In general, Oprah gets under my skin and I don't pay much attention to her. She seems so fake most of the time -- but maybe that's just a result of rampant capitalism. However, I enjoy her magazine from time to time and I was inspired by her column "What I know for sure." She said she was once asked in an interview "What do you know for sure?" She was dumbfounded and said lamely "What, about the movie?" She knew that was not what the interviewer was really asking, but she didn't know what to say. If I had been asked that question, I would have replied: "All you need is love." But, I can expand on that.
So here is what I know for sure:
Do not lie to yourself; face your problems. Have the courage to step into the unknown. If you feel nervous, it means you are about to take a risk and possibly achieve something new. Do not be afraid of nervousness; welcome it into your life and accept it. Accustom yourself to uncertainty and you will get farther. "When you step into the unknown, one of two things will happen; there will be something there to catch you, or you will learn how to fly."
Do not be ashamed of anything that you are. We were all created the same way; we are all just as legitimate as anyone else. Whatever is true for you is okay. You can decide what is normal instead of letting others decide it for you.
Stop trying to defend yourself. Stop caring about where you stand in the rankings. No one really cares how good you are; if they do, they shouldn't, it's not their place. Stop trying to prove yourself to others. You are who you are already and you can't change that; so why try? You can't deceive others for long; your real self will come through eventually, so not why just let it? "At the end of the game, the king and the pawn go in the same box."
Love everyone. Respect everyone. Do only kindness. Treat others the way you would want to be treated. The way you treat others is also how you treat yourself. If you treat others kindly and love them, you will also be kind and loving towards yourself. If you put others down and disrespect them, you will also disrespect yourself. If you make others feel happy and loved, you will be happy and loved.
No one is an alien. We are all from the same planet. The differences between us are minute. It is okay to love others; it is okay to trust others; it is okay to let others see inside you. We are all transparent much more than we think anyway.
Relax, let go, breathe. You already know what is worth fighting for and what is not. The things that are not worth fighting for will work themselves out in the end. The things that are worth fighting for will stick around.
Pain is apart of life. No living being can exist without some degree of pain. Some pain is inevitable; learn to accept it. You are not being wronged when you are feeling pain. There is no such thing as natural fairness. The amount of pain you have been given was decided by random chance and nothing else. No matter how hard you try, you can never free your life completely of pain. So relax and enjoy life anyway.
All you need is love. Of all things, this is universal.
What do you know for sure? Posted by MyrddinFyre (Member # 2576) on :
Posted by Eaquae Legit (Member # 3063) on :
Everybody's free to wear sunscreen.
Posted by TL (Member # 8124) on :
That it might not be okay, is okay.
Posted by String (Member # 6435) on :
Thanks Tara, that's some good stuff.
I know that whatever your disadvantages are, you can overcome most of them through sheer force of will and perseverance.
I know alot of people love me.
Posted by Xann. (Member # 11482) on :
I know that Orincoro would probably hit it.
Posted by maui babe (Member # 1894) on :
We can't all, and some of us don't.
You can't please everyone.
I don't have to make everything all right.
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
That when I'm old, I'm never going to look back and think, "Damn, I wish I wouldn't have eaten that fantastic meal."
Posted by C3PO the Dragon Slayer (Member # 10416) on :
Death and taxes.
Posted by Sean Monahan (Member # 9334) on :
My family loves me.
My friends love me.
F = ma
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
I'm certain I'll regret it if I stay up any later tonight. As a matter of fact, I'm quite sure I'm already going to regret staying up this late when my alarm goes off in the morning.
Posted by CaySedai (Member # 6459) on :
quote:I'm certain I'll regret it if I stay up any later tonight. As a matter of fact, I'm quite sure I'm already going to regret staying up this late when my alarm goes off in the morning.
Me, too.
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
That there's no good reason to believe in claims of the supernatural without a truly supernatural level of evidence to back it up.
Posted by Lisa (Member # 8384) on :
A is A.
Posted by Trent Destian (Member # 11653) on :
Life is best lived hoping for the best, but planning for the worst.