Hey, this semester I'm taking an authoring for the web class. If you want to check out my homework while I do it, along with give any tips that would be awesome.
Opps...a name I don't recognize + 2 links with "hot" being in one of them = a whistle.
Sorry Papa Janitor and Philosofickle.
Posted by Sm34rZ (Member # 8609) on :
It's okay, Philosofickle, happens to me all the time.
BTW, the first link is just blank.
Did you come up with the design yourself, or are you following a tutorial? Looks good so far.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Check the history of the poster. I doubt this is Spam, and that makes 2 in one night that have been accused of being Spam when they aren't.
Also....the URL starts with an EDU....that's a college network, usually.
Posted by Tara (Member # 10030) on :
Tea tends to be hot. Posted by Wonder Dog (Member # 5691) on :
The design looks good - any way you could add rollover color divs to your nav menu buttons? Other than that, it looks really good.
Posted by Philosofickle (Member # 10993) on :
Thanks, (the hot stands for Hands On Teaching.) These are currently all excercises out of a textbook, but we are working with the actual code as well as with the dreamweaver software. It's not as difficult as I thought it would be to learn the code, but if you make the slightest mistake it's so frustrating to find.
Posted by Phanto (Member # 5897) on :
I hate dreamweaver. That could just be because I never invested in it, so am a hard coder. Is hard coding even that good an idea anymore? (muses)
The tea page looks great!
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
One can still produce far-superior code by hand coding HTML and CSS. Dreamweaver can be a useful tool for this, due to its ability to simultaneously show a view of the page.
Posted by Phanto (Member # 5897) on :
*feels self-satisfied*
And frontpage is just a joke, right?
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
quote:Originally posted by Wonder Dog: The design looks good - any way you could add rollover color divs to your nav menu buttons? Other than that, it looks really good.
Unless there are subpages to the menu pages, it's not necessary.
I think the page looks good; the first link in your original post and the menu links bring up blank pages, though.
I really like Dreamweaver, though I learned to code HTML/CSS manually. It's important, IMO, to learn to code by hand to really get an understanding of what's going on on your webpage. But Dreamweaver is a real boon, with the fancy code/page preview split screen, and the on-the-fly image editing...
Posted by Philosofickle (Member # 10993) on :
The first page is what we do in class each week. Mine got deleted by the student who used that computer in the lab after me, so there will be something there in the future.
The links on the tea page do go to other pages, but they are all blank right now. I imagine that as the class progresses it will be our assignments to fill in the links and missing pages.