Link. My cousin (he's 49 and I'm 44) just recommended this book to me. It looks wicked cool, but I wanted to see if anyone here has read the books in this series, and whether they liked them or not.
Posted by Liz B (Member # 8238) on :
I read the first one in the series, The Lightning Thief. It's definitely a fun read, full of action, and my students (especially the boys) really love it. It's definitely clever, but I didn't love it enough to read the sequel, although I certainly bought copies of it for my students to read the sequel.
Hm. My final word: It's good, but there's lots better out there in terms of adolescent speculative fiction.
Posted by Lisa (Member # 8384) on :
Thanks, Liz. I'll probably give it a try.
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
My eldest read it last year and loudly proclaimed it the best book ever. My youngest begged to be allowed to read it and promptly lost it. I plan to read it when I find it...
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
It's good enough to keep one reading. It improves with each book in the series, though I sometimes wish the author would focus more on showing than telling. Case in point: We're told a lot about who Percy's best friends are, but rarely do we get to see why they're such great friends. In contrast, we get to see quite well why Percy has an adversarial relationship with certain other characters.
Plus, for every creative usage of Greek myth (Percy can talk to horses because his father created horses! Neat, eh?) there's something so obviously based on the Potterverse Paradigm that I wince. Posted by Nathan2006 (Member # 9387) on :
My younger sister got The Lightning Thief from the library and refuses to return it until I read it.
She says it's awesome. It's so funny seeing a thread about it right now... But I'm right in the middle of reading my first Tarr book (The Holy Grail)
But I love Greek Mythology... A Quick Question... Has anybody ever played Zeus: Master of Olympus?
It was by Sierra and Impressions games, the only city-building game I really liked (Pharaoh was okay, but nothing like Zeus.