My best friend has gotten back into Diablo 2 and wanted me to play with him. I tore my house apart and I could not find either of my CD's or their covers, (I still have not fully realized just how much of my stuff has gone missing since I left on my mission).
I've purchased D2 Lord of Destruction twice, and have managed to lose it yet again.
Are there any hatrackers with D2 and D2: LOD CD keys that would not mind letting me use them? Ill most likely be confined to open battle net or your standard tcp/ip game, I won't be logging onto Battle Net proper so do not be worried about your characters being compromised if you still play. If you don't play anymore and you could care less if somebody uses your keys EVEN BETTER!
If you are worried about posting the keys in this forum I understand, you can email me through the forums, or if you have not managed to figure out how to do that,
I wasn't fooled, not even for a moment.
Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
Drat! We need a *spoiled again* graemlin.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I was so excited till I hovered over the link. (Use TinyURL to hide links.)
Damn you lem.
Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
Fixed...hehehe. I am going to Hell.
Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
BlackBlade, If I remember I'll see if I have my CD keys laying around somewhere
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
quote:ve purchased D2 Lord of Destruction twice, and have managed to lose it yet again.
I've also purchased D2 twice, and have lost the "play" disk of the first game, needing a friend to burn me a copy so that I could install the expansion (which I've only bought once).
I can most likely find the keys, if TheGrimace doesn't provide it first.
I myself have had 6 "high level" characters (above level 90): Only three of the classes, but one of each pre-1.10 patch, and one after the 1.10 patch.
My characters: Two summoning necros. One Fanatic / Zeal Pally and one Holy Shock / Zeal Pally. One fire sorceress, and one pure lightning sorc.
My normal pattern was to reinstall the game every two years, become obsessed, and then stop playing cold turkey. Then next time I started back up, all my characters and their gear gets wiped. The last time I did that was probably about a year ago, and I have no plans on returning to the game ever again.
[ April 23, 2007, 09:37 PM: Message edited by: Xavier ]
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
I used to have the play disk for about 30 games, but I've lost them all, so if anyone wants to send them to me, along with the CD keys and say $50, I'd appreciate it Posted by ricree101 (Member # 7749) on :
quote:Originally posted by The Pixiest: I was so excited till I hovered over the link. (Use TinyURL to hide links.)
Damn you lem.
Well, if it's any consolation. I've heard from some decent sources that they've been working on a sequel for at least a couple years now. They're pretty much always tight lipped on this sort of thing, though, so who knows when we'll get an official announcement.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by The Pixiest: I was so excited till I hovered over the link. (Use TinyURL to hide links.)
Damn you lem.
Last year there was a very interesting development when Blizzard hired several folks to replace vacancies in Blizzard North. Who is Blizzard North? Why the guys who designed Diablo. The positions were specifically related to art design and concept design. Signs point to another Diablo game in the near future
Also this August is Blizzcon 2007 and I fully expect a new game to be announced, it would be the perfect time, and its certainly been long enough for blizzard to come up with something.
Thanks so much Grimace and Xavier! Ill be mashing F5 on my email client fanatically.
Posted by SoaPiNuReYe (Member # 9144) on :
Diablo 3 was announced already wasn't it? I think they are working on releasing beta soon.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
I just sent mine off.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by SoaPiNuReYe: Diablo 3 was announced already wasn't it? I think they are working on releasing beta soon.
I'm very sure no announcement has been made. If there is a beta test I am reasonably positive it won't be for many months.
Edit: Xavier: I owe you!
Posted by The Flying Dracula Hair (Member # 10155) on :
The big new game for Blizzcon I hear is Starcraft 2. No such luck for a glorious return to Sanctuary. Though I'm skeptical that a III could live up to the first two.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by The Flying Dracula Hair:
The big new game for Blizzcon I hear is Starcraft 2. No such luck for a glorious return to Sanctuary. Though I'm skeptical that a III could live up to the first two.
Is this just speculation on your part or do you actually have some sort of source for this?
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
I thought they pulled the Starcraft2 (Starcraft Ghost) project last year...
Posted by The Flying Dracula Hair (Member # 10155) on :
Technically Starcraft 2 and Starcraft Ghost are separate projects. And no, it seems like what I thought was a reliable source was just speculating himself, and I'm not sure if they're going to show anything other than WoW at Blizzcon. But we do know that it's in the works and that something new is going to be announced at a Korean gaming convention - if I were to guess I'd say it's SC2. I just gathered this info though, I'm way out of the loop. I just pray every night for D3.
It's funny this thread came up because I just got my deluxe edition of Diablo II in the mail, if the CD key was needed I plan on sticking to reliving my adventure in Sanctuary with the soundtrack. If you still need LoD, I found [two] cleaning my room as well.
Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
doh, sorry for being a flake. I completely forgot about this (let me blame the forum downtime) if you have any issues with Xavier's key just let me know.