This is topic Boon's official unofficial countdown...5 weeks! in forum Books, Films, Food and Culture at Hatrack River Forum.

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Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Edit: Updated...scroll down!

Twelve weeks to go, only 12 more weeks!

Ten fingers, and ten toes, by the ultrasound today. Everything's as it should be. We even know the sex, but we're not telling anybody yet. A bit more amniotic fluid than normal, but Doc didn't seem too concerned. Another appointment in two weeks.

So...everything's good in the Queendom of Boon!

Please resume your normal daily activities.

[ April 05, 2004, 12:02 PM: Message edited by: Boon ]
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
How wonderful!
18 more here [Smile]
Posted by scottneb (Member # 676) on :
Awesome news!

We're 11 weeks into it. Next ultrasound is on the fourth. WooHoo!
Posted by Derrell (Member # 6062) on :
Yay Boon! You will post pictures of the baby after he or she is born, won't you?
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Of course!

You will understand if I wait until I get home from the hospital, though...won't you?

Posted by Derrell (Member # 6062) on :
Yes. I hope all continues to go well.
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
What, no cameras in the delivery room? *shudders* I'm not sure I'm going to even allow any in the hospital.

Are you going to send out pictures of your ultrasound? People have also told me to keep mine in good condition for the baby book.
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
Congrats all!

A friend of mine has her ultrasound in a photo frame on her wall. I think it looks kinda creepy...
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
11 weeks...and now for the big announcement: It's a BOY!

We found out last week during the sonogram, but decided not to tell anybody for a little bit. Actually, I decided we couldn't tell anybody until DH finally told his parents I was pregnant. Well, he still hasn't told them, but I just couldn't keep it in anymore!

Yes, it's true, he still hasn't told his folks. I don't even begin to understand why. I've been on the edge of telling them myself for months now, but feel like it's something they should hear from him.

Anyway, we had decided on Stephanie Jane if it was a girl, but have no idea what we should name this new little boy. Time to go on a baby name search...what fun! [Big Grin]
Posted by lcarus (Member # 4395) on :
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
Geez... how about a spoiler warning?
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
Name him Bob!
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
I like the idea of two 'b's in the name, but I think "Hobbes" would be a much more fitting name for a jewel like him.

Congrats you guys! New life is so exciting, especially when it's born to wonderful parents.

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Robert William?
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Don't be mad Papa, we didn't get much warning either. The Dr. has a screen next to the table so I could see it, and the first thing on the screen was a butt shot, with all the "dangly bits" included. [Big Grin] No way to tell him we didn't want to know or anything, it was all right there.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Posted by Lalo (Member # 3772) on :
Why name him Robert William? Reverse the two and he can go through life as Billy Bob.

Then you can be grandparents to kids raised in a trailer park...
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
Congratulations again Boon!
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Oh Boon, how wonderful.

*lights a fire under Christy
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
I love the name [Smile]

I have all kinds of puns I could bequeth him.

[Big Grin]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
If you like Stephanie Jane
what about Stephen James?

Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Hey Boon, it always bugged me when we'd say we didn't want to know what the kid was, but the doctor apparently thought we were too dumb to recognize boy and girl bottoms, so I always found out anyway. But I never told my husband that I knew...apparently he COULDN'T recognize boy and girl bottoms.
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
w00t for boys!! They are the best. [Smile] Not only did we keep the sonogram picture, It's one of the pictures I have up on my desk at work! We even sent framed pictures to our parents, our grandparents and our brothers. [Smile]
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Stephen James doesn't have enough letters.

He told his parents, finally! He did it on speakerphone so I could listen in...bad move.

He told his dad first. "Did she do that on purpose? I mean, wasn't she on something?" "Well, Dad, it's not like this was a complete accident. I didn't do my part to prevent it either." "Yeah, but she's been talking about this for years. Are you sure she just didn't quit taking her pills?"

Mom came next, she was in the other room and didn't hear anything. "Oh my God! She did it again didn't she! I knew this was going to happen." "Geez, Mom, couldn't you just say 'congradulations'?" "I just knew she'd do this again. Do you guys at least have insurance yet?" "No, but we're working on that. I should have insurance in the next week or so that will pay for the hospital, and the doctor has already been paid." "I can't believe she did this again. Are you going to insist she get her tubes tied this time?" "Well, no, actually, the only way that's going to happen is if she has to have a c-section. Otherwise, we'll do something else after the baby's born." "Well, you'd better figure something out. I guess now I have to use my vacation time to come out there instead of the cruise we were looking at."

That's about it. No questions about sex, health, or anything else. I'm so very dissappointed in them. [Frown]
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Wow. Your parents-in-law are SWELL. You know how women always purposely stop using birth control to fool their husbands into getting them pregnant.

Sorry Boon!

And I don't use this lightly, but: (((Boon)))
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
Ouch!!! (((Boon)))
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
[Eek!] Boon, I am soooo sorry! (((Boon)))
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*WINCE* Well, now I understand why he was hesitant to tell his parents . . . [Frown] Maybe you should've just waited and mailed them a birth announcement. [Razz]

Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Oh, Boon. [Frown]
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
It's okay, really. Neither of us really care too much what they think. I just wish I hadn't heard it. That sounds strange, but I've known for years they didn't like me and don't want me with their son, but to hear the proof...well...

At least they're talking about staying in a hotel this time, instead of staying at the house. Not that I don't welcome visitors, but last time they visited us (for 2 weeks when Jen was born) they were just exhausting. Maybe I should've just been grateful for the help (after all, they did buy us a washer and dryer while they were here) but I really didn't feel like spending the week leading up to delivery and the week post-partum shopping and going to botanical gardens and museums. I'd have rather scrubbed my kitchen floor and folded baby socks.


Anyway, on to brighter things. We're having a bit of trouble deciding on a name for this baby. Here's the rules:

1. His first name must be something "normal".

2. His middle name must come from our family (preferably his, but mine is okay).

3. First and middle name must equal 13 letters. I know, sounds wierd, but there it is.

Our other children are Daniel Homer and Jennifer Leigh, in case you were wondering.

Names on his side of the family:
Unfortunately, I don't know any more; his dad has been extremely uncooperative in the genealogy department.

Names on my side: Just about anything you can think of:
ectetera ad would be easier to post a link to with a list. Maybe I'll do that later. [Big Grin]

Have fun, post ideas!
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
10 weeks to go, and all's well. Well, maybe not all...

My iron's low. No big surprise there, it's always been low. That's why I take extra iron pills in addition to my prenatal vitamins. But it's still low. Too low...

Baby's heartbeat is strong, there's the right amount of fluid, etc. Doc did another ultrasound yesterday. He put the goop on my belly, stuck the thingy on it, and baby appeared on the screen. He says, "There's a penis. It's a girl. No, wait...penis, girl, biology...something's not adding up here..." DH and I laughed.

Then he says, "Good news is, heartbeat's fine. Bad news is, he's breech." I sigh. "That's okay," sez I, "he'll turn." "That he will, I just love how worked up you get about this stuff. Most of my patients would have gotten wide-eyed at least."

I had to get a Rhogam shot. Then they made me drink that nasty orange fizzy stuff for the glucose test. Gross! I hadn't had breakfast yet, and you can't eat anything after you drink it, and then you have to come back in an hour so they can draw blood. DH and I left, drove around, went to the car wash...I felt like I was gonna be sick the whole time.

We get back so they can draw the blood. The lady in the lab is not the one that's usually there. I tell her, "yes, I know you can see that one, but use this one instead...and get a bigger needle." She says okay...but won't get a bigger needle. I showed her exactly where to poke it in, but she got the angle wrong and missed.

So then...she gets the bigger needle and sticks the one she can now I have this huge, painful bruise there. GAH!!! I almost puked on her shoes, just for spite!

Anyway...I had the worst night ever last night. My back aches, BB wouldn't calm down, I got no rest, and my legs kept cramping up. I even had to wake DH up at 5am to help me: my right toe had pointed in my sleep and my calf cramped up. I had to have him push on the bottom of my foot to get my toes un-pointed so my leg would relax. But now I'm so very sore...

Thank God this is Friday. DH is home with the kids, and he's making dinner tonight. He's promised that when I get home, I can crawl into a nice warm bubblebath and he'll bring me dinner in bed if I want. He's being such a sweetie.

Anyway...back to work... Just thought I'd give ya'll an update...

And I'll post in the birth stories thread this weekend maybe...I just haven't had time.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
(((((Boon))))) The weekend is coming! Yay!

Those glucose drinks are NASTY. My doc always gave one to me the appointment before, so I only had to come in once, and recommended chilling it as cold as I could get it.

With my last pregnancy, because I had recently found out about my family history of diabetes, she made me do the test TWICE (once at 20 weeks and once at 30)! [Angst]

Hope you have a really relaxing weekend! [Smile]
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
Aren't those glucose tests a barrel of laughs? [Razz] I had to take it twice while I was pregnant with Rayne.

Rivka's right...that fizzy stuff is better when it's really cold.

I was low iron too, and hated taking my iron pills, though I should have counted my blessings, as unlike most people, I don't have any side effects taking them. No nausea, nothing. I just hate taking pills.

Hang in there, Boon. Just a little longer. Then you'll have that baby in your arms, and all this hassle will be a memory to share on the Birth Experiences thread. [Smile]
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
My boy flipped and flopped at the end. He came out just fine, apart from weighing 10-3 (that was induced without an epidural, [Hat] )
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
My choice:

Alexander Dean

More choices to come!

edit: Oh it just occured to me that I don't know your last name. That might not work. For example: Alexander Dean Boon? Terrible.

[ March 12, 2004, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: PSI Teleport ]
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Burton [Wave]
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Ah. By the way, I like the names on his side of the family but most are too long to make a good 13 letter name. Unless you abbr. like Matt or Drew, etc.

I can't be too much help...we don't pick good names in our family. I'll tell you about it some time. [Wink]

One example of a bad name in my family...a great-aunt named Tassy-Wassy. I'll let you use your imagination.

But then again, the Chinese culture encourages ugly names for the boys when they're little. Of course, they get another chance when they get older. [Big Grin]
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
pooka, my daughter too. She was breech until the last couple of weeks. Myself, I think that's when she dislocated her hip, though there's no way to know if that's true.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
James Sterling
James Russell
James Winfield
Andrew Gabriel
Timothy Andrew
Timothy Daniel

Posted by Phanto (Member # 5897) on :

Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Let me start this post by saying: Thank You, God, for pants that fit, that don't have to ride below my belly, and still have room for me to breathe!

On a related note, did you know that major retailers believe it's physically impossible for a woman over size 12 to get pregnant?!?

Okay, so I wasn't exactly thin to begin with. I started at a size 24. [Blushing]

Went to Wal-Mart. L/12. Went to Sears. L/12. Went to Penny's. L/12. Biggest normal Women's size they carry is 26. CRAP! That doesn't really help me, now does it?!?

Finally had to order some pants from Chino pants with the panel? Don't bother! The front bottom center of the panel meets the pant fabric at the exact spot that makes sitting comfortably impossible. The boot cut knit pants are AWESOME though...the only thing I don't like about them is the "boot cut" part, but my seamstress took care of that in 10 minutes. They're elastic waist, very stretchy, come up over my belly (helps keep it warm), and they look nice enough for work. I'm ordering 2 more pairs!

Yes, I know I only have a few weeks left, so why am I so worked up about pants? Well, up until 2 weeks ago, I was still wearing the same jeans I wore before I got pregnant. I mean, I didn't even start "showing" until a week ago. I'd tell people I was pregnant and they'd think I was lying. However, I've always looked 6 months pregnant for MONTHS after giving birth, even though I got down to pre-pregnancy weight quickly.

How are things going this week? Without getting too graphic, the bones are starting to loosen and spread, which makes the muscles spread. And if you don't know which bones and muscles I'm talking about, go ask your mother!
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Oh, Boon, my hips are aching in empathy! I remember not being able to sleep they ached so much.

If you want/need a fancy maternity outfit, one of my friends has a maternity line, simple and classic, but pricey. Still, it is always nice to have a nice outfit. It is Elizabeth Harris(

Also, when/if you are nursing, definitely check out Motherwear. They have maternity clothing as well. My favorite place to get maternity stuff was Sears. I did not have any nursing shirts for the first baby, and it was so nice when I had a few the second time around.
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Nine more weeks...

Tuesday was a very bad day. Mom told me Uncle Sterling had passed away. I had a bad day at work. DH, once again, was left looking for employment, and my car overheated on my way home.

I decided to take yesterday off. There were several errands I'd been needing to run for weeks, but hadn't had time, and, frankly, I was tired and needed a "me" day.

I got up yesterday morning and took a nice warm bath, got dressed, got the kiddos bathed and dressed... and then spent more than an hour waiting for hubby to get ready to go. Why, Oh why, does he think eBay will dissappear while he's gone if he doesn't search it thoroughly before he leaves the house?!? [Mad]

He goes out and checks the fluid levels in the car, discovers the radiator is low... we're finally ready to go.

Pile in. Head down the driveway. He makes a left instead of a right... we're going to the maintenance building? Yep, he's gotta feed the horses for his friend before we can go to town. Kids and I kill half an hour while he checks fluid levels in the tractor and puts round bales out.

Pile in. Finally headed to 1pm! Good thing I'd already fed the kids lunch. Not that that would've made a difference, because now DH thinks he needs to stop for lunch! Okay, fine. First stop: revised. McDonald's for a snack.

Then we have to go to the post office, 'cause of his eBay addiction.

Finally get to the hospital at 2:30 to tour L&D. I figured it'd be less scary for the kids, knowing that Mom is in the hospital to have the baby, if they've seen the place. It's a fairly new hospital, not 1/2 a mile from my OB's office, and very, very clean and nice. The nurses we met are wonderful, and Doc reccommends that hospital. Cool.

Back downstairs... DH is getting frustrated because I'm not walking fast enough. Like we have somewhere we have to be? Are we late for something I don't know about? NO! Jerk.

We go to CompUSA. I've been bugging him for over a year to get my laptop on wireless so I can sit in the living room and surf. He's got the desktop tied up every minute he's home. So he leaves me and Jen by the network cards and goes to look at games with Dan.

He comes back about 10 minutes later... Anyway, according to the "gnork" at the store, we need a Linksys wireless router and a network card for my laptop. Apparently G is better than B, so we get those and go to the checkout. On the way, Dan pulls me aside and says he wants to spen his birthday money here. He wants to get a new game for himself, and one for Jen that he saw. "Dad told me to ask you." Okay, fine, go get them and I'll go get in line.

I stand in line. It's long. I wait. No boys. It's my turn. No boys. I let the lady behind me go. No boys. Five more customers go ahead of me... still no boys. I walk all the way back to the game dpeartment. "Oh, hi hun. I thought you were waiting for us up there." [Mad] [Mad]

We check out and pile in. Next stop: the mall. I NEED a pair of plain black high top tennis shoes. Payless: no dice. Crap. Hubby wants to go the the computer game store... all the way down at the other end of the mall. Fine. We walk down there. Well, he walks behind me with Dan, and I waddle down the promenade with Jen. By now my feet are swelling and my back aches.

He doesn't find what he's looking for. Okay, back to the Sears end of the mall... and while I'm down there, I'll see if I can find one of those heat/massage pads you put in your chair. Find one I like, check out.

DH says, "where to now?" I'm done. I'm not walking anymore, I wanna go home. "Dinner!" yells both kids. Okay, fine. We go to Outback. I barely eat half my food I'm so uncomfortable. My back hurts. I'm nauseous. My feet and ankles are swolen. My pelvis feels like somebody kicked me in the crotch, and the baby won't quit kicking my cervix.

We get home about 7pm. He says he's not gonna work on setting up the network for at least an hour or so. Fine. I get out my new massager, put it on the couch, put my feet up, and turn it on. HEAVEN!

I install the kids' new games on the laptop. DH gets a phone call. "I'll be back in a few. "K" is out of town and "B" can't bend over. He thinks she pinched a nerve in her back. I have to go feed Rocky (thier pet raccoon) for her." Fine.

Forty-five minutes later he lets himself in. It's 8:30. "Okay kids," sez I, "get off the 'puter and go get ready for bed. Ready to install that network now, Hun." "Yeah, hang on a sec."

I install the software for the new card on the laptop. I'm waiting for him to catch up. I look in the computer room. He's searching eBay! [Mad] I'm like, Hey! He says, "Yeah, hang on a sec."

I'm waiting. I look in the computer room. He's playing a game!!! [Mad] [Mad]

I shut off the laptop. I lay on the couch.

10pm... he says, "hey, does your network work?" Uhhhh...NO! He says, "okay, come help me install this thing." 'K!

" problem. Where do we plug it in?" "Well, unplug the scanner since we never use it and plug it in there." "No, I have to scan this stack of patches so I can list them on eBay. This'll have to wait until tomorrow when I can get a power strip with more outlets." [Mad]

Fine. Bedtime. He doesn't come to bed for 2 hours...he's playing his game. "Did you get those patches scanned." "No, I'm doing that tomorrow." He couldn't have unplugged it to get my network working and then plugged it back in tomorrow?

Lights off. I can't sleep. I toss, I turn. I can't get comfortable. BB won't hold still. I still hurt. And now, I'm having B-H contractions.

2:30 am, I get up and take a hot shower. Back to bed. Still having contractions, irregular and uncomfortable, but finally drift to sleep about 4:30.

7am, I'm awake. Last night, DH said he would get up early to put my clothes in the dryer for this morning. 'K. I wake him up..."Hey, clothes, dryer." "okay, I'm up" Drift back to sleep. 7:30 alarm. Stumble into laundry room. No clothes in dryer. AHHHHHH!!! Throw pants in, put on rest of clothes. Get kids dressed and fed. Put pants on. Out the door. Contractions all morning. No time to time them, gotta get to work!

At work: about 15 minutes apart, more or less. Walking around the office doesn't change them, but if I put my feet up on the desk, they seem stronger. Call Doc. "Don't worry. If you still have them at about 3, call back." 'K.

It's 11:35. Still having them. Not getting any closer or more painful, but not going away either. We shall see...I'll let you know, I promise.

Sorry for the long post...I tend to ramble when I'm worried and I needed to occupy myself.

Oh...and with regards to the last post:no need for fancy maternity outfits. And I'll be wearing these pants for the next few months, and most (99%) of my blouses button up...and I'm not shy about feeding my kids anyway. I do make an effort to cover up with a blanket if I'm in mixed company to put others more at ease. I have lots and lots of this type of blouse, and can't really afford to buy special shirts when a blanket will work fine. [Wink]
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Not getting closer together, but definitely getting harder to deal with. Out of breath just sitting in my chair. Nurse called to check on me, she'll call again in half an hour.

Dang it. Probably just need a shot of breathane (sp?).

Dang it, dang it, dang it! I don't wanna leave work to go lay on a hospital bed. Do you know, the only entertaining thing there is the television? How can that possibly compare to you guys?!?
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Boon! Don't be going in to labor, okay? OKAY?

I'm sorry your DH seems so unhelpful. Can I come kick him in the pants for you? *angel smily*

By the way, I'm assuming D stands for dear, but maybe it can have a special meaning in cases like this. [Big Grin]
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
(((((Boon))))) I hope everything's ok!
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :

Thanks so much for your long post that reminded me, once again, of why I don't want to be married.

I needed that reminder after all this mushy stuff on the forum lately.

<contented sigh>

Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
I'm fine, BB's fine. Still no name for him.

Did you know that, as of today, if I went into labor right now, they wouldn't try to stop it?

I can't decide whether to be excited that it's getting close or nervous about the whole thing or just okay. I'm a huge mixed bag of emotion right now. I guess that's normal.

My network is up and running. DH spent 5 hours on it and couldn't get it to work. I spent 10 minutes taking it all back apart and putting it back together, another 25 on the phone with tech support, and now it works like a dream. [Big Grin] [Razz]

Mom was talking to the kids this evening about the baby. Dan hugged my belly and said, "MY baby brother!" Mom said, "Yes, but he's Jen's too. You'll both have a new brother soon, won't you?" Jen said, "That's okay, he can have 'im!"

Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*phew* You had us worried, girl!

[ROFL] @ your kids. What cuties! [Big Grin]
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
You know, I'm sort of surprised. I mean, I remember how active Dan and Jen seemed in-utero, but I'd forgotten how uncomfortable that can be.

On other words, this child simply WILL NOT hold still! [Big Grin]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
In my experience, each one was more active. Slightly roomier uterus, maybe?

Sympathy, though! Wiggly, sharp elbows and knees and hard head and rear can be a lot to deal with when they're shoved against your ribs.
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
I've not been feeling well lately. I'm tired...too tired really to post this right now, but I'll be okay. I wore myself out responding to AJ earlier. [Wink] I'll post what's going on when I have more energy. But don't worry, we're fine. Really.
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :

I hope you feel better.

Tax season too!!!

Yikes! [Eek!]
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Thanks, Bob.

Long story short, my blood sugar's screwed up. I passed the one-hour test in the doctor's office, but I've been so lethargic lately...lightheaded, dizzy sometimes, headaches...

If you don't want to hear about some yucky bodily functions, stop reading this post now...



Friday morning I woke up to the worst case of diarrhea I've ever had. All Day Long. Drank plenty of fluids, including about 2 quarts of water, and spent the day in bed. Had very bad cramping, especially while in the bathroom, and several contractions (usually mild) in between.

All night Friday, no bowel movements, but frequent contractions that were strong enough to wake me up.

Saturday morning, woke up at 7am. Laid in bed for an hour, 2 mild contractions but no baby movements. [Frown]

And...the diarrhea is back. [Frown]

Got up, ate some cereal and drank a glass of juice, fed the kids, laid back down. An hour later: still no baby movements, but no more contractions either. [Frown]

11am, a couple more contractions, but STILL no baby movements. [Angst] Call the doctor's office. "I can't reassure you until we examine you. Go to L&D." 'K!

Well, L&D nurse hooks me up to the monitors. Less than 5 minutes after we get there, BB is kicking the crap out of me where the monitors are. Apparently, he doesn't like the pressure. Whew! [Big Grin] Doc orders an anti-bad-poop pill.

We go back home, and I rest most of the day.

Sunday is fine. No diarrhea, few contractions, I feel fine.

Monday I had a Doctor's appointment. There's too much amniotic fluid. Doc says it's possible that it's nothing to worry about, but since I'm overwieght to begin with, and there's so much fluid, I need to go take the 3 hour fasting glucose test. [Frown]

Monday night, we have dinner, and then I get NOTHING to eat or drink until after the test is over Tuesday.

Tuesday morning I get to the lab at 8:30am. They draw blood, then give me the yucky orange drink.

Immediate sugar high. I feel great. My headache is gone, I have energy, I'm striking up conversations with the people in the waiting room.

Ten minutes later, I'm snoozing in the corner.

Every hour, on the hour, they wake me up to draw blood. After three hours, it's time to go get lunch: the test is over.

Nearest fast-food place: BK. Get a Chicken Whopper and a large ice water. Eat in the car. Start for home.

I'm feeling a lot better, so I stop at my favorite used bookstore. Browse for a while, pick out some books, check out, and then can't stand up any longer.

My head is spinning, everything's black, my legs feel like jello. I'm so hot on the inside I'm sweaty but I'm shivering from the cold.

I call Doc. "Lay down and put your feet up." Well, that'd be fine, Doc, if I was at home!

Call hubby. He's not home, he's out of town helping "K" install a kiln in an art classroom. He calls "K"s wife to come get me and take me home.

I go home, lay in bed all afternoon. The kids are so sweet, taking care of Mom.

Wednesday morning I have no choice. I have to go to work. My head still hurts, I can't concentrate. Luckily, nobody with anything complicated came in yesterday.

Today I'm feeling better. I ate well yesterday, and had a good breakfast this morning. I should have the lab results later today. I just wish this weren't Thursday. It's my 12 hour workday. [Frown]

I'll post again when (and if) the Doc's office calls me today.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :

Thank you for your reply Boon. You shouldn't have done that just for me if you were feeling so lousy!!!

Take care of that baby!

Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
That was no problem, AJ, really. If there's one thing I've learned it's to do only what you really feel like doing when you aren't feeling well. Then, even if it wears you out, you still haven't done something that was a waste of energy. [Big Grin]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*sympathy hugs* Fluctuating sugar levels (diabetes-related or not) feel awful when not pregnant. Much worse with pregnancy. [Frown] Mine were never nearly as bad as yours -- I did faint rather spectacularly a couple times. (Once when I wasn't quite showing (or telling people) yet. I had to tell several people I was pregnant just to reassure them that there WASN'T something horribly wrong with me. [Wink] )

Hope the doctor comes up with some useful suggestions!

I used to find crackers and apples helpful (not together [Big Grin] ).
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
While at the lab, I asked the tech when Doc would have the results. "Wednesday morning."

Wednesday afternoon I call Doc. Nurse says results not in yet.

Today I call Doc at 3pm. Different nurse says results came in yesterday, but she can't tell me until Doc signs off on them. [Frown] She'll go show him immediately and call me back. She never called. [Mad]
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Hello, Boon. I had to do that extended glucose test, twice! No fun.

Best of luck. I don't know when your due date is, but the info is probably on this thread somewhere....
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
[Big Grin] Check the title Beverly.

I'm kinda feeling wierd...emotionally anyway. My boss's daughter has/had the same due date as me, but with twins! Well, she's been hospitalized twice now for high blood pressure. She was finally diagnosed with preeclampsia which progressed to the point this morning that they took the babies out cesearian. Four pounds 10 ounces and four pound 14 ounces. Everyone's absolutely fine! [Party]

As for my blood sugar, nothing new. Called Doc again, nurse tried to tell me results still not back. I'm afraid I got rather nasty with her. [Frown] I just really, really don't like being lied to. Just tell me you forgot to show him, okay?

I revised the schedule here at work too... I cut myself back from 4 days (with two 12 hour days) to 3 regular days. I'm just too dang tired... I know it's best for the store if I'm here more, because, well, I know more than the people who work for me. That's why I'm the OM. But I'm not more than a phone call and a 15 minute drive away, so I can't make myself feel too bad for flaking out. But I do feel like I'm flaking out, ya know? Gah! I just can't win.

I'm so dang tired of carrying around this watermelon. [Big Grin]
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Nurse finally called back. All numbers came back normal. WHAT!?! You mean you tortured me for a week to tell me everything's fine!?!

OTOH, everything's fine. BB just pees a lot, that's why there's so much fluid. The good news is, this means I'm getting plenty of fluids or he wouldn't have much TO pee. [Razz]
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :

On the one hand, it's easier to breathe. There's more room in my upper abdomen. The heartburn isn't so bad...

On the other hand, his huge little head is resting directly on my pelvic bones, or so it seems. This means less bladder control, more lower back pain, and more "spreading", which means extreme groin pain, especially when standing. Walking across the room is an excruciation ordeal.

Lightening was NOT this painful with the other two, and definitely came later... or maybe it just is later... [Eek!]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*sympathetic wince*

I only survived the last 6 weeks of my third pregnancy because of the chiropractor my OB recommended.

Good luck!
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
*hugs boon* Thinking of you!

Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
I have a doctor's appointment today. After some research on the 'net, I think I may have something other than "normal" pregnancy pain. I'll let you know how it goes.

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