For the first time ever, I will be in Anaheim long enough to maybe possibly see some people. My sister and I are doing Disneyland in high style (driving down Highway 101 from Portland) and we'll be in town for 3 or 4 days. I'm willing to do lunch or meet folks at the park if anyone is available.
Days: June 20 - 24 (the 24th is a Saturday). Where: Anaheim or thereabouts.
I'm also willing to drive a bit if folks live close, but not that close. Will anyone be around that week? I'd love to meet some more of you.
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
We live just off the "Highway 101 from Portland," and will be quite hurt if you purposely avoid us. That will be Mooselet's first week after school is out, and by the 20th I will possibly be having conniptions.
If something else is arranged during the week (we have had a Downtown Disney Shinda in the past, after all, back when Icarus and Cor avoided the accident on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad), somewhere between me and all of us will endeavor to attend.
Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
I'll put myself down as a definite maybe it's in a range of dates where I may be working crazy hours and/or weekends, but given availability I may try to get out and expose myself once more to the hatrack community (though I don't think they appreciated the view last time).
As for the trek down (while I certainly don't want to limit your so-cal exposure) I highly reccomend doing a stint along the 1 between san fran and LA (if you haven't done it before and have the time). While it takes a lot longer (couple weeks ago we went north on the 1 and it took 13 hours and then south on the 5 which took about 5.5 hours) it has some of the most gorgeous views I've ever seen.
and I have to put in a token plug for stopping off in Big Sur.
however, now that I'm looking back at the map, the section between monterrey and santa barbera where we saw the best views was also the majority of the trips and there's really no way to do just a short segment of that =/ but yeah, if you have the time I'd highly reccomend it.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Depends what KPC is doing for work at that point, but count us in if we can.
Posted by scottneb (Member # 676) on :
We will have already moved to Southern Utah by that time. And since that's where we grew up, my family makes every excuse possible to make trips to Anaheim and Newport Beach.
We might be able to swing it.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Yay! I'd love to meet you all!
Grimace, please tell me that the 101 won't quadruple the amount of time it would take on the 5. I must admit that I'd just planned two days of driving for it...and maybe that's not enough? Ugh. I should do better research. Maybe we'll take I-5 until we get to Santa Barbara or something??
Moose family, whereabouts are you guys? City?
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Two days on the 101 should do it with no kids in the car.
My dad used to do L.A. to Seattle in less than 3, first part on the 101, with a 6 and a 9 year old in the back seat.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Ok, now I'm starting to realize just how much longer the PCH would take us from Portland, OR. I hadn't really looked. Yes. Silly me. So now I ask you, if I'm driving over two days, which section of the 1 should we make sure to see? We'll be driving in the evening through Oregon, so we can probably stay on I-5. Give me your opinion, I'm having to change my plans. Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
I think that the coast near San Simeon is some of the most beautiful coast in the world. Big Sur is also entirely gorgeous.
Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
Sorry for any confusion there, I don't think there's an appreciable difference between the 101 and the 5 for the most part (limited experience, but should be roughly accurate).
As for the portion of the 1 to see I'll tell you what we did:
We drove from Hermosa Beach (that's me) up through Santa Barbera and all the way up to Monterrey on PCH before splitting off to go into the San Jose Area (mountain view specifically) which took us about 13 hours including a couple stops for food, frequent 5-minute pull-offs for sightseeing and an hour or two bumming around Santa Barbera. The part of that which was definately the best was a bit north of Santa Barbera until just a bit before Monterrey.
However, I thought I heard that the area north of SF is also gorgeous and may be easier to hop on-to and off-of for a short stint. (Much as many hours of it was awesome, if you just want the experience of it then 1-2 hours is probably plenty).
and now that I'm looking at it, the 101 does on the north end what the 1 does on the south end, so you can prolly skip PCH and get the majority of the sights without as much of the time loss. You may miss some of the really nice mountainous twists and turns, but you'll get some I'd imagine as well as the ocean view.
But if anyone comes on that's actually done any of the driving north of SF listen to them over me
P.S. Being able to stand by the side of the road and take pictures of the TOPS of the clouds rolling in over the pacific was just fantastic.
Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
hmm, addendum: I'd say gauge it on how much you're sightseeing-d out after the first day as to whether you want to keep going on the 101/1 or if you want to take the 5. It's quite possible that by the time you get to SF you're just tired and want to get out of the car fast (in which case I'd suggest the 5) otherwise play it by ear and maybe continue on the scenic route (basically make sure your schedule is fairly flexible for this kind of sightseeing experience. if you're on a tight scedule you won't appreciate it)
but also consider this is coming from a guy who's repeatedly done Denver-Chicago or Chicago-Denver in one day on my own...
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Yeah, I'm a professional road tripper myself, but I'll be driving with road trip wimps. I'm considering taking the 5 on the way down and the PCH on the way back up. We'll have a bit more time going back. Thanks for the tips, everyone!
Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
It is significantly faster to take the 5 between SF and LA, but you miss the great views, other than Cowshwitz.
I don't know if I will be in town or not Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
quote:Originally posted by Narnia: Days: June 20 - 24 (the 24th is a Saturday).
The 24th is a SUNDAY.
So are y'all here until the 23rd or the 24th?
I hope the latter -- the 24th is a good day for me to meet up with folks, pretty much wherever. The 20-23 would be considerably more challenging. But I'll try!
I would really like to meet you! (And see the rest of the SoCal clump. I was just thinking we were about due for another Shinda.)
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Whereas my class ends a few weeks before that, so I'm free that Saturday, almost certainly, but can't promise much before about, oh, 3 or 4 on a Sunday.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Sorry, I've been doing that all year! We're driving out on the 24th (Sunday), so I probably wouldn't be able to meet anyone unless it was for breakfast. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday are wide open for me.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
I can tell you right now that Thursday is the only one of those that is going to work well for Rivka.
Saturday, as I said, will work for us.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I can do Saturday. Any time after 9 pm.
OR y'all could come here for lunch on Saturday . . .
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :