This is topic Brag about yourself! What are you good at? in forum Discussions About Orson Scott Card at Hatrack River Forum.

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Posted by Verai (Member # 7507) on :
Maybe you speak like four languages?
Maybe you own noobs in Halo?
Maybe you can crank out a mean novel?

Me, my talents are restricted to video games as far as I know. When I see a new game, my subconscience learns it for me faster than if my conscience was working at it. It helps if I'm playing against someone better than me.

I think my subconscience absorbs all the capabilities available in the game world and automatically applies reflexes and tactics. Whatever it does, I wish it'd come up with a way to make that into money.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Shouldn't this be on the other side of the forum?
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
I can cook a mean Pop Tart.
Posted by Verai (Member # 7507) on :
But I don't know those people.

They're scary. [Angst]
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Hey, I'll come with you! And Morbo's up, I bet he'll post!
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
We're cool! We're hip! We're not even mean! (mostly) Come on! It's the cool side!
Posted by Sartorius (Member # 7696) on :
I thought all the people were the same.

I'm really good at falling off horses. Haven't broken a thing yet.
Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
What does it mean to "own noobs" at Halo?

I mean, I have three kids, and they are kind of noobs at Halo... But I don't typically think of myself as owning them. And the smallest doesn't really play.

I can bake bread that almost tastes store bought.
Posted by Mr_Megalomaniac (Member # 7695) on :
I excel at something, crap what was it...
Posted by Mr_Megalomaniac (Member # 7695) on :
Oh yea, forgetting.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
If you don't know what it means to own/pwn a n00b, you haven't done it. [Smile]

And the other side is the real one. People graduate to it once they're finished trying to get OSC's attention and logging on with user names like "BeanEnderzgod42." *grin*
Posted by Verai (Member # 7507) on :
Sorry, this is the wrong forum to be unclear about my very vague reference:

The "own noobs" at Halo was taken from a video some Canadian guys did.

It's about this teenager whose mom takes his computer away because she thinks it's taking too much of his time. He says "Counterstrike" and "own noobs" about fourty times. Later his friends makes him meet this girl who introduces him to World of Warcraft. He plays at a friend's house and it becomes his new obsession. It's pretty funny if you're a gamer nerd and can relate. A counterstrike buff moving to MMORPGs.

"Woah. Like... I don't even have to use the keyboard. My guy fights all by himself."

II'm unable to find the video or I'd post it. [Frown] It's funny in a cheesy sort of way.
Posted by Chris Kidd (Member # 2646) on :
I can draw mazes, ive been doing it since i was in 4th grade. [Dont Know] [Blushing]
Posted by Ramdac99 (Member # 7264) on :
apparently Ketchup is good at getting ppl off this side of the river. I personally don't mind the "off OSC" topics on this side because they're easy to follow. sometimes the other side has more joke topic posts than real one. I'll give you an example. let's say I post a topic on the other side that is titled something like "I like to eat shredded wheat", you can bet that within 10 minutes there'll be a post titled "I like to beat shredded wheat" followed shortly by "I like to cheat breaded feet" and so on...........don't get me wrong it's funny sometimes and I do post on the other side myself. the way i look at it is if you want your audience to be OSC fans than it doesn't matter if the topic is OSC based or not.
Posted by scottneb (Member # 676) on :
But I don't know those people.

They're scary.

That's easily remedied, just don't read Tom's posts. [Wink]
Posted by dawnmaria (Member # 4142) on :
I make pretty babies!
Ain't she just the cutest!
Posted by JemmyGrove (Member # 6707) on :
I've got nothing on the pretty babies thing (the link wouldn't even come up for me [Frown] ), but I can play a mean recorder. I can play a recorder duet all by myself [Big Grin] , and my brother and I have learned the Super Mario Brothers theme song in two parts (if you think that's easy, try transcribing it sometime and look at all the fun cromaticism).
Posted by Emily W (Member # 7504) on :
I can do nine feet on DDR.

That might be more confusing than the "owns noobs" comment.
Posted by arevoj (Member # 7347) on :
Since I was a kid, I've been good (er, lucky? [Big Grin] ) at finding four-leaf clovers.
Posted by Ramdac99 (Member # 7264) on :
Emily, can you finish Drop-out on Heavy or Tsugaru on challenge? [Wink]
Posted by Frangy. (Member # 6794) on :
mmm, and can speak spanish, catalan, italian, and a little french and english (writed, but speaked only the three first ones) and I learn fasttt [Laugh]
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
I'm pretty good at being funny, making people laugh, babbling on and on, forgetting things, mastering video games, beating video games, pinball, writing, singing, and.....Hatracking ( [Razz] ).
Posted by Avicus (Member # 7652) on :
Tom- Everyone knows you're smart. You don't have to throw back snide remarks to people in hopes of making yourself looking better in front of everyone else. We all know you're the man.
Posted by Jonathan Howard (Member # 6934) on :
I'm rather good at it all. I mean, I know a bit about everything, so it gives me a wide base of understanding.

Although, one does come to realise he or she don't become specialised in anything particular, and fail to grasp one topic firmly. Such am I.

Well, there's not one thing I am a better expert at than anyone else I know. In other words, there's not one thing I can do better than everyone else I know. So there's always someone to show me how I'm wrong.

I'm basically useless.

(did my attempt work?)

Posted by ChocoTuar (Member # 6854) on :
I'm good at programming and such. Just look at what I did to photobucket.
Posted by DemonGarik (Member # 7793) on :
I am a nationally ranked debater, so I guess I can argue well...
Sad, I have no marketable skills! I think I'll run for public office!
Posted by Dread Pendragon (Member # 7239) on :
I've got skills. You know, like nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills... Girls only want guys who have great skills.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Shouldn't that be spelled "Skillz?" I always saw it that way in my head. [Big Grin] (great quote by the way.)

Speaking of quotes, I can converse intelligently for a long period of time with just about anyone using nothing but movie quotes. Now that's talent!
Posted by DaBigKahuna (Member # 6648) on :
Hmmm, well, I can come up with what I think are good ideas for books - but I have found I can't write well to express the ideas.

I also can come up with some pretty decent melodies for concert band music, but can't do any harmonies so that isn't real useful either!

Let's see, I did manage to reach the 19,000 mile milestone (pardon the pun) on riding my bicycle since starting a little over 3 years ago. I'm pretty proud of that, especially at my age!
Posted by Emily W (Member # 7504) on :
Ramdac: I can to all the challenge songs on DDRMAX 2 including Tsugaru.

I haven’t played to hard in a while. I got shin splints from playing it too much. I had to go to a podiatrist. She banned me from playing the game, and my parents confiscated my dance pads.

I went through withdrawals. I had all this energy and no where to put it.

Before I was banned I played for about an hour or so a day during the week, and on the week-ends I would get a bunch of friend together and we would go for upwards of five hours.
Posted by Jonathan Howard (Member # 6934) on :
so I guess I can argue well...
Probably not, as your actual bragging of this implies that you're using debatability as a cover for your true hopelessness in this topic. This cover, once exposed, will lead to complete destruction of your skills, and in effect will make you no more than a slug. You therefore have to seal all doubt and reduce the risk of this cover being exposed by your actual attempt of persuading others that you have acquired the necessary skills of arguing, and therefore you are using the opposite to persuade others you know the skills. Obviously, since you don't really have them, you're even trying to [globally] tweak the skills and render the requirments in your favour, thus bringing an unbalanced level of debating to this world. By reducing the qualities of the arguments, you are essentially opening place for the non-Hatrackeing style of action to take place, therefore increasing danger to western and eastern civilisations. A horde of juvenile, hopeles idiots will take over the world and will destroy it.

So yes, by saying you know how to argue, you're destroying Earth. [Big Grin]


[ April 15, 2005, 04:08 AM: Message edited by: Jonathan Howard ]
Posted by DemonGarik (Member # 7793) on :
I think I can live with that! [Big Grin]
Posted by Ron (Member # 7790) on :
I'm good at video games...ALL video games. My friends call me the game genie. I also tear up on the basketball court and I can cook a mean four cheese lasagna of hamburger helper. Ladies are in line right now. I also know Latin and I'm not too shabby at Risk or chess.
Posted by Mullitt (Member # 7826) on :
I'm good at arriving really late to forums I should have signed up for years ago. I am aslo good at coming up with ideas for stories and games, but I'm definitely not good at executing them.
Posted by Meshugener (Member # 7601) on : can do this:

and yes, that really is me.
Posted by Sid Meier (Member # 6965) on :
Video games hands down.

Okay at Magic: The gathering and YuGiOh.

Boards games like risk and axis and allies.

did i mention video games???.... [Dont Know]
Posted by ProverbialSunrise (Member # 7771) on :
I'm good at remembering useless geographic facts and also useless facts in general.
Posted by Sid Meier (Member # 6965) on :
Aha, thats me as well. I keep saying radnom factsa from time to time.
Posted by Hamson (Member # 7808) on :
I'm good at arriving really late to forums I should have signed up for years ago. I am aslo good at coming up with ideas for stories and games, but I'm definitely not good at executing them. - Mullitt

Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Welcome to the board! you should venture over to the other side of the forum and hang out for a while. [Smile]
Posted by Miriya (Member # 7822) on :
I'm good at arriving really late to forums I should have signed up for years ago.
This makes three of us.

My other talent: as a result of my son's allergies to milk and gluten (wheat, oats, barley, rye) I'm very good at, as my son says, "making cookies with NO ingredients".
Posted by Trashcan_Man (Member # 7345) on :
I'm good at losing friends and making cute girls detest me. I should kill myself.
Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
I'm good at saying/typing/posting really stupid lame things!

I'm also good at being patient.
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
I'm good at walking without being heard and seeing without being seen.

Seriously, it happens all the time. I have a naturally light step, so I'm always startling people when they look up and realize I'm right there. I never think I'm sneaking up on them; I just think I'm walking over to them. I always know when someone is coming up to me, so I just kind of assume they know when I'm coming as well.

So either I'm good at walking quietly, or they're just really unobservant. If the latter, then what I'm good at is knowing what's happening around me even when I'm actively involved in doing something. It's one of the two. [Dont Know]
Posted by Qadar (Member # 7175) on :
Ok here we go.
I am a walking encyclopedia,
for some reason i know allot of useless facts,
in allot of different fields.

Another thing i am good at is going native
i have the uncanny ability to go into and be easily accepted by a different cultural group.
Posted by aiua (Member # 7825) on :
I have the ability to lighten the mood but at the same time, remain rather un-noticed.
Posted by Bretagne (Member # 7852) on :
I'm good at ticking people off. Especially when it comes to politics.

Or maybe that's because I'm a middle-of-the-road gal, and most people on a university campus are left to far left (with the occasional person who's so far left that middle-of-the-road looks like right-wing nut job... but there aren't terribly many of those).
Posted by Door (Member # 7837) on :
Wow Qadar, are you my brother?

Just as you, I am a walking encyclopedia, both the pop culture version, and just everyday stuff.
Again, like you I am easily accepted by most any group I come in contact with.

The most impresive however can play dead surprisingly well.

Seriously though, I am a bit of a freak, I can walk on my ankles, like roll onto the outside of my feet and walk. I even made someone throw up when I did it. <grin>
Posted by Mr_Megalomaniac (Member # 7695) on :
I'll get around to writing the other thing I'm good at...
Posted by ChaosTheory (Member # 7069) on :
I had a 34 wins 3 losses records in Wrestling this season.
Posted by Qadar (Member # 7175) on :
"Seriously though, I am a bit of a freak, I can walk on my ankles, like roll onto the outside of my feet and walk. I even made someone throw up when I did it. <grin> "

Ok thats just plain wierd [Smile]
Posted by DemonGarik (Member # 7793) on :
Posted by Jonathan Howard (Member # 6934) on :
Ok here we go.
I am a walking encyclopedia,
for some reason i know allot of useless facts,
in allot of different fields.

Another thing i am good at is going native
i have the uncanny ability to go into and be easily accepted by a different cultural group.

I don't remember signing in with a psudonym and posting this... It's me! [Big Grin]
Posted by Leaf (Member # 7880) on :
I am the best unfamous drummer you've never heard... and better than most you have. [/ego}
Posted by fleetwood (Member # 6530) on :
I'm a silver/goldsmith and an art jeweler.
Posted by trance (Member # 6623) on :
I'm good at maipulation...after talking with a person for at least an hour i know who they are hands down and can manipulate them in writing and speaking...i love it! im very empathetic!
Posted by Verai (Member # 7507) on :
JEEZ, after posting this topic I wished it would die. Someone make it stop! [Big Grin]
Posted by Mr_Megalomaniac (Member # 7695) on :
Originally posted by Mr_Megalomaniac:
I'll get around to writing the other thing I'm good at...


Go see Serenity.
Posted by Sm34rZ (Member # 8609) on :
I'm a halfway decent drawer. Draw-er. Drawing... cupboard?

Anyway, I joined up on Elfwood and they finally have some of my pictures up, they're actually related to OSC's Ender series (A couple of IF Cruisers and a Lustinan colonist.) I have a bunch more that I'm gonna put up, but you can only submit them every so many days. Next time I'll upload more than just four.

Here's a link: ta da! ... like I said, I'm not THAT great, so don't make too much fun.
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
I learned how to knit, and I'm like 35. I don' t know that I'm good at it, but I'm awful darn proud of myself still the same.
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
I'm good at...




...something, I'm sure.

I know! I'm good at finding legal ways to screw the IRS! Woot!
Posted by RunningBear (Member # 8477) on :
I am good at scaring people. and not being noticed. and shooting things that are far away. and hunting down people who make fun of me and kil.... nevermind.
Posted by flemavenger (Member # 8675) on :
I have written five books, play tennis, have a sick knowledge of music theory, can solve a rubik's cube in 32 seconds, am a mormon, and am somehow related to Orson Scott Card on my dad's side. My dad's mom's maiden name is Card.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
I learned how to knit, and I'm like 35. I don' t know that I'm good at it, but I'm awful darn proud of myself still the same.
She made me an awesome Jayne hat. [Smile]
Posted by Salah (Member # 7294) on :
I know, I know!

I'm good at non-intentionally, yet constantly confusing people into thinking I'm in a certain political party because I like tofu, love nature, wear birkenstock, prefer herbal remedies and have long crimped hair.

According to the ideals of my political party, I should be saying that John Wayne is my hero- ah well.
Posted by Jonathan Howard (Member # 6934) on :
I'm good at babble.
Posted by Roseauthor (Member # 148) on :
Ok.. summarizing these post; Tom is smart and no one likes it: However, give me a few hours and I'll pwn him: Actually, Tom, I thought you ran windows not linux! Got r00t?

What I'm good at, I'm Atlas, I carry the weight of the world and never seem to drop the ball-although I'd like to just to watch it all crumble into a million pieces! [Smile] *insert; /evil sinister laughter*
Posted by Blackthorne (Member # 8295) on :
I write music and such on the piano. Right now I am learning to run along walls, although it's a lot harder than it looks.
Posted by Myakka (Member # 8687) on :
Wee! What am I good at?

Well, I was the fastest girl on my high school swim team for a while.
I'm a walking, talking, grammar nazi (people don't usually let me read their stuff for fear of the red pen).
I'm a pretty good artist and writer (or so people tell me).
Posted by Shanna (Member # 7900) on :
I can tap dance. Which is amazing because I have no rhythm and I'm easily distracted. And because I didn't start til I was 17 so I'm not someone whose parents put them in a studio at age 3.

I am a mean cookie-cake icer. I've even done portraits in icing. It started when my friends in high school threw a Smallville season premiere party and I decided to put Clark Kent's face on a chocolate chip cookie cake. I have NO artistic skill, but this I can do.
Posted by ShadowPuppet (Member # 8239) on :
I'm a bit of a poet
on occasion

thought about posting some of my poems on here once but never thought about it again

the poet thing mostly relates to song writing
I play a decent bass guitar

and tuba

and I read people fairly well
sometimes too well

those seem to be my knacks
Posted by Sterling (Member # 8096) on :
I remember lyrics, lines, and poetry extraordinarily well; I have Richard III's "Now is the winter of our discontent", Hamlet's "To be or not to be", Sonnet 130, and most of Poe's "The Raven" down by heart, as well as numerous songs.

Theoretically, I can disarm and subdue an attacker with a knife, gun, or rifle at close range, and break the arm of an attacker trying to choke me in three places. With luck, I shall never have to.

I make very good gnocchi, splendid felafel, and minestrone good enough that it convinced my wife to marry me. [Smile]

I come up with situationally appropriate quotes that no one can place at the drop of a hat.
Posted by Mr_Megalomaniac (Member # 7695) on :
Originally posted by Mr_Megalomaniac:
Originally posted by Mr_Megalomaniac:
I'll get around to writing the other thing I'm good at...


Go see Serenity.

I'm good at coming up with a joke five months in planning just to advertise a movie I couldn't wait for, and no one realizing it.
Posted by Evie3217 (Member # 5426) on :
I'm great at playing SET . It's an addiction, and I play it every day online.
Posted by tmservo (Member # 8552) on :
I've been told I make a better door then a window.
Posted by Survivor (Member # 233) on :
I can make and install either.
Posted by JemmyGrove (Member # 6707) on :
Originally posted by Mr_Megalomaniac:
Originally posted by Mr_Megalomaniac:
I'll get around to writing the other thing I'm good at...


Go see Serenity.

MR. M, I thought this was brilliant! I'm impressed. [Big Grin]
Posted by Will B (Member # 7931) on :
I'm good at explaining things.

I'm good at understanding people's emotions.

I'm good at logical reasoning.

And I make really good mint juleps.
Posted by Survivor (Member # 233) on :
How can you be good at all of those? It seems that each would undermine your ability to do any of the others well.

Explain it logically, taking my emotions into account, and I'll let you off on making me a mint juleps (though if you manage to do that and I enjoy it, I'll give you bonus points).
Posted by Will B (Member # 7931) on :
Seriously, how can these interfere with each other? Except for the mint juleps, of course.
Posted by Survivor (Member # 233) on :
Okay, I wasn't really expecting a mint juleps, but do you really have to mock me?

That's not taking my emotions into account at all. Or is it? [Wink]

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