I'm interested to hear what everyone's favorite show is. For me, it's Game of Thrones. Before Breaking Bad went off the air, I would have said that, but now it's over.
What about you guys?
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
The best show on the air right now is probably Game of Thrones. Overall, sum-of-all-qualities style. What's supposed to compete with it? But it's certainly not for everyone. Archer's the same way, though they're certainly tiring out the premise.
Agents of SHIELD could have been a popular answer, but it's just a bad show.
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
Your title is asking what is the best show but your first sentence is saying favorite show. Not to nitpick, but for me those are two different things.
The best show is GoT. My favorite show is The Newsroom.
Posted by Shanna (Member # 7900) on :
I'd say "Sherlock."
Second place: "Hannibal" Third place: "Game of Thrones"
Honorable mentions: "Shameless" and "Adventure Time." I don't think either show gets the accolades it deserves.
I recently marathoned "Breaking Bad" after not watching its initial run. It would certainly warrant a spot if it was still on.
I'd say those shows are a perfect combination of entertainment and quality. Of course, there are plenty of other shows that I obsessively love while recognizing their terribleness.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I'm hard pressed to really give the title to anything right now. But "Newsroom" is probably where I'd put the "best of" marker.
Posted by Wingracer (Member # 12293) on :
Sherlock, Newsroom and GoT for me.
Posted by happymann (Member # 9559) on :
I hate Game of Thrones. Just wanted to put that out there.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
Posted by Elison R. Salazar (Member # 8565) on :
As a book reader now there are several points in the adaption process that irk me a lot.
Posted by Stone_Wolf_ (Member # 8299) on :
Justified. Walking Dead. Masters of Sex. Americans.
And for the record I am very much enjoying Agents of SHIELD, which, while not on my list of best, is in no way bad.
Posted by Wingracer (Member # 12293) on :
Oh man, I forgot Justified. Just another couple months for a new season to start.
Posted by Stephan (Member # 7549) on :
While there are many shows I am watching right now, these are the ones that I always go to first on my DVR.
The Good Wife Newsroom Saving Hope (downloaded from Canada)
I also enjoy Masters of Sex, Game of Thrones, and The Walking Dead but I tend to let them build up on my DVR. I only get 1 show a night, and then if I am lucky.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
Agents of SHIELD is actually the kind of show I don't know how I could ever consider it good. The most aptly it's been described is as CSI: Marvel
I don't consider it as horrible as others do but when even AVC is getting extremely tired of it, and it's well on track to have lost half its viewers, yeahh.
Walking Dead goes in the ambiguous category of something I see the obvious qualities of but just can't stand. That was mainly a character issue. Like, as in it had character(s) that violently chased me off of watching the show, with prejudice.
Newsroom is good. Sherlock carries on adroitly and continues to be bolstered by sharp writing and lucy liu.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Newsroom is not good Samp what are you saying?
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
You're confusing Elementary with Sherlock.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
ah gdi. yes I meant the one not with bendytoots crumblebarf.
quote:Newsroom is not good Samp what are you saying?
You're right, sorry. I must have taken leave of my senses. Newsroom is literal vomit oozing out of a tv set
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
Literal? That doesn't happen to my tv set.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
Newsroom's that reality tv show starring juggalos living in a manhattan flat running a 'massage' parlor, right? The one with the One Direction song as the opener?
Posted by Aros (Member # 4873) on :
Doctor Who is the best show on tv. Your argument is invalid.
Posted by DustinDopps (Member # 12640) on :
I think "Suits" is the best show on TV currently. Perfect cast and great writing. Plus the theme song is catchy.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
quote:Originally posted by Aros: Doctor Who is the best show on tv. Your argument is invalid.
I call this Nerdholm Syndrome
Posted by AchillesHeel (Member # 11736) on :
I still watch Supernatural as it airs, I don't do that with Walking Dead or Doctor Who.
Posted by Aros (Member # 4873) on :
Ehh, Doctor Who is WAY more consistent. Pfffft . . . Game of Thrones has only had, what, three good seasons?
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I've decided to revise my "best of" label. Well not so much revise as add an addendum to.
If we're giving comedy shows a separate category, I'll add "The Crazy Ones."
I'm not a huge fan of Robin Williams these days. I absolutely love some of his movies from the 90s and early aughts, but he has this schtick that's just overplayed for me. I feel like people laugh at him sometimes out of obligation or expectation instead of him actually being funny.
But the cast has absolutely outstanding, out of this world chemistry. They fit together perfectly, and they are written perfectly. It's too bad Sarah Michelle Gellar mostly has to play the straightman on the show, while the men mostly get to act like children, but it's still hilarious.
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
If comedy gets its own category then Modern Family is at the top, hands down. I could watch that show all day.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
I think Robin Williams' comedy is atrocious (I haven't seen "Crazy Ones") but when he plays a straight character I've found him to be really good. Insomnia, One Hour Photo, The Final Cut. The movies weren't all perfect movies, but he was great in them.
Hobbes Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I mean stuff like Mrs. Doubtfire is still hilarious, and he's done a lot of other really funny stuff. His silly-serious movies like Patch Adams are amazing.
"Crazy Ones" is worth watching for the ensemble cast. Give it three episodes (I didn't like the first one).
Posted by Stephan (Member # 7549) on :
Modern Family New Girl Brooklyn Nine Nine
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
I didn't like either of the movies you just mentioned. I stand by my original statement.
I can only think of two comedies I enjoyed that had him as some level of star. Back when Disney was making the definitive kid's summer films I liked Aladdin (the movies wasn't exactly a comedy, but the kids movies always had a lot of comedy in them, and his was definitely a comedic role). The only other one was the comedy/drama The Birdcage in which he played, amusingly as a homosexual, the straight man to Nathan Lane's comic character. All the rest of his comedy I find over the top, overly manic, and under thought.
Hobbes Posted by Aros (Member # 4873) on :
Arrested Development just came out with a new season. They haven't announced a follow-up, but streaming is a new medium. I'd say it should still be counted as "on the air". It would have my vote as best current comedy. Some critics hated the new season -- I thought it was genius. The new format gave them room to do what they did before only better; the script was extremely layered, with each episode building off the ones before. It was a carefully orchestrated comedy that re-contextualized every incident so perfectly as to create a miasma of plot and perspective. Freaking brilliant.
Our last discussion about comedies, Arrested Development seemed to be the all-time favorite. I favored Spaced and Black Adder, but I was in the minority. . . .
Posted by Aros (Member # 4873) on :
Robin Williams is a fantastic standup. As far as his acting? He coasts by purely because of his enormous charisma. It's too bad he hasn't had any truly solid roles. Sure, a few dramas, but nothing where he's really had to flex.
I'm thinking he needs to be a Marvel superhero. . . .
Posted by scifibum (Member # 7625) on :
You haven't seen "Father of the Year", have you?
Posted by Geraine (Member # 9913) on :
My List:
1) Game of Thrones 2) Homeland 3) House of Cards 4) Orange is the new Black
I MIGHT add Almost Human after a few more episodes. I enjoyed the pilot episode on Sunday night quite a bit. And, well....Karl Urban.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I enjoyed the pilot as well. They cast the roles well, thus far.
Posted by Stone_Wolf_ (Member # 8299) on :
Robin Williams as a superhero huh?
Super Fury Manic Man!
Posted by LargeTuna (Member # 10512) on :
this is weird but honestly my favorite show still airing new episodes right now is Comedy Bang Bang on IFC.
and I also watch real shows!
Posted by umberhulk (Member # 11788) on :
Louie (if we're not counting british television)
Also, since Stone Wolf brought it up, The Americans is a solid show.
Posted by Heisenberg (Member # 13004) on :
For comedy, it's Modern Family and The Middle. The Middle is terribly underrated.
Posted by Jeff C. (Member # 12496) on :
A few shows I'm really into right now:
Arrow Once Upon a Time Brooklyn Nine Nine (best new comedy I've seen) The Blacklist (amazing new show)
Anybody watched these?
Posted by millernumber1 (Member # 9894) on :
Even though it's not as strong as it was last season, the show I am currently watching that best balances execution, conception, and polish for me is Elementary.
Posted by ambyr (Member # 7616) on :
Justified for me, although I'm not sure it will ever re-gain the heights of the second season.
Posted by Stephan (Member # 7549) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jeff C.: A few shows I'm really into right now:
Arrow Once Upon a Time Brooklyn Nine Nine (best new comedy I've seen) The Blacklist (amazing new show)
Anybody watched these?
I will have to give Arrow another try. The pilot last year did not do much for me.
I am not enjoying Once Upon a Time this season. Not being in the "real world" loses its charm for me. Hopefully they will get back to that. I was hoping every season would see them interacting a little bit more with the rest of the planet.
I agree with Brooklyn Nine Nine.
Have not seen The Blacklist.
Posted by JonHecht (Member # 9712) on :
I think that Key and Peele probably the funniest show on television--everything is at least pretty funny, and at times it's intelligent, insightful, pointed, and witty all in one.
Posted by Jeff C. (Member # 12496) on :
quote:Originally posted by Stephan:
quote:Originally posted by Jeff C.: A few shows I'm really into right now:
Arrow Once Upon a Time Brooklyn Nine Nine (best new comedy I've seen) The Blacklist (amazing new show)
Anybody watched these?
I will have to give Arrow another try. The pilot last year did not do much for me.
I am not enjoying Once Upon a Time this season. Not being in the "real world" loses its charm for me. Hopefully they will get back to that. I was hoping every season would see them interacting a little bit more with the rest of the planet.
I agree with Brooklyn Nine Nine.
Have not seen The Blacklist.
I agree that Once Upon A Time loses some of its charm when it's not in the real world. At the same time, Peter Pan is a damn interesting character.
Arrow got really good, especially so far in season 2. They've explored a lot of darker themes that you normally wouldn't see in a superhero show, such as Smallville. Also, Ollie is a flawed character (unlike Clark Kent). The story actually moves forward at a fairly rapid pace, but it doesn't feel rushed. Because they have flashbacks to his time on the island, you see two stories---one is an origin story, while the other is the present superhero-in-action story. It's great, because we're not forced into watching four seasons of Ollie becoming Green Arrow. Season 2 also introduces more superheroes, and is about to introduce the Flash, who will then get his own spinoff show. Huzzah!
The Blacklist is amazing. It's basically James Spader being awesome with other people who aren't James Spader running around and being less awesome. You need to watch it. He's Walter White level cool.
Posted by Stone_Wolf_ (Member # 8299) on :
quote:Originally posted by JonHecht: I think that Key and Peele probably the funniest show on television--everything is at least pretty funny, and at times it's intelligent, insightful, pointed, and witty all in one.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
lolmost human is lookin' good so far
Posted by Jeff C. (Member # 12496) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samprimary: lolmost human is lookin' good so far
It's expensive and it's on Fox, so it will get cancelled.
Posted by umberhulk (Member # 11788) on :
Anyone else excited for True Detective?
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Shows I keep up with (that means I watch an average of one episode a week, though it may not be the day it airs and is almost NEVER at the time it airs):
Supernatural Doctor Who Sleepy Hollow Sherlock (laughs sadly)
Shows that I like and watch, but don't try to keep up with regularly:
Walking Dead (though this is mainly because my daughter and husband really like it, I'm kind of indifferent) Elementary Arrow
I suspect that Almost Human might make it into List #2.
<looks back over list>
WOW. I am a nerd.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
sherlock is the show you can keep up with and presumably be a hibernatory creature as well
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jeff C.:
quote:Originally posted by Samprimary: lolmost human is lookin' good so far
It's expensive and it's on Fox, so it will get cancelled.
finally an exciting new show for nerds on the Fox™ lineup, this will go Great™
Posted by Stephan (Member # 7549) on :
Would you rather them not try at all? I'll take the dozen Firefly episodes they gave us, over a world where they didn't even want to try.
Posted by Destineer (Member # 821) on :
quote:Originally posted by umberhulk: Louie (if we're not counting british television)
Yes, exactly. Game of Thrones is a very well done show, but Louie is the TV show that's really pushing the medium forward right now. It's the show with all the ideas.
Posted by millernumber1 (Member # 9894) on :
I think Fox's pattern these days is "give it two seasons then cancel it" (Sarah Connor Chronicles, Dollhouse).
Elementary's most recent episode definitely pushed it back up to "excellent" for me instead of just "really good."
Posted by Jeff C. (Member # 12496) on :
quote:Originally posted by Stephan: Would you rather them not try at all? I'll take the dozen Firefly episodes they gave us, over a world where they didn't even want to try.
The problem was them going through Fox. They can pitch their pilot to other studios, especially J J Aabrams. HBO, AMC, and Showtime would be far better options than Fox. Hopefully it sticks around, but we'll see.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
quote:Originally posted by Stephan: Would you rather them not try at all?
Yeah, actually kind of yes. If the idea behind a show is good, I don't want it to be done by a network that will painfully mismanage it to death right out of the gate, toss it in graveyard timeslots, and scare other possible network investors away from the themes and the genres.
Posted by Jeff C. (Member # 12496) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samprimary:
quote:Originally posted by Stephan: Would you rather them not try at all?
Yeah, actually kind of yes. If the idea behind a show is good, I don't want it to be done by a network that will painfully mismanage it to death right out of the gate, toss it in graveyard timeslots, and scare other possible network investors away from the themes and the genres.
Posted by umberhulk (Member # 11788) on :
quote:Originally posted by millernumber1: I think Fox's pattern these days is "give it two seasons then cancel it" (Sarah Connor Chronicles, Dollhouse).
Those shows deserved it, though.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jeff C.:
quote:Originally posted by Samprimary:
quote:Originally posted by Stephan: Would you rather them not try at all?
Yeah, actually kind of yes. If the idea behind a show is good, I don't want it to be done by a network that will painfully mismanage it to death right out of the gate, toss it in graveyard timeslots, and scare other possible network investors away from the themes and the genres.
Yeah, I tend to agree. Firefly was set up for failure from the beginning. And executives look at stuff like that and say "well I guess this genre just doesn't have an audience!" so nothing else gets greenlit except in fits and starts. Sci-fi is really rather underserved on TV right now, especially shows like Firefly. Are there even any "ships in space" shows currently on television? No. And there hasn't been since 2011 when Stargate Atlantis was canceled. And there have been precious few over the last decade.
Posted by Stone_Wolf_ (Member # 8299) on :
Agents of sheild is a sci fi ship show...just not in space.
Posted by vineyarddawg (Member # 13007) on :
quote:Originally posted by Lyrhawn:
quote:Originally posted by Jeff C.:
quote:Originally posted by Samprimary:
quote:Originally posted by Stephan: Would you rather them not try at all?
Yeah, actually kind of yes. If the idea behind a show is good, I don't want it to be done by a network that will painfully mismanage it to death right out of the gate, toss it in graveyard timeslots, and scare other possible network investors away from the themes and the genres.
Yeah, I tend to agree. Firefly was set up for failure from the beginning. And executives look at stuff like that and say "well I guess this genre just doesn't have an audience!" so nothing else gets greenlit except in fits and starts. Sci-fi is really rather underserved on TV right now, especially shows like Firefly. Are there even any "ships in space" shows currently on television? No. And there hasn't been since 2011 when Stargate Atlantis was canceled. And there have been precious few over the last decade.
Stargate Universe is waving its tiny, short-lived hand over in the corner. Man, talk about a show that started with an incredible premise and then petered out surprisingly quickly. Posted by Jeff C. (Member # 12496) on :
quote:Originally posted by vineyarddawg:
quote:Originally posted by Lyrhawn:
quote:Originally posted by Jeff C.:
quote:Originally posted by Samprimary:
quote:Originally posted by Stephan: Would you rather them not try at all?
Yeah, actually kind of yes. If the idea behind a show is good, I don't want it to be done by a network that will painfully mismanage it to death right out of the gate, toss it in graveyard timeslots, and scare other possible network investors away from the themes and the genres.
Yeah, I tend to agree. Firefly was set up for failure from the beginning. And executives look at stuff like that and say "well I guess this genre just doesn't have an audience!" so nothing else gets greenlit except in fits and starts. Sci-fi is really rather underserved on TV right now, especially shows like Firefly. Are there even any "ships in space" shows currently on television? No. And there hasn't been since 2011 when Stargate Atlantis was canceled. And there have been precious few over the last decade.
Stargate Universe is waving its tiny, short-lived hand over in the corner. Man, talk about a show that started with an incredible premise and then petered out surprisingly quickly.
Probably because it never went anywhere interesting. They really didn't do a good job with that show. They kept trying to make it like Battlestar Galactica, but kept failing over and over again. It's too bad, because it had some really interesting characters and actors, and the premise was very cool. Seems kinda hard to screw that up, but there you go.
Posted by Ron Lambert (Member # 2872) on :
umberhulk, I maintain that Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles was the best science fiction series ever on TV--with the only close second being The Dead Zone, which had some truly great episodes.
As for Firefly, the show was great, it was just the title that defeated it. First time I saw the listing in the TV Guide, I thought "What kind of show is Firefly? Sounds stupid. Maybe not as bad as Buffy the Vampire Killer, which was so absurd I never watched a single episode until about five years after the final season. (Finally I watched it on DVDs from the public library.) Buffy actually turned out to be surprisingly well-acted (Alyson Hannigan was wonderful as Willow, and David Boreanaz was destined for greatness in Bones), and had fairly entertaining stories. It went on for eight seasons. But I wonder if these shows produced by Joss Whedon would have done much better in the ratings if he had used more descriptive and fetching titles. He seems to be his own worst enemy, when it comes to titling his works.
Now, I can almost count myself as a "brown-coat." Especially after the movie, Serenity, which again was not a very fetching title for an action movie. But after actually seeing the episodes, and the movie, I found them to be very well done stories with interesting characters. Honestly, the whole problem is, Joss Whedon needs to let someone else devise his titles for him.
Posted by Godric 2.0 (Member # 11443) on :
You know how they say you can't judge a book by it's title? Oh, nevermind...
Posted by Ron Lambert (Member # 2872) on :
As for what current TV series is the best, I would probably favor Haven, based very loosely (as a jumping-off point) on Stephen King's story, Who Killed the Oklahoma Kid? I just love listening to Emily Rose's voice. She still has just a hint of that rich southern belle accent.
Another current TV series I either watch or record so I don't miss it, is Bones. I also love Kathy Reich's novels, onwhich the show is based.
Almost Human looks promising, but I feel the jury is still out. It depends on what the writers do with the story line in the next few episodes. If it just doesn't degenerate into another Robocop, maybe it will be OK.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is too low-budget for its ambitious story line. I mean, if they can't afford to have Thor ever show up, or any of the other people with real super powers, then all they've got is a mediocre action adventure series.
Sleepy Hollow has turned out to be a very much more entertaining show than I expected--they greatly diverged from the story line of the book, which made it better. Of course, I don't believe a word of their mystical theology. The four horsemen of Revelation are symbolic, not literal. But still the show is fun. Engaging stories, well-acted.
Posted by Ron Lambert (Member # 2872) on :
Godric, the first thing they teach you in creative writing class is to come up with opening paragraphs that grip the readers' attention. The SECOND thing they teach is to come up with a title that will hook readers. One of the cardinal sins of titling stories is being misleading, either suggesting promises that aren't kept, or else not giving the reader some idea of what the story is about.
For example, I think a better title for Buffy the Vampire Killer would have been to name it simply "Vampire Killer." Let people tune in to see that the vampire killer is a little blonde valley girl named Buffy. Firefly would have had better success if it had been named something like, "Space Roustabouts," or "Star Rebels." Let viewers tune in to discover they fly a ship that is called a "Firefly class." Instead of the movie being titled Serenity, they should have called it something the opposite of serenity, like "Roustabout Agitators in Space," or "Tension, Apprehension, and Dissention Have Begun." (With apologies to Alfred Bester.)
[ November 26, 2013, 08:52 PM: Message edited by: Ron Lambert ]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
quote:I think a better title for Buffy the Vampire Killer would have been to name it simply...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Done. Seriously, in that particular case, the name of the show also told you the hook: that it's not about slaying vampires, but that it's specifically about a shallow Valley girl called to slay vampires. That is in fact why anyone would want watch the show, and should never be kept from the audience; it's the elevator pitch in a nutshell.
Firefly is indeed a terrible name, though, since it communicates nothing about the show to someone who isn't already familiar with it, and indeed dwells on an irrelevant detail; it doesn't matter what the kind of ship is called. Space Roustabouts might be a tad on the nose, but it's more communicative. Star Cowboys?Stardust? Posted by Ron Lambert (Member # 2872) on :
I agree that Buffy the Vampire Slayer was an accurate title. In this case, that was something that should have been avoided. It was too accurate. Gave too much detail. The idea of a valley girl who slays vampires is too silly for words. That's why I never watched it until five years after the final season. The real purpose of a title is to snag interest. "Vampire Killer" would not have repulsed as many people. At least, not me. Though in truth I find anything to do with vampires somewhat repulsive.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jeff C.:
quote:Originally posted by vineyarddawg:
quote:Originally posted by Lyrhawn:
quote:Originally posted by Jeff C.:
quote:Originally posted by Samprimary:
quote:Originally posted by Stephan: Would you rather them not try at all?
Yeah, actually kind of yes. If the idea behind a show is good, I don't want it to be done by a network that will painfully mismanage it to death right out of the gate, toss it in graveyard timeslots, and scare other possible network investors away from the themes and the genres.
Yeah, I tend to agree. Firefly was set up for failure from the beginning. And executives look at stuff like that and say "well I guess this genre just doesn't have an audience!" so nothing else gets greenlit except in fits and starts. Sci-fi is really rather underserved on TV right now, especially shows like Firefly. Are there even any "ships in space" shows currently on television? No. And there hasn't been since 2011 when Stargate Atlantis was canceled. And there have been precious few over the last decade.
Stargate Universe is waving its tiny, short-lived hand over in the corner. Man, talk about a show that started with an incredible premise and then petered out surprisingly quickly.
Probably because it never went anywhere interesting. They really didn't do a good job with that show. They kept trying to make it like Battlestar Galactica, but kept failing over and over again. It's too bad, because it had some really interesting characters and actors, and the premise was very cool. Seems kinda hard to screw that up, but there you go.
Yeah I really agree with this. The original Stargates were never anything special plot-wise. Very run of the mill planet-of-the-week sort of stuff. But people loved them because they had great characters with amazing chemistry. I loved Daniel and Jack in SG1, and it was hilarious.
But with SGU they tried to remake BSG sort of mixed with Chuck (as far as tone goes). But they failed to reaching anything near that level of storytelling or characterization, AND they robbed the show of what made people love the originals: fun/funny great characters. Eli was funny, but he was basically the only one. The others were interesting, perhaps, but incredibly inconsistent. That show was indeed a good premise, but they had no idea what to do with it.
quote:Originally posted by Stone_Wolf_: Agents of sheild is a sci fi ship show...just not in space.
If by "ship" you mean "shipper" then I might agree, but they spend their time on a converted cargo plane. Even if you were to make the argument that it's basically a spaceship only in the sky, I wouldn't quite buy it, it's not the same. I tend to think of AGENTS as more fantasy than sci-fi, in the same sense that Thor, to me, is fantasy, not sci-fi.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
quote:Originally posted by TomDavidson:
quote:I think a better title for Buffy the Vampire Killer would have been to name it simply...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Done. Seriously, in that particular case, the name of the show also told you the hook: that it's not about slaying vampires, but that it's specifically about a shallow Valley girl called to slay vampires. That is in fact why anyone would want watch the show, and should never be kept from the audience; it's the elevator pitch in a nutshell.
Firefly is indeed a terrible name, though, since it communicates nothing about the show to someone who isn't already familiar with it, and indeed dwells on an irrelevant detail; it doesn't matter what the kind of ship is called. Space Roustabouts might be a tad on the nose, but it's more communicative. Star Cowboys?Stardust?
What about Han Before Star Wars? Since it's basically Han Solo before he met Leia, but with a bigger crew.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samprimary: lolmost human is lookin' good so far
It's expensive and it's on Fox, so it will get cancelled.
finally an exciting new show for nerds on the Fox™ lineup, this will go Great™
In the past 4 or 5 years Fox has been doing a better job. Fringe had been struggling for years but Fox still renewed it for a final season.
Dollhouse ended after two seasons but they were able to tie everything up. I would argue that it was the right time, there was only so many places that show could have gone.
Terminator was a DECENT show until the second half of the second season. The end of the second season made me angry it was cancelled, since the twists at the end make me realize just how much potential the show had. Unfortunately the writers dragged too much in the first season.
Fringe sort of makes up for Firefly for me. I wish Firefly had more of a chance, however at least most of the actors have done well for themselves. Nathan Fillion has Castle, Adam Baldwin went on to Chuck, (Another underrated yet awesome show) Morena Baccarin got Homeland, and Summer Glau went on to Terminator, Dollhouse, Arrow, and every other nerdy show ever made. I do wish that we saw more Jewel Staite, but I guess she had Stargate Atlantis and a stint on The Killing.
Posted by umberhulk (Member # 11788) on :
If Firefly was actually called "Star Cowboys" I never would have watched it.
Posted by Jake (Member # 206) on :
Space Wrangler! How the Black was Won The Spaceship Bandit Borderworlds Last of the Browncoats
Posted by umberhulk (Member # 11788) on :
living in space
Posted by Godric 2.0 (Member # 11443) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ron Lambert: Godric, the first thing they teach you in creative writing class is to come up with opening paragraphs that grip the readers' attention. The SECOND thing they teach is to come up with a title that will hook readers. One of the cardinal sins of titling stories is being misleading, either suggesting promises that aren't kept, or else not giving the reader some idea of what the story is about.
For example, I think a better title for Buffy the Vampire Killer would have been to name it simply "Vampire Killer." Let people tune in to see that the vampire killer is a little blonde valley girl named Buffy. Firefly would have had better success if it had been named something like, "Space Roustabouts," or "Star Rebels." Let viewers tune in to discover they fly a ship that is called a "Firefly class." Instead of the movie being titled Serenity, they should have called it something the opposite of serenity, like "Roustabout Agitators in Space," or "Tension, Apprehension, and Dissention Have Begun." (With apologies to Alfred Bester.)
Space Roustabouts? Star Rebels? You're joking right?
Was Enterprise a lesser Trek because of it's name or were there other issues?
Were Babylon 5 or Deep Space Nine better because of their names or other factors?
The name of a show is important, but if you're advocating for the most generic name possible, I don't really think you have a solid point.
Posted by Jeff C. (Member # 12496) on :
quote:Originally posted by umberhulk: If Firefly was actually called "Star Cowboys" I never would have watched it.
Cowboy Bebop.
Posted by umberhulk (Member # 11788) on :
Posted by Jeff C. (Member # 12496) on :
quote:Originally posted by umberhulk: ???
It's an anime, and it is basically Firefly. Or, well, close enough. Point is, it has a quirky name and yet it was still successful.
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
COPS. You don't go 26 seasons without being the best show on TV. Surprised nobody else has mentiones it yet.
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
quote:Originally posted by Dogbreath: COPS. You don't go 26 seasons without being the best show on TV. Surprised nobody else has mentiones it yet.
You go 26 seasons by being incredibly cheap to produce.
Posted by umberhulk (Member # 11788) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jeff C.:
quote:Originally posted by umberhulk: ???
It's an anime, and it is basically Firefly. Or, well, close enough. Point is, it has a quirky name and yet it was still successful.
I'm a fan of it and the two titles aren't nearly the same , and unlike Star Cowboys, it connotates the content quite accurately.
Agree with nothing else, Star Cowboys sounds too much like the movie Space Cowboys.
Posted by Wingracer (Member # 12293) on :
Success and quality are two different things. An average show that is cheap to produce and garners decent ratings can be a huge success but that doesn't mean it's good while the greatest show ever made can flop initially.
In any art form, works that go on to be considered the best were ignored when they were new.
Posted by Jeff C. (Member # 12496) on :
quote:Originally posted by umberhulk:
quote:Originally posted by Jeff C.:
quote:Originally posted by umberhulk: ???
It's an anime, and it is basically Firefly. Or, well, close enough. Point is, it has a quirky name and yet it was still successful.
I'm a fan of it and the two titles aren't nearly the same , and unlike Star Cowboys, it connotates the content quite accurately.
Agree with nothing else, Star Cowboys sounds too much like the movie Space Cowboys.
Not sure I understand. Cowboy Bebop didn't tell you anything about the show before you watched it. You only understood the name once it was given in context. It's the name of the ship plus their occupation, but without seeing the show itself, you'd never know that. The same is true of Firefly. You wouldn't understand the name until you watched the show.
That's the point here. The names do not explain anything about the show until you watch them, which is supposedly the problem. Personally, I don't think that's the issue. I think the issue is the fact that Fox marketed Firefly terribly. They moved its time slot around multiple times, aired episodes out of order and basically whenever they felt like it, and they gave up on it early.
Posted by umberhulk (Member # 11788) on :
Cowboy Bebop explains a little bit more. And I was never even trying to confront the idea that show needs to explain itself. All I'm saying is that Star Cowboys sounds bad; if I was recommending the show to someone I would not be able to say it with a straight face, and if you could then you're a terrible person. Cowboy Bebop doesn't sound nearly as corny. And while Firefly has it share of humor in, Star Cowboys would make it sounds like some cheery, low stakes bullshit.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
space roustabouts Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
Star The South Was Right
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samprimary: Star The South Was Right
Took me a second...
Posted by CT (Member # 8342) on :
The best show I can currently find on television is Hiatus, though of course only as repeats for now. But I never seem to catch them when scheduled.
I just wish there had been more of a chance to get to know the characters. There was so much backstory to figure out.
[ December 01, 2013, 12:53 AM: Message edited by: CT ]
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
quote:Originally posted by Dogbreath:
quote:Originally posted by Samprimary: Star The South Was Right
Took me a second...
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I just watched the first season of Homeland.
It's been awhile since I've seen a solid, tight, consistent first season this engaging. The acting is out of this world.
Posted by kmbboots (Member # 8576) on :
quote:Originally posted by CT: The best show I can currently find on television is Hiatus, though of course only as repeats for now. But I never seem to catch them when scheduled.
I just wish there had been more of a chance to get to know the characters. There was so much backstory to figure out.
I keep looking for it in the "on demand" stuff but it is only "free with subscription". Which pretty much means "free if you pay for it" which is stupid. Maybe Netflix...
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
quote:Firefly would have had better success if it had been named something like, "Space Roustabouts,"
Instead of the movie being titled Serenity, they should have called it something the opposite of serenity, like "Roustabout Agitators in Space,"
I must always remember this exists
Posted by umberhulk (Member # 11788) on :
I'll help you.
Also, the first season of homeland is great, but the second season isn't.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I've read that the show goes bizarrely off the rails. I really loved the dynamic of the first season, but I'm afraid they might have broken it too much to put something else just as good in its place.
We'll see though, I'm only one episode in. But it doesn't have the same dynamism it did in the first season.
Posted by Jeff C. (Member # 12496) on :
quote:Originally posted by umberhulk: I'll help you.
Also, the first season of homeland is great, but the second season isn't.
I've only seen a few episodes of season 1. What happens that's so bad?
Posted by umberhulk (Member # 11788) on :
I can't really explain without spoilers, and trust me, you probably don't want to read any.
I actually like the beginning of the second season okay. The second episode was actually pretty cool. But by the middle, certain subplots were starting to outstay their welcome. Some things were overdone. Somethings were contrived. And the ending is weird.
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
Game of Thrones The Newsroom Homeland (just started watching season 3) Person of Interest The Americans The Blacklist Arrow and Archer, but I have to watch them without the gf. She says they are stupid, then goes to OnDemand Pretty Little Liars!
I love that Shanna gave an honorable mention to Adventure Time. I think that show is great.
I might be the only one who hasn't watched Breaking Bad yet, but I promise I will watch it. Same goes for Boardwalk Empire.
Also, I haven't been on this forum for a very long time, but I randomly thought about it just now and I'm happy to be reading these threads and seeing some familiar names.
EDIT: Umberhulk, I'm only 6 episodes into Homeland S3, but I think it is fantastic. I told my gf last night that I thought it was "Game of Thrones good." Anything spy/espionage will get me though.
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jeff C.:
quote:Originally posted by umberhulk: If Firefly was actually called "Star Cowboys" I never would have watched it.
Cowboy Bebop.
I just tried to "Like" your Cowboy Bebop post and I was confused for longer than I'd like to admit on why I couldn't.
Posted by umberhulk (Member # 11788) on :
Cowboy Bebop The Movie > Serenity
and it is a great show
Posted by Jeff C. (Member # 12496) on :
quote:Originally posted by krynn: Game of Thrones The Newsroom Homeland (just started watching season 3) Person of Interest The Americans The Blacklist Arrow and Archer, but I have to watch them without the gf. She says they are stupid, then goes to OnDemand Pretty Little Liars!
Okay, first of all your gf is dumb. You can tell her that the internet said that. Second, Game of Thrones and The Blacklist are sooo good. I love them both. Now that Breaking Bad is over, GoT is actually my favorite show.
You have some good choices, too!
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
quote:Originally posted by umberhulk: I'll help you.
Also, the first season of homeland is great, but the second season isn't.
I'm almost through the second season. I think there was a dropoff in quality, but, not a dramatic one. Parts of it are irksome, but overall some pretty interesting stuff.
I feel a bit like when Season 2 of TWD hit and everyone hated the year on the farm. I didn't think it was so bad.
Posted by DustinDopps (Member # 12640) on :
Since nobody else has mentioned "Suits" since I did, let me reiterate that it is, in my opinion, the best show on TV right now. Seriously, give it a chance. I think the first season or two are on Netflix.
Posted by DustinDopps (Member # 12640) on :
And now OSC has recommended Suits as the best show on TV in his latest column.
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
I love Suits. It gets a little silly sometimes, but always entertaining.
Posted by Wingracer (Member # 12293) on :
Tor.com has a nice discussion going for True Detective so I just watched the first episode. Very interesting. They say it gets even better around episode four so I can't wait to see the rest.
Posted by umberhulk (Member # 11788) on :
The Americans is starting up again.
It's about soviet spies who are living a disguise as a married american family. They have kids as part of their cover. And with the Reagan era starting, their life begins to get riskier and an FBI agent inexplicably moves across the street. Not in contention for best show, but its really fun and well acted.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
quote:Originally posted by krynn:
quote:Originally posted by Jeff C.:
quote:Originally posted by umberhulk: If Firefly was actually called "Star Cowboys" I never would have watched it.
Cowboy Bebop.
I just tried to "Like" your Cowboy Bebop post and I was confused for longer than I'd like to admit on why I couldn't.
I've done that.....recently....
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I like both Suits and White Collar. Posted by stilesbn (Member # 11809) on :
quote:Originally posted by umberhulk: The Americans is starting up again.
It's about soviet spies who are living a disguise as a married american family. They have kids as part of their cover. And with the Reagan era starting, their life begins to get riskier and an FBI agent inexplicably moves across the street. Not in contention for best show, but its really fun and well acted.
I started watching that when it came out and discovered that I have a weak stomach for rape scenes. So I stopped watching it. Not a condemnation or anything, it was almost surprising to me since I've watch plenty of other types of violence in media without much of a problem. Apparently that one hit a dischord with me.
Posted by Jeff C. (Member # 12496) on :
I recently finished True Detective and it was great. Everyone here should watch it immediately.
Also, The Following is pretty solid, as is Bates Motel. Believe seems good so far, but there are only two episodes so it's tough to say.
As usual, the Blacklist is proving to be an emotional roller coaster. This week's episode was brilliant and almost had me in tears at the end. Holy crap, I love that show.
Posted by LargeTuna (Member # 10512) on :
I watched all ten episodes of Orphan Black over the course of three days and was BLOWN AWAY with how much I am still into it. The last two episodes were a little shaky, but that show is a whirlwind of amazingness. My favorite new drama show in recent memory. I would say if episode 2 doesn't hook you in, I don't know who you are.
lots of love LT
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
Just discovered Ozark on Netflix and The Expanse on Amazon. Both are excellent IMO. I also watched Counterpart and really enjoyed that first season as well.
Posted by MarekAgain (Member # 13484) on :