For those of you who care, and even for those of you that don't, I have returned. After a long absnece from the 'rack, I have decided to make my return.
Now, I know that many of you are thinking: who is this guy and why should I care?
Eh? care or not, I am back, hopefully to stay.
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
Now I have the music for "Welcome Back Kotter" going through my head. Posted by SoberTillNoon (Member # 6170) on :
Posted by tt&t (Member # 5600) on :
Yay Austin! Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
*Is thinking: "I know that many of you are thinking: who is this guy and why should I care?"
Just Kidding. Welcome Back! Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Hi Sober! WB!
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
"Welcome back... To that same old place that you laughed about."
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
So, Austin -- why did you leave? I saw you on my AIM list many many days as on-line, but never over on Hatrack...
Posted by SoberTillNoon (Member # 6170) on :
Eh? You know, this and that. I had two jobs and and short attention span (still curent, by the way). Thin's happen.
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :