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Posted by Lynx (Member # 8760) on :
How about this for an idea, a take off of the Dear You thread. Write a letter to yourself. Anyone interested? [Evil]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
A dobie on her(?) fourth post. How precocious! [Wink]

Welcome to Hatrack, Lynx. [Smile]
Posted by Lynx (Member # 8760) on :
Hehe, thanks for the welcome and yes, I'm a her.
Posted by Princess Leah (Member # 6026) on :
Dear me,

Stop wasting time on Hatrack! Go do your Biol. reading.

Hastily yours,
Princess Leah
Posted by Enigmatic (Member # 7785) on :
Dear me,

Shouldn't you be working while you're at work?

As always,
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Dear me,

I know you're scared, but go take the Tums. Really, they helped before, I bet they will again.

Then clean out that cast-iron skillet.


Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Dear me,

The errands are highly unlikely to do themselves, you know. Git!

Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
It's funny how most of these are self-deprecating "Get off this forum" letters. [Smile]

Dear me,

It is your job you know. You need to stay for the WHOLE day, even if you just want to take a nap.

- Cecily
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
Dear Me,

Unless you want to continue to eat out of your bare hands over the sink -- wash the dishes!

And unless you want to go to work in a pair of cutoff shorts next week -- wash your clothes!

And unless you want to buy a GPS to find your way to the mailbox -- cut the grass!
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
[ROFL] That last one is a hoot!
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
Letter the First:

Dear Me,

Hello, me! Its not nice to talk to you again. What is the weather like in your area? Its raining here. Which is why I'm on Hatrack and not outside. Its also cold. And will be cold when I march for band later this afternoon. And I could really go for some pizza. And I think I'll watch some of my new favorite movie BASEketball . Doesn't that sound like fun?


Letter the Second (A reply):

Dear Me,

I wish you would stop copying off of me. If you keep it up I'll cut of your fingers and eat them for breakfast tomorrow morning. So stop it!


Letter the Third( A reply to a reply)

Dear Me,

You already cut off my fingers and ate them. Just thought I'd let you know.


(I'm probably the most twisted person I know, which is saying a lot because I know a lot of twisted people.)
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Dear me,

Thank you for taking the Tums. Don't you feel better now?

I still see a dirty cast-iron skillet, though.

Posted by divaesefani (Member # 3763) on :
Dear Me,

Why can't you just see what Brian sees? Can't you see you're hurting him by not believing in yourself?

No love for you,
Posted by unicornwhisperer (Member # 294) on :
Dear Me

Stop being so afraid of the dentists. You need to be checked and make sure you don't have cavities.... Sure, your teeth hurt and doubt you don't have any, but get them checked before it leads to a stinkin root canal. You haven't experienced one but I'm sure you don't want too..
Also don't worry if you have to change dentists again... I'm sure your insurance wouldn't mind.....?
Posted by JannieJ (Member # 8683) on :
Dear Me,

You really need a haircut. That cowlick thing looks like a bundle of sprouts on your head. Also, ahem, vaccuuming. Sorry to nag and all that. But, EEW. Have you actually LOOKED under your bed lately? At least tie a feather duster to the cat (the cat who HIT ENTER WITH HIS PAW BEFORE THIS WAS FINISHED) and toss a catnip mouse under there.

Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
Dear Me,
They know. You've got maybe 4 hours to get out. Forget the fish. It's not going to help you now. Meet me at El Hotel del Pingüino Borracho, Room 436. If you're not there by 10 tomorrow, I'll know you're already dead. I love you man.

Now move, damnit! And for God's sake, don't forget your chamois cloth.

Posted by Mr.Funny (Member # 4467) on :
Dear Me,

MrSquicky is very funny.

Posted by Shawshank (Member # 8453) on :
Dear me,

You're 17 years old talking to a 16 year old, there's no reason to plan out your funeral today. And you better hope these people don't think you're like suicidal, but that you wish they understand you're just curious about the future, even after you're gone.

Get you're butt out of the chair, step away from the keyboard, and get a life.

Sincerely always, yourself.
Posted by human_2.0 (Member # 6006) on :
Dear me,
Say "hi" to everyone!

Dear me, (reply)
Posted by Evie3217 (Member # 5426) on :
Dear Me,

Go to bed! You got four hours of sleep last night, and you're exhausted. Stop looking at the same websites for the fifth time and get some sleep. You deserve it.


Posted by CaySedai (Member # 6459) on :
Dear Me:

GO TO BED! Right now! You were supposed to be in bed before midnight (Central time). You have too much to do in the morning. Now, off to bed. [Mad] [No No]

Posted by Nell Gwyn (Member # 8291) on :
Dear Me,

Where is your motivation?? You are paying for this education - don't squander it! And stop procrastinating all the time!!

Now go to bed, and you are NOT allowed to sleep till noon! [No No] (Or sleep through the alarm!)

Yours Truly
Posted by Treason (Member # 7587) on :
Dear Me,

Go to bed! You got four hours of sleep last night, and you're exhausted. Stop looking at the same websites for the fifth time and get some sleep. You deserve it.



That's EXACTLY what I was going to write but you already did!

Dear me,
What she said.
Posted by TL (Member # 8124) on :
Dear Me,

I know it's hard to accept, but you need to leave. Stop hanging on, and leave. Clean break.

See those other people? And that other place? You can learn a lot from them. There's nothing left to learn with these people, and from this place.

Stop hanging on.

-- Troy
Posted by Domasai (Member # 8739) on :
Dear Me,

Have you ever caught your own eye while passing by the mirror in the bathroom? Yeah. Me too.
Posted by romanylass (Member # 6306) on :
Dear me,

If you don't want to miss the Friends of the Library Sale, get off the computer.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Dear me,

You're addicted to the game. Face up to it. You don't have to delete it, but quit lying to yourself about it.
Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
Dear me,

Go read your homework.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Dear Me,

I wonder what game it is that Megan's addicted to. Do you know?

Love, Me
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
[aside: Guild Wars. Darn hubby sucking me into the seductive, devil world of MMORPGs.]
Posted by Allegra (Member # 6773) on :
Dear Me,

Take a shower and clean your room. You live in a disaster zone.

Go practice today. Feeling frustrated with your self is not an excuse to stop working.

Work out!!!!! and stop eating so much unhealthy food. If you take better care of your body you will not get sick so much and will feel better.

Make sure you get your work done _before_ you go have fun.

Sincerely yours,

Posted by CaySedai (Member # 6459) on :
Dear Me:

GET TO WORK! You know you should have gotten more sleep, and you know you should have written that article several days ago. So get off the computer and go to work. [Mad]

Me [No No]
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
Dear Me,

We need to have a talk. You need to stop being so disarmingly handsome: it's causing all sorts of problems for you. Did you think those women really gave you their phone numbers so you could help "design them a webpage"? Perhaps - if by "design them a webpage," they meant "make babies."

While you're at it, lose the modesty. And the sense of humor.

And stop working so hard, take a break and post on Hatrack from time to time!

See you tonight,
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Dear me,

Heavens to Betsey! Oh my stars and garters! Goodness gracious!

Dear me!
Posted by human_2.0 (Member # 6006) on :
Dear me,
Don't be so angry.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Dear me,

Thank you for finally cleaning that skillet. It really would have been easier if you'd done it right away, you know. You wouldn't have had to re-season it.

I know you're tired, but doesn't your family deserve better for dinner? Really, you need to get on the ball with this. Sheesh.

Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :

Was that the skillet you used for the loose meat sandwiches for last night's dinner? [Big Grin]
Posted by Lynx (Member # 8760) on :
Dear Me,
What are you waiting for? There is never going to be some magical day that will make you change your life! If you want to lose weight, which you REALLY need to do, you just have to start working out and stop eating so much candy and junk. You have to make that choice. If you really want to quit smoking then quit! And for the love of Pete, GO TO THE DOCTOR! You are never going to have a baby if you don't! Stop waiting for these things to happen and MAKE them happen. You are the only one in charge of your life, take responsibility and make good things happen... NOW!!!
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Tante, yes.

But last night we had mac and cheese from a box and pork and beans from a can cooked with frozen veggies. No one minded but me, of course.

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