...mind taking a look at my website and making sure everything looks alright?
By alright, I mean no pictures in pieces all over the place and that all the links work right - specifically the links from the index page to "artists" and then the links on the artists page to the artist biography pages.
Dreamweaver is telling me I'm having browser compatibility errors with netscape, and I don't have it, so a quick glance at the page would be highly appreciated.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Why are you posting under this alias now?
Posted by Professor Funk (Member # 5608) on :
I've been told it appeals to a broader audience.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
I like your old one...
Netscape doesn't seem to have a problem with the mouseovers but for some reason on the home page a giant "CLICK HERE" is pasted right ontop of the featured artist's name (and there's no link to click on too). However this is a werid version of Navigator running on Linux so who knows.
Hobbes Posted by Professor Funk (Member # 5608) on :
Funny... that's the most normal piece of code on that page.
Are you sure you're not just making that up as an excuse to get me to talk to you? Posted by Damien (Member # 5611) on :
In my netscape (6.2), the only problem i see is the top picture on the main page is dettached from the lower part (as in, the statue is decapitated). The only 'click here' i see is where it should be, in
quote: This month's featured artist is Courtney Christopher. Click here for biography and artwork information.
Everything else looks about right...
...oh, and the buttons on the left, when I hover over them, the words are lowercase... KEEP SOME CONSISTENCY, THERE! Hehehe...
Looks good! ^_^
Posted by Damien (Member # 5611) on :
Here is a screenshot of the decapitated statue, lol...
not the best screenshot, because the photo hosting service i use resized it, and im too lazy to fix it, but you can see the line of black, there...
Posted by Professor Funk (Member # 5608) on :
Hmph. That's what I was afraid it would do.
Thanks for the feedback!
Posted by Damien (Member # 5611) on :
Might I suggest just making it all one big picture, then adding some linked areas in, say, Frontpage or something? =)
Glad to help.
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
the navigation pane moves around. When you click on artists, artwork, or information the navigation buttons move over to the right, when you click on the others the navigation buttons are flush left.
(this is in mozilla)
Posted by RRR (Member # 6601) on :
Annie, I'd recommend downloading Netscape, IE, and Mozilla so that you can check your page whenever you want.
And I'd also like to know why you're using that name. Avoiding a landmark?
Posted by Ayelar (Member # 183) on :
Yeah, the navbar jumping thing is weird. And your fonts seem to change a lot, too, from Times to Verdana and back.
Personally, I think you'd save yourself a lot of headaches if you used CSS instead of tables for your layout. You could define, to the pixel, exactly where you want something to appear, and blammo! There it is! Posted by Troubadour (Member # 83) on :
Absolutely. CSS suffers from a lot of compatability issues, but in this case it should work just fine. There's nothing in that layout that couldn't easily be done that way.
Posted by Ayelar (Member # 183) on :
Yeah. You have to be really careful about what css you use, and how creatively you use it... (curse you, IEwin!!) but since tables don't seem to be treating you too well, you might as well do it the easier way.
Of course, last I heard Dreamweaver sucked at CSS, too... I've finally given in to the awesomeness that is BBEdit. You have a Mac, right? Try BBEdit! It doesn't suck!™