Okay, beginning about 2 AM this morning, it began to rain. And rain. And rain. We already had about 5 inches by 9 AM (and it has been raining off and on since).
I had to take my mom to the doctor this morning (that's why I took today off work) and we left here about 8:30 AM (in the rain, of course). Remember I live in the country - dirt roads.
Almost made it to the blacktop, until one of the local farmer guys came around the corner toward me, and I had to move over to the side to allow for him. And my truck promptly went mud-sliding right into the ditch. Luckily, he stopped, went back to his place and got a chain to pull me out.
My pickup only has rear-wheel drive. I really really wanted the 4-wheel drive (like I used to have with my Jeep) but couldn't justify the extra $$$ at the time I bought it. Now I wish I had.
On the up side, at least the truck he pulled me out with was a Chevy. I would have been so mortified if I had been rescued by a Ford....
Does anyone want me to send this rain their way? I'm tired of it now....
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
Yah, it started raining yesterday here. It went all night, then at about 9:30 it paused (though it ewas so overcast I could barely see a thing, certainly not sky!) But I figured I'd take my bike anyway. Well I got to work fine but it's been absolutley pouring ever since. Sigh. Rain is good when you can just sit indoors with a good cup of hot cholcate and a book or a DVD or something, but when you have to get places...
Hobbes Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
Ah, I sure miss those big storms of the midwest. We just don't get those out here in Utah.
*nostalga and saudades*
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Rain in the summer? How quaint.
Posted by punwit (Member # 6388) on :
rivka I assure you this is a bit unusual for our area. This summer has been much wetter than normal. Farmgirl, I'm glad that no harm came to you and you had a friendly neighbor handy.
Posted by Derrell (Member # 6062) on :
Farmgirl, you can send the rain to Arizona, specifically the Phoenix area.
Posted by Dead_Horse (Member # 3027) on :
Whew! *so relieved this isn't about me*
Yes, this rain is really too much. We've had only two 3-day dry periods in which to bale hay. The corn and beans are drowning. The tomatoes are having dry end rot. And it's absolutely humid.
Farmgirl, I'm glad you are safe. Hope it didn't make you late.
Mu husband keeps a length of chain wrapped around the weights on the front of his tractor. You never know....
Rain Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
I'll huff and puff and try to blow it your way Derrell! (even though the radar shows it moving east)..
It is 9 PM now and really raining hard once again. I'm beginning to get concerned, because we have to be up at 5 AM to take my kids into Wichita to join a church group going to International Falls MN for a work-mission trip. Hope the roads will be passable.
As punwit said, this has been an extremely out-of-the-ordinary summer for Kansas. Usually this time of year we are baking in 100 degree temps and begging for moisture. We had nearly record rainfall for June, but they said July would dry out and be normal. And it pretty much was, until now...
Witnessed another of my pet peeves today -- while driving into the city. People that don't take the time/effort to turn off their automatic sprinklers -- so all the grass sprinklers are going during the midst of a downpour and after several inches of rain have already fallen. I think some people just don't think of water as a precious resource...
Posted by Starla* (Member # 5835) on :
But global climate change doesn't exist.....
I feel for you folks in the midwest. In New Jersey, we had 10 inches fall in some areas over a two-day period. Dams broke, bridges washed out, houses are destroyed. Pretty bad. Most of the people hit weren't on the flood plane, so they didn't have flood insurance.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Okay, since I started this thread with a kinda-complaint, and I hate whiners -- I want to end it with a more upbeat note.
Silver lining in rain clouds, if you will.
After the rain finally stopped tonight, leaving a very cool, very cloudy and somewhat windy day.... I went outside to continue my every-weekend project of working on building my new chicken house/area.
In doing this, I have been putting in lots and lots of posts. Eight foot lumber sunk two feet into the ground, with a framework between.
I don't have one of those fancy 3-point post hole digger do-hickeys for my tractor -- I dig these puppies by hand. And I MUST say -- after all this rain, it was MUCH easier to dig post holes today! I put in four without breaking a sweat. Got a lot done in record time. You wouldn't believe how far down that 2-foot hole I continued to hit mud.
So see? There is an up-side after all....
Posted by fallow (Member # 6268) on :
*weasel makes a mad dash twixt the swooping swipes of Ms. Kathryn's ill-used broom to hide out in the chicken coop*
*strokes feathers*
PS. "A weasel.."
[ July 24, 2004, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: fallow ]
Posted by punwit (Member # 6388) on :
Farmgirl, I wanted to contribute to the silver lining portion of this thread. I went out about 8:00 this morning to a creek that feeds into a large lake/pond and fished for 3 hours. I ended up wet, cold and tired but I caught two channel cats over 3 pounds.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
you really know how to hurt a girl, punwit....
... can we trade days?
and fallow: I lose a lot more chickens to skunks, oppossums and hawks than to weasels, at least around here....
Posted by fallow (Member # 6268) on :
plucky you! All I find, round these parts, are starved doves, chicken hawks, and the rare roadkill (not too bad, if you're in a pinch)