We have a silly debacle going on in New Zealand at the moment about Paul Henry and him making some silly comments on the show he co-hosts. Came across this video and felt it was rather cool - so thought I'd share. Sorry if you've already seen it before Posted by Bella Bee (Member # 7027) on :
That video really reminds me of the 'You're not stupid, but that was a stupid thing to do' conversation that you sometimes have to have with children (or adults).
You don't have to call people names to get the point across. Sensible advice that more people should stick to.
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
I love Ildoctrine. He speaks so clearly and directly about issues that often seem murky. I was particularly fond of his Roman Polanski rant, and this one about economics and annoying smart guys:
[ October 09, 2010, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: rollainm ]
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
My sympathies, rollainm. I lost a whole day when I first discovered him. He speaks my language, only better than I do. ;D
Posted by DDDaysh (Member # 9499) on :
Those are pretty great!
Unfortunately, he doesn't address what to do if someone simply does not care that what they said is racist because they are so far into the depths of racism that they're proud of it.
Posted by Destineer (Member # 821) on :
Yeah, Jay Smooth is a cool guy.
Posted by stacey (Member # 3661) on :
quote:Originally posted by DDDaysh: Those are pretty great!
Unfortunately, he doesn't address what to do if someone simply does not care that what they said is racist because they are so far into the depths of racism that they're proud of it.
The most common catchphrases among Paul Henry supporters here at the moment are:
"But it was FUNNY! How can it be racist if it was FUNNY?!"
"It only sounds racist if you don't agree with it - I think he's awesome because he has the guts to say what everyone is thinking. All those complaining are just too PC and should get a life!"
Or comparing him with "so and so" politician who said "such and such" and obviously NZers don't care as much about that because they aren't suspended from Parliament.....
Argh, does my head in. Posted by scholarette (Member # 11540) on :
I am amazed when my "friends" on facebook post some little one line statement as a like and it is like, ok, maybe you think you are funny, but come on, that's racist. Is that really what you want to broadcast about yourself to all your friends, acquaintances and family?
Posted by DDDaysh (Member # 9499) on :
quote:Originally posted by scholarette: I am amazed when my "friends" on facebook post some little one line statement as a like and it is like, ok, maybe you think you are funny, but come on, that's racist. Is that really what you want to broadcast about yourself to all your friends, acquaintances and family?
My brother has done that before. He actually posted a racially based IQ statistic in order to support why there were more white quarterbacks in college football. He really didn't understand how anyone could say a "fact" was racist.
And, part of the reason he doesn't, is that my Grandfather is becoming more and more outspokenly racist as time goes on. I'm utterly shocked by some of the things that come out of his mouth. I don't even know how to react most of the time. I mean, I've known this man my whole life. He's a very loving person. He plays Santa Claus for kids all over town each Christmas for free! And, in many cases, I feel like he really should KNOW better. He's worked with many hardworking Hispanic men that I know he's admired (I even saw him crying at one funeral) and even with a number of illegal immigrants I know he's known and liked. And yet he can still spout the most outlandish racist nonsense! I'm embarrassed! And, my little brother has been working with him for several hours a week for years now. He hears this kind of stuff all the time and it's obviously had an effect on him. It's just so sad!
Posted by SoaPiNuReYe (Member # 9144) on :
It can be disturbing when you realize how racist your friends actually are.
Posted by 0Megabyte (Member # 8624) on :
Allow me to quote a former friend of mine, talking to me:
"College, huh? You're going to college? Why are you wasting your time on college, anyway? That's just for black basketball players so they can get money from the government."
What's to note, besides the utterly nonsensical nature of what he said, is the sheer vitriol he poured into the black basketball player comment.
I don't even know what he means but it's clear it's something negative.
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
I love his videos! Thanks for posting this thread. I've been going through all his stuff for the last few days, and have yet to find anything he says that I disagree with. Surely there must be things. But so far, I'm just cheering. =)
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Thanks for the link. Love this guy. I wish the words fell out of my mouth, like they do his.