I was flipping through the Channels and stopped on a show where these english kids with abunch of makeup and odd hairsyles. so i looked at the TV guide and found the name. so i could google it and came to this site.
has anyone seen this show or know anything about it ????
Posted by human_2.0 (Member # 6006) on :
That is a UK reality TV show, isn't it? Posted by Damien.m (Member # 8462) on :
No it was filmed in New Zeland. it ran for five really long seasons(series one had 52 episodes!) It was really good though judging by the episodes ive seen. It just came out on DVD too if ur really intrested. go on to cdwow do cos i dont think amazon have it.
Posted by Chris Kidd (Member # 2646) on :
Well its been aired in the states now on the WB. I was just wondering if anyone seen it and knew what its about. i couldn't find much on the site about what happened to leave just kids alive in the world.
Posted by Valentine014 (Member # 5981) on :
I caught it on a Saturday morning once (it aired in between some cartoons. Cheesy with a capital C.