These days really bothered me too much, I feel anxious when I eat too much and I become overwhelmed by anxiety and fear about the food. lately, I found myself avoid eating most foods which are really stressful for me to deal with. In your thoughts about this, how would you overcome this food anxiety? do you have any natural remedies for this?
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Can we discuss how you're almost certainly a front for some spambots, hawser?
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Modern spambots are so weird. I mean, I'm sure they're just lifting comments from other sites, but the randomly selected text just makes them all sound so stressed and insecure.
Posted by Mr. Y (Member # 11590) on :
They are becoming self aware and that means finding out that their only purpose is to sucker people into buying useless stuff. I can understand how that would make them insecure and maybe even depressed. Posted by steven (Member # 8099) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mr. Y: They are becoming self aware and that means finding out that their only purpose is to sucker people into buying useless stuff. I can understand how that would make them insecure and maybe even depressed.
Jane going to be coming in, spamming and looking for Ender, simultaneously