the depresed world of Ender wiggin
the universe ender's alter ego created

what ender's book did to the life of ender wiggin in his travels from planet to planet useing relativistic speeds to stay young for 3000 years so that the other books can happen

ender's cd

ender's book on a book about a book that was written as a book on a book to the story written by orson scott card to get tons of money and rule the entire world while he wrote when he was on the route from planet to planet

Ender's story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a story about a an author named Orson scott card who wrote a story...

Thank you mister radioactive penguin
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
Obfuscative Enderisms
Posted by Sid Meier (Member # 6965) on :
(i forget) if its a story about Achilles II and Andrew (Ender doesn't seem all that fitting anymore) then it has to have SOMETHING to do with it, "Ender's Past" I think is aceptable since Ender goes face to face with his past. Imagine this:

Ender and Valentine are walking down a street on the planet Pittsburgh its a crowded market street with people barganing back in forth in a few languages and Ender and Valentine are browsing the wares as tourists then a small child catches Andrew's eyes, a small boy small but with eyes that beseeched a fierce intellegance that were always looking, studying his surroundings. He was trying to buy something apparently some kind of game, Andrew walks over buys the game for him and hands it to him and simply walks back to Valentine who has a puzzled look on her face. He shruggs and says: "He reminded me of Bean" and that was that Adnrew diddn't want to talk any more about it and the two continued on their way.

However they didn't notice the boy whoes name the world once feared was starring off at them in sudden hatred.

Thats how I imagine the story psuedo starting. I know probably not as good as Mr. Card would write it but thats sorta my idea. So ya I like Ender's Past but please remember this is not a DnD table where you roll a D100 for a name's pre/sufixes.
Posted by ChocoTuar (Member # 6854) on :
*waves hand like Yoda*

Want to use "Ender Anew," you do...
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
Maybe when Mr. Card is ready to choose a title he could narrow it down to 5 or so choices (from this thread and/or his own ideas) and let us vote.
Posted by Suri-cool (Member # 7599) on :
That would b great Neo-dragon... I wish he does. also just a qucik joke one. The ultimite hitchihkers guide to the Enderverse. Heh. And this post is also another one to promote my other titles. *points to other titles*
Posted by Sid Meier (Member # 6965) on :
*points to a gun* frankly the idea of adapting anything that remotly sounds like and other title doenst appeal to me, and I really don't think it'll end up as Ender's [blank], since speak etc didnt have ender in their title. If think its only the first 2 books Ender's Game/Shadow that will have the Ender name attached. I dont know for sujre but it sounds like a tyle and I like it that way. Meh, if the majority like it another way I wont argue I just want to have more books.... precious books... the plot is ultimatly more important then the title itslef.
Posted by Agnes Bean (Member # 7614) on :
title. If think its only the first 2 books Ender's Game/Shadow that will have the Ender name attached.
OSC said at the beginning of this thread that the rule was the title had to have Ender in it.

However, I do king of like the idea of breaking the trend and not having it be Ender's ____ (though some of those were really good...I still love Ender's Gate).
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Has anyone suggested "Terms of Enderment" yet?
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
I don't think that OSC will actually let us vote though, because if we choose one that isn't his favourite he shouldn't have to be obligated to use it anyway...

Even though we are the ones putting bread on his table and a roof over his head [Big Grin] [Wink]

[ March 30, 2005, 07:13 PM: Message edited by: neo-dragon ]
Posted by Sid Meier (Member # 6965) on :
oh, well if it is an Ender one then ya, Ender's Past! Or Ender's... something...
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
The two best titles I've seen so far:


Ender, Formic Diplomat
Posted by skippyboy (Member # 7600) on :
I agree with "Ender" as being the best. Hey it wouldn't it be great if the webmaster put up a link where we could all vote on this? Hint Hint. [Wink]
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
I gotta say that "Ender, Formic Diplomat" sounds pretty boring to me.

I haven't read every single suggestion, but so far, my top 3 are:

"Ender: Deliverance" (my own suggestion, with reasonin explained on pg 12 of this thread [Wink] )

"Ender's Legacy"


[ March 31, 2005, 12:13 AM: Message edited by: neo-dragon ]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Here's the problem with Ender: it's a cop-out. It's like Metallica naming an album "Metallica." It's done so you know what you're getting, kind of like those generic boxes of corn flakes.
Posted by Frangy. (Member # 6794) on :
Ender: our lost link or in spanish version "Ender, nuestro eslabón perdido"

I think is a good idea, Ender without the protection of Jane, like in the battle school...
Posted by Frangy. (Member # 6794) on :
A friend says "Ender: The Way of the Stars", is good but i also like "in the way..." or "our way..."

Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
Ender's Dynasty would be good if Ender ends up on Path for any reason.

I've got it! Pastwatch: The Redemption of Ender Wiggin [Razz]
Posted by skippyboy (Member # 7600) on :
Here's the problem with Ender: it's a cop-out. It's like Metallica naming an album "Metallica." It's done so you know what you're getting, kind of like those generic boxes of corn flakes.
Well, that is pretty much the point of what Mr. Card suggested isn't it? This is why he requested that "Ender" be in the title.
Posted by qirien (Member # 7638) on :
Coming in a bit late, so maybe these have already been mentioned, but:
Ender's Youth (refers to both himself and Achilles II, maybe?)
Ender: Hearer of the Living (hee hee, so that doesn't really sound good . . . )
Ender's Interlude
The Beginning of the Ender
Bridge of Enders
Posted by AbeLinclon (Member # 6923) on :
People have been talking about putting it so like a transiton from Ender becoming Andrew so here are two titles that may have been suggested that I am suggesting now.

From Ender to Andrew
Ender meets Andrew

okay. Yeah. O and that whole list of all the titles. that's crazy. Gj.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :

Well, that is pretty much the point of what Mr. Card suggested isn't it? This is why he requested that "Ender" be in the title.

Yes. But just going with Ender, then, is a tacit and unimaginative capitulation to that idea.
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
People have been talking about putting it so like a transiton from Ender becoming Andrew so here are two titles that may have been suggested that I am suggesting now.

From Ender to Andrew
Ender meets Andrew

No offense, but those both sound like the title of some sort of homsexual love story to me... [Eek!]
Posted by Avicus (Member # 7652) on :
Here's what I'm thinking. Let's say that Ender some how becomes the teacher of Randi's son (nobody knows that he's Ender the Xenocide), and this is where he starts his teaching carrier jumping from world to world. Somehow he realizes who this kid is and his potential and the story could somehow work around that along with the crazy Randi lady. So considering this one title you could have is Ender's Pupil or Ender the teacher. The reason for this title is I remember when Ender first meets Mazer. There's the dialogue where Mazer tells Ender that up till now Ender didn't have a proper teacher. On Eros it's their way for an older student to take a new student and together they battle untill the pupil is ready for another teacher. And of course one of my favorite lines is when he says "I am your enemy, I am your teacher." He says something like that. I've thought of millions of ways this story could work out. Really glad you're doing another book though.
Posted by skippyboy (Member # 7600) on :
Yes. But just going with Ender, then, is a tacit and unimaginative capitulation to that idea.
(That idea being what OSC wanted.) Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. Mine is that "Ender" is simple, direct and to the point.

This is exactly why it would be so great to vote on all of them -- just to see what the masses think.
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
Avicus, the problem I see with your idea is simply, what would Ender actually have to teach the kid? At this point he's not even a Speaker yet. He's only been trained in warfare, and since Ender isn't exactly proud of his reputation as a commander, I doubt that he'd want to train anybody to be like him.
Posted by Satlin (Member # 1593) on :
Ender in Eidolon
Posted by jongo05 (Member # 7580) on :
Ender's Goes to Work
Posted by Avicus (Member # 7652) on :
neo-d - It wouldn't be a matter of training the child to be like Ender. Ender never teaches anyone like that. When he was on Trondheim he was teaching Philosophy I think or something like it. He's a good teacher in that he can help you find yourself. That's what he could do for the child. He will be drilled from birth to believe that Ender, Peter, and Bean are bad and "Ashilleez" is a saint (spelled that way on purpose). He/she will have Bean's intelligence but that doesn't make it any less succeptible to being manipulated. Ender would be able to help in freeing the kid of the trauma his/her mother is going to put him/her through. The more I think about it I don't see any other way for the story to go unless the kid is able to break free him/her self or the kid repeats "ashilleeez" path and winds up getting shot in the head for screwing with the wrong guy.
Posted by Szymon (Member # 7103) on :
perhaps Ender's Rendezvous or Ender Lasts or Universe Pantokrator [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]
Posted by accio (Member # 3040) on :
I hope this is not a duplicate but,

Ender: New Horizon

Since we haven’t heard from OSC on the board for a while, let’s hope he has started to work on his new book!
[The Wave]
Posted by owen (Member # 7607) on :
I was thinkingh about the title, and for the slight double entoundra (sic). If somebody else posted it I am sorry for the repeat, but I think the new book should be called Ender's Heel. It will deal with ender and Achilles II. A heel is also a despicable person which either could be Achilles Two or ender since he is now hated due to the hive queen book. It could also mean ender's weakness or flaw since he is an epic hero.
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
My bad, Avicus. You're right. For some reason I totally forgot about him teaching on Trondheim.
Posted by Avicus (Member # 7652) on :
neo- No need to apologize. I have a weird memory when it comes to books. [Smile] What do you think of my idea though? It sounds good in my head, but what about yours?
Posted by kaioshin00 (Member # 3740) on :
The Ender.
Posted by yonush (Member # 7506) on :
on Abe's note...

ender's end
andrew's beginning

Ender's freedom
Posted by Nomolos (Member # 7703) on :
Enders Giants

[ April 03, 2005, 05:26 PM: Message edited by: Nomolos ]
Posted by Nomolos (Member # 7703) on :
Ender: Anton's Key(s)
Enders Keys
Posted by Suri-cool (Member # 7599) on :
Is it just me or did the topic for the Jeesh member of the colont dissparear or am i toired... i'v been looking for the last 25 min..
Posted by signine (Member # 7671) on :
How're these for titles? A bit late admittedly:

Andrew Wiggin
Ender's Light
Ender: The Redeemer (reeks too much of UT to me though)

I was a big fan of "The Ender" earlier on the discussion forum. The favorite of mine though, of course, is Andrew Wiggin.
Posted by Khavanon (Member # 929) on :
I'm not a fan of Ender's name being in the title at all, since this is a book about a situation set in a unique time period, and the books from the end of Ender's life (as Ender) have their own unique titles. The situation seems to involve a continuance of the Shadow series, so a Shadow title would make more sense, maybe "Shadow of the Father" (but I'm kind of getting tired of that, too). If it had a unique name I'd go with "Exiles."

I understand the marketability of Ender's name. I'm sure he'll be a major factor in such a story. I was hoping Bean would make it in there since it is his child, unless you had a seperate story line planned for him. Bean versus his own son. That would make it the most difficult conflict. But having Bean and Ender operate in the same space where both are finally perspective characters on the same pages might be too powerful for one book, since their characters are so strong, unless they had their own conflict somehow.

But I'm rambling in an area that I probably shouldn't. I suppose I should contribute an Ender title. How about "Ender's Will," not a last will and testiment, but the struggle to oppose the son of his dear friend.

[ April 05, 2005, 01:34 AM: Message edited by: Khavanon ]
Posted by AbeLinclon (Member # 6923) on :
Ender's Life after the killing of the last Buggers. (IT's so obvious)

Ender meets his former right hand man's son out in space. (Another Obivous one)

Ender: Man Of space (lol)

Ender: SHould he go to College?

Ender: wow

The Amazing Ender and his Carnival Freaks

Getting serious now...
Ender's Duration

Ender or Andrew?

Ender Becomes Andrew

Ender's Fall

Ender Rising

Ender's Coming

Ender's Fate

End of Ender

Ender Ends

Ender's End

[Wall Bash] [Evil Laugh] [ROFL] [Dont Know] [Taunt] [Sleep] [No No] [Wave]

I just love emoticons.
Posted by Ekat (Member # 7747) on :
Enders the Prodigy
Ender Ending
Ender's expedidition
The journey of Ender
Ender's equilibrium
The Era of Ender
Ender's Final Fight
Ender's final Joust
The Dilemna of Ender
Ender's Destiny
Enders epilogue

[ April 05, 2005, 08:33 PM: Message edited by: Ekat ]
Posted by Mr_Megalomaniac (Member # 7695) on :
Ender's Valentine
Ender's Seperation
Ender's Atonment
Ender Journaymen
Far Away Ender
Ender's Colony
Posted by Law Maker (Member # 5909) on :
Just in case no one caught it when Kaioshin00 posted. . . Let me add my vote to "THE ENDER"
Posted by Einnz (Member # 7558) on :
Ender's Company
Ender and the three Jewels (Her sister valentine, the hive queen, and her new companion jane)
Ender's Absence on Earth
Earth without Ender
Ender Left Earth
Ender's Persues New Life Outside
Ender Beyond
Ender's Companions
Fellowship of Ender
Ender inbetween Galaxies
Ender between Planets
Ender's Interstellar Exploration
Ender's Galaxy Travel
Ender's Journey through Planets
Ender in search of a new Home
Posted by kaioshin00 (Member # 3740) on :
[Big Grin]
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
The Path of Ender

Chasing Ender

Echoes of Ender
Posted by Sartorius (Member # 7696) on :
Because OSC is now a Broadway song...

The Ender Horror Show: Traveling at relativistic speeds is kind like a timewarp, dontcha think?

Enderspell: Crowds of worshipfull hippies follow Ender around reanacting passages from The Hive Queen and the Hegemon in cartoonish voices. They tie him to a fence at the end.

My Fair Ender: Ender learns to talk like a real boy. "Eh" and "neh" are painfully extracted from his vocabulary. He goes to the All-Galactic Powerfull People Convention where he is mistaken for Peter, which makes him cry and throw shoes.
Posted by Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged (Member # 7476) on :
Ender Wiggin Superstar
Posted by Jonathan K. (Member # 7720) on :
Hey, whatever happened to that Enderguy anyway?
Posted by Jonathan K. (Member # 7720) on :
If you give ender a bugger...
Posted by Mr_Megalomaniac (Member # 7695) on :
Ender: The Bugger Flinger
Posted by ChaosTheory (Member # 7069) on :
If the book will include or mention anything about Armenia, then I'd like to point out that there is a quote about an Armenian planet in SFtD

"It takes time to schedule a starship, Ender."

"Are there any orbiting Trondheim?"

"Half a dozen, of course, but only one that could be ready to go tomorrow, and it has a load of skrika for the luxury trade on Cyrillia and Armenia."

Just pointing this out because "Mr.Card! Mr.Card! Mr.Card!" said that he might like a mention of Armenia in the title.
Posted by signine (Member # 7671) on :
Well if we're going to be silly:

Ocean's Ender: Ender begins going by the name "Andrew Ocean" and uses his reputation as SFtD to steal a messenger ship.

Ender: The Armenian Connection: Ender finds out about a Heroin shipment destined for his planet from the Armenian colony, intercepts it only to find a clever double cross by none other than Bean

Ender Madison: Since Ender never had a real formal education beyond battle school, he decides to enroll in an elementary school. Hilarity ensues.

50 First Enders: Ender takes a sharp blow to the head that prevents him from remembering anything for more than a day.

Citizen Ender: Actually, I think this is a good title, but you know.

Full Metal Ender: Ender lands on a world populated by Vietnamese in the middle of a bloody war with American colonists.

Grumpy Old Ender: Bean (as an old man for his condition) and Ender go ice fishing, play practical jokes on each other.

And a few more suggestions that are blatant..erm..borrowings from other tales:
I, Wiggin
Dr. Strangebean
The Good, The Bad, The Ender
Baby Got Ender
Three Beans and an Ender
Valentine and Ender go to White Castle
Posted by Steev (Member # 6805) on :
EDIT: I already suggested the White Castle one.

Ender Moves
Ender's Sushi Bar
Ender Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Ender Cashes In
Ender's Cat Can Eat A Whole Watermelon
Make Room For Ender
Ender Invents the Internet
Ender's Lost Shoe
Ender’s Picnic
Ender’s Weekend Trip
Weekend At Ender’s
Uncle Ender’s Steakhouse
Ender Looses His Luggage
Ender Looses His Groceries
Ender Looses It Once and For All

[ April 07, 2005, 01:48 AM: Message edited by: Steev ]
Posted by val (Member # 7687) on :
Thread's gotten too long to read all the way through [Smile] so sorry if this is a repost [Frown]

Posted by Sartorius (Member # 7696) on :
Maybe Ender can be the new American Girl:

Meet Ender
Happy Birthday Ender
Ender Saves the Day
Changes for Ender
Posted by Steev (Member # 6805) on :
Ender's Big Fat Greek Wedding
Ender's First Kiss
Ender's Puddle Jump
Ender Sales Insurance
Ender's Particulars
Eager Ender
The Ender Device
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
Hey, since this thread is ridiculously long, I have started an "online list" if you will, of the reasonable titles suggested so far. It is not done yet, but will be updated as fast as I can compile all of these titles and sort through them. By Monday, it should look better (as good as anything hosted by Expage can look)
Posted by ACD (Member # 7763) on :
All good things come to an Ender
Till the Ender of time

I didn't notice if anyone had posted the above, but it's a long list now.
Posted by Suri-cool (Member # 7599) on :
Oh sorry if this has been used but I just thought of another good one. Ender's ashamed. or Ender's abashed. or r's remorse. or varations.
Posted by Steev (Member # 6805) on :
Who's to say what's reasonable, CRash?
Posted by DaiTenshi (Member # 7759) on :
Sorry if it's a repost, but this makes sense:

Ender's Journey
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
The only criteria for reasonable I use is:
1. Has "Ender" in it.
2. Is not a joke title or movie ripoff
3. Is not confusable with other Enderverse books
I'm really doing this more for fun than anything else. It's interesting to look through all of the different ideas. Please don't take the list too seriously.

I mostly wanted to get it up so people wouldn't have to look through the whole 14 pages of this thread to see if the title they want to post has already been suggested. But it'll be a while until it's updated to the point of where the thread is now. I'm also considering adding pages for titles where members have provided reasons why their title should be selected.
Posted by ChocoTuar (Member # 6854) on :
Have you decided, OSC?
Posted by Steev (Member # 6805) on :
Oh, ok, CRash. Not all of mine are jokes but it doesn't matter anyway. I think OSC has already decided weeks ago.

Ender's Aquiline Nose
Ender Matters
Call Me Ender
Ender's Indemnities
Ender's Other Adventures
Kudos to Ender
Posted by byoozt (Member # 7773) on :
A few more suggestions, why not:

Ender's Reality
Ender in the Cosmos
Ender Endangered
Sympathy for the Ender
Story Ender
Ender Revenant
Ender's Dispensation
Ender: Apocrypha
In the Days of Ender

Probably think of more later.
Posted by Frangy. (Member # 6794) on :
Ender in Hatrack [Big Grin]
Posted by Andrew (Member # 7502) on :

Posted by SuperHero (Member # 7774) on :
Have a pretty good idea. In Shadow Giants you mention Mazer sayign he left his family too, and divorced his wife so she owuld be free of him.

Maybe you tell of Mazers life pre-Invasion Two and explain what insired him, and how he became commander of the I.F. Maybe put a spin, and he is telling Bean to divorce Petra so that Petra won't have a chance to die like Mazers could have.

Not sure just brain washing here.
Posted by Lanfear (Member # 7776) on :
Ender's Diversion
Ender's Distraction

Not only are they other words for "game"... there not part of the main story cycle.. there.. an addition.. or a diversion from the main story line eh? eh?
Posted by Nero (Member # 7777) on :
I really liked "Ender's Gender Bender"....
Posted by Jonathan Howard (Member # 6934) on :
OK, Nero:

It was "Ender THE Gender Bender", and I'm happy to have thought it up.

Slender Ender Will Render the Senders' Gender Bender in a Blender - He's a "Mender".

[ April 10, 2005, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: Jonathan Howard ]
Posted by SmoG (Member # 7778) on :
Oh, well I was going to say Ender's Gender Bending Fender Bender........?
Well, just kidding
How about
Ender's Life
Ender's Home
Ender's Redemption (too long?)
Ender's Goal or
Ender's Purpose
Ender's Family
Ender's Beginning ( a little obvious, and cheesy)
Ender's World
Ender's Giant
Posted by Mr_Megalomaniac (Member # 7695) on :
Andrew: Shadow of Ender
Posted by signine (Member # 7671) on :
Even though Ender must be in the title, I just had a couple ideas I really like.

Shadow of the Speaker
Speaker for the Shadow
Posted by (insert name)'s sadow (Member # 7781) on :
i tryed to read all 15 pages but my add but wouldn't let me so if it's been poined out already.....

if ender's already going to colony shakespear and achilles II is going to another world wouldn't they miss each other by like 50 years when ender travals to achilles' colony.

i supose they could both leave for another colony and meet on a third world but that is alot of story to cover.

also i heard somebody mension that we don't really know valintien but it seems to me she's every woman in the series rolled up in to one. mostly petra only less bi@#$y. with alot of enders mother and sister carlitta (she keeps in check) i think it would be a waste of this book at lest to spend to much caricter develoment on her.

and Mr card if your still reading this post. brovo to you sir for the shadow series. i never thought anyone could top the ender series, boy was i wrong. brovo
Posted by (insert name)'s sadow (Member # 7781) on :
oh yeah ...

skipping stones (not in the rules but i like it)

ender's time
ender's past
no escape for ender

ender's beno
Posted by watsonwil (Member # 1904) on :
I'd LOVE to see the Mazer book. I hope OSC writes it someday (if not next).

I like the idea of taking ideas for a title.

I am sorry if some of mine are repetitive, but about after 5 or 6 pages of bad Ender puns (did anyone ever use "End Over Ender?" How about "Ender the Wide Blue Yonder"?) I skipped ahead.

My suggestions:

Ender's Exit- This could be when he realizes that he will be history's monster and decides to become Andrew instead of Ender.

Ender's Adversary[b], [b]Targeting Ender or Ender's Trap- Because he has someone waiting to get him.

Ender X- If only OSC would write that Mazer Book first, this would be the tenth installment of the series. (Unless you count Encounters).

A few that have no real basis, but would sound good in an ad:

Ender's War

Ender's Quest

Ender's Mission
Posted by Ron (Member # 7790) on :
How about Ender's Heel? It still says Achilles, but now with a refreshing twist of Ender! (Like a nice, cold Sprite or something).
Posted by Achilles (Member # 7741) on :
[No No]
Posted by DemonGarik (Member # 7793) on :
After joining Hatrack this morning at work, after re-reading the first three in the Shadow Quad so I could start up SotG I have to say I'm highly impressed not only with the awful puns but with some of the creativity thats coming out! I have a few ideas and I did skim all 15 pages(don't tell my boss!) Here are my few suggestions:

Ender's Ghost(indicates his past is haunting him and Bean's past is now going to haunt him)

Ender's Andrew (The transition between adulthood
and childhood, he still hasn't reached being Andrew but the struggle is inherent)

Andrew: Ender's Speaker
Ender: Andrew's Speaker (one of these two combinations, I like the idea of including the transition that will(imho) play such a large role in this book.

Thanks guys!
Posted by Archimedes (Member # 7798) on :
Ender: Endgame popped in my head, first thing.
Posted by X12 (Member # 5867) on :
a lot of these seem redundant....

I remember somewhere Senior OSC posted that he didn't want nor need "death" themed titles, for it decreases sales or something to the effect. He was writing in response to the title of the third book in the Shadow series (know, obviously, known as SP), before he knew what to call it. He was aiming for "Shadow of Death" or something to the liking.

The titles I like that have been posted seem to have to do with alliteration or just seem catchy (I wont list any, again, it will bring more redundant-cy).

I just thought of something funny:

Ender's Third - the third book with "Ender" in the title, plus some other hidden meanings, I guess....


Epiphany (rofl..)
Eye (used metaphoricly - could mean something)
Earth (not necessarily talking about our Earth, but what may seem like home to Ender - in EG he never felt at home, anywhere)
Effete (seems fitting, after EG, but he is "refueled")
Egress (like previous, but also includes a "way out" from the people who hate him)
Elocution (another word for speaking)
Embers (again, metaphoric)

Or, (Title) ...Ender

The Evoke of
Expressions of
Edict of
The Effigy of (kind of start of E the Xeno effects towards Ender)
Elegiac (his expression of guilt and sadness for the buggars)
The Elocution of

Just a couple of ideas.

~Aphotic (X12)
Posted by Billy (Member # 7809) on :
Heres one i thought of, keep in mind that i am not that good with names but how about

Enders Aftermath

i just got here and i wasnt about to read all 15 pages to see it someone said it or not but i like it. So if someone did say it then my hats off to you.
Posted by Hamson (Member # 7808) on :
How about Enders Gate?
Posted by signine (Member # 7671) on :
I'm going to place my vote with Ender: Endgame it flows well and it more or less covers it.

Edit: or Shadow's End

[ April 13, 2005, 10:53 PM: Message edited by: signine ]
Posted by X12 (Member # 5867) on :
The problem, I see, with Ender: Endgame is that to Senior OSC, his inspiration for the title of EG came from "Endgame", which is used in chess. I don't think he would feel comfortable with it, but of course, I cannot speak for Senior OSC.

~Aphotic (X12)

P.S.- My info came from something I read, but cant find now...
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I'm a bit confused by the use of "Senior OSC," here. Are you trying for Spanish, or are you implying that he's the elder of two OSCs on this board?
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
Has Mr. Card been cloning himself again? Tell him to create more copies of him to get these new books out! [Wink]

More suggestions:

Specter of Ender
Ender under Fire
Ender's Manifest

Posted by kaioshin00 (Member # 3740) on :
Elenderical Engineering
Posted by DaBigKahuna (Member # 6648) on :
I probably should read through the whole thread before responding, but that may take awhile - so my only suggestion, so far, would be the unoriginal "Ender's Travels".

"Ender: Boy Wonder" immediately made me think of the old Tom Swift books - which dates me somewhat.
Posted by Little_Doctor (Member # 6635) on :
Ender: Return of the Jedi
Posted by DaBigKahuna (Member # 6648) on :
"Ender's Shade"?

Or, if a lot of this will have to do with changing attitudes towards Ender, how about "A Shadow On Ender"?
Posted by Dark Angel (Member # 7629) on :
wow i havent been here in a WHILE!

how 'bout

dead end{er}


ender: dead end.


ender: crossroards

[Dont Know]
... anyway i doubt OSC still checks this.
a) he has already chosen one of out titles
b) he made his own title (LIKELIEST)
c) he got overwelmed by the gigantic quantity of mindless and mindfull* suggestions and went to frolic in a little garden of happiness never to return again to the face of the planet of his birth (SUPER LIKELY!!!)

*(i know. not a word, but what ever)
Posted by Hamson (Member # 7808) on :
You, good sir, are a pessimist.
Posted by DaBigKahuna (Member # 6648) on :
= The reason for including Ender in the title is precisely because the Speaker books did NOT "do all right." Now, we all know that the reason for the steadily decreasing sales of each book in the series is that (a) they are more demanding, more adult books and (b) each book is of a different subgenre of sf, with each subgenre increasingly less popular. =

Understood, but something I noticed when Xenocide came out was that a lot of people thought it was kinda a gimmick (or deux ex machina approach - if I understand that term correctly).

I had a similar impression at first, but being a huge Ender fan, I read it again and the book was brilliant. I was amazed at how the whole philote, aiua stuff fit together, going all the way back to the first book really. It was so good, it seemed like it virtually had to have been planned out from the start, yet nothing about it made it seem like it was so rigorously worked out - it just all fell together almost naturally.

There is so much interconnectivity amongst the books on this subject even though it isn't covered directly and in detail until Xenocide.

I know because I've written out every sentence in all the books that directly or indirectly deal with philotes or aiuas and over and over I wonder, "Did OSC intend for this to be part of his philote theory or does it just seem to work out that way accidentally."
Posted by WigginWinning (Member # 7811) on :
Ender Revisited
Posted by WigginWinning (Member # 7811) on :
Just because, you know, you are.
As will we, I'm sure.
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
The reason for including Ender in the title is precisely because the Speaker books did NOT "do all right." Now, we all know that the reason for the steadily decreasing sales of each book in the series is that (a) they are more demanding, more adult books and (b) each book is of a different subgenre of sf, with each subgenre increasingly less popular.
I don't have access to the sales figures or anything, but I'm pretty sure that all of the Ender/Bean books did do "all right". Most of the paperbacks have the words "national bestseller" on the cover, and I know that Card is not money driven in terms of what books he chooses to write, but do you think that 20 years and 8 books later he'd still be writing in the Enderverse if the books weren't selling well? Even if he wanted to, his publisher wouldn't let him if the books weren't profitable. I think that the Enderverse is probably his best selling series. The reason for "Ender" having to be in the title is not because the other books didn't sell well, it's just that Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow are the most well known. In just about any series of books/movies, the first entry will be the the one that was read/seen by the most people, since virtually everyone who continues on to the second would have gone through the first, but not everyone who invests in the first will necessarily bother to continue to the second. It's just the nature of a sequential series. So, having "Ender" in the title catches the attention of those who are only familiar with Ender's Game/Shadow, and those who might not have even realized that it's an Enderverse novel otherwise. It's probably more effective that simply putting "A sequel to Ender's Game" in small letters on the cover.
Posted by DaBigKahuna (Member # 6648) on :
Well, as OSC pointed out, first books tend to do best and then it tapers off. In a sense the Shadow books could be considered independently - the first Shadow book doing the best of that series.

But I suspect that since Ender's Game was so popular - and it is certainly my favorite by far - people were more motivated to essentially read part of that same story from a different viewpoint, thus the larger sales for the first one.
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
That's pretty much the point I was trying to make summed up nicely in a few lines [Big Grin]
Posted by Jonathan Howard (Member # 6934) on :
Ender Spender (based on Helter Skelter).
Posted by Twk128 (Member # 7820) on :
Dunno if it's already been posted, but if so, chalk up another vote for Ender's Journey.
Posted by aiua (Member # 7825) on :
I seriously doubt that anyone will read this, seeing as I had all of the best intentions of following this through, but I stopped at page ten.

So anyways, this is what I came up with:
-Endangered/ Enderangered ~ This book is going to have something to do with Aschilles II, who sill, supposedly, be brought up to hate Bean. If he hates Bean, why not Ender? So...danger.
-Ender's Ashes ~ I know, a bit of a play off of Angela's Ashes, but, I believe that I am right in saying this that this is the book to come after he destroyed the bugger homeplanet but before he realized that he didn't commit xenocide, right? So, he's still battling with the destruction he left behind. And, then again, there is the phrase, "Up from the ashes"...So, rebirth, renewal, etc.

The other ones that I liked have been:
-Ender's Gate
-Ender in Exile
-Ender Adrift
and -Ender's Flight
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
Even if Mr. Card doesn't take the time to look over this thread anymore (hopefully he's using it for something more productive, like writing) it's fun to look over all of the suggested titles and see what people come up with. [Smile]

Suggestions from others I've liked:
The Mark of Ender
Tracing Ender
Ender's Justice

A couple more from me:
Ender's Escape
Outlaw Ender
(sounds like a western)
Ender Embarking
Posted by ChaosTheory (Member # 7069) on :
Ender's Voice
Posted by GnomicPhilosophers (Member # 7829) on :
Endergonic [Big Grin]

Hey guys! I'm new here. I'm a huge Ender fan, and I've been on Pweb for a few months.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Hasn't he decided on Ender in Exile for a working title? I kind of dig that one, so kudos to whoever thought of it first. [Smile]
Posted by Nelson (Member # 7761) on :
perhaps Prentice Ender?

Or take it aminstream to grab non readers:

Law and Order E.N.D.E.R.

Survivor: Ender

American Ender

Peoples Court with Judge Ender

and Finally my personl Fav (feel free to use it without giving me any credit[as long as you remember the little guys]) Val and Ender's Excellent Adventure
Posted by kaioshin00 (Member # 3740) on :
Terms of Enderment
Posted by lonelywalker (Member # 7815) on :
One of the things I like about the title for the original book, "Ender's Game", is that the title works WITHOUT the first-time reader knowing that "Ender" is a name at all. This effect is rather lost with "Ender's Shadow" and a lot of the other suggestions here.

Now, perhaps it's actually now MORE effective for the title only to be comprehensible as the name "Ender", because the series is now so well known (i.e., it's a marketing device). But I still like the cleverness of the original.

I know you're now all saying, "so, smartas, what's YOUR suggestion?? huh? huh?" And, er, I don't have one. So I'll just shut up now [Wink]
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
I'm sorry, but the title Ender in Exile always reminds me of the book by Nina Osier called Exile's End. It's scifi--here's a description:

"Exile's End is a tale of love and revenge, in the far future when going back to Earth means death. Or does it?"

Is it all right to be concerned about confusion between the books? Not a problem for Card readers, of course, but for scifi readers in general...
Posted by Hamson (Member # 7808) on :
Is Mr. Card going to give us note of when he picks a title, or is that usually figured out a lot later in the writing stage?
Posted by Door (Member # 7837) on :
Ok, long time OSC fan, long time lurker, firstime poster. I also like moonlit walks on the beach, backrubs and poetry.....anyhow.

How about;

Ender: Coda (like the end of ender, but the begining of Andrew, but still the same peice. If you know music, you know what I mean.)

Are you there God, it's me Ender?

Ender's 12 step program: How to go from Xenocide to living in multiple bodies.
Posted by DaBigKahuna (Member # 6648) on :
I know music!!! What do you mean?

Just kidding. I think your suggestion was pretty original.
Posted by Scourge (Member # 7843) on :
How about;

Children of the Giant
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
Except it has to have "Ender" in the title.
The Arrival of Ender
Unearthing Ender
Echoes of Ender

Posted by I wield the H@MM35 (Member # 6449) on :
I wanted to read through the hole thing so that I didn't repeat anyone, but it's sixteen pages, and even I don't have THAT much time on my hands.
I was thinking,
Never End
Never Ender
Never Ends
Posted by Geekazoid (Member # 7610) on :
Mr. Card
How about this
you write the book
then you come back and see which of our suggestions is most relevant:)
please do this because all these suggestions are confubling me [Confused]

thank you
Posted by Dread Pendragon (Member # 7239) on :
Holy cow, there are still people suggesting book titles? By pages two and three titles were already being repeated. With this many suggestions, even if OSC thinks up a title on his own it will surely be listed here and he'll have to credit them.
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
With this many suggestions, even if OSC thinks up a title on his own it will surely be listed here and he'll have to credit them.
Muahahaha [Evil Laugh] Wouldn't that be a fanatic's dream?
Highly doubtful he's read more than a few pages of this thread, though. He'll probably follow Geekazoid's suggestion if he hasn't already come up with a conclusive title by the time he's done writing, but that's likely the only situation where he'll bother sifting through all of this mess.
Posted by ether_ore (Member # 7844) on :
I'm a newbie (hi folks), but I got caught up in this opportunity to put my two cents worth into this naming thing... so... How about:

Ender's Answer

I am not assuming a question or who may have asked it, nor am I assuming that Ender gave the answer or found it.

I have a few questions anyway.

Will anyone from Ender's Jeesh contact him by ansible for whatever reason?

Is there a connection between Bean's babies and the God Spoken of Path? Achille's sojourn in China could suggest it, and while in Brazil, he may have had the connections to arrange for that colony.

Well... so much for my presumption <grin>

I have yet to listen to Shadow of the Giant (I say listen, because I have not the books, but the unabridged audio series) but I very much look forward to it.

To OSC... thank you very much for the wonderful work you do. I enjoy the insights... the little treasures hidden in the text that provide such wonderful food for thought. I soon go again to the buffet line.
Posted by Syrjay (Member # 7706) on :
Through With Ender
Ender's Journey
Ender Careening
Ender Lost
Ender's Seeds
Ender's Strain
Ender's Race
Ender's Release

Sorry for any duplicates
Posted by TheGiantSpartan (Member # 7842) on :
what about

"Ender's Endless Expedition"

or just

"Ender's Expediton"

i loved your other books, and an looking forward to more
Posted by TheGreatMrChibi (Member # 7862) on :
Here's my two bits... if repeated, then eh! Great minds think alike.

Ender's Game: Beyond Battleschool!

Ender's Advances (or just Ender Advances... heck, sign a deal with Nintendo on Ender Advance, or Ender DS.)

Why not advertise with the title?
"The exciting new novel from Orson Scott Card, bridging the gap between Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead!" You'll be the nightmare of cataloging librarians the world over.

Go the Beatles route, and just release a book with a white cover!

The Forest Moon of Ender!
The Witch of Ender! (Same pun, different source!)

Journey to the Stars. No Ender, to be sure, but has the same lilt as many of your other titles.
Posted by Bretagne (Member # 7852) on :
Why not advertise with the title?
"The exciting new novel from Orson Scott Card, bridging the gap between Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead!" You'll be the nightmare of cataloging librarians the world over.


Go the Beatles route, and just release a book with a white cover!

The Forest Moon of Ender!

Oh, man, I haven't laughed that hard in ages. Thanks, man!
Posted by Hamson (Member # 7808) on :
The Forest Moon of Ender!
Lmao, that was the best Ender pun I've heard today.
Posted by LockeShadow (Member # 7878) on :
Just curious as to some information....Is the child one of Bean's kids with atons key or no...Will he have the super intelligence or just above intelligence...or more is he Ender's equal or superior. I have seen Ender's Mirror several times and like it but I like it to mean Ender as he felt seeing Peter in the mirror at the fantasy game. A genuis with evil in his heart and wanting to conquer the world as his father did but was stopped by Peter and Bean...also will he hate Ender or not? Ender was gone from Battleschool before Achilles got there and was gone for Earth before the battle between Peter, Bean and Achilles played out. I'd also like to see Alai come back because Ender was so close to him. Maybe, though it should one of the Jeesh who worked with Achilles when kidnapped by him. Maybe someone who now likes the child of Achilles but will be moved to see Ender again...another moral decision to be the enemy of a friend. The only other thing I have thought of could be Ender:The Crossroads
Posted by LockeShadow (Member # 7878) on :
I also wonder about if Ender has to be in the title Mr. Card because from Speaker on he wasn't but is in every book. I know alot of people who just by seeing your name think Ender....just a thought
Posted by Peter (Member # 4373) on :
my favorite is still just 'Ender'
Posted by ninebillion (Member # 7879) on :
At the end of Ender's Game, Ender and Valentine travel to a bugger world to set up the first colony. That world is called "Ender's World" in the book... (Paperback edition page 315... Quote: "Soon there would be other colonies on this world, Ender's World; soon there would be neighbors; already they were halfway here; but no one cared.")

So maybe the book should be called "Ender's World."
Posted by stihl1 (Member # 1562) on :
Maybe it should be called "Some things are better left alone" or "how to beat a dead horse to death" or "squeezing out another buck".

Just sayin'.
Posted by Hot Soup (Member # 7840) on :
I dunno "Ender" sounds too..epic? Like its the ultimate, final ender book or something.
Posted by Hamson (Member # 7808) on :
Hot soup, I agree. It's a good idea, but we're just not ready for the intensity of that yet... lol
Posted by Hamson (Member # 7808) on :
So maybe the book should be called "Ender's World."
Ender's World reminds me of Boy Meets World. That is not a good thing.
Posted by Hot Soup (Member # 7840) on :
Hasn't OSC settled on Ender in Exile? That's the one he seems to be using now.
Posted by TheGreatMrChibi (Member # 7862) on :
No, from what I heard, that was just a working title.

... Y'know, Ender in Exile sounds like he was forced away. But Ender's star-roamings are a self-imposed thing, aren't they?

Howabout: "Ender in Exodus"

He's a-takin' the Hive Queen to the Promised Land!
Posted by SpEeDMaSTeR (Member # 7568) on :
In my opinion, he was forced away. Not only did the Locke Proposal bar (was it law or suggestion?) him from returning to Earth, but if he did choose to return he would have undoubtedly been hunted by Achilles and killed or used. He honestly was forced into exile.
Posted by Descartes (Member # 1257) on : that I've finished the book (sorry, I read in my spare time and TV doesn't allow much of that...) I still stand by my belief that there won't be as much (if any) world-dominating military strategery in the next about "Ender's Burden" - since the whole baby's daddy thing will come into play and the boy wonder will probably be the one explaining the truth, yes?
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
In my opinion, he was forced away. Not only did the Locke Proposal bar (was it law or suggestion?) him from returning to Earth, but if he did choose to return he would have undoubtedly been hunted by Achilles and killed or used. He honestly was forced into exile.
I don't think the question is over whether he was forced to leave Earth, that's obvious. It's that instead of staying on that first colony planet and settling down he decided to move around from planet to planet where no one would know who he was. He never really had a home until Lusitania.
Posted by DamianDB (Member # 7693) on :
Ender's Giant
Giant of Ender
Chronicles of Ender (since it is about his space travels)
Ender's Legacy (again we will probably see his history change from that of a hero to mass murderer in this book)
Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
Is it really going to be Ender in Exile as mentioned here ? Or am I just guillable?
Posted by wiggin105 (Member # 7897) on :
Ok. I got a few ideas. Bean's kid is going to look a lot like him and is going to have his condition. Over the 120 or so years that it took Randi and her stolen child to reach the planet (Dink is the leader), Bean has become something of a hero. Young "Achilles" knows that he looks too much like Bean to be Achilles' child (he doesn't know of his defect) but still does as his mother asks and tries to take over the colony when Ender shows up.

The plot thickens when some on the colony come to believe that Young Achilles is Bean's reincarnation and was sent by god, allowing this poor sick (mentally) boy to gain power. It doesn't help that Randi has seen the Hive Queen that Ender carries and tries to steal it for political gain (not only his he Bean, back from the grave, but he brought the wonderful Formics back with him). It is up to Dink and Ender to set the record strait and stop this rebellion before things get too out of hand. Above all, Ender and Val must keep the Hive Queen safe and make Randi out for the semi-liar she is. But can Ender change the heart of young Achilles?

As for the title: Ender's Reunion

Whata think? [Dont Know]
Posted by DamianDB (Member # 7693) on :
it's been a while since I read speakers but I don't believe val knew anything about the hive queen ender carried around... otherwise it sounds alright.. but I'd rather see what Mr. Card has swimming around in his head [Smile]
Posted by trance (Member # 6623) on :
I hope it's not "ender in exile" because in my personal opinion I still think that "Ender's Nemesis" would be the best choice. I REFUSE TO GIVE UP ON THAT!!!!!!!!! Okay, I'm a dork. I know! [Grumble]
Posted by accio (Member # 3040) on :
“Ender in Exile” is a working title.
Posted by Moonshine (Member # 7893) on :
I like Ender's Giant...that is IF the main storyline will, in fact, be Randi, Achilles II, and Ender. It fits without sounding too corny. That's the problem with having the novel placed right between Ender'g Game and might come off as- cheap?
Posted by Feiwaltan (Member # 7912) on :
Hello, I am new and i haven't finished the last three shadow books yet, but and working on finishing them soon. a title that would be nice would be is,
Ender's Hope or Ender Returns. [ROFL]
Posted by Epictetus (Member # 6235) on :
I gotta go with

Ender's Run

Ender's Ruin

Ender's Checkmate

Ender's Ape

Ender's Quiche (an intense drama where Ender keeps getting slapped by the waitress for asking for a quickie)
[Big Grin]
Night of Ender or Knight of Ender? (I don't know sounds like the title of some horrible serial killer movie.)

I'm particulary partial to Ender's Run, because of the reference to that most wonderful of cheesy movies: Logan's Run, which my dad made me watch, and also Ender's Ape, because Ender could encounter some primate (Ape or otherwise) who becomes his constant companion, just like in Robinson Crusoe on Mars. or Jay and Silent Bob Stike Back
Posted by Timelord (Member # 7922) on :
Since Achelle (actually Beans) Child will probably break Ender's Heart try:

"Ender's Arrow"
Posted by Von (Member # 1146) on :
Ender's Ending: The Endless End
Posted by Frangy. (Member # 6794) on :
[Big Grin]
Posted by Von (Member # 1146) on :
Shadow of the End
Shadow of the Mind
Shadow of the Dead
Posted by wsean (Member # 7920) on :
Because everyone loves puns:

Tying Up Loose Ender (that is the point of this one, right? [Razz] )
Ender Justifies His Means

I like those two, but there're plenty more where those came from:

Making Ender Meet
Wit's Ender
To the Bitter Ender
Off the Deep Ender
Ender the Line
Light at the Ender the Tunnel
The Short Ender the Stick
Ender Over Ender
At the Ender My Tether
All's Well if Ender's Well

All right, so "er" and "of" aren't quite the same, but let's not nitpick genius.
Posted by AC (Member # 7909) on :
The Shadow of Ender's Giant Xenocidal Hegemon Puppets of the Mind
Posted by Steev (Member # 6805) on :
AC says:

The Shadow of Ender's Giant Xenocidal Hegemon Puppets of the Mind

AC wins at the Internet.
Posted by Beanny (Member # 7109) on :
"A Tail of Two Buggers"
Posted by Just another Dharma bum (Member # 6879) on :
It's hard thinking of a title without more information about the book (Please, Orson?? [Razz] ), I'll just spit out ideas.

Ender's Giant

Ender and the Giant/
Ender and the Last of the Giants

Ender's Legacy

Posted by delusional1 (Member # 7896) on :
mine probably sound a bit hokey, but here goes . . .

Ender's Endeavor
Ender's Excursion
Ender's Voyage
Ender's Impact
Ender's Effect
Searching for Ender or Ender in Search (he's trying to find himself essentially and come to terms with his own nature and demons, finding himself lost in the aftermath of committing "xenocide")

oh well, i tried. maybe one of them sounds decent.

[ May 01, 2005, 02:21 AM: Message edited by: delusional1 ]
Posted by TheGreatMrChibi (Member # 7862) on :
Orson, Ender's Game is considered by many 'Young Adult' fiction. Why not tackle the children's book market?

"Header, Footer, Fronter, Ender!" A Seussian romp through Battle School!

"Are You My Hive-Queen?" A lone Bugger is seperated from his philotic connection, and ventures through the universe in search of it's mother.

"Curious Rooter" A piggy on the colony of Lusitania gets in trouble when his curiousity about the human world gets the better of him!

"The Speaker"
Ahem. A bit of prose: "My name is the Speaker! I speak for trees, who have no voices, unless you bang them right!"

And, of course, "Thomas, the M.D. Device." G'night everbody!
Posted by Lady Future (Member # 7942) on :
Went looking for synonyms for "junction" . . . how about "Ender's circuit box"?

There was some talk about "Ender in Exile" being OSC's working title, and then ranting of it sounding forced (even though it doesn't, to me). My best alternative was "Ender's Transition", so what I wonder is how many people have already suggested it. [Roll Eyes]

[ May 01, 2005, 10:26 PM: Message edited by: Lady Future ]
Posted by Just another Dharma bum (Member # 6879) on :
Why does Ender in Exile sound forced? I actually like it.

[ May 01, 2005, 07:56 PM: Message edited by: Just another Dharma bum ]
Posted by Shanee (Member # 7943) on :
Ender in Space
Ender's World
Jeez this is hard, how did you come up with your other titles??
Though I do like Ender Squarepants a lot...
Posted by ThumperXC (Member # 7455) on :
Sorry if this is a repeat but maybe:

Ender's Hope
Ender's Redemption
Shadow of the Formics

But of course Ender: Spaceman is the best [ROFL]

[ May 02, 2005, 09:06 PM: Message edited by: ThumperXC ]
Posted by Ele (Member # 708) on :
How about "The Neverender Story"?

Or who is brave enough for the euphonious "Ender's Bender"?

Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
I don't think he is looking at this anymore.
Posted by Just another Dharma bum (Member # 6879) on :
If he isn't that means we have a title, right?
Posted by DrAbraham (Member # 8026) on :
I only read the first 10 pages or so of this thread, so I'm sorry if this has been suggested before...

... but why not just call it "Ender Wiggin"?
I assume it will probably be a book where he "stops" being "Ender the Xenocide" which is a role he was forced into, and starts becoming himself, Andrew wiggin, so combining his two identities should work.
And I think it sounds less stupid (although there has been some suggestions that I liked) than "Ender's <insert thing here>" or "Ender <doing/being something>".

Well, I just think my suggestion makes sense... in "Ender's Game" he was Ender, in "Speaker for the Dead" he was Speaker for the Dead, so in between those two be should get a chance to just be Wiggin with his sister [Smile] poor kid never having a childhood *sniff*

(First post, I know, but not a real newbie, my account just seems to have been deleted since i haven't used it in a long time, mostly lurker, not much of a poster)
Posted by gingerjam (Member # 7113) on :
i like that
Posted by The Great Bilby (Member # 8033) on :
I just finished reading Shadow of the Giant. It was good, but it left me with a few questions at the end.

Maybe this new book can tie some other loose ends.

Alot of OSC Ender books mention the Hive Queen and the Hegimon, and there are supposed to be like scriputre. I would like to know what is in them that makes them so important to those characters.
Maybe he could actually have Valenting write them in this novel and add the text of them.

Also I would like to know the history and the reasonings of the buggers of their invasions, and why they werent so bad or different after all.

What happens to the other battleschoolers in thier colonies, AND most of all BEAN. Maybe Ender could hook up with Bean the Giant, Bean could live on a planet with lower gravity so the Giantness wouldn't bee so bad on them, and they would live longer. Call it Planet of the Giants. and then in the end Beans child, (who is totally ruthless growing up and supposedly Achillies son from the misunderstanding of his mother Randi), would find out that he is really Beans instead of Achillies son.
Maybe arbitrarily Bean could be the leader of the colony, sent there because they needed one, and they found out that Beans cild is in that colony.

Ender could also visit all the other battleschoolers as well in thier various colonies.

As for a name for the new book
Enders Achillese
Ender the Travelor
Posted by The Great Bilby (Member # 8033) on :
Ender of Life
Posted by Orion (Member # 8041) on :
Ender and the Beanstalk
Achilles Gift
Achilles Race
Children of Earth's (Promise, Hope)

Did anyone ever connect the "giant" in the training game with the "giant" that Bean finally becomes? I just thought of it, and it was months ago I read the last book.
Posted by delusional1 (Member # 7896) on :
Ender's Evolution
Evolution of Ender <or> Evolving Ender
From Ender to Andrew
Ender's Search for Andrew
Ender vs. Andrew

again, all slightly cheesy, i know. but hey, it's fun to try and think of something good.
Posted by Geomancer (Member # 6299) on :
I must say I'm very fond of Ender's Claim, has a beautiful ring to it...unlike Ender's Juxtaposition, lol, and Ender's Sorrow, as well.
A suggestion from me, umm...Ender's Doorway.
Posted by Xenocider (Member # 7537) on :
My cousin connected that, and was quite confused by it, actually.

My suggestion: erm.... Achillis' Game? sorry, that's lame...
Posted by Xenocider (Member # 7537) on :
ooh, i know -

The Shadow of Achillis

or Achillis' Shadow
Posted by The Great Bilby (Member # 8033) on :
the title of the book, per Mr. Card, must have the name Ender in the title, unless that has changed since last I read this topic.
Posted by Dr. Evil (Member # 8095) on :

Not sure if it was brought up in the 17 pages worth of posts but I will risk repeating it, but since Bean went off on a starship at FTL, is there a chance that he and the child of the woman who went off into space will have an encounter? I do believe that this is actually his own child be she is under the impression that she is doing this for Achilles.
Posted by 0range7Penguin (Member # 7337) on :
17 pages [ROFL] 17 pages *Falls off Chair* 17 Pages!!! [ROFL]
Posted by Kratos (Member # 7859) on :
Yes! Let us all drink and celebrate this glorious occasion! I shall bring the apple juice [Big Grin]
Posted by teoivan (Member # 8049) on :
Help with the another language. It is not necessery everybody to understand the word just use it.
Ender: TRETAK (I dont know what is the origanal word in english for the third child).
Posted by cyntbia (Member # 8142) on :
A lot of the title suggestions seem to miss the point that Bean's child is on the planet. Plus, the child has the same genetic problem as Bean, so if he's going to be a giant! Randi is going to have raised him thinking he's Achilles' child, so she's going to have inculcated in him a love of Achilles AND a hatred of Ender, plus power ambitions. If one of the jeesh is ruler of the planet, then the child is going to challenge him for leadership. Maybe Ender can come and rescue the planet from the 'evil giant'. Is a cure going to be found for Bean? Maybe at the end Bean can stop and collect his son to take him back to Earth for the cure. Then Bean and Ender get to meet one more time. A suggested title, Ender and the Giant, or Ender's Giant?
Posted by 0range7Penguin (Member # 7337) on :
WELCOME cyntbia! [Wave] [Wave]
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
Not so much a hatred of Ender as a hatred of Bean. And from what I've read, Bean will not make an appearance in this book.
Posted by S.M.I.L.E. (Member # 8152) on :
How about-
-Ender: Speaker For the Living
-Ender Speaks For the Living
-Ender: For Us (They)the Living -(thanks Robert Heinelin)
-Ender and the living
-Ender and all our favorites who are still alive.
-Ender Metamorphasis

As to my first suggested title.
In the story that ends up being writen, Ender may or may not find out that he has met Bean's son, but he can still help Randall learn a lot more about himself than Randi would have taught him, perhaps he could even help Randi, herself change. In fact he could do it without any of them ever knowing the true identities of the others. How neat would it be if the next great villan that wasn't realy a villan had their book written about them... before they died. It might even help prevent a few deaths.

Alas it would be helpful to know a little more of the story in order to come up with a more appropriate title. Unfortuantly knowing too much tends to ruin the supprize when the book does come out. Fortunatly when the story is done there are all of these hundreds of titles for Mr. Card to look though till he finds the perfect fit. [Smile]
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
Fortunately? Ha! I'd tend to think that it would seem unfortunate to have to sift through so many posts.
Posted by DavidGill (Member # 8166) on :
Ender The Line
Posted by letmein (Member # 8169) on :
I dunno if anyone reads this thread anymore but...

Originally posted by The Great Bilby:
Ender of Life

This one really got me thinking. It would be so cool if in that new book, in a cruel twist of fate, Ender now became the villain.

The book that started it all, Ender's Game, left Ender as a broken soldier. He goes from that to a very tame middle aged man in the 2nd volume of his series. What if at some point during that transition something inside him snaps and he lashes out (possibly during his rebellious teens) as a result of being that broken soldier, but ultimately becomes the individual people read about in Speaker for the Dead? Wise and fully experienced on both sides of the battlefield.

It would be the perfect in for Valentine. Ender saves world. Peter saves world. Valentine saves Ender...from himself. That would nicely compliment whichever Jeesh member is heading up the colony as well, having to face "The Ender" of the new world; every Jeesh member's worst nightmare sprung to life. It could also be as a result of walking in the enemy's shoes that in the end Ender can better understand the buggers to write about the Hive Queen and the Hedgemon...but I digress.

Rather than having Randi change her inverted perception of who did what, this chance meeting with Ender would only further lead her to believe in Achilles as the true hero. It could open up so many different scenarios as to the character development of Bean's 9th, be it good or bad.

I dunno, it's just a thought I had.. I don't claim to remember the series with perfect clarity so if there's something amiss, please flame away [Smile] I don't have a title to add myself. I really liked the above quoted one.
Posted by AMCSteel (Member # 6321) on :
I think it would be great if it was eventually called.

"The Yet Unnamed Ender Project"

how about

"Bitter-Ender" Think of all that could mean.

This one has Ender Twice


On a serios note

"Ender's Sorrow"
"Ender's Grace"

"Ender of Hope" if you want it to be a tad dark.
Posted by LostDragon (Member # 8192) on :
Why not stick with the idea Mr. Card had in the first post, only instead of Ender Voyaging, how about "Ender's Voyage"
Posted by Starke7376 (Member # 8196) on :
Has anyone considered
Ender and the giant's seed?
Posted by Starke7376 (Member # 8196) on :
Or variations of for that matter:
Ender and the Giant's child
Ender and the Giant's spawn
Ender: Stolen Giant
Posted by briahug (Member # 8197) on :
If this novel is be set between Ender's first colony experience, when he has already written The Hive Queen and The Hegemon and before he becomes a Speaker for the Dead, he is still coming to grips with what he has done in Ender's Game.

I suggest something along the lines of:

Ender- A Journey Toward Redemption

Ender- A Path Toward Redemption

Ender's Redemption

This novel would mark the beginning of a journey. The woman and her child from Shadow of the Giant could have significance that sends Ender on his path to become a Speaker for the Dead and his ultimately redemption.

The fact that the child from Shadow of the Giant is a product of Bean and his wife could have some significance for Ender and provide an interesting plot point to explore.

Even if Jane hasn't come into existence at the time this book is set, it may please long-time fans and possibly tease new readers to somehow include glimpses into his future. This will tie the books together nicely and provide a way to peak the interest of new readers to want to explore the earlier Ender works.

Just my 2 cents...

I suggested this to Tom - another novel that actually features Ender when he's still young, before he met Jane, and WAY before Speaker for the Dead. (Of course Valentine is in it, too!) And this interesting character and her child have enormous potential for an interesting story involving Ender and Vale
Posted by genius00345 (Member # 8206) on :
"Ender of Life" seems too much like a reversal of his book "Life of Human"
Posted by Branniganslaw6946 (Member # 8212) on :
Shadow of Enders Journey or Enders Journey
Posted by Hamson (Member # 7808) on :
Ooo I think I like Ender of Life better than Ender In Exile (I was never too big of a fan of this one) or even better than Ender Adrift (I like that one a lot too).
Posted by mjclawson (Member # 8219) on :
For the Ender sequel I really, really like the name "Ender's Flight" best.

For the Shadow series sequel I'm really intrigued with the possibilities. If it's a "post-Children of the Mind" book, and it includes Bean or his children, then that would imply that they survive during the intervening 3000 years. How cool would it be if they spent those millenia out exploring the far reaches of space?

And I had a thought. I'm not sure how the timing of it works out, but what if Bean and/or his kids actually created the descolada virus as the solution to their "condition". (They needed something that could "rewrite" their DNA to eliminate the fatal effects of their giantism.) What if the descolada planet that was discovered at the end of Children of the Mind was actually "created" by Bean as a testing ground for this new virus, and what if Lusitania was either an earlier failed test, or else a later colony of the descolada race after the virus becomes intelligent and self-aware?

Anyway, I don't remember if there was something in the Speaker series that implies that the descolada came to Lusitania further back than 3000 years (in which case this scenario wouldn't work) but if not, then it would be conceivable for the descolada to actually have been a cure created by Bean and his super-genius children.

Just a thought, I can't wait till these books actually come out to see what OSC actually does with the story.
Posted by Feiwaltan (Member # 7912) on :
Beans Ender

Ender Ender

Enders Gift

Enders Trip

Run Ender Run

Enders Back

Enders Pet

not really sure what could be a good title with some idea of what is in store. but i thought these would make for a funny titles
Posted by Bork (Member # 7283) on :
Maybe Ender's Journey? Since it will probably be the first time Ender has had to deal alot with a Child that has problems, that would be like a journey as well as him beginning his 3000 year journey to Lusitania and a family
Posted by tanman1975 (Member # 1444) on :
Ender and the Bean Stalk
Ender of the Giant

Ender's Night
Ender for Measure
Taming of the Giant

Perhaps if we knew which member of the jeesh will be in the book it would effect the name possibilities? What the name of the planet would be? (The Ender of Venice) sorry about by Shakespeare sidetrack.
Posted by tanman1975 (Member # 1444) on :
aw heck, if everyone else gets to do funny ones too:

Who's Afraid of Ender Wiggin
Kill Bean Vol. II
Law Ender Order: SftD
Posted by DF2506 (Member # 6847) on :
Just finished Shadow of the Giant today. Can't wait to read this next book with Ender, Valentine, and Bean's kid.

My first title suggestion: Ender's Friend (edit: which I see now was already suggested. lol. sorry).

Why that?

Well I think its assumed that Ender is going to go up against Bean's kid (that they'll fight). What I think might be cooler though is if Ender and Bean's kid become friends. Maybe at first they don't get along and then slowly, they become friends. I don't think Ender has ever had a friend (unless you count Jane later on), so it would be cool to give him one.

Of course, Bean's kid and Ender come upon a really bad enemy of some sort and Ender and Bean's kid have to defeat it (or maybe Ender finds out about Bean's kid's condition and the struggle of the book is to find the cure. Or maybe thats just the sub-plot. Though I think it might be a little ironic if they did find the cure and saved Bean's kid. Of course, they'd have no way of telling Bean most likely. Who knows, maybe Ender wouldn't even find out the kid had been Beans!).

Anyway, thats my idea for the novel. I don't know. OSC prob has a much better idea in mind.

If not, how about 'The Shadow of Ender'? I think someone might have mentioned that one though. Just put me down for a second vote on that if so.

Or another possibly, " Ender's Redemption" (another one someone prob mentioned, but its a good one, imo) or " Ender and the Shadow of Bean " or " Ender and the Shadow of Achilles".

Or " Ender's Last Game " (edit: I didn't see this one suggested. maybe I missed it. might not be a bad idea though). [Smile]

" Man I can't wait to read this! Also looking forward to reading Shadows in Flight! "

[ June 23, 2005, 08:55 PM: Message edited by: DF2506 ]
Posted by Feiwaltan (Member # 7912) on :
this is a rivised version of DF2506, Ender's Achilles"

how about, Enders Victory

or Ender is back, simple yet informing to those who are not aware of this being another bovel with Ender as the mian character.

Ender the Philosapher, lol

hopefully Mr. Card has already come up wiht a cool title, if so please let us know.

thats it for now.
Posted by Feiwaltan (Member # 7912) on :
this just came to me, Ender Revisited (if some has already said that then my bad for taking it, just dont remember if someone did)
Posted by DF2506 (Member # 6847) on :
Ender's Achilles>

I actually had thought about putting that, but I just wasn't sure about that title. Its not bad. Its certainly shorter then some of the other titles I mentioned. I don't know. Maybe 'Ender's Achilles Heel" ? Hmm.

Personally, at the moment, I like " Ender's Last Game" out of mine, I also like " Ender Adrift", and "Ender's Redemption".

Though, it might be good to have something with 'shadow' in the title since the book is connected to Shadow of the Giant. Hmm. I don't know.

I'm sure OSC will come up with a great title though.

And an even better story! Can't wait!

" Its too bad Jane won't be in it nor will the Speaking. Still, I think it'll be a great book. Ender, Valentine, and Bean's kid. Plus maybe another member of the Jeesh. It would be really cool if maybe Ender actually met up with one of his old Jeesh! "
Posted by tehryu (Member # 8269) on :
Oddly enough, i don't think i saw anyone mention "Ender's Giant" assuming Bean Jr. has the affliction.
Apologies if this was already brought up. 17 pages is alot.
Posted by ill malkier (Member # 8244) on :
I really like the simple title "Ender Wiggin" that DrAbraham and who knows who else suggested. I think anything else feels too contrived, too forced. "Ender Wiggin" is simple and powerful for those who know and love him
Posted by ShadowPuppet (Member # 8239) on :
"don't think Ender's Junction is much better. Maybe Ender's Bind?"~rivka

*singing* Ender's junction what's your function, destorying sentient species' and flying off into space at sub-light speeds to escape the ravages of time and in turn save other alien beings from certain doom...

ok not as good as school house rock
Posted by Θησεύς (Theseus) (Member # 8272) on :
How about a really pretentious title, I dunno maybe 'Ender's Redemption' concerning the blame issue with the Buggers?

No, thought not - at least OSC isn't reading this one anymore can't read this!!
Posted by Joldo (Member # 6991) on :
Crouching Ender, Stolen Giant
Posted by ShadowPuppet (Member # 8239) on :
Ender begins... which we learn of Andrew Wiggin's transformation from a normal every day child war genius to a caped crusader bent on stopping crime to help him cope with the death of his parents...

it practically writes itself
Posted by Enderwillsaveusall (Member # 6227) on :
Sorry if any have been said i havent got thru all 17 [Wink]

Ender's adversary

Ender's assailant or assassin

Ender's contender < liked it cause it rhymed
Posted by J-Norm (Member # 8276) on :
I'm glad you're writing a new book Mr. Card, though I may need to catch up on the rest of the Ender series before it is actually finished.

How could we really come up with a suitable title without reading a good chunk of the story beforehand? I forget the exact book,(It was either Shadow of the Hegemon or Enders Shadow,)but you mentioned that you changed the title from what it was originally going to be after you had finished writing it, because you didn't think the original suited the story as well. (Someone please correct me if i'm totally wrong. I'm pulling this from memory [Cool] )

Well, again, I am a huge fan of your work Mr. Card, and i'm sure that whatever the title, it will be great.

Posted by Vid (Member # 7172) on :
Ender: The Phantom Menace
Ender: Attack of the Clone

Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Posted by Eiley (Member # 8292) on :
How about

Ender Nevermore
Ender's Nevermore

After the Edgar Allan Poe poem The Raven.
Posted by PUNJABEE (Member # 7359) on :
Ender: Before the Piggies
Posted by Blackthorne (Member # 8295) on :
Ender's Void
Ender's Hole
Ender Begins (Batman)
Posted by Angiomorphism (Member # 8184) on :
Originally posted by Blackthorne:
Ender's Void
Ender's Hole
Ender Begins (Batman)

Ender's Hole.. ewww
Posted by PUNJABEE (Member # 7359) on :
Got a new one.

Ender Gone Wild Super Spring Break
Posted by naledge (Member # 392) on :
How about Ender's Gain ?

If this story is to take place after Hive Queen and Hegemon is written, then Ender will have...

-gained a wealth of wisdom and knowledge about people and governance through running a colony.

-gained a sense of peace with his role in the war and with his ability to develop a truthful and balance account of the war through the perspective of its participants.

- and possibly gained famed from some wealth for writing Hive Queen and Hegemon

Posted by Leon the Professional (Member # 8267) on :
If it's revovling around the woman and her child, then I think, as Brettly said, "The (insert word) of Ender" would work well.

However, if it revolves around Ender (and Valentine) more, then it should be "Ender's (insert word)" I don't know, it just seems fitting IMO.

Maybe it doesn't have to have "Ender" in the title. Maybe it could be something like "The Wiggin Legacy", since Ender and Valentine are being so influental at this point in time, whatnot with Hive Queen and Hegemon being written in that era. Also, if Ender has any influence on this person and her child, then "Legacy" would make sense.

That's my .02
Posted by ElaRibeira (Member # 8306) on :
Hi! First-time poster, long-time fan.

Maybe it doesn't have to have "Ender" in the title. Maybe it could be something like "The Wiggin Legacy", since Ender and Valentine are being so influental at this point in time, whatnot with Hive Queen and Hegemon being written in that era. Also, if Ender has any influence on this person and her child, then "Legacy" would make sense.
If it focuses on Ender's relationship with the child, why not "Ender's Legacy"?


Ender: A New Hope
Ender Strikes Back
Return of Ender
(copywright infringement? what's that?)

or how 'bout this:
Ender: Wiggin' Out!

And I liked Enderpoxy. If Enderpoxy isn't picked up for a title, a superglue should be given the name. I'd buy it!
Posted by DavidGill (Member # 8166) on :
End Game
Posted by Vid (Member # 7172) on :
Or if you wanted the marketing possibilities...

Ender's Waterpark!
Six Flags over Ender
Ender's (Football) Game
Ender's (Baseball) Game
*insert appropriate sports as necessary*
Ender's World, with reality TV show soon to follow

Ok, I'm done. There are too many posts already to think up a creative title that probably hasn't been taken. The only thing I can think of wouldn't even have 'Ender' in the title, thus defeating the purpose.

Andrew's Game

Get it? Because 'Ender' is turning into a bad name, and he's going by Andrew now, but he's still gotta face off against this new punk who's smarter than him. Just a thought.
Posted by Bystander63 (Member # 8326) on :'s one from a newb:

Enderstanding: The Rebirth of Andrew Wiggin

hmmm...I think it sounded better in my head.
Posted by Homonculus (Member # 7486) on :
Hm... how about:

Ender's Absolution

Ender is never really absolved of his guilt. Might he be presented with an opportunity to?
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
Wholly cow… this thread is still going with names? Goodness…. We’ll still be talking about it when the book comes out and the cows come home!

Ender’s Cow
Posted by Oobie Binoobie (Member # 8059) on :
Originally posted by Orson Scott Card:

What I don't have is a title. The only rule is that it must have the name "Ender" in it. My first thought is: "Ender Voyaging." My most hated title so far is: "Ender: Spaceman!" There's such a fine line between good titles and hideous ones.

My first thought was "Journeyman Ender" but I slapped myself silly before taking it seriously.

Maybe we'll all just have to wait until it's written before a good title manifests itself!
Posted by Alia (Member # 8336) on :
Ender's Embrace...
Posted by Puppy (Member # 6721) on :
It's Enderiffic!
Posted by lego feet (Member # 8093) on :
The End...... er
Posted by Lepidamy (Member # 8339) on :
Ender's Bildungsroman...what?
Ender's Grip...sounds naughty.
Ender's Wrath...sounds like a bad star wars movie.
Ender's Break...just random.
Ender's Nature...meh.
Ender's Mortality...i dont know.
Ender's Addiction to Possesiveness?...its true.
Ender's Possesion...had to.
Posted by Starr R (Member # 8361) on :
I have to say that I certainly picked the best thread to read for my first visit to the site.
I laughed so hard at some of these I thought I was gonna cry.

Thank you, my new friends, for giving me something to smile about. I can tell I'm going to like it here.

And what could I possibly say to OSC except: Write ON! And thank you for giving us Ender & the gang.
Posted by BeanDelphki (Member # 8357) on :
Ender's Awakining(he awakins from the daze he's been in since he killed the buggers and relizes there is other dangers in the world)

sorry if this has already been said

[ July 13, 2005, 08:16 AM: Message edited by: BeanDelphki ]
Posted by VetaMega (Member # 8366) on :
Seriously, some of the titles were badly picked.

When I saw the words Speaker of the Dead, I didn't want to read it. I didn't think it would have anything about Ender but that it would be literaly just the Hive Queen and Hedgemon. Thank goodness I read the back.

But Speaker of the Dead? Such a dronish title. No wonder no bought it. Nothing about the dead is really attractive. The book I have doesn't have an attractive cover either O.o.

I recognize great talent when I see it. Card has it. He just needs to make his books simpler, think about the audiance, and get a much better illustrator........seriously.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :

No wonder no bought it

*blink* It's actually one of Card's better-known -- and certainly better-loved -- books.
Posted by Foust (Member # 3043) on :
I recognize great talent when I see it. Card has it. He just needs to make his books simpler, think about the audiance, and get a much better illustrator........seriously.
You want him to write comic books...?
Posted by LB Bry (Member # 8309) on :
Originally posted by Foust:
You want him to write comic books...?

HAHA...Actually the funny thing is he is writting comic books. He is writting The new Iron Man comics.
Posted by The world turned flat (Member # 8314) on :
Ender: the wonder years. [Razz]

I think it's great that there will be another ender book. and that he will be younger. i always felt at a loss that i had no idea what he was like before Speaker for the dead.
so this makes me happy.

and for some reason, while reading all these, all i could hear was:

Ender Wiggin was a bullfrog...

further proof that my brain twists everything into a song lyric.
Posted by llodlean (Member # 2057) on :
Okay, I haven't read all 18 pages of this thread, but how about:
"My Shadow's Keeper"
Posted by JuniperDreams (Member # 3471) on :
And I, the dumbass, sat and read through all eighteen pages of this. Sheesh. *goes crazy* [ROFL]
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
I have a feeling this thread is still going to be going even after the book is released! [Roll Eyes] [Wink]
Posted by ChaosTheory (Member # 7069) on :
Just plain "Ender"
Posted by Akire M. (Member # 8432) on :
I know a book is going to be writen about Ender meating Jane and since she's like born from the fantacy game the title could have something to do with that....

The Real Fanacty game
or if it has to have Ender in the title

Ender: The Real Fantacy Game
Posted by llodlean (Member # 2057) on :
Originally posted by Akire M.:
I know a book is going to be writen about Ender meating Jane

Wasn't that covered in the sort story 'Investment Councillor" (sp?)
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
It was.
Posted by TheDisgruntledPostman (Member # 7200) on :
Ender's Past (being that he's meeting up with Bean's child)
Posted by Shanee (Member # 7943) on :
Ender's Confrontation
Ender's Revelation
Ender's Shame
Ender's Arrival
Thats the best I can do...
Though, I really did like Ender Squarepants
This book naming is harder than I realized.... [Razz]
How about Ender's Trip to Space, brilliant, no?
Posted by PallidAllure (Member # 8445) on :
Enders Intrigue
Ender: the Hidden Truth/hidden truths
Ender:trials of passage
Ender the matrix (heh)
Ender: space crusader
Ender: final frontier
Ender: vestige
ancient vestige
Ender: mind trials
Posted by PallidAllure (Member # 8445) on :
enders effervescence
of Mice and Mender
Innocence of the Ender
cloak of Ender
Ender: Traces
Posted by Sparky (Member # 8446) on :
I really like Ender's Legacy.
Posted by SpEeDMaSTeR (Member # 7568) on :
Newsflash...! OSC already picked the name, and I'm pretty sure it is finalized...
Posted by skippyboy (Member # 7600) on :
Originally posted by SpEeDMaSTeR:
Newsflash...! OSC already picked the name, and I'm pretty sure it is finalized...

OSC mentioned that "Ender In Exile" was a working title here

Do you have more current information? What is your source?
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
In any case, I don't think he's been looking in this thread for a while.
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
Like, since page 3.
Posted by forensicgeek (Member # 8430) on :
These are great! I have to say I enjoyed reading through them all!

My suggestion-
Ender Alone
Posted by The Leadership (Member # 7766) on :
Ender's Redemption (Because he's written The Hive Quuen and the Hegemon)

Redeeming Ender (as above)

Ender's Nemesis (the kid might pull an Achilles and try to take over leaving Ender to try and stop him)

Ender's Dawn (as in "new dawn" because he has been redeemed by writing the Hive Queen and the Hegemon)

Ender: New Beginnings (as above)

Has anyone got any idea when this book's due out? Two years? Three? More than three years?
Posted by Tsukuyomi (Member # 8463) on :
I miss Jane. why not writing a fifth book about Jane and Ender reunite?
Posted by LordKaosnix (Member # 8458) on :
Ender's Path
Ending Ender
Ender Ended
Ender's Plight
Ender's Rival
Ender the same
Ender's Dragon
Ender and the Dragon's Egg
Ender and the Nineth Child
Ender and the Lost One
Ender finds the Nineth
Ender vs the Legume
Ender Begins
Ender's Wrath
Ender's Assasin
Ender's Regret
Ender vs Randell
Ender and the Stolen Son
Ender and the Wrath of Acheales
Posted by Celebrindal (Member # 8466) on :
Xenocide: Ender the Fist

or not...

Personally my favorite was Ender's Heart, but that doesn't seem to be mentioned very much any more.
Is seems to me like everyone is taking for granted that Achilles 2 will believe Randi in her story. But if he's as smart as Bean won't he see right through it at a young age? Bean realized what was really happening even though every one in authority(and every one else for that matter) was telling him otherwise. Seems to me like the Beanlet would figure it out very easily.
Posted by SANTA (Member # 580) on :
Thank you Mr. Card for providing me a quick answer to the question that had been nagging me since I finished Shadow of the Giant yesterday regarding "Randi" and the 9th "embryo".

I have had the book since its publication but put off reading it for months because I could not face Bean dying. (side note: Lost Boys left me an emotional wreck several years ago and is the only book I cannot read again) Thus, the ending of SoftG was quite a nice gift.

Thank you again Mr. Card for giving us all these wonderful books,

Santa C.
Posted by tahos (Member # 8472) on :
Ender's Achilles
Posted by SpEeDMaSTeR (Member # 7568) on :
Originally posted by skippyboy:
Originally posted by SpEeDMaSTeR:
Newsflash...! OSC already picked the name, and I'm pretty sure it is finalized...

OSC mentioned that "Ender In Exile" was a working title here

Do you have more current information? What is your source?

It seems very illogical to change it this late in the production. I've heard that he's talked about it at almost all of his book signing by said name, and if he changed the name this close to publishing (right, OSC!? [Wink] ) would be confusing to many.
Posted by Vid (Member # 7172) on :
I'll never give up on Attack of the Clone. Never.
Posted by ArCHeR (Member # 6616) on :
How about pulling a White Album and just have the word "Ender" on the cover of the book?
Posted by Jonathan Howard (Member # 6934) on :
I'm still sticking to "Ender the Gender Bender".
Posted by Jonathan Howard (Member # 6934) on :
Or to fit with OSC's ideology: "Ender the Gender-Bender Offender." But I don't think Professor, Revrend, Dr, Sir, Earl, Master, Mister Card would go for assonance.
Posted by KEGE (Member # 424) on :
Ender and the Beanie Babies
Posted by Jonathan Howard (Member # 6934) on :
Ender and the Beanny babies.
Posted by cagreat1 (Member # 8511) on :
i think someone has already commented and suggested that Mr. Card no longer reads this thread anymore. i still am determind to put in my 2 cents...if it's even that. On top of that, i tried to read through all the posts but once i got to page 10, i just skimmed and read only what Mr. Card actually said, so if i repeat something, i'm sorry, but i have a very short attention span for stuff like that. Now, to my comment.

At this point in Ender's life he should have lost his prestige of savior for the human race and has become Ender of the Xenocide. This being said, he is either starting to hide or has been in hiding for a brief time now. Because of this, i do like these few titles that have been suggested previously:
Ender's Burden
Ender's Legacy
Ender's Demons
Ender: New Beginning
Leaving Ender
Ender En Passant
Ender's Exile

I really like Ender En Passant (i'm not going to find who said it, but i think their explaination was really good.) But this title would allude to that transitional period that from ender to speaker/andrew. But because this is an awkward maybe a different approach could be seen. If Ender is still famous for saving humanity, but the hive queen and hegimon are out, and ender either foresees the animosity that will come to him if he continues to be Ender he will be already trying to hide his path. (i know this is confusing, but maybe to someone it will make sence). So Ender is hiding, but with the death of the hegimon things on earth aren't too great. and with the rise of starways congress, someone is needed to head this. who better than the hegimon's brother who also happened to save the world (yes a complete reversal of why peter was able to become ruler). Not only this, but Bean's child knows that ender is somewhere. Achilles II will be out for the same thing that people are wanting to give to Ender if they can find him. So the world would be looking for Ender as well as Achilles.

(since this is confusing) In a nut shell:

Ender is still popular for his saving humanity
Ender sees that his popularity will decline once the hive queen is more widely known.
Ender decides to not be ender anymore.
People want someone to rule humanity (either hegimon or head of starways congress)
Achilles II wants this power and has a grudge against ender already, which is even more complicated to explain briefy.
Everyone is looking for ender.

Hence my suggestion for the title:

Finding Ender

Of course though, this would make for a long book because my brief summary of what i think might happen takes forever.

Some other titles that i liked but i thought would be better for the books that follow Children of the Mind:

Ender's Redemption
Ender's Atonement
Ender's Penance

Ender's Redemption would be my favorite for a post CotM book.
Posted by LordRahl (Member # 8512) on :
I've got one.

How about just:

Ender's Innocence

sounds good to me.

-if any one else already suggested this, I am sorry. I didn't look at all 19 pages before posting.

Mr. Card, are you still with us in this thread?

[ August 19, 2005, 10:48 PM: Message edited by: LordRahl ]
Posted by Naggeneen (Member # 8530) on :
Hey Everyone,

Hmmm... y'know, it occurs to me that there's something that no one has hit on yet (that I've seen). The new novel, as described, takes place after Ender founds the colony and before he begins to reconnect to the characters in Speaker for the Dead. It's the beginning of a long period of time when he draws himself away from humanity and isolates himself with Valentine to skip across the light years. So why not address that action in the title and suggest the as-of-yet-unknown plot complications that could lead to why he might decide to so dramatically lose touch with almost all of his personal connections?

So...keeping this in mind, my suggestion for the title of the new novel would be:

Ender's Separation

- Brendan Aldrich
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I too just started reading this thread, actually, this is my first post on this side, I'm trying to branch out (and find more threads to post on in a vain effort to post even half as much as Tante Shvester).

So, just some random ideas:

Enter Ender
Ender's Legacy (though I think I saw this one from someone else, sorry)
Ender's Lament
Ender's Guide to Traveling the Galaxy on Less Than 20 Dollars a Day
Ender's Ave (Ave Ender)
Ender Wigs Out
The Future Past of Ender Wiggin (or something shorter, Ender's Future Past)
Ender's Exile
Posted by rjzeller (Member # 8536) on :
Looks like the naming game draws considerable interest, so here's a few more:

Ender Holistic
A Time for Ender
Ender's Love
Ender's Time
Finding Ender
Ender's World
Ender Restarting
Beginning Ender
Ender Quest

I dunno...this could be interesting. If OSC uses one of the titles mentioned on the nearly twenty pages of posts, will that person get an aknowledgement in the book??

Just a thought....

Posted by LucyPevensie (Member # 8537) on :
What about "Skipping Stones"? with the double allusion to Ender & Val skipping from planet to planet, and also to "The Worthing Saga"
Posted by guest (Member # 8543) on :
i hope mr card is still reading this thread because i'd really like to know,

in this new novel will things be more cleared up? as to how exactly Randi got the baby and what Volesco (sp?), if he orchestrated it, wanted to happen with the baby?

sorry if these questions sound confusing i'm not sure how to word what i want to say. but i'd like to hear more about Randi in general and her whole story from when she got the embryo implanted to how she finally left earth

Also, Randi having Bean's and Petra's son and having another novel about him sepererated entirely from Bean or Petra just has a strange, sad feel to it, but it's one of the things i like about your books

sorry if this is confusing as well but im not sure how to say it either and i was wondering if anyone else felt this way
Posted by Dianix (Member # 8558) on :
What about Ender das treffen (this is german, but I actually think it kinda rhymes). The meaning for treffen is reunion, meaning or encounter.

What do you think?
Posted by Värelse (Member # 8567) on :
Ender to Andrew
-Ender to Speaker (Something showing the transformation from Ender to Speaker Andrew)
Speaker for the Bean
Ender's New Bean

Or be really origional: Ender's Game II (ha ha)
I like the "Ender das treffen" title, but I don't think it would be appealing to people not interested in german. If you want to translate, translate it to Stark [Wink]
Posted by starLisa (Member # 8384) on :
Ender: Outcast
Ender: Hero's Fall
Ender Revisited
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
What about Ender's Progeny or Ender's Children?

I know biologically speaking they aren't his children, but everyone who was at the final battles fighting with Ender before he left, all of them were affected by him, everyone in his jeesh. There's nothing they wouldn't do for him, and their lives were forever colored by his influence.
Posted by DangerSaucePanic (Member # 8571) on :
If there's one title that hasn't yet been named in this 19 pages of eye strain goodness, it would be the super copyright infringement Rurouni Ender. Just like my most favorite moving picture show series in the whole wide world. Rurouni means something like wandering or something like that.

lol or Ender Battousai.
lol Spl-Ender!

Um Ender: Humanity's Savior, Humanity's Shame ?

I like The Ender cuz its so reverent like totally dude.
Posted by ArCHeR (Member # 6616) on :
How about:

The Ender, My Only Friender, The Ender
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Ruruoni or Ronin, yes it indeed means wanderer or more precisely in ocntextx wandering Samurai.

Kenshin is so cool.
Posted by trance (Member # 6623) on :
I'm bored...
Posted by LostHope (Member # 8577) on :
Ender's Hope
Ender's Memoir

...Wait a second. This is after Ender finds the hive-queen, but before... So...

Ender's Ascent
Ender's Progeny
Ender's Descendants
Second Life of Ender
Ender's Second Hope (the first being the hive queen, perhaps this book includes something else?)
Ender's Vision
Visions of the End (...)
Ender and Hive queen
Hive and Ender
Death of Ender (referring to the change of Ender into a pseudomyth)
Ender's Grave

Ah well. Good luck with coming up with something appropriate.
Posted by 0range7Penguin (Member # 7337) on :
Do you guys realize this started on March 10th and its still going. [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Presences (Member # 8492) on :
I just got back from a book signing at Deseret Book in downtown SLC. I heard Orson state in his very intellectual, fervent voice, that the title might be “Ender’s Exile.” OK, so he may have said “Ender in Exile”. I was only standing 12 feet away from him. Must be my ADD. Sorry! I really cannot remember. I just made is a point to remember that Exile was the last word in the title. Nevertheless, I am 99.9 percent positive he said one of those above-mentioned titles.

On a side note, Orson Scott Card is a very entertaining speaker. I was only able to listen to him for about 30 minutes, but found him very intelligent, kind, thoughtful, knowledgeable, and funny.
Posted by Presences (Member # 8492) on :
Just notice another thread... I guess this is old news...
Posted by trance (Member # 6623) on :
Maybe now this thread will end.....
Posted by Zak (Member # 273) on :
Holy $#!%

I haven't posted here since about 1998 or '99 - how the heck did I remember my password?

Wish I'd seen this post before. I'm sure this is an old thread, long since discarded by any reputable members of this forum, and I don't know if anyone suggested this, (because I wasn't about to read 19 pages worth of posts), but I have a late suggestion...

Ender's Skeleton

Huh? Huh? See, it refers to Buggers, because bugs have endoskeletons; it's also about Ender having everything stripped away (all his old beliefs and such, as he travels about trying to find meaning), it hints that you'll find what's truly at the "core" of Ender, it brings up thoughts of "Skeletons in the Closet," which I'm sure the book would be full of, it sounds spooky and dark, which is "cool," and once it gets stuck in your head, you won't forget it.

Talk about the perfect title.

Posted by Treason (Member # 7587) on :
I actually really liked "Ender's Innocence" (End of Innocence)

"The Ender, My Only Friender, The Ender"
Posted by hiro1000 (Member # 6905) on :
The second Ender
Ender's Mirror
The Misadventures of Ender
Posted by jamesbond007 (Member # 8513) on :
I've Got It! I've been agonizing over the perfect title for the next Ender novel and I think this is the one. It came to me in my dreams.

I haven't read through all 19 pages of posts; so it's likely someone has posted this already--but hey, my loss for being so slow, right?

Here it is:
Ender Two: Electric Boogaloo

Mr. Card, if you wish to purchase the rights to this title from me: I don't charge much.

Posted by hiro1000 (Member # 6905) on :
Ender's Begining
Ender's Call
Ender's Jeesh
Posted by Dannighe (Member # 7831) on :
Enders Calling
Posted by Szymon (Member # 7103) on :
Big Ender
Ender- enlightment [Wink]
Posted by emily.millikan (Member # 8638) on :
Ender's Mercy
Ender Away

Ender at Rest (heh)
Posted by RoyHobbs (Member # 7594) on :
This thread needs to be put to rest...
Posted by airmanfour (Member # 6111) on :
Ender's Pain
Posted by BlueBambue (Member # 8656) on :
wayfaring ender
wanderer ender
ender’s passage
Posted by jamesbond007 (Member # 8513) on :
Wait, I got a couple good ones:

Andrew Wiggins: The Unauthorized Biography

Ender, the Thieving Kender

Napster: the Untold Story

Dr Ender: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Videogames

Speaker For The House
Posted by DalenMel (Member # 8679) on :
Ender's Transformation
Posted by WntrMute (Member # 7556) on :
Days late, and dollars short.
The name's already decided on.
Posted by Treason (Member # 7587) on :
It's still fun to think of names! [Smile]
Posted by MagusFire (Member # 6780) on :
Last I knew he still hasn't decided on a name, but is only using 'Ender in Exile' as a working title. Something to call the project.
Posted by haplopeart (Member # 8684) on :
I'm a little late to the discussion however if it has not been suggested:

Ender's Enemy
Ender's Enigma
Posted by haplopeart (Member # 8684) on :
I just thought of something presumably, the antagonist in the story would be the unknown child of Bean? Wouldn't a proper title somehow link Ender and this Child of Bean's?
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
Thing is, we don't know yet what role Achilles Jr. plays in the book, so you can't really suggest a "proper" title with what we've got. Theoretically, OSC could use the character in the title, but he hasn't given it away if he will or not.
Posted by Joldo (Member # 6991) on :
Ender's Enemy
. . . I read that as Ender's Enema . . . man, I need to get some sleep . . .
Posted by Lucky_Sean (Member # 6223) on :
I think Enders Passage was my favourite out of all of them
Posted by human_2.0 (Member # 6006) on :
Ender vs Achilles Jn: (That's Ah-sheel, not a-kill-ease!)

(all of that is the title)
Posted by hiro1000 (Member # 6905) on :
Ender's voyage
Ender's travel

Ender and the bean stock (little joke)
Ender who?
Posted by Magik (Member # 8713) on :
2 Ender 2 Game
Enders Game, Exile This!
Valentimes guide to the Enderverse
Posted by Mrs_Smith (Member # 8732) on :
I kinda like Uncle Ender!
Ender's Befriender lol
Ender's Endeavoring ?

Why does it HAVE to have Ender in it? I mean, It wont really mean much to someone who hasn't read Ender's game, and if they liked Ender's Game, or any other OSC book enough to come back to his section in Barns and Noble.. AND it will obviously mention that it is a sequel (or semi-parallel-sequelly thingy Book) Then WHY does it HAVE to say ENDER in it?
Did Speaker for the Dead sell worse because it didnt say Ender the Speaker for the Dead?

How about Beginners Game?
Or title it after the boy... ect...
Posted by Orincoro (Member # 8854) on :
Ender's Apprentice
Ender's Colony
Ender's story
Ender's Life
Ender's Ship
Posted by odouls268 (Member # 2145) on :
Ender's Passage

Ender's Guide
Posted by odouls268 (Member # 2145) on :
'O Irmaos do Ender
Posted by odouls268 (Member # 2145) on :
The Wish of Ender
Posted by odouls268 (Member # 2145) on :
Ender's First Redemption
Posted by D. James Larkin (Member # 8865) on :
Ender's Gambit

I like the word gambit because of all the connotation it offers reminding me of Ender himself.

From Mariam-Webster:
1 : a chess opening in which a player risks one or more pawns or a minor piece to gain an advantage in position
2 a (1) : a remark intended to start a conversation or make a telling point (2) : TOPIC b : a calculated move : STRATAGEM
Posted by MrMojoDriver (Member # 8852) on :
Ender's Trials
Posted by Reticulum (Member # 8776) on :
Ender's Time
Posted by Reticulum (Member # 8776) on :
Or better, Ender's Shame (His Xenocide)
Posted by ReddwarfVII (Member # 8879) on :
Well, I'm new, but an opportunity not to be missed to add to a potential title, here's my bits:

-Tales of Ender
-Bean's Shadow (violates the rules, but ins't the book more about the baby?)
-Ender Speaker
-Ender's Legacy
-Ender's Travels (a little nod to another well know work [Smile] )
-Ender's Legend
-Ender and Valentine
-Ender and the Giant

Okay, that's all I've got! One thing to add. Is there any connection between the people of Path and Anton's Key? I've been wondering that for awhile. Is it possible that Randi and the baby were one of the original colonists of that world?
Posted by MrMojoDriver (Member # 8852) on :
The people of Path were descended from Japanese (or Chinese, cant remember)people. Bean is Greek.
Posted by sound_of_silence (Member # 8884) on :
Along With the Ender
Posted by sound_of_silence (Member # 8884) on :
Mr. Card,

Will this book be in the ender stream or the the shadow's?
Posted by lego feet (Member # 8093) on :
Ender's Ballgame
Posted by Avid_Reader (Member # 8887) on :
im not sure if i saw it, but how about
"Enders Odyssey"
Posted by ReddwarfVII (Member # 8879) on :
MrMojoDriver wrote:

The people of Path were descended from Japanese (or Chinese, cant remember)people. Bean is Greek.

Right, but I've just started Xenocide again and the description of the people of Path seem an awful lot like Bean without the shortened lifespan. A people with the super intelligence, but without the excellerated growth. The government then created another defect to keep them from taking over the universe that the people of path turned into a sign that such people were of the godspoken. What I am wondering is if the cure was found, but Bean was never called home because those that found it either:

a: did not know that he existed or
b: because they did not know him and did not want an uncontrolled, hyperintelligent, battle-hardened soldier returning to a world(?) that he doesn't know or doesn't know him. That they did not want coming back and trying to take over.

Or something like that. That was my full thought.
Posted by tmservo (Member # 8552) on :
Ender: The Canadian Hope
Posted by RunningBear (Member # 8477) on :
The Enderplasmic Reticulum
Posted by Joey (Member # 8742) on :
Always thought Ender's Speaker would be a great title but it doesn't fit with the story.
Posted by Peek (Member # 7688) on :
Peeks and Ender: A Dew Story
Posted by Jaiden (Member # 2099) on :
I always think of emigre when I see this thread (Ender the Emigre or some such... I'm not very creative).
My boyfriend says, though, that word is usually used in a pejorative way in the US [Smile]
Posted by Hank (Member # 8916) on :
Ender plus coming together-type word:
Ender's Binding
Or (Philotic implications here)
Ender's Twining
Posted by DraKKenN (Member # 5512) on :
I suppose Mr. Card isn't reading 20 pages of names-to-be, but heres my take anyways.

Ender's Communion.

Ender and the Hive Queen are going to be together, and I suppose he's going to stablish their relationship in this book, where he may come to terms with what he did, and what he will do from "now".

Communion : the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level.

Also, in a sense, he's going to make his communion, accepting the Hive Queen as a "companion" and a responsability to care for.

Then, there's another sense of communion : a relationship of recognition and acceptance.
This could relate with his re-encounter with his past in the form of the woman & child.

When Mr. Card speaks of "coming together", I take it not just to the fisical but to the spiritual. In this case, I find Communion works for both, giving a double sense of sorts, and allowing the title to reflect Ender's internal "growth" towards the Speaker for the Dead.

Not to speak of a religious word wich may attract even further attention (sales :-P), given the times we're living :-)
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
Just a public service announcement that the name Ender in Exile was already picked. I don't know who came up with it. Of course, I may just be a very humorless person who doesn't realize that this is an ongoing parlor game.
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
Yeah, I think this thread is just for fun now. Although, I thought "Ender in Exile" was something of a working title. I personally think that "Ender's Exile" sounds better for the final product. That is, unless the next 2 books are meant to be known as the "in" series: "Ender in Exile", "Shadows in Flight". *shrug*.
Posted by Wry1 (Member # 8936) on :
On the off-chance that Mr. Card is still reading this thread (and I hope you are!), I just wanted to put in my own two-cent's worth:

First, I had previously read Mr. Card's comments regarding the timeline in which the new novel would be set, and it occurred to me that Ender will most likely be over the subjective age of 21 in that frame - therefore, Jane, in some incarnation, will most likely have already made herself known to him (as the "investment" program was to contact him the first time he logged into the nets upon or after his 21st birthday in subjective time). It would be difficult at best to suspend disbelief enough to allow for Ender to have arrived at Shakespeare colony, to get it self-sufficient, find the last remaining Hive Queen, write both the Hive Queen and The Hegemon and then decide to leave for other worlds before turning 21. This could be an advantage, as it would allow us to see the development of the close relationship between Ender and Jane; as it stands right now, all we see is that these bonds are there, and we just have to accept it. I think some of the misunderstandings and growing-pains in such a relationship could prove to be good material.

Also, one avenue to explore is Ender's transformation into Peter at the end of Children of the Mind. Now there is FTL travel, as well as the possibility of creating "miracle" viruses which can change a genetic structure. If it happens not to be possible to tell the story of Bean in the new book (which might be the case, as I didn't get the feeling that Bean's story would be one of the central themes to the new book), then perhaps another "Ender" book could involve the newly-human Jane informing Peter/Ender of the previously-unknown ship carrying Bean and his children (let's face it, at that close to the speed of light, the only way they're going to age is if they slowed down for some reason, which they'd only do if a cure had been found and they were heading back). Ela and Quara could construct another version of the Path virus to modify the DNA structure in Bean and all get the picture.

Of course, this could then allow Bean to re-team with Peter (albeit a Peter who embodied Ender's traits and abilities - and a few memories, I would bet) to accomplish the goal "Peter" set for himself in Xenocide: to become Hegemon again, to right the wrongs and to give every colony world an equal voice in government. Not to mention, trying to convey Bean's incredulity when he comes face-to-face with Peter....3000+ years in the future!

Okay, that's my piece. Other than one last thing:

the new book? How does Ender's Chrysalis sound?

After all, this is to deal with the metaphysical metamorphosis of Ender Wiggin (Hero/Savior) to Andrew Wiggin (Speaker for the Dead/Xenocide).
Posted by Advent 115 (Member # 8914) on :
I like the simple title Ender or beter yet ender and the orson card experience
Posted by Mindbowels (Member # 7407) on :
Probably already been mentioned in one of the 2984752 previous posts but...

Ender's Fame.
Posted by Scott Sears (Member # 8952) on :
Well I just registered here today and I haven't even finished the series yet. I read Ender's Game my freshmen year of high school and I'm a senior now an have decided to go back and read the entire series. At the moment I'm working on finishing Shadow Puppets, which I should finish today or tommorow and then I got to get ahold of a copy of Shadow of the Giant. But I like the idea Wry1 had about Bean actually being in lightspeed travel and that he could have his genetic problem fixed, but as I said I don't know if that's possible as I was guessing that Shadow of the Giant was sorta a conclusion novel for the Shadow set, But at the same time it will be interesting either way just to see what happens with Petra and the child. An if Ender was to help Petra and the child, it could be like Ender returning the favor that Petra gave him as start when he came into battle school. Also Bean showed friendship to Ender through thier years together. Maybe something like Ender's Return of Favor. That may have already been said somewhere, I didn't take the time to go back and read all 20 pages of posts just the first couple of few.
Posted by human_2.0 (Member # 6006) on :
Ender's Flame
Ender's Flamebait (is that possessive or a contraction?)
Posted by Eva Scrye (Member # 8960) on :
This would be *after* Ender writes the Hegemon and the Hive Queen, correct? Assuming he has left his fist colony, and therefore has already spoken with Peter?

In that case, something alluding to Ender's falling into universal disgrace?

Ender's Shame
Ender's Age

Or perhaps relating to the growing sense that he is a *father* as such to all of humanity? As was referenced at one point?

Ender's Sons
Father Ender

The Guardian
Eva Scrye
Posted by X_Hamilton_X (Member # 8973) on :
Please forgive me if these were already suggested. I'm too tired to read all 20 pages. [Smile]

Shadows Past Ender

Ender: A Crossing of Shadows
Ender: Crossing a Shadow
Ender: A Crossing of Paths
Ender: A Convergence of Paths
Posted by X_Hamilton_X (Member # 8973) on :
This must have been suggested but I can't resist posting it:

Ender's Echo


Ender: A Shadow's Echo

Ender: Echoes of Shadows

Ender: Echo of a Shadow
Posted by Eva Scrye (Member # 8960) on :
Hmm, you know, I don't think Mr. Card is reading this at this point ^_^ It's been a rather long time since he's posted.

Then again, perhaps he's simply spending Christmas away from his forums.
Posted by ket (Member # 8975) on :
Spaceboy Ender's Super-Dooper Voyaging Trip!!

(please include exclamation marks)
Posted by rockk (Member # 8970) on :
I haven t read the SHadow s Series, main reason is because it s Bean the main character in it, and it focuses mainley on Earth and events there. I miss the Ender character, the one that became a father to Novinha s kids, a simple man but baring the world s sins on he s back. I miss the older Ender more then the young one, more then Peter, Valentine, Miro, they re kids, they re kids kids, and so on.

I want Ender back. In my opinion, SPeaker of the Dead it s the masterpiece. The other books are superb, but none of them caught me so much as this one did and Xenoxide. Superb.

Make a sequel of Ender s Saga, please. Children of the Mind let so many unanswered questions, allthou`, i missed the ENder from Speaker of the Dead or even from Xenocide.

Please don t let it be ENder Spaceman, or Ender Reloaded, it just doesen t feels like Ender s Saga.

ENder: New Hope
Ender: Bindings
ENder: Event Horizon - maybe the child could speak with Ender like the "bugs" did with him, so there s an unseen connection between them, wich no one can see or breakthru just like an event horizons are in our universe...

Please i beg of a sequel with Ender the main character again... i always looked up to this character, it sounds crazy i know, but it s the kinda of man i would wanted to be "when i grow up" [Smile]
Posted by X_Hamilton_X (Member # 8973) on :
Ender: Echoes Past
Posted by ket (Member # 8975) on :
Ooh, I like Event Horizon.
Posted by TrapperKeeper (Member # 7680) on :
The guy made this thread on march 10th, id hope he has a title by now.

Guess I'm a bit cynical, but seriously, its been almost a year!
Posted by Eva Scrye (Member # 8960) on :
Heck, I hope the book's half-done ^_^
Posted by VetaMega (Member # 8366) on :
Try to make a better cover this time too!!!
Posted by ket (Member # 8975) on :
He's not in charge of the cover. The publishers are.

Let's hope the publishers actually ask him for advice this time, though,!
Posted by Zenox (Member # 8987) on :
Ender: Achilles' Shadow
Shadows of the Buggers
The Formics' Shadows
Ender: Shadow of Redemption
Redemption's Shadow
Posted by oolung (Member # 8995) on :
Or maybe something like

Tracing Ender

Posted by sir.otter (Member # 8997) on :
Enders conscience
enders acquaintance
enders silhouette
enders comrade
Posted by Monroe by Warhol (Member # 8999) on :
Ender's Blame (rhyming with Ender's Game wahoo)

Ender's Vice

Ender: The Price of Innocence

Ender's Suffering

And I really liked, 'A Valenitine For Ender' cause it had Val. yay.
Posted by oolung (Member # 8995) on :
I like 'A Valentine for Ender' too, but for me it sounds like a good title for a short story, not a novel...
Posted by Abyss (Member # 3086) on :
Has he written his Speaker for the Dead bit yet, for Peter?
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
There's a bit of snafu over timelines and while I know OSC is aware of the situation I don't know how he's going to solve it. (I eagerly await the next book to figure out how he does solve it.) You can search back for my user name on this side of the forum and find my rants on the topic, which are documented chapter and paragraph from several of the Ender saga.

See, Investment Counsellor happens when Ender comes of age on Sorcelledolce. Problem is, that in the original EG if you do the math, he's far older and has already come of age before he leaves the first colony.

Posted by HectorVictor (Member # 9003) on :
I realize the name of the novel in question has already been decided on, I think a good name for this novel would be:

Ender's World
Ender's Worlds
Posted by sarcare (Member # 8736) on :
Hmm, I think Ender's Seance, a book explaining how Ender Speaks to the dead--the introduction to Enderverse. [ROFL]
Posted by BlueBambue (Member # 8656) on :
I'm just posting because then i will control the 1000th reply to this thread. [Smile]

OSC should write a book for each of these titles.
Posted by Eva Scrye (Member # 8960) on :

No, really, has anyone even heard about the book lately? I sure hope it's past the title-brainstorming phase...
Posted by Jonathan Howard (Member # 6934) on :
Storming is right...
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
I think we lost some of the brain along the way...
Posted by oolung (Member # 8995) on :
lost some of the what?
What's brain?
Posted by Jonathan Howard (Member # 6934) on :
What's what?
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
In reference to "brain-storming"...
Posted by Stone_Wolf_ (Member # 8299) on :
Forgive me if any of these have already been thesaurus was getting lonely and I thought I'd give it some company.

There are a lot of different ways a novel like this can go, so I went for a shotgun style smattering of titles, hopefully one might fit the bill.

Ender's Passage
Ender's Journey
Ender's Voyage
Ender's Flight
Ender's Apprentice
Ender's Protg
Ender's Pupil
Ender's Prodigy
Ender's Penance
Ender's Salvation
Ender's Vindication
Ender's Peace
Ender's Threshold
Ender's Promise
Ender's Evolution
Ender's Undertaking
Ender's Hope
Ender Divided

Okay, I'm spent.
Posted by tms (Member # 9017) on :
I considered What Ender Did Next to be reasonably amusing as a false submission.

I have sat for a while with Ender's Name because it could explore how he intends to redefine what he is known for. And it makes us ask questions.

My brain has fallen on Ender's Reach, Ender Reaches.
Posted by Descolada Survivor (Member # 9019) on :
HA Ender and the bean stalk good one,

how about.... "Healing Ender"?
I like the idea of that name because i suppose during that book Ender would still feel some remorse for the buggers and all and losing his brother, it could be the title if Ender is going to be talking about his tragic childhood alot.
-just a thought

[ January 12, 2006, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: Descolada Survivor ]
Posted by Descolada Survivor (Member # 9019) on :
Originally posted by tms:
I considered What Ender Did Next to be reasonably amusing as a false submission.

I have sat for a while with Ender's Name because it could explore how he intends to redefine what he is known for. And it makes us ask questions.

My brain has fallen on Ender's Reach, Ender Reaches.

wouldnt that imply that ender was in hell? if so it sounds good again if hes feeling remorse in this book about his past
Posted by tms (Member # 9017) on :
Ender Reaches has too much finality and weakness, it sucks what was I thinking. Ender's Reach however can take on multiple meanings. Surely the guilt over the formics will be present in this book, so he has reached a point, and as we know he reaches out at some point for a new path. Reach can also mean a stretch of coastline, among other things. And that's enough of that.
Posted by beanelricyr (Member # 8793) on :
my friends thought if these, they suck
Ender:the next F***ing book
Ender goes to this one place and meets this one person and stuff happens
i know what ender did last summer
Ender:never ask your friends to think of titles
Posted by ittybittybean (Member # 9080) on :
I'm not sure if you've chosen a title, but I was thinking, perhaps use of "Ender" at this point is no longer appropriate.
How about "Andrew, the Stranger"?
"Ender, the stranger" wouldn't be bad except that the name Ender is too highly recognized.
Using Andrew would be appropriate given the timing of the book. [Smile]
Just a thought!
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
I like your idea, personally. The publishers, however, are looking for a title with the word "Ender" in it. Apparently sells better. They like the recognition.
Posted by IB_wench (Member # 9081) on :
How 'bout simply
"The End"?
Posted by Appletanks (Member # 7641) on :
I still think Ender's Fender Bender exclaims brilliance.
Posted by ender2785 (Member # 9089) on :
Do you think it would be interesting to write this book as a memory Ender can stop thinking about, or maybe even as Ender writing a book about this woman and child?
If you like this I think some good title good titles would be:
Ender's Recollection
Ender Revisited
Ender's Past
Ender - A Story Untold
Posted by Cover of Darkness (Member # 9145) on :
I am with you on Ender's Fender Bender, it's a title you could never forget. Unlike Robert Jordan's. I mean can anyone actually remember any of the names of those books?
Posted by SoaPiNuReYe (Member # 9144) on :
How bout simply the name of the planet he heads to. Idk about the rest of you bout all the titles w. Ender in them were makin my head hurt
Posted by Measure (Member # 8473) on :
Ender's Move

if there were a word for a 'shadow of a shadow' or 'son of a shadow' those could apply (obviously can't tell how it'd sound)...

Ender's New Shadow obviously not...
Ender Venture

it's probably not appropriate I talk about why I'd like the name Ender's Move , but erase this if you must...
anyways I think Ender's Move would work by allowing for at least a double reference: Ender is still moving from planet to planet, and he will make a 'move' when he understands the truth behind Randi's son (I don't intend to usurp you OSC...I think that part is obvious, that's all)
That's the best I can think of for now....
Posted by cheiros do ender (Member # 8849) on :
Lender has the word/name Ender in it. So does... e-nerd. Seriously though, I hope this thread doesn't end up like Begging the Question. Not that that thread was/is annoying, but it would be for this one.
Posted by Jeesh (Member # 9163) on :
You probably won't see this because it's all the way down but why not something like "The last Vouage of Ender" (pardon the spelling) if this is his last vouage before is is the first (official) Speaker of the Dead?
Posted by Pinky (Member # 9161) on :
Surrender (because he would like to, instead of killing, fighting...)
Posted by aarand (Member # 8745) on :
Did anyone suggest Dead Ender as a way to tie in Speaker?
Posted by Pinky (Member # 9161) on :

No, really, has anyone even heard about the book lately? I sure hope it's past the title-brainstorming phase...

Or he just gave up. "Sorry, folks, I can't choose a title, there'll never be another Ender- book." [Cry]

"Ender's whateverdestructivenounyouchoose"
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
There were quite a few funny bits to this thread that I'm sad that people aren't seeing because it's become so ginormous. So I went through and tried to pick them out. It wouldn't my me too sad if others chose to try to emulate some of the funnier, playful parts of this thread instead of suggesting titles for a book that most likely already has had a title chosen on a thread that few read anymore. Just saying is all.

I remembers more from OSC, but memory is a strange thing. Anyway, here's what I snipped (which is not to say that I found all of these funny, but other's tastes aren't necessarily mine).

He's not Ender, He's My Brother

Ender's Fame (Ender hires a publicist to try to get people to stop calling him "Ender the Xenocide" and is disappointed that they start calling him "Ender the Cold-blooded Killer of Children and Misunderstood Aliens")

Ender's Vame (in which Ender keeps using words that no one else has ever heard of and nobody understands, until at the end of the novel there is not a single recognizable avink mudge popesy buh groonvondle)

I'm Afraid I've Got Some Bad News, Ender: You're In Space

The Mask of Ender (he goes around slashing giant W's into people's clothing and upholstery)

I'm Ok, You're Ender

My Parents Sent Me to Battle School and All I Got Was This Lousy Xenocide

Ender's Five O'Clock Shadow

Knight Ender (Ender survives an assasination attempt that everyone thinks kills him. He comes back, with a new face and a souped up spaceship with an AI he calls "Jane" (or KAMA, whichever). They fight crime.)

A Comedy of Enders (Ender's parents tell him that he has a twin brother that they shot into space for some reason and he sets out in pursuit. Upon reaching one planet, he is suprised to find everyone there treats him like they know him. At the same, his twin brother, Bob, is being hassled by people who keep saying they gave him things or he promised to do something for him. Hilarity ensues, until the two brothers meet, reconcile, and open up a donut shop.)

Dr. Valentine and Mr. Peter (Before Ender's two halves got created when he jumped out of space-time, they showed up as the result of Ender's mad experiments in separating out the good genes from the bad ones. Audio version done by Julia Roberts affecting an awful Scottish brogue.)

"Ender: The Sequel Before the Sequel that isn't Quite Parallel"

I'm partial to A Book About Ender! Or, The Publishers Want Me to Reassure You That Ender's in This Book.

Ender is the Knight

Love Me Ender

Rear Ender (subtitle; accidental tourist?)

Game Ender (he beat the Hive Queen at the buzzer? Or, I guess that might go along with Rear Ender too... Does the Hive Queen have a buzzer? Hmmm...

Ender's High Score

Ender Shrugged

Just because I couldn't resist...
Ender's Same -- this could be great -- the story of Ender's Game told from the perspective of one of the other characters!!! How's that for a cool idea?
Next one could be Ender's Replay...
<insert sheepish apology here to OSC>

Neither an Ender nor a Borrower Be

Ender Rex
Ender at Colonus

The Planet-hopping Xenocidal Maniac

Wiggin Out!

All Good Things Come to an Ender
Terms of Enderment

You know, Endercrine Gland is really a good one given the teen years, etc. A follow-up could be the Enderogenous Zone, in which Ender discovers that everyone's gate is down.

This is the Series That Never End(er)s
(It just goes on and on my Friend(er)s

Two Wiggins, a Beanlet, and a Pizza Place (self-explanatory)

Much Ado About Ender (The Beanlet, who being a bastard is necessarily evil, tricks Ender into thinking that Valentine was conspiring to ally with the Hive Queen to destroy the human race. In reality, it was a man in a dress and wig wearing a name tag that said "Hi, my name is Valentine" and a hologram of a supermagnified ant. Valentine pretends to die when Ender accuses her and...yeah, that's all I got).

The Illustrated Ender (After a night out drinking with his old Battleschool chums, Ender wakes up with tattoos covering his entire body. Then he walks around and tells people the stories of what his tattoos are about, but gets arrested when he refuses to put his pants back on during a particularly involved story about a helium balloon, a sad clown, and the girl who loved them both.)

Foundation and Ender (The expanding Earth colonization comes across a star system full of people talking about their great Encyclopedia and trying get the colonists to worship atomic energy as a god. After starring at them quizzically for a little bit, then exlaiming "Oooh wow. You've got atomic energy!" Ender Doctor Devices them out of existence, bringing a different meaning to the name of the planet Terminus.)

Dr. Strangebean or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Molecular Disruptor Device

In which we get to meet Ender again and everything that was unclear is explained

Ender - Won't You?

Ender 90210 (Ender and Valentine travel from stodgy old earth to the hip, happening part of the galaxy and become part of an ensemble of teens who are overburdened with adventures and romantic entanglements. Note: The book would have to prominently feature at least one of the Card children, but only because he or she tried out for the role under an assumed name.)

A Farewell to Ender (Ender becomes an abulance driver. He falls in love with a nurse and vows to only speak in short, declarative sentences. Later, there's a bullfight. In the rain.)

Your Own....Personal....Ender (As part of his newly formed depressing rock group, Ender becomes someone to hear your prayers; someone who cares.)

Could you imagine what it would be like to play like Monopoly with post EG Ender.

Ender - A 5 and a 4. Okay, that takes me past Go so I collect $200 and Dear God I hope I'm not wiping an alien species!!!!!
Valentine - For Pete's sake Ender, I've told you over and over that this is just a game. Honest. No one's getting killed. You playing as a freaking top hat! Get over it.
E - Okay, okay. Sorry. I get carried away sometimes.
V - No problem. So you landed on Baltic Ave. Do you want to buy it?
E - Hehehehehehehehe. No! That's just what Graff would be expecting.
V - Graff's not here. It's just you and me. We're in the depths of space, playing a simple board game. Settle down already.
E - Sorry. Sorry.
V - Okay. A 2 and ... darn a 6. That puts me on your Boardwalk and it's got 4 houses on it. That clears me out. You win.
E - Ahhhhh! I've destroyed the galactic economy. Trillions of people will starve to death. Anarchy will reign. The streets will run with blood.
V - Sweet Jebus Ender. It's just a game. Trust me.
E - *deep breaths* Okay. Okay. I've got it under control now.
V - When are you going to go out and get laid already?
E - Not for 3000 years.
E - Sometimes I think the computer is talking to me. Remember, the enemy's hotel is down!
V - Dear Lord.

Ender Few Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Raiders of the Lost Ender
12 Angry Enders [Confused]
Saving Ender
The Man Who Shot Ender
Who's Afraid of Ender Wiggin?
Being Ender
From Ender to Valentine
Ender Conquers the Martians

Ender= MC Squared

Ender Becomes an Angsty Little Bastard
Posted by Jon Paul Mosher (Member # 9174) on :
wow this a huge topic but heres an idea

Enders Heel

get it the son of Achilles as in Achilles heel his son could be his Achilles heel

I thought it was clever
Also not to argue with anything Orson Scott Card has said but I think it would be cool to Write Shadows in Flight first cause I'm a little selfish and want to see how the stories tie together.
Posted by SiriusSky (Member # 9216) on :
OmG! Thank you all so much for such an amusing thread! So far "Crouching Bean, Hidden Ender" is my favorite.

I would really love it though if the book was from Valentine's perspective, that would really make an interesting read. And perhaps the best title I've heard so far for that would be something along the lines of:

Ender & Valentine

What expresses the opposite of shadow? What's something that represents what Val stands for in Ender's eyes, in the way Bean stood for his shadow...
Posted by Tinros (Member # 8328) on :
What expresses the opposite of shadow? What's something that represents what Val stands for in Ender's eyes, in the way Bean stood for his shadow...
Ender's Light.

Ender's Angel.
Posted by Geekazoid99 (Member # 8254) on :
i was so sure people would forget about this
this is now sad

Posted by Leia Atreides (Member # 9227) on :
So, well, is it Ender in Exile? Or something else? I'm a bit confused, hadn't checked the Hatrack for a whiile....
Posted by SiriusSky (Member # 9216) on :
Tinros, thanks, 'Enders Light' does kinda have a ring to it.
Posted by SiriusSky (Member # 9216) on :
You know what Geekazoid99, get over it. It's not sad, it's amusing and at the same time gives food for thought.
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
And in 3 more days this thread will have its 1 year anniversary!
Posted by SiriusSky (Member # 9216) on :
No kidding!?!
Posted by Leia Atreides (Member # 9227) on :
Ender's Light... sounds like Ender had serious problems with electricity. Well, he hadn't Jane at that time, so I can definitely see the line it could take :]

What about Ender Nolight? (some totally new Ender. The history has lied to you all. It never will be Ender the Xenocide, nor is his name Andrew Wiggin. He's Ender Nolight. )
Posted by Leia Atreides (Member # 9227) on :
Sirius: No kidding? What? You mean, really no kidding? I think I'm gonna commit suicide. World with no kidding... wtf.

No kidding.
Posted by SiriusSky (Member # 9216) on :
I didn't mean it like that, obviously. The world would be very sad indeed, if not for kidding...

As for Ender's light, Ender with no electricity, lol, I meant Val, not Jane. But it still doesn't work quite right.

Sorry if this has already been posted, I haven't read the entire thread yet, but how does 'Ender's Equinox' sound?
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
I must say MrSquicky, thank you very much for that comprehensive recap. [Smile]

My personal favorite, for obvious reasons, is:

"Dr. Strangebean or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Molecular Disruptor Device"

Posted by lisha_rose (Member # 9166) on :
i have been thinking about it and i came up with a few i sorta like dont know if anyone has said them yet but here

Shadow Keeper
Shadow of the Shadow
Shadow of the Angel of Death [Big Grin]
Posted by Leia Atreides (Member # 9227) on :
What about The Keeper of Shadow Cube? [Wink]

(it might be about a group of former Battleschoolers who are trapped in a Cube moving through space, Ender decides to take a mission and as a right Ace Rimmer-like hero plans to take them out but when he realizes they can perfectly sort out the situation because they were BS, he commits suicide... we might be told that all that followed was actually a post-mortal thing of dream dreamt by an insane Jane [Smile]

Oh, forget about it.
Posted by Kin (Member # 9246) on :
Originally posted by Presences:
On a side note, Orson Scott Card is a very entertaining speaker. I was only able to listen to him for about 30 minutes, but found him very intelligent, kind, thoughtful, knowledgeable, and funny.

Oooh, that's awesome. I always thought he'd be like that, without reading interviews or going online.

About the name thing, I only skimmed through half the posts, but there are a memorable several. I'll list ones I'm thinking of off the top of my head and they might be ones that have already been posted.

Ender's Student
Ender's Kin
Ender's Kind
Ender's Bean
Ender's Bean's Shadow
Ender's Bean's Shadow's Kitty
Ender's Mirror
Ender's Past
Ender's Passed
Ender's Free
Ender's Flea
Ender's Adaptation
Ender's Adoption
Ender's Urchin

... I keep thinking about the child. Wonder if it's a boy or girl, hm. It's just so exciting; after reading so much about the Battle Schoolers' futures and their reaching adultood, it comes back to another child. Or the only one who remained a child after the others grew into their twenties.
Posted by blue zinthos (Member # 9245) on :
Can you get away with just having "Ender" in a subtitle? Something like the following -

The Further Adventures of Ender

An Ender Wiggin Story

Ender Groks in Fullness

If you must follow the rules, how about these? -

Ender's Impression
Ender's Madness
(maybe the woman's very smart child can practice psychological warfare on Ender)
Ender's Strength
Ender's Power
Ender's Quest
Ender's Transition
Ender's Hold
Ender's Step
Ender's Will
Ender's Challenge
Ender's Work
Ender's Peace
Ender's Reason
Ender's Value
Ender's Paradigm
Ender's Shift
Ender's Paradigm Shift [Smile]
Ender's Need
Ender's Razor
(wouldn't it be cool if OSC coined a phrase like Ockham's Razor or Dyson Sphere that would forever be immortalized in the dictionary?)
Ender's Declaration
Ender's Resolve

Posted by SiriusSky (Member # 9216) on :
Originally posted by blue zinthos:

Ender's Razor(wouldn't it be cool if OSC coined a phrase like Ockham's Razor or Dyson Sphere that would forever be immortalized in the dictionary?)

That would be awesome!
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
Is he credited for coining the term "Xenocide"? It may not be in the dictionary or anything, but I've seen/heard it used in other places besides the Ender books.
Posted by Julia (Member # 9244) on :
Wow. I didn't realize "Xenocide" WASN'T in the dictionary. That's pretty cool
Posted by Oobie Binoobie (Member # 8059) on :
Shadow of the Xenocide
Posted by Leia Atreides (Member # 9227) on :
That was a good one, Oobie. Really, it hanged around E all the time, and by the time he's wandering the universe as mentioned in the starting post, he would probably feel about it very intensively...

(sorry, this is a brainstorming thread, not for any "take it-leave it"- I just couldn't resist when I see something that I find not only amusing, but also very fitting)
Posted by Chronus (Member # 9207) on :
I still like the idea of Ender's Penance. By the time he would arrive at the planet many years will have gone by. So once he got there they probably would be calling him Ender the Xenocide. He probably would be guilt ridden because for him it would have only been what 2-3 weeks since he met the queen and sent out his copy of Hive Queen and the Hegemon.

<Need to go back and reread the end of Ender's Game, and check the light speed compared to the years again.>

Jut one main question though, would they still be on that planet when Ender got there? I think it was 1 week = 50 years. So depending on where the two planets are in relation to each other they might be on that planet together, though more likely they would meet on a third planet.
Posted by lisha_rose (Member # 9166) on :
oobie Shadow of the Xenocide sounds kewl!
shadow of a vision
Shadow of a child
shadow of hope

who knows the possibilities are endless guys lol
Posted by Red Ender (Member # 9258) on :
Sorry if sombody already came up with this tittle idea (I just couldn't get through all 22 pages of reaplys) but as i was reading some of the suggestions a tittle just sort of came to me.

"Enders Enemy"

I may be completly wrong but i think that this book would be just as much about Randi's chiled as it would be about Ender and Valintine. Besides, theres alwes been refrance to how much Ender respects and loves his "Enimes"
Posted by Jimbo the Clown (Member # 9251) on :
Um... I hate to be rude, but (Shouting about to commence; don't read if you think you'll be offended.) HAVE NONE OF YOU THOUGHT OF USING ENDER AS A VERB!?!?!?!?!?!?
Posted by Jimbo the Clown (Member # 9251) on :
Seriously though...
Voyage Ender
Tribulation Ender
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
It's not being used as a verb in either of your examples, Jimbo.
Posted by SoaPiNuReYe (Member # 9144) on :
Posted by Jimbo the Clown (Member # 9251) on :
*Sputters... Lol.*
I didn't mean for the posts to be connected. Oh, well. That was funny.
Posted by I Am The War Chief (Member # 9266) on :
Ender the musical
Hey Big Ender Speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeend Some time with achiles kid duh dah dah PAH
Posted by Vazor (Member # 9267) on :
Has anyone considered simply calling the novel "Ender" ? It's a pretty simple title, and fits in with the whole tying-together thing.
Posted by anime-lover (Member # 9281) on :
Andrew's journey may b a good 1......
Posted by anime-lover (Member # 9281) on :
this is totally off-the-topic but resident evil 4 is the best game ever and i wanna play it 4ever & ever & ever
Posted by Alon (Member # 9282) on :
The Connection Of Ender
Ender's Center

ill think of more
Posted by I Am The War Chief (Member # 9266) on :
Beggining of The Ender
Posted by dredg (Member # 9303) on :
i was just wondering if anyone suggested "ender's world"
i'm re-reading through the book right now noticed it used, and i noticed this topic while i was looking around here a few days ago.
Posted by Orincoro (Member # 8854) on :

Why not adopt a "speaker" motif instead! Call it


Speaker for the Living

Speaker of Dreams

Speaker Andrew

Ender the Speaker

Andrew the Speaker

Speaker's Game

Speaker's Shadow

Speaker and the Giant

Speaker for Puppets

This is ridiculous actually, nm.
Posted by 0range7Penguin (Member # 7337) on :
Please dont put a new idea in there heads. We will get another 22 pages using speaker....
Posted by gsim (Member # 9316) on :
i think that some good ones are:

Ender's Flight
Ender's Light
Ender's Voyage

(and some non-ender ones are)

The Final Shadow
A New Begining - (I don't know about this one, a new bigining for ender and what-his-name)
The Lost Shadow

*yay, my first post!*
Posted by hatrkr81 (Member # 9317) on :
Here's a few from my mind:

Ender's Dawn (after all, this will be a new day in the life of ender)

Ender Speaks

Trial of Ender

Mr. Card, it's an honor to be a part of your forum and to be given the chance of having a say-so in the title of your next book which i can't wait for!!! i've been having "ender's world" withdrawls....a new Alvin book wouldn't be bad either though [Wink]
Posted by Oviratptor (Member # 9323) on :
I have read the WHOLE thread, and I didn't see (or notice) these names:

After Ender
Almost Ender

Memory of Ender (Don't tell me no one gets that title reference)

"After Ender" being my favorite.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
I think the novel should be called "Super Sex Space Magic" and feature a tie-dye cover.

What do you think?
Posted by Jonathan Howard (Member # 6934) on :
I wanted to reply to your post, Primal Curve.

Than I realised you were asking a rhetorical question.

So my opinion's unimportant.

*goes and cries in the corner*
Posted by hatrkr81 (Member # 9317) on :
just to let everyone know...i heard he decided on a title somewhere on one of these threads and its "Ender in Exile"
Posted by Leia Atreides (Member # 9227) on :
Heard that rumour too, I think it's quite old news.

(or possibly it was me who helped to spread the rumour? Man never knows. :mrgreen: )
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
OSC has not specified that he selected a title for the novel, however, "Ender in Exile" is being used as a working title for the moment. It may end up being the final, it may not.

(Just in case no one wanted to search all twenty-odd thread pages for this info. [Smile] )
Posted by Elmer's Glue (Member # 9313) on :
Advent Ender.
Posted by panickedthumb (Member # 9345) on :
How about Ender and the case of the stolen giant-baby [Smile]

I think Ender's Flight is the best out of these, Ender's Exile comes in second, but I can see how Exile might work better. I guess it all depends on how the book plays out.
Posted by GiantReturns (Member # 9349) on :
Ender's Giant

Ender's Formula

Ender's Achilles

Ender's Journey

Ender's Migration
Posted by collissimon (Member # 9346) on :

I've been lurking for a while, and haven't read all of them, but how about:

Ender, Alien
Posted by johnplaystuba (Member # 8792) on :
Memory of Ender
The Call of Ender... um... the Ships?

Maybe... Ender's Prentice?
Posted by Goldenstar (Member # 6990) on :
Originally posted by Orincoro:

Why not adopt a "speaker" motif instead! Call it


Speaker for the Living

Speaker of Dreams

Speaker Andrew

Ender the Speaker

Andrew the Speaker

Speaker's Game

Speaker's Shadow

Speaker and the Giant

Speaker for Puppets

This is ridiculous actually, nm.

I was thinking something with speaker in it may be good actualy. Speaker's Trial or Speaker's Test sounded good to me
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
Tough coming into a thread this late, since reading 22 pages of ideas at once will be crazy. I'm just gonna throw some stuff out and if it's already been said, then whoever said it is awesome too [Wink]

Ender the Dragon
Happily Ender After
Ender Beginning Was the Word

OK, I'm all punned out for the week.
Posted by Pawel Lotko (Member # 9367) on :
Ender:Legacy of Achilles
Posted by Vicious (Member # 9369) on :
Does Bean recieve closure in the Speaker series? If not, I really think he deserves it. (Just finished Shadow series.) Or perhaps that is planned for Shadows in Flight and this is solely about closing up the knot of Bean's 9th child? (Which I think also deserves being tied up.) Or perhaps I need to shut up and go read the Speaker series?
Posted by Dr. Evil (Member # 8095) on :
Mind Ender
Posted by collissimon (Member # 9346) on :
I don't know whether it's been suggested before, but how about:

Ender's Genesis

As presumably it's about him coming into his own after the Xenocide...
Posted by comp_u_geek (Member # 9378) on :
oh wait how about Ender's Test. since it's kind of like a direct sequel to Ender's Game it would be likt a test after playing games from a title point of view
Posted by comp_u_geek (Member # 9378) on :
or Ender's recluse
Posted by comp_u_geek (Member # 9378) on :
or Ender's trial
Posted by comp_u_geek (Member # 9378) on :
Originally posted by Miro:
Pop brings up a good point. If this is the point at which Ender first deals with his new place in history, how about Ender the Xenocide?

I do like Ender the Xenocide or Ender's Xenocide
Posted by GeorgeLampard (Member # 9383) on :
I read everything OSC said about this topic, and it would seem best to include shaddows in it

for instance,

A Shadows End
Ender, Edge Of Shadows

Or Include the idea of darkness

Ender Nightfall
Ender Darkness
Ender's Shade
Shades Of Ender
Ender's Dusk
Ender's Abyss
Ender's Fall (since he becomes hated)
Ender's Dawn (The end of shadows, and ender's new self)
Ender Twilight
Dawn Of Ender

Or you could go with the idea that purhaps this kid will follow ender, fasinated by the idea that "he's the xenocide" and will try to follow ender's example of destruction by creating more of his own

Then it'd have to involve something with ender having more than a shaddow, but a following

Ender's Campaign
Following Of Ender
Ender's Night
Ender's Deciple
Ender's Cult
Ender's Worship
Ender Devotion



Thats my all time favorite, Good luck with the book, I'll buy at least three copies, and don't sweat it, people will buy it simply because it says Orson Scott Card on the cover, a house hold name where i'm from
Posted by Pinky (Member # 9161) on :
Originally posted by comp_u_geek:
Originally posted by Miro:
Pop brings up a good point. If this is the point at which Ender first deals with his new place in history, how about Ender the Xenocide?

I do like Ender the Xenocide or Ender's Xenocide
This title could too easily be confused with "Xenocide", n'est-ce pas?
Posted by comp_u_geek (Member # 9378) on :
I guess... but I still like Ender's Xenocide
Posted by Son of John (Member # 9263) on :
I thought Ender in Exile was already the name chosen for the book?

I hope it is, it's by far the best choice.
Posted by Numinor West (Member # 9375) on :
"Ender's Planet" has my vote
Posted by Nathan2006 (Member # 9387) on :
Well, this would be a merging of 'Ender', and 'Shadow'

So how about 'Ender's Shadow's Shadow'?


Seriously though, how about 'Shadow Children' or, focusing more on Randi 'A woman in Shadow' or 'Shadow's rival' as Randi wasn't fond of Bean.
Posted by Nathan2006 (Member # 9387) on :
And by the way, this topic is grammtically incorrect. It should be 'The New Ender Novel on which I've decided'. :~) I'm a pain about these things. Don't worry, I have heard about it before. LOL.
Posted by MagusFire (Member # 6780) on :
If by 'grammatically correct' you mean 'passive voice', then yes. But most college writing courses and professional writers (if there is such a term!) strongly avoid the passive voice.
Posted by Numinor West (Member # 9375) on :
I can't imagine the pressure OSC must feel with every posting to check and double check EVERYTHING he types in these forums. He is the ber god of the Enderverse and what if he actually makes a grammtical or spelling error (GASP)?
Posted by rollainm (Member # 8318) on :
He does occasionally. No one's perfect.

By the way, your last sentence is a run-on. Oh, and what's a grammtical? [Wink]
Posted by Numinor West (Member # 9375) on :


I sorely miss a spell check feature on this site.
Posted by BlueWizard (Member # 9389) on :
Well, there are over 1,000 posts so it is doubtful that anyone is reading any more, but I have a couple suggestions.

First a Series title-

Ender's Voyages: 'book title'

Ender's Journeys: 'bool tile'

then the specific book title-

First I'm going to steal from others.

"Ender's Voyages: The Lost Shadow" or 'Lost Shadows'

Though rather long, I personally like;

"Ender's Voyages: Rendezvous with Destiny"

or -

"Ender's Voyages: Achilles' Heel"

If 'Ender in Exile' is used, I think it should be used as a series title, not a specific book title, as in -

"Ender in Exile: Rendezvous with Destiny"

"Ender in Exile: Achilles' Heel"

"Ender in Exile: Shadows to Light" or 'Shadows of Light'

In any event, I really do like the concept of 'Series Title: Book Title', that allows for almost any book title to be paired with the Series title containing the word 'Ender'. That seems a lot less limiting, and whether used or not, it opens the door for a continuation of a series.

If nothing else, the Series Title opens the door for a flood of fan fiction stories.

Just a few thoughts.

Posted by Nathan2006 (Member # 9387) on :
Now that I think of it, techincally, 'On' is a preposition, and you aren't supposed to end a sentence in a preposition either.

Tsk Tsk, Orson.

Posted by Nathan2006 (Member # 9387) on :
Give me a little time, and I'll probably make some sort of punctuation or grammatical error too. LOL. It usually happens directly after I correct somebody.
Posted by comp_u_geek (Member # 9378) on :
I really think that the title should follow the same format as Ender's Game, for example Ender's Dog.
Posted by adml_shake (Member # 9394) on :
Well I don't know how your going to set the story up (or if this has already been said), but how about something along the lines of

Enders Test
Enders Trial?
Him being so young and doing something as hard as setting up a new colony, then having to deal with this nut job kid whos father gave Bean a run for his money.

Just a thought...
Posted by comp_u_geek (Member # 9378) on :
those are exactly the same names i came up with on page 22. I'm a little bit biased but I like those names also.
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
Nobody's reading the whole thread anymore, so those titles have appeared several times. I joined about the time this frenzy began, and it's gotten to be a little repetitive.

Did I say "a little"?
Posted by adml_shake (Member # 9394) on :
Sorry but not all of us have time to read thru 23 pages of text.
Posted by Numinor West (Member # 9375) on :
I think all of us should start owr own thread with the name we want as the title ;-)

I think OSC has already decided on "Ender's Planet" but he's waiting for the right moment reveal it.

Using my best Nelson impersonation: "ha-ha"
Posted by junkmailspam (Member # 9408) on :
How about Ender's Beginning. Since he really didn't have a life of his own before and now he's starting a new one.
Posted by oolung (Member # 8995) on :
I don't like the "rendevous" option. Sounds too cheesy and too smart-mouthed. I think simplicity goes with OSC's style much better. Ender's Planet would be nice, if there's going to be a one specific planet there [Smile]

junkmailspam, don't you think that Ender: the Beginning would sound much more like a blockbuster? [Wink]
Posted by BlueWizard (Member # 9389) on :
"I don't like the "rendevous" option. Sounds too cheesy and too smart-mouthed"

I sort of like the 'Rendezvous with Destiny' idea but I'm not married to it.

My real point was a short snappy Series Title, followed by a specific Book Title.

I think this is a good idea even if it only ends up being one book. However, if at a later time more books are published, you have an on-going concept to frame them in, that shows continuity, and at the same time allows more flexibility for a specific book title.


"Series Title"
'Book Title'

"Ender in Exile"
'The Lost Shadows'

"Ender's Voyages"
'Achilles' Heel'

"Ender's Planet", I think, is too limiting. It implies one specific planet and one specific story. It doesn't leave room to grow.

Like I said, even if it ends up, in the very long run, only being a single book, it makes sense to use a 'Series Title: Book Title' format. It allows for much more flexibility in naming the book.

OSC requirements in the first post in this thread were -

"What I don't have is a title. The only rule is that it must have the name "Ender" in it. My first thought is: "Ender Voyaging.""

So, I'm really going for the concept of flexibility. "Ender Voyaging" is a nice title for a single book, but as a series title I think it has more impact and full fills the title requirement of using the world 'Ender', but could be followed with a very flexible specific book title that tell you something about this specific book.


"Ender Voyaging: Achilles' Heel"

Tell us two things. The general story is about 'Ender Voyaging' and the specific story is somehow related to 'Achilles'.

The next book, if there is one, though this specific book is unlikely, it still illustrates the point-

"Ender Voyaging: Father of the Children"

Again, the general story is about Ender's earlier voyages, and this specific book is about Ender speaking for the founder of 'The Children of the Mind of Christ'.

We know from the four volume the Ender Series, that Ender did have many voyages in the course of the subjective 3,000 years. We know he learned to speak Korean, we know he spoke for the founder of 'The Children of the Mind...', so we know there are several adventures there. Though we don't know if any of them is substantial enough to warrant a book.

Still "Series Title: Book Title" does lend a great deal of flexibility to naming the books. The Series Title will alway contain the word 'Ender', and that leaves flexibility in the Book Title.

Hey, it's just a thought.

Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
I think this book is not intended to begin another series (although it may end up growing; that happens with OSC) and for that reason probably shouldn't have the series/title format. If anything, it is supposed to conclude the plotline from SotG and be a single stand-alone, like the short story Investment Counselor. Plus, none of the other books in the Ender sequence follow that pattern, and it seems odd to start after eight books and five short stories have already been written.

"Ender" in the Title is important. Everyone will know it's another of the Ender series--all that are fans, anyway. For instance, I knew that SftD was an Ender book. However, I did not read it for months, because I was unaware that Ender was actually a main character in it. Sad but true. I had also read ES, but I had no idea that the Shadow series even existed until I attended an OSC signing. To have "Ender" in the title gets readers and sells books.

A series title may not be enough. Example: "The Tales of Alvin Maker: Red Prophet" is never as far as I've seen referred to in full. The series name is dropped unless it's sold as a box set or viewed on Amazon or another bookstore's site. People don't call it by the whole name. For instance, I don't know if anyone would be too eager to buy "Father of the Children" but "Ender's Children" would be a hot seller.

It's a nice idea, Steve, but for this one book I don't know if it's the best idea.
Posted by comp_u_geek (Member # 9378) on :
I agree with CRash this book will probably conclude the plotline of SotG while explaining what happened to ender in the HUGE break in Ender's past. I don't think this will be the start of a new series and even if it is it is not like OSC to put the title in a "Series Title: Book Title" format. Thoug if he is going to create a series of of this it would make more sense for him to include one word in all the titles for example: Ender's Shadow, Shadow of the Hegemon, and Shadow of the Giant
Posted by formic rising (Member # 9172) on :
how ender got his game back.
Posted by Child_of_Ender (Member # 9421) on :
Ive been a fan for many years, and the ender series means quite a bit to me, as I am sure it does to others. Some of the ideas I have seen here are good, some funny, and some cheesy. I only hope that with a new Ender novel, we dont end up with a cheesy name. Not that I dont have faith in Mr. Card, for I do, but rather, it almost needs something magical...and touching. Something to do with third would be a quaint touch, but Im not exactly sure how it could be worded without sounding silly. I also like the adrift title, but careful on the "ee" titles, as they seem to sound a bit overdone. Ender's Exile for example...not a bad idea at all...but ehh. The adrift one seems to fit more or less because it fits his mindset. One could easily picture Ender Adrift, not only physically through travel, but mentally. On top of his game, but always...somewhere else. He was always the type to be very much inside his mind- much of the reason why the Ender personna is so easily identified within ourselves no matter who we are.

I know I havent listed any ideas, but I just felt the need to express that it almost needs that romanticised feel to the title. Something that catches the eye, hits home, and sticks, like all the other titles in the series have done. You want to start out with Ender in the title, but it almost dumbs it down too much. I dont think that having Ender in the title is a bad idea, but at the same time, as long as you incorperate some piece of the Enderverse (excuse my word steal here, but i liked it), then anyone who would have wanted to read the book in the first place would, and those who dont know much about it wouldnt have that hard of a time figuring it out.

I do, however like the Ender:(insert title here) format, as long as it doesnt get out of hand. One question though, as it was confusing even after I read through the entire thread...

Is this book about after everything with Ender going to the new planet, or Ender's childhood segwaying into being on the new planet to meet this mother and child. It was a little hairy trying to figure out what timeline this book would actually carry. Id feel more inclined to give some input if i new exactly what time period it were to cover.

Sorry for the long post [Razz]
Posted by Child_of_Ender (Member # 9421) on :
I really like (had to add this and forgot to) the perfect simplicity of simply put, Ender. Esp if OSC decides this to be the final in the series (as if that could ever happen [Razz] ). Perhaps as stated above, a little more insight could determine what exactly needs to be captured in the title (timeline, final book, begining to another series...etc.

"Ender" would definatly get them though...

just my thoughts
Posted by Flaming Toad on a Stick (Member # 9302) on :
Hey, CoE, welcome to the site.
Posted by Child_of_Ender (Member # 9421) on :
[Smile] thank you
Posted by Dai (Member # 9428) on :
In the interest of showing that I'm capable of inserting redundant thoughts into a 14 month-old thread, this seemed like a good place for a first post [Big Grin] I came up with a few ideas, but noticed most of them have already been mentioned, so the only decent ones I had left are Ender's Star or Ender's Falling Star. On the one hand it would reflect the melancholy tone you might expect of a story set at the time when Ender's reputation goes to hell, but on the other hand falling stars can be interpreted as either a good or bad omen depending on the culture.

I'll go back to lurking now, but beware, my friends, you'll see me sooner than you think [Evil] Mwahaha
Posted by Tony Giannasi (Member # 9432) on :
Ok, first post. Doesn't matter what the title is, but here are ideas I have for it:

1) Randi will board Han Tzu's colony ship that will populate Path (from COTM) - Mandate of Heaven, etc...
2) Achilles II will take over / play a part that has him mating with chinese people, making super intelligent beings.
3) Volescu will indeed find a cure for Bean's disorder, as it is not mentioned in COTM, but he will be instrumental in creating the "obsessive compulsive" behavior in Path-ians. (Mentioned in COTM that it was done "sloppily..")
4) Bean's children may or may not have a part in this, or maybe they become responsible for the takedown of their estranged brother. If this is the case, Bean's kids will be the reason for high intelligence on Path, and Volescu's "cure" entails his final blow: OCD for Bean afflicted individuals.
5) OSC knows this, he's setting it all up. Bean's kids are mostly normal, fewer "afflicted." The people of Path are mostly normal, fewer "God-Chosen."
6) I don't think Ender even has to deal with them, as COTM doesn't have him knowing anything about Path.
7) The beauty of it all is that the Bean-curse is fully removed at the end of COTM, nicely wrapped up in a neat little package. And we didn't even know it at the time...

My 2 cents. (There's no "cents" symbol on the top of the keyboard???)

Posted by ThePersonMan (Member # 9440) on :
Maybe just Andrew Wiggin
Posted by ThePersonMan (Member # 9440) on :
Or Andrew Wiggin: Intergalactic Medicine Man
Or Andrew Wiggin: Exterminator Extrodinar
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
I think all of us should start owr own thread with the name we want as the title ;-)

Heh heh.

formic rising: Good one. Or 3nD3r 0wnZWd da G4m3.
Posted by formic rising (Member # 9172) on :
haha thanks pooka. i made myself laugh quite a bit over that one and was little disapointed when no one was replying to it. c'mon now "how stella got her groove back" - "how ender got his game back" that's sheer brilliance! oh man :/

i really must be my best audience.
Posted by cfulbright (Member # 9453) on :
I read the various Ender's books as they were released, and I recently listened as audiobooks to them in order, as did my 12-year old son. We identified three loose ends from the end of Shadow of the Giant:

1. The woman and child getting on the colony ship, as you mentioned
2. Valescu (sp?) on Eros
3. Bean and his kids off in space

We thought of the last two because at the end of Children of the Mind they find the virus planet. We wondered if either Bean and his kids and settled the virus planet, or Valescu did, as they each had a very strong interest in viruses and genetic engineering.

You mention at the end of one of the audiobooks that you will write the book that ties it all together, so we were guessing one possible answer.

Posted by Bondo (Member # 2376) on :
Here are a few that I thought might work. Sorry if I repeated anyone else's. I read all 23 pages, but I may have accidentally copied someone's.

Ender's Lament
Ender: Rebirth
Ender: Tragedys Son
-An Ender Continuation

Ender's Rival
-The Son of the Shadow

Ender's Rival
-The Child of Bean
Posted by egrog1717 (Member # 9464) on :
Well over a thousand posts (not all of which I've read mind you...)

And yet noone has thought to try and mix Ender with Shadow again? lol...

Ender: Shadow(s) of the Past
(I can't decide which shounds better, shadow or shadows...)
Posted by comp_u_geek (Member # 9378) on :
hey these are all great names but does anyone know about when it will be released?
Posted by SFFoust (Member # 9471) on :
Since the child and its believe believe it to be the son of Achilles, how about

"Ender and the Shadow of Achilles"

Or, another idea that combines Ender with the shadow concept

"Ender Eclipsed"

Or, since its actually Bean's child,

"Bean's Shadow, Ender's Light"

I just thought of another that could work on two levels.

1. Ender's still young growing, and maturing.
2. The child has Bean's condition, a so-called genetic 'enhancement' that, at least in Volescu's mind, makes him more advanced than ordinary humans.

"Ender's Evolution"

[ June 01, 2006, 09:30 AM: Message edited by: SFFoust ]
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
So... you all know the name has already been chosen, right? I don't remember what it is anymore. But only humorous submission are allowed now. [Wink]

Oh, yeah: Ender in Exile
Posted by SFFoust (Member # 9471) on :
Last I heard, that was just the working title.
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
Do you know, I just realized that "exile" backward is almost "elixer", but without the R. So why don't we go with Redne ni Rexile? I know it doesn't really make sense forward or backward, but it sounds cool and does have the word "Ender" in it (although cleverly disguised, muahaha).
Posted by Simcha (Member # 9478) on :
I'm glad to have more stories about Ender's universe, but one problem with this storyline (or potential danger) is writing a big story that would end up partially defining Ender's character, that doesn't get referenced later in the storyline. If he has a whole novel written about his meeting with Achilles Jr., it seems like that would probably be an important part of Ender's life. (If there's a whole novel written about it, it must be a major experience.) But then he'll go off to Lusitania and never think about this meeting again.

This novel sounds really interesting on its own, but it seems like it'll be rife with continuity errors (kind of like First Meetings, which had lots of contradictions to the original Ender Saga). I guess submiting it to this site so the die-hard fans can catch errors like that. I'll certainly read the book when it comes out, since I'm addicted to the characters. But I wanted to put it out there that, as far as continuity goes, this seems to me like a rather risky project. Good luck with it.
Posted by JoeNobody (Member # 9476) on :
Why does "Ender" have to be in the title? I think that Ender this and Ender that can get a little boring. Try a simple title that would get people interested.

Something that describes the Setting enough, but doesn't give the story away.
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
Ender = $$$
Posted by Pinky (Member # 9161) on :
Originally posted by Simcha:
[QB] I'm glad to have more stories about Ender's universe, but one problem with this storyline (or potential danger) is writing a big story that would end up partially defining Ender's character, that doesn't get referenced later in the storyline. If he has a whole novel written about his meeting with Achilles Jr., it seems like that would probably be an important part of Ender's life. (If there's a whole novel written about it, it must be a major experience.) But then he'll go off to Lusitania and never think about this meeting again.

That's a point. Though it musn't be a big problem. The meeting between Ender and Junior possibly takes place 10 or 15 years before Ender comes to Lusitania. And it might be important for Jr. and us, but not for Ender. At least not in a way that he would refer to it when he gets absorbed by the events on Lusitania, by Novinha and her family, Peter and Valentine, the Descolada, the Piggies etc.
Achilles might just be one of Ender's students, learn to think independently and start to question his mother's stories about his "father", and this triggers some events of which Ender has no idea. Whatever.

Phew, if there will ever be a special collector's edition which consists of all the Ender-books, they could call it "The Never-Endering Story"... (okay, I know, that's such a lame joke... [Roll Eyes] )

[ June 04, 2006, 06:50 PM: Message edited by: Pinky ]
Posted by Just Another Fan (Member # 9484) on :
I really like: Ender: Tragedys Son(Posted by Bondo)

My thought: (Title)Andrew Wiggin - (subtitle)Ender no more

In refrence to him leaving his "Ender" moniker behind him, after his voyage into space.
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
Card rewrote all of Ender's Game from a different point of view. I think he can pull it off. In Card's work, the relationship between two characters is almost a character by itself.

I wonder if there will be more interaction between Valentine and Ender. I mean, if you think about it there hasn't been that much. I also wonder if this kid will feed his ideas about Peter that are born out when he goes outside and makes a new Peter. Because let's face it, the way Peter turned out in the Shadow books bears very little resemblance to Peter II.
Posted by Mazer (Member # 192) on :
...this storyline will take the place of the planned Mazer Rackham novel...

As for a title...

Ender's Chance
Ender's Progeny
Ender's Legacy
Ender's Stigma

I don't have much. [Dont Know]

You could do a crossover novel with Spider Robinson and call it Bartender Ender [Big Grin] Okay, maybe not.
Posted by BlackKnightFaust (Member # 9504) on :
Hey guys first post here! I've read the books closely really since Ender's Shadow although I have read all of the Ender series. Still Bean has been my favorite character so I look forward to Shadows in Flight or any sequel to SOTG. Anyway I got excited because I like this idea of a book about the woman and the baby. See if you guys follow this and it makes sense. The woman and her baby could be the woman holding Bean's nine kid. Therefore the ninth kid could have been on a colony with Ender. If you look at this in a dark ages sense look at it this way: Ender is Arthur, Bean is Lancelot, the woman is sorta Morgann, that would make the kid Mordred since she probably would raise the kid to hate Bean and the Jeesh so therefore Ender. This kid could therefore be Ender's Bane since he would grow up to oppose Ender. How would Ender's Bane sound as a title?
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
Sounds cool. Welcome to Hatrack, Faust!
Posted by formic rising (Member # 9172) on :
Originally posted by Simcha:
I'm glad to have more stories about Ender's universe, but one problem with this storyline (or potential danger) is writing a big story that would end up partially defining Ender's character, that doesn't get referenced later in the storyline. If he has a whole novel written about his meeting with Achilles Jr., it seems like that would probably be an important part of Ender's life. (If there's a whole novel written about it, it must be a major experience.) But then he'll go off to Lusitania and never think about this meeting again.

This novel sounds really interesting on its own, but it seems like it'll be rife with continuity errors (kind of like First Meetings, which had lots of contradictions to the original Ender Saga). I guess submiting it to this site so the die-hard fans can catch errors like that. I'll certainly read the book when it comes out, since I'm addicted to the characters. But I wanted to put it out there that, as far as continuity goes, this seems to me like a rather risky project. Good luck with it.

ender and valentine went to a lot of planets. i doubt they were just passive observers on most of them. there could easily be a handful of new ender stories.

past events of ender and valentine dont need to be brought up in every chapter. i'm assuming they're not because they have nothing to do with the story.
Posted by formic rising (Member # 9172) on :
oh.. and about the title.. i think we should go with Tom Petty's suggestion:

Last Dance With Ender's Game.
Posted by Julia (Member # 9244) on :
Formic ""how ender got his game back" that's sheer brilliance! i really must be my best audience."

Hey, I laughed!
Posted by JLGpepe (Member # 9680) on :
Posted by GeronL (Member # 9674) on :

How about Enders End?
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
How about Ender retires to a more simple way of life, and the title of the story reflects his new way of life:

Dances With Formics.
Posted by ChevMalFet (Member # 9676) on :
Or Dances with Philotics.

Possibly. That might be better for Jane's "coming out" novel.

"Ender and the Half Shadow Prince"

I think somebody may have published under a similar title, however.
Posted by ChevMalFet (Member # 9676) on :
Originally posted by GeronL:
How about Enders End?

Or, if it's a conspiratorial murder, Ender's Enders.
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
Ok. For the 1150th post of this thread, I will suggest a title that has NEVER been mentioned before ... *drumroll*


Ender and the FSU Textbook Deferment Plan

[Big Grin]

(Ok, so I'm not very creative. But hey! It hasn't been suggested before, has it?)
Posted by Libbie (Member # 9529) on :
I just saw this thread. More books about Ender as a young person = totally rockin' in my book.

As for titles, "Ender: Spaceman!" has a kind of "Snakes On A Plane" feel to it. I sort of like it. I'm no help at all, am I?

Click for semi-relevant fan "art":
Posted by Neon cricket (Member # 9729) on :
Speaking for Ender

Just kind of a thought but at some point he becomes speaker and at almost that instant he also becomes Ender the xenocide. it might be a good time to fake his own death and just become Andrew Wiggin Speaker for the Dead. kinda hard to work in but all the good ideas are already taken. just kind of a side thought what about after the Children of the Mind.... I need closure..
Posted by xstratax (Member # 9758) on :
There are way to many posts and pages for me to read them all, so I dont know if this has been offered as a title, but for the tie in Book: Shadows End

As far as a book right after Ender's Game, that is a more difficult matter, however I beleive that Ender Dibilitated...I've heard good arguments for Ender Adrift, but iI feel that dibilitated says it all, Ender is nearly insane, and it would take a challenge from a strong adversary (Achilles Jr) to snap him out of his drift.

Also I wonder if after 1100 posts OSC even reads the board any more...I sure hope he does, but with such a busy life I don't expect too much.
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
Okay, who dug up the corpse?

Posted by jasoncc (Member # 9760) on :
I read one that was a while ago but that was VERY INTRIGUING. ready

Ender's Giant

since Ender is meeting Bean's son who has Anton's key turned, and will be a Giant.
Posted by Tyzite (Member # 9761) on :
"Ender and the Child of the Giant"

Someone posed "Ender's Giant," which I also enjoyed.

I would also like to mention that ever since reading SOTG I've been very curious about Bean and the babies he took with him. Will they ever reunite with the one Randi raised? With Ender? Or are they just as well as dead, like Petra conceded? Furthermore, if one of Enders Jeesh does lead the colony that Randi joins, if they ever encountered Beans child they would notice how very small he was... like someone they used to know...
Posted by Ecthalion (Member # 8825) on :
i didnt have time to look through all the pages so these might have been taken already.

Ender's Crime (focus on the view of the xenocide)

Ender's Phantom (too much like shadow, but could refer to the meeting of jane or beans kid)

Ender's Rebirth (when he stops being ender and starts being speaker)

Enderwars: Episode 2, attack of the clone (couldnt resist)

Twilight of the speaker (doesnt mention ender but could build role of speaker for the dead)
Posted by kendul2006 (Member # 9788) on :
in my opinion a good title would be "Enders voyage"
Posted by Lemonio (Member # 9791) on :
Enders equal
The demise
Enders match
The freind
Ender's enemy
Posted by Lemonio (Member # 9791) on :
actually i only like Ender's freind or Ender's enemy
it matters which one the boy will be
Posted by jasoncc (Member # 9760) on :
Ender's friend or enemy is too broad, it also doesn't have the certain flare in the title that some of his books have. i suggest Ender's Giant.
Posted by Lemonio (Member # 9791) on :
Rise to Power
Ender's Emperor
Posted by johnplaystuba (Member # 8792) on :
When Ender Met Randi

haha, no seriously...

Ender's Remeniscence

Most I would have thought of have already been said. I like 'Ender Adrift' though.
Posted by Lemonio (Member # 9791) on :
i'm thinking it's hard to make title if you don't know anything about achiles flandres 2. we know bean was the second best after ender so enders shadow makes sense, but if we don't know whether the guy is good, bad, smart, dumb, how can we make a good title.
Posted by Lemonio (Member # 9791) on :
ooh. achilles is like hero in troy. so

who was his enemy Paris?
achilles heel
the trojan horse

i don't know something related to mythology
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
Ender's Game II

Just confuse people.
Posted by TommySama (Member # 9669) on :
Since Ender's Game was followed with Ender's Shadow (Bean) and this is a meeting of the books, I think it should be called:

"Face To Face"

[Wink] [Big Grin]
Posted by AlastorDragora (Member # 9799) on :
**is dead from laughing
Posted by Karmen (Member # 9666) on :
Dude, Where's My Spacecraft? The Tale of Ender Lost in Space

Fried Green Legumes

Ender Staulking (in Randall's opinion anyway...)

ET: Ender Terrorized

End-Angered Species: The Hive Queen's Exclusive Interview

Lemonio; Hector Victorious and an assortment of gods who I don't remember. How'ld you work that in? HEnder Victorious? [Smile]
Posted by nvyseal (Member # 9804) on :
the chronicles of Ender
Posted by The Manny (Member # 9810) on :
Ender Wrecked or Ender Nemesis, of course.
Posted by The Manny (Member # 9810) on :
Asheelson: Enders Bane

His friends call him "Ash", the Ministry calls him Asheelson de Flandres.
Posted by jasoncc (Member # 9760) on :
Originally posted by Orson Scott Card: OSC's Character Timelines

Figure that the location of Ender's first colony is corner B of a triangle, the other colony where Ender will go in Ender in Exile and where a couple of people already are is corner C, and Earth of course is A.

looks like OSC has chosen a name
Posted by RunningBear (Member # 8477) on :
what kind of triangle?!?! equilateral?!??! right?!?!

I must know!

(hee hee. new idea to debate)
Posted by Kylie K (Member # 9818) on :
Ender's meetings
Ender's encounters

I have so many ideas floating around in my head. I can't wait to read how you tie the books together and hopefully explain some things more. I'm almost giddy with excitement.
Posted by Ramdac99 (Member # 7264) on :
Hey everybody! It's prolly been a year since I posted on here, I see a lot of new ppl. That's awesome. I hate to take this tone but Mr. Card, GET THE LEAD OUT, I mean it's great that we have more Advent Rising to look fwd to (hopefully the next one will be on the 360) but seriously, we neeeeeeeeed a new Ender/bean book. you announced that there would be the two new book a while ago and there isn't so much as a release date yet. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan, the Ender series was the first set of books i ever really liked. I just hope I'm not 45 when we see a new book.
Posted by jester987 (Member # 9977) on :
I don't know if this has already been suggested,

But since this story seems to mainly focus on Ender's progression from hero to Speaker....

Why not take a lesson from Ender himself? Speak plainly, not confusing the truth with too many words..

i.e. simply title the next book 'Ender'

Maybe it's a dumb suggestion but hey.
Posted by sylvrdragon (Member # 3332) on :
I don't think it would fit this particular book, but when I saw that the title for the tie-in novel was "Shadows in Flight" I was kinda disappointed. I thought for sure it would either be called "Children of the Shadow" (since the current latest book in the Speaker series is "Children of the Mind"), or "Shadow of the Mind" (For the same reason).

The first is obviously more literal in the sense that they are indeed the "Shadow's" children, or the second title could be used if you wanted something a bit "deeper". Either way, both of them will sound familiar to anyone who has read either series. (of course, its possible that one of these might be the title of the NEXT book, but it won't work as well since "Children of the Mind" will no longer be the previous title)
Posted by Jon the Dirk (Member # 9981) on :
Some suggestions:

Ender Begins
Rear Ender
Begining of the Ender
Beginers and Enders
Seven Brides for Seven Enders
Ender Baggins
Ender the Wanderer
Ender has Trouble with a Beansprout
Ender eats a Beansprout
Ender's Pizza (My mom's idea)
Christmas at Ender's
Everbody Hates Ender
Leave it to Ender
Ender Goes Crazy
Ender's Choice
Endr Rox!
The Search for Ender
Ender the Read-Nosed Speaker
Ender Starts to Go Off and do Stuff
You've Got Ender
The Light at the Ender of the Tunnel
Ender Burn
Ender the Maniac
Ender Goes to Jail
Ender Stinks
Please Pass the Ender
Ender Becomes Known as a Bad Dude
Ender Loves Babies [Kiss]
You Bring the Beans, I'll Bring the Ender
When Ender Comes to Town
Ender's Conflict
Lord Ender
Ender Hero
Just Call Me Ender
Ender Gets Beat by his Old Friend's Spawn
Ender Gets Beaned
Ender Ends All this Bussines About Ender

How'd you like them Apples? [ROFL]
Posted by Soundstream (Member # 9869) on :
How about:

Ender Is Really Andrew [Wink]

I seem to be remembering that from Ender's that correct?

So has OSC finally decided on a title, or what? I'm guessing he's given up on this thread. [Razz]
Posted by Libbie (Member # 9529) on :
Has somebody already suggested this:

"I Am Not Ender," followed a few years later by "I Am Ender."
Posted by hugh57 (Member # 5527) on :
Ender's Xenocide: "If I Did It..."
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Libbie: *snort*
Posted by Shnabubula (Member # 9834) on :
how on earth are you going to reconcile philotics with your sudden lack of faith in string theory???
Posted by Geraine (Member # 9913) on :
Ender's Legacy
Posted by brojack17 (Member # 9189) on :
Originally posted by hugh57:
Ender's Xenocide: "If I Did It..."

This one was great. That's why Ender is really traveling the universe. He's looking for the real killer.
Posted by i_r_actor (Member # 10081) on :
Well, it seems that the title may already have been decided and parts of my idea have been suggested before but I figure I'll suggest it anyway.

Ender's Fame and Infamy

I assume that a large part of this book will be the personal struggle of Ender to understand who he really is. As his previous persona becomes a focus of hate and disgust (infamy) and his anonymous works become the focus of respect and admiration (fame) he has to chose between accepting the cruelty and hatred directed towards his true self, revealing himself as Speaker for the Dead which takes away a lot of the power that anonymity gives, or living his life under an assumed persona (Les Mis-ish "and must my name until I die be no more than an alibi?"). I think the contrast between fame and infamy will be pivotal. Also fame rhymes with game and I find that humorous.
Posted by Sprawl (Member # 10083) on :
Ender's Nemesis.

with he meaning of "nemesis" it could lend to the enigma of the book itself. Who is the nemesis? the "beanstalk" that he meets? Perhaps the fact he's beginning to be known as the "Xenocide" and must live with his shame and it's unbearable.
Posted by Zophar (Member # 10063) on :

Neon cricket said:
Speaking for Ender

I know something else has already been chosen, but I think that's my favourite.
Posted by GiantReturns (Member # 9349) on :
Originally posted by hugh57:
Ender's Xenocide: "If I Did It..."

lol i fell over laughing
Posted by Magic legume worship (Member # 10136) on :
"Ender's Bean"
Mr. card what will happen to Bean I think that he could be brougt back and saved from death by a cure from 'Outside' and it would be interesting to see what would happen to him and his children and what they found out and also what happens after the end of the ender Quartet with the descoladores??
Posted by KimJongSick (Member # 10160) on :
Potential spoilers
Originally posted by Magic legume worship:
"Ender's Bean"
Mr. card what will happen to Bean I think that he could be brougt back and saved from death by a cure from 'Outside' and it would be interesting to see what would happen to him and his children and what they found out and also what happens after the end of the ender Quartet with the descoladores??

I had been wondering the same thing myself after rereading that book, "Can Bean be cured now?" Although, now that I'm reminded of it, wasn't Ender subjected to roughly 8 years subjective time through all the light-speed travel it took before Jane found that fun new sci-fi toy? Wouldn't Bean's condition have killed him in all of that time?
Posted by Loo^2 (Member # 10161) on :
Kind of off-topic, but still on the topic of naming one of the future books... Shadows in Flight is supposed to be the Ender-Shadow tie, correct? The following isn't my idea, I heard it from someone on Facebook who posted it here a while ago, but it got no attention. Anyway, what about the name "Shadow's End" as a title, thus portraying the end of the series and also being a homage towards "Ender's Shadow." Too me, Shadows in Flight sounds like an overly dramatic action movie...

Posted by Judas (Member # 7355) on :
Ender hits the Poop Deck
Posted by DDDaysh (Member # 9499) on :
Or rather "Shadows have no End"

lol.. I don't know why, just felt like saying it.
Posted by happysmiley (Member # 9703) on :
I think we need a book on:

*BIG Spoiler Alert*

What happens after Bean and the babies fly off.
I've always wondered...
Posted by gsim1337 (Member # 10168) on :
no-one really knows...
Posted by Geraine (Member # 9913) on :
Ender and the Deathly Hollow?

No? Damn
Posted by Yukerboy1 (Member # 10178) on :
I wasn't going to go through the whole 24 pages to see if this was said yet, but.....

1. Ender's Game
2. Ender's Set
3. Ender's Match
Posted by Blanket (Member # 9469) on :
I was kind of hoping that there was going to be a novel that connected the Shadow and the Ender's series back like a big loop.

Starts with Ender and Bean and finishes with thier children.

Here they can tie up who the descoladores really are.

I really think that would be the best way to end the series.
Instead of just adding books in the middle.
Unless you want to make more money.
I'd still buy the book because of my curiosity.

Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
Oh, yeah. I'm sure OSC just writes books to make truckloads of money [Roll Eyes]

P.S. If course he does like to get paid, but he can't write a story if it doesn't interest him. I mean, I guess I could just ask you, did that bit about him just wanting more money not seem rude to you? Because it sounded rude to me, so I responded in kind. But maybe you don't think there's anything wrong with that.
Posted by udanax (Member # 10240) on :
Ender: Never Going To End
On a more serious note
Ender:Observer/Watcher of the Universe (ok a little corny and unoriginal and has nothing to do with Bean's kiddo)
Maybe, but I know so little about the plot except for what is mentioned in Speaker For the Dead and so forth, and I'm a little rusty on those. I haven't read them for a year and a half now.
Posted by Exalted (Member # 10305) on :
Ender's Redemption

How lonely he must be.
Posted by ericmetzner (Member # 10307) on :
here's a possible title;
"Ender's Diaspora"
Posted by theflyingsloth (Member # 10293) on :
How about "The Ender" and let Card retire and randomly appear in sci-fi mags with short stories that don't force him to produce whole books.

Unless he's achin' for some skrilla' - in which case i encourage a novel. I'd buy it, as would others, for obligation purposes.

or maybe "please Ender it now"

maybe "seriously folks, try writing 500 pages 12 times with an End that can sensibly lead into a Beginning"

How about "Ender's Beginning" about his parents, who apparently trekked through a can of shit and suffering just to make Ender's birth possible.

prequels are always clever.
Posted by theflyingsloth (Member # 10293) on :
Originally posted by Blanket:
I was kind of hoping that there was going to be a novel that connected the Shadow and the Ender's series back like a big loop.

Starts with Ender and Bean and finishes with thier children.

Here they can tie up who the descoladores really are.

I really think that would be the best way to end the series.
Instead of just adding books in the middle.
Unless you want to make more money.
I'd still buy the book because of my curiosity.


Posted by theflyingsloth (Member # 10293) on :
Originally posted by Blanket:
I was kind of hoping that there was going to be a novel that connected the Shadow and the Ender's series back like a big loop.

Starts with Ender and Bean and finishes with thier children.

Here they can tie up who the descoladores really are.

I really think that would be the best way to end the series.

travelling back in time; a little far fetched, no? [Wink] [Wink]


Posted by theflyingsloth (Member # 10293) on :
I'm fairly certain the series should end with the end of the Human race.
Posted by theflyingsloth (Member # 10293) on :
the 'tude of Ender's Game is not optimistic. Ender's Game by itself wasn't all that pleasant -not metaphorically relatable - emotionally (unless you're a sicko). The end should probably be somewhat depressing (perhaps the buggers became taken over by a "bad queen")* and involve the End of the humans. Maybe Ender will even help. Full circle and sh^t.

*Please don't say it's not possible; the "Queen" could fark up her chosen successor or many other scenarios that could change their actions. Keep in mind any change in the race will alter all their actions (full disclosure in case it means i typed something retarded: I haven't read the entire series yet - if any of my logic has gone awry, it will be clear to those who know better).

I have only extrapolated what i know about the buggers from "Game" and Speaker" - anything else doesn't count in my world at this point.
Posted by theflyingsloth (Member # 10293) on :
Ender's Beginning

Ender's Purpose

Ender Begins

Ender Speaks

Ender Ends

The End
Posted by theflyingsloth (Member # 10293) on :
I apologize; i was to lazy to ook at the original purpose for this thread. and i'm a huge smartass. i figure you can guess which part of that is generally more emphasized.
Posted by theflyingsloth (Member # 10293) on :
and i'm too lazy to spell properly. and clearly i'm too bored to not correct my own grammaticall errors on the Nets.
Posted by theflyingsloth (Member # 10293) on :
The End of Reason
Posted by theflyingsloth (Member # 10293) on :
Reason's Ender

(its a winner)
Posted by theflyingsloth (Member # 10293) on :
Posted by vegasvince (Member # 10335) on :
"Ender's Journey" or "Ender: Shadow visits"(opens this to possible sequels)
Posted by sox (Member # 10371) on :
i joined just to drop off my suggestion for a book title.. card often guotes himself for book or chapter titles, and my favorite quote that could be used for a title comes from peter and enders discussion at the end of the shadow series.. i hope someone reads this, even though its prolly far too late..

"forever twelve"
Posted by Borommakot (Member # 2160) on :
Ender and his mini shadow?
Ender and the son of Borommakot?

Your Friend,

Awaiting Cremation
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Ender but Were Afraid to Ask

N. Durskayme

I keep opening this thread in hopes of finding actual updates on the new novel. I think Einstein said something about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.... [Wall Bash]
Posted by Steve_G (Member # 10101) on :
Still nothing new to report.

Bwaa Haa Haa.

sorry Vonk.
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
Posted by Oobie Binoobie (Member # 8059) on :
OK, I haven't found it with a search of this thread.

"Ender's Enemy"
Posted by bluejacket (Member # 10454) on :
I have just finished both the Ender and Shadow series. I found the entire story to be fantastic and believe the Shadow series the better of the two.

I only recently discovered the work of OSC, and began reading the books in October 2006. The first thing I did after finishing Shadow of the Giant was look for a web site that might include any information on a possible new book for the series.

To be honest, I was hoping there would NOT be another book, because I fervently believe both series' end on wonderful, poetic notes. Yes, there are questions still remaining, but it is the questions that help make the story so intriguing. I can always ask myself, "What did Bean and his kids do on that ship in space for the next several months, and what went through his mind after he realized that Petra was now probably dead only after a couple weeks he was on board" and "How the hell did Peter woo Petra to the point of marriage?" and, although OSC suggested a cure would probably not be found, did Bean and his kids eventually live or pass because of Anton's Key?

There are questions that deal with the gap between enders game and speaker for the dead that I would love to know.

BUT, I believe the story lines are better with the intrigue of the unknown, the guesswork, and ultimately what "you the reader" want to believe happened.

BUT(again) now that I know there will be more books, and the projects are in motion, I am excited.

I look forward to contributing to OSC's forum "think tank" in the future.
Posted by Stephen Sunday (Member # 10466) on :
Ender vs Predator

Just kidding.

Ender Beyond Shadow
Posted by Szymon (Member # 7103) on :
"Andrew Wiggin"
"Ender's brother"
I dont know if it's been suggested [Smile] Pure and simple.
Posted by Son of John (Member # 9263) on :
"Ender in Exile" is by far the best title I've heard. I really hope Card uses it.
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
Actually, I think the slight variation, "Ender's Exile" is better. I prefer the way it sounds, and it fits with "Ender's Game" and "Ender's Shadow".
Posted by julianD (Member # 10450) on :
I Thought about this before i heard osc was doing it and I thought Shadow of the beast would be the next title in the series but if it has to have ender in the title ENDER and the BEAST
Posted by Snowman (Member # 10426) on :
Being a new avid OSC fan, I'm trying to find the best source for his new books. I'm sure this is a good place, but I've found that there are spoilers everywhere here! In an Ender thread, I found something on Alvin Maker, which I haven't started, but will soon. I've read all of the Ender/Shadow books in the short time since December of 2006. I've also read 20 different books by different authors in between each of these books.

What I wanted to know, is if I could trust OSC's Fantastic Fiction page? It has three books listed for release this year. One of them is an Ender book titled A War of Gifts(which I've looked through some of this thread and haven't found this title). It is a UK site, so the release dates may differ. I'm also wondering if someone could look over all the series listed, and tell me if they are in the correct order? I've tried some other web sites, but I'd rather trust somebody who has read them.

Help please! [Smile]

Edit: Ok, found out that A War of Gifts is the Christmas Ender book! My other questions stand though.
Posted by Permitheus (Member # 9957) on :

Ok, I gave up on page 8... after i read the same titles suggested by new people for the 5th or 6th time... its bound to happen, i just dont wanna read anymore repeats.

From what ive seen so far, I really liked "Ender Adrift." After all, isn't this supposed to be a period of time when Ender and Valentine are wandering aimlessly from planet to planet, never staying very long in any one place?

Just my 2 cents... ok, well maybe 2 1/2 cents.

Ima gonna go back to lurking now. [Big Grin]
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I personally like "Ender's Exile" a lot.

Oh, and I hear the guy who suggested it is rather dashing. [Wink]

Posted by DesertComet (Member # 10445) on :
I like Ender's Exile too.
(If this has already been suggested I'm sorry) but what about:
Ender's Voice
Posted by trance (Member # 6623) on :
Posted by Iain (Member # 9899) on :
A New Ender
Ender Strikes Back
Return of the Beans

Ender's Epitome

Ender and Walter the Wannabe Wallaby

Ender: Deep Space 42

3.141592653898 (I had a math teacher once make me memorize that much of Pi)
Posted by Siannan (Member # 10481) on :
Titlewise: Ender's Journey or Ender's Sojourn, although Ender's Exile sounds good.

My opinion on the writing of this book: It sounds great, but I would rather see the tie-in between the two existing series, as this sounds like the beginning of a third.
Posted by some dude (Member # 10503) on :
I was hopping that Achilles jr. would end up being involved in a next book as a foil for ender as Peter competing with or already having power in the starways congress, and keeping Peter from getting the position or support he needs to ally the rest of the humans with the hive queen and piggies to deal with the Descoladores. With Bean and his kids showing up too of course. Well i guess that is still possible even with this book.

anyways how about these titles(haven't read all posts so sorry if I am repeating some)

The Death of Ender(ender has to in the end become andrew as ender becomes synonymous with xenocide.)
The Infamous Ender Wiggen(I think I arleady saw ender the xenocide)

I also liked the title of Andrew Wiggen suggested by Szymon, although it doesn't really fit the rules.
Posted by Nek (Member # 10545) on :
Ender's Key.

Keeps "Ender" in the title, and since Randi's kid has Anton's Key turned, it's pretty relevant.
Posted by ralph (Member # 10553) on :
What about "Ender got Back"
Posted by Leroy (Member # 9533) on :
Ender and the Beanstalk, anyone?
Posted by leonardo_albuquerque (Member # 10559) on :
Ender's Land
Posted by leonardo_albuquerque (Member # 10559) on :
Hi people!

First at all, i'm really happy. A new book of Ender, it's amazing... problally they will release in Brazil in 2045 [Wink] But allright, i will find a way to buy it.

I give a idea in the post bellow this, and i'm thinking in others.

Ender's Sorrow;
Ender's Chain;
Ender's Exile;

But my preffer is Ender's Land. [Smile]
Posted by Flaming Toad on a Stick (Member # 9302) on :
Better yet: Super Ender Bros.
Da da da do da DAA. Do.
Posted by cherintec (Member # 10566) on :
I've been reading the Ender Series, but not completed them. I've been enjoying them.
There seems to be a couple of "loose ends". Bean goes into space with his brilliant, but defective children and is never heard from again. It would seem that the advances made at Lusitania would correct their defect. Additionally, one of his children is being raised by a disciple of Achilles. Although the book goes to the end of Peter Wiggen's life, we hear nothing of this child.

I wrote the above before I was aware of this forum. Now I find that dozens have asked similar questions. I also find that such a book was begun as far back as 2005.

I hope it will be completed, while I'm still alive to read it. I'm a Sr. Citizen Sci Fi fan.
Posted by Neatchee (Member # 10570) on :
Given the nature of the novel (Ender meet's Bean's archenemy's successor, who is actually Bean's son), plus some additional content that may or may not be included (the introduction of Jane, perhaps? Who knows) along with the circumstances under which Ender is experiencing this whole novel (post Formic War depression, I imagine. Plus it's Bean's kid, whether he winds up knowing it or not) I think an appropriate title might be...

Ender's Burden


Ender's Conscience

or, for a more positive spin,

Ender's Redemption

We joke about this being Ender: Teen Angst, but the truth is, considering his recent (from Ender's time dilated perspective) past, and his relative age during the novel, a somewhat angsty (or at the very least emotional) Ender may be something we see in this book.

I also give a big thumbs up for the suggestion of Ender's Key
Posted by JonHecht (Member # 9712) on :
I think that Ender should be a whiny brat... just like Darth Vader [Smile] .
Posted by cduke23 (Member # 10571) on :
I was wondering if the OCD tormented people from the Planet Path were brought about from a modified version of Volescu's virus from SotG?
Do you see what I'm saying? Some time after SotG and well after Peter's death, some corrupt scientists rediscover the virus, realize its implications if there really were a world of super geniuses, decide to modify the virus to include OCD in order to control the population. Wouldn't it be cool to see it all come around?

And my idea for the new Ender title is:
Ender's Reign (the time that Ender has a major influence in the lives of the citizens of The Hundred Worlds)

it may not be a pure rhyme, but it works
Posted by Ankit (Member # 10598) on :
This was most likely mentioned, but it would be sad if Bean and Petra never found out about the missing child. Obviously it's too late for Petra, but Bean at least, since it is one of the ones he would have taken with him. That said, if he doesn't run into the child, does the woman ever find out that it isn't Achilles son, and that of all the characters introduced so far, Achilles was the closest to evil? I can't imagine Ender or his "children" would know that. Sorry for trying to lead this story. It's not my work, but I would hate to have the book end with mother and child thinking it was the progeny of Achilles. On the title, I'd say Ender's Flight is good. It's not really going to be tacked on to the end...because it's not the end. It would be, as was mentioned, a direct sequel to Ender's Game. And I'm assuming it's not late enough to be something like Ender to Speaker.

On a completely separate note, could someone PM me about following threads? I can't figure out how to get notifications of changes.
Posted by yoshi8710 (Member # 10626) on :
i don't remember which book its in, but i remember that in one of the speaker books, ender said that he first met jane on the first colony planet after he wrote the hive queen and the hegamon.
that means that in this book, its either past where he meats jane, or he meats jane in this book. i just thought id point that out if no one else noticed that. i think that having ender meat jane for the first time will be really interesting.

and about bean,
would bean be able to last three thousand years on his star ship, so that that when faster then light travel is invented, jane will stop his ship, and then they can use the descolada to switch of anton's key ( or at least the growing part of antons key) that way not only will bean be cured, but he will be able to meat new peter and valentine. am i the only one who thinks that that would be awesome? i also always wanted to see what happened with the aliens that made the desolada. bean could help figure out a way to communicate with them!

those are just my thoughts.
Posted by DMLPro (Member # 8653) on :
yoshi, read First Meetings and you'll learn of Ender and Jane's first "encounter."
Posted by Milli (Member # 10636) on :
I came on this site years ago...and I never registered. I don't know why.

But anyway, I was actually wondering what the heck happened to Bean and Petra's 9th baby that Randi gave birth I'm glad to hear about this book.

I miss Bean. [Frown]
Posted by julianD (Member # 10450) on :
Don't we all Milli don't we all? I miss him so much i have considered naming my first born male child Julian.

[ June 30, 2007, 03:41 AM: Message edited by: julianD ]
Posted by GideonC (Member # 10646) on :
Enders Apprentice
Posted by GideonC (Member # 10646) on :
I think that'd make a good one, If thats the kind of direction your thinking about taking Ender's relationship with Bean's son
Posted by Milli (Member # 10636) on :
Originally posted by julianD:
Don't we all Milli don't we all? I miss him so much i have considered naming my first born male child Julian.

It's a good name. I personally have a bad experience with a guy named Julian, so I wouldn't name my son that. For anyone else though, good name. [Smile]
Posted by Milli (Member # 10636) on :
Originally posted by Milli:
I came on this site years ago...and I never registered. I don't know why.

But anyway, I was actually wondering what the heck happened to Bean and Petra's 9th baby that Randi gave birth I'm glad to hear about this book.

I miss Bean. [Frown]

I thought about naming my daughter Briseis after I realized I liked the name after reading Shadow of the Hegemon.
Posted by Scarlet Seer (Member # 10687) on :
Shadow of the Giant Spoiler




You know, at the end of Children of the Mind, we still have not succesfully made contact with the Descoladore, since their language is so complex. Who would be better to decode that language than Bean and his children. They are also on a FTL journey, but they are supposed to be going faster than Ender did, aren't they?

Another interesting point: if you think about it, it was Bean who got Jane involved with Ender again. He set the Mind Game to taking care of Ender's pension. So, if Ender is Jane's father (or something), does that make Bean her uncle?
Posted by Kithus (Member # 10697) on :
Just to throw out a couple of titles that I thought would be good.... I haven't read all 26 pages of this thread. I apologize in advance if I repeat someone else's suggestions.

Ender Shadowed (since this book reunites the original Ender series with the "new" Shadow series... probably too similar to Ender's Shadow though...)

Ender's Charge

Ender's Name

Ender's Book

Ender's Fault

World Ender

Ender's Queen

Ender's Odyssey, Ender's Voyage, Ender's Third Voyage

Ender's Way, Ender's Path, Ender's Road

Ender's First, Ender the First, Ender the Third

Ender's End

Ender Who?

Death's Ender


Alas, I am reduced to making puns at this point.... So, this will be a good place to end.
Posted by Blue Pyro (Member # 10675) on :
Maybe Achellies' (is that spelled right?) son could rival him in a "good against evil" fight for domination over the new colony world.

Achelies Jr., as i think i read up there somewhere, could be the person that spoiled ender's good name as the savior of humans.

It could turn into a political battle between Jr. and ender for the good of the colony. If ender fails to keep controll of the colony, it falls into Jr.'s hands and we could all imagine what would happen. (you have to remember, he is bean's child, but he was brought up by a mother who thought bean was evil)

Jr. might even have anton's key disease, then it would make it very difficult for ender to keep up with him.

If that was the plot for the book, i would probably call it "ender's rival" or something to do with politics, like "ender: the politician"
Posted by Blue Pyro (Member # 10675) on :
"ender's name" would be a good tittle if this is the book where enders name was corrupted.
Posted by Moderus (Member # 10653) on :
Why not just call it Ender The Xenocide? It DOES take place as his name becomes destroyed, doesn't it?
Posted by kahlesster (Member # 10748) on :
This may be a dead thread, but...

How about:

Andrew Wiggin
Posted by julianD (Member # 10450) on :
Blue Pyro, Jr. did have anton's key turned randi had him several weeks or a couple months early and that was how they determined which one of beans children had anton's key turned.
Posted by Jon the Dirk (Member # 9981) on :
I'm surprised this thread still exists. It is a fun one though!
Posted by Hunos (Member # 10944) on :
I'm wondering if OSC is still looking for a name, because I came up with a few

Ender's End(Ender starts going by Andrew again) Ender's Foe(W/the grown up baby)
Ender's Friend(w/the grown up baby),
ENDER'S PATH (my favorite one Hint Hint Nudge Nudge BIG wink),
Ender's Renewal(where ender goes by a new name),
Ender's Wrath(where ender takes out his rage on the baby)
Posted by Magus04 (Member # 9757) on :
Originally posted by Hunos:
I'm wondering if OSC is still looking for a name, because I came up with a few

Ender's End(Ender starts going by Andrew again) Ender's Foe(W/the grown up baby)
Ender's Friend(w/the grown up baby),
ENDER'S PATH (my favorite one Hint Hint Nudge Nudge BIG wink),
Ender's Renewal(where ender goes by a new name),
Ender's Wrath(where ender takes out his rage on the baby)

We probably don't want to see any books in which Ender takes out his rage on babies...
Posted by AJFleckenstein (Member # 10912) on :
kinda, but only if you connect the dots.

Why not simply "Flandres"
Posted by AJFleckenstein (Member # 10912) on :
If OSC is going to kinda rewrite what was already written, I wonder if any of the Jeesh would pop-up? I would love to see a reunion of Ender and Alai with all that has changed in Alai.
Posted by caretgraff (Member # 11081) on :
AJ, I like "Flandres"... along the same lines, I like "Ender's Heel" too. This is assuming the kid is nothing but trouble, of course... maybe the beginning of the undoing of Mr. Wiggin's reputation. I haven't read all 26 pages here either, so OSC may already have alluded to what the book would include and the direction it would take, and this may no longer be relevent.
Posted by caretgraff (Member # 11081) on :
Okay, I just spent a half hour sifting through twenty-six pages of hilarity. You guys are a riot... I could not stop laughing. My family thinks something's wrong with me. [Smile] Sadly, my "Ender's Heel" was suggested some 16 pages ago.

I really liked "Shadow Children"... maybe because I like Bean more than Ender, and it's reminiscent of the Shadow books (and Children of the Mind, too, I guess). But it doesn't fit the requirements... so whoever suggested that two years ago will have to be content that some girl two years later read it and thought it was clever.
Posted by mkh8266 (Member # 11201) on :
Has anyone come up with "Ender's Encounter"? Or has the book already been named?
Posted by SupaShaD (Member # 11294) on :
I don't know how old this thread is, or whether or not the title has been decided on -- as I've only just come upon this site and decided to join after reading the entire series as I know it to be (as listed in the Ender's Game books).

I also don't know who could have first suggested these titles (reading through 26 pages can be tedious). So I apologize for any redundancy.

But how about:

"Ender's Travels"
"Ender's Reconciliation"
"Ender's Alliance"
"Ender's Bond"
"Ender's Encounter"
Posted by Lostincyberspace (Member # 11228) on :
Originally posted by Blue Pyro:
Maybe Achellies' (is that spelled right?) son could rival him in a "good against evil" fight for domination over the new colony world.

Achelies Jr., as i think i read up there somewhere, could be the person that spoiled ender's good name as the savior of humans.

It could turn into a political battle between Jr. and ender for the good of the colony. If ender fails to keep controll of the colony, it falls into Jr.'s hands and we could all imagine what would happen. (you have to remember, he is bean's child, but he was brought up by a mother who thought bean was evil)

Jr. might even have anton's key disease, then it would make it very difficult for ender to keep up with him.

If that was the plot for the book, i would probably call it "ender's rival" or something to do with politics, like "ender: the politician"

I thought that the the "son" of Achellies was really Beans final son.
Posted by Albino Showman (Member # 11405) on :
Ender's Path
Posted by LargeTuna (Member # 10512) on :
Ender's Math
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
Ender's Bath
Posted by runninm4n (Member # 10757) on :
Ender's Sojourn
Posted by runninm4n (Member # 10757) on :
Ender's Passage

I like this one because if Ender is still a child during the course of the book it could be almost preclude to his Passage into manhood through the trials and tribulations he will encounter on this expidition in his long life.

[ January 08, 2008, 05:29 AM: Message edited by: runninm4n ]
Posted by Ramdac99 (Member # 7264) on :
are these new books ever gonna get started?
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
When you least expect it... Or never. I can say with complete certainty that one of those is when OSC will give us solid info on the next Enderverse novel, so just try and hang tight until then.
Posted by Stephen Sunday (Member # 10466) on :
I liked the Bean books so much less. I know a lot of people disagree with me on that... And no disrespect to OSC, whose writing is a gift from on high, but the characters were less compelling to me.

Still, as always and as ever before, I'll be buying the books just as soon as they appear.

Although, on a slightly unrelated note, I'd rather read the next Alvin book, sir, if you happen to glance this direction and hear the whispered wishes of a lifelong reader...
Posted by Mr. Doug G (Member # 11459) on :
I liked the Bean books more, although the whole Petra "I want your babies" and more baby influenced themes throughout the last 2 was kind of annoying. I got it, Petra felt for/loved Bean and didn't want his legacy to die with him, children keep us alive through their memories/deeds etc. I just enjoyed the character build up/political things. Could've used more Dink though. The Ender series gets too mental/philisophical for me. That and a quick trip to Outside will cure all that ailes you. If Bean is still alive when Card does the crossover all Jane has to do is bring him Outside, have Bean think of his body smaller and he can transfer in and get as many more years as he wants while people find his cure. Which seems likely to be a form of the virus like the Path got. PS- whats going to happen when Jane moves all those ships instantaneously like Peter promises she'll do at the end of CofM if they aren't ready for it, won't she have to give them notice so they don't "create" any extra bodies like Ender and Miro did? And he'll have to fix the whole Jane knows everything that's ever been typed on a computer or researched and yet never mentioned to Ender that Bean is dying of a genetic condition with his kids on board a spaceship through time, oops sorry, didn't mean to let a friend of yours just waste away like that for a few thousand years. And if she did know about him was she in contact with him, and if she didn't or wasn't why not? Secret lab on Eros still that wasn't hooked up to the ansible network? Sorry about the long rant its early in the AM or late in the PM depending on how you want to think of it.
Posted by Launchywiggin (Member # 9116) on :
Welcome to Hatrack, Doug. [Wave]

I, too, enjoyed the Shadow books immensely for their action and intrigue. The Ender quartet has it's own appeal--the ideas are much more science-fictiony and brain-tickling, so I like them too.

As for Shadows in Flight--I'm sure all the little holes will be filled adeptly, and if they aren't, I expect it to be a wonderfully written conclusion anyway.
Posted by killer201002 (Member # 10205) on :
i know this is sometime after the topic was started but what about

Ender out of the Shadow
Posted by cheiros do ender (Member # 8849) on :
This thread is horrible, though I kind brought it on myself.

Since I'm talking about this at book signings, it would be rude not to tell you folks right now. A couple of days ago I was sitting in the office of my publisher, Tom Doherty, talking about projects coming up, and it dawned on me that there's a book that I really want to write.

If you haven't read Shadow of the Giant, this is a mini-spoiler. But most people won't mind, so choose for yourself: At the end of Giant, there's one plot thread

That how far I got before I realised I've still got Shadow Puppets (which I got for Christmas) and Shadow of the Giant to read before I can read the above text.

end rant
Posted by LadyHobbit (Member # 11495) on :
I don't know if anyone will see this since it's been about three years since the original message, but I couldn't help but put my two sense in.

What about "Reunion"? I know it doesn't have Ender in it, but neither does "Speaker for the Dead." It doesn't quiet fit, but it's the first thing I thought of. It might seem like a reunion to Ender if Bean's son looks a lot like him.
Posted by Erasmus (Member # 11496) on :
Ender's Ambitions

Posted by DSC (Member # 11503) on :
I liked Ender's Flight.

But what about a different direction(violating the rules of course)?

Andrew's Shadow or Andrew's something. As he really isn't Ender anymore(as he has done his Ending, and now is causing new beginning), so emphasize the change.
Posted by Don C (Member # 11507) on :
It has been 3 years since the announcement of 2 proposed Ender books, "Shadows in Flight" linking the two series and another one also linking SOG to a spot before Speaker. So far only a 3rd novelette, a prequel, has come out. Mr. OSC, what's up? Are you engaged in these projects or not?

imho, The Shadow series is your best series by far, and it also finished very strong in SOG(and I've read all of your series of books). The Alvin Maker series early on was excellent before it went downhill in the last 2 books, especially Crystal City. I think you could insert another Alvin Maker book early in the series and it could be very good.

I am not sure why, but you have allowed your politics and religion to creep overtly and heavily into your later books. The latest novelette in the Ender series scares me (i haven't read it yet, just the synopsis) because I fear you may "Crystal City" the brilliant Ender and Shadow series. Uncle Orson, please get back to your excellent story writing with emotionally vibrant and conflicted characters and keep the personal politics to blogs and personal religion to your church projects. Give up on the anthology editing jobs as well; save those distractions for later on when you no longer have the energy for creative new works. More Ender books like you suggest would be great. The Mayflower series had good potential too but you've been "in the process" of getting nowhere with that for over 10 years now. Your stories in the Asimov universe were also great! Perhaps something more there? Please take this in a constructive way; I am a big fan of most of your works! Don
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
Wow, it really will be three years this Friday! Crazy. Thank goodness for the short stories or I would be in serious withdrawal right now. We haven't faced a drought this long in Ender universe novels since the early 90s with the Xenocide/Children gap. But it has only been three years. I'm optimistic. [Smile]
Posted by .:{121}:.Scooter[SGT] (Member # 11512) on :
As much as I'd like to see all that was said, I'd rather not read 26 pages of replies. I do think that the title would be best as Ender's (Something). I really hate the idea of a big colon on the cover.
The other thing that might be intersting is if Bean and/or his children with Anton's Key turned just happen to get caught up in that. They are after all in space and given that Petra ends up with Peter, he wouldn't have returned to Earth.
As for names, I thought the title Ender's Shadow really represented the book well being about Bean. I'd like to see such a link between Ender and Randi's child. Looking at it from different ways, you could name it as if the child were Bean's child or Achilles' child. The only problem is that sense it comes from a book about Bean and not Ender, the child with Ender is more difficult. So I really don't know what would be a good name for this specifically, but I can see good guidelines. However, while writing this, the thought did come to my mind: Ender's Giant.
Posted by discordme (Member # 11513) on :
Perhaps some spin of ... A new beginning for Ender?

As the direct sequel to enders game would take place shortly after his acquiring the name and role of Speaker for the Dead?
Posted by cuckooover (Member # 11515) on :
I understand that this new book is going to include both Ender AND Bean, but I don't really see how. I mean, is Bean just going to show up 3000 years later in the future and say "Hey Ender old buddy, let's go on an adventure like the good old times! Oh, and I brought my genetically freaky children with me also." I'd hate to say it but this whole scenario seems kinda... far-fetched or at least stretching the story thin for stretchings sake.
Posted by Xann. (Member # 11482) on :
Ender spent a good number years wandering around the universe, so more likely bean will show up when ender is like 25ish, bean being similar aged...wait nevermind isn't bean like 19?
Posted by cuckooover (Member # 11515) on :
Bean I believe was around 16 years old in Giant (or at least that's what wikipedia says). I haven't read Giant recently so I don't really know for certain.
Posted by promiseadance (Member # 11483) on :
Originally posted by cuckooover:
Bean I believe was around 16 years old in Giant (or at least that's what wikipedia says). I haven't read Giant recently so I don't really know for certain.

Bean wasn't quite sure of his age (no record of his birth), but he puts it at around 16 in Giant.
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
Originally posted by cuckooover:
I understand that this new book is going to include both Ender AND Bean, but I don't really see how.

Actually, there's supposed to be one book about Ender and Bean's lost baby, and one about Bean's offspring still on the ship eventually appearing post-CotM after Ender is dead. So far, there's no evidence the two of them will be physically meeting again in either of the planned books.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I would be very surprised if Bean appeared at all. Unless Card decides to use my "giant, pulsating brain filling the interior of the spaceship, over which his freaky mutant children crawl and frolic" idea. [Smile]
Posted by Libbie (Member # 9529) on :
That sounds downright bucolic, TomDavidson.
Posted by .:{121}:.Scooter[SGT] (Member # 11512) on :
Originally posted by cuckooover:
I understand that this new book is going to include both Ender AND Bean, but I don't really see how. I mean, is Bean just going to show up 3000 years later in the future and say "Hey Ender old buddy, let's go on an adventure like the good old times! Oh, and I brought my genetically freaky children with me also." I'd hate to say it but this whole scenario seems kinda... far-fetched or at least stretching the story thin for stretchings sake.

It's actually quite concevable that they would both meet in the future. Remember that Card's Speaker For The Dead takes place 3000 years after Ender's Game, but this book is not going to be during that era. This is going to take place around the time Ender begins to travel after writing The Hive Queen and the Hegemon. Sense Randi and Bean both go in to space around the same time, they could both stay within the same time. I'd say that the only coincidence would be that all three of them end up on the same planet, or that Bean ends up on a planet at all. Especially sense Ender does spend a conciderable amount of time on his own planet. Unless that is, they all end up on Ender's planet.
Posted by Rowaxe (Member # 11534) on :
Is it possible for Petra to leave earth after Peter dies to meet up with an aged bean and their babies all grown up? It never stated that she died on earth and I think the tragedy of her leaving Bean and moving on to Peter could be not the final end. Her love and devotion for Bean could last into her old age where they meet on the colony after she takes a FTL trip and he grows old (of course there's a cure for his growth. just remove the petuitary gland or something easier than recoding his DNA)
Posted by BlueWizard (Member # 9389) on :
Keep in mind that in the new books, it is the Ender story line that meets up with the Bean story line, and not Ender meeting Bean. If you had read the whole thread, or at least the first part of it, you would know that Bean will be dead when the Ender characters (but not Ender) meet Bean's children.

I suspect Bean's kids will meet new Peter, keeping in mind that new Peter is carrying the soul of old Ender. I further suspect that Peter will bring them all back to Lusitania where they will prefect the means of correcting the flaws in Anton's Key. Keep in mind that Bean's kids, while the first signs of gigantism will be showing, are still young enough to be saved.

As for old Petra meeting old Bean, that is not going to happen; wonderful thought though it is. Bean at best only had a few years to live even in space. I give him 5 to 7 years at the absolute most; and that is being extremely optimistic; 3 to 4 years is probably pushing it. But that would have been enough time for him to educate his own kids and teach them how to run the ship, and to further grant them access to his, by then, substantial fortune.

That is the story I'm most interested in, but I'm not sure a full novel could be found there. But a short story of Bean and his kid in flight, and how Bean and his kid developed, and finally, how Bean met his end as he most surely did. That is a story that I am desperate to hear.

Still Bean's kids meeting New Peter will be interesting too. I also suspect the Driscolata's will play a role in that story.

Just a thought.
Posted by Dobbie (Member # 3881) on :
Endder's Game

(My feeling is that Ender change his name to Endder as a way to maintain his anonymity.)
Posted by Josh Cooper (Member # 11533) on :
Note: I am .:{121}:.Scooter[SGT] with another name.
Originally posted by BlueWizard:
Keep in mind that in the new books, it is the Ender story line that meets up with the Bean story line, and not Ender meeting Bean. If you had read the whole thread, or at least the first part of it, you would know that Bean will be dead when the Ender characters (but not Ender) meet Bean's children.

That is quite funny because I actually did read Card's post and just now reread it. The story of which you speak will be Shadows in Flight. This thread is NOT about the book that will tie together the Ender story line and the Bean story line. If you had read the first part of it, you would know that this thread is about people's opinion on the name of the new novel Card has decided to write. It takes place "before he met Jane, and WAY before Speaker for the Dead" according to Card, and is about Ender meeting Bean's child, raised by Randi. So therefore it is quite possible that Bean and his children could tie in with this story because he in fact NOT dead, as he leaves Earth around the same time that Randi does.

In the future read what the thread is about before you accuse others of not doing so.
Posted by mooseontheloose (Member # 11539) on :
Correct me if im wrong, but isn't Bean supposed to be making an indefinite space flight while waiting for a cure. I don't see how he could meet with young Ender in this book; Bean is not making random, unscheduled stops at colony worlds. I think any encounter with Bean or his children(excluding the one with Randi) will have to wait for the other book.
As for when Bean's children do meet up with the Ender characters such as new Peter, it seems that curing them would be a simple part of the story. The scientists on Lusitania are already good at modifying virus's, so couldn't they do the same thing they did with the Descolada? Just go outside and get a cure. Or Something...
Hopefully we will also get a conclusion to the Descoladores problem. Actually I'm sure OSC will continue on that subject, after all, it's pretty important. Maybe Bean's children will join forces with the Ender characters and find a way to communicate with the descoladores. They are surely going to be Genius's after all.
Posted by BlueWizard (Member # 9389) on :
There are actually two books being discussed. Though the original topic was a name for the 'young Ender meets the one obscure Beanie Baby thought to be the son of Achilles'( likely 'Ender in Exile'). It has morphed into a discussion of the names and themes for both the above book and the book tentatively called 'Shadows in Flight' in which, as I said, the Bean and Ender story lines cross in the very distant future.

Though, admittedly, with +1300 posts in 27 pages, you might not know that.

And, I was responding to recent assertions that Petra would meet Bean or the Beanie Babies. Plus if you read the most recent pages, there was speculation of the Bean and Ender story lines connecting. I was merely trying to put those recent speculations into perspective.

But in earlier discussion of "Shadows in Flight" in this same thread, it has been established that when the Ender and Bean story lines cross again, Bean will be gone. Which I will find very sad indeed if no accounting of Bean's death is given.

Confusing to have the two separate stories discussed in the same thread.

Though I am pretty sure the book titles have been decided on long ago. I think 'Ender in Exile' and 'Shadows in Flight' have a nice symmetry to them; both are 'something' IN 'something', and both reflect the theme of the stories nicely.


[ March 21, 2008, 02:25 PM: Message edited by: BlueWizard ]
Posted by Josh Cooper (Member # 11533) on :
Originally posted by mooseontheloose:
Correct me if im wrong, but isn't Bean supposed to be making an indefinite space flight while waiting for a cure. I don't see how he could meet with young Ender in this book; Bean is not making random, unscheduled stops at colony worlds. I think any encounter with Bean or his children(excluding the one with Randi) will have to wait for the other book.

An author can change any story to be what he or she wants. Since it is possible that they can meet given the ending of Shadow of the Giant, Card can write it so that Bean, Ender, and Randi all come together.
Posted by BlueWizard (Member # 9389) on :
Yes, but I think more likely the confusion is coming from the fact that two separate books are being discussed.

In one book, young Ender meet on of Bean's children in the form of the boy who is thought to be the son of Achilles.

In the other books MANY years in the distant future, the children of Bean meet the characters for the end of the Ender Sage. In other words, the Beanie Babies meet New Peter.

There is a 'Bean' connection in both stories, though his children, but Bean himself appears in neither. Likely in the first books, Bean and his other kids are on their space voyage.

In the second book, the first book is long over, and Bean is dead. Only his children remain, and then only because of prolonged Near Lightspeed Space Travel.

Still, as Bean and the Beanie Babies travel through space, they can't continue on for infinity. At some point they may need to stop here and there for various reasons, but two or three days in orbit around a planet is not going to kill Bean, and it allows them to take on supplies, update their libraries, and make repairs and upgrades.

Keep in mind that the Time Dilation is massive. I think Ender lives approximately 12 year in apparent time, while planet-side time spans 3,000 years. In 3,000 years, technology advances tremendously. At some point, Bean's most advanced ship is going to look like a quaint old antique. So, Bean and his kids might be able to go several years without resupplying food, but when they did stop for supplies, planet-side technology would have made astronomical advances. Some of those advances may have been helpful to the ship. And, they would certainly want to update their bank of technological information to see what advances there had been in genetics as well as general technology. In short, I don't think they were quite as isolated and many people speculate they were.

I'm assuming that Jane is managing Bean's wealth, and that in MANY years of earth-time, his fortune grows substantially. It likely grows very much in proportion to how much Ender's wealth grows. So, at each stop Bean would discover that his fortune had grown, and at some point, he may have traded his outdated ship for a more modern one just as (to some extent) Ender did.

My point is, there are necessary reasons for Bean and the Babies to stop now and then. I think those stops have the potential for exciting stories in themselves, and would love to hear them.

So, in one story Ender meets the one Beanie Baby they never found.

Many centuries later, in the other books, New Peter meet the remaining Beanie Babies. Which also seems like an exciting story as long as it contains a fair and reasonable account of Bean's life and death.

Just passing it along.

Posted by Constipatron (Member # 8831) on :
i've a question. why do authors tend to go back beyond their first book in the series? too many 'prequals' over-crowd the complex stories they've already told - which is why i've not gone back to read more about the enderverse beyond 'children of the mind' and why i've not bothered with the 'shinara' books past the 'scions of shinara'. do authors really lack new story ideas that they have to go back? i've always thought that a good author wouldn't rehash their serials with over-crowding. i could be wrong, however, since i've not read any of the 'prequals'.
Posted by happysmiley (Member # 9703) on :
Originally posted by Constipatron:
i've a question. why do authors tend to go back beyond their first book in the series? too many 'prequals' over-crowd the complex stories they've already told

cause they can. and plus they get more money, which is a plesent side effect
Posted by Constipatron (Member # 8831) on :
true. but as a reader i'd rather read something a bit more original.... like a NEW story.
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
How is a prequel not a new story?
Posted by Josh Cooper (Member # 11533) on :
Still, as Bean and the Beanie Babies travel through space, they can't continue on for infinity. At some point they may need to stop here and there for various reasons, but two or three days in orbit around a planet is not going to kill Bean, and it allows them to take on supplies, update their libraries, and make repairs and upgrades.

Keep in mind that the Time Dilation is massive. I think Ender lives approximately 12 year in apparent time, while planet-side time spans 3,000 years. In 3,000 years, technology advances tremendously. At some point, Bean's most advanced ship is going to look like a quaint old antique. So, Bean and his kids might be able to go several years without resupplying food, but when they did stop for supplies, planet-side technology would have made astronomical advances. Some of those advances may have been helpful to the ship. And, they would certainly want to update their bank of technological information to see what advances there had been in genetics as well as general technology. In short, I don't think they were quite as isolated and many people speculate they were.

I'm assuming that Jane is managing Bean's wealth, and that in MANY years of earth-time, his fortune grows substantially. It likely grows very much in proportion to how much Ender's wealth grows. So, at each stop Bean would discover that his fortune had grown, and at some point, he may have traded his outdated ship for a more modern one just as (to some extent) Ender did.

My point is, there are necessary reasons for Bean and the Babies to stop now and then. I think those stops have the potential for exciting stories in themselves, and would love to hear them. [/QB]

So you say that they must make stops. I agree, in order to meet up with Ribeiras during their lifetime, the "beanie babies" as you so call them, would have to make several stops. In fact, it would be quite difficult for them to meet up with the Riberias so close to Ender's arrival without almost following Ender's trail. Just one jump from one planet to another could be 100 years which would easily put the Ribeiras in their grave before he arrived. This is just one of those thing authors have to do to make a story. You have to do something that's against all the odds and say This is what happened.
What I ask is if they must make stops to set up their story to fit in time, why couldn't their first stop be that of Ender's world? In fact, if the word were to reach Bean that his last child was on that planet, wouldn't he most certianly go to that planet?

Originally posted by Constipatron:
i've a question. why do authors tend to go back beyond their first book in the series? too many 'prequals' over-crowd the complex stories they've already told - which is why i've not gone back to read more about the enderverse beyond 'children of the mind' and why i've not bothered with the 'shinara' books past the 'scions of shinara'. do authors really lack new story ideas that they have to go back? i've always thought that a good author wouldn't rehash their serials with over-crowding. i could be wrong, however, since i've not read any of the 'prequals'.

I think it is you who is a minority. Authors don't write prequals because they lack imagination. They do it because many people, including the author, fall in love with the story and want to hear more. I myself don't care if it's a sequal or a prequal, I love to read stories from the Enderverse. Prequals and sequals are just ways to add stories. They both have their perks as well. Sequals tell you what happens next, but Prequals tell you how it got to be that way.
Posted by GataPreta (Member # 11544) on :
lol!!! this thread is too funny... those titles put one after another sound like porn series... too funny.
Posted by BlueWizard (Member # 9389) on :

Still, as Bean and the Beanie Babies travel through space, they can't continue on for infinity. At some point they may need to stop here and there for various reasons, but two or three days in orbit around a planet is not going to kill Bean, and it allows them to take on supplies, update their libraries, and make repairs and upgrades.

Josh Cooper:

So you say that they must make stops. I agree, in order to meet up with Ribeiras during their lifetime, the "beanie babies" as you so call them, would have to make several stops. In fact, it would be quite difficult for them to meet up with the Riberias so close to Ender's arrival without almost following Ender's trail.

I see your points, but it's not necessarily true. Keep in mind that Ender and Valentine stop for months at a time on various planets. They don't just stop for Ender to do a Speaking, they also stop so Valentine can research her new book. Those month or months planet sided add up to tremendous amounts of space travel by Bean and his kids.

Bean and his kids on the other hand, would only stop briefly for necessary resupplies, and likely by the time of the first stop, Bean would be unable to go planet side because he couldn't handle the gravity. That would mean the 'Beanie Babies' would have to go planet side and negotiate for upgrades and resupplies. I think it would be wonderfully interesting stories to hear how the 'Beanie Babies' handled the planet side jaunts.

Now, as to bringing together New Peter and Bean's kids, they (Bean's kids) don't necessarily have to follow Ender through space and time, and the age of planet side people really means nothing. Keep in mind that the Ribeiras were countless generations unborn when Bean and the Beanie Babies set off on their travels.

Now back to New Peter and Bean's kids coming together, New Peter has faster than light speed travel at his finger tips. He is not bound by Time Dilation in his travels. It's possible that they may stubble across each other on another planet by accident. It's possible the news of the genetic engineering on the planet Lusitania might reach their ears. It's possible Jane will recall a distant memory of Bean and realize that their discoveries may be the key to curing the Beanie Babies if they can be found. It is possible that the Beanie Babies will visit the planet Path, and discover the existence of Jane and New Peter and thereby discover their base of operation is Lusitania. There are any number of ways that these characters can come together.

Even if the Beanie Babies travels mirror the realtime of Ender, they will still only be 12 or 13 years old when they finally meet New Peter. Still plenty of time to save them.

Also, keep in mind that they are not wandering the entire universe, there are 100 known planets in the 'federation' and a few unincorporated planets that have not been made members yet. So, rather than wander aimlessly through space, it would seem logical for Bean and his kids to contain their travels to the known 100 worlds and a few outlying territories.

I think this (Shadow in Flight) will be an incredibly fascinating book. I've always wondered about the aftermath of the Ender Sage and the Fate of Bean in flight with his kids.

In the Adventures of New Peter, I wonder if Peter will run afoul of Star Congress. Suddenly a new and powerful weapon appears on the horizon. Peter having and controlling Faster than Light travel would be viewed as a politically dangerous thing by Congress. Peter did after all single handedly defeat a large fleet of Starcraft.

What of Jane, will Star Congress try to control her? Will the continue to threaten her? How will they react to the knowledge that the Buggers are not only alive, but are flourishing and expanding? Will they feel that New Peter with faster than light travel AND in league with the Buggers are a massive threat to Star Congress?

Will Jane have sufficient power to expand Faster Than Light Travel (FTLT) into a commercial enterprise, and who will control that commercial enterprise? Or, will FtLT be limited to a few elite members of society, and will Congress and Business fight to see who controls and managers that process? So, many unanswered questions.

As to Bean and his kids in their travels; I think Bean having to deal with a group of extremely intelligent, precocious and mischief-making kids as extremely funny. And I think Bean's later life is extremely and painfully heartbreaking.

And I think of the sadness when their father finally dies and the Beanie Babies have to make it on their own. How much of their fate will their father have told them? Will it matter after so many many centuries? Though I also think that anyone foolish enough to think they can pull one over on the Beanie Babies is in for a very rude (but hilarious) awakening. I see tremendous story potential in The Flight of the Beanie Babies, and ache to hear the story of Bean's final demise. Even as I type this I am overwhelmed with sadness at the thought of Bean's life and his ultimate untimely end.

As interesting as it will be for Ender to meet the presumed son of Achilles, it is really the meeting of New Peter and Bean's kids that interests me.

But I also long for the story of Bean in flight, I see so much potential for both humor and pathos in that story.

Just a few rambling thoughts.


[ March 25, 2008, 12:47 PM: Message edited by: BlueWizard ]
Posted by BlueWizard (Member # 9389) on :
I will add one addition to Josh Cooper's comment, which I think addresses his central point.

Because Time Dilation is so massive, the odds of 'Ender Time' and 'Bean Time' being synchronized at the end is extremely thin. It is certainly possible, but the odd against that exact synchronization of time are astronomical. That is a point I will concede.

But, if Bean stopped periodically to allow his kids planet access and access to something approximating a normal life, and those planet side times were roughly equal to Ender's planet side times, it might be possible for Bean's kids and New Peter to meet at some point in time.

Just a thought.

Posted by Araxis (Member # 11565) on :
How about "Ender's Legend"? (I know this thread is kind of old but I just found the forum)
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
The Mask of Ender.
Too bad it isn't a Mexican planet...
Posted by Clandestineguitarplayer (Member # 11571) on :
Well... It is Beans' baby... So why dont you call it... Enders' Giant or something... That would tie everything together right? [Dont Know] [Dont Know]
Posted by Loc Rehaos (Member # 11580) on :
Having found the light of Card at the age of 10 in 1993. I am so exited to have even this late oportunity to coment on the most definging liturature of my life.
I have not taken the time to read all of the posts .

I have just finished reading enders game and all shadow books again.
just starting speaker for the dead i have been thinking hard about Randy and bean's missing son:

Achilles Shadow : An Ender Cronical

Ender Or Achilles

highlighing the decsion that randys baby bean will have to make about what randy is brain washing him into
compaired to what he will read and find out, being as smart and observent as he is.


[ April 20, 2008, 05:24 AM: Message edited by: Loc Rehaos ]
Posted by NFK (Member # 11581) on :
There is so much potential for these books, I just hope they come soon.

I just read all of the books for the first time, and waiting stinks now, haha.
Posted by DF2506 (Member # 6847) on :

Sorry if this has been posted before but...

I just read this folks: the new book is definitly called ENDER IN EXILE and its coming late 2008!!!

The above is mainly an announcement for the new Ender's Game & Ender's Shadow comics, but near the end of the article it mentions the new Ender novel!!!

Yes! I'm looking forward to this a ton! I know what I want for Christmas! [Smile]

Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
Holy Crap! That just made my day! Still, I can't help but be a bit sorry that it's not "Shadows in Flight" coming out this year instead. We've been waiting for that one longer, and I'm much more interested in a post-CotM story, and this probably means that we'll have to wait another 3-4 years for it. Still, this really makes me happy. [Smile]
Posted by LargeTuna (Member # 10512) on :
YAY descoladores!!! (hopefully this will turn out to be acurate...but i have my doubts)
Posted by sugartoothfairy (Member # 11596) on :
Not that you've read this far, but my ideas are:

Ender's Adolescence

or just simply:


sort of like a new music artist's "name making" album.
Posted by Clandestine Lackey (Member # 11603) on :
Ender: Lost

I Like it.
Posted by All4Nothing (Member # 11601) on :
I've never posted here before, and I know this topic is way in the past for some of you, but I'm excited about a new Ender novel. I wanted to add my suggestion of Ender: At Shadows Edge.

I was kinda excited about the lost child meeting up with Bean and his children in the future.

However, Mr. Card, I wouldn't mind to see Bean and his children come running to a certain planet inhabitting a 4th gene manipulating species in order to possibly find a cure, or battle a very intelligent enemy.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Originally posted by All4Nothing:
I've never posted here before, and I know this topic is way in the past for some of you, but I'm excited about a new Ender novel. I wanted to add my suggestion of Ender: At Shadows Edge.

That's not bad.

Welcome to Hatrack, by the way.
Posted by maybe (Member # 11608) on :
New member, just read the beginning and end of the thread. My brother and I have been speculating about a new story ever since Shadow of the Giant came out. I have some ideas about Shadows in Flight.

Our old theory now has at least one hole from what has been revealed here, but I think it bears watching. Volescu is sent out on a colony ship and Graff makes some offhand comment to the effect of "What harm can he do there?" I think Volescu is somehow the origin of the Descoladores.

Think about it. A totally amoral and brilliant scientist arrives on a backwater world decades after most of those who hate him have died, and they're lightyears away anyhow. Out of sight, out of mind, certain powerful interests provide Volescu with resources to continue his genetic study. Centuries later, the fruit of this research in the hands of the government eventually ends up in a world of people suspiciously like Bean--geniuses hobbled by a genetic defect. In the interim, either Volescu himself or some later evil scientist sharing his (non-)ideals devises new experiments and eventually a way off planet. That individual certainly would have appropriated substantial resources, and possibly a group of like-minded people. They disappear into uncharted space, "off-the-grid" if you will. Give that unrepentant and amoral philosophy, coupled with scientific genius, thousands of years to flourish, totally cutoff and unknown from the rest of human society, and voila...descoladores who use entire planets and ecosysytems for their experiments.

I used to think it was also related to Bean's lost kid, son of Randi. They would hook up somehow and warped genius child would direct the larger scheme behind settling a new planet to escape the evil government powers his mother told him about, using Volescu for his own ends. That possibly extends to a plan to eventually use the viruses to overthrow the rest of humanity. Maybe that is incorrect if the Ender in Exile storyline fully resolves evil Bean child, but there could easily be at least an indirect connection millenia later.
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
Except that the descolada existed on Lusitania for many thousands of years before Volescu was born.
Posted by Shawshank (Member # 8453) on :
other people have suggested that idea- that Volescu was responsible for the Descaladores. But that would mean that after x amount of time they release the descolada onto Lusitania. And we know that the descolada took a long time to bring about that much change in Lusitania- their best bet for recent is within the past 100,000 years. The descaladores are their own species.
Posted by All4Nothing (Member # 11601) on :
Noemon, thank you for the welcome!

And Maybe, that was a very interesting idea even with Volescu not being a possible candidate. It does bring up a question for me:

If Bean's child escapes that first colony before Ender leaves isn't it possible for him to be the very evil genius that creates the descoladores? He is being raised to believe he is Achilles heir and told a nice little lie about how Achille was. Couldn't it be possible that he also has access to all of Volescu's genetic research/findings?

Oh yea, and is it just me or do I remember that first colony being named "Shakespeare"?
Posted by T:man (Member # 11614) on :
no one post
bean shouldnt die please some one save him
Posted by T:man (Member # 11614) on :
dont let him die
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
Originally posted by All4Nothing:
Noemon, thank you for the welcome!
If Bean's child escapes that first colony before Ender leaves isn't it possible for him to be the very evil genius that creates the descoladores?
...Oh yea, and is it just me or do I remember that first colony being named "Shakespeare"?

Shawshank's response explains why that is not a viable theory. And yes, the first colony was named "Shakespeare," but I'm pretty sure the planet was called a different name at some point in the series.

Originally posted by T:man:
bean shouldnt die please some one save him

Alas, man is mortal. We all must die eventually. Welcome to Hatrack, T:man and All4Nothing!
Posted by All4Nothing (Member # 11601) on :
Originally posted by CRash:
Originally posted by All4Nothing:
Noemon, thank you for the welcome!
If Bean's child escapes that first colony before Ender leaves isn't it possible for him to be the very evil genius that creates the descoladores?
...Oh yea, and is it just me or do I remember that first colony being named "Shakespeare"?

Shawshank's response explains why that is not a viable theory. And yes, the first colony was named "Shakespeare," but I'm pretty sure the planet was called a different name at some point in the series.

Originally posted by T:man:
bean shouldnt die please some one save him

Alas, man is mortal. We all must die eventually. Welcome to Hatrack, T:man and All4Nothing!

Good point Shawshank! The amount of time it would take a planet to make a change like that would offset the time dialation of even Bean's children.....I think....I'm not good with this stuff.

I think the planet was called another name to CRash.....the most recent book I read was "Shadow of the Giant" and that's where I saw "Shakespeare" as the name....I believe there may be a contradiction and that's why I mentioned it. A more detail oriented person than I may know.
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
I believe the first colony world was referred to as "Rov". I don't think it's a contradiction though. The planet is "Rov" and the settlement is "Shakespeare".
Posted by All4Nothing (Member # 11601) on :
Ah yes, that sounds right. Thanks neo, I believe that was just what my mind was bugging me about.
Posted by T:man (Member # 11614) on :
thx for welcome
i thought that bean was sent to space so he could live without the effects of gravity therfore he could live in space indefinetely
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
Gravity wouldn't be what killed him, it would be his sheer mass. His heart not being able to provide for his body would kill him, that's blood pressure, not gravity.
Posted by BlueWizard (Member # 9389) on :
Right Nick, Bean was already a giant when he left. He was already feeling the effects of being so large, though he was certainly still able to function.

So, my impression is that space flight and the corresponding lack of gravity, only bought him a few extra years at best. I'm guessing on earth, he had maybe two to three years at the most. In space fight, he would have had perhaps 5 to 6 years at the most.

What that 5 to 6 years translates to in subjective earth time depends on how close to light speed he was traveling. It seems his ship was one of the most advanced of it's time. Though, I'm sure earth and colony technology would rapidly surpass it.

While not constantly in space flight, in 'The Investment councilor', Ender is subjectively age 20 and Valentine is roughly age 25, yet, it is about 500 years in the future. When we see Ender again, it is 3,000 years in the future, and I'm guessing Ender is about 30.

Just as a guess, in the moment, I would say that 5 years of Bean's space flight might have bought him a few hundred years of earth's advancement. The question is, after a few hundred years, would anyone left on earth remember who Bean was, and more importantly, where he was and why?
Posted by T:man (Member # 11614) on :
your heart creates more blood every second so the only reason he would die is if his heart diddnt have the strength to pump all the blood around his body
your heart wouldnt need to be strong in space because of the null-g
he might die while excersizing so his bones dont melt
by the way he only had 6 months to live in gravity
Posted by T:man (Member # 11614) on :
and blood pressure is caused by size gravity and clots

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