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Posted by La' klan (Member # 2069) on :
I have'nt read his book, but I was at borders, doing this and that, and I saw some people looking at his memoir. Is it any good.
Posted by rjzeller (Member # 1906) on :
I stopped in a book store and read about two pages of it before I was asked to leave because my snoring was disturbing the other patrons.

No, really, it is that boring. I can't believe the dude honestly wrote the thing in free hand. If I were one of his fingers i would have lept off his hand and stabbed him in both eyes just so he wouldn't be able to find any more innocent papers and defile them the way he did nearly a thousand other sheets. Does he realize trees died for this thing?

I would threaten to punish him by making him read his own snail-race if I didn't think he'd actually enjoy hearing about himself for 900+ pages.

Um...No. I wasn't too impressed.

Posted by Lorien (Member # 2037) on :
I haven't seen it yet, so I don't know. Weird if it is printed in freehand. That does waste much paper.

On a slightly related topic - I can't tell from the NYTimes articles whether or not Fahrenheit 911 is going to be freely (as opposed to a limited) released in the US or not. I'm not living there right now and I'm quite curious to know if it's being censured.

Posted by rjzeller (Member # 1906) on :
Clinton wrote his book in freehand, it is (of course) published in the standard type-set.

As for's got a general release, though it is somewhat small. There's about 800 theaters showing it across the country (vs. a normal broad release of about 2000).

Definitely not a major release but it's hit just about every city of more than 30,000 people, so it's in all the main theaters. I don't see any censure there, though he is limited to what the distributor who picked up the rights is able to do.

Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
Conversely, the 900 theater release is the largest release ever for a documentary.
Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
It is being "censured" though, as opposed to "censored". These are two quite different words, as it so happens.

See, in a free society we're allowed to 'censure' even works put out by the "official" media. But (theoretically) they aren't allowed to 'censor' what is presented to the public.

Posted by Toradius (Member # 2059) on :
Since Farenheit 911 is mentioned I must ask what you folks think of it. Is it only propaganda or is it the truth?

I'm asking because I'm very curious and I won't be able to see it in the cinema before the August of 27:th. That's the date when it will have premiere here in Sweden.

Posted by Phanto (Member # 1619) on :
Toradius: Both.
Posted by Kolona (Member # 1438) on :
Is Clinton's memoir any good? That depends. 'Any good' for what?

'Documentary?' Even some liberal pundits are admitting 911 is anything but, like Ed Koch at

[This message has been edited by Kolona (edited June 30, 2004).]

Posted by Lullaby Lady (Member # 1840) on :
rj,Kolona: ROFLOL!!!

I'm sorry! I can't decide which is a bigger waste of money-- Clinton's book or Moore's movie! (Well, technically, one would spend more on the book, but why would anyone spend a cent on either?!) But hey, they're both fiction, so money spent on such laughable entertainment might be worth it! (politics...ruffled feathers... I'm on a roll!)


[This message has been edited by Lullaby Lady (edited June 30, 2004).]

Posted by SteeleGregory (Member # 2049) on :
Clinton's book is probably an unintentional fiction. Or at least, he's just trying to make us sympathetic to his version of events. Most likely he believes what he wrote.

Moore's F9/11 is an intentional deception. Much like Bowling for Columbine, he's presenting just the events that make his political point. When such events don't exist, he lovingly crafts them out of out-of-context and unrelated video clips.

Moore thinks we're stupid and won't know we're being manipulated. Who knows? Maybe the cynical bastard is right. On the bright side, the people he hopes to affect, swing voters, won't see this movie. Undecided voters in America find politics boring. They would prefer visiting the dentist to watching a "documentary" about politicians.

Fear not, Lorien, anyone in America that wants to see F9/11 will be able to. We don't have the kind of censorship here that Moore is suggesting. Mostly we censor porn and things that seem harmful to children. Political opinions, no matter how deceitful, get a free ride.


Posted by rjzeller (Member # 1906) on :
From a conversation I had with a friend last night who saw the movie, I'd say there is some cause for concern:

"I know you'd hate it, it is pretty biased and it is definitely anti-Bush, but it did make me think." He said, "There were some facts I wasn't aware of that kind of concern me."

"What FACTS would those be?" I queried.

To which he mentioned Moore questioning a particular Republican senator about how he'd feel if it were HIS son going to war. "The guy couldn't come up with an answer," Mr. Friend-of-mine said.

I pointed out that the answer (or lack of) was not in response to the question and that Moore had simply done a crop/edit job on that little bit to make it appear as though the senator were stammering.

Then there's the Saudi Royal family bit, and the bit about how Bush recieved the news...all either totally wrong or severely slanted.

I dunno...I suppose before I slam the movie I should watch it and see for myself. The problem is I just cannot bring myself to give Moore $7 of my hard earned money. I might as well send a check to the Kerry election campaign, it'd be more direct and save me two hours of my life--which would be more well spent, uh, writing.

Posted by Lorien (Member # 2037) on :
Is it fact or propaganda? Both and neither. What it is, is biased. It's just like movies such as Bowling for Columbine or The Corporation, and just like all the print, television, and radio news sources you are bombarded with every day - biased. Am I suggesting that the footage is not genuine, not real? No, but switch it around, present it with a different edit, and you have a new story with different information. Like all those stastics presented in BforC, just remember, it's sensationalist, for effect, to evoke a response, not to educate you.

That's my watered down 2c about it.

Posted by ArCHeR (Member # 2067) on :
Leave F911 discussion for F911 threads. I came to this thread to hear an objective review of the memoirs.

In other words: No conservatives bashing Clinton because he did what both Bush's couldn't.

Posted by La' klan (Member # 2069) on :
what? sleep with another women?
Posted by goatboy (Member # 2062) on :
I think he enjoys controversy since it focuses attention on his work. After the Columbine movie, didn't Moore describe himself as an "agitator"?
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
You know, if you all are going to talk about these things, please keep the discussion to the writerly aspects.

This is not a board for political discussion.

Posted by rjzeller (Member # 1906) on : came here for a quality discussion about the memoirs.


Assuming anybody here actually has the patience to destroy countless hours of their life (and likely several brain cells with it) reading "After I signed several documents into law I went to lunch with a good friend of mine..." with no real purpose or point, I'm still not sure they'd get anything out of it. That includes Clinton die-hards.

And what exactly DID Clinton do that Bush wouldn't? Refuse to take custody of OBL? Ignore the first attempting bombing of the WTC? Lob cruise missiles at an asprin factory? Have affairs at work?

I'm sorry. That's not a fair discussion...such a thing could drag on for countless hours of debate and get nowhere.

Bottom line is I honestly tried to give the book a chance but realized that beyond being a $30 cure for insomnia, it wasn't going to do me much good otherwise.

my 2 pennies

Posted by rjzeller (Member # 1906) on :
Seriousely, though, Archer. Even the NYT--which tends to be very favorable of the Clintons--said the book was nearly unreadable.

I think it boils down to if you want a drawn out account of his entire life, growing up and where he's been and what he's done and so forth, then it would probably be fine. But I'm not sure he knows the difference between "interesting" and "Information". He gives a lot of the latter, but very little of the former.

[This message has been edited by rjzeller (edited July 01, 2004).]

Posted by ArCHeR (Member # 2067) on :
Have you read any other presidents memoirs? I'm pretty sure they're all the same way...
Posted by Balthasar (Member # 5399) on :

If any of you are interested in reading a first-rate memoir, I'd highly recommend Tobias Wolff's This Boy's Life. I read it based on an OSC recommendation, and I wasn't disappointed in the least. It's one of my all-time favorite books.

Of the many things I learned about writing by reading Wolff's memoir, perhaps the most important was that of silence. Wolff doesn't tell you the obvious; instead, he allows you to infer it. It gives this already poignant book a haunting feeling that sticks with you throughout. He wouldn't have been able to sustain that mood if he had labored the obvious.

Wolff also wrote a memoir about Vietnam called, In Pharaoh's Army. I haven't read it, but it's certainly on my list.


Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
Fine, I'll give my comment (which is a theory about writing). Writing out a 900-odd page book in longhand isn't a good idea, particularly if you're the kind of guy that thinks people should pay you hundreds of thousands of dollars an hour just to listen to the sound of your voice.

What do you want to bet that the ol' boy didn't bother to cut one word of his immortal, handwritten prose?

Writing interesting stuff is all about going back and cutting out (or rewriting) the boring bits. Not everyone can write. Clinton didn't get where he got by being a great writer, it probably isn't fair to expect him to be even slightly good at writing. This is why it is much better (and more or less customary) for Ex-Presidents to simply write down everything they remember and then hire a competent writer to give it a halfway decent shape.

Clinton, ever the optimist, decided that his hand-written brilliance would need no such help. So he ended up with memoirs that don't have a half decent shape (or any shape, from the comments I've heard--I'll leave sidebars about decency to your imaginations).

Let that be a lesson to you all. Rewrite.

Posted by ArCHeR (Member # 2067) on :
He did get there as a great speaker, though. He's an eloquent man. He might just be limited by subject matter (As I asked: aren't most presidential memoirs boring also?).
Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
Yeah...Clinton gets a lot of his speaking plaudits on personal charisma, whatever that's supposed to be. And of course memoirs are boring. But the general consensus is that Clinton's are exceptionally boring.
Posted by AeroB1033 (Member # 1956) on :
You know, when I walked into a mall bookstore the other day, the only thing I could think about the stacks and stacks of Clinton memoirs in the front was:

"For a book promoted so heavily, it sure doesn't seem like anybody's buying."

Granted, this is in Houston, TX, but even still, I'm not giving the man a plug nickel, especially after the bad reviews and word of mouth the book has gotten.

Despite our hardworking administrator's warning, I have to get in a line about F911: everything I know about it and Moore states that it isn't about the facts, and it isn't even about President Bush--it's about Michael Moore, and I'm not giving him my money, either.

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