About Ganges being te planet Achilees II would be on for the new novel (Virlomi's planet). Even though I don't love the idea myself. I noticed something that would be very cool, I noticed it. That in Xenocide wehen they talked about the philotic web onpage 62-65. It centered around the planet Ganges, the Hindu planet that sorta came up with it and stuff and stuff. So I'm thinking it woul;d be really cool if sorta during when the novel is they sorta start that. That Ender and Achilees II could sorta play a part in it? At any rate I'm just saying that Ganges could be like yeah reminded that.
Posted by Suri-cool (Member # 7599) on :
Though I actully just bnoticed someything. Val was like thinking that yeah she heard of it before her and Ender talked about it after he spoke some kind of death. Buit it was only one conversation. She thoiuht that almost exactly. So I suppose he couldn't have been, though you could always easily work around that.
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
It could still be Virlomi, without being Ganges.
Posted by Suri-cool (Member # 7599) on :
Your right and it can't be!! Virlomi was on the colony planet of Andhra! It says yhat in Shadow of the Giant. So earlier when you said Ganges it can't be.
Posted by Suri-cool (Member # 7599) on :
I mean I don' mean to insuly you holy OSC hehe. But I mean I don't wanna say like "You were wrong" but yeah heh you kinda were.