Since we can't do polls over here, how about a little formula I've seen on other forums?
Each song starts with 10 points. Each person voting gets one +1 vote and two -1 votes.
Example turn: +1 A Day In The Life, -1 Hey Jude, -1 Penny Lane
Whoever feels like adding up and keeping track of the points can do so whenever. Once a song has 0 points, it's out of the running. Only vote once a day.
Here are your contestants!
(10 Points) Across The Universe (10 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (10 Points) In My Life (10 Points) Here Comes The Sun (10 Points) Golden Slumbers (10 Points) A Day In The Life (10 Points) Hey Jude (10 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (10 Points) Penny Lane (10 Points) I Saw Her Standing There
(If you don't like the choices and your favorite isn't in the running, just write me an email and it will get deleted with the rest of the junk ;p There are plenty, plenty more that could be in the running, but I started the thread, so I'm supreme authority. )
Posted by Papa Janitor (Member # 7795) on :
I already abused my power once this year, so I won't edit in my favorite Beatles song.
Posted by RoyHobbs (Member # 7594) on :
Penny Lane +1
I can't say I really dislike any of these songs...
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
While My Guitar Gently Weeps +1 Golden Slumbers -1 Hey Jude -1
--Pop (keeping identities separate)
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
Giving a song a minus doesn't mean you don't like it. Just that it's not The Greatest. I mean, how could anyone dislike any of these songs?
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
I see a distinct lack of all I consider the "greatest". But I'll play along with your little fantasy.
Hey Jude +1
Penny Lane -1 Across the Universe -1
Hush, you. Why would you give more - than +? That's just confusing.
And FYI, my taste in music is much better. Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
Yes, well if your taste in music is anything like your rules reading ability...
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
In my life +1
-1 here comes the sun -1 penny lane
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
Pfft, the fact that Harrison didn't even play the guitar on "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" is a testiment to how overinflated the Beatles really are in the eye of the public.
I know what's my favourite Beatles song! Well, it's a tie between Failed Sonic Experiment #47 and Extremely retarded and too oft-repeated chorus #23.
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
That they could get Eric Freaking Clapton to do a cameo is a testament to their greatness. Now go away, hater. Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
(11 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (11 Points) In My Life (10 Points) I Saw Her Standing There (10 Points) A Day In The Life (10 Points) Hey Jude (10 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (9 Points) Penny Lane (9 Points) Here Comes The Sun (9 Points) Across The Universe (9 Points) Golden Slumbers
And kq, there are plenty of my favs I left out, too, 'cause I figured stuff like Dear Prudence and Don't Pass Me By would get trampled.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
Eric Freaking Clapton sold his soul to SBC. His crediblity as a selective artist is marred by his status as a complete whore. Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
Yes, takes one to know one.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
I cannot believe you didn't include Elenor Rigby! Though +1 for Day in the Life. And +1 for In my Life
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
She can vote if she wants to...we're not being exclusive.
And one +1 vote and two -1 fair breaking the rules. Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
+1 Here Comes The Sun
-1 I've Just Seen A Face
-1 I Saw Her Standing There
I think there is a selections problem. I'd vote for Eleanor Rigby also.
Maybe there should have been a nominating process.
Why are there no polls?
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
the -1 for Here comes the Sun and for Penny Lane
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
Which one gets the +?
Posted by Zeugma (Member # 6636) on :
Hey, I LIVE on Penny Lane! It's just off Lois Lane, right next to Winners Circle.
But still...
+1 Hey Jude -1 Golden Slumbers -1 Here comes the Sun
Posted by Lucky4 (Member # 1420) on :
+1 Here Comes the Sun, -1 I Saw Her Standing There, -1 Hey Jude
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
+1 While My Guitar Gently Weeps -1 Golden Slumbers -1 I Saw Her Standing There
-5 Baby's in Black
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
(12 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (11 Points) In My Life (11 Points) A Day In The Life (10 Points) Hey Jude (9 Points) Here Comes The Sun (9 Points) Across The Universe (9 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (8 Points) Penny Lane (7 Points) Golden Slumbers (7 Points) I Saw Her Standing There
Posted by dawnmaria (Member # 4142) on :
+ While my guitar...... - Hey Jude/Golden slumbers
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
While My Guitar Gently Weeps +1 Golden Slumbers -1 I Saw Her Standing There -1
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
So many not there.
Hey Jude +1
I saw her standing there -1
A day in the life -1
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
Whine, whine, whine. I picked 10 out of hundreds of Beatles songs. Of course everyone's favorites can't be there.
Think how long this would take with 150 songs, besides the pain of keeping track.
How about you whiners start a different game with your favorites, and we'll go head to head.
Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
I still don't understand why there are no polls. Is that in the rules somewhere?
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
It's just not a feature that's enabled.
Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
In other words we can do a poll, we just have to do it manually?
Posted by littlemissattitude (Member # 4514) on :
While My Guitar Gently Weeps +1 Golden Slumbers -1 I've Just Seen a Face -1
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Yeah. That's essentially what we're doing now.
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
Hey Jude +1 I've Just Seen A Face -1 I Saw Her Standing There -1
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Can we vote for songs that aren't there?
I just want a +1 for Elanor Rigby.
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
+1 for Golden Slumbers cause i can't believe so many people are giving it -1.
I've just seen a face -1 I saw her standing there -1
I don't think I can decide between alot of the songs on this list, so i'll continue to just vote for songs that I don't want to see fall off the list, if they start getting negative votes, not that it looks like i'm doing much help for Golden Slumbers. I really am curious why so many people easily dismiss it out of this list.
Posted by Princess Leah (Member # 6026) on :
Before I add my 2 cents: "Best song" as in "this version that the beatles did of thier song is the coolest thing I've ever heard" or as in "what a wonderous, innovative use of aolian cadences and lyrical simplicity that emphasizes the melodic naivte etc etc.."?
Because lets not lie here- "Across the Universe"? Show some respect, Paul. Grabbing a couple of Apple Scruffs from out front and having them sing backing vocals. And John sings it like he's turning away every couple of lines to do a different sort of line. But, BRILLIANT SONG.
okay then, with that said.
+1 Here Comes the Sun
-1 I've Just Seen A Face, I Saw Her Standing There
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Aaah, this is too hard, I like them all! But Here Comes the Sun is probably my favorite.
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
If you wanna +1 Here Comes The Sun, Raia, ya gotta give me two songs to -1.
quote:Before I add my 2 cents: "Best song" as in "this version that the beatles did of thier song is the coolest thing I've ever heard" or as in "what a wonderous, innovative use of aolian cadences and lyrical simplicity that emphasizes the melodic naivte etc etc.."?
And I'm with you on Golden Slumbers, Greg, but it might not be the greatest as a stand's gotta be followed by Carry That Weight and The End.
Early Beatles isn't looking too good, teetering on the brink of elimination. Even Bob minused a song from his favorite album...surprises abound!
I suppose I'll throw in a vote. I have to give +1 to Here Comes The Sun, because there's absolutely no other song that can put a huge smile on my face no matter what else is going on. I could be passing a kidney stone the size of a pomegranite and still be happy.
I'll -1 ISHST, because athough it was my first favorite Beatles song, I've come to like the later stuff over the more poppy songs.
And -1 Hey Jude because I have to follow the freaking rules. Though I love it even more now that it reminds me of Roland and the Dark Tower.
(15 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (11 Points) In My Life (11 Points) Here Comes The Sun (10 Points) A Day In The Life (10 Points) Hey Jude (9 Points) Across The Universe (8 Points) Penny Lane (5 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (5 Points) Golden Slumbers (1 Points) I Saw Her Standing There
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
That's why I didn't +1 it, Frisco. I didn't want to -1 anything! I just mentioned that I like it. Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Frisco -1
Posted by Leonide (Member # 4157) on :
Across the Universe +1
While my Guitar Gently Weeps -1 I saw Her standing There -1
(bye bye, ISHST!)
Posted by Jim-Me (Member # 6426) on :
While My Guitar +1 Across the Universe -1 In My Life -1
Dear Prudence +15... shame on you for leaving it out!
Posted by Crotalus (Member # 7339) on :
The beatles were overrated.
(ducks and runs)
Posted by Crotalus (Member # 7339) on :
The beatles were overrated.
(ducks and runs)
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
+1 in my life -1 a day in the life -1 while my guitar gently weeps
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
(14 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (11 Points) In My Life (11 Points) Here Comes The Sun (10 Points) A Day In The Life (9 Points) Hey Jude (8 Points) Across The Universe (8 Points) Penny Lane (5 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (5 Points) Golden Slumbers
*sniff* She was just 17, if you know what I mean.
*crushes Crotalus and Kama with Maxwell's Silver Hammer*
Posted by Mike (Member # 55) on :
+1 Day in the Life -1 In My Life -1 I Saw Her Standing There [Edit: already eliminated? OK, how about -1 to Golden Slumbers instead. Despite it being in my favorite sequence of songs evar.]
Tough choices. I wanted to vote for Here Comes the Sun and While My Guitar Gently Weeps too.
Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
+1 Here Comes the Sun
-1 Golden Slumbers -1 Across the Universe
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
+1 Hey Jude -1 Here comes the sun -1 Across the Universe
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
+1 Here Comes the Sun (I find myself singing this almost every morning as I see the sun rise while making breakfast)
-1 Penny Lane -1 I Saw Her Standing There
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
Geez, no salting the wound, Mike. I Saw Her Standing There is already eliminated.
[Farmgirl, too!]
Posted by Mike (Member # 55) on :
Sorry about that. It used to be my favorite too. (See my edit.)
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
(14 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (12 Points) Here Comes The Sun (11 Points) A Day In The Life (10 Points) Hey Jude (10 Points) In My Life (7 Points) Penny Lane (6 Points) Across The Universe (5 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (3 Points) Golden Slumbers
[pending Farmgirls edit]
Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
It's a new day, so I can vote again?
+1 Here Comes The Sun
-1 I've Just Seen A Face
-1 In my life
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Frisco (9)
new day
Frisco -1
Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
+1 Here Comes the Sun
-1 Across the Universe -1 Hey Jude
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
(14 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (14 Points) Here Comes The Sun (11 Points) A Day In The Life (9 Points) Hey Jude (9 Points) In My Life (7 Points) Penny Lane (5 Points) Across The Universe (4 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (3 Points) Golden Slumbers
And Kama, I'd rather see you dead, little girl, than to see you with another post.
Catch you with another post, that's the end, little girl.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
You misquoted. But you don't know how happy it makes me for you to finally say what you feel about me.
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
A Day In The Life +1 Across the Universe -1 Penny Lane -1
Frisco -- You're gonna lose that Kama (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that Kama).
Kama -- He's a loser, and he's not what he appears to be.
Posted by ProverbialSunrise (Member # 7771) on :
+1 Penny Lane -1 Hey Jude -1 Golden Slumbers
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
+1 Hey Jude -1 Here Comes the Sun -1 A Day in the Life
Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
+1 Here Comes The Sun
-1 I've Just Seen A Face
-1 In my life
Posted by solo (Member # 3148) on :
+1 Here Comes the Sun
-1 While My Guitar Gently Weeps
-1 In My Life
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
(15 Points) Here Comes The Sun (13 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (11 Points) A Day In The Life (9 Points) Hey Jude (7 Points) In My Life (7 Points) Penny Lane (4 Points) Across The Universe (3 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (2 Points) Golden Slumbers
Uh Oh...there's a new leader.
Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
Any coincidence that both leaders are Harrisongs?
Posted by Jaiden (Member # 2099) on :
+1 Here Comes the Sun -1 Golden Slumbers
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
+1 While My Guitar Gently Weeps
-1 I've just seen a face, Penny Lane
Posted by skillery (Member # 6209) on :
(+1) Octopus' Garden (We would be warm below the storm)
(-1) Hey Jude
(+1) Penny Lane
(-1) Golden Slumbers
(+1) Lucy in the Sky
(-1) While My Guitar
Posted by skillery (Member # 6209) on :
One more:
(+1)Ob-La-Di (Desmond has a barrow in the market place)
(-1)Across the Universe
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
(16 Points) Here Comes The Sun (14 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (11 Points) A Day In The Life (9 Points) Hey Jude (7 Points) In My Life (6 Points) Penny Lane (4 Points) Across The Universe (2 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (1 Points) Golden Slumbers
That came very close to being a valid vote, skill, surprisingly enough. Too few votes is okay, too many isn't fair. Lose one of the minuses.
[edit: I spoke too soon, now he has two too many minuses. It'll probably get worse before it gets better.]
Posted by hugh57 (Member # 5527) on :
+1 Golden Slumbers
-1 to Frisco for leaving out You Never Give Me Your Money Posted by skillery (Member # 6209) on :
Forgot one:
(-1)Just seen a face
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
Since nobody wants to read the first page for the rules.
quote:Each person voting gets one +1 vote and two -1 votes.
Example turn: +1 A Day In The Life, -1 Hey Jude, -1 Penny Lane
Posted by skillery (Member # 6209) on :
Oh alright
+Penny Lane
-Hey Jude, Golden Slumbers
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
+1 in my life -1 here comes the sun -1 a day in the life
Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
+1 Here Comes The Sun
-1 I've Just Seen A Face
-1 Golden Slumbers
Posted by Leonide (Member # 4157) on :
+1 Across the Universe
-1 Day in the Life, I've just seen a face
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
+1 Hey Jude -1 Here Comes the Sun -1 Across the Universe
Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
I'll just throw in a tally.
(15 Points) Here Comes The Sun (14 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (9 Points) A Day In The Life (9 Points) Hey Jude (8 Points) In My Life (7 Points) Penny Lane (4 Points) Across The Universe
These two have been eliminated:
(0 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (0 Points) Golden Slumbers
Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
+1 Across The Universe
-1 In My Life
-1 Hey Jude
Posted by scottneb (Member # 676) on :
Holy Crap! [/strong_bad]
+1 Here Come The Sun (for extremely personal reasons)
+1 Paperback Writer (I can't believe this one has escaped mention!!!)
:crossed finger that the God that is Frisco will smile upon me and grant this song life in the vote:
Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
+1 Here comes the Sun
-1 Across the Universe -1 Hey Jude
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
+1 A Day in the Life
-1 In my life, Penny Lane.
You know, we could've at least gotten this down to a top 3 or something.
Posted by Phanto (Member # 5897) on :
+ 1 Across the Universe -1 A day in the life -1 Here comes the sun
Posted by Andrew W (Member # 4172) on :
+While My Guitar Gently Weeps
- In My Life, Across the Universe
Posted by Irami Osei-Frimpong (Member # 2229) on :
-1 Across the Universe -1 Hey Jude
+1 A day in the Life
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
+ Here Comes the Sun - A Day in the Life - While my Guitar Gently Weeps
And my 5 write ins (which I know are illegal):
With a Little Help from my Friends Here There and Everywhere Thing We Said Today Something Yesterday
Posted by ricree101 (Member # 7749) on :
+1 Yesterday (which, I think, is the third this page. I really think it deserves a spot on the list.)
-1 Penny Lane -1 Hey Jude
Posted by JonHecht (Member # 9712) on :
The best choices aren't up there... but.. +guitar
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
+While My Guitar Gently Weeps -Here Comes The Sun -Penny Lane
Posted by Risuena (Member # 2924) on :
+A Day in the Life -Penny Lane -While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Posted by Fyfe (Member # 937) on :
+1 Hey Jude
Posted by jasonepowell (Member # 1600) on :
+1 Day in the life -1 penny lane -1 hey jude
Posted by bluenessuno (Member # 5535) on :
+Across the Universe -Penny Lane, Hey Jude
take a sad song and make it longer
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
+1 Hey Jude -1 A day in the life -1 While My Guitar Gently Weeps
So I just did from the last full count on this page, and here it is.
(16 Points) Here Comes The Sun (15 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (8 Points) A Day In The Life (5 Points) Hey Jude (5 Points) In My Life (4 Points) Across The Universe (2 Points) Penny Lane
(0 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (0 Points) Golden Slumbers
Posted by Astaril (Member # 7440) on :
+1 Here Comes the Sun -1 While My Guitar Gently Weeps -1 A Day In The Life
Posted by Mr.Funny (Member # 4467) on :
quote:Originally posted by Strider: +1 A Day in the Life
-1 In my life, Penny Lane.
You know, we could've at least gotten this down to a top 3 or something.
Hence the net -1 that is supposed to occur with every vote as dictated by Frisco at the start of the thread. Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
I'm not sure exactly what you thought I meant, but my point was that it was a shame we gave up on this thread with so far to go...
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
You only put one -1 vote. If you put two then your post has a bet value of -1 which brings us closer to the end.
Posted by Phanto (Member # 5897) on :
+ 1 Across the Universe -1 A day in the life -1 Here comes the sun
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
quote:+1 A Day in the Life
-1 In my life, Penny Lane.
Aren't in 'In My Life' and 'Penny Lane' two different songs? And I thought I understood The Beatles. Looks like there's always more to learn. Goes off to listen to 'In my Lane'.
Posted by Swampjedi (Member # 7374) on :
+1 Penny Lane
-1 While My... -1 Across the Universe
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Some of these songs will be in the public domain soon. Rights only last 50 years I think in Britain, so, 2012 or 2013 or so, which isn't TOO far away, people can download some of their early songs for free without any legal trouble at all.
Posted by Launchywiggin (Member # 9116) on :
-In My Life -Across the Universe +A Day in the Life
Posted by Phanto (Member # 5897) on :
+ 1 Across the Universe -1 A day in the life -1 Here comes the sun
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
I'll split em up this time so no one yells at me.
+1 A day in the Life -1 Here Comes the Sun -1 In my Life
I LOVE Here comes the sun, but to me it has to fit in after 'I Want You' or it loses a lot of it's effect.
I'm having a really tough time between WMGGW and ADITL, good thing some of my other favorite songs didn't even make the list, otherwise i'd be incapacitated.
New Totals:
(14 Points) Here Comes The Sun (13 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (7 Points) A Day In The Life (5 Points) Hey Jude (4 Points) Across The Universe (3 Points) In My Life (3 Points) Penny Lane
(0 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (0 Points) Golden Slumbers (0 Points) I Saw Her Standing There
[ December 12, 2006, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: Strider ]
Posted by JLM (Member # 7800) on :
+ Hey Jude - Across the Universe - In My Life
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
+ While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Hey Jude - In My Life
Posted by Flaming Toad on a Stick (Member # 9302) on :
+While my Guitar gently weeps. -In my Life -Penny Lane
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
(15 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (14 Points) Here Comes The Sun (7 Points) A Day In The Life (5 Points) Hey Jude (3 Points) Across The Universe (3 Points) Penny Lane
(0 Points) In My Life (0 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (0 Points) Golden Slumbers (0 Points) I Saw Her Standing There
One more song eliminated. And a new leader.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
+1 Here Comes the Sun -1 Across the Universe -1 Hey Jude
(I still think Elanor Rigby should be on there)
Posted by Phanto (Member # 5897) on :
+ 1 Across the Universe -1 A day in the life -1 Here comes the sun
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
+1 A day in the Life -1 Penny Lane -1 Across the Universe
Posted by JLM (Member # 7800) on :
+1 Hey Jude -1 Across the Universe -1 While my guitar gently weeps
Posted by Phanto (Member # 5897) on :
+ 1 Across the Universe -1 A day in the life -1 Here comes the sun
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
(14 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (13 Points) Here Comes The Sun (6 Points) A Day In The Life (5 Points) Hey Jude (2 Points) Across The Universe (2 Points) Penny Lane
(0 Points) In My Life (0 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (0 Points) Golden Slumbers (0 Points) I Saw Her Standing There
Posted by Leonide (Member # 4157) on :
+1 Across the universe -1 Hey Jude -1 Penny Lane
Posted by Rotar Mode (Member # 9898) on :
+1 a day in the life -1 Penny Lane -100000 Hey Jude.(Has your teenaged child ever sang this to you until your ears bled? If so, you know where I'm coming from.)
Posted by Fitz (Member # 4803) on :
+1 A Day In The Life -1 While My Guitar Gently Weeps -1 Hey Jude
I gotta admit that I'm sick of Hey Jude. I skip it whenever it comes up on my play list.
Edit: I just realized that the last two posts eliminated Penny Lane, so I changed my -
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
+1 A day in the Life -1 Here Comes the Sun -1 Hey Jude
(13 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (12 Points) Here Comes The Sun (9 Points) A Day In The Life (3 Points) Across The Universe (1 Points) Hey Jude
(0 Points) Penny Lane (0 Points) In My Life (0 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (0 Points) Golden Slumbers (0 Points) I Saw Her Standing There
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
I want to give Across The Universe some love, but I can't justify in my mind giving any of the top 3 minuses, so I'll go:
+1 Here Comes The Sun -1 Hey Jude -1 Across The Universe
(13 Points) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (13 Points) Here Comes The Sun (9 Points) A Day In The Life (2 Points) Across The Universe
(0 Points) Hey Jude (0 Points) Penny Lane (0 Points) In My Life (0 Points) I've Just Seen A Face (0 Points) Golden Slumbers (0 Points) I Saw Her Standing There