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Posted by Hatrack River (Member # 19) on :
Celebrate Authors' Day by posting quotes from your favorite author.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
"The enemy's gate is down."
Posted by xnera (Member # 187) on :
I am not good at memorizing quotes. I am, however, good at googling. [Big Grin] These are from a collection of quotes supporting the R+L=J theory from George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire saga.


"I was with her when she died," Ned reminded the King. "She wanted to come home, to
rest beside Brandon and Father." He could hear her still at times. Promise me, she had
cried, in a room that smelled of blood and roses. Promise me, Ned. The fever had taken
her strength and her voice had been faint as a whisper, but when he gave her his word, the
fear had gone out of his sister's eyes. Ned remembered the way she had smiled then, how
tightly her fingers had clutched his as she gave up her hold on life, the rose petals spilling
from her palm, dead and black. After that he had remembered nothing. They had found
him still holding her body, silent with grief. The little crannogman, Howland Reed, had
taken her hand from his.
-- AGOT 43, 44


Troubled sleep was no stranger to him. He had lived his lies for fourteen years, yet they
still haunted him at night.
-- AGOT 115


"Rhaegar . . . Rhaegar won, damn him. I killed him, Ned, I drove the spike right through
that black armor into his black heart, and he died at my feet. They made up songs about
it. Yet somehow he still won. He has Lyanna now, and I have her."
-- AGOT 430

And some random quotes from ASOIAF:


Winter is coming.


Fear cuts deeper than swords.


"I have won every battle, yet somehow I am losing the war."
-Rob Stark, A Storm of Swords

Shagga's favorite threat, which I will not quote here because this is a family board. [Big Grin]


Bran: Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?
Eddard: That is the only time a man can be brave.


The things I do for love.
--Jaime, AGOT

I could find others, but I really do need to get down to work. [Smile]

edit: Oh, I missed the "favorite" in the first post. Not sure I have a favorite author these days. All I know is I saw "quotes" and "author" and thought of GRRM. *shurg*

[ November 01, 2004, 10:34 AM: Message edited by: xnera ]
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
This isn't my favorite quote, but it's what happens to be in my AIM info right now, so I'll post it!

"Now do you see why war irritates me? It's always the same. A lot of people get killed, but in the end, the whole thing is settled at the conference table. The notion of having the conference first doesn't seem to occur to people." -Belgarath the Sorcerer, by David and Leigh Eddings.
Posted by MaydayDesiax (Member # 5012) on :
Raia: [Hail]

"Wizard's First Rule: People are stupid and will believe whatever they want to believe."--Terry Goodkind

Or something to that effect.
Posted by xnera (Member # 187) on :
Oh, heck. Here are some from the infinitely quotable Douglas Adams:


Ford. You're turning into a penguin. Stop that.

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.

He had found a Nutri-Matic machine which had provided him with a plastic cup filled with a liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea.

"Hey, you sass that hoopy Ford Prefect? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is."

"Resistance is useless!"

"Life! Don't talk to me about life!"
--Marvin, the paranoid android

"An expression of deep worry and concern failed to cross either of Zaphod's faces."

"Here I am, brain the size of a planet and they want me to take you down to the bridge. Call that job satisfaction? 'Cause I don't."

"In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men and women were real women and small fury creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small fury creatures from Alpha Centauri."

"Sorry, did I say something wrong?" said Marvin, dragging himself on regardless. "Pardon me for breathing, which I never do anyway so I don't know why I bother to say it, oh God I'm so depressed."

"For thousands more years, the mighty ships tore across the empty wastes of space and finally dived screaming onto the first planet they came across -- which happened to be the Earth -- where due to a terrible miscalculation of scale the entire battle fleet was accidentally swallowed by a small dog."

"The word bulldozer wandered through his mind for a moment in search of something to connect with."

"The word yellow wandered through his mind in search of something to connect with."

Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
'You keep talking about Torak's father,' Zakath said, looking puzzled.'I didn't know that the Gods had fathers'.
'Of course They do,' Ce'Nedra said lofity. 'Everybody knows that.'
'I didn't.'
'UL is their father,' she said in a deliberate off-hand manner.
'isn't He the God of the Ulgos?'
'Not by chance exactly,' Belgarath told him. 'The original Gorim more or less bullied Him into it.'
'How do you bully a God?'
'Carefully,' said Beldin. 'Very, very carefully.'
'I've met UL,' Ce'Nedra supplied gratuitously. 'He sort of likes me.'
'She can be very irritating at times, can't she?' Zakath said to Garion.'
'You've noticed.'
'You don't have to like me,' she said with a toss of her curls, 'either one of you. As long as the Gods like a girl she'll do all right'

Eddings isn't my favorite author, but he's very quotable. Here are some more.

"'Ce'Nedra!' he exclaimed, jumping out of bed to follow her. 'What are you doing?' "
'I'm throwing up,' she replied, raising her pale face from the basin she was holding on her knees.
'Are you sick?'
'No,' she drawled sarcastically. 'I'm doing this for fun."

My favorite author, Chaim Potok

"I had wanted to be part of that warm and wondrous world--and they wouldn't let me. They had denied it to me because of a circumstance. An injustice had been performed by a world that taught justice. How could I live in that world now? How could I be part of its heart and soul, its core? Why should I continue to be part of something that behaved this way? How could I trust it?
Davita's Harp

"As a matter of fact, observant Jews did not paint at all--in the way that I am painting. So strong words are being written and spoken about me, myths are being generated: I am a traitor, an apostate, a self-hater, an inflicter of shame upon my family, my friends, my people; also, I am a mocker of ideas sacred to Christians, a blasphemous manipulator of modes and forms revered by Gentiles for two thousand years.

Well, I am none of these things. And yet, in all honesty, I confess that my accusers are not altogether wrong: I am indeed, in some way, all of these things.

The fact is that gossip, rumors, mythmaking, and news stories are not appropriate vehicles for the communication of nuances of truth, those subtle tonalities that are often the truly crucial elements in a causal chain."

My Name is Asher Lev
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it."
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards for they are subtle and quick to anger."
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
"It doesn't do anything. That's the beauty of it."
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
[No No]

I love googling that quote. There's an entire internet of people wondering in despair where it came from.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
Since Leto isn't present, I'll have to do this...

"I must not fear.

Fear is the mind-killer.

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

I will face my fear.

I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

And when ...

it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.

Only I will remain."

Frank Herbert, Dune
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :

If the person you are talking to doesn’t seem to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.

I don't believe in an afterlife, so I don't have to spend my whole life fearing hell, or fearing heaven even more. For whatever the tortures of hell, I think the boredom of heaven would be even worse.
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
Every time we liberate a woman, we liberate a man.
…perhaps one has to be very old before one learns how to be amused rather than shocked.
Perhaps its impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be.
edit spelling..blah!

[ November 01, 2004, 11:49 AM: Message edited by: Tammy ]
Posted by screechowl (Member # 2651) on :
I offer a few from To Kill a Mockingbird

"They're certainly entitled to think that, and they're entitled to full respect for their opinions... but before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience."

"If you just learn a single trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."

"Somewhere, I had received the impression that Fine Folks were people who did the best they could with the sense they had,..."
Posted by vwiggin (Member # 926) on :
From our host:

"The tribe is whatever we believe it is."

"The powerful stability of her family life and the miracle of each of her five children combined to instill in her the emotions, if not the doctrines of faith."


"Thus came Aragorn son of Arathorn, Elessar, Isildur's heir, out of the Paths of the Dead, borne upon a wind from the sea to the kingdom of Gondor."

Jane Austen

"He is a gentleman; I am a gentleman's daughter."

"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."

[ November 01, 2004, 01:08 PM: Message edited by: vwiggin ]
Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :
Metathread on The Most Useless (but beautiful) Hatrack Meme

There's a thread out on the snopes message board that tackles a tough question. The question is, what movie is this dialogue from?

"What does it do?" "It doesn't DO anything. That's the beauty of it!"

Apparently this quote has people from all over the internet, stumped, and yet, it's familiar to all of them. See here and here, for more examples of the boggling effect this is having on the net.

So, I have to ask, WHAT MOVIE IS THIS FROM?, because it's annoyingly familiar to me, as well, and I just can't place it. Many people have thought they've had the right answer, only to check, and find out their wrong, so, anyone who can figure this out will obviously cause a large number of netizens to breath a sigh of relief.


Yeah, kat, what a hoot. We really did start something here.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
And in the abortion thread, people were skeptical that we could accomplish anything outside of this board.
Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :
You know, there was nothing googlable about this when it was first brought up here, but for the life I me, I can't remember who first asked about it.

Shame it couldn't have been world peace. [Smile]
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Was it Taalcon? I thought it was Taalcon, and it stated on PWeb, but I'm not sure.
Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :
There's a snippet on PWeb -- I saw it in the googlage.

We should ask him sometime.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
All that is gold does not glitter, all those who wander are not lost.
- FOTR, Tolkien.

As Hagrid said, what would come would come, and they would have to meet it when it did.
- HP and the GoF, J.K.Rowling.

She saw the colour burning on a framework of steel; the light of a butterfly's wing lying on the arches of a cathedral.
Instead there were daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark.

- To The Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf (aren't they splendid quotes?)

Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of geraniums as it fell was "oh no not again."
- Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, D. Adams.

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life or whether that station will be held by someone else, these pages will show.
-David Copperfield, Dahls Chickens.

[ November 02, 2004, 12:28 AM: Message edited by: Teshi ]
Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :
My three favorites:

Frodo: I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.
Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.

-- Tolkien, FOTR

Few ways of life were hidden from Physician, and he was oftener in its darkest places than even Bishop. There were brilliant ladies about London who perfectly doted on him, my dear, as the most charming creature and the most delightful person, who would have been shocked to find themselves so close to him if they could have known on what sights those thoughtful eyes of his had rested within an hour or two, and near to whose beds, and under what roofs, his composed figure had stood. But Physician was a composed man, who performed neither on his own trumpet, nor on the trumpets of other people. Many wonderful things did he see and hear, and much irreconcilable moral contradiction did he pass his life among; yet his equality of compassion was no more disturbed than the Divine Master's of all healing was. He went, like the rain, among the just and unjust, doing all the good he could, and neither proclaiming it in the synagogues nor at the corner of streets.
-- Dickens, Little Dorritt

Empty pockets make for inspiration.

-- Nicolson, Chase the Moon

[ November 01, 2004, 02:16 PM: Message edited by: Sara Sasse ]
Posted by Audeo (Member # 5130) on :
That men would die was a matter of necessity; which men would die was a matter of circumstance, and Yossarian was willing to be the victim of anything but circumstance.

You esteem the human intellect above all things, like all young peopl. Abstracted reasoning and the play of wit tempt you astray.
Crime and Punishment

For one life taken, thousands saved from corruption and decay! One death, and a hundred lives in exchange, why it's simple arithmetic.
Crime and Punishment

and you would trust me as faithfully as you trusted in your parents god before your disillusionment. But I would never disillusion you. I'm what you longed for your whole life - someone you could believe in...I'm the god that will not fail.
The Worthing Saga

I should have like, I do confess, to have had the lightest license of a child, and yet been man enough to know its value.
A Christmas Carol
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
"'I speak no comfort to you, for there is no comfort for such pain within the circles of the world. The uttermost choice is before you: to repent and go to the Havens and bear away into the west the memory of our days together that shall there be evergreen but never more than memory; or else to abide the Doom of Men.'

"'Nay, dear lord,' she said, 'that choice is long over. There is now no ship that would bear me hence, and I must indeed abide the Doom of Men, whether I will or I nill: the loss and the silence. But I say to you, King of the Númenoreans, not till now have I understood the tale of your people and their fall. As wicked fools I scorned them, but I pity them at last. For if this is indeed, as the Eldar say, the gift of the One to Men, it is bitter to receive.'

"'So it seems,' he said. 'But let us not be overthrown at the final test, who of old renounced the Shadow and the Ring. In sorrow we must go, but not in despair. Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory. Farewell!'

-J.R.R. Tolkien, Arwen and Aragorn
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
"For Myself," said Faramir, "I would see the White Tree in flower again, in the courts of the kings, and the Silver Crown return, and Minas Tirith in peace: Minas Arnor again as of old, full of light, high and fair, beautiful as a queen among other queens: not as a mistress of many slaves, nay, not even a kind mistress of willing slaves. War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend: the city of the Men of Numenor; and I would have her loved for her memory, her ancientry, her beauty and her present wisdom. Not feared, save as men may fear the dignity of a man, old and wise."
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Is Non fiction okay?

God has landed on this enemy-occupied world in human form...The perfect surrender and humiliation was undergone by Christ: perfect because He was God, surrender and humiliation because He was man.
C.S. Lewis The Case for Christianity

Anyone God uses significantly is always deeply wounded... We are, each and every one of us, insignificant people who God has called and graced to use in a significant way... On the last day, Jesus will look us over not for medals, diplomas, or honors, but for scars.
Brennan Manning Ruthless Trust

The Word of God is like a lion. You don't have to defend a lion. All you have to do is let the lion loose, and the lion will defend itself.
Charles Spurgeon
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Best first line of a book: "There was once a boy named Eustace Scrubb, and he almost deserved it." C.S. Lewis, "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader."

Posted by dread pirate romany (Member # 6869) on :
Terry Pratchett
The three rules of the Librarians of Time and Space are: 1) Silence; 2) Books must be returned no later than the date last shown; and 3) Do not interfere with the nature of causality.
--Guards! Guards!

Posted by Eaquae Legit (Member # 3063) on :
There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it.
-- C. S. Lewis ACK! Dag beat me to it.

In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.
-- C'mon people, you should know this by now

A hot-tempered woman -- and a hot-tempered man likewise -- is easier to guard against than a clever woman who keeps her own counsel.

Let no one think of me as weak and submissive, a cipher - but as a woman of a very different kind, dangerous to my enemies and good to my friends.

-- Euripedes

[ November 01, 2004, 03:23 PM: Message edited by: Eaquae Legit ]
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
Manwe has no thought for his own honour, and is not jealous of his power, but rules all to peace. The Vanyar he loved best of all the Elves, and of him they received song and poetry is the delight of Manwe, and the song of words is his music. His raiment is blue, and blue is the fire of his eyes, and his sceptre is of sapphire, which the Noldor wrought for him; and he was appointed to be the vicegerent of Iluvatar, King of the World of Valar, and Elves and Men, and the chief defence against the evil of Melkor. With Manwe dwelt Varda the most beautiful, she who in the Sindarin tongue is named Elbereth, Queen of the Valar, maker of the stars; and with them were a great host of spirits in blessedness.
JRR Tolkien, The Silmarillion

[ November 01, 2004, 03:51 PM: Message edited by: Telperion the Silver ]
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
I don't really have a favorite author, but I do have some favorites quotes from recent reading:

Frank Herbert, God Emporer - "Your crime is forgiven. However, your stupidity requires a response."

Yann Martel, The Life of Pi - "To choose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a means to transportation." and "If we, citizens, do not support our artists, then we sacrifice our imagination of the altar of crude reality and we end up believing in nothing and having worthless dreams."
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
"Sing, Muse, of the rage of Achilles..."
Posted by kaioshin00 (Member # 3740) on :
Whats a celebration thread without:


Author's rule!

[Party] [Party] [Party]
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
Onece upon a time...

That's how they always start, those old fairy tales that I read as a child. It's the proper place for them to start, because right away you know you're going to be taken somewhere else.


Once upon a time there was a little girl who wished she could be anywhere else in all the world except where she was.

Charles DeLint
The Onion Girl
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
OK, my real favorite of all time.

I am Arthur.

Once I sang that phrase with all the pride and dignity of a king. I was a king: King Arthur; High King of all England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales; First Prelate of Rome, Master of Europe, High King of the British Empire. Now I sit alone in a small room of silk walls that smell of spice and magic and evil and I curse my name.

Names, there is magic in names. There is illusion in the names we give ourselves, and fate in those hidden demonic names that are truly all that we own. Fate and cruel nature have shown me my true name, and I curse it as it has cursed me.

One night long ago, someone whispered a word into my ear. She claimed it was my name. To prove her wrong I took her. I ravaged her. I raped her. I proved her right. It was her magic that sired our son.

One night not so long ago, that son and her aunt whispered a word into my ear. It was my name. To prove them wrong I tore my kingdom apart, ruined my wife, went to war against my truest friend, and finally, ultimately, proved them right.

I am Arthur the Impotent.

Immorte De Arthur

[ November 01, 2004, 06:00 PM: Message edited by: Dan_raven ]
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
I feel, as an architect, that I need to mention this one:

It can hardly be a coincidence that no language on earth has ever produced the expression “As pretty as an airport.”

Airports are ugly. Some are very ugly. Some attain a degree of ugliness that can only be the result of a special effort. This ugliness arises because airports are full of people who are tired, cross, and have just discovered that their luggage has landed in Murmansk (Murmansk airport is the only known exception to this rule), and architects have on the whole tried to reflect this in their designs.

They have sought to highlight the tiredness and crossness motif with brutal shapes and nerve-jangling colors, to make effortless the business of separating the traveler forever from his of her luggage or loved ones, to confuse the traveler with arrows that appear to point at the windows, distant tie racks, or the current position or Ursa Minor in the night sky, and wherever possible to expose the plumbing on the grounds that it is functional, and conceal the location of the departure gates, presumably on the grounds that they are not.

Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul

And to add this, just because:

"Arthur hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction there and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife."
Douglas Adams, H2G2

Feyd Baron, DoC

[ November 01, 2004, 09:47 PM: Message edited by: Architraz Warden ]
Posted by Fyfe (Member # 937) on :
"You're nothing but somebody's bastard!"
"As to that," said Gavroche, "I am profoundly indifferent."
Les Miserables, Victor Hugo

Master: Wouldst thou catch a whale?
Fisher: Not I.
Master: Why not?
Fisher: Because it is a dangerous matter to catch a whale. Safer it is for me to go to the ocean with my ships, than to go with many ships hunting after whales.
-- A Colloquoy on the Occupations, Aelfric

Shyness is a curious thing, because, like quicksand, it can strike people at any time, and also, like quicksand, it usually makes its victims look down.
-- The Austere Academy, Lemony Snicket

And the wonderful Chesterton, with one of the best openings to any book ever:

The human race, to which so many of my readers belong, has been playing at children's games from the beginning, and will probably do it to the end, which is a nuisance for the people who grow up. And one of the games to which it is most attached is called "Keep to-morrow dark," and which is also named (by the rustics in Shropshire, I have no doubt) "Cheat the Prophet." The players listen very carefully and respectfully to all that the clever men have to say about what is to happen in the next generation. The players then wait until all the clever men are dead, and bury them nicely. They then go and do something else. That is all. For a race of simple tastes, however, it is great fun."
-- The Napoleon of Notting Hill, G.K. Chesterton

And possible my favorite quotation of all time:

"Barker," asked Auberon Quin suddenly, "where's your red cockatoo? Where's your red cockatoo?
"What do you mean?" asked Barker, desperately. "What cockatoo? You've never seen me with any cockatoo."
"I know," said Auberon, vaguely mollified. "Where's it been all the time?"

I mean, if Beethoven had been killed in a plane crash at twenty-two, the history of music would have been very different. As would the history of aviation, of course.
-- The Real Thing, Tom Stoppard

And let us not forget the Bard.

Pandarus: I cannot choose but laugh, to think how she tickled his chin;--indeed, she has a marvellous white hand, I must needs confess--
Cressida: Without the rack.
Troilus and Cressida, Shakespeare

Okay, I'm going to stop now.


Edit: Why is Hatrack River user #19? Who is user #1?
Further edit: User #4 is Belgarath; other users with member numbers lower than 19 have no current posts. Alas.

[ November 01, 2004, 10:04 PM: Message edited by: Fyfe ]
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
From Enchantment, by our gracious host:
"No, Father. You don't have faith in a rational universe. This is a universe where nothing can move faster than the utterly arbitrary speed of 186,000 miles per second, where feathers and rocks fall at the same speed in a vacuum, where a measurable but unexplainable force called gravity binds people to planets and planets to stars, and where a butterfly's wing in China might cause a hurricane in the Caribbean. But you have faith in all this incomprehensible mumbo-jumbo which you don't begin to understand, solely because the priests of the established church of the intellectuals have declared these to be immutable laws and you, being a faithful supplicant at their altar, don't even think to question them."

Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by the juice of saphu that thoughts acquire speed,
the lips acquire stain, the stains become a warning.
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.

Frank Herbert

The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed."
Stephen King
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
"Fools admire everything in an established classic. I read only to please myself, and enjoy only what suits my taste."
--Voltaire's Candide

"Behold, earthshaking inventions which are useless or obsolete within the same century--the steamboat, the railroads; yet do you know what these meant after six thousand years of galley slaves and men on horseback? And now the dance hall girl buys a chemical to kill the seed of her lovers, and lives to be seventy-five in a room full of gadgets which cool the air and veritably eat the dust. And yet for all the costume movies and the paperback history thrown at you in every drugstore, the public has no accurate memory of anything; every social problem is observed in relation to 'norms' which in fact never existed, people fancy themselves 'deprived' of luxuries and peace and quiet which in fact were never common to any people anywhere at all."
--Anne Rice's The Queen of the Damned

"It is only the huge habits that people change without trouble. Communists can become Fascists with a day's notice and Conservatives can crawl into the Liberal bed (or vice versa) with scarcely an extra breath between; men can switch wives and mousy women can go liberationist--but show me a fellow who squeezes his toothpaste tube with his left hand, and I'll show you a fellow who will never do it with his right hand, except maybe to win a bet and even then he'll have trouble."
--Isaac Asimov's Murder at the ABA

"No other city I know can match the sheer vitality of Rome at the hour just before midmorning. Rome wakes with a self-satisfied stretching of limbs and a deep inhalation, stimulating the lungs, quickening the pulse. Rome wakes with a smile, roused from pleasant dreams, for every night Rome goes to sleep dreaming a dream of empire. In the morning Rome opens her eyes, ready to go about the business of making that dream come true in broad daylight. Other cities cling to sleep--Alexandria and Athens to warm dreams of the past, Pergamum and Antioch to a coverlet of Oriental splendor, little Pompeii and Herculaneum to the luxury of napping till noon. Rome is happy to shake off sleep and begin her agenda for the day. Rome has work to do. Rome is an early riser."
--Steven Saylor's Roman Blood

And some quotes from authors on their craft:

"Ordinary people, who are not well educated and who lack a large working vocabulary, are limited in their ability to lend force to their statements. In their search for force, they must therefore make use of vulgarisms which serve, through their shock value, but which, through overuse, quickly lose whatever force they have, so that the purpose of the use is defeated. Writers, on the other hand, have (it is to be presumed) the full and magnificent vocabulary of the English language at their disposal. They can say anything they want with whatever intensity of invective they require in a thousand different ways without ever once deviating from full respectability of utterance. They have, therefore, no need to trespess upon the usages of the ignorant and forlorn, and to steal their tattered expressions as substitutes for the language of Shakespeare and Milton."
--Isaac Asimov, protesting against excessive vulgarity in writing

"I would never change anything essential in order to pander to a particular audience segment, but it would be just as absurd to include something nonessential when it would drive away an audience segment that might otherwise enjoy the story. It always comes down to what is or is not essential. Freedom of the press means that the decision is entirely up to you; it doesn't mean that you always have to decide in favor of being offensive."
--Orson Scott Card, on his own policy regarding vulgarity in writing

"My books don't deal with the adolescent dream of finding yourself without the restraints of parents or the responsibility of dependents. Real people don't ride off into the sunset. When the sun sets, you still have to make dinner and do the dishes."
--Orson Scott Card, on why I like Orson Scott Card (or at least, that might as well be what he was discussing)
Posted by cochick (Member # 6167) on :
Someone asked if non-fiction counted. I had a similar question - does poetry count and so I looked up the definition of author which is:

a person who writes a novel, poem, essay, etc.; the composer of a literary work, as distinguished from a compiler, translator, editor, or copyist.
So in answer to both questions yes non-fiction and poetry counts. Thus saying William Wordsworth is my favourite poet/ and one of my favourite authors.

The moving accident is not my trade;
To freeze the blood I have no ready arts:
'Tis my delight, alone in summer shade,
To pipe a simple song for thinking hearts.

Hart-Leap Well

THERE was a time when meadow, grove, and stream,
The earth, and every common sight,
To me did seem
Apparell'd in celestial light,
The glory and the freshness of a dream.
It is not now as it hath been of yore;—
Turn wheresoe'er I may,
By night or day,
The things which I have seen I now can see no more.

The rainbow comes and goes,
And lovely is the rose;
The moon doth with delight
Look round her when the heavens are bare;
Waters on a starry night
Are beautiful and fair;
The sunshine is a glorious birth;
But yet I know, where'er I go,
That there hath pass'd away a glory from the earth.


—But there's a tree, of many, one,
A single field which I have look'd upon,
Both of them speak of something that is gone:
The pansy at my feet
Doth the same tale repeat:
Whither is fled the visionary gleam?
Where is it now, the glory and the dream?

Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting:
The Soul that rises with us, our life's Star,
Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar:
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness,
But trailing clouds of glory do we come
From God, who is our home:


Not for these I raise
The song of thanks and praise;
But for those obstinate questionings
Of sense and outward things,
Fallings from us, vanishings;
Blank misgivings of a Creature
Moving about in worlds not realized,
High instincts before which our mortal Nature
Did tremble like a guilty thing surprised:
But for those first affections,
Those shadowy recollections,
Which, be they what they may,
Are yet the fountain-light of all our day,
Are yet a master-light of all our seeing;
Uphold us, cherish, and have power to make
Our noisy years seem moments in the being
Of the eternal Silence: truths that wake,
To perish never:
Which neither listlessness, nor mad endeavour,
Nor Man nor Boy,
Nor all that is at enmity with joy,
Can utterly abolish or destroy!
Hence in a season of calm weather
Though inland far we be,
Our souls have sight of that immortal sea
Which brought us hither,
Can in a moment travel thither,
And see the children sport upon the shore,
And hear the mighty waters rolling evermore.


Another race hath been, and other palms are won.
Thanks to the human heart by which we live,
Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears,
To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.

Ode: Intimations on Immortality

Not in Utopia,--subterranean fields,--
Or some secreted island, Heaven knows where!
But in the very world, which is the world
Of all of us,--the place where, in the end,
We find our happiness, or not at all!

The Prelude Book 11

She dwelt among the untrodden ways
Beside the springs of Dove,
A Maid whom there were none to praise
And very few to love:

A violet by a mossy stone
Half hidden from the eye!
--Fair as a star, when only one
Is shining in the sky.

She lived unknown, and few could know
When Lucy ceased to be;
But she is in her grave, and, oh,
The difference to me!

She Dwelt Among The Untrodden Ways

I'll stop now cos' I could go on forever.

By the way some of you posted quotes without saying who they were by - please put the Author.

[ November 02, 2004, 12:25 AM: Message edited by: cochick ]
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
Verily -- I really like that last quote by OSC you posted. Thanks.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
Well, in that case:

I am Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

- Percy B. Shelley, an absolutely divine poem.

[ November 02, 2004, 12:29 AM: Message edited by: Teshi ]
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
Lucy looked hard at the garden and saw that it was not really a garden at all but a whole world, with its own rivers and woods and sea and mountain. But they were not strange: she knew them all.

"I see," she said. "This is still Narnia, and, more real and more beautiful than the Narnia down below, just as it was more real and more beautiful than the Narnia outside the Stable door! I see... world within world, Narnia within Narnia..."

"Yes," said Mr Tumnus, "like an onion: except that as you go in and in, each circle is larger than the last."

C. S Lewis, The Last Battle


Eventually, however, under constant pressure from us, Mother paid a visit into twon and returned to the villa coyly bearing a mysterious parcel. Opening this she astonished us all by holding up an extraordinary shapeless garment of black cloth, covered from top to bottom with hundreds of frills and pleats and tucks.
"Well, what d'you think of it?" Mother asked.
We stared at the odd garment and wondered what it was for.
"What is it?" asked Larry at length.
"It's a bathing-costume of course," said Mother. "What on earth did you think it was?"
"It looks to me like a badly-skinned whale" said Larry, peering at it closely.

Gerald Durrel My Family and Other Animals


But, you may say, we asked you to speak about women and fiction - what has that got to do with a room of one's own?
Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own


The pandit spoke first. "Mr. Patel, Piscine's piety is admirable. In these troubled times it's good to see a boy so keen on God. We all agree on that. The imam and the priest nodded. "But he can't be a Hindu, a Christian and an Muslim. It's impossible. He must choose."
"I don't think it's a crime, but I suppose you're right" Father replied.
The three murmered agreement and looked heavenward, as did Father, whence they felt the decision must come. Mother looked at me.
A silence fell heavily on my shoulders.
"Hmmmm, Piscine?" Mother nudged me. "How do you feel about the question?"
"Bapu Ghandi said, 'All religions are true.' I just want to love God," I blurted out, and looked down, red in the face.

Yann Martel, Life of Pi


Reality is a question of perspective; the further you get from the past, the more concrete and plausible it seems - but as you approach the present, it inevitably seems more and more incredible. Suppose yourself in a large cinema, sitting at first in the back row, and gradually moving up, row by row, until your nose is almost pressed against the screen. Gradually the stars' faces dissolve into dancing grain; tiny details assume grotesque proportions; the illusion dissolves - or rather, it becomes clear that the illusion itself is reality.
Salman Rushdie, Midnight's Children


"Gram?" Dicey said. She looked up. She was almost as tall as her grandmother, but now the woman loomed above her, standing on the dock. The dark hazel eyes stared down at her, forbidding her to speak.
"Well, you should," Dicey said fiercely. "You should let us live with you."
There was no way to ask.
"Would that suit you?" Gram asked Dicey.
Dicey was shocked into silence.
"I thought you were the one it didn't suit" James said.
"Well, it doesn't," Gram said. "But it will. I give up, I do, I give up. You've worn me out. You can stay, you can live with me. You hear that, girl?" she called down to Dicey.
"Do you mean it?" Dicey asked.
"I don't say what I don't mean. You should know that. You'll live with me and we'll see lawyers about adoption and take government money - and we'll plant Christmas trees and raise chickens, whatever we have to do, whatever ideas James cooks up that we can't talk him out of. But can we go now please? My feet are itching me half to death."

Cynthia Voigt, Homecoming
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
This is a great idea - thanks administrators. [Smile]

After searching out all my old favourites, I have some quality re-reading to do.
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
Verily, I applaude your Asimov pick. Its been too long since I've read Murder at the ABBA.
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
I know I'm a bit late...

A man might have plenty of help finding the short path to hell, but no one else can make him set foot upon it.

-I desire it enough to act as if I believed. Maybe that's what faith is.
-Or deliberate insanity.

Nothing that happens is likely until it exists, and then it is certain.
Neal Stephenson:
True beauty is to be found in natural forms. The more we magnify, and the closer we examine, the works of Artifice, the grosser and stupider they seem. But if we magnify the natural world it only becomes more intricate and excellent.

When I read about the way in which library funds are being cut and cut, I can only think that American society has found one more way to destroy itself.

Daniel J Boorstein:
I have observed that the world has suffered far less from ignorance than from pretensions to knowledge. It is not skeptics or explorers but fanatics and ideologues who menace decency and progress. No agnostic ever burned anyone at the stake or tortured a pagan, a heretic, or an unbeliever.
Despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt.
It's the job that's never started as takes longest to finish.


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