At the very end with Petra and Peter, it barely touches the subject of their getting together. It gives a hint with Peter starting the letter with, "I love you," and then jumps to the future where Petra visits her husband's grave.
I thought about the purpose of that and have a few theories but other than that I'm not sure why it wasn't given more embelishment. Timing? Weirdness factor?
Posted by Khavanon (Member # 929) on :
Probably the fact that it came at the end, and the fact that nobody saw it coming. It might have been better for us to fill in the blanks. At that point in the story it was time for the growing to end. The conflict was over. Love is a story for itself.
I also like to think that Bean as a part of Petra probably shouldn't be diminished. Even at the end she admitted that she loved Bean more than anything.