How do you get there?
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
quote:Originally posted by Lisa: How do you get there?
Practice, practice, pr-URK! Posted by Zeugma (Member # 6636) on :
Consider me envious! Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
quote:Originally posted by Lisa: How do you get there?
I didn't expect to win. I just sent in my form like they said to and remembered to send it on time.
It's the same day as a tori amos show, but I am seeing the one the night before... Plus it involves going to NY, but I can ask intelligent questions!
Posted by Javert Hugo (Member # 3980) on :
Whoa!!! *dying, dying of envy*
Hey...want to bring someone along? Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
That's pretty sweet. Where was the contest advertised?
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
It is two tickets. ^^
It was advertised on the Scholastic site.
Posted by Javert Hugo (Member # 3980) on :
*waves hand wildly in the air* Pick me! Pick me! I'll bring cookies!
Posted by Nathan2006 (Member # 9387) on :