I just rediscovered the Empire books; saw them, didn't remember the title, and so started them again. It didn't take long to realize I'd read them before, but I figured I might as well reread, since I didn't remember THAT much.
Anyway - I top posted my question. Is Mr. Card working on, or at least contemplating, continuing this series? I can see another book easily, possibly more.
Posted by C3PO the Dragon Slayer (Member # 10416) on :
I can't imagine there not being a third book in the works, considering how book 2 ended. If I recall correctly, OSC has three contracts still standing: one for Mithermages, one for Pathfinder, and one for Empire. All three trilogies have two of three books done. I don't know what order OSC intends to finish them.
Posted by mulrich (Member # 12863) on :
And don't forget the Formic series, although it sounds like that series may be close to finished (https://twitter.com/AaronWJohnston/status/345152766391500800).
I believe Pathfinder is also supposed to wrap up sometime next year.
The series I'm most interested in seeing finished in Alvin Maker. It's now been a decade since the last book and there are no signs of the final volume being released (due to the before mentioned contractual obligations to complete three different series). For now I'll just have to enjoy the books he does write.